For that type of sound, you'll definitely want multi oscilators on thor and tube distortion on scream. I personally don't produce DnB or Dubstep so trying to replicate this sound out was completely new to me. But i think I got pretty close to the sound in the song. If you want (and anyone else for that matter), shoot me a pm and I'll upload the combinator file. But you're going to have to do a hell of of a lot of automation and tweaking to get the wub wub effect in the video.
Absolutely, producing in general is actually quite hard without prior knowledge of music theory or playing an instrument.
I produce progressive house and I like to start with a chord progression with the signature thumping bass of house and my cookie cutter thor house synth. Then I just go from there: maybe work on the buildup, elaborate on the drums, tweak thor settings, etc.
EDIT: uploaded combinator file for the synth:
Pm me if you any additional questions.
Hey there. I made this thing after watching the video. And I put some Combi controls, too. If you want to change other variables, you gotta go into it. :V
I use Adobe Premiere, but that has a monthly subscription fee. I know many people who use the free version of Davincii Resolve though. Worth a look.
Maybe check out the free VST Helm? It's quite visual so can be a good tool for learning what's happening "under the hood".
On Youtube there's Underdog Music School's "Intro to Subtractive Synthesis" which is less than 20 minutes long and might be helpful for understanding some terms.
There might be better videos out there, I just remember liking this guy's content. I've only watched the first 2 minutes of the video but it seems grounded.
In the sidebar there are some links to other subreddits that aren't Reason focused, you're likely to find a lot more useful resources there if you're not using Reason as a DAW or plugin.
That's kind of silly if you ask me (a stereo file is technically "dual-mono"). But whatever. I would just bounce out as usual, to a stereo WAV, open it Audacity ( Click the title of the track on the timeline (has a little down arrow) and then click Split Stereo Track. Then click File>Export Multiple to export each track out as mono WAV files.
Well in hopes of putting an end to this debate again. Here's an A-B comparison of a wav-loop. One is from Reason and the one is from Ableton Live.
To prove the non-existing difference between their audio-engines, try playing the clips side-by-side and invert the phase on one of them, you'll hear silence.
EDIT: Also added the wav played through an NN-XT. The phases do not entirely cancel each other out (but it's very close), I suspect this is mostly because I had to manually try to match the gain in the NN-XT clip to match the other two.
Your interface only has 2 outputs and 1 headphone jack (and I'm guessing the headphone jack mirrors the stereo output on the back.) You can have the click track and music in mono though (the "hard pan" method) You need more outputs for stereo music + other tracks.
The only possible solution I can think of is MIDIOX I never used it and can't help you. You'd have to program MIDIOX and be knowledgeable of Remote mapping codecs. Good luck with that. Sadly, the easiest solution would be to buy a bunch of knobs (or MIDI pedals if that's your thing)
I usually use Xcode as my main IDE for programming audio tools now. Used to use vim text editor and the port audio library when I started out but not so much anymore. You'll find there's a lot of libraries/frameworks out there to help make it easier for you to build audio software, it's only a matter of choosing which one you like. Are you using mac or windows?
Like I said, if you want to get your foot in the door, go to and follow the directions to download and build the example projects. They have example projects and they are generally easy to analyze the code if you have had enough general coding experience. I'm sure it'll be generally the same concept when using Propellerhead's rack developer SDK if you are just looking to build rack extensions.
Looks like they are $30 now, but still worth it for saving thousands worth in still very usable gear.
This is the track I finished up today and I used the Supermassive in the bass track and drone. I created this track using 8 of the Reason Studios synths in combination with Lectric Panda PSQ1684.
