Look around for beach cover ups. Some are really cute skirts or wraps. It's okay if you've never worn them before- you can play it off as trying something new, not wanting to get sunburn, or feeling modest. You can also try color corrector concealer- green covers up red scars. If you're worried about going into the water, remember that your legs will be under so no one will be paying attention then. You can also sit at the edge with your feet in and if anyone asks why you don't want to come in, say you're enjoying just bathing in the sun. Bring a book. You could also get a henna tattoo- these places are pretty common at beach towns, or you could order a kit on Amazon and put a design over it yourself (I'd get the traditional brown paste).
this has some basic information. i’ve read plenty of health articles while panicking over similar situations, and my own personal routine is to rinse the cut under lukewarm water, apply pressure/wrap it with gauze + neosporin, and keep it raised above your heart for at least a couple hours (preferably, keep it propped up whenever you can for the next 12-24 hours)
it doesn’t sound like you cut near any major veins, but please still read through checklists (like the one on webmd that i linked) to see if it’s serious enough to see a doctor over. don’t panic over something treatable, but don’t brush off a serious injury either
stay safe, i hope the pain eases soon
you can always get those long fingerless gloves! im pretty sure they cover up your whole arm like these! im not sure how warm they are but im sure you can get one with thinner material so it doesnt get too hot
Addendum: If there aren't people (friends/family) for you to go to for support, there are different options available on the internet. I like the 7 Cups of Tea community (https://www.7cups.com/). it is a community that has options for both direct (one on one) and group support via internet chat. And it is FREE!!. I have found it helpful. There are also other types of groups, as well as self harm crisis lines that can be called
Hi, It's important to free yourself from the restraints of your own mind.
You need to understand how to recognize the things you have no control over and how to stop them from interfering with your goals.
The perceived perfectionism and resulting procrastination are stemming from one place – a place of self-doubt..
You need to learn self-compassion, self-love, self-esteem and how to channel negative energy and transform it into fuel that will push you even further.
If you want, I write a book that could help you with only 12 steps and from 3th to 5th Of July it will be free.
Here's the link for download from 3th to 5th Of July 2021. I hope it will help you. Follow
you can get uv protection sleeves!! they're supposed to be cooling too!
If you're old enough, you can buy the tattoo cover thingies from amazon. They come in skin tone and plenty of people won't even notice that you're wearing them.
Tat2X Ink Armor Premium Full Arm Tattoo Cover Up Sleeve - No Slip Gripper - U.S. Made - Light - XL2X https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0046MQWV4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_xxoS6kTuxsnqX
These are my favorite. Fit like a dream, very comfortable. VERY breathable. Not very noticeable. Kiiiinda pricy, they're sold by the single unit.
It can definitely cause skin irritation and inflammation, but shouldn't make you susceptible to infection or anything to major, but cleanliness is still very important with all of this. Also something that's helped me, is holding ice cubes took help the urge of cutting. I know it's hard though, and your anxiety is valid, hugs. Also look into DBT it's really really helpful for intense moments of emotion. It was established for borderline personality disorder, but really works wonders additionally for any trauma, ptsd, anxiety, anger, and depression. There's an app for it to called DBT 911 (Android- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.annadroid.Dbt112 ). I'll tag some videos on DBT also. ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb51Q732nMqeTJp05TQsE3YkCCY6p6_FS ) ----- Stay safe, reach out if you need. -----
It's also important to keep the scars and stretch marks out of the sun or have a strong SPF, which is usually found in the balm from of coco butter.
Sorry for the giant links!
Since the blister has been burst it's better to leave the skin that's left intact and there instead of removing it (and so I don't get my ass handed to me I'll leave a reference below.)
What you should do is clean it, flatten the skin and put gauze or something over the blister along with some antibiotic ointment to stop it getting infected. (from experience I had some burns pop and removed the skin. It got infected and needed to go to the doctors)
Reference: I hope WebMD is okay
Another reference: This time from nhs
Edit: made things clearer added another reference
Epidermis is the very outer layer of skin. Dermis is the one after that, which is styro. Hypodermis is the fat layer and after that is muscle. Here is a good picture explaining it.
