According to a Raspberry Pi engineer the U16 SMPS chip, a power supply chip, is photosensitive (Source). It can be fixed by covering the chip. Shining the flash on the under-side of the rPi doesn't cause it to freeze.
Q: Will there be a minimum order quantity?
A: The minimum order quantity will be one unit.
I assumed I could get away with not ordering one, but that is not allowed. The minimum I, and you, have to order now, is one.
Full documentation and a BSD source release of the graphics stack on the BCM21553. This is not the BCM2835, which is in the rPi, but it's apparently close enough that they've sponsored a contest to give $10K to the first person who can port the stack over and show that Quake III is running on open-source hardware.
This is 3D code, apparently, and some of the video codec stuff still needs blobs for licensing requirements. Not ideal, but enough to get Wayland running, and a good chance we can implement some video stuff ourselves. Or that they'll release more later.
According to this forum thread with comments from an rPi engineer it is photosensitive. Covering the U16 chip or turning the rPi over avoids the problem.
If you have an existing machine, I suggest you take a look at using a Virtual Machine. Search Youtube for Howto guides for installing Ubuntu on Virtualbox.
You could also get a Raspberry Pi (a small, very weak ARM processor and breakout board) and install Debian.
Alternatively if you want to spend a little more and get a full laptop, you could buy a cheap Chromebook like the C720 (<€200 used) and install Linux.
If you were as confused as me – this is Raspberry Pi – basically a very simple computer (and small… credit card sized) capable of running modern software. It’s plugged into a TV and keyboard, as the FAQ suggests.
That is not the spec, and it doesn't say it will draw 700mA.
It says that 700mA will be more than enough to power the B model (the higher-powered one) and a USB peripheral.
EDIT: A testing board <em>played Quake 3 in 1080p at max settings with AA</em> while drawing 150mA (in the comments, search page for 150). Can't tell from the video whether there was a powered hub for the mouse and KB, but it doesn't look like it.
EDIT 2: For an idea of the scale of these numbers, 700mA is about what a low-end microUSB phone charger provides.
Unshielded electronics are actually light-sensitive! Due to the photoelectric effect metals actually emit electrons when struck by extremely high-intensity light.
This got a little bit famous recently when DIYers found that the Raspberry Pi 2 would power off spontaneously if you flashed it with a xenon flash.
Most modern electronics are encased in epoxy or ceramic that block light, so they are not susceptible, but unshielded electronics are totally susceptible, and it results in an electrical disruption. What this disruption would do to a 1950s fictional robot is up to you :P
This is WRONG! It was not the Raspberry PI's core.
Broadcom open sourced BCM21553 cellphone chip. Raspberry PI uses the BCM2835. SOOOO People have to try and hack it to work with the information that is made available for a separate chip.
EDITED for Source. Source Added at Edit
>If, like Brian, you’re making a product which requires a Raspberry Pi to run, we don’t ask you to buy special permission or licences from us to use it. All we ask is that you include the words “Powered by Raspberry Pi” somewhere on your packaging. If your business is successful, we’d be very grateful if you could consider donating a small portion of your profits to the Raspberry Pi Foundation – but that’s all, and if you choose not to do that, that’s fine too.
>We’ve been working on how to improve availability of the Raspberry Pi in China. China represents a massive potential market for the Pi, and one which comes with its own unique set of challenges. With this in mind, in partnership with our licensees RS Components and Premier Farnell, we have granted Egoman Technology Corp a licence to produce and distribute Pis in China and Taiwan.
>We’ve made sure that the Chinese Pis are visually easy to distinguish from rest-of-world Pis. Because they do not carry FCC/CE marks (although they are fully compatible with the boards you can buy elsewhere), it’s not legal to import them into the EU or the USA, or into some other parts of the world.
No, because this thing's GPU output is equal to a 300mhz Pentium II.
Edit: Everyone loves to shoot the messenger. Src:
Search "how powerful is it?" and be enlightened.
from their faq
>Overall real world performance is something like a 300MHz Pentium 2, only with much, much swankier graphics.
The pentium 2 came out in 1997, and the deschutes core was released in 1998, and it ranged in performance from 266MHz to 450MHz.
So you'd have to go back to 1998 to get CPU performance similar to the Pi.
