$90 is a hard sell when he's got so much free content on youtube and an authoritative $20 book.
I have this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZZRR7XD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It works great. Pack the pellets in it tightly. I use a propane torch to light it - direct flame for about a minute, then let it burn for another three or four minutes before blowing out the flame. It will smolder for about 5-6 hours when full. Great for cold smoking cheese. Also good for laying more smoke on whatever you have in the smoker.
Nitrile gloves, harbor freight. Tractor supply. Amazon.
AMMEX - GPNB49100-BX - Nitrile - GlovePlus - Latex Rubber Free, Disposable, Powder Free, Industrial, 5 mil, XXLarge, Black (Box of 100)
you know it’s totally okay to give feedback without sounding like a complete douche
Edit, try this next time:
hey OP, if you do a lot of meat like this at home, you may want to invest in a granton edge slicer. here is one for under $30
This one has no feet so you can use both sides. it's heavy though and very secure. Amazon
Same at Costco, too.
Get some cotton/polyester liner gloves from Amazon or similar, pull the nitrile gloves over them, and you have some really good heat-resistant gloves for moving stuff around on the grill, pulling hot meat, etc.
Hot Max 500G Big Max 500,000 BTU Propane Torch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00282LP34/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_UccNCbPSPY0QA
That's the one I have. I've been telling people about it for years but they just look at me like I eat my own boogers. It will fire up a smoker or light a fire faster than anything. It will also light charcoal fast enough to grill on in less than 10 minutes. You just rear back and let them have it or a minute or two, the get very hot very fast.
The big bertha torch is a game changer!!
May as well learn from one of the most high profile successes. https://www.masterclass.com/classes/aaron-franklin-teaches-texas-style-bbq?utm_source=Paid&utm_medium=AdWords&utm_campaign=AF&utm_content=Brand-{keyword}-US_BM&utm_term=Aq-Prospecting&gclid=CjwKCAjwybyJBhBwEiwAvz4G72Ghcqdy3nTsn...
I purchased one of these to make saucing an easier task for when I do sauce.
Cuisinart CBP-116 Sauce Pot and Basting Brush Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005TGY0LU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_Yd79FbRQB2MB5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Damn Amazon the price has already changed
I have this. Love it. It’s on sale now for $67
> Inkbird WiFi Grill Meat Thermometer IBBQ-4T with 4 Colored Probes, Wireless Barbecue Meat Thermometer with Calibration, Timer, High and Low Temperature Alarm for Smoker, Oven, Kitchen, Drum
If those become annoying to wash use since you’ll have to wash them every time, you could get something like these and wear them under your gloves you already use. Comes with a few in the pack and good for getting stuff of the smoker or pulling steaming hot pork with - just did it the other day in fact.
Happy this is helpful. Here’s the one I have. It gets the job done and I haven’t had issues with it.
GERYON Vacuum Sealer Machine, Automatic Food Sealer for Food Savers w/Starter Kit|Led Indicator Lights|Easy to Clean|Dry & Moist Food Modes| Compact D https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B4W5PMB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_ooXTWI2Ppv4HL
In addition to the other comment about adding a 2nd layer of felt onto the top vent (1/8" x 1-1/8") This, do yourself a favor and buy the 24 Woo ring from Ceramic Grill Store this and a 16" pizza stone, and toss the useless deflector it comes with. The deflector sits too high, and the gaps around it are too large for proper smoking. Plus you can flip the woo ring over for doing pizza.
I love this Inkbird wifi thermometer with 4 probes battery has lasted me 32+ hours and has been an awesome tool to have
I got this one four years ago and have been real happy with it. I'm sure there are plenty of other options but this was a huge step up from the little one I had before it.
Not OP, but kinda looks like a Slow N Sear. I've been using the snake method on my kettle, and it's worked really well. They aren't cheap, so kinda curious if people get better/easier results with it compared to the snake.
I picked up a couple of these and my only gripe is I wish I did it sooner. Amazing difference. It’s self adhesive but make sure you allow it to cure with the lid closed for 24 hours before firing up your pit.
FireBlack Hi Temp BBQ Smoker... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TAJW0QE?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Indeed. There is something to be learned from folks like that. Passionate people, leading simple lives have the way to live nailed. Reminds me of a Werner Herzog doc; Happy People. It's on Netflix.
