I highly recommend using an app tracking web site like http://appshopper.com/. You can get email notification when there is a price drop for something you're interested in. You can also see the pricing history for apps so you can determine if it has gone on sale in the past, and whether the sale price is worth while. Good luck!
You should get Audiobus on the iPad and use the iPhone for Audiobus Remote: https://audiob.us/remote
This app is great. It puts controls for all your (compatible) music apps on the iPhone screen. So you can have the main app you're playing in up on the iPad screen, and then have controls for all the apps running in the background showing up on your iPhone.
I love Samplr and it's a really unique tool, but it needs better support. I'm not sure you really play a synth into it like that either. You could play the synth into another app (like garageband) and then, using Audiobus, record that sound into Samplr.
So yeah, check out Audiobus and the companion app Audiobus Remote. I think they come in a bundle and they're so worth it. They really expand what you can do with an iPad.
You need an audio interface and a usb c hub. Connect the hub to ipad and the interface to hub and connect the guitar to the interface just as you would on a mac or pc. I use a Behringer U-Phoria UMC202HD and this usb hub USB C Hub for iPad Pro 2021 2020 2018, Baseus 6 in 1 USB C to 4K HDMI Adapter, PD 100W Power Delivery, USB3.0, SD/TF Card Reader, 3.5mm Headphone Jack Compatible with MacBook Pro/iPad Pro https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07VX46FPK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_01TPSV4W0QCYP3E3CB4E
The background:
On my way to Sydney to begin graduate work at the University of New South Wales as a Fulbright Climate Change and Clean Energy Scholar, I stopped in Honolulu, Hawaii to visit my friend Clay.
The morning after my arrival, Clay and I sat in his living room listening to the birds chirping outside and looking out over Maunalani Heights down towards Diamond Head. Clay began playing his guitar. I joined him on my trumpet and we recorded this peaceful improvisation on my iPad.
Here's the view that we enjoyed while playing: Down Maunalani Heights
The breakdown:
First, I recorded Clay and I playing together; him on rhythm guitar and myself on trumpet. Then, I tracked Clay playing lead guitar. Finally, I stepped outside to capture the sounds of the environment: birds in the trees, winds in the leaves and dogs in the yard. After transferring the tracks over to my laptop, I adjusted panning and volume and added the EQ, compression and reverb that each track seemed - to my ear - to need. Then, I bounced it down.
Hope you enjoy the moment. I sure did.
Hello :) try this
He have lots of editors : audio, pianoroll, drum, score.
So underrated... very cool and very solid, i have only experimented one or two crash in one year.
Auxy is amazing. Been using it for a couple weeks; hands down the best designed, best sounding, fastest and most inspiring music app I've ever used. I've also been putting some tracks together. This one just came out yesterday: http://auxy.co/track/ZMbYiJu52f3I. Love your track, just shows me more possibilities this app gives us. If they give us an LFO generator, basic automation, time signature change, simple pattern saving and hide all these features behind a $10 paywall, I'm getting it. Truly amazing!!
It would cost you $49.95 each
They don't even need batteries as they draw power from the midi output
I would send you the one I currently use, but it's now unavailable. But this will be just fine
If this iPad is the one with USB type C, then this meets your requirements, and then some.
I have a iPad air 4 and I am using a MOTU M4 interface. It's usb-c so I can plug it right into the iPad if I want to be portable (interface powers off the iPad). At home I use it with this dongle for power and hardware connection. USB c dongle.
I recently bought this hub and used a longer cable with it. So far it's working nicely!
If the iRig works then you should keep using it. It's crazy how much money you can just keep spending on cables and dongles... I need to stop!! But my setup should be good for now. Just crazy.
