If she's afraid of the EM field triggering your migraines, then no, there's isn't any evidence of that. If she's worried about staring at screens, then yes, that can be a legit worry. Fluorescent lights and computer screens are pretty common as direct triggers, and can also disrupt your circadian rhythms, put you off your sleep cycle, and make you more susceptible that way. You might try downloading f.lux onto your computer. It red-shifts the light from your screen based on the time of day, and makes it much easier on your eyes at night. Hope that helps.
I bought an ice hat after seeing something similar on this sub. It's changed my life. Ice packs help so much, but I could never get comfortable while trying to keep the ice pack in the right spot. With this ice hat, I can comfortably lie down and fall asleep while keeping my whole head wrapped in icy goodness. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FGWLDOE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ysKZCbQDEKA93
I use this one, seems to help, but only if I sleep with my head in the middle. Sometimes I wake up on my side, on the edge of the pillow, and will have a head/neck ache, I think from unconsciously trying to hold my head from rolling into the divot.
Memory foam is always suppose to be on a bed frame, not on a spring box or on any type of surface that doesn’t allow air flow. I don’t know whether what’s on your mattress is causing your migraine but maybe it’s your actual mattress. We sleep for most of our lives and having a good, comfortable mattress is important.
Anyway this is the frame I got off Amazon for $65 for my memory foam mattress.
I use the app Migraine Buddy (link below). It includes tracking for severity, treatments, potential triggers, medications, location of the migraine and the amount of sleep that you are getting at night. This app also has a calendar that shows the sleep you are getting and the days with a migraine/headache. It also creates several charts and diagrams that make this information easy to read and share.
it won’t drip water in your eyes and it straps so you can walk around/roll around at ease... but are only cold for like 45 min. I have six. My best find so far.
If you usually get the same prescriptions, Amazon sells easy open pill bottles that you could tape the pill info sheet on and dump out each new CVS bottle for easy opening.
HEADACHE HAT The Original - Wearable Flexible Three Row Ice Pack for Migraines & Headache Relief Eye Mask Long Lasting Cooling No Mess Ice Therapy Stress Relief Tension Relief Standard Size (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FGWLDR6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7EiiFbYW9NQ6Q
Oh, and link for Android app (I think there's an iPhone version too). It's a really good app for tracking your migs. I find it invaluable when talking to doctors as you have a full record of all your migs.
Have you ever seen this picture that was all over the place many years ago? There's something to what you tried! My neuro explained that their current best understanding of a migraine is that a constriction of your blood vessels causes (can cause) an aura, then rapid dilation brings on the pain. I've also heard it described as blood pressure problems in the brain, which would explain why BP meds are helpful for some in preventing migraines. Ice/cold helps constrict those dilated vessels while heat on the extremities dilates vessels there, drawing blood to the extremities and, presumably, away from the brain. Anyway, glad it worked for you!! Nothing wrong with weird if it works!
I use a seam ripper to free medication trapped in torture packaging. I just rip open the back of the packaging with it lol. I keep one in the medicine cabinet, my travel meds kit, and my night stand.
E: to clarify
I have this almost daily, literally happening right now on my left side. I found this helps me with that neck pain and also the tension headaches and migraines I get:
Not OP but I was very interested in this and I have SCOURED the internet for the last 10 mins and it looks like they would be prescription only. There are a couple of sprays that looks like the could go up your nose but most have alcohol in which seems like a terrible idea to put up your nose. Also learned that men use lidocaine on their privates to stop from cumming so fast which I’m sharing so now we all know, lol.
I hope you tried F.lux and it just wasn't good enough. (It's a program that can adjust colors, eg tune out blues, to reduce eyestrain)
Also: No modern TV or computer monitor should have detectable flicker aside from possibly the most second rate bargain bin chinesium panels. I haven't seen flicker since old CRT's.
Chronic migraneur here, I'm unable to work given my current state. Still trying out meds though, Botox just failed me and actually made things worse.
Anyway, few suggestions. Are you using a program called flux on your computer? That could help a bit. Also get a computer monitor that is PWM free or "flicker free." This will also help in reducing headaches. I use this monitor.
>I am not trying to be argumentative [...]
I didn’t think you were, and I’m sorry if it came across that I was. We simply disagree.
>[...] however, there is science behind the long term side effects. that doesn't mean that we know ALL of the side effects but saying there is "no science behind it" makes it sound as if we aren't making very educated guesses.
This is a new drug. They haven’t been studying it in humans over 10, 20, 40 year periods. That means there’s no studies on long term effects.
>at the end of the day, for ME, i can't continue to have daily headaches. it affects my life in such a huge way that the risk of possible side effects from aimovig is a risk i am very willing to take.