The inside middle area shouldn't be pink, just around the outside edges. Another sign though (as mentioned as well) is how the fat never melted / rendered down. Here is how a brisket usually looks when it's done (notice the fat is rendered).
The main thing I am wondering is if OP used a thermometer, I don't know of anyone how doesn't so maybe it needed calibrated.
If you end up going the BGE route, check out Vision Grills. They are more affordable than other kamado smoker/grills but certainly not cheaper in build quality.
I bought this monster at Costco last year and love it. I've done everything on it: smoked meat/fish, woodfired pizzas, baked brownies, etc.
I'm not the original poster, but, something like this smoke tube on Amazon? Wondering how well that works. My Weber Smokey Mountain is awesome but setup is only worth it, or really even feasible, on a weekend. Hmm.
https://www.amazon.com/Polish-Sausages-Authentic-Recipes-Instructions/dp/0982426720 This book has a whole pile of traditional recipes and lots of traditional techniques. If your into making this type of stuff I would recommend the purchase.
Reminds me of our bread knife.
Thanks man! I used the slicing knife I noted below. Once they've cooled down I'll wrap in plastic wrap and put a weight on them so they get nice and flat and let them sit in the fridge overnight. Then just patiently slice them up - takes about 45 minutes but goes quick with some good music.
I like that I can slip them off and go do something then slide my hands back in and keep working.
If you get latex/cotton it’s a pain in the ass if you have to stop and take them off to do something
> Artisan Griller 914 Degrees F BBQ Heat Resistant Insulated Smoker, Grill, Fryer, Oven, Cooking Gloves. Barbecue/Frying/Grilling – Waterproof, Oil Resistant -1 Pair (Size 10/XL - Fits Most
Here are my recommendations 1. I love the electric carving knife for brisket- super easy to make uniform slices
I have both of these and use them regularly, but I find myself grabbing the electric carving knife more often.
Also known as THE knife. Black gloves not included.
Seems expensive but it really does work well. It works great for slicing hams and turkey breasts too. It makes it easy to make uniform straight clean cuts. I think mercer and dexter russel make the same thing but I can only vouch for the victorinox.
Those come with many Bradley smokers.
Amazon has a couple of listings but they're only 3rd party sellers:
Get a smoke tube! They’re like $15 on Amazon. You can fill with wood pellets and work pretty well. Get you a decent flavor. I use them in my pellet smoker for added flavor.
Sodium Citrate, my cheese loving friend. You can buy it on Amazon if you can’t find it in the store. It’s the Ooey-Gooey in all cheese sauces 👌🏼
Rub I got off amazon Salt Lick Original Dry Rub Seasoning - for BBQ Pit & Grill, 12 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005CT8D2Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_jRSIBbKFEY1CY, then the butter is pre mixed with garlic and other herbs at Trader Joe's. I let the ribeye rest in the dry rub for 1 hour before cooking.
chupacabra brisket magic...it'll change your life
Buy from Craigslist... It takes some patience, but it'll be worth it. I splurged and got a WSM a while ago, and it was a nice smoker, did a great job, but I always wanted a Big Green Egg... after about a year scouring craigslist I picked one up at under 1/2 price a new one and couldn't be happier... I've seen WSMs go for $100-$150 there too.
I suggest setting up a custom search feature using IFTTT... do a bunch, "BBQ Smoker", "Weber Charcoal", etc... You'll be notified whenever something new gets posted in your city and hope for the best.
It's a fool's errand to try and start out smoking on bad equipment
I bought mine from the Walmart in Dallas, Oregon. You can use this site to see the stock and prices around Walmart near you though.
and this is the slickdeals page where all the smokers from Walmart are listed and you can see if you walmart has them on clearance.
Good luck!
Any time there's smoke around what you're cooking, you're smoking.
Google turbo butt. Pro / competition pit guys n gals cook butts up to 375.
Aaron Franklin starts at 270, ramps to 290. See https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-smoke-pork-butt-pork-shoulder-with-barbeque-pitmaster-aaron-franklin#how-long-to-smoke-pork-butt-pork-shoulder
Lots of people will tell you their particular method, but few people experiment once they get a method that works.
Cooking slower is better, right? Not always; if it was, the competition guys n gals would cook that way.
Here's another option (just did this again last Sunday): Try butterflying them flat. You get three advantages here:
1) They will definitely cook faster. Sunday's (including wrapping) were done in about 7.5 hours. I wrapped them after about 5 hours, rested for a couple.
