i agree. backpacks are the way to go. i usually have to walk a distance from my car to where i want to fly and carrying around a plastic container would be obnoxious. this is the backpack i have
I used this to make all my own plugs for my iflight FC.
Pre-Crimped Cables and SH1.0 Connectors for SPRacingF3 Omnibus F4 Pro F7 Racing Drone Silicone 15cm Wire https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PDQKHJ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7ADCWNV6Y3BX8P53V3GJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You really gonna double down on this being lumenier’s fault? You obviously pulled your balance plug by the wires, and seemingly either those weren’t crimped very firmly or you orangutanged it out.
For future reference, use either your finger nails or get some of these.
Balance plugs aren’t really designed to be load bearing.
Actually many laptops can scan/use 2.4 ghz and 5.8ghz as wifi uses both frequencies. Just depends on the module you have. Going from there to a functioning scanner is a giant leap. I'm doubt most wifi modules even expose the low level stuff.
However, maybe you are looking to just see if peoples wifi routers are dirtying up your channel? You can get an app for your phone that will scan for wifi activity on the various channels and display it to you. This won't show total noise but I imagine that wifi is the biggest pollutant on 2.4 and 5.8.
*Note: Just like laptops not all phones have the ability to use 5.8 ghz wifi. You can find similar apps for Window and Mac if you really want to use your laptop *
It all started at the end of June when Amazon recommended this:
But I didn't know if I wanted to drop 200 bucks on a drone. Would I even fly it?
So I youtubed it. Quickly realized that people are doing way cooler stuff with drones than I had ever seen. But, they looked too complicated and I'd never buy or wear those goofy looking goggles.
And they're 600 bucks?? No thanks.
But youtube knew it was too late.
They'd recommend only the sickest fpv freestyle videos to me. I started buying stuff and never stopped.
Goes from 6 feet to 24 feet.
This was the best length to price ratio I could find and still have it condense under 7 feet to fit in my truck
FPV Flight Dynamics comes highly recommended
I've chosen everything myself
Motors: Emax Eco 2396 2400kv
ESC: T-motor f35A slim Esc
FC: Matek f722-se
VTX: Rush tank 500mW
I've found even on banggood an nice modeldet non 3d-printet TPU mount:
I'm using the cheapest Fatshark 5.8ghz FPV kit (Predator V2) and have been fairly happy with the performance going around / behind most things except for buildings in the city. It gets glitchy in a hurry with a house between you and your craft but for everything else (trees), it seems pretty good for hundreds of feet away. Way further without obstruction.
Here are a couple of recent flights around park type structures with. It's GoPro footage but my FPV feed was pretty solid the entire time. Also, this is my first medium size quad and FPV. Started flying just after New Year's.
I've been flying my DJI Phantom 1.1.1 for a little over 3 weeks now and it is super easy and fun. I didn't build my car but I still love driving it. :)
Here's a recent newbie FPV flight:
If you've got a bunch of quad parts all you need is a wing. I used to fly an HK Teksumo as they're a good beginner wing and are easy as hell to build. You don't actually need any flight controller for a wing, just a receiver and a transmitter that can be bound for elevon mixing.
Now I fly a forward swept ZOHD miniwing and it's fun as hell to fly. They make for a great FPV platform that you can just toss in the back of the car for flying anywhere
I would say these would be perfect as they just been updated and are affordable:
The Eachine EV800D FPV goggle has pretty good reviews. It can come apart and be used as an FPV monitor with a tripod screw hole on the bottom and it also has video out if you want to hook it up to a TV. It has diversity receiver and DVR built in.
I got the camera myself from banggood where it's two time cheaper but I didn't test it on a quad yet (since I have not finish building it yet) The overall recording quality is not so bad except in low luminosity where even with the "night vision" mod on you can barely see past 3m and since the frame rate is (barely) at 30fps I am not sure it could handle correctly high velocity maneuver. But overall and for the price it's a good compromise.