If you're looking to see where all an image shows up online, try reverse image searching through Google. Should tell you other places that the photo has been linked. When you want to find it again, I usually just google "google by image". https://images.google.com/imghp?hl=en&gws_rd=ssl
alternatively there's this site that I've only used a couple times: https://www.tineye.com/search/55c6e621e01b7f81dfff4d36cd3b318df9dde4a0/
Hope this is what you're looking for. If you want to know where an image shows up online, this'll do it, but if you mean that you want to find out where they're linked through hyperlink...I have no idea if there's a way to do that.
It's alright I wanna be a paramedic eventually I've had nurses and the lot looking how we'll I've managed to dress my wounds when I'm at home (I work at a hospital so seen enough of things)
Saline is a lot better instead of any products if your worried about infection ideally going to a Dr. But most cases and certainly all the cuts on myself I've used saline and not once have a had a cut even try to look infected 😅. The actual tape I mentioned its brilliant at holding things to skin even mine that doesn't like adhesive things them tapes work wonders, if ya can get hand on them do.
How deep are these cuts? Like have you gone past the just white skin? Into the yellow fat? Or are they deep enough to gape but no further?
By what I gather these are not to fresh but still open wounds? So our first priority is not getting it infected and leaving the body to heal itself. The saline will help stop infections they sell it like this in shops. And to cover try to find these individual rolls of bandage would be ideal in your situation I think.
To explain the soap vs saline properly its that soap normally has chemicals in it that damage the healthy cells making healing more difficult and lengthy whereas saline is just salty water to flush the injury site and kills some bacteria/ infection etc.
I'll be happy to talk with you more and stuff and if you wanna keep me updated or need more help, add my public page on insta as mentalhealth_supported or just keep it here no pressure
I usually get them at the Turkish store near me, but here are links to my personal favourite ones:
One: https://www.amazon.de/EST1923-Kolonya-Zitrone-T%C3%BCrkisches-Duftwasser/dp/B01M8QE8TU
Two: https://www.amazon.de/Duru-Kolonya-Zitrone-T%C3%BCrkisches-Duftwasser/dp/B00AY3RF24
Might seem pricy, but for the quantity and quality it's sure worth it. BTW it has a little cap like thing build in it so only a little amount comes out and you won't even realise how long it lasts.
Thanks for the answer, you can wear special shirts for beach or swimming that are large and they stick to the skin. In my case, I told them that I am a very cold person and they let me wear it. Good luck. https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Amazon-Essentials-UPF-50-Rashguard/dp/B07K2MK3CC/ref=sxin_15_slsr_m_i_fs4star_fa_1?cv_ct_cx=Swimming+shirt&dchild=1&keywords=Swimming+shirt&pd_rd_i=B07K2MK3CC&pd_rd_r=22bd2bd6-11b2-4d1d-be7c-87451c0b2ffa...
They really work! Well for me at least. I buy these a lot since they tire your jaw out which makes you stop for a while. these .
You can buy long sleeve bathing suits off of amazon that’s what I did. They are so fashionable no one really questions it or think it’s weird. long sleeve bathing suit
I wouldn’t bother with bandages for hips or rips as they’ll be too difficult to affix and will just end up falling down. I would buy non adherent dressing pads - sometimes you can buy large adhesive ones but if not you can buy medical tape to affix them.
I’d say it’s probably your best, most easily accessible choice! 70% alcohol or higher is effective against most bacteria and fungi, and many viruses too. If you want to be extra careful, these are the sanitizing wipes that most hospitals use, and they’re great but very harsh on skin so you’d need to wear gloves. I think alcohol works just fine, but I also have a canister of wipes kicking around in the back of my medicine cabinet just in case :)
You could use these to hide them (link one) or use vitamin E oil to help the scars fade. You can also use makeup to make the scars less apparent I’m sorry if you don’t have access to any of these, as I don’t know where you live.
Does it have to be a safe? Could a regular toolbox or storage container work, maybe with an added combination lock? If you’re set on a safe, this one is 12 x 7.5 inches so it should fit most kitchen knives!