2) A lot more of the meat is exposed to both your rub and the smoke.
3) Because of 2, you get a lot more bark. And because they're cooking faster, they don't get nearly so dark.
Here's a pic of how they looked before wrapping.
I’ve never used that rub in particular but I’ve found that with most off the shelf rubs I need to add something, whether it’s more salt, pepper, garlic or whatever. I normally taste the rub beforehand and get a sense of what it’s lacking.
Even my favorite rub Adkins Ranch Style Steak Seasoning needs a little pepper and garlic.
I filled my water pan with play sand and cover it with a water pan lid. Between that and some gaskets, I rarely worry about keeping temps steady. In fact, there's a brisket going right now that I should probably check on, but I'm not too worried about it.
I had this Masterbuilt for years - usually under $200 at Amazon and Home Depot. It has active temperature control and takes out a lot of the guesswork. You're not going to be able to fit a full brisket in there, but good for chuck roast, pork shoulders, ribs, and poultry.
Will it make lifechanging barbecue? Probably not. But it's a great way to learn what you're doing.
Those are I would say semi-heatproof because They’re thicker than most nitrile gloves but they still don’t fully protect you. I’ve ordered about six different brands and these are my favorite that I found on Amazon. Are use a different set when I’m handling the burning logs and coals in my offset.
Dont let it go too long. Chicken will dry out. And fast. Get it some smoke and finish inside. Your current temp is too low for chicken imo. Itll take too long leaving it dry. If I can give any over-all advice: do the chicken again. Exactly how you did today. But don’t make the same mistakes. Keeping the same method for the first couple smokes will allow you to see what the flaws are in your process - you can adapt/adjust from there. You’ve got this my friend. Again, I really think you had just some bad juju today. And Im willing to bet your next hen will be a masterpiece
EDIT: for beercan chicken, I highly recommend one of these. SITTIN CHICKEN CERAMIC ROASTER https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JP18YBQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_KW3BKBK5SJTYKVAM7W2S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Oh mine is 1/8 inch. I just have the burner for convenience.
Like all smokers in this price range, the walls are thinner and it leaks. It's a burner. Not as bad as others i've used in the past but I go thru fuel. It did help a bit using some bbq sealing tape. The firebox is no smaller then you would see on any normal Home Depot horizontal offset. Can hold normal size split logs no problem.
The only real difference between this smoker and your traditional 200-300$ horizontal offset is that it's vertical taking out the issue you would have with one side of your grill being hotter then the other and the path of the smoke touching your meat. High end horizontals fix it using dense plates to distribute the heat but smokers in this price range don't have that.
Also, a great feature of this smoker, it has a really nice water plate with access panel under the lowest shelf helping distribute heat evenly, keeping humidity up, and saving you in cases of accidental flair ups.
Controlling temps with the air intake on the fire box, and the lid on the smoke pipe is really really effective.
EDIT: A picture of mine from another perspective to give you an another idea of how big it is.
My dude, I outfitted mine with this:
LavaLock Gasket Kit for Weber Smokey Mountain WSM 18.5 22.5 Nomex RTV Grill Gasket Seal https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CI6WFCU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HEJDVRARXRNN7WEAX60Z
Works great, and has enough to seal the door and all three sections of the WSM Bullet.
It definitely helps with air leakage which helps somewhat with temp control. The WSM is perfectly useable without the gasket, but is improved with it. I used this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CI6WFCU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The same kitchen towels that you should have 20 of anyway are what I use to rotate a piece of meat or nab a hot pan off the grill. I also keep a couple of pliers handy if I have to heave off a hot grill grate or coal basket in an pinch.
I got a manual stuffer, and it changed my life. The kitchenaid is fine for grinding but made me want to rage while stuffing.
I've only got one pass through my stuffer, but I got this one and it doesn't take up a lot of real estate when packed into the box.
