Hungry Ghosts by me and Sam da Moose
Summary: Started out as a DCBB and then rapidly went south.
Comments: I posted chapter 4, so my Dramatical Fan Fiction is halfway done yay! Probs the last time I'll let my Pops help me write, since it's gotten quite weird. Oh, and Sam's got his own Linked In page now. He's a Moose About Town!
How Dark Dynasty Should Have Ended, by me.
Rowestiel (well, sort of)
Summary: Pretty much what it says on the label.
Commentary: Welp. I'd had enough with the Dreadful Duo, so I wrote my own ending to the danged episode. Or maybe my Pops did, it's all a blur. Obviously, spoilers up through 10.21. I wrote it in like an hour, so it's probably error-ridden. Also I invented a new pairing. You're welcome.
Misha gets flamed for just about everything he does. On twitter, tumblr, HERE, wherever. There's always someone waiting to rip into him for anything. Maybe not always by the same people complaining about the writers (although sometimes it is), but don't you worry, there is always someone waiting to complain about Misha. In fact, here you go, always a steady supply of people ready to talk about how awful Misha is.
Maybe the reason people seem to hold the writers/producers more responsible for what happens to the characters than the actors is because the actors have very little "big picture" control over their characters. Misha joking about Destiel means nothing in terms of what will happen on the show, because he has no power over what is done with his character.
(btw I'm someone that thinks some of the more vocal fans are way too volatile/hardcore/etc about the queerbaiting issue, and some of what they perceive as the writers leading them on is just them leading themselves on, so in case you're thinking I'm one of the people that comes at the writers for queerbaiting and gives Misha a pass, I'm not)
> Dean/Cas
> Mature
>Despite Zeke’s threats, Dean doesn't tell Cas to leave the bunker. He revels in their burgeoning relationship, content to end his day with Cas asleep on his shoulder, even if they'll always sleep in separate rooms. Cas is it for him. But when Cas begins to experience physical urges he can't control, he asks Dean for a hand—metaphorically, and later, literally.
It's so good. I made what amounts to machine breaking noises while reading this. Go read it. Muse is one of my favorite authors. Everything they write is amazing.
Pairing - Destiel. (w strong TFW feels - Sam/Cas friendship and Sam/Dean bro bonds remain very important)
Explicit - there are only a few truly smutty scenes actually, but when they roll around they are TRULY smutty, lol
Summary from the fic: Hiatus fic set after the S11 finale. Dean's alive, Sam's alive, they're going to get Cas from wherever he got zapped to, and everything's finally gonna be all right. Dean's on top of the world. A little voice in the back of his head is whispering "It's never that easy," but Dean ignores it.
Summary just for you guys: Cas is drifting away from the Winchesters. He's off on long road trips, he's got a frickin' job again, he's watching what he eats and trying to dress better. And one day Dean realizes why: Cas has a girlfriend. Which is totally normal, of course! Normal, and healthy, and good! Best thing to do is just accept it and wish him well!
Dean's definitely not gonna do a John-Cusack-with-the-boombox moment. Nope. Uh-uh. And why would he want to do that, anyway?
Commentary: Been working on this damn fic every day for OVER A YEAR and it has just about torn my soul out. It was supposed to be just a summer fic, LAST summer, 2016, jfc. It's ending up in epic-length territory and will top out somewhere over 300K words. The last chapters are going up now and the fic will finally be finished this week. This has ended up being one of the most emotional of all my fics. PS - all my fics have plot turns in midstream.
Satin and Sawdust by Ltleflrt
Destiel, with a side of Megstiel, Explicit
> When Castiel moves out of Jimmy's house and into his own place for the first time, he saves money on buying a home by investing in a Fixer-Upper. He knows nothing about how to fix the many problems the house has, but he figures he's smart enough to figure it out. Unfortunately it's not too long before he learns that he's way in over his head.
> Thankfully his new neighbor Dean is a handyman, and agrees to help him out. He knows Dean has a bit of a crush on him, but he's not taking advantage of it, really. Dean's a great guy, and quickly becomes a good friend.
> But a flash of satin under Dean's toolbelt changes everything.
This has probably been recced before, but it's my current reading matter for recovering from a major With Understanding binge. Loving every word of this fic.
Worth it just for the sheer audaciousness of the enterprise - a fan-led virtual season? But every SPN fan has had this question, what would have happened if Leviathan!Cas hadn't dissolved into a blob of goo after five utterly riveting minutes of screen time?
This is by no means perfect - among other things, there was evidently some kind of power struggle over the last chapter (Zatnikatel posted the original version), but the sheer quality of the writing and the insanity of the undertaking makes this one a must read.
Animus by hit_the_books (me)
Wincestiel (Dean/Sam/Cas), Explicit
> Animus are about to kick-off a countrywide tour. But as the music starts to take center stage, Sam, Dean and Cas will find it hard to keep their lives on track.
Yes, I'm starting the new year with a self-rec, but I finally finished this one just as 2017 was ending. It is the longest fic (just over 88,000 words) I've written by myself (that isn't reader-insert), and so I'm pretty proud of it. It's a very melodramatic rock band AU fic. I hope you enjoy reading it, if you do give it a chance.
Well, speaking of DCBB, I really liked The Name of Things to Come by ExpatGirl. I don't think it was rec'd yet?
Destiel, Explicit
I loved the Cas headspace - and just generally stories where Cas tries to learn who he is and what he wants.
Well, I got married, took a road trip, and did some psychedelic drugs in the Netherlands. I started writing fanfic, for the first time since I was about 14, beginning with a short little coda and culminating in an entire alternate season 11--to date, the longest thing I have ever written. I had no idea I'd be able to do any of it.
So, outside of the constant, crushing existential depression and lack of a stable job, this year's been okay.
Oh! And I'm going to Asylum 16, apparently! I'm going to actually meet people in real life. Christ. I hope I remember how.
It Only Leads to Trouble by FagurFiskur
>The door slammed, signaling Cas' arrival. Dean smirked from his place on the living room couch, feeling more than a little pleased with himself. Looked like his plan to rile Cas up had worked perfectly.