Yes you can use something like that and ignore the output connector. Midi out on the keyboard will connect to the midi in connector on the adapter. https://www.amazon.com/FORE-Interface-Converter-Adapter-Laptop/dp/B0719V8MX1/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?dchild=1&keywords=usb+c+midi+cable&qid=1605714471&sprefix=usb+c+midi&sr=8-13
Another probably better option would be to get a class compliant usb c audio interface that also has midi in/out. This way he can interface with the keyboard and also have dedicated outputs for speakers, headphones etc. I previously had a Behringer umc404hd quick worked great, but I know there are a lot of options.
Sure, but you should likely use that port, (using two devices simultaneously can be done but is a bit dodgey and can add latency to your monitoring). Adapters are fairly cheap.
Yes it is. The Android version (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rabugentom.chord) precede the iOS one. It had fewer updates lately because I worked mostly on the iOS version. I've started a major rewriting of the Android version a few weeks ago. I'm really pleased with the results right now.
Ultimately, the design of both versions will converge. I'll try to bring most of the new iOS features to Android. While rewriting the Android version, I may also develop new features that I will need to port to iOS later. It's endless!
A pretty sure thing right now is that the update will require at least Android 4.1 or 4.2. I'll try to get the farther back possible.
Hey, here's the first of 11 custom kits for free...on me! If you like it....let everybody know. Add this file to your Dropbox, then open BM2, go to Dropbox inside the app...open the DB DRUM FOLDER AND MOVE THE 2 folders along with the.bm2k file over to BM2. When it's done transferring, add keyboard sampler instrument and choose DB Popstudio. Go to track and hit the plus sign to add midi...choose DB pop and your grooves and fills will be there. After that you can add another track with the same sampler and add cymbals or accents without distorting the original midi track...lets blow this up. I'm selling this for $8 via PayPal. I'll release the others as I finish them. Enjoy
If garage band is too difficult buy this: https://www.amazon.com/Tascam-DR-05-Version-Portable-accessory/dp/B01EGPJ67C Used in pro environments.
Started with one from Anker. It worked fine with my Mac but lagged with my iPad Air 2020. Returned it and bought this no-name hub which works with both devices.
I use several midi-gear and the headphone-out. Sometimes I use an old Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 and it works too, but it is not bus-powered. But I think a Solo will work too.
I haven't, but I'm considering it. Agree with your skepticism. There are 100+ reviews on Amazon. Most seem legit. Buying through there would make it easier to return.
I've got an Air 3 so the jack is still there.
If it were cheaper I'd have gotten one of the USB-C iPads, though. Pair that with the Anker (this one), or whatever other brand makes those USB-C hubs with the headphone jack. I have wires coming out of both sides of my tablet and would be happier with just one side. I don't think there's any getting around having some dongle or another. Just wish I could have one that does everything.
If you want portable, this stand is very usable:
elitehood Metal iPad Tripod Stand & Adjustable 72’’ Gooseneck Tablet Floor Stand Holder, Heavy Duty Aluminum
https://i.imgur.com/sZfVHA1.jpg I’ve got mine on a VESA mount “laptop tray”. The magnets hold it on there just fine, doesn’t move without decent motivation.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07DWM9WNM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Is the one I got, but if I was buying again, I’d go for a set of those gas powered arms that are easier to reposition
I use one of these -
Works well and can grip on to side of the iPad which makes it more easily portable. It won't grip on if you use a body protector but works fine with a screen protector in place.
> This one has a 3.5mm audio jack and connects directly to your iPad for under $20. Does not have a network jack. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B09TR67X2C/?psc=1
Nice! This looks like a great option, obviates the need for the audio dongle like the one I posted..
I successfully connect my iPad Pro to a Midi keyboard and power both devices with a bog standard USB-C hub. This is the one I have: <em>USB-C HUB</em>
Headphone, mixer or preamp plugs in via a USB-A audio adapter like <em>THIS ONE</em>
The reason people use two iPads for sheet music is they can take them anywhere and they fit just fine on a music stand. It paired with a bluetooth foot controller allows for a musician to flip pages while performing. A computer monitor does not come even remotely close to providing this functionality.