It will yeah, as long as the xm+ is flashed to the ACCESS firmware also (https://www.frsky-rc.com/product/taranis-x9d-plus-2019/ says 2019 runs ACCESS). Something called ACCST is the name of the older, other firmware that could run on the xm+ and other frsky receivers. As for how to determine if the xm+ is on ACCESS, unless the supplier specifically happens to mention it on their website or with the shipped product, I know of no other way (other than flashing it yourself by soldering some wires to the xm+ and connecting it to your computer to manually flash firmware with this: FrSky STK Tool for S.Port Products Upgrading and S6R/S8R receivers Configuration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LYJGE7L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_E8F3BD9S64448XJ8T9PS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)
It sucks to learn this stuff because it’s so seemingly needlessly complex sometimes. Big learning curve in this hobby. It’s annoying sometimes, but I wish you luck 😊
Most will work. They aren't fancy or anything. I believe I got the 20L. Barely fits a 5in with props on.
Consider getting balance lead protectors. Many batteries come with them but if not order them:
Props love to destroy balance leads. And fucked balance leads eventually cause sparky sparks that burn fingers, cause fires and perma-fuck the battery.
yeah, as long as it supplies the normal 5-6 volts its fine.
I use this on one of my cars right now:
the nice thing is it has up to 200mw power for video transmission, but I have mine set to 50 because I lose RC range first before video anyway. The antenna is not super strong if you roll it over, mine broke off and I replaced it with a standard 5.8ghz whip antenna that I had left over from some old quad parts (just two solder points).
My suggestion for you and any others looking into this. If you are looking for a good investment I'd suggest an adjustable power supply like this.
I use this for everything from powering my TS100 to doing all bench work. It can be set to limit current (replaces smoke stopper) and dial in any voltage you want/need. It also will supply up to 10 amps so you can do quite a bit with it.
I went 4 years in this hobby without one now I find it one of my most useful tools. No more keeping batteries scattered around the bench, I can simulate a 2s, or 6s battery and I never have to worry about running batteries down during config/changes. I've made a few plugs (xt60/xt30) for convenience and the alligator clips it comes with can often be used for temporary connections without too much hassle.
TBS unify race edition is only $30(only has 25mW and 200mW modes, but higher powers don't add much for most of us). The smartaudio config is a game changer if you fly with others: No more buttons and screens to try to have to deal with, just hide the TX away and use phone, taranis scripts, or OSD to manage.
For stuff like that, the AIO cams are pretty solid. Especially at that price, it's a really good value. You can get a camera like this one for pretty cheap and it would give you fairly solid performance, too.
If this is the quad your refering to (I'm pretty sure it is): http://www.gearbest.com/brushless-fpv-racer/pp_625798.html
Ok so if thats the right quad, in the description it says that the lipo needs a "XH-3P Connector" which is just a 2s balance plug, (the white plug on any 2s lipo).
Do you have the quad already or are you just looking at ordering it?
Banggood has a good deal on right now of board that are great to practice puddling pads, and attaching wires to. Way more than you need so share some with friends. ;) Or get into electronics. and start building projects. :P
It seems that he's claiming a copyright on the airframe...not sure how that flies (ahem) with the video takedown. His kickstarter for it
Not a problem, Glad I could help! Thanks for the gold, too, even though I'm not too sure what I get from it :P
Also, I'm not sure how but I completely forgot about the Skyzone Sky02 V+ FPV goggles, which are another set of premium goggles to look at. I've never heard anyone with them complain about them. I was seriously considering these at one point, as well. I just checked, they're also only $270 dollars on Banggood, so they're well worth considering along with the Aomway commanders. Link here: https://www.banggood.com/Skyzone-SKY02S-V-3D-5_8G-40CH-FPV-Goggles-With-Head-Tracking-HDMI-DVR-Playback-p-1072921.html
You can see my Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsz_93d6XCslPayRljNOR_Q
Thanks a ton, I appreciate all the subs I get!
there are several others on banggood
it uses a cheap rtf transmitter, i wonder if there are any that are higher quality, that i can use on with my dx8
Hey.... soooo I don't have a lizard95, but from googling the receiver it seems to be a 100mm (10cm) antenna.
I am from Europe, but if you are from the US: http://www.rccrazed.com/powertrain-receivers-frsky-100mm-10cm-replacement-antenna-new-style-connector-p-472.html
Or 10x From China: https://www.banggood.com/10X-100mm-2_4G-Receiver-Antenna-IPEX-Port-For-FRSKY-JR-p-1075041.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=CN
The AXII and TBS Triumph are very good and durable antennas. I've had the Triumphs and they gave quite good reception. Always use matching antennas on VTX and VRX.