> the blood actl seeped thru my undergarments
yeah, it used to happen to me too when I didn't cover them, I really didn't have access to supplies and didn't even thought about the possibility of take care of the cuts, so. but be careful, as the constant friction against your clothes could make it irritated and harder to heal, as it can't generate a scab properly
I'll assume you don't have any of this neither. you could get some if you're able to, I guess they're not too expensive. but if you can't, and you'll leave it like that, all I can say is clean it regularly, as fluff of your clothes can get in the cut, aaand we don't want that. not that it will kill you, but is so much more preferable to keep it clean to avoid any risk of infection
also, I'm super stupid and forgot to say, I know it's too late, but it would've been a really good idea to apply antiseptic with cotton pads if you have, but wouldn't recommend to apply it directly in the wound. I think you could apply it with a gauze, but I don't know if you have or are able to get, and well, I'm not sure if it's recommended to apply with cotton as its fibers could get stuck in the cut. too late tho ._.
god, why do I always end up writing this much
Could you just hold the bag in your other hand? You can also buy braces that could help with support at just about any pharmacy, walmart, target, etc. I’m not sure how much it would help with a SH injury, but that’s probably your best bet. If you can only use bandages, wrap it tight (but not so tight that it impairs blood flow!) and splint with some popsicle sticks if you have any- here is a loose tutorial.
How large is the area that you're looking to cover? For a smaller area, you could either use a few standard bandaids or one larger one (nonstick pads would probably work best for that, since you can get those in larger sizes than standard bandaids). If it's a larger area, your best option would probably be a bandage wrap (e.g. something like this).
Tbh makeup really isn't the best option for total scar coverage since it can reduce the appearance of scars, but they'll still be somewhat visible no matter how much makeup you cake on there. And if your scars are raised or indented at all, the makeup won't do anything for the texture difference, so that would still be very visible.
Amazon has some cheap bulk packages of bandages. Personally I'm using these at the moment -- it's a 50-pack of 3x8" nonstick pads for $11 USD. I like nonstick pads because you can also cut them to size, so if the area you need to cover is only 3x4, you can cut the pad in half and end up with 100 of them instead of 50. These particular ones are also fairly thin, so they're less noticeable under clothing than other brands I've tried.
As for adhering the pad to your skin, personally I just use paper tape, but depending on the area (won't be super effective on your legs), you could also try some rolled gauze. This type in particular is thinner than most, so again, if the goal is to not be noticeable under clothing, that's probably going to be your best option. You can also reuse it until it gets pretty gross since you're just using it to secure your bandages rather than on the wound itself, so it can last quite a while that way.
Have you looked into a suture kit? Obviously the "skin" those come with aren't super realistic (and there's no "bleeding" or anything like that), but it's not a bad alternative if you'd be willing to give it a shot. Most come with pre-cut practice pads, but you could also get a "blank" one like this.
Friend, you have nearly made it one year, cmon bro you got this! When you've made it one year go out and buy one of those 1 year clean pendants https://www.amazon.co.uk/Recoverychip-Elegant-Silver-Medallion-Serenity/dp/B01A3NQRBO/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1OUWK86D8HK1U&keywords=1+year+clean+and+sober+pendant&qid=1665032461&sprefix=1+year+clean+and+sober+pendant%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-4 like this and wear it with pride.
I believe if you really put your mind to it you can make it.
>Doctors can use plasma to help treat different kinds of serious health problems. >Some of the elements in plasma, including the antibodies and chemicals that help your blood to clot, can help in medical emergencies like burns and trauma. Other things that plasma donation are good for include: >Developing treatments. The antibodies and proteins can also be used to develop treatments for rare diseases, including some immune system problems. >Cancer. Adults and children with different kinds of cancer -- including leukemia -- sometimes need plasma transfusions. >Transplant surgery. Some people who get liver or bone marrow transplants need plasma. >Hemophilia. In this rare disorder, a person’s blood doesn’t have enough clotting factors, so donated plasma can help.
You can get a swimsuit similar to this one below. You can find long sleeve versions too.
Thank you. I know very little about this stuff. I think the trouble I had finding a palette before was that I was trying to find full coverage. Searching cream concealer palette and accepting medium coverage was all I had to do to find results. I have a makeup sponge from another order, I imagine I just keep building concealer on top of it to get more coverage?