Unfortunately for OP I don't think anyone makes such a case. If you're looking for something that can stand the iPads up individually in portrait mode, you might look at one of the moft stands, though it has limited angle adjustability so it might not be suitable depending on how you're using it.
As for pedals, airturn is one option. The technology isn't exactly complicated so I'd imagine most page turners you find on Amazon would work just fine as well. One thing I'd be mindful of is the ones with the thin metal pole footswitch kind of hurt to use barefoot so the ones with the plastic cover are probably more comfortable.
This one I use has 2:
You could also get a cheaper one that has just 1 usb-c port for charging and then use a usb-c -> usb-a cable to hook up your focusrite.
So the iPad will plug into a USB C dongle similar to this:
If you have a lightning connection, then you'll need to look for something similar.
The mixer will plug via USB into the dongle. The midi controller will also plug into the dongle. And as long as the MIDI keyboard and mixer are class compliant, The iPad will power both the mixer and the midi keyboard.
USB C to HDMI Adapter for iPad Air 4,iPad Mini 6,iPad Pro 2020/2018,Type-c hub with 3.5mm Headphone Audio Jack,4K HDMI,USB3.0,USB C Power Delivery,Dex Dock for Galaxy S21/Note20/TabS7 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CXKC7N4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_5TSG6PADG8NQZASAQHMM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This works https://www.amazon.co.uk/your-orders/pop/ref=ppx_yo_mob_b_pop?_encoding=UTF8&gen=canonical&lineItemId=kjsnsoooqittwoy&orderId=026-8137171-0698725&packageId=1&returnSummaryId=&returnUnitIndices=&returnUnitMappingId=&... And then something like this for audio https://www.amazon.co.uk/TechRise-External-Adapter-Splitter-Converter/dp/B01J3QGU50/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=TTIERD0VNZDC&keywords=usb+sound+card&qid=1653028188&sprefix=USB+sound,aps,116&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1
One of us! one of us!
The MK3 will work on the iPad though. Any class compliant USB keyboard will work. Can you link the place you read that?
I was on a similar boat last month. I have full sized midi keyboards and mini keys keyboards, but I wanted to cut the cord and stop using dongles so I started looking at Bluetooth midi controllers. I ended up getting this one so I can lounge around the house and sketch ideas on my iPad when I don’t want to sit at the production desk. It works really well! They run ~$40 but they’re difficult to find. Alternatively you can look up the Korg microKEY Air and AKAI LPK25. Both of those are wireless and compatible w your iPad.
Happy jamming !
Then you have to buy a drive that is pre-formatted to work on iPad. Something like: https://www.amazon.com/External-Storage-management-iDiskk-Certified/dp/B07N2NQYZ2/ref=sr_1_5?crid=VE92O2BY5ZIF&keywords=IDiskk&qid=1651872510&sprefix=idiskk%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-5
This is just an example and there is a bunch of them out there. If your iPad takes a lightning cable then you may also need the camera adaptor:
but check the drive you’re gonna buy first as some of them already have lightning connectivity
Not exactly what you’re looking for but I just got this for my iPad Pro and it works like a charm. Has a 3.5mm, usb, usb c for data and charging. Works great for music peripherals
iPad Pro USB C Hub, 7-in-1... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087BTVJX6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I use a adapter just like that to connect an iPad Mini and an audio interface. I have a powered USB hub connected to an iPad Mini 4 using that 3 in 1 adapter. I send power to the iPad through the lightning input on the adapter. My Steinberg UR242 audio interface is plugged in to the powered USB hub, as well as a Keystep, a Beatstep and a Microfreak. Occasionally, when I power up the iPad it will say 'This device not recognized', but just unplugging and re-plugging the adapter soon clears that. The powered USB hub I use is this Ugreen 4-port device. I don't use the headphone out of the 3 in 1.
I use this. If his iPad is lighting instead of usb c then just search for a lightning variant of this, I’m sure someone makes one. Hope this helps.