That’s fine. I’m not sure where I gave the impression people shouldn’t have a right to decide for themselves. I simply said I was wary, and many non-science based news articles are skimming over important points that involve potential risks. And all the reputable ones are straight up saying what I am: we don’t know the impact this will have on the human body with long term usage. Here’s just one:
>Because researchers have only studied these drugs for a few years, it's hard to know what long-term side effects they might cause. CGRP receptors are also found in your kidneys, pancreas, adrenal glands, and bones, and it’s not clear how the drugs will affect them after long-term use.
If it's the lighting in the office that bothers you, this won't be of much help, but if it's the computer screen that seems to set you off, see if you can get permission to install f.lux - it has changed my home life drastically! I'm at my computer most of the evening, so this reaaally helps. It can also be adjusted to lower the brightness/tint during daylight hours, too. Try it out at home and see!
Flying gets me every time. Flying is super dehydrating; it's like being in a desert the air is so dry
I dont know if I have photophobia, but I do tend to get some eye strain. I've had alot of success with the application called F.lux
Some people use it to slowly dim throughout the day, I just have it set to the darkness setting for all times of the day.
That stuff coming out after all the food has been regurgitated is liver bile.
I've made this recommendation once before today, but please look up this link and see if it helps:
I eliminated the middle-of-the-night bouts of projectile vomiting by taking 500 mg of L-Carnitine, as recommended by the "Lifestyles and Home Remedies" section of this website. I also tried the meal before bedtime and the COQ 10, but I did not need them. It took a few months, but the "vomiting option" disappeared from my migraine menu. No more nights on the bathroom floor.
Its doubtful that any one here can help more than the doctors. Migraines have a billion triggers and are hard to treat as a result. For me, Sumatriptan worked pretty well, but Nurtec is like magic. But those dont work for everyone.
For what it's worth, I found that magnesium supplements, being very careful about my water intake, and cutting refined sugar did more to prevent my migraines than half the meds I've been given.
In terms of what to do when you have one- heated blanket, ice pack mask, the little acurelief things ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079RN8FHR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_4C378S4NJAJMQMJP0YF4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=). Not even sure how to describe this next one, but it's a DIY thing- a loooong knee sock filled with rice that you can microwave and then put on your neck/shoulders, gives a nice warm weight.
Here are some things that I keep nearby that can also look cute in a gift bag!
A freezy gel sleep mask (Like this https://www.amazon.com/Winmoom-Sleeping-Insomnia-Blindfold-Eyeshade/dp/B07KRSGQ92/ref=sr_1_49?dchild=1&keywords=gel+ice+sleep+mask&qid=1605745103&sr=8-49 ), A cute pill box to keep her pain meds on the go, A stuffed animal that can be heated up in the microwave (just search microwave plush), pretty water bottle, Tiger Balm, cooling gel forehead patch, a small cute bedside trashcan to hurl in (ok maybe not lol)
I use an app called migraine buddy, it's there on my phone to remind me and once you've logged the start of it, it shows a little icon to remind you to complete the log. It's very useful and shows you things like average length of attack, sleep, common trigger etc. It's available on Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.healint.migraineapp
My SIL is an NP and said that tingling or numbness can be an aura, just a less common type. I wake up with numbness normally in my legs. Most of the time I’ll wake up, readjust and go back to sleep. Then a few hours later (still night) I’ll have a migraine. Some nights it really is just cutting off circulation though. Here’s a link to the webmd article: https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/what-is-a-migraine-with-aura
You may want to put more focus on *preventing* getting headaches in the first place. If you find the right changes, you might not need pain medicines at all. I'd recommend checking out the book "The Migraine Miracle" by Josh Turknett. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ECLGAL6/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 While the book is about specific dietary changes (which you can take or leave), I think some of the other chapters will be very helpful to you. One walks through all the different types of pain medications (which some other commentators have mentioned). Another walks through all the different factors (sleep, genetics, family history, foods, weather, whatever) that can contribute to causing a migraine. You may be able to identify the largest risk factors you have and change some of them.
There's an app called Migraine Buddy that you might consider to help with your tracking. You can use it to track symptoms, the start/stop of your migraines, the medications you take, the non-medication actions you take for relief, and notes on what outcomes you see. This is going to be critical for this doctor (or a neurologist specialist) to help with your treatment.
I highly recommend talking to a neurologist if you can. There are preventive medications that - if they work for you - will leave you no need for pain meds of any kind. I'm on Ajovy and it's been *life-changing*. I don't even have an active prescription for a pain medicine *because I haven't used one in years.*
I'm sorry you've had such trouble with your treatment and ended up in this place. I hope you are able to get good advice and see significant improvement.