HOWEVER, graphics wise, it has performance akin to an Xbox360, which was release 9 years ago (2005).
This article seems to shed some light on the function.
The article describes the Pi as being "camera-shy"...that is, when a specific type of camera flash is set off near the Pi, it instantly powers off. Apparently high-intensity, long wave light emissions cause disruptions in the "U16" chip (responsible for regulating power to the processor core), subsequently causing a brief core voltage drop.
Apparently the folks who wrote this article are poking fun at this weakness of the Pi.
> For the last six months we’ve been working closely with Microsoft to bring the forthcoming Windows 10 to Raspberry Pi 2. Microsoft will have much more to share over the coming months. The Raspberry Pi 2-compatible version of Windows 10 will be available free of charge to makers.
> We’re excited to announce that we are expanding our Windows Developer Program for IoT by delivering a version of Windows 10 that supports Raspberry Pi 2. This release of Windows 10 will be free for the Maker community through the Windows Developer Program for IoT.
I want to believe, but the fact that there is no source in the article, and the Raspberry Pi website mentions nothing about it, leads me to question the validity of this article.
There is a chip on every motherboard, containing what's called the BIOS (basic input/output system).
This is the first software on every PC that gets executed when you switch the power on. It checks if everything is ok, it looks for your harddrives and boots windows when everything checks out.
In OPs case for whatever reason his BIOS was broken. That's bad because without this first line of software you have no way of doing anything. The motherboard was basically braindead.
Now OP was crafty, he took his "tiny PC" (first picture, the little board on the right side with the fruit imprinted), which is a Raspberry Pi, that is among other things a lowcost PC built specifically to be connected with hardware and connected it to the actual chip that holds the BIOS.
This way he could push a clean, working BIOS over those wires into the chip, effectively implanting a new, working brain into his bricked motherboard.
This is a massive upgrade, I've tried to short list the specifics I could find compared to B+:
4x900 Mhz, B+ 1x700
ArmV7, B+ ArmV6
VideoCore IV GPU Same as B+
OC 1.1 GHz without overvolt B+ 0.8 without, 1.0 with overvolt.
Performance Qualified Guesstimates:
Worst case: Single thread CPU heavy +50% From 30% higher clock, DDR2 RAM, v6 code still benefiting from better cache and efficiency of v7 architecture.
Typical: 2-3x faster for single threaded CPU heavy tasks recompiled with v7 optimization.
Shining: 8-12x faster with CPU heavy multithreaded tasks recompiled with v7 optimizations.
Graphics 1.5-2x faster due to clock and faster RAM.
Floating Point: Pretty good actually but IDK how it was on B+.
From the sunspider test which is singlethreaded, it seems math has gotten a pretty nice boost, with just over 3x better results, but this is by javascript interpretation and is highly inaccurate in measuring CPU and math performance, the overall result is 3.8 times better than on B+.
These are my initial findings, please feel free to comment with additional or more exact info if you have some. ;)
Actual Benchmarks:
Not too far off the guestimates. :)
Edited for mistake on graphics cores, and updated with an extra bit on math.
The PR person in charge of their Twitter account is their Head of Communications, Liz Upton, wife of Raspberry founder Eben Upton.
Crosspost from r/linux
This is a massive upgrade, I've tried to short list the specifics I could find compared to B+:
4x900 Mhz, B+ 1x700
ArmV7, B+ ArmV6
VideoCore IV GPU Same as B+
OC 1.1 GHz without overvolt B+ 0.8 without, 1.0 with overvolt.
Performance Qualified Guesstimates:
Worst case: Single thread CPU heavy +50% From 30% higher clock, DDR2 RAM, v6 code still benefiting from better cache and efficiency of v7 architecture.
Typical: 2-3x faster for single threaded CPU heavy tasks recompiled with v7 optimization.
Shining: 8-12x faster with CPU heavy multithreaded tasks recompiled with v7 optimizations.
Graphics 1.5-2x faster due to clock and faster RAM.
Floating Point: Pretty good actually but IDK how it was on B+.
From the sunspider test which is singlethreaded, it seems math has gotten a pretty nice boost, with just over 3x better results, but this is by javascript interpretation and is highly inaccurate in measuring CPU and math performance, the overall result is 3.8 times better than on B+.