Manhattan USB-C to 3.5mm External Sound Card Adapter - with Microphone-in and Audio-Out to Connect Headphones Headset or Speakers - USB-Aux Cable Jack, Supports 2.1 Stereo Sound - 153317 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YL4H5QP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BX2HGPZF82831HE0MGJ4
Whew looks like the price has gone up a bunch since I bought it. I use this for my laptop and iPad, does everything I need.
I ended up with this one:
I have every port in use but the hdmi and it seems to be fine.
For the record, I purchased this thing:
I don't know if its the best or the least expensive or the smallest or what. After reading several reviews on many similar products, including some that snap onto the iPad itself (as long as you don't use any cover, so not for me) I decided to buy this one.
I can report that after about a week of use, everything on it has worked and it's been working fine.
I connected it to my Pro Sound Cards (a Zoom R8 and a Beheringer UMC 22) and I was able to use them both to record music with GarageBand while charging the iPad, the Headphone jack works just fine as do the regular USB-A ports. I have not tried my guitar jack which on a regular iPhone allows you to record electric guitar straight into the ipad through the headphone jack, but since I can use my sound cards, that's a mute point. I also cannot find the darn thing because they make all these devices black as coal. When I find it I'll give it a shot.
What I wanted was a dock that would allow continuous charging while powering my sound cards and having a headphone connection. A+ on both counts so far so I am happy with it.
One word of caution: I connected the iPad through the dock using a USB-A to9 USB-C third party cable connected to a dedicated recharging port. It didn't work.
I had to get the original iPad pro charger, connected it to the dock and it charged the iPad while I was using the dock. Annoying but not deal breaking and not the fault of the dock. It just means I'll have to buy a couple more chargers and cables from Apple so I can have one each in my office and play area and keep one in my bag for travel. Not ideal but doable.
This confused me a bit too. I have an iPad Air, and a USB C hub. If I use an audio interface, I think the volume controls on the iPad do nothing, and I need to control the volume on the audio interface.
However, if I use a USB DAC like this one then I can control volume with the iPad volume controls.
Comment if you like! I bought this silly Korg app a few months ago and it blew my mind. I love everything about it and wanted to do an entire ep right out the box.. I'm like 1 track away, plus mixing time just got sidetracked and lazy. Please! Motivate me with feedback!!
Edit: here's a couple more:
Keep in mind these aren't album tracks or "tracks" in general. Maybe more like b-side jams?
You can use pretty much any USBC hub. I’ve got nearly exactly the same setup.
You need to listen through the headphones via the headphone socket on the focusrite. Which if recording vocals you’d want to do anyway.
Something like this should work. This one also has a headphone jack. Very similar to the one I have, and it works perfect.
Oh there are way cheaper ones! But you will have to connect more cables.
I look for “usb c hub headphone Jack” on Amazon. VAVA was a good option for me before I had an audio interface. They don’t sell that one anymore but this one is just like it going off looks.
You can try this one:
...along with the appropriate convertor to plug headphones into a USB port. This specific hub is one of the few that has a data-capable USB-C ports that I found; most of the other ones have a power delivery port that doesn't carry data. I had the Apple USB-C-to-headphone adapter already so this is the hub I got. The iPad can probably power your midi controllers, and you can power the whole works via the power delivery port. Also, I've read that you want to use a USB-to-headphone convertor and not a hub with a headphone jack, because the audio quality will be way better.
If you want cheap I'd recommend something like this.
IK Multimedia iRig 2 Guitar Interface Adaptor for iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00T631UTC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PAHQT9R6RH3F571D732F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
There are also camera adapters that let you charge the iPad while playing
I have the HyperDrive USB hub that I use with my iPad Pro 2020 and it works great for MIDI and audio out to my headphones.
HyperDrive USBC Hub Adapter... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QWP3F3C?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
You need something like this:
...and the appropriate convertor to plug headphones into a USB port. If it's a USB-C iPad then this specific hub is one of the few that has a data-capable USB-C ports that I found; most of the other ones have a power delivery port that doesn't carry data. I had the Apple USB-C-to-headphone adapter already so this is the hub I got. The iPad can power the MPK mini.