>He jumped as Cas suddenly appeared in front of him. Cas looked pissed, glowering down at Dean, and for one moment Dean was sure that he was about to either punch him or pin him down to the couch and fuck his brains out.
PWP, with some added fluff :)
This author writes a lot of quick short fics like this, and they're all really great :)
A Road For Home by hymnaries Dean/Cas, E
It's been six years since Sheriff Castiel Milton last saw Dean Winchester, three since he left his life in Massachusetts behind for a lonely outpost in New Mexico Territory. In this self-imposed exile, he's at last begun to separate himself from the man he used to be. But after a tragic event causes Dean to reach out to him once more, Castiel not only finds himself confronted with the past he so desperately tried to forget, but also with a newly grown-up Dean who has not so easily buried the feelings that propelled their unconventional relationship into uncharted territory those many years ago. Against the backdrop of the Reconstruction Era West, the two men revisit the events that led to their separation and tentatively explore the possibility of a future together.
This author has orphaned their account, which is a real shame. Beautiful economy of writing and great atmosphere. Plus, it's a cowboy AU, and you know Dean would be all about it.
The Tunnel of Love by xylodemon
Summary: "We might," Cas starts slowly, pausing like he's choosing his words. "We might have to kiss."
Dean just stares at him.
My comments: A nice little casefic, with some romance thrown in for fun.
Gen, G
I wrote a short fic while I was waiting in line for Hall H, which should count. Um. Though we were actually waiting for the Star Wars panel, not SPN. Maybe half a point? Anyway, a little sick!Sammy.
Just Turn Around and Go by PorcupineGirl
Summary: Dean should be happy. His best friend and housemate of five years, Castiel, is moving out to live with his boyfriend, Balthazar. Dean's career is going great, so he can easily afford the house on his own now. This is just growing up, moving forward to the next phase of their lives.
It would be awesome, if he weren't in love with Cas.
*Well, here we go, he thinks as he opens the refrigerator and digs around for sandwich supplies. First day of the rest of your life. Time to move the fuck on. As he slams his meat and mayo and pickles down on the counter, he considers adding the bottle of whiskey he knows is hiding in the cabinet, but decides that he has enough self-respect to wait 'til five. Then he'll get fucking blackout drunk. Yep. Awesome. *
I love this. Love it.
Down to Agincourt by seperis
Destiel, Mature, WIP
This is an endverse series longer than the LOTR trilogy. It is the slowest slow burn to ever gradually alight embers which may or may not ever burst into flames?? I just don't know at this point?! Here is what my tumblr compatriots had to say about the speed of this fic. It's so slow that I'm slightly suspicious I've been tricked into liking platonic DeanCas somewhere along the way. Everything is Destiel, nothing is Destiel, it's thousands of pages of endverse, everything hurts, but it's surprisingly funny...I desperately need to finish reading this story before it eats me alive, and yet I don't even remember any longer what it's like to not be reading this story...
Is this a rec??? You decide.*
*Yes, omg jk, it is definitely a rec. REEEEAAAADDD THISSSS
For my birthday last month I gave myself the gift of a short fic that focuses on something very dear to my heart: Cas and Sam's brotherly bond/friendship.
If on a winter's night, your brother goes out for beer by me
Castiel & Sam Winchester (background Dean/Castiel), rated T
>Dean's on a beer run. There's only one bed.
>What will happen between Sam and Cas?
>They'll platonically share a bed and be supportive of each other's feelings, is what'll happen.
Alright, I'm gonna get this new monthly format rolling by reccing a fic by our very own /u/a_diamond...
Like Lightning Under Your Skin by A_Diamond
Destiel, Explicit
> Desperate for a way to save his brother from a demon’s clutches, hunter Dean does the unthinkable and seeks out a supernatural creature for help: a powerful lightning elemental, the kind he and his family should be killing. When his attempt to bind the elemental goes awry, he finds himself psychically connected to it instead. The creature’s emotions bleed into his; its pain echoes into him.
> Rather than finding the solution to saving Sam, Dean’s given himself a new and even more time-sensitive problem. He has to find a way to master the bond before the rest of the hunters decide he’s too far gone and put him down. The trouble is that the more time he spends connected to the elemental’s thoughts, the more he starts to wonder if they don’t have it all wrong. Maybe the creature, which calls itself Castiel, doesn’t deserve to be slaughtered; maybe the rest of its kind hadn’t deserved that, either.
> Or maybe that’s just Castiel’s voice in his head.
One of this year's Tropefest fics, I really enjoyed how Diamond played around with the tropes she used. This magic and hunting AU has some scarily fantastic characterisation of its side characters, but also the blossoming relationship between Dean and Cas is delightful as well. It's an enjoyable read and I think more people need to check it out.
Part 3 of Mary POV out of ??? parts. I also want to write some Dean/Cas that's not from her perspective but I'm kinda committed to the cause, as well.
Immaculate, by me: linkao3(7972642)
T, implied Dean/Cas, mild eye-related body horror (nothing graphic).
“You don’t think they’d take a bullet for each other? For you?”
“I do,” she says, gently. “But that’s not what this is. This isn’t someone else pulling the trigger. This is you putting the gun in your mouth.”
ETA: I don't know why there isn't a magic link in response to the link code, sorry!
Stay The Night by centreoftheselights
Becky Rosen x All of the ladies
Summary: The story of how Becky Rosen inherited a house, met a couple of familiar characters, and rapidly lost control of her life in the best possible way.
Welcome to crack ship central, I'll be your host today.
So, I'm not really a wincest fan, and I mostly only read it for the brotherly-soulmates-tangled-up-in-each-other vibe I got from previous seasons, but this fic is just such a treat:
Fumbling in the Dark: Love Advice For the Romantically Impaired - leonidaslion
It's absolutely hilarious, and most of it is pretty innocent (well...). I reread it every so often and every time I do I enjoy it so much.
Isn't it awesome?! Also, the fanfiction fridays go back quite a ways.