Recently the Pagoda II antennas have gotten popular due to their exceptional range, penetration, and polarization. Since the design is open source, there are a few options out there, but I've been using these:
And I've not yet broken one.
This is a similar alternative:
Especially for that price, the best antenna out there IMO.
You'll have to do some soldering. Get a 2S extension cord, and split the ground and 2S wires to a main lead and the 3pin female balance lead. You only have to do it once ;)
Happy to help! Yea I started flying quads then got a few foamies and was instantly obsessed with planes, it's an awesome change of pace and I have a hard time getting my quads out sometimes!
Yes the motor is mounted on standoffs - the plug and play system comes that way and I noticed it made a huge difference when I build my second without it, you can buy the spare pieces here (I wish the kit version came with them). It pushes the CG back a bit which helps a lot, and the heavy over-sized control horns I'm using help push the CG back even farther.
I have a 1500mAh 4S Turnigy Graphene pack which is pretty long and somewhat skinny (although certainly not the skinniest) which fits. I've been experimenting with what else might fit, I have a 3S 2700mAh Tattu pack that fits as well which is a bit better for longer flights. I'm looking for some other options, I'm willing to cut out more foam to fit 2x 1500mAh 4S packs in parallel. This build can handle 6S, so I might try 2x 3000mAh 3S packs in series!
It has a Omnibus AIO running iNav - It's not fully configured yet since I haven't tested iNav on a plane before (I've ran it on a few quads before including my current S-7 7" quad, works well on those) so I was a bit nervous to reroute all of the servo and motor inputs without testing the dragon link system first. Implementing stabilization and GPS RTH next.
This Range extender is the one I bought. Helps mainly with objects interfering like trees. I only fly with tall trees on flat land or the beach with a lot of water that I don't trust flying too far out because I want to keep this drone around for a while. I do have the insurance. One of the first times ever getting insurance for a piece of tech. But worth it.
I use this thick rubberized heatshrink stuff, like this. Fits my 4s 1500s no problem.
Racingirl NIDICI Battery Shrink Wrap 2.95 Inch Flat Width Heat Shrink Tube Protective Film 6.5ft for RC Lipo Battery https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GQJ75PT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_MXBXJQEX5RVXX13VRPB2
Tape a ND8 gel with a glass screen protector on top over the lens to get some good footage.
You should be able to turn off EIS if you do this.
I just replaced another one of those. I use https://www.amazon.com/GeeBat-460pcs-Connector-Housing-Adapter/dp/B01MCZE2HM/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=geebat+jst&qid=1626918189&sr=8-1 Takes about a minute to do
Dont buy the 32gb version its too small, get the 64gb version for 2 dollars more https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sandisk-ultra-plus-64gb-microsdxc-uhs-i-memory-card/6346818.p?skuId=6346818
64gb Samsung SDcard for $10.99 or 128gb for $19.99 https://www.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-Select-microSDXC-Adapter-MB-ME64HA/dp/B08879MG33/
Is there any way to tell which are the V1s? These don't say V2 and have a 720p capture resolution (I think V2s are 810p?) but theres no definitive answer.
haha well I feel like I'm regressing into adolescence the older I get so maybe that'll earn me some get out of jail free cards
Thanks so much for the tips! I completely forgot about Kaiser park - thats right around my way. I was thinking of the area around Red Hook & Industry City as well - kind of a cool industrial type of area with low traffic. Where did you go in Rockaway? I actually rode out there the other day trying to scope out some places - checked out Fort Tilden which has a few cool spots but as soon as I was about to take off another police helicopter flew overhead at probably 100ft. Maybe I'm just have bad luck with them but even more reason to avoid the possibility of making the news by some freak accident.