Thanks for your input. I actually did find one that worked. The problem is it doesn’t fit the new 12.9 M1 iPad pros (slightly thicker than older version). Here is the link if anybody is interested.
I'm using the new ipad pro 11 and the new ipad mini 6 both with a USB c hub. It does allow power to charge the ipad at the same time but don't do it as it does work without being powered. However when it was having its hiss fit this morning and not providing midi I did try and power the hub at the same time and still made no differnce and then all of a sudden it started working again.
This is the hub I'm using
LENTION USB C Multi-Port Hub with 4K HDMI, USB 3.0, SD/Micro SD Card Readers, Power Delivery & 3.5mm Aux Adapter Compatible with 2020-2017 MacBook Pro/Mac Air, New iPad Pro 11/12.9 (CS17, Space Gray) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07TMC1YTH/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_1HWAG38W50ZMGA5NXATD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thank you
The USB-C port on the digital video adapter is power only, no data.
You need an actual hub dongle, something like this:
I never had an older iPad Pro with a headphone jack. Currently I have the 12.9 m1 iPad Pro. And use a hub. something like this
My audio interface is an old behringer interface, that works perfect. But I also get audio through the headphone jack and just the regular set of headphones. The hub connects to my MIDI keyboard My audio interface and allows me to either use headphones or studio monitors. And all are powered by the iPad.
If your iPad doesn't have an audio output jack you can find on Amazon a lightning adapter that connects to the iPad and gives you 3 ports: audio jack, lighting port (charge only, no data) and an regular USB port where you can connect the Apogee Jam (or any USB device). I have 2 of these and highly recommend them. I also have the Yamaha Bluetooth midi adapter and it works perfectly, no noticeable latency. USB Camera Adapter, 3 in 1 USB... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BRJ1NXJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
There's an RSS feed for that page you could watch, or you could use that feed with something like Blogtrotter.com to send you a daily (or hourly) email when the page changes.
is amazing for this kind of thing. Design your own interfaces. No Bluetooth support though sadly, but will work over network midi afaik. I'm not sure there is a protocol for bluetooth control across iOS but I could be wrong.
Don’t need both but they are both very useful. Audiobus has to be told what to do, but it’s as simple as you could make that process! Check their site, very good explanation of what it does: https://audiob.us
Spend time reading about Audiobus.
On an iPad, you might use 3 apps at once to create and record a single sound. It's interesting how each app has it's own UX, obviously, but then there's a "higher-level" UX when you think about chaining sounds, recording from one app into another, etc.
Maybe check out https://nodebeat.com/? - it's a curious pseudo generative sequencer that is definitely not a standard midi device. It can be used for midi output though, so you can use its weird interface to play other synths that you have installed.
My week 5 submission to WeeklyBeats. Feedback welcome. Percussion from LaunchKeys (iPad), Synths from Thor (iPad). Cafe.mp3 sample courtesy of moson on FreeSound.org
I would use Resilio Sync for something like this. It's free for personal use like this. Set up a sync pair, let it sync over the LAN (doesn't use the internet), Then once it's complete, the folder is visible in the Files app on the iPad: you can use the files from there or move them somewhere else as needed.
PS: you can choose to secure the app behind TouchID (and maybe FaceID if you have it): good for those ... private ... files you want to keep on the iPad, I bet.
I'm not "professional" (yet), but this is as far as I've gotten:
Cubasis 3 for iPad - uglier than GarageBand but currently the premiere DAW for iPad, IMO.
GeoShred as audio unit
Aparillo as audio unit
This hub, attached to my gen2 iPadPro, will 1) charge the iPad, 2) act as hub for MIDI controller keyboard, 3) connect to USB or stereo mini-plug headphone for real-time monitoring of everything I'm doing. (Still wondering if it will also allow a decent USB mic, if there is such a thing)
Have tried PreSonus AudioBox iTwo, but sending it back. Does not monitor audio back from the iPad.