These are my initial findings, please feel free to comment with additional or more exact info if you have some. ;)
Actual Benchmarks:
Not too far off the guestimates. :)
Edited for mistake on graphics cores, and updated with an extra bit on math.
To be honest, not much. Especially with the network being connected to the USB bridge.
>Overall real world performance is something like a 300MHz Pentium 2, only with much, much swankier graphics.
edit: If you need any sort of performance, check out the new Odroid C1 or Banana Pi (or Banana Pro).
edit2: If you're just talking about attaching sensors and switching relays and stuff like that, the Rpi is perfect (and very well documented/supported). However, for anything that needs a bit of processing power and/or throughput (like a media server), something else will be much better suited.
From the official FAQ:
> 7. When will the next model of the Raspberry Pi be released?
> As of the end of 2013, there are no immediate plans for the next model; a new model may be released in 2-3 years, but this is not a firm schedule. A new model would inherently undo much of the community work that has been done to date on the Raspberry Pi, which would be counter-productive to our educational aims. We concentrate our engineering effort on making the software that runs on the Raspberry Pi faster and better all the time – which is why you should always be running the most recent firmware.
I am using a Raspberry Pi Model B in an HDMIPi screen. RetroPie was setup using the above r/DIY post as a guide (thanks u/Laoracc) using a wired Xbox360 controller.
I am going to replace the clear Perspex wrap with a trimmed down laptop screen protector. I have been running it off of the 12V power adapter, but as the last couple of pics show, I have been testing out powering it via a USB battery pack that I have (5V @ 2.1A). I may modify the case slightly to make room for a battery. There is still a little bit of work left with tweaking the controls and settings to my liking.
From the Raspberry pi FAQ:
>This means that graphics capabilities are roughly equivalent to the original Xbox’s level of performance. Overall real world performance is something like a 300MHz Pentium 2, only with much, much swankier graphics.
I guess to get people used to doing reverse engineering on the GPUs of PC-type graphics cards?! :-(
From the Raspberry Pi's FAQ:
> To get the full SoC documentation you would need to sign an NDA with Broadcom, who make the chip and sell it to us. But you would also need to provide a business model and estimate of how many chips you are going to sell.
You are totally correct and shouldn't be apologizing! I read Pi 2 B+ somewhere and stick with it, but the Foundation has clearly labeled it Pi 2 B. Thanks for the heads up!
Just so everyone knows, they just released the Raspberry Pi 2. It's still $35, but much more powerful. It can also run Windows 10, if that's something you're into.
Download NOOBS and copy it to an SD card. Stick the card in the Pi and boot it up. Select the OpenELEC operating system. Hit the install button at the top.
Look under "Videos" -> "Files", the drive on the USB port will be 'sda'. You can Google search an XBMC tutorial if you need more setup help, but it should mostly work right out of the box.
You're going to need a mouse to do the selecting in the above steps.
You can hook all your drives up to a USB hub and they'll show up as 'sda', 'sdb', 'sdc', etc...
There's an Apple device app called 'xbmcRemote' that will allow you to use your iPod/iPhone as a remote control for the XBMC install. You'll need to put the Pi and the Apple device on your home network. Or you could get a bluetooth keyboard/mouse pad. Plug the dongle into the Pi and there's a good chance it will work with no setup.
I'll upvote you for being critical and spelling out what you perceive as problems, but I respectfully disagree. The people running this have registered their organization as a charity in England. They're not concerned with being profitable, rather making cheap computers accessible to all, especially schools. They're not concerned with shipping millions of units to OEMs or other manufacturers. The price is very sustainable since they have enough cash to pay for their first round of production and then some. If they sell those all out, which I bet they will have no problem, that will finance subsequent rounds as the costs are cheaper than what the price they're selling. I predict these will be hugely popular and later iterations will get more feature rich and the price will drop as they refine their design.
Except they don't, it is entirely caused by the light in this case. The original thread covered this on the first page of comments.
To me, the boot procedure is even worse than needing closed-source graphics drivers. The boot starts with the GPU(!) loading an 18MB(!!) firmware blob from a FAT32 partition on the SD card(!!!). Then it loads a kernel image from the SD card, which the ARM11 boots from. For a project that is notionally free/open-source, this is just insane.