The first quad I built was a Tyro69 (2.5") which, as you said, was plenty of fun and power, and even a bit more responsive than the Diatone Roma 5" that I have now. I finally managed to crash the Tyro due to failsafe and now waiting on a new frame - I can definitely see the need for a good connection and have a Crossfire system in the mail to which I'm thinking I will convert all my quads. What do you use for a VTX / what power level? 400mW seemed to work ok but I still get some breakup sometimes, although I did once connect my battery without an antenna and likely damaged it a bit. Was thinking about picking up a Rush Ranger and running it at 800mW but not sure its that's overkill.
I have one of these in my 1/24 scale rc crawler, it fits in the driver's seat area. You just need to buy a compatible 3.7 volt battery.
I have a couple of these buzzers from amazon. They're decently loud and pretty small. I split the heat shrink and spread it out to more of a stick shape, reweapping with electrical tape. I can hear it from like 50-100 meters if it's not too windy/obstructed. They do bug out sometimes... once I had trouble finding my drone because it wasn't going off despite having solid rc and didn't work until I power cycled so I guess test it at the start of each pack.
>JST connectors
thanks for replying - which ones from here? https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0731MZCGF/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&aaxitk=M2taOSOGBQSFmrPJKQI8DQ&hsa_cr_id=7657430150302&pd_rd_plhdr=t&pd_rd_r=1688b460-6413-44ad-8d0f-dc44b8088f82&pd_rd_w=1gKY1&pd_rd_wg=zp5yv&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_0_img there are jst-ph2.0, jst-sm2.5, jst-pa2.0... the list goes on.
Oh man, learn to fly first bro you will only break stuff until you learn to fly. Flying without sim is big no no.
Trust me get this. Plug it in, bind to it, and your set for all sims. Using the wire is super annoying and wears out the USB port.
If you don't mind the weight, Freewell has a metal enclosure with four filters included and others available separately.
It's $100 directly from Freewell, but $50 on Amazon. Quality is top notch.
Soldering Iron Kit, [Upgraded] 60W Adjustable Temperature Welding Tool with ON-Off Switch, Rarlight 9-in-1 Soldering Kits, 5pcs Soldering Iron Tips, Solder Wire, Y Type Soldering Iron Stand (Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PDK3MX1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Q8HBNGBA8XJ2D0B0N9D7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
From an IT Guy, sounds like a possible DNS issue. It might be that for some reason your DNS (Likely ISP DNS) is not resolving the server needed for the firmware.
You could try this. Manually set google or Cloudflare DNS. Here's an article that will walk you through the process on Windows and other devices. https://privacy.net/set-up-cloudflare-dns-how-to/
If that still doesn't work it could be that your ISP has a bad route to the server it needs to access. In that case you can try using a VPN like NordVPN. You mentioned that you tried another internet connection already. I would make sure it's with a different company if possible.
You need something like this
Nice setup i like it. I only wish a setup like this could go long-term. When i started FPV i had nice hard case the held my radio, goggles and one quad. it was nice and compact. but i quickly realized that I had to carry a bunch of other stuff, spare props, batteries, tools, extra quads, battery checker, etc etc. and so i ended up lugging two cases around. really the case and the extra bag. Finally i found the best compact setup i could find that can still carry 3 5inch quads along with all the extras that is about the same size as your case https://www.amazon.com/GZ-XINXING-Tactical-Military-Shoulder/dp/B07YJLSNMV and it's cheap.
The channel is correct, or at least I assume so because if both are set the same I do get some video. Just not far. And I just double checked and it looks like the 90 is rp-sma.
I put the link in another reply already but here you go Qibaok Crimping Tool Kit Ratcheting Crimper with 1550PCS 2.54mm Dupont Connectors and 760pcs 2.54mm JST-XH Connectors for AWG 26-20(0.1-0.5mm²) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZK5F8HP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GUfKFbGADJES4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yup, a basic 3s build based on a Martian 2 Frame . Pretty fun, a lot less agile than the 2.5”, but it’s like driving a jet ski vs a speed boat, still hecka fun in its own way. And it’s the workhorse, carries the GoPro. 😅
The connecter works exactly as you would expect, the tough thing is finding the right tool to lift the white tab without damaging it. The pointy tool from this face kit is PERFECT https://www.amazon.com/dp/B019SVHLEY/...and you can use the rest of the tools to get pretty 😝I have used this thing countless times and have never damaged anything.
It won’t let me add the link so I’ll just paste them.