Others please share what's working for you. I want to learn.
I'm sure there's an easier way to do it, but I recorded external audio connecting a USB C hub to my ipad pro, and used a cheap external USB soundcard like this and ran a line into it from whatever I was sampling.
The irig hd2 has a usb-c outlet. And it can also plug into an amp to use the pedals and effects of your GarageBand or AmpliTube (it comes with app) so that you can hear them in an amp settings.
Get this! Trust me it's worth it. Only issue I've had is the audio cuts out if you try to play in drop C for some reason. Haha
Check out Baseus brand. I just bought one that slides over the corner of the ipad, has 1 usb, 1 usb c with charging, sd and micro sd card readers, hdmi (for some unknown reason) and 3.5mm jack that i’ve recorded some voice samples with too. Really neat setup, I got a long cabled 4 usb hub for all peripherals.
I use my air 4 for music and I have a few connection setups that I implement. I have found myself a real fan of usb-c after using it so much recently. I have this usb-c dongle here
1: iPad solo. Usb-c connection to audio interface. Use dongle if power is needed. 2: iPad for audio i/o and midi sequencer for hardware setup. Dongle for power, usbMIDI connections, and audio interface. 3: iPad for audio out and midi into Ableton on Mac laptop. iPad Usb-c to laptop. Making an aggregate device on Mac let's you mix the iPad and audio interface as one source in ableton.
I'm not sure if this helps but If you have any questions let me know. I think it all depends on what you want to connect to in the end.
I found this after hours of searching.
iPad Pro USB C Hub, 7-in-1 Adapter for iPad Pro 2021 2020 2018 12.9 11 inch iPad Air 4 Docking Station with 4K HDMI, USB-C PD Charging, SD/Micro Card Reader, USB 3.0, 3.5mm Headphone Jack, accessories https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087BTVJX6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RAW71F10GN1J6V334WMF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If your keyboard has 5 pin midi in/out ports I recommend a wireless midi transmitter.
HXW Wireless Bluetooth MIDI Adapter 5-PIN DIN MIDI Interface Converter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085DG66RN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GM24WBZ5GMB7XRAQAFQ2
I’ve used the one above, as well as Wej by Retronyms which is awesome, but harder to find. I got mine second hand on eBay.
If USB is your only option, you would need to use the camera connect kit made by Apple. It has a USB that will allow some keyboards to plug and play, however others draw too much power and require their own power supply.
I have been using the Kingston nucleum USB-C 7 in 1 and have not had any problems.
Kingston Nucleum USB C Hub, 7-in-1 Type-C Adapter Hub Connect USB 3.0, 4K HDMI, SD and MicroSD Card, USB Type-C Charging for MacBook, Chromebook, and https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076BGJXTG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_mtqp5SHYcwf7S
What about this little guy?
I haven't tried it (!) but if I was in your shoes I think that's the one I would gamble on... And Amazon is real good about accepting returns if there is an issue.
Given how simple that keyboard is, I don't think it will require external power! (My Launchkey Mini has a ton of illuminated pads, etc.)
But you can check the reviews and questions and see if anyone else tried it! GOod luck!
This is what I have so it should be good for u. It charges the ipad also Tiergrade USB C Hub, 8-in-1 Type C Hub, USB C to 4K HDMI, 2 USB3.0, Power Delivery, SD/TF Card Reader, USB C Port, Mic/Audio for MacBook Air/Pro and Other USB C Laptops (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WD9XP39/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_F7YR0MRH7VR0GQ8MM5RM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These are highly recommend by musicians on a budget. You can search youtube and find multiple reviews. For the money, these are the ones to grab.
Presonus Eris E3.5-3.5" Near Field Studio Monitor (wired)
I'm using this one I got from Amazon for $27:
It powers a Launchkey Mini while delivering power to the iPad at the same time -- so I can use it continuously with no battery concern. It also has a 3.5mm headphone output which is important.