Oh yeah, I always use one with pretty much anything I smoke. I just got these and they are killer. One for prep and one for water pan
AmazonCommercial 1/4 Size x 4" Deep, Anti-Jam Stainless Steel Steam Table/Hotel Pan, 22 Gauge, Pack of 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083M2Y9V3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_W720ED9KYJ1FY3SEJF7X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I’ll start by saying, beautiful rashers sir. For the sake of safety I will share the “safe” way I’ve been taught to use a motorized meat slicer. Set the machine up so the feed plate is closest to your belly. Then, using a push-pull motion, feed the meat into the blade with your right hand and catch with your left. Use the guard to hold the meat unless you have knights armor for your hand. https://www.amazon.com/Resistant-Stainless-Performance-Protection-cleanpower/dp/B01874DY58/ref=asc_df_B01874DY58/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309813515890&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10429917083558299502&hvpone=&hvptwo...
Not sure if this link will work, but I have these and they work great
I was envying that also, saw this one online
I am on the research phase for my first smoker as well. This electric one on Amazon is super well reviewed. I am curious what the folks here think.
Masterbuilt 20070910 30-Inch Black Electric Digital Smoker, Top Controller https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00104WRCY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_IaZFxb1FT7XY3
I was about to ask where in the world you get alligator tail meat but when I googled it the first that came up was an amazon link for 5 pounds of the stuff lol. Is it any good?
PBW will take it off very quickly. I soak my thermo-probes and their little stainless grill clips in a glass of water with half a tablespoon of PBW after each cook and they come out sparkling after about 10 minutes. If the part you want to clean is stainless, try this. PBW is kind of pricey, but you can find it on Amazon and it's useful around the house for other things. I run my dishwasher empty with PBW instead of detergent once a month and it really keeps things spiffy.
I bought the ThermoPro. I really like it. Sadly the probe clip that comes with it is pure nonsense, so I had to order a different one from Amazon but that's a small price.
No need to go fancy on a knife. Get a 10 or 12 inch Dexter serrated slicer. They sell them on Amazon but they are less if you can find a restaurant supply store near you.
$25. I’m happy with it
> MAIRICO Ultra Sharp Premium 11-inch Stainless Steel Carving Knife - Ergonomic Design - Best for Slicing Roasts, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables
I was close to buying this model but chose to go with the wide bodywith its 1890si of cook space. At 260 bucks, I think it’s a steal. Love this brand of smokers!!
This is what I use, and the best part is that it's on sale through Amazon right now. Fantastic little wireless thermo, has changed everything since I've gotten it. Great price, very accurate, I love that it has a meat and grill probe, and the wireless range is great I can chill on the couch or pretty much anywhere else in the house or yard while my smoker does its thing and only tend to it when I need to. The alarms are great as well, if I nod off or slip up on paying attention it's got me covered.
ThermoPro TP08S Wireless Digital Meat Thermometer for Grilling Smoker BBQ Grill Oven Thermometer with Dual Probe Kitchen Cooking Food Thermometer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014DAVHSQ/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_MRZgEbTYY9QYR
Go here and read. Let's you know what locations have it at the price. Can get you an extra $20 off the smoker as well.
I think you can find a larger offset with a firebox for that price. There are a lot of offsets popping up in my area on facebook marketplace/OfferUp/CL/etc for around that price, for example this one .
Just got the Weber 22" Kettle (OTG) last night. I just smoked a fattie and a Tri-tip a few hours ago. I never used the kettle until today and found it pretty easy with amazing results for $150. Maybe a I'll spend more on a larger setup like a WSM in the future, but I love the kettle so far.
Don't get an electric under $300; they are cheaply made. A common complaint is that the heating element starts to fail after a few uses, and this gets progressively worse. And for the standard Chinese type of electric smoker in this price category (they manufacture for a host of US companies like Masterbuilt and Cajun Injector), the element is integrated and not user serviceable.
For some reason, the same manufacturers do a better job with their propane smokers. Most of the complaints about cheap propane smokers are related to air leaks, something you can fix.
I keep looking at the Landmann 38 whenever I go in Costco. I think this is about the best gas smoker you'll get for the price.
This is why I thought freezing brisket might cause texture issues: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-smoke-brisket-with-barbeque-pitmaster-aaron-franklin#the-history-of-brisket-in-barbeque In the “How to Buy Good Brisket” section. My interpretation is that freezing “could” destroy meat fiber and not “always”. Certainly not criticizing what works for you. I freeze steaks but assumed brisket was a different situation.
Right now I'm using a Raspberry Pi to control a servo attached to a needle valve. Here's my first iteration: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipMcRovGf_iZx25SjkMJk6pb9GL1dktJtDRdrttv
Since then, I've replaced the wood parts with a simpler 3D printed bracket so I don't have to worry about it rotting.