This is the cable I got. It looks identical to my other one, just a different order (that would also work with yours)
My screen went waaayyy up in price. I bought it for $75 a few months ago. I would not pay over $100 for the quality.
AAOTOKK 90 Degree 1/8inch to RCA Audio Extension Cable, Right Angle 3.5mm Male to 3 RCA Male TTRS AUX Stereo Audio Connector Cable for AV,Audio,Video,LCD TV,HDTV etc.(1.5m/5ft) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083LZQJ9N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ZYQtFb77PWXBG
I have toyed with the idea of that Ethix watch monitor to attach to my rc. Could make crash retrieval’s easier and in that I wouldn’t have to check my goggles when walking.
I use this Gardner Bender 07315001126 LTB-400 Liquid Electrical Tape, Easy-on, Waterproof, Indoor/Outdoor Use, 4 Oz. Jar, Black, Bottle https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000FPAN2K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0FxhFbNF5YTFQ
Just as good imo and you don’t have to wait a month
Paint it on with a toothpick.
Thats really low be super careful if you try to recharge them. Sounds like you need to balance your cells. Those batteries might be dead... Mr steele has a good video about quad maintenance and he talks about how he lands at 3.8 /cell so 15.2 for a 4s. Going below 3.5 and it starts getting pretty sketchy... invest in a voltage checker. Amazon link
Something like the "2pcs CX405 1S LiPo Battery USB Charger 4.2V 4.35V LiPo LiHV JST-PH 2.0 mCPX Connectors Tiny Whoop" on Amazon works great for 1S.
Coincidentally I just bought that same charger (on purpose because I have a laptop brick I can use with it) and the one you have was rebranded. This is the original manufacturer and there are links in here to an AC power supply that works. But I think any 80 to 100 watt power supply with a 5.5mm plug (positive center) will work as long as it's at least 12 volts.
If you look at the "frequently bought together" on that page, you see this:
Mine all started with one of these http://www.amazon.com/Hubsan-H107L-Channel-2-4GHz-Quadcopter/dp/B00IZC6C8E/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1428347177&sr=1-1&keywords=hubsan
Its grown since then and I'll be getting some FPV gear soon enough. I want to get used to line of sight before diving into FPV.
This is my first 250 size quad http://www.myrcmart.com/rcx-h250cf3k-arfrtf-fpv-quadcopter-walkera-devo-flysky-p-8244.html?osCsid=9aqbv7ed8q3kolfanha00tc3g5 I'm sure people will complain about it being a RTF kit but its taught me a ton including that I love flying it. I have parts on order to build my own which is MUCH cheaper now that I have batteries, a radio/receiver and props. The start up cost exists for ever hobby but after that, it gets less expensive.
I got a 15" screen from Amazon after reading a recommendation from another FPV'er. It blue screens, which was a bummer.
In hindsight, I wish I would have gotten this one: http://www.readymaderc.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=11_22_228&products_id=2319
It's a bit more than what I spent for mine, won't blue screen, and the 4:3 ratio makes it effectively almost as big as the 15" screen I use (FPV doesn't use widescreen).
That being said, instead of going the DVR route, you can buy an RF modulator like this one: http://www.amazon.com/RCA-Compact-RF-Modulator-CRF907R/dp/B0014KKV7W and that will also get rid of blue screen for any monitor (as long as it an antenna jack). The only caveat is that it runs off of 9 volts, so you'd need a regulator to bring the voltage down or its own 9v battery.
Yes, its very, very possible. I assume that this is for people asking "what are those stupid looking goggles on your head for?" and instead of responding "oh its the new "cool"", you can show them what the video looks like. Although I do have some pretty sweet FPV ski goggles, I don't have a FatShark, but I'd assume that it plugs in through the regular RCA connector (Red, Yellow, White). To share the screen you need 2 things. First of all, a splitter. This simply takes your video signal and outputs it to two sources.
I found this on eBay, look for something similar or just buy this thing: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/400668734985?lpid=82&chn=ps
Next, you need to take that split video signal and put it on your screen. You said it connects to VGA, so get an RCA-VGA adapter. There are really no small or cheap options, this one was $30. Its a small box that changes the video signal. http://www.amazon.com/VideoSecu-Converter-Adapter-Switch-AV2VGA/dp/B001HQQOD8
Best of luck!