The only issue I've had with it is -- it usually takes me 2 tries to get the power to register on the iPad. I think I have to connect it in the correct order, so if it doesn't work the first time I just reconnect it and that's fixed it every time.
Rather than use the camera connector you should just use a powered hub that will charge your iPad.
This worked great for me. If you plug in an official Apple charger into the pass-through USB power, it will charge your iPad and give you three USB hubs.
I would say don't use the camera connector for pass through power, it probably won't work.
I use this one:
I would recommend it with hesitation. The hesitation is only that you have to connect it in a certain order in order to use USB and get power at the same time. So about half the time I plug it in -- I have to plug it in a second time for power to register.
That said, it works well with my Novation Launchkey Mini keyboard, which incidentally uses an unusual amount of USB power, for a keyboard.
I haven't tried it with my Focusrite yet.
I use the Kingston nucleum. It has 2 USB A ports, 2 USB C (one for charging and the other for data or in this case audio out), microSD and SD and then Ethernet. Been using it for 2 years and it works great. To get audio out I just use the USB C to 3.5mm adapter from Apple on the USB C port on the hub. It works great and I’ve never had any problems.
I'm wondering if something as simple as this could work? All i need is a standard USB socket for the Roland Midi interface. Hopefully I've got the right "gender"?
Ah, yes. The headphone jack. That's what I was calling the aux jack.
The lightning port isn't open for use since I use that to connect my midi controller.
So, you're saying that it is in fact possible to have a mic input while also monitering the audio using a splitter? It's just that my splitter might not be the right one? That would kind of make sense because there were people in the amazon review section of the mic I got saying they do just that. here is a link to the splitter I got.
My only worry I guess, is that if it were the splitter at fault, I would expect there to be noise coming out of the ipad when I'm not using the splitter and just plugging in the external mic. What happens, however, is that all sound is removed. As if I was using ASIO for all on my laptop in a DAW and attempting to watch a youtube video.
Your best bet might be to use a headphone adapter which makes your iPad believe you’re using headphones without a mic. These are cheap, they don’t have to be sophisticated: I use this one - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0095ZGCIK/ , cost me less than £2 (UK).
I’m 3 weeks in myself, so I thank you for asking this question because I hope to learn some things, too! That said, so far I’ve learned that if you want to plug into a pa, use the apple camera kit, not a knock-off. You’ll need to power your ipad while connected to the keyboard because it sucks out power. I’ve successfully been using the magic keyboard plugged in, Or you can also get a usb hub connected to the camera kit to do that as well. You’ll also need to make sure the hub has headphones/audio out. It didn’t work to use USB-c out from the camera kit while the USB-A was going into the ipad (Much to my dismay.). Instead, what worked was having the midi cable plugged into the hub; 1/8 inch out of the headphone jack (which I had converted to a 1/4 instrument cable into a direct box); Hub plugged into USB-A of the camera kit. LAST is plugging the USB-C end of the camera kit into the ipad. For some reason the order mattered. I also wonder if the ipad has to start at full/mostly full power. Like I said, I’m a noob.
Edit: the magic hub, courtesy of the wonderful Pete Johns: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HPMHOY0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks again for the tip! I'll sure going to check out for that app.
This microphone is something I heard good things about... do you know anything about the brand/quality?
Like this one. But without 3,5 and HDMI.
I'm sure there are other brands and options.
I have an iPad Mini 4 that struggles but my 1st Gen iPad Pro 12.9” is great and sounds heaps better too. Maybe you can order from the US via Amazon.
This is trying to be part of a busking set up so I need it to be as portable as possible. Right now I'm looking at this https://www.amazon.com/IK-Multimedia-microphone-smartphones-tablets/dp/B007534LFK and an xlr lavalier microphone. My question now is 1, will that work? and 2 is there a better solution?