That's a link to most of the fics that have been rec'd in the weekly thread. Sometimes I'll try to remember a fic that was rec'd two years ago, and I'll be wracking my brain over it, then slap myself and say "damnit Potsy, just go look at the archive!" It's pretty well tagged, too. :D
I almost forgot this one,
It's a link to the past fftuesdays/ffthursdays/fffridays links. Both of these links are on the right bar, just hover over |Fanfiction Thursdays| and you'll see them. :)
I'm on the Destiel choo-choo, but I love this Sam/Cas
I Know It When I See It by balder12
Edit: it contains one of the best lines I've ever read in any work of fiction:
“The hell?” Sam couldn’t think of a single reason why someone would feel the need to draw an entire Bosch-style fuckfest into the borders of an Enochian manuscript.
Over and Out by MarmeLady_Orange
Explicit, Destiel
> James "Castiel" Novak owns a very private house and land in Vermont he calls Paradysum. Through word of mouth, people come to stay with him to take a break from their hectic and broken lives.
> Dean Winchester is an FBI Agent whose job is to investigate the secluded group after a resident is found dead, victim of a murder disguised as a drug overdose.
> Can Dean Winchester uncover the secrets of Paradysum? Or will he lose sight of his mission as he becomes entangled with the all-too-charismatic Castiel?
I recently started reading this WIP, as I like MarmeLady_Orange's fics. It's been real interesting so far and I wanna find out where the story is gonna go C:
So this channel or whatever it is (TWilight1HowIMetYourMother? lol) took the original gag reel, mixed the clips around, altered the transitions & changed the background sound.
Normally I'm a-ok with that, but the clips made more sense to me & thus were funnier ordered they way they were originally. For those of you who don't have the originally released gag reel, click here -- I d/led it off youtube & re-uploaded it myself (& I'm a trustworthy person lol so you don't have to worry about viruses)
Here's how I search tumblr:
(I don't have one, so this may work differently if you're signed in? No idea.)
I already have it set here to search for posts tagged Misha Collins, for example.
There are always 5 suggested pages at the top, right under that you see "most popular" and "filter by post type." You can change those to help you search, you're plenty smart so I'm not gonna explain all the options.
Here's the catch, you need to click the user's name/title/whatever it's called instead of anything else, mine will auto-open in a new tab for only that single post of theirs.
Anyway, that's how I search tumblr, still a lot of sorting but a lot easier than chasing stuff back.
Forgotten by me, NorthernSparrow
I posted a link to the first few chapters a few mos ago but just wanted to let you all know it is now complete! It came to 26 chapters, 150K words. I was really pleased that it found readers and got a really positive reaction (it's at 90 favorites now and about 300 reviews!).
No pairing in this one - though you don't have to squint too hard to see some pre-Destiel going on. :) But my real goal was to dive into how much they all (Sam, Dean, Cas) care for each other as family, and really put that to the test with some serious challenges, while also keeping it as canon and in-character as I could get it.
Story description: Sam and Dean are working a case in Wyoming, but are distracted by news of a dangerous angel called "Castiel" who they can't remember ever having heard of before. The name seems a little bit familiar, but neither of the boys is sure why. Canon-compliant to 9/09, takes place the following fall. Case fic wrapped in an amnesia mystery, no slash, strong friendship/family, angst!Cas.
This is an obvious one, as it's one of the most highly reviewed fanfics on It's just... Oh my god. It's just so good, guys.
It's just about Dean and Sam after Faith.
They're just dealing with each other as brothers in their situations would when Sam meets and has to deal with his old friends.
No slash. No pairings. Just like a really good, entertaining portrayal of how things would go if a hunt ran the boys into Sam's old friend's from Stanford.
Out of the Deep by riseofthefallenone
Mermaid!Cas & Human!Dean
Rating: Explicit
Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep. It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep. Castiel should have listened better.
Automatically became my favorite fic after reading.
Afternoon Tea by hit_the_books (me)
Castiel/Max Banes/Sam Winchester, G
> Max finds it unusual when Sam comes back in time for afternoon tea, but Sam has some good news for Castiel and Max.
I've written a great many unusual (re. who's with who) poly fics in the past month as I attempted to complete SPN Poly Bingo. This is one of the cuter fics to come out of it - a Magical AU (very HP) fic where Sam, Max and Cas are in a triad, are all wizards, and each have their own magic specialism. It's short, but I think I wouldn't mind writing something bigger set in the same world sometime.
Kiss the Baker by Ltleflrt
Destiel, Explicit
> Jo is pregnant and craving something a little bit unusual. When she sends Dean on a mission to find her some chocolate cake donuts with bacon sprinkles, he's sure that he'll fail. Luckily his partner Benny comes to his rescue and introduces him to a quirky little bakery that sells all kinds of weird (and delicious!) baked goods. And they do special orders!
> Dean finds excuses to keep going back, and Castiel finds excuses to keep giving him special treats.
I'm reading this for the first time and really enjoying it. Definitely worth a read if you've never checked it out before. (You need to be logged into AO3 to access it.)
The Sparkle Pony of Doom, by me
Side Destiel, mature
Sam hasn't had a prophetic vision for years but lately he wakes up sweating and sick, dreaming of water slipping silently into his mouth. It's easy to ignore until Sam, Dean, and Cas head to Minnesota to help Donna with a case. People are mysteriously drowning along the St. Croix river. In this case filled with magic, death, and lots of donuts, can Sam get to the bottom of these visions?
I'm sorry for not recommending anything for ages and then recommending my own but...there ya go.
> It drained out the enthusiasm I'd been feeling for summer fic writing.
Have you tried...umm....umm...reading Down to Agincourt?
The Travis Aaron Wade is a pretty good intro episode, and there's a big Fandomnatural component to it as well.
It's also.... 176 minutes long.
Have you had a hunt through Destiel Fanfiction's reviews Masterlists?
Also, our own Diigo archive has <strong>much</strong> Destiel archived.
/u/bleachaddic already linked you the guide to fanfiction, but here is another good link: stories that have been recommended in the past in fanfiction threads. You can search by tags of what you want. You said you like fluff? There are plenty of fluff fics! Although, fluff is usually in ship form. But there are some that are just so damned heartwarming, it feels like the words are hugging your soul.