Generative Generation by AmorelloSoundStudios on Audius
Right now it’s just line in for audio (hit or miss/doesn’t sound right)
As far as the latency with any midi controller, that’s via usb
Previously I tried an iRig and bereingher Behringer U-Control UCA222 Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface with Digital Output
make sure your project isn't running any VST or third-party RE's. try this driver
reinstall your audio driver
reinstall Reason
Heard back from Props support today: "I've seen reports of some audio drivers not working after the 10.3 update, and we are currently investigating why the update breaks audio driver compatibility. Until we know more, try download the ASIO4ALL driver and see if this works better with 10.3 on your computer:"
Alternatively, they suggested rolling back to 10.2, which is what I did. Hopefully they'll sort it out with a new update soon.
Give us a screenshot of the files you want to delete and we can tell you what they are. If you're low on disk space, or just want a nice visualization of how it's used visit WinDirStat
The people who make EnergyXT have that rewire vst that sets up a rewire or rewire-like link that's loaded in like a vst. I haven't tried it, but there have been some favorable reviews for it in the past. It costs 29 Euro. Here is the link:
Again. I haven't tried it, but it looks like it's a viable option for what you want. There may be someone on this list who's used it. I was hearing quite a bit about it a few years ago.
If your computer is capable of playing back the projects in without any stutter or latency you can always just play back the file in the Reason and record the output in realtime with an audio capture application like Audio Hijack for OSX or Total Recorder for Windows.
Edit: apparently the contemporary versions of Reason don't let you open preexisting RSN files in demo mode. A long time ago they used to let you do everything but save or export, but at some point they changed that. So ignore my suggestion – it won't work unless you're using Reason 2.5 or some other ancient version. Thanks to /u/nom-de-reddit and /u/sleeper141 for the update.
Yeah it’s an open source project now, the safest place to download it is from the source:
AudioHijack and Loopback both still use it as their audio driver.
Soundflowerbed is the part that doesn’t work with modern MacOS anymore, don’t even try to use it. All soundflower does is give you two additional devices, a 2 channel loopback device and a 64 channel loopback device. Set your system output to soundflower 2ch, set your DAWs input to soundflower 2ch, and hey presto you’re recording the system audio.
You might need to set up an aggregate device in Audio MIDI Setup to get this to work properly in Reason, I can’t remember if you can have separate input and output hardware OTTOMH
> how does it work, do I bind a key to an account?
> Will I be able to purchase the upgrade digitally as I think? (even if my copy is retail?)
> Does the upgrade licenses include the Europa synth and all the other goodies?
Scroll down for a complete list of what's included. The Reason 11 new devices and features are listed separately elsewhere.
> Anything else I should be aware of?
From the site:
Reason 11 comes in three flavors: Reason Intro ($99), Reason ($399) and Reason Suite ($599). If you want it all, the brand new Reason Suite is a formidable collection of instruments, effects and other music making tools–more than 70 devices in total! It’s all of Reason’s instrument and effects and 16 extra Rack Extension plugins from Reason Studios in one unbelievable package at an unbeatable price.
Already a Reason user? You can upgrade straight to Reason Suite for just $249/€249 when Reason 11 is released.
There won't be a separate "VST only" version you can buy. Every version of Reason (Lite, Standard or Suite) gives you both the standalone and the option to run as VST in another DAW.
If you happen to have Audiomatic (I believe it used to be bundled with Reason 7 or 8), it could probably do the trick for you pretty easily.
You can download a demo for the legitimate version of Reason here and try it for a month.
Don't think you will get much help for your pirated version.
reason 5. pantheon refills for synths. stock patches for kong/dr rex.
if the player doesn't show up or work just follow the link to it.
i had to reupload it due to an error.
If you want to press one note and have it trigger several instruments, then use the combinator, or get MidiOX and Midi Yoke and use it to route your keyboard to multiple channels/devices and then feed those into Reason.
Edit: oh wait, you're on a mac. sorry
Hey! Since you're in a good mood... I was planning on learning DSP programming, but Reason Developer Kit seems a little complicated to get.
I started doing the basics on JUCE, am I on the right track? I'm just happy that I can finally apply the stuff I learnt in college about it, but I wish I was working directly with Reason...