I think I’ll order this one for the fast shipping if it looks ok. Although it will get here Wednesday night so I will have to do two days of work and hopefully not get fired.
what about these kinda stuff? They are stylish and compatible with a lot of fits. I have some scars on my wrists and wear them. (Sorry idk why the link is so long)
Try zip stitch, its definitely not the best solution, but it might work.
I really hope you’re doing okay, though.
I’ve had amazing luck fading a fairly large tummy tuck scar and then 4 keloid scars to almost nothing using the following 2 things.
Have you heard of arm sleeves before? I bought some a while ago and they are absolutely amazing. They go from your wrist all the way up to your shoulder and they are so breathable! It practically feels like you are wearing nothing. This is the link if you want them.
(I'm in the UK so sorry if these don't exist where you are) I got an off-white one from matalan a pink one from primark I also got a blue one from amazon cardigans they're quite pricy but there are plenty of cheaper ones on there as well, hope this helps!!
I've used Neosporin this kind or the kind with pain relif has helped me. You could also used hydrocortisone too that is for itching.
A couple on my volleyball team wore long athletic sleeves like these with a T-shirt. It says in the description that that they’re good for outdoor sports
2 would look good with black, purple, light blue, light or medium green.
For future reference these kind are amazing, match with everything, and you can get with or without thumb hole. They work GREAT to hold gauze/bandaging in place too as they're compression style. They also keep you cooler in summer and help protect against UV rays
12 Pairs Sun Protection Sleeves UV Protection Cooling Sleeves Arm Sleeves Men Women Sports Sun Sleeves with Thumb Hole for Driving, Golfing, Fishing, Cycling, Hiking, Doing Sports (6 Colors) by HRLOR https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V4ZKFSS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_143J6EDVBRX375JWEVYX
I've read a lot of novels in my life but don't think I've ever come across characters who self harm, not that I remember anyway.
The only one I know for sure is Great Dream, which was written by me, so it's probably not good.
Maybe try r/suggestmeabook? They're pretty good at obscure requests.
No problem! Edited the comment so it was more helpful. Arm sleeves could be something like this- this
there’s actually swimsuit shirts you can get! here’s one for a feminine design- Daci Women Two Piece Rash Guard Long Sleeve Swimsuits UV UPF 50+ Swim Shirt Bathing Suit with Boyshort Bottom https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y38CVHY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_5F4DF1KHDBMCFZTTMP2M and here’s one for a masculine design- AXESEA Men Long Sleeve Rash Guard Quick-Dry UPF 50+ Lightweight Swimsuit Swim Shirt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079HVGP43/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_4VC1X9WKMT6W6YP54GMZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 kind of expensive but hope this helps!
I don't have any recommendations for long sleeve shirts, but I do advise these! I bought them about 3 months ago I believe and they are extremely breathable! You can still wear T-shirts with these since they go practically almost up to the shoulder
try to swear more loose fitted long sleeves! that’s what i do, or i try to bandage it and wear a sleeve! i got my sleeve on amazon, i got mine in black so that it would be less noticeable, ill link the sleeves for you— https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085T7121M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_D9GN13DSXPR6YVQ80RFM
These are what I bought and am still actively using and they are so breathable it's ridiculous!! I'd recommend the black pair because if blood stains end up getting on them, then it will be much harder to tell
Relapse doesn't negate or somehow make invalid the time you went without it. You've come so far- one year is amazing! You still have all that time and you aren't starting over from square one. Relapse highlights areas we still need to work on and recovery is a process, not perfection, so don't be too hard on yourself. Keep fighting. And protect yourself... emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical.
Make sure you're taking good care of the burns so it heals quickly and protect it from the sun.
Hope things get better soon.
They sell sun sleeves and sun shawls hat are real lightweight material for like surfers or beach goer's or golfers to wear. I have some that I used to cover my cuts and scars nd still use now that I have tattoos over them cause the sun is not good for tatts.