I use this when the attack is particulary painful and the rescue meds don't work so well. A very kind person in this sub group recommended it and it works for me. 30 minutes with my eyes closed and this on makes the pain subside. gel eye mask, $7.64 Amazon Hope you feel better soon.
I can recommend this one.
It's the only type of "migraine hat" (as I call them) that I've tried. It has really helped me. On occasion it will even stop a migraine in its tracks before it takes hold. I put my migraine hat on my head, an ice pack on the back of the neck, a heating pad on the stomach and I am off to the races.
The cap is designed so that you can pull it down over your eyes, which I find very helpful as I get a lot of pain there. But I do often wear it after the ice has warmed up because the cap is snug enough to give provide a slight pressure that also gives me some relief.
The only thing to say is that the ice warms up rather quickly, probably because the packs are flush against your skin continuously. Your post has reminded me that I've been meaning to order a second one for this reason, so I just did.
Good luck!
Have you ever tried rubber ones like these? I don't much care for the expanding foam either and have found these to be a bit more comfortable to wear.
I use three of these on rotation. It’s the most blessed thing out there for a headache, good old ice.
This ice pack: The Coldest Water
This topical pain cream: China Gel
I tried using something like this and it was helpful. However, it required more information than I was capable of providing while I was having the migraine, and I often forgot to enter the migraine if I waited till after the episode.
So for those of you who want something with a few less bells and whistles, I use my period tracker (P Tracker) as a migraine tracker as well. In addition to telling it when you start and stop your period, you can also tell it when you have symptoms, headache being one of maybe 10 to choose from. Now you only get to choose from low, medium and high as far as intensity but there is a section for notes where you can put down more specifics. I like it because I can very quickly note that I'm having a migraine and then go back and write more about it later if I want to. Of course there are no metrics and you can't export things to your doctor, but since my migraines are strongly linked to my periods I find it nice to have everything in one place.
Edit: Period Tracker Android and Period Tracker iPhone
If you haven't dabbled yet, there are browser extensions like stylish (chrome), which have dark themes for most of the popular websites. There is also the desktop app f.lux which allow you to darken, and change the colors of the entire monitor, removing all blue light. The whitest whites on my monitor look like a dim yellow candle, totally non blinding, specially when migraining out. This has been huge for me. You can go from 6500k (daylight) all the way down to 1200k (ember). Working at a desk all day this is so huge. If I hadn't discovered this years ago I wouldn't have been able to keep my day job, best of luck.
Definitely go to a neurologist! You don't need to suffer like this.
Habitual use of most over-the-counter painkillers does mess you up. I used to pop Advil like candy and I ended up with gastritis. (My gastroenterologist was instantly able to diagnose me when I told him I'd been taking three Advil at a time, 5+ times a week, for more than a decade!) Frequent use of NSAIDs, the class of drugs that aspirin and ibuprofen belong to, is one of the main causes of ulcers (https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/peptic-ulcer-overview#1).
It really is worth getting a prescription. Your neurologist may prescribe a triptan. I know people who have had a lot of luck with a sumatriptan like Imitrex.
If you need to go over-the-counter for whatever reason, and you're worried about what this is doing to your body, ask your doctor about switching to Tylenol or another acetaminophen (Excedrin contains acetaminophen and aspirin). This is what my gastroenterologist recommended I do and I think it's helped me to heal.
Good luck, and know that you're not alone.
Hmmm. Sorry you're dealing with this but glad I'm not alone. Thought I was going insane but I know I've lost some IQ points to this damn disorder.
I have problems finding words & remembering names, especially when a migraine is setting in/happening/has just happened. But my memory is just shit overall due to the migraines AND the Topiramate I take for them.
I try to do all the things they tell you to do to ward off dementia even though I'm just in my 30s:
take care of your heart by exercising often & eating right. Diabetes causes cognitive impairment & has an important causal role in dementia;
keep your mind active by learning new things & challenging yourself (simple computer games & video games don't count);
keep an active social circle;
if you snore, get tested for sleep apnea & get it treated ASAP. That can greatly contribute to memory problems or even speed up the onset of dementia.
Limit or avoid alcohol, anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl & benzodiazepines, as they can cause amnesia & memory problems.
Beyond that, I just write myself a looooot of To-Do lists & Post It notes & try to not sound drunk when talking to my mom. lol
My laptop and my computer both give me migraines. Turns out that it's because of the blue light.
I installed f.lux and it really seems to cut down on a lot of the pain. However the neck issue is because you're looking down. If you must use the laptop in bed, get a lap tray like the ones for breakfast in bed.