The guide to fanfiction has a section, the glossary. It may look intimidating, but it's quite an interesting read, and may help you discover an aspect to fanfiction you never knew you existed, but find yourself strangely attracted to the idea of it. (Also it can be good for a chuckle. We come up with some strange yet delightful stuff!)
May I suggest taking a look through majesticduxk's back catalogue. She is a huge fan of writing bottom Dean with a range of characters.
Also check out Team Dean's Red Ass collection on AO3.
Run So Far (That I Am Standing Still) by DickBaggins
Wincestiel, Explicit
> Sam Winchester's been in love with his big brother Dean for as long as he can remember, and he's never told anyone but Dr. Cas Novak. From their first session together, Cas finds himself fully entrenched in Sam's sad story with a fervor that's not entirely professional. Under his overly intimate and fairly unorthodox methods, even Dean notices the change in his usually gloomy brother and decides maybe therapy's not so bad.
> Sam definitely shouldn't refer his brother to Cas. Cas definitely shouldn't take him on but his curiosity wins out, and he soon finds himself trying to wave the white flag in the middle of a very fucked up battleground.
Been working my way through this one this week. Perfectly messed up AU with a very conflicted and pining Sam.
After Midnight by posingasme
Sastiel, Explicit
> It's just Castiel's luck to get caught up in a scandal he had nothing to do with, and fall from grace when powerful bad guys become corrupt. Now he needs a place to weather the storm, and he finds himself moving from Bari, Italy to Clinton Lake, Kansas. His neighbor is a ridiculously hot mechanic, who knows nothing about classical piano or classical violin. He is a beleaguered musician who knows nothing about classic cars or classic rock. If only they had a little in common...
Here, have some fluff for your Sunday. I finished reading this last night and I really digged this AU, which comes packed with musician!Cas and mechanic!Sam.
How to Romance a Human - Dean/Cas - PGish humour - Ughhh I love this story :) Cas consults a Cosmo article to romance Dean, and takes it super-literally. It's short and sweet, and was the first piece of fanfiction I ever read so it kinda holds a special place in my heart. It's probably a more well-known story but I don't care I LOVE IT.
How to Date an Angel in 12 Easy Steps - Dean/Cas - moar PGish humour - Dean comes to terms with being attracted to Cas, hilarious fluff happens, Sam finding Dean's gay porn happens, Silent Hill happens, etc etc. These are the kinds of fics I live for :) 100% yay 0% sadness. They make my heart soar with happiness.
Exploration by me, TeamFreeWillBetterTogether
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Rating: NC17. No sex, just masturbation.
Summary: Like the angels, Jack can sense human emotions. He's still learning about them when he comes across Sam in the shower experiencing a new one - arousal.
Notes: This takes place within a few days after 13x1. Spoilers for 13x1. For Kinktober 2017. Prompt - Masturbation
Smart Casual by hit_the_books (me)
Explicit, Destiel
> Dean Smith is having an early midlife crisis. He’s sick of his job at Sandover. Lonely. And wondering what the hell he’s doing with his life.
> Castiel Shurley is a successful tattooist. He just wants to run his business, find love, and avoid his father as much as possible.
> When Dean and Castiel meet at Castiel’s tattoo parlor, they fall for each other—hard. Both can give each other what the other needs, including a kinky side. But after an assault means Castiel has to live with Dean for a time, living with each other threatens their blossoming relationship.
This is what I wrote for this year's DeanCas Tropefest. I had It's A Terrible Lfe Verse as my main trope, and decided to play a bit with making some, if not all, aspects of the characters opposites of themselves. And don't ignore the kale tag - that's important.
For Too Long by hellhoundsprey
Wincest, Explicit
> After leaving for Stanford eight years ago, Sam turns up on his little brother's doorsteps.
> (Ageswap!au, i.e. Sam is born in '79 and Dean in '83. This story takes off in the hunter universe in 2005.)
This is my current read. Much angst. Much dubious consent. I'm enjoying it, but I do feel a little confused at times as to why Dean does what he does. It's all Sam's POV from what I can tell, and I get why he's doing what he's doing, but Dean's motivations are quite hidden most of the time.
Canvas by hit_the_books (me)
Benny/Castiel/Meg, Mature
> It doesn't matter that he had millions in the bank: Castiel Novak knew better than anyone that money can't buy happiness.
> When Castiel fled New York City for Camden, Maine, Castiel hoped to find some normalcy in the company of his high school sweethearts Benny Lafitte and Meg Masters. Instead he found the past he was trying to escape.
First time writing something creepy, so I wanted to share it here. Had some beta help from /u/a_diamond, and some inspiration from Stephen King.
All the Time in the World by hit_the_books (me)
Explicit, Wincestiel
> Two hundred and one days have passed since the end of the world started. Thanks to the Boy King (Sam Winchester), his Knight of Hell (Dean Winchester), and Heaven.
> Society has broken down. Castiel, Crowley, Jody, Charlie and Garth are looking for a way to stop Sam and Dean. But Dean and Sam have other plans, hellbent on having Castiel by their side as they murder the world.
I'm pointing you towards one of my own fics. It was written for the SPN Dystopia Bang and is filled with pain and some really delicious Cas whump. Do heed the warnings.
This Omega is Mine by majesticduxk
Explicit, Wincest, side Castiel/Gabriel
> Sam and Dean are mates. At least they will be once they are both on the same page. Dean is a free spirit, perfectly capable of looking after himself, and he doesn't want to be tied down. Sam totally wants to tie to Dean down, but he's going to have to compromise if he wants Dean in his life.
Duck finished writing this last month and I finally gave it a read. I love how Dean's need for independence is described, and how Sam tries his best to find some kind of balance. There are moments that you might want to tear your hair out, but it's in the best possible way.
>1. Please post all the happy things that are happening in your life right now so we have something to smile about.
I'm almost finished with a huge knitting project. I'm really excited about it.
>2. Please post all the crappy things going on right now so we can commiserate with you and give you hugs and encouragement.
A guy I've been friends with since ninth grade (which was decades ago) tried to make a move on me. I'm married, and so is he. And not to each other. I'm pretty sure I have to cut contact, and that makes me sad. And I can't decide whether to tell his wife.