Those might help but I’m not sure.
Your more looking for this if it’s in your country.
This is what i do...small buzzer wired to FC... set warning voltage and go fly ...toward the end of flight time (you can time it and get specific after a few flights) get the quad near you so you can hear the beep.....land and wait 2 min to let battery settle....if it is higher than 3.8v add 10 sec to flight....rinse and repeat till you get it perfect. I have several FC's that the OSD died over time, Still fly great!! kinda nice not having OSD once you get the timing correct personally.
link to buzzers i use.
Did you conformal coat your FC? The only time I've had anything die on the shelf was due to dampness / water in the electronics. Happens more often when flying in the damper months of the year, but can happen if you fly after a heavy dew in summer.
Use this stuff outdoors, it has a very strong vapor / odor which is NOT good for you to breath in.
That makes sense. Also, what do you mean by 2.4 control link?
If I use this VTX, I would need a 2.4 Video Receiver on the other end right?
I have this 5.8 receiver and it works fine with my 5.8 analog VTX. Would this be able to receive 2.4 frequency? Or do I need a different one?
Apologies for the many questions, I am just learning all of this stuff recently!
On a 5 inch you don't really want to be running anything above 1500mAh. And you want a C rating as high as possible, 60C on a 3000mAh pack is fine, as the C rating ties directly with mAh for the amount of amps a pack can put out.
As far as good cheap batteries go these are pretty decent:
I can get about 8mins of flight out of a 1500 pack doing gentle freestyle and cruising, but these batteries are cheap so don't expect them to stay good forever. But being cheap, it doesn't matter so much when they get damaged in a crash which is why I like them.
Voltage sage of 0.2V on 1S at hover is very common. However, the deeper sag may be a concern. So, yeah, get a few good batteries, like the GNB I mentioned previously, and compare those.
It looks like the Firefly comes with a GNB27 connector. Finding the right GNB 450mAh with GNB27 connector in stock has been somewhat of a pain. I only found them on Amazon, and they have a little bit of a mark up:
I found you a good mid-range FPV option according to your price range.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ >!Just place above head and pour for a realistic simulation of your FPV feed for your proposed budget!<
please look at this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S18D3RN/ref=cm_sw_r_api_i_YX2G5N8CVW3NQF84AVDV_0 or something similar, just plug in the wires that are needed. most drone connectors are 1.25 pitch JST-PH
Saw this in a Joshua Bardwell video he did a few days ago. It says it has storage mode
That’s the fun part, your gonna strip them eventually if you are actually flying a lot.
M3 nuts and bolts do not need much torque to strip, especially if you have aluminum hardware. So I’d just go ahead and order an an assorted M3 nut and bolt set (kinda like this) . As well as some spare stand offs. If you fly for long enough these parts are likely to strip after a hard crash anyway so it never hurts to stock up a bit.
I got this kit. It's overkill but only 10 bucks. You really just need the 7 pin connector, and the pins for later when you actually slice a wire
You could get this and plug a 1s battery into it.
All you need is a power source. You have several options, but the easiest would be to use a power bank like thisbattery
If you want longer range, you could pick up some higher quality antennas for like $30-40.
Handy with a soldering iron? tape something like this to the sides and back of your radio, wire an xt60 to use with a 3 or 4s lipo. https://www.amazon.com/QAZAKY-Motorcycle-Heated-Handlebar-Heater/dp/B074TFCHG7
I did something similar, but I used skateboard grip tape as a grippy surface, and placed nichrome wire in between before I placed it on, and I wired it up to use the barrel jack of the radio so I could plug a battery in there to warm it up.
Here is one. This one looks like it has a crap rating on it and it's because people were trying to use it with apple products. Apparently it worked with a Kindle though. I would still buy one just to test it out. $10 isn't a big waste honestly
So i had the same crappy charger with my Novice 3 kit, i replaced it with ToolkitRC M6 charger, and i power it with used server PSU, like this one. Some people online are saying that this charger is crap, but mine works fine, probably the early ones had problems.