The same people that put the symbols on this keyboard make a silicone overlay for like $30.
Propellerhead Reason Keyboard Cover for MacBook Pro & iMac Wireless Keyboard | Edit Faster with Editors Keys
Dude that's just a $38 mac ripoff silicone keybroad with stickers on it.
If you've been using reason for any appreciable length of time, you don't need it.
If you do need it, get the stickers and a $60 mechanical kb that will feel better and last longer.
Anyone use the Novation Launchkey?
Honestly my reaction was really no better.
My reaction was honestly a little more harsh.
Yeah, this sucks pretty bad, but that's OK. As Jake the Dog says, sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.
Here's what I'd recommend you do. Go pick up "Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio" and study the shit out of it. Some of the most basic lessons from it are:
There are many more lessons that you will learn from this book. He's great! Definitely worth the money.
Get some decent studio monitors if you don't have some (I use Yamaha HS5).
Pick up some good monitoring headphones. I'd recommend either ATH-M50x (what I use now)
or Sennheiser 280s (what I used to use), I vastly prefer the Audio Technica ones though.
I limited my feedback to mixing stuff. In my opinion you have composition issues too, but that can be a little more subjective.
This book helped me improve with Reason a lot. The genre-specific sections are pretty dated now, but it is loaded with great advice on sound design, music theory, and mixing.
Dance Music Manual, Second Edition: Tools, Toys, and Techniques
The other cool thing is - you can write anything in Reason and it's so light on resources you can add a ton of tracks.
Then, if you choose, you can rewire it into a DAW (Ableton, Cubase, Reaper, etc.) and add other effects.
The thing I like most is you can open Reason, set up an instrument and start to play. It's a sonic sketch pad. You can do whatever you want, and you can do it fast.
At the same time if you want to get really technical you can.
Reason is "the reason" I started, and why I still like to make music.
p.s. If you want a good cheap keyboard that's integrated with Reason (and it's really, really good) get this:
Film makers should take note - if you want to flip between sounds and compose a soundtrack, Reason is the best tool to do it.
Turns out it hasn't been updated in four years but here's the link: ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdo_pwNTzb9J4S62R
Even though it's for Reason 7, it's still good if you want to learn all about the included instruments and several intricacies of Reason.
I recommend reading this book:
I asked this very question myself on /reasoners a while back and someone suggested it to me(thanks whoever you were). Gives you a really good foundation on the more technical aspects of mixing and the theory behind certain mixing practices. Kinda a dry read but push through it.
I'd also like to second that mixing is not really so much about loudness but rather making your mix sound balanced both in the volume of individual tracks and the areas of the eq spectrum in which they occupy. Loudness is typically achieved as a result of this and also mastering after your mix sounds the way you like it.
Also, it helps to compare your own mix to a song or artist that you like the sound of and want to imitate from a mix standpoint.
It takes time but you will get it figured out. Just keep at it.
Spend $50 on a dedicated USB audio interface and you will also get better sound to boot. If you can afford more, so much the better. But the audio ports in windows machines kind of suck for pro audio, best bet is a proper audio interface. (And yes I know suggesting a behringer here barely qualifies but it's still better than motherboard audio).
DT 770 Pro (80 Ohms)
I've had these for quite some time now. Flat response and incredibly comfy. I wear them for hours at a time and without itch, pain, or bother.
As a plus, I've traveled internationally many, many times with them and I'll can attest, with 100% confidence, to how incredibly resilient they are.
Finally, they're surprisingly affordable. Hope this helps.
There's one link that is missing. It's from this book
It's the guy who did the factory patches for the DX7. I couldn't find my own copy, but it's a cookbook that goes though all the patterns in the DX7.
Honestly, it feels like a massive tutorial, step by step, to most important patches. Honestly, it's the best starting point.
The book itself is out of print, you can find scans around the interwebs. If you do find, do share links. I think I lost my copy.