I considered using a current controlled proportional valve, but they seemed prohibitively expensive for the purpose. This seems to work well, and if the fire goes out the server can close the needle valve.
I'm going to go against the grain here and say not to worry about freezing it. Sell by dates are completely arbitrary. They're not regulated by anyone. (https://lifehacker.com/why-expiration-dates-on-your-food-mean-nothing-1755569296)
It's 5 days away. You'll be just fine. It's a shoulder so I assume you're going well above 165. There's nothing to worry about whatsoever.
Might be close. Figure you’ll need an hour to rest it as well.
Wrap it when the bark starts to split open, for me that’s around 8-10 hour mark.
I think this sauce goes great with pulled pork.
I make this sauce for pulled pork and I think it's great. Sometimes I'll add some hot sauce for a little kick.
Not conclusive or anything, but:
>I'm going to start off with a little tallow in here. This is a cool thing to do if you cook a brisket or you can buy it at the store. But if you're cooking a brisket, save the fat, render it down in the oven. It's really cool to have tallow that's just rendered beef fat. You can use lard. You can have bacon fat. You can just use oil. It doesn't really matter much. I cook a lot of brisket, so I have a lot of tallow laying around. So I'm going to use tallow.
It's not really a secret. He has a Masterclass published.
No one needs to check out a garbage YT channel to figure it out.
Sweet paprika (aka Hungarian paprika), which is made primarily from ground red bell peppers, is a more subtle spice used primarily as a garnish to add color to dishes. On the other hand, hot paprika (aka Spanish paprika), which is made from ground chili peppers or a combination of chili and bell peppers, can have a heat level comparable to other ground red chilies. Smoked paprika is made when the chili and/or bell peppers are smoked before getting ground into a powder, resulting in a, you guessed it, smokier flavor. Source: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/whats-the-difference-between-cayenne-pepper-paprika-red-chili-pepper-and-ground-red-pepper-plus-15-red-pepper-varieties-and-culinary-uses#what-is-cayenne-pepper
Check this out at Amazon ThermoPro TP20 Wireless Remote Digital Cooking Food Meat Thermometer with Dual Probe for Smoker Grill BBQ Thermometer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GE77QT0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_ZA1KQGE1ZRHED47KXED3
I've had that one for 3 years I believe and it works great! I haven't had any trouble at all out of it.
Yea it has been talking about by multiple people. This one - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0881XTCR3.
I just used it to baste the ribs a bit. It is cheap simple and adds a lot, mostly in brisket and bigger stuff.
Limited-time deal: Pink Kraft Butcher Paper Roll - 18 Inch x 175 Feet (2100 Inch) - Food Grade Peach Wrapping Paper for Smoking Meat of all Varieties – Unbleached, Unwaxed and Uncoated - Made in USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0776JH663/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dl_859X3C6VM0K21JDHJA27?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is what I put in my sidebox for heat. Brinkmann 116-7000-0 Replacement Part - Electric Heating Element https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004W4U0K0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_Z76FBXK8KTYTM2BM641R?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I can put a couple chunks of wood on it or pile on some lump charcoal. I get fantastic results on long cooks.
This is the exact one I use, pairs with your phone and you can set multiple alarm points off the 4 probes
Use light wood for smoke (cherry, apple, pecan)
Trim excess fat and score fat cap
250 degrees (Fahrenheit) for the grill temp. Let it sit until it hits about 160 - 165 (Fahrenheit) internal temp, pull it off and wrap in foil (add a little apple juice if you like), put back in until about 200 degrees or so internal temp.
For rub I use this for pulled pork
Bad Byron's Butt Rub https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00258I5PM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P5QQCXVM1WSR5Q0T502K
Check the ingredients and use similar choices. Hope this helps. Good luck.
I'm enjoying my Chef's Choice 15XV. I don't trust it (yet) on my good knives, but it's breathed new life into my old set of cheapo Farberware knives. Good enough that I only have to pull out the good knives for precision stuff (e.g. carving meat or really fine slicing/dicing).
Inexpensive and a lot of ratings, can't have farmed that many right?
Inexpensive, works great.
> MAIRICO Ultra Sharp Premium 11-inch Stainless Steel Carving Knife - Ergonomic Design - Best for Slicing Roasts, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables
Get him a copy of Rodney Scott’s book
Follow the pit build instructions therein.