I'm looking for a solid option also, I've found the magnet ones aren't any good when it gets really cold as the magnets get cold which then effect your hands so i may give vecro one a go - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CKQN8ZV/ref=sspa\_dk\_detail\_9?pd\_rd\_i=B09CKP4Y58&pd\_rd\_w=Gd9Pu&content-id=amzn1.sym.dd2c6db7-6626-466d-bf04-9570e69a7df0&pf\_rd\_p=dd2c6db7-6626-466d-bf04-9570e69a7df0&pf\_rd\_r=1S05Y478PDV1WF3MZK...
ISDT PD60S is cheap (~$15) and convenient (portable, 1s-4s, 1A-6A, USB-C, supports power delivery, unlike the ToolkitRC M4) and seems far less sketchy than this one.
This one is really cheapcheap and you will just need xt-60 adapter for it
thats exactly how and why I learned how to use this one! Its alot of fun to work with. Im using these endmills https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CMY47QP?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details And the fixture I made took 3 days to print.
I'm buying this one, thank you for taking the time to set me straight.
These guys are fast, ship from Cali, free shipping over $80
GetFPV and RaceDayQuads are also good companies.
This guy (anything really) is better than stock https://www.amazon.com/FOXEER-Thriverline-Antenna-Omnidirectional-Quadcopeter/dp/B0787159ZR/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?crid=2MEBTQ52U4VXU&keywords=fpv%2B5.8%2Bantenna&qid=1667597498&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjk2IiwicXNhIjoiMy40MSIsInFzcCI6IjMuMjgifQ%3D%3D...
I use at home and work. good buy 10A 0-30v
harbor freight often or used to give away cheap multimeters for free with a coupon.
if your shopping for one tho, try to get one with a buzzer bc that makes continuity testing less annoying (hearing vs having to keep your eye on your meter). good luck!
if your into automobiles, this is a pretty good one to have
If you've got a USB-C phone or tablet and you're running analog you can pick up a USB-C receiver for ~$40.
You'll definitely get a better quality video from a real set of goggles and a real receiver, but the tablet/phone+adapter has some upsides. It doesn't require a second battery, the receiver is tiny enough I just leave it in the case with my radio and I always have a phone on me, and it lets you DVR/livestream your video. Also, way cheaper than goggles if you have a supported phone/tablet.
This is what I used
Cut the usb part off and crimped on the appropriate plug. Then you can use your camera on anything between 3s to 6s.
Yes I'm in US! Thanks for the tip, I'll likely just go with that amazon one: https://www.amazon.com/Happymodel-Upgraded-Mobula7-Quadcopter-receiver/dp/B0B12HS3RB?th=1 so I don't have to wait, and that Radiomaster remote you'd recommended.
If you were to add something I would get a good 1s charger.
Most whoops come with crap USB chargers. One like this will allow you to charge the battery to storage levels which will make them last much longer.
Tried video out? Not just tried, I worked on DigiView 😅
None of them support live 4K video, that would require way too much bandwidth. Tbh I haven’t been using a GoPro at all this year because of DJI Action 2, and O3 AU will basically have the same recording and stabilisation options as that, so I can lose another 70ish grams (camera + mount).
Im pretty sure they're talking about the cable that comes from the balance lead of the battery. Almost positive it is 5v. Does op have a link to the cable they're thinking?
Pretty sure its this one
On radio side the configurator you choose that match the radio. Save file to desktop. The receiver Choose the Diy 2400 rx pwmp save it to desktop. Put radio firmware into radio sd in firmware radio turn radio off. Hold rudder trim to right aileron to the left hold both as is and power up then a flash menu pop up and flash it. For rx. Plug in the receiver to battery have radio off. Connect you're laptop or computer to that receiver password is elrsexpress. Then flash the file of firmware you created earlier. Boom you got it. After that once is done. Unplug the receiver. TUrn on radio. Go plug in rx again then bind it. Should work. I had same issue that how I got my receiver binded. Both have to be same version. But betafpv micro receiver didn't got along with the firmware of confirguator when i chosoe betafpv on list. Here i explain info. There photo. See my review. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WHLJ2GN?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details
idk if you are in the US but amazon has 4 for $60. 4600 would be fine though just slightly less efficient i believe.