4 Pairs Cooling Shawl Arm Sleeves Sun Protection for Women Men with Finger Hole for Golfing, Driving, Riding, Fishing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07STVCX3V/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_KT7QAN9Z65J7NQB3ZVC3
How about something like this? They are designed to be worn over your clothing, are waterproof, and can be washed off easily at the end of class. If anyone says anything, you can simply say you don't want to worry about what you wear. (And you can also say that splatter can go further than the forearm.)
You can buy her the laces for shoes that aren't really laces, like these.
INMAKER No Tie Shoe Laces for Adults and Kids, Elastic Shoelaces for Sneakers, Rubber Silicone Tieless Laces https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GYSDN0A/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_BQ3J1GYR3YXXF3GTJETC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Long sleeve swim shirts! Say you’re sensitive to chemicals in the water (if it’s a pool) like this Or find a rash guard as they’re called in other stores? Walmart, target, usually have them but idk if they will since it’s winter (maybe you’re in a different location where it’s warm) You could also just wear a long sleeve t shirt and say you’re uncomfortable having yourself bare.
Otamatone [Kirby - English Version Pink Hero Video Game Character Japanese Electronic Musical Instrument Portable Synthesizer from Japan https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C9R5ST8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Z1P45B4W6BP7RX40G7K5 it’s this and thanks
I understand its hard to accept your scars. Don't worry about what other people think, they're from a medical issue. For example, people with surgery or burn scars, some people can be uncomfortable with it but its their own issue, no one would tell someone with those scars to cover up, and if someone dared they would be shunned.
There are plenty of ways to cover your arms, for example arm sleeves like these. I also plan on becoming a doctor and my arm is all fucked up. If you wanna talk dm me. Stay safe.
invest in one of these, or several! they work on literally everything and ive gotten many a bloodstain out with it. in the meantime, spit (gross but the enzymes genuinely work) and if theyre PURE white, you can try some bleach as a last ditch effort
Found this online sandpaper sharpener
Not sure if it’s effective but I saw a blog post saying you rub the tip on the sandpaper.
can you leave it in your locker, or at work? does it need to be a box cutter specifically or would something like thiswork as an alternative? those are what my employer gave me and i don't think you could really hurt yourself with them. (although i have managed to cut my pinkie through some advanced level dumbassery) and yeah, the stress can hit you like a truck. start seeing someone if you aren't already, a lot of employers have resources or health insurance that can help you. no shame in seeking help :)
For sharpening I would recommend https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079WWFZY6/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_VP8GHTSDN43EZYN7Q7NW Something like this is what I use it's pretty good. It probably won't get super razer sharp but it's pretty good.
I've found this on Amazon, just for anyone else who's looking! https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Hair-Remover-Women-Waterproof/dp/B07NWK5KK9/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=O17ZOJ1X2WAO&dchild=1&keywords=women+electric+shaver+waterproof&qid=1634905921&sprefix=women+electric+shaver+water&sr=8-1-spon...
I have similar cuts from four days ago. It's healing slowly from the inside out. I used to be a caregiver so I know a little bit about wound care. Here are my recommendations.
If you can go to a urgent care clinic, do so. I have no insurance and can't afford it so here's what I'm doing:
-Clean the wound with water, not alcohol or anything harsh.
-Use wound closure adhesive strips to bring the edges of the wound together. This is the next best thing to stitches.
-Apply a healing ointment like Neosporin twice a day (I'm using Bactine Max salve). On day three, I've switched to using this: Be Smart Get Prepared Silvex Wound Gel, Transparent, No Flavor, 0.5 Fl Oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07964SRBL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_2P4JPNN4X6G7R9E8GMMV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Silver works like a miracle salve and staves off all kinds of serious infections.
-After applying the ointment, cover it with a nonstick pad that is larger than the wound and secure with waterproof medical tape. This will keep the wound area moist and speed up the healing process.
I changed my bandages twice a day until I started using the silver. With the silver ointment, I'm changing it every 24 hours.