I just got this handy thing at Amazon. Super cute and holds a lot! Makes me feel a little like those old movie stars that carried train cases.medicine cabinet
For sure. I found it on Amazon, I think based on a recommendation from here. I dont pull it all the way down over my eyes but you could if you wanted to Headache and Migraine Relief Cap - A Headache Ice Mask or Hat Used for Migraines and Tension Headache Relief. Stretchy, Comfortable, Dark and Cool (by Magic Gel) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DG2Z1NH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LuMfFbA4HP8TD
Haven't used the alerts for weather in Migraine Buddy (which just got weather stuff in the Android app), but Barometer Reborn has alerts that might be useful for migraines.
My migraines were much worse when I lived east coast of Canada, but they are much more frequent since I moved to KY and we see almost every weather system that moves across the US.
Talk all this over with your doctor but have you considered taking the pill consistently (ie, not taking the placebo week before starting a new pack)? Some neuros can suggest this process to eliminate your cycle if it is too problematic for your migraines. A couple of things here, someone has already mentioned that if you have auras the pill isn't recommended at all. Also, you might hear from people that not having a period isn't safe or that taking the pill into your 30s isn't safe, neither of these are true. There are still risk factors (as with anything), but this process is more common than you think. Again, something to consider discussing with your doctor depending on your situation.
If you have to spend long hours in front of a computer, just try to pay attention to posture so you don't strain or cramp your neck. Try something like flux to keep bright lights to a minimum. Maybe cut down on caffeine if possible. If they persist make an appointment with a neurologist.
It may be that you're accidentally doing a relaxation/meditation type exercise that involves focusing your vision, and it helps you.
When I meditate away my minor migraines, it does cause my eyes to unfocus. Either way, good for you that you found something that works.
As always, I heavily recommend Flux to lower the amount of light your PC puts out to help with migraine, and sleeping. I'm assuming Nintendo still lets you dim your 3DS like I can do on my giant clunky silver DS.
I'll stick with my tried and true exercise for now.
Android's Twilight is great -- it even lets you dim the display by an extra 80%!
Apple doesn't like "outsiders" touching their "precious display", so there aren't any apps like this for iOS devices anymore. The most recent version of iOS has something similar to F.lux/Twilight built in, but if your device is running some version before iOS ~10.x, I'm pretty sure you're SOL.
(I was looking for something to dim/de-blue my old iPad/iPod, but they're so old they can't run anything over 9.3.5. It might still be possible, but definitely not easy afaik...)
Have you gotten an MRI? There are some conditions in the neck that trigger a lot of migraines, such as a chiari malformation
Don’t wanna freak you out, I have it and it’s not much of an issue. I have noticed neck pain can be a trigger though.
Although cyclic vomiting syndrome used to be considered a condition that was limited to children and often referred to as "stomach migraines," the syndrome has become more widely defined to include adults.
If you try following the "home remedies" listed on the Mayo Clinic site, you may find that your symptoms disappear. I started taking 500 mg of L-Carnitine (which is a very cheap supplement) before bedtime, and although I still get other types of migraine triggers, the ones that got me running out of my bedroom in the middle of the night to empty my stomach contents like the world depended on it have disappeared.
Migraine symptoms/aura without pain (or with little pain) are known as acephalgic migraines. I get these sometimes.
Try to keep snacks handy if hunger is a trigger for you. Dim screens (monitor, phone, etc) to help that trigger - F.lux is great for PCs.
It might be worth laying off the weed for a week to see if you notice less migraines. Different people have different triggers.
I don't know much about macs but it looks like you can use that or a similar program. If I'm stuck using another computer even turning down the brightness helps a lot.
Sorry for your experience. I have seen reports of using ketamine for migraines as an abortive and a preventative.
Weather changes (and extreme weather conditions) are also one of my two uncontrollable triggers (the other being hormones). The only thing that has helped for me is to be hyper-vigilant about as many other triggers as I can, so that my overall threshold is higher. Not a perfect solution, but it does seem to help.
I did see this recently: Long-acting triptans and weather-related migraines
I totally second this! Although I have one with arm bands so you can better adjust & hold where you need it. I highly highly highly recommend it, it's provided me with amazing relief when ice packs just won't cut it.
I can't find the exact model at the moment, since I didn't buy mine online, but this model is similar: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PQRWQD9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_F03QGCJPPK83MDA37R1K?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I'm not exaggerating when I say I literally pull this out at least once a week, if not more. The speed adjustment is a really great feature too.
Yes! I couldn’t find the exact ice pack I use but this is very close. It’s nice because it comes with two ice packs so you can switch them out. I used it while driving cross country since I get migraines while I drive. It was a life saver.