I have this one and it’s been great.
Wireless Meat Thermometer, Bluetooth Meat Thermometer For Grilling Digital BBQ Cooking Thermometer with 6 Probes, APP/Timer/Alarm Monitor Food Thermometer for Smoker Barbecue Oven Kitchen Turkey https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W9KYHHL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_N6DG5Q0EF0RTCSZJH6NY
I build the fire on one side of the grill, stacked up charcoal and two chunks of smoking wood, I use cherry, and I light a couple of briquettes and place the wood on top so it starts smoking immediately. The steaks only take an hour or so to hit temp, 120f, so I want to get as much smoke as possible. I also put my steaks on a cold grill. I start the steaks at the same time I start the grill so they come up slowly together. you can let your steaks sit out and come to room temp if you want, these were fresh from the refrigerator when they went on, I season at the grill and use this Thermometer I smoke up to 250f. When the steaks are close I heated the cast iron inside on the stove to give it a head start and then heated it the rest of the way on the grill. Oil in the pan, Pat the steaks dry and sear 2-3 mins a side alternating every minute.
$99 but there’s a 30% coupon so it’s $69
Inkbird WiFi Grill Thermometer IBBQ-4T, Rechargeable Wireless Meat Thermometer with 4 Probes, Calibration, Timer, High and Low Alarm, Digital WiFi BBQ Meat Thermometer for Smoker, Oven, Kitchen, Drum
I use this for doing cheese on my kettle, just fill with some pellets light them up and smoke.
A-MAZE-N AMNPS Maze Pellet Smoker, Hot or Cold Smoking, 5 x 8 Inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007ROPJ1M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DA5WXWN5YS4WR0BXNZ4P
It is a Shun Hinoki Board
It’s 30% off right now
> Inkbird WiFi Grill Thermometer IBBQ-4T, Rechargeable Wireless Meat Thermometer with 4 Probes, Calibration, Timer, High and Low Alarm, Digital WiFi BBQ Meat Thermometer for Smoker, Oven, Kitchen, Drum
> Inkbird WiFi Grill Thermometer IBBQ-4T, Rechargeable Wireless Meat Thermometer with 4 Probes, Calibration, Timer, High and Low Alarm, Digital WiFi BBQ Meat Thermometer for Smoker, Oven, Kitchen, Drum
> https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07XNTJKY4
It goes on sale every so often. Use camelcamelcamel and put in $60 and buy when it goes under that.
I bought a cast iron smoke box for a BBQ for mine it works great. Keeps the wood away from the direct flame turning it to ash. I don't use the lid that come with it.
This is only a two-probe model, but it has the low temp alarm you need.
Many of the thermometers on Amazon omit customizable high/low alarms for high only/'smart' doneness alarms (click the button until it says what meat you're cooking and the thermometer will beep when it's reached FDA doneness temp)
I have and recommend the Thermoworks Smoke, but the ThermoPro TP-08S is very similar.
My recommendation would be a 6" butcher knife. They are designed to remove skin, as well as being a good general use knife to break down larger cuts of meat, as well as poultry.
A boning knife/filet life can work, but is not really great for breaking down cuts, and more suited to delicate work.
I had the same issue. We got one of those rotating spice racks, but something like these may help!
Modern Innovations 16 Inch Stainless Steel Magnetic Knife Bar with Multi-Purpose Functionality as a Knife Holder, Knife Strip, Magnetic Tool Organizer, Art Supply Organizer & Home Organizer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016ISHAC8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_KHXQP495H8TVJG5YS6CJ
Limited-time deal: SWOMMOLY Spice Rack Organizer with 24 Empty Square Spice Jars, 396 Spice Labels with Chalk Marker and Funnel Complete Set, for Countertop, Cabinet or Wall Mount https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TMVKCXN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D8WJRVF5WR397R62N8YH
here is the recipe
and here is what I use for the pickling spice
other than that, I use yellow mustard as the binder. Couldn't be easier!
Also make sure to get a blade sheath for it.
This one. Inkbird Bluetooth Grill BBQ Meat Thermometer with 4 Probes Digital Wireless Grill Thermometer, Timer, Alarm,150 ft Barbecue Cooking Kitchen Food Meat Thermometer for Smoker, Oven, Drum https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076QDC5VL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XD51R5SJCQA4BHGDS1VK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1