I hope this helps. Hang in there! 🤍
I have a silver one I found on amazon, it has the words "keep fucking going" engraved on the inside and i adore it. it's very sturdy and comfortable, the only issue i have sometimes is while writing BUT i wear it on my right wrist and am right handed
Inspirational Bracelet Cuff... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MDFB6L2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I don’t know if there’s better options, my friend uses these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005EB9SFI You can use medical tape to hold them in place. I’m not from the States but I find Leukosilk really comfortable, I don’t know what alternatives are available there.
Bio-Oil Skincare Oil, Body Oil for Scars and Stretchmarks, Hydrates Skin, Non-Greasy, Dermatologist Recommended, Non-Comedogenic, 6.7 Ounce, For All Skin Types, with Vitamin A, E https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AREGVUM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_tD5cGbGHHD9N2
Would board shorts be long enough to cover them up?
I also recently discovered swim leggings, you can get them off Amazon. They are great if you're swimming outdoor and you can say you're worried about skin cancer so you want to cover up or you can say the rights kept you warm.
Edit. Adding extra link https://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/g26328003/best-swim-tights-leggings/
You should download this app. It definitely helps you visualize your progress. I makes me happy seeing my 300+ day streak with cigarettes.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about a book called “ReWrite: The Journey from Self Harm to Healing” by Benjamin Sledge. It explains self harm in a way that people can understand easier than some medical books on self harm that try to explain it.
I have UV sleeves that I got on amazon. They’re usually about $8 or $9 and they go all the way up to my shoulders. Just looks like you’re wearing a tight undershirt.
damn what country do you live in (rhetorical question) people in america dont give a shit about us like that
not sure what wounds are. but anything that can hold it closed. you may even be able to find medical tape (the stuff they use to tape up athletes) but if not just keep it clean and a bandaid on it at all time. If it doesn’t heal closed with the help of stitches or steri strips, then keep it clean and covered. It may not heal at all, but if it does, the skin may be quite weak and possibly open up in the future. but i really hope everything goes safe for you.
I suggest looking into something like a cardigan shrug or gloves. Try to match the style of the dress but still cover up.
I wore black velvet gloves with my Christmas dress and it looked very classy and not out of place at all. I also tend to wear shrugs over all my dresses without people commenting on it.
Drugstores and pharmacies sell them over the counter. But you could also buy them online. Depending on where you live there could be different brands but Im the uk and "deep heat" and "tiger balm" seem to be the most cheap and popular ones. I havent used them so idk how strong they are. Im currently using Kräuterhof's since my family uses it sometimes. We usualy buy it from amazon, but you might be able to find it cheaper on a different website. [Kräuterhof
If you’re worried about the scars: Instruments GB- 10 x Skin Staplers, 35 Preloaded Staples, Fisrt aid, Medical ,Vet use, CE FDA Approved https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LWC10SL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VFhDDbJG4173E
Minimizes scar appearance by approximating wound edges; does hurt like a bitch while they are in, though. You only need to keep them in for deep dermis cuts for about 3-5 days. I haven’t tried wound staples with hypodermis cuts yet.
I don’t know about any of those but I do know good bandages. Google up “Curad” bandages (their hospital grade bandages and really stick to you) and let google use your location.
From what I saw from using my location is that Walgreens carry them for $7, Walmart for $4.37 and probably more.
I got a whole assorted box of them off of amazon so whatever works for you.
Also I haven’t tried this from the same company but it looks good. It says keeps working for up to 3 days so that’s nice and it also protects from a lot of stuff too.
This might be helpful? https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00IIFSH36/ref=twister_B074H5XZJR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The His Dark Materials trilogy has been my favorite for over ten years, and no, I have no idea what movie you're talking about pulls out gun
Also, Waking Up by Sam Harris, & Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.
Yes I totally understand that 'stainless' is a marketing term. And yes I noticed that the blades taken off cartridges last longer. Anyway, I'm talking about these box cutter blades https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B017AGB762/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I wrap them in tissue papers and keep them in the drawer.
If you need more pain you could use a TENS on high setting.
>I've tried the rubber band on the wrist thing, but it does absolutely fuck all.
What about trying something just as painful as cutting, but that does not damage tissue like cutting does? I have a TENS machine [about the size of an iPhone] that I use to relieve physical pain. I have noticed that if I accidentally turn it up too high, it causes terrible pain. https://www.amazon.com/Tens-Unit-Machine-Management-Rehabilitation/dp/B00NCRE4GO
First thing, take care of your wound. There are a bunch of first aid type thing that you can do yourself even on a deep wound.