For my neck, I found this at Target. It really helps with the tension I get in my neck and shoulders. The one I have smells like lavender when heated up, which is a pro and a con depending on the migraine.
I hope that helps!
I'm about to invest in emergency mess bags for this reason. For vomit and if I can't make it the bathroom. The ones I'm looking at turn the fluids to gel and you can seal the bag and toss it. They're called TravelJohns
Quick question, have you noticed any other triggers of your migraines?? For me its hunger, i cant stay with out it, if i skip any meal or dont fill my tummy full. It will trigger my migraines. Else now its my sleep pattern because i only fall asleep in night no matter how tired or sick im. If i miss that window, the next day it will be my worst migraine.
I really know how you feel. Also try Migraine Glasses ?? Wearing these helps tackling bright lights
Huh, weird!
Maybe stress is your trigger? I've definitely felt a tension headache start, then turn into a migraine later... I can always feel it in my neck, like at the base of the skull area. I always feel stress in my shoulders and neck :(
I got one of these handy little massager nubs that I use on my neck/head. It took some time to figure out how to use it and how much pressure to use, but it helps me sometimes when I can feel myself tensing up.
Also, meditation and mindful relaxation might help too. I am absolutely terrible about doing it, but sometimes I try using a guided meditation app or video or something to try and relax a little.
I hope you're able to figure something out! Getting a migraine every time you work in the office would be terrible! I could even see it getting worse if it is stress related, because if you are in pain every time you go in, you'll start stressing about the pain before you even get there, creating a horrible pain loop cycle!
Maybe try going in on different days if they'll let you? Maybe its someone's perfume or deodorant!
My people! I give you the Edge IR5 light welding safety glasses.
They are neither fashionable nor alluring. But the bright sun shall bother you no more!
My boyfriend lit the fire place as one does in February when there’s snow on the ground and I was like, i need an ice pack. I just ordered one of these I’ll let you know how it goes. Amazon $8 headband ice pack
Some people react well to polarized sunglasses.
I prefer ultra dark: https://www.amazon.com/Edge-Eyewear-DZ11-IR5-G2-Zorge-G2/dp/B00OYIRVYM/
Amazon has a great sleep mask that will cover both eyes. It has space over the eyes so you can still blink of open your eyes without your eyelashes dragging. Does not apply pressure though, and like I said it will cover both eyes.
I believe magnesium is absorbed better when applied topically. I bought a magnesium spray on Amazon.
Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Spray 8 oz - Pure Genuine Zechstein Magnesium Chloride Supplement - Best Topical Skin Application for Dermal Absorption https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001AD0HL8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_9wGqBbWM7G6BZ
I think the theraspecs are FL-41.
Edit: confirmed they are: https://www.theraspecs.com/fl-41-glasses/
Btw you can get a non-prescription pair of theraspecs for $100 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F8QIKF8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fIt9Bb0Y7DTHY
This sort of ice spray directly on the head can work too. Not/not in the eyes. Spray for a few seconds right where the migraine hurts most. You should trigger a bit of a migraine spike. Then let go and when the pain stops, it takes the migraine with it. Or it does with me, most times.
Not a doctor.
IMAK Compression Pain Relief Mask and Eye Pillow, Cold Therapy Headache, Migraine, Sinus Pain, Patented, Universal Size https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001HTYJLO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_F2kiFbDD0Q11W
Consider this one too! It’s weighted so it provides relief and stays in place, and it stays cold for a while. I have a few so I can rotate them in the freeze when needed. Currently laying in my bath tub with an ice hat on my head and a soft ice pack tied loosely around my neck.
I'll type it LOL it says:
Fact: Exploding head syndrome is a rare phenomenon in which a person approaching deep sleep experiences a load band in his head that sounds like a bomb exploding or similarly loud noise. Though the event seems to originate from inside the head, it is an illusion and does no physical damage to its victim.
Then it's got a zinger at the end, "Exploding head syndrome sounds a lot like a hangover"
It's a hilarious calendar, it's got some facts that make you go "WHAT ON EARTH" and some that are funny, some scary, it's really good. I got it on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Facts-That-Scare-Daily-Calendar/dp/1507210655. I usually get one every year since I like them so much, have had one every year for like 3 years now.
Take rizatriptan and excederin migraine
drink a monster (rehab kind if I can get it)
grab my headache hat I got on Amazon
listen to this in headphones
drink plenty of water
> For me my speech stays fine (I think...) but my brain just stops producing words.
Well, yeah.