This is the product: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L3W79R3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
My OG charger is plugged into the hub, and the hub is plugged into the iPad (via built-in USB-C port). It worked for a week, including providing power to my Behringer interface.
Now the iPad says "Not Charging" whenever plugged in. OG brick works fine.
Ok, last question, I swear. I've narrowed it down to using a headphone / mic splitter like this, and using a lapel mic like this which doesn't need batteries. My question is, will this work? Or will there not be enough power for the output and input? much like what would happen if I tried to split it to two headphones at once
sorry if this question is dumb I just really don't know enough about this to figure out what search terms to look for
They are unfortunately vague about specs. But this one does supply a 2.1A for the ipad. I even have it powering a Moog Sirin. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VDVCQ84/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I have one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B076BGJXTG/ref=pe_3187911_189395841_TE_dp_3
Can use it with keyboard and headphones (with USB to 3.5 adapter which I got anyway due to lack of jack)
Absolutely wrong. The Makers4Good Rockit has one plug and two jacks. One jack is the headphone output, and the other is the mic input. The input is mic level, so you have to knock the other output way back, but it works on all my iPads.
Wow...so much information. Great. Thank you.
I have an eye on the Behringer UMC404HD as an Audio-interface because of its price and the 4 inputs: 2 inputs for the stereo-signal out of my mixer and 1 for a microphone because i would like to experiment with vocals in the future.
I already own a mixer and i like it a lot: small price, decent audio quality and small footprint. It's this little fella: Maker Hart LOOP MIXER
The existence of a "hum destroyer" and "reamps" are completely new to me but both sounds like great tools. Thanks. I will consider them if the planned setup won't work as intended.
No, not a cable: some Lightning female to USB-C male adapter, like this but with data/audio support (check the comments).
That SUUUCCCKKSS.... Amazon has 1 left for $40 more. https://www.amazon.com/Decibel-Eleven-Switch-Controller-Switcher/dp/B00H9IL9PG/
I'll search around some gear sites tonight and PM you if I find any at a better price.
U could try one of these Sabrent USB External Stereo Sound Adapter for Windows and Mac. Plug and play No drivers Needed. [Black] (AU-MMSA) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00IRVQ0F8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_rk98ybXDBZF9H Works with the camera connection kit if u hav that already. Then u just plug ur 3.5 mm jacks in. I use it with my po sub
And the keyboard i use is the AKAI MPKmini: https://www.amazon.com/Akai-Professional-MPK-Mini-Controller/dp/B00IJ6QAO2/ref=sr_1_1?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1480882934&sr=1-1&keywords=akai+mpk+mini
Both work great for me.
not in my experience, I use this one which also acts as a usb/midi hub in addition to audio in/out. For a stage setup, I have the ipad as the host device, hook up one or more controllers through usb or midi, and take the audio out from it.
Its been kind of a well kept secret (or oddly little fanfare) but there are actually (affordable) solutions to that now.
On top of that it lets you play and charge even an iPad at the same time!
The Novation Audiohub 2x4 should also solve the problem and has really great sound out and easy way to plug in multiple midi controllers. I'm kind of disappointed by the input choices though, and most of all that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to adjust the input other than a high/low switch.
It is possible it can charge an iPad at the same time also but it will be a trickle. One nice thing is the powered hub, but that of course means another powercable, but if you just want to use the audio part of the hub you can use it with just usb power.
I have both of these and they work, and will work together.
I have a pair of these, they are 2 speakers with great quality for about $125 bucks. They pair together so you can get good stereo separation.
Thanks for that tip. I got the Pluggable USB 3.0 7 port Hub - same day delivery too. It connected to the iPad easily through the Camera Connection kit and I was able to get the iRig Pads to come up with no problem.
I'm trying to integrate the iPad/iOS into something serious live, the only thing that appears to take care of audio/ MIDI routing and charges it so the damn thing won't run out of power mid way through a show is this thing... . http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UAD1NY4/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1O0DGOQYPZ923&coliid=I2HEDODWG6YIE5