Also, the only datasheet/documentation for the SoC was just released 3 days ago, and I'm not sure it's everything you would need in order to port another OS (like a BSD) to the chip.
It's a real shame that modern hardware this cool is all opaque boxes, completely undocumented unless you pay $$ and sign NDAs
Home Theater Personal Computer. I love mine, I'm running a Raspberry Pi with OpenELEC.
They aren't selling any until they have the first units completely ready for sale. From the FAQ: >Are you accepting pre-orders?
>No. We are adequately funded, and don’t want to take your money until we have finished hardware.
It's got it's problems.
No 720p decoding (UI can run up to 1080i, just not enough horsepower to decode 720p Matroskas or anything.) Memory consumption can limit your choice of skins pretty dramatically; even the default Confluence skin can run into Out of Memory errors if you're using the Library functionality. The lack of MySQL implementation - which is not at all impossible, just something the developers have decided not to bother with - is a big mark against it, compared to other devices - MySQL would allow me to share my library between all XBMC devices in my network, including watched status, etc, and let me seemlessly pause and resume watching a show or movie between rooms. And it's slow.
But, considering I spent about $50 on each of them, and maybe a half hour work, and they've been chugging along for almost a decade as either gaming consoles or solid, reliable media streamers, that's pretty damn hard to beat. Currently, the next best deal is probably the jailbroken AppleTV 2 (adds 720p, but lacks 1080p, $100 new) but I'll be very curious to see how something like the Raspberry Pi stacks up when XBMC is ported to it - a $25 computer the size of a credit card, no moving parts unless you add an external HDD, with full 1080p H.264 decoding over HDMI? Yes, please.
Some electronics are photosensitive - sometimes by design (you want a light sensor to be photosensitive, for example), sometimes, um, not (Raspberry Pi 2 is camera-shy - here's a free physics lesson :).
> What I do wonder is if they actually expect hobbyists to legally buy an OS
"The Raspberry Pi 2-compatible version of Windows 10 will be available free of charge to makers"
Windows 8.1 is "free of any OEM licensing fees on devices with screens smaller than 9 inch"
If you're willing to shell out $25-$35 for a Raspberry Pi, Mojang provides a free version of Minecraft specifically for the Raspberry Pi that includes a Python API for interacting with the environment. There are a number of resources for starting with this:
I don't think so. This is from
"As of the end of 2013, there are no immediate plans for the next model; possibly a new model will be released in 2-3 years, but this is not a firm time frame. A new model would inherently undo much of the community work that has been done to date on the Raspberry Pi, which would be counter-productive to our educational aims. We concentrate our engineering effort on making the software that runs on the Raspberry Pi faster and better all the time – which is why you should always be running the most recent firmware. Minor hardware revisions, such as bringing out i2s on the Model B rev. 2 board, will occur on an as needed basis and have no set timeframe or schedule."
Download and rename it start.elf and place it into /boot on the sdcard.
According to user dom on cannot test yet unfortunately.
:edit: This is old, but I thought I would update it. The newer raspbian image allows this to be changed via raspi-config so there's no longer any need to download or replace the start.elf
This is Liz's comment in regards to not telling anyone.
See Osborne Effect.
Not saying I agree with the move, but I can understand the pressure. Still, very happy for the upgrade.
It's perfectly possible with current-day technology to actually build that physical cartridge. My hunch is that it wouldn't even be that expensive to do so (plus, you can subsidise the thing via a telco deal for the built-in modem dial-up service. AOL will be so grateful). I wonder how many expressions of interest and firm preorders it would take to break even on the actual hardware cartridge?
(And remember people, the Famicon/NES has a 5V pin on the cartridge. What else works with 5V? That's right.)
Actually the SD card is not on the USB bus on the RPi. The NIC is though.
Second page, center bottom. The SD card is connected directly to the BCM2835 via GPIO pins - this is the schematic for the original Pi, I'm assuming the SD storage is connected in the same way on the v2.
At any rate, I think you are still trying to drive home the point that IO is superior on the odroid c1, which you are absolutely correct to say. Infact I said basically that above ;)
You're best bet is to look for the minecraft servers that were re-written in c++ rather than java. You can run java on the rpi and run a minecraft server but it will be rather unusable.