> I’ve wondered if anyone’s ever had little cards printed up
oh I should also mention: there is an Android app called Sleep by Urbandroid Team https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.urbandroid.sleep
It can tell you when you are sleeping or awake by whether you are rolling around in bed or lying still. If you set your alarm for 7:30 a.m., it will go off sometime between 7 am and 7.30, when you are already partially awake. Somehow this gentle method of waking up, makes me feel MORE AWAKE and have less migraines than a regular alarm, to a degree I would not have believed possible without this personal experience. I set the alarm to be crickets, and it starts out soft and gets louder. This alone has allowed me to change my sleeping habits by setting the alarm slowly earlier and earlier; trying this with a normal alarm was a miserable failure, and ended in great pain and unhappiness.
on android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sebmorand.brightcom
With this app there will be a sliding control in your notification area so you can dim your screen very very easily. This is a life saver.
Mindfulness might help your pain. Check out Full Catastrophe Living by Kabatt-Zinn. It won't make it go away, but it might dial it down a level or two. https://www.amazon.com/Full-Catastrophe-Living-Mindfulness-Meditation/dp/0749915854
Have you ever considered MMJ or CBD oil?
I had this problem when I first started going chronic.
Initially, I used thick tracing paper and literally taped it over the screen. This actually worked quite well for reading with enlarged/enhanced text, a bit like a kindle with the brightness all the way down, although for pics and everything else it's a bit too much (plus inconvenient).
I find black screens/white text are miles easier to read in general. On my phone I have 'redditisfun' android app, which has a perfect black theme. I also have a screen reader for bad days, just load up an article and boom, read aloud by a surprisingly human sounding voice.
My biggest improvement, however, came when I replaced my monitor with a Benq EW2440, thanks to the advice in this thread. They've stopped manufacturing them but I found some through google. Being able to turn the brightness down to a whimper but retain the luminosity to read is heavenly. It will always be something I look for going forward.
This makes a really small difference but still worth doing - download flux on your computer. It's a free blue light filter you can set to your own preference and on a timer to adjust at certain times of the day. It's made a difference for me. Unfortunately with my job though I have to take screenshots a lot of the time so I can't use it as it alters the colours in the images. But it could work well for you if you are reading and writing.
Migraine postdromal stage is very real. If your partner can't have empathy, leave them. It's easier than putting up with their selfishness. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about this anymore. I've been with my fair share of people that don't understand migraines and the toll they take on my health. Including depression and the feelings of not being adequate. I've had migraines since I was 12. For the majority of my life, over 20 years I've had to let people go that can't understand, including jobs here and there. Overall, it's nearly difficult to explain to someone that doesn't get migraines the severity of how bad they can be and the amount of rest needed to recover after a severe one.
I hope your partner learns to understand more about your condition for your sake. Migraines are forever for me, unfortunately even with daily medicine I do what I can to try to prevent them but some can't be prevented so surrounding myself with people that understand the condition and have empathy has tremendously helped.
Migraines are debilitating, worst of all is being judged for having them as if this is something we chose for ourselves.
I did not know the blue ones were adequate. I've always been told to avoid fluorescent light (blue spectrum) and use the more yellow ones. For the computer screen I use f.lux and it helps me a lot.
"Some people believe that rutin can strengthen blood vessels..." (WebMD)
I guess anything to do with blood vessels can potentially help, though YMMV?
No idea on side-effects; do you have a neurologist? If not, maybe a local pharmacist can help there?
Tyramine, also known by several other names, is a naturally occurring trace amine derived from the amino acid tyrosine.
I find it varies what you can't consume depending on your sensitivity. I am sensitive enough to getting migraines where bread, avocados, ripe bananas, eggs.. all off the table for me.
I think it's just in the desktop version. Here's a link to Philadelphia's, and the location will probably update for you when you open it. https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/philadelphia/19102/migraine-weather/350540
Also audiobooks, your local library should probably have things to rent online and librivox is amazing. I generally like to listen to things I've already read so I don't feel like I miss anything...
I highly recommend: https://librivox.org/the-count-of-monte-cristo-version-3-by-alexandre-dumas/
"'Migraine" is not a synonym for "really bad headache." It's a specific type of neurological disorder that's more similar to epilepsy than to a regular tension headache. That's why epilepsy drugs like Topiramate & Depakote are prescribed for migraine. Head pain is only one symptom of a migraine. There are many others including nausea, light sensitivity, difficulty speaking & visual impairment. There are 150 different types of headache according to WebMD, with tension headaches being the most common. While symptoms may be managed with medications & lifestyle alterations, there is no cure for migraine."
--- Traci H
(Feel free to alter & edit as you wish).
You have to jailbreak your phone, and the program is called f.lux
I thought 7.1.2 was jailbreak-able? (see also /r/jailbreak)
I am refusing to upgrade from 7.0
My migraines are nearly daily.