>3. Please post any animal pictures or cute men pictures. (SPN related is always a bonus. If you post fan art please source!)
Here's a thing that made me laugh.
Gen T
Supernatural/Criminal Minds
"Derek has been in a lot of bad situations. This one easily makes the top five. Or would, if Dean and Sam Winchester were actually acting like the sadistic psychopaths he expected them to be. Instead, Dean is referencing Star Trek, Sam is comforting Reid, and Derek has never been more confused."
Definitely one of my favorite stories of all time, let alone in Supernatural.
I am shocked and horrified that no one has suggested Seperis's Down To Agincourt series. It is possibly the best fic out there. We have a whole bookclub dedicated to it on twitter/tumblr/reddit.
540,000 words, next book in the series starting in August 2016
This is the Endverse fic you always wanted without the hate fucking and abuse. It is honestly publish worthy, but unfortunately there's no way to change the plot enough to make that happen. Give it a try I guarantee you'll love it.
Our reddit is
Tag on twitter and tumblr is #DtA
Watching Over by ashesinyourhair
After the apocalypse that wasn’t, Castiel travels back in time to visit Mary Winchester in a dream and make a promise. (Set after 5x22, "Swan Song".)
Just a short, sweet story between Cas and Mary. (958 words)
Extra quotes in HR's gallery here of JA on the Types of Dean.
> "The first one - season 1 pilot Dean - JA's quote "Pilot episode, that Dean, he’ll always be my first love." - JA.
We should let him know he can always go onto AO3 for that. lol.
yellows, angles or silences by queenklu
Paring: Sam/Dean
Rating: Explicit
Summary: “So here’s the thing,” Dean says, bracing himself. “I feel…feelings.”
Commentary: This fic knocked me on my butt. In 7k words we get such a lovely range of emotions. We start off with the threat. Dean's stress and desperation (and Sam's) is quite palpable. Dean's kept something from Sam for years and the result is a little painful-- at first.
For your bouquet and table flowers - red roses, of course
Here is all of the music played in episodes, for the reception:
How about cake or petit fours decorated with little angel wings or some other symbol? Pitchforks!
Boy do I have the podcast for you.
But seriously, we do delve into those issues, but more of an academic level than full denunciation (or at least ones with research and examples).
We are pretty laid back here.
There's a library of ones from FFF, lots of gen tagged ones
edit: here's one I really like, Semper Familia
There are a few people who do gen stories. And i have seen a few F/M suggestions in the past, i think even a couple f/f.
If you have any stories to suggest please add them we welcome ALL sorts of fics.
Here is a link to our gen tag in the fic archive, some may still have m/m parings(very popular in the spn fandom,lol). One of the stories listed there is J'adoube , i havent had a chance o read it yet, but have had it recommended by a few people.
Also you can always post a thread for fic recommendations if you have something in mind.
Yes, but only the ones in the FanFiction~~TuesdaysThursdays~~Fridays post are archived on Diigo.
At least that's my understanding. (If someone else has different info, feel free to correct me)
Also, if it's a pairing that there is a post tag for, be sure to tag it! :D The more fanfics, the merrier!
Meanwhile, amazon is still using this picture:
as their dvd cover. That was one not great fanart.
I woudl also like to point out that I was right about this season being all about Amara's tits. They positioned her pefectly so that they were at full light AND just up enough to still show dimpling. I'm onto you guys.
Time zones! The US is separated into several time zones. Here's a link on the history of time zones They aren't just an American thing though! It just works out that most of Europe is under the same time zone.
>Personally I don't really like rpf as I can enjoy a character more when I have the same exposure to them that the writer has (the primary text).
I know there are some actors that can completely transform their mannerisms & vocals & whatnot for roles, but I think most actors have bits & pieces of themselves in every role, as well as strengths and weaknesses.
>Personally I don't really like rpf as I can enjoy a character more when I have the same exposure to them that the writer has (the primary text).
I'm not sure what you mean here: with an actor's filmography as 'primary text' & publicly available, scriptwriters have the same exposure to an actor's works for their script that fans do for their RPF fics.
So for example, if you register the quality chemistry between JA & JP on Supernatural and you love JP's strength in acting vulnerable, and right now you're in love with space operas, why not tell a story about intergalactic ~~slave~~ companion (I was meshing 2 different fics) Jared & ex-military merc Jensen (iirc, that is - hahah, here's the fic)? I would be racing to the premiere of that tv show or film if it was actually produced in real life... and my enthusiasm is barely any less when I see a fic's been written of it.
Granted, this is about AUs and whenever people talk about RPF/RPS, they always seem to default into thinking it's not AU & it's fans actually trying to tell the actors' real life stories. I'm not sure if that's more popular than AUs or not, but I only ever read AUs.
Edit: lol I double-quoted you
Rec for this week...
It Takes A Village (A Very Destiel Christmas Story) by MarmeLady_Orange
Destiel, Mature - WIP
> Driving back to the bunker, Dean and Castiel get hit by a freak storm and crash the Impala. When they wake up, it’s in a town they didn’t know existed and stuck under a blanket of snow. If all communication means being down and Baby being out of commission weren’t enough, they also have to deal with every single villager looking like people Dean knows… or once knew.
Time for a Christmas fic rec. Mystery. Fluff. What more can you ask for? Currently being updated almost daily.
My rec this week is written by our very own... /u/stophauntingme!
Coaster Park by AlexLKerr
Gen, G
> Coaster Park had been experiencing an unusually high frequency of technical difficulties. Dean wouldn't have pulled a shift treating nauseated, heat-stroked, or dehydrated park-goers for that if he could've helped it, but when 'technical difficulties' were accompanied by rumors of things moving and stopping on their own in front of the operators' eyes, Dean had to throw down.
> No historical tragedies or disasters in the area, ectoplasm, or EMF. Dean's only lead was a battered-looking kid that'd been coming to the park every day since it'd all started.
I had the joy of reading this fic while getting my hair done this week. Written for this year's SPN Reverse Bang, it takes an interesting approach to elements of the canonverse. I love the shift in relationship between Sam and Dean that this fic has by making them unrelated. It's a really interesting AU that sets up a world that's both familiar and yet enticingly different. Go give it a read.