Disclaimer: I'm an EMT and really that doesn't even cover some of the advice I'm going to give, so take everything with a grain of salt and go see a doctor.
That being said, keep the wound clean and covered. I know medical supplies can be expensive but buy hydrogen peroxide, gauze, superglue (I reccoment buying something like this) and sterile saline (boil water for 20 minutes with a top, let cool by itself and use that as sterile water if you absolutely have too).
Wash hand with soap and water. Poor water over skin and wound. Cover skin with disinfectant. Poor disinfectant into the wound. Wash out wound with sterile water. Squirt superglue into the wound and press the skin together. It's going to hurt like a bitch. DON'T GET ANY ON YOUR HANDS *Clean any superglue off your skin before it hardens
But go see a doctor if its really deep or really dirty or anything like that. Glue isn't supposed to be used in alot of situations so this is really more of general advice on First Aid when you cannot get to a doctor. This wesite has more information. Normal superglue was used to close wounds in vietnam with some success but can cause further damage to tissue so the stuff I recommended is better. Its not approved for use in humans, however.
Someone just reccomended this to me.
Personal experience, the cleaner you can keep the wound the better the scarring will be. If its deeper then .25 in than you should go get stitches if you want to avoid scarring. I taught myself how to suture and did myself a couple times, its not hard if the ER isn't an option, just make sure to keep everything as sterile as possible or else you can get a horrible cyst/infection which will absolutly land you in the ER. My point - It can be really hard to take care of yourself sometimes but it's worth it in the long run. Plus its much better for you.
EDIT: Sorry, didn't realize you were taking about makeup!
There's a book that's not necessarily about self harm but more about suicide and this boy's experience in the mental hospital after a failed attempt to commit suicide. I thought it was a really good book and I think you should look into it even though it's not exactly what you're asking for. It's called Suicide Notes by Michael Thomas Ford. Amazon Link - http://www.amazon.com/Suicide-Notes-Michael-Thomas-Ford/dp/0060737573
How about a surfer top? You could say you prefer using clothing for sun protection because you don't like sun screen.
Or you could try tattoo covers but those would probably make it quite obvious that you're hiding somthing
See this is the thing. There is no reason to work out other than working out itself. It doesn't matter at this point if your diet is shit. This isn't about looking good or getting healthy at this point. This is about directing those urges elsewhere and feeling truly alive. I don't want to get into the specifics of how your harming or how I may of. The point is I understand that doing that is a way to connect with reality. It's something real that you can feel that isn't hidden in your skull. You need to find a new way to feel real, you need to hurt in a good way, you need to regain the power you have over yourself. You don't have to run, but that's what did it for me. You need to hurt, to overcome, to push, not for anyone else, but to prove to yourself you are worth it. You need to own your failings, accept them then beat them the fuck down. Change that self talk 'I'm working on it' to 'I'm actually fucking doing it'. You're not sure? Fuck that, you had better find out! It's all small steps, you are not going to fix this overnight, but you need to give yourself the chance. If you were brave enough to say this to your mum, you are brave enough to go and give her a hug and say your sorry for upsetting her. That doesn't negate your feelings or sideline the problems, but you need people on your side. She might not be showing it, but I am sure that's desperately where she wants to be. Give her and yourself a chance. Make that your first step. Be clear that you still feel awful, but that your intent is not to hurt her. A good hug can do wonders.
EDIT: This is really worth a read. It's told as a story and is quite short, but it really gives some great tools for dealing with these feelings. I read this during one of my darkest periods and honestly, I was a bit 'meh' at the time. But over the years, time and again the ideas and ways of looking at things reoccured to me and really helped.
Hey! I was recommended this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.org.stem4.calmharm&hl=en
It's free and it works. But you'll have to push yourself. If you're strong enough to get over the thought that all that's in this app sounds like bullshit, it will work. I thought it was bullshit at the beginning as well, but even just doing the breathing exercise will shift your focus. I hope you'll be fine!