Do they happen after they eat or drink anything? Processed meat, gluten, citric acid can all be triggers
Have you checked the weather during the day? Pick a city and see if changes in barometric pressure are associated with it. I get one when it rains...
And see a neurologist
My auras are white circles that are on the periphery and travel across the edge of my vision to the other side. It lasts 2-5 seconds and occurs pretty much every hour of every day, but much more frequently when I'm about to have a headache, and there are multiple circles before headaches too (but that can also happen when I don't get a headache). I've never had a classic migraine aura (never linear, never beginning in the center and expanding, never long duration, etc.)
Duration of seconds to a minute is more characteristic of occipital seizures than migraine, as well as some of the other characteristics of mine, but there are also characteristics of mine that would be rare for seizures (This is a handy chart for the frequencies of various characteristics between basilar migraine, migraine with aura, and occipital seizures).
TIA and stroke usually involve negative symptoms (like blindness, paralysis, lost speech, etc.) and occur abruptly with no progression.
It's probably just migraines if your history is otherwise typical of migraines, but it's always worth mentioning to your neurologist.
Some of us are just lucky:
I get migraines with aura during the day, usually from sensory triggers--light, smell, and sound.
I get cervicogenic migraines from too many years with my nose stuck in a book or staring at a computer.
The one form that I have managed to get almost 100% under control sounds a lot like what you are describing as your night episodes--in particular, read the blurb about home remedies. I take 500 mg of L-Carnitine before bed, and this almost never happens to me any more:
When I first discovered this diagnosis (with a little help from my doctor, who had never heard of it), I recognized it as a pattern I had in childhood and adolescence. It came back to visit as I became post-menopausal, and at that time, it was still being described as a childhood illness. All part of the continuing adventure to keep us from getting bored.
I know that feeling of helplessness. It's awful.
My migraines started about 22 years ago (I'm 34 now). At the peak I was having pretty moderate attacks about 4 days a week and had some amount of pain every day.
I've slowly improved my situation over the years, but they're still a major part of my life.
If you ever want to chat, feel free to ping me.
Also, keep in mind that migraines may ease with age .
If your time is worth anything and you have any budget I strongly recommend upgrading to a flicker-free LCD display. The BenQ GW2470 is a solid budget-friendly pick. Once acquired, activate the maximum blue light filtering built-into the display.
Either way, also install Iris Mini (https://iristech.co/iris-mini/) and activate the color filter to around 1950 Kelvin.
Consider also using reddish/brown polarized sunglasses.
In case you still want to use computers at home, f.lux and Dimmer make them much more tolerable.
F.lux does blue light filtering and Dimmer lets you dim way past factory defaults.
And there are also dark mode extensions for web browsers.
There's a reason why you get it in the jaw. I left you recorded feedback. I hope it gives you some clarity. :)
I have pain there too sometimes minimal, sometimes a lot. It's a muscle actually. Botox will help you!
Botox injections are part art and part science. The quality of the treatment is directly proportional to the skill of the Neurologist doing the injections. The Neurologist that does my injections trains other Neurologists and he said they have differing skill.
The Neurologist said 99.5% of his patients have no migraines after one year of injections and some have been on them for 20 years. It figures I am the 0.5% and the only one he has seen that Botox has not eliminated the migraine pain.
You can get a partial reimbursement from the makers of Botox at https://www.botoxsavingscard.com/ . You have to submit a claim form for every visit with the EOB from your insurance company showing what you are responsible for paying and they will send you a debit card with the amount reimbursed
Edit: A good way to see if Botox injections will help you is when you have a migraine and are not on Botox, press on the corrugator supercilii muscle, upper part of the eye socket, for a few minutes and see if the pain dissipates. If it does, then an injection in that muscle will help, but again, the doctor must be able to consistently inject into the muscle at the right point or it will not work.
MIAODAM Adjustable Mask Extender Strap, Mask Ear Saver, Mask Holder, Mask Strap, Masks Extension Masks Buckle Ear Protectors (5PCS, Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0874Q4J3Y/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_03Q2PRK3JA5DAZZ0Z97Z
Amazon sells plastic clips that you can hook your mask to, rather than your ears. Sets to the back of the head without squeezing. Try those. You can get about 5 for $10, I think? Great for long shifts. I can barely handle my glasses on my nose, let alone anything else. These clips are great.