Gods in the Chrysalis by JhanaMay
Explicit, Destiel
> Olympic hopeful Dean Winchester has always felt more at home in the water than he did on land. Pressured by his father to carry on his mother’s dream, Dean’s entire life has revolved around swimming and competing. Everything changes when he sustains a head injury in an accident at the pool and is left unable to swim. The fear of disappointing everyone in his life is heightened when he realizes his love of the water has been replaced by a strange talent for playing the piano. With the help of Castiel, the high-school dropout/weekend musician who runs a local music store, Dean learns to question everything he thought he knew about himself, his family, and his life. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the butterfly calls just the beginning.
So, I went from reading one sport fic, to reading another this week. From this year's DCBB, this fic takes a little while to get going, but when it does - it does.
theres so many gifsets of this, if you want to see more cockles here ;-; it just looked so gentle oh my god i cant believe i witness live cockles. if im like this for a livestream how do i manage when i see them in person sunday??
Second Chance by Mayalaen
Cas/Dean/Sam, Dean/Sam, Sam/Jess, Dean/Cas, Sam/OCs, Dean/OCs, Cas/Jimmy/Dean/Sam
> Sam is running himself ragged at Stanford. Not enough sleep, too many hours studying, and no social life to speak of. When the board finds out about it, he’s assigned to Professor Novak, one of his professors, who takes him in and helps him balance out his life. Sam wasn’t expecting to find his brother at Cas’ house, and he certainly wasn’t expecting Cas and Dean to be in a twenty-four-seven relationship and Dean as Cas’ submissive.
I'm about halfway through this 99,000+ words long fic. I kinda like how mayalaen has set up the fic's BDSM AU. It's present, but not exceptionally in your face - if that makes sense?
The Ghosts of Blackthorn Hall by linoresearch
Dean/Cas, Explicit
> In 1843 Castiel Milton leaves his life of quiet faith and duty to take up employment as tutor to the young ward of one Mr Dean Winchester, at Blackthorn Hall. Set deep among the Yorkshire moors, Blackthorn is a place of mysteries – a wild place, where pale faces appear at the windows, and mad women laugh in the night. Castiel is drawn to the enigmatic Master of Blackthorn and they form an attachment neither of them expected. But there are secrets hidden behind Blackthorn's stone walls, truths that threaten to destroy their fragile happiness, as they are forced to confront the ghosts of their past. This is a Jane Eyre/SPN fusion AU, written for the Dean/Castiel Big Bang 2012.
I'm unsure how I ended up reading this fic. All I know is that I'm glad I started reading it. I studied Jane Eyre in secondary school, and Gothic Romance at uni - so it's nice to read a fanfic that so thoroughly draws on these while also paying tribute to Supernatural. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster, but I've really enjoyed reading this.
While I've written and read a lot of reader-insert fic in the past, I'm not really into it any more.
But, if you haven't checked out spectaculacularsammy on AO3 then you're probably missing out as a fan of reader-insert fic.
With Understanding by apokteino
Explicit, Destiel
> Winchester takes a deep breath. "I'm your soulmate."
> Castiel should be saying something reassuring, something to convince the psychopath in front of him that he can be molded and should be kept alive. He is a trained FBI agent that has been in the Behavioral Analysis Unit for nearly a year. He knows what to do when kidnapped. Instead, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" comes out.
> (Supposed serial killer Dean Winchester kidnaps his soulmate, FBI Agent Castiel Novak. What ensues is a battle of wills – one determined to be loved, and one determined to be free.)
Ask not how many times I have recced this fic here. Instead: rejoice in the fact that it is now complete! Perhaps one of the most epic Dean/Cas fics out there, With Understanding has been a heck of a journey for the author and us readers. And if you've somehow not read this engrossing, thoughtful, emotional rollercoaster of a fic yet: you should.
Also file this one under one of the best crossover fics I've ever read. by Unforth
Destiel, Explicit
> After years of self-imposed celibacy, Castiel Novak decides to seek an anonymous sexual partner to engage in long-distant text-based activities. Things get personal quickly, though...
I'm reading through the series as I'm going to be interviewing Unforth over it for a thing I'm working on. So far - OMG. Like stuff's going wrong in it, but Unforth manages to address the characters' mistakes. No one's perfect in it, and I love that the series is owning that.
An' It Harm None, Do What Ye Will by intotheruins
Dean/Cas/Jimmy/Sam, Explicit
> People are disappearing into a forest outside a small town in northern Michigan, and they aren’t coming back out. When Sam and Dean question the locals, they’re told all kinds of tales about the different fae folk who live in the woods, and nearly all of them could be responsible. In the end, they have no choice but to go into the forest themselves.
> The trees speak. Pixies giggle at them from sunbeams and mutated fae attack without warning, and the forest won’t let them leave. The only safe place is the home of a pair of witch twins who save them from a kelpie, but even their protections might not be enough to keep the forest out.
Working my way through DCJ BB fics, and really digging this one. May have a soft spot for Witches Castiel and Jimmy.
I Think I Might’ve Inhaled You by WhoopsOK
Wincestiel, Explicit
> "Sam knows what he has to do, ignores Dean calling his name as he storms out of the room, fear and revulsion rolling in his gut. Sometimes you just have to sweat the fever out alone before you contaminate anyone else."
> (Sam gets hit with a love potion that makes it hard to keep himself in check.)
I am a sucker for fics like this where Sam's been keeping everything held back for a very long time and something finally snaps.
What a great way to start the morning!!
Here's another linkie. It's a bit fiddly, but if you're old like me, you can enlarge the pages for reading. Plus enlarge the pictures for maximum Misha.
I've got a couple recs for these.
For the first one, this isn't exactly de-aging, but I love this writer's believable, skilled prose. Thinky, unglamorous, and a great exploration of Sam and Dean, if their birth order had been reversed, so in essence, you get de-aged Dean.
After the Goldrush 'verse, by honeylocusttree (You'll need to be logged into AO3 to read it.)
And for the body-swapping one, this was in LJ's Summergen a few years ago. Kinda funny, kinda touching. Just a quickie. Sam and Dean, a prank war, things go pear-shaped.
Of Course You Know This Means War, by quickreaver
If I think of any others, I'll slap 'em on here!
The Best Gift Of All Verse by brimstonegold & virtualpersonal
NC-17, unrelated Wincest
Summary: Sam runs away from and abusive relationship, taking his daughter with him. On the road and trying to get as far as possible on limited funds, his car breaks down. Against his better judgment, Dean, a mostly retired hunter and the town mechanic, offers to let them stay with him until repairs can be made.
Commentary: read this while on vacation; super engaging sweet domestic-y fic with some nice suspense & action sprinkled in. Looking forward to reading the rest of the fics in the verse :) Edit: be warned, there's some wonkiness in the dialogue (example, "I wouldn't say that's the case. But at any rate did you get tomatoes at the grocery store" - "I would say that's the case. Yeah, I did."). I'm not sure, but I think it might have to do with how they combine their writing; they need a beta to splice the dialogue correctly to read properly so it feels like it's in real time. If you can get past it though, it's a good story.
A New Year's Flight, by me
Destiel, Explicit, 11k
Subtitle: What I wrote over the holidays
Merry Christmas to me, etc. A little Dean/Cas get together, wings, dreams, true form Cas.
Restart, by me
Mostly a piece about Castiel's feelings regarding his team-up with Crowley, awkwardness with Dean, and deep discomfort with himself. Emotions, man.
RECOMMENDATION: The one good thing, by me. Dean/Cas, G
An episode coda speculating on the fallout of Mary finding that end!verse photo in John's journal.
I know it was probably a prop mishap that is going literally nowhere. I DON'T CARE. :D
I'm so sad she isn't writing Destiel anymore :( (She is currently writing Stucky, which, I have never seen, or know anything about, but I want to, just because I love her work!)
I think my favorite is He Came in Through the Bedroom Window, one of her shorter fics, but is for me one of my top 10 fics of all time (and I read a tooooooon of fic).
(Another good one is Big Hands, I Know You're the One - though please be warned there are NSWF pics in the fic. I love me some 'met through text' fics)
The Prodigal Son by yellowturtle
General Audiences
Summary: John is back, and he and Dean have a chat about Castiel, Sam, and Dean's childhood.
A short, but good story. Set in S8.
lol I'll deliver hold on let me look at the recent ones I've read...
edit: I've been picking through this collection for like months :)
Create the Light by Mayalaen
Destiel, Explicit
DCBB2015 fic - The Darkness was released, swept over the Earth, and drifted off into the blackness of space, taking everything supernatural about the world with it. Dean and Cas are married, settled down, living a quiet and normal life in the same city as Sam, his wife, and two kids. Dean couldn't have asked for a better life. Until it all comes crashing down around them. Was it all a lie?
i feel like everything i have to say about this is a spoiler! It's good though, go read! [I'm a total sucker for the whole waking up as a couple/getting pulled back to the real world thing, though I think almost every other one I've read had Dean as the one affected. Having Cas the one affected was new, and I liked it - though it nearly broke my heart as his "dream" changed as he woke up!](/spoiler)
Sympathy for the Devil (and Dean Winchester) by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel
Destiel, Mature
After the final Seal is broken, Dean discovers that he's actually Lucifer. He's not really sure how he feels about that. The forces of Heaven and Hell aren't exactly making things easier.
Season 5 AU
<strong>Fumbling in the Dark: Love Advice For the Romantically Impaired by leonidaslion</strong>
Wincest, Explicit
Summary: True Love really is blind...
Commentary: So much schmoop & bedsharing & denial anything's romantic (they're just raised super close & need each other more than average siblings & "god no they're brothers"!) until one day they realize they just really don't care anymore, lol. It's pretty awesome & sweet.
Let's Make Purple by SirenLullaby
He looked up at her, eyes full of slight confusion, "Why are you laughing...?"
She tapped her lips, "It looks like you've stolen some old woman's lipstick, Clarence..."
Comments: It's short but its so fluffy and adorable :D
I'd Marry Your Cat Just to Get in the Family by wanttobeatree
Paring: Sastiel...sort of.
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Dean gives Castiel all his lame pick-up lines and Castiel keeps trying to use them on Sam.
Commentary: Even if you aren't a Sassy lover give this a shot! It's not meant to be taken seriously. Very full of the crackiest crack, humor and bad pick-up lines. I could not stop laughing all through this tiny little fic and I'm so happy I found it. Sam is so adorably awkward here, Dean's awesome and Cas...oh my god. I have no words.
What Remains by merrin.
Summary: In Jefferson, Texas a man ends a generations-old curse and saves all the town's children, but completely loses his memory in the process. When it's discovered that he's a wanted criminal, the town comes together to conceal him out of gratitude for what he's done for them, giving him an apartment, a job and a whole new life. It takes seven months for Sam to find Dean, and when he finally does, he has to adapt to being around a man who has no idea that he used to be Sam's brother.
Commentary: I've kind of got an obsession with amnesia fic and this is one of the best I've read. I adore the struggle we get to see in Sam and the decisions he makes, especially in the very beginning, feel so in character to me. I want to hug him and cry and smack him on the back of the head and make him see reason. Also, I love the OCs in this fic. The POV switches between Sam and a guy that becomes Dean's friend and I just couldn't help loving him.
Dub-con because Dean can't properly consent without his memory.
I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to work out lodgings with you & any buddies. No rush at all though, yeah.
Le sigh re: Fiumicino. Okay, alternate goal (if Hilton doesn't work out, which it totally may... actually, what's the discount like? I googled it but I keep finding summaries & tips that just mention a discount without specifics): stay at a hotel or hostel near a train stop that pulls into the Fiumicino Aeroporto station. So any place within a block of Parco Leonardo, Fiera di Roma, Ponte Galeria, Muratella, Magliana, etc... edit: but their transit apparently stops around 1 AM --- wtf?! lol
I was also looking at AirBnBs -- there's some incredibly cheap ones ($50-60) that ain't bad. There's also a full apartment that'd hold 5 people for $94/night right now here that looks super walkable (it's along the highway). I'm too psyched, though. Not interested in booking anything yet. Just having fun browsing options, lol.