I don't know your office situation, but when I had my own office I asked for a small budget so that I could buy a few lamps for the office that I could keep the overheads off, and when I had a shared space I asked for fluorescent covers to be put over the lights directly over my desk. I also asked that an anti-glare screen be provided for my computer screen. I ended up buying my own blue light glasses because I wanted to take them with me after I left the job. Screens and light were huge triggers for me, and once I had the lamps and the anti-glare screen, my life got so much better!
One I like is OMG nutrition magnesium drink mix. I get it from Amazon (US):
OMG! Nutrition Magnesium Glycinate Chelate Drink Mix | Supplement for Stress Relief and Better Sleep – Tasty, High Absorption, Stomach Friendly, Vegan | 30 Serving Canister Tropical Punch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097KV1D15/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_82FCDCT3SX2HC0TPAYMP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
There are probably better ones out there but this has been helpful for me, for muscles, sleep, and migraine.
Making banana tea is even more helpful but it’s hard to beat the convenience of a drink mix.
I use these. They are awesome. It may look silly but I don’t have a migraine!
HEADACHE HAT The Original - Wearable Flexible Three Row Ice Pack for Migraines & Tension Headaches Eye Mask Long Lasting Cooling No Mess Ice Therapy Stress Relief Tension Relief Standard Size (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FGWLDR6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RGV6TNXR42V9237RV7PV
I'm super with you on the blue blocking in the lenses. That really helps.
As far as head pain, for me I find that the glasses themselves are not the issue. They just happen to be there thing resting on the parts of my head that are starting to swell. I definitely get a lot of swelling around my eyes with migraines. If I can treat the swelling, I do pretty good. I take antihistamines (allergy meds), anti-inflammatory meds, ice, and Hoe Hin White Flower analgesic balm on the temples, behind the ears and some particularly bothersome points on my neck. Don't get the stuff too close to your eyes because it is very powerful.
My partner having a similar issue bought glasses with a really skinny frame that weighed next to nothing and that helped her. We use Zenni https://www.zennioptical.com/ in case anyone needs the link. Glasses are actually affordable from them and I really like the blue blockers.
I also have silicone soft cushions that fit over the ends that rest on my ears. I don't remember which seller I bought from, but I linked basically the same thing. Searching showed a lot of other cushion types. These actually relieve a LOT of pressure. It looks there are all sorts of cushions for ears and nose. If you do anything, I suggest getting a pack of these. https://www.amazon.com/DNHCLL-Silicone-Eyeglass-Eyeglasses-Sunglasses/dp/B07RWX7HJ8/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=ear+cushions+for+eyeglasses&qid=1618850896&sr=8-3
I'm sorry you are going through this struggle. This is a weird share, but you reminded me of a book I read. I have irregular abdominal migraines, so for me it's sometimes hard to explain to others without them that my migraines are even more weird. My brother randomly found me a graphic novel about a guy who suffers from epilepsy.
I have to say reading it, I understood the author and I immediately had a shared understanding of his experiences even though we differ.
I recommend this book for two reasons. Reading this made me feel less alone. I also felt that the way he communicated his experiences, I could shared this book with people who didn't understand how I felt, and I could then point to it and go do you see that? That is me. That is how I feel.
I know this is random, but I hope it is useful. Feel better, dear redditor.
Me too. Sigh.
I’m not sure how they work with migraines, but my daughter has terrible motion sickness (made worse by allergies and phlegm). We were recommended these crazy looking glasses from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sickness-Glasses-Ultra-Light-Portable-Seasickness/dp/B0871FGQB4/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=motion+sickness+glasses&qid=1613239974&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExUzlXMTYyTFo...
I get nothing from you buying them. My kid hasn’t puked once, and she was doing so at least twice or three times a week. They’re not insanely expensive and they seem to work well at tricking the brain.
Oh! Do you have a link? I got this thing and it helps some if I'm diligent about using it, which I'm not! I always am good about that stuff until I feel better and then I stop, which is so dumb.
I wanted to share the following here just in case anyone needed the information. We couldn't afford a mouth guard because out of pocket was going to be $500. But the lab that I linked sends you the mould kit to do yourself and then you send it back to them. They make the bite guard (we went with 3mm thick for each of us) and send it back to you and they are really good about fixing issues if there is an issue with the mould or something. This is $130 for one bite guard. (We bought one for each of us.) For my partner, this was a must have because she grinds at night while she's sleeping and was waking up with head pain.
And we do use CBD too. That does help in a lot of ways with the chronic illness and mental health stuff that we deal with.
I have something like this: https://www.amazon.com/SHD-Keychain-Waterproof-Stainless-Organizer/dp/B075K6W7JZ
Big enough for two excederin and a packaged triptan, plus a dose of topamax for if I forget to take it before leaving. It hooks onto my keys so I never leave the house without it. It's saved my bacon more than a few times.