Edit: if someone books that airbnb based off this comment, that's fine, lol
This should make you feel better. These are her fan fictions. There are way better things out there and she knows it. I think that's why she puts it down.
Racing (And Other Reasons to Sweat) by Carrieosity
Explicit, Dean/Cas/Jimmy
> Competition and racing are nothing new to Castiel and Jimmy Novak. Since leaving behind college athletics and settling down into jobs and everyday life, though, it's gotten harder to scratch that competitive itch. Now Jimmy's swimming skills and Cas's running abilities have earned unexpected attention, and they've been pressured into creating a triathlon relay team. All they need is a cyclist who can keep up.
> Dean is not an "athlete." He's not about to back down from a challenge, though, so he'll do whatever he has to do, as far outside his comfort zone as it may take him. Finding fast new best friends in the Novak twins should make that stretch easier for him, but instead, as he can't help falling in love with not one, but both twins, things just keep getting a whole lot more complicated.
This is one of the fics to come out of the first ever DCJ bang, which posted earlier this year. I finished reading it last night and absolutely loved it. It's a cosy little AU that does a good job of playing off of the characters' insecurities, but also helping them work through them. Definitely worth a read.
House & Home by G33kDiva and palominopup
Destiel, Explicit
> Sam Winchester was in trouble. His job with a popular home improvement network was in jeopardy unless he could come up with a new show that would boost ratings. He needed new talent that would invite more viewers. Enter his brother, Dean, a lewd, loud carpenter, who looked like an underwear model and Castiel Novak, a hot-headed interior decorator that catered to the rich.
> The two men were to take a rundown home and turn it into a showplace. At the end of each season, the house would be given away in a big contest. But, they had to finish it first, without killing each other in the process.
> The first day on set sparks flew, but not the good kind. The two men hated each other. Sam just knew they’d have to pull the show after its pilot episode aired and he’d be back to making commercials about genital herpes. But the viewers loved it. The emails and tweets about the two men required the network to hire more people just to keep up with them. The snarky comments, the glaring looks and the sexual tension shot the show to the Number One position.
> Then one night after filming, the months of tension exploded into hot, angry sex. Something changed between the two men and the viewers couldn’t stop tweeting about it.
I've been ill over the weekend, and decided to lose myself in a nice long Destiel fic. I think I've developed a thing for "construction worker Dean" - this is the second long fic featuring Dean in such a role that I've read these past few months. I really liked the enemies to lovers trope used in this particular fic, and how things develop - there's bumps in the development of Dean and Castiel's relationship that makes it interesting to read about. Also bonus for not having Sam on the sidelines, but there helping to fuel the plot - I really appreciated that.
I've got another for you, if you'd like. It's not a traditional one, in that Castiel isn't an angel, but rather another sort of winged creature. But I really enjoyed it: Convenient Husbands by Annie D. It's Cas/Dean, rated E.
Oooh, I've been waiting for this! I found a couple of good ones just recently, actually:
Happy Halloween Hot Stuff by shalysha Destiel, Mature, Cute, fluffy smut.
White Noise by saltyfeathers Destiel, Mature, definitely not cute and fluffy. This one has an awesome creepy vibe, loved it.
:CCCC Oh man I'm so sorry, Milli. That's awful. Um, have you read the queer-platonic series Wyoming? I find it um, very peaceful (there is quite a lot of cuddling).
Gen, PG-13
Summary: When his dad comes back into the clearing with a scrawny kid he's just bought in tow, Dean isn't surprised. He knows Lilim aren't human, that they're creatures, like witches or wendigo.
But the kid that John's got by the arm, who's pulled as far away from Dean's dad as possible without actually trying to get his arm back, the kid whose eyes don't leave John and are bright with fear, the kid who looks like he hasn't eaten in a couple of days and is obviously favoring his left leg...
This kid looks an awful lot like a person. And what's more, he's the same age Sammy would have been.
Commentary: /u/Vio_'s Bait rec reminded me of this one - just reverse the slave roles between the brothers & boom: this fic.
Okay I'm going to rec A Monster by Any Other Name: Part Three by LaviniaLavender and Brosedshield
I guess this is technically wincest but the AU establishes them as unrelated.
Summary: Our story takes several steps away from canon. Dean Winchester is an only child. Mary died November 2nd, 1983, but neither in a fire nor on the ceiling. Five-year-old Sam is deported to a concentration camp for monsters. But the core remains the same. This is a love story.
NC-17: abuse & recovery
Summary for Part 3: "Sam was prepared for anything Dean wanted him to do – except become a real."
This is an extremely triggering, disturbing fic. It's made me cry multiple times (which is difficult to do for me). Part 3 focuses upon recovery though. Don't read Part 2 unless you can handle really intense dark triggering things with no happy ending until Part 3.
They just updated another chapter (11k!!) which is why I'm rec-ing it.
Honestly I think this fic is amazing. Just breathtaking. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that I can deal with the brutality they've incorporated into their story but the level of kindness and comfort they've also afforded has made me feel justified in mentioning this thing as an epic, fantastically written story. I can't wait to find the time to sit down and read the next chapter.
I feel bad. I have been neglecting fanfiction ever since I started hogwartsishere. I promise that next week I will find something rec worthy!
Well, I read the destibagel story, but it was painful and reminiscent of 50 Shades of Mr. Darcy.
Explicit destiel, rated M.
Crack. Insane crack.
It is just Dean and Cas as bagels, pretty much pwp.
I read this one the other day out of curiosity for the ship. I felt like it was pretty good except they totally mischaracterized Dean at the end so it kinda ruined the whole thing as he is my favorite character regardless of who he is paired with. One slightly porny part at the end but nothing huge as Castiel is Asexual in this fic. It has some really nice art as well. :)
As for finding more recommendations you might go to AO3 and filter search under this tag:*s*Sam%20Winchester/works
When I'm first digging in I usually sort by kudos and then you can also sort by rating to get rid of explicit content. :)
Thanks, Potsy, for introducing me to that black abyss of awesomeness. Does anyone know where this lovely piece of work of a ringtone is from? Because it is fantastic.