Have a look here.
Even though you were making a joke, I actually think a (relatively) cheap version of this could be reproduced with a Raspberry Pi or Arduino, a used kinect, and some parts for the car itself (motors, etc). Here's some blueprints for a simple RC car made with a Raspberry Pi (in French):
OpenKinect drivers and libraries:
There may be a problem with powering all the utilities, but other than that I'd say it can be done for under $300 assuming the kinect was purchased for a reasonable price. That said, there may also be cheaper ways such as multiple webcams or sensors.
You should read the article in the raspberry pi blog > > For the last six months we’ve been working closely with Microsoft to bring the forthcoming Windows 10 to Raspberry Pi 2. Microsoft will have much more to share over the coming months
You've missed the point. The end device is the issue, so you change the end device. All the end devices of a particular breed share the issue and you can't flash it away? Invest in another breed.
Media streaming micro-PCs are the trending breed.
Unfortunately not. There is still a closed source binary blob firmware. Of course there is not much you could do with it even if you did have the source. You would need lots of documentation on the hardware etc to use it. It's better than nothing though :)
Always a good way to spend half an hour, listening to SPJ, and interesting to hear of his involvement in computing in schools.
When I was at a UK school (in the 80s) there were two parts of the school which contained computers (well three towards the end when the library got a PC to view CD-ROMs). The maths department had BBCs (later supplemented with ARM-based Archimedes), they were used to program BASIC as part of a subject called computing. There was also a room full of IBM PC compatibles which had replaced typewriters, and typing lessons, with word processing in a subject known as Business Studies. As typing had been earlier, it was seen as training for future clerical workers, not preparation for academic study; so it was another two decades before I finally taught myself to touch-type.
It sounds like "computing" died out and "business studies" morphed into "ICT". I'm certainly behind SPJ's efforts to reintroduce it. And the efforts of initiatives such as Raspberry PI to produce the low cost hardware for school students to hack on.
The Raspberry Pi playing Quake 3.
The end-goal of the project is to shrink the board down to the size of a credit card, so it should be.... next year that you can do what you're thinking about. :)
It opened Reddit, at least. That's a bit difficult to see in the picture, but Reddit is open on it. I haven't used it much (I just got it today), but the specs are over here: (under "General")
Well, I think they just love the fact they can turn it into a little security sniffing device. Of course, this was way before raspberry pi and pwnie express came out.
I wonder how difficult it would be for someone to engineer a cheap, open source graphing calc with off he shelf parts? I mean we're already making quake-running, open-source, notecard-sized PCs for $25...I think I just figured out my senior design project...
pretty much everyone interested in something like this seems to be waiting on the $25/$35 Raspberry Pi:
Not exactly a dual-core monster but it's got all the other things you noted. release date is supposed to be in a month or 2
New computer: $35
Ethernet cable: $2.18
Monitor: $30+13
Mouse+Keyboard: Find it on the side of a road for free
All together, you can have a decent home computer for less than a hundred bucks. If you want something portable, netbooks can be had for cheap (got mine new for $170 over two years ago, still using it).
You're right, but it is running on an ARM processor, as opposed to a processor that uses the x86 or AMD64 architecture. That would mean it would have to be recompiled because the processor instruction sets are different.
At least that's the assumption that I'm making because of the implications of the FAQ on their site.
Apparently, it was replicated using a red laser pointer over a specific component (U16 I believe).
Also, the effect was not observed when the board was turned upside down.
Part of the testing required before sale is that it's put in a shielded box and subjected to RF/EM interference. If this caused it to fail it wouldn't be on sale.
Information above obtained from here
So yes it should be news, as the board is being frozen by flashes of light.
There kind of is a Raspberry Pi R3, the compute module. I imagine we'll see motherboards for it with various features, e.g. sata.
Set up a kickstarter to fund a massive mesh network using cheap hardware like the Raspberry pi. Design a nice tight box with a solar panel and battery and start tossing them up on people's roofs to light up the dark patches.
If our corrupt political elite are hell bent on fecking up the Internet we'll just have to start our own.
I've been thinking of picking up a Raspberry PI ( and using a cheap LCD monitor to make one. Haven't gotten around to it yet though as I haven't had the time to look up the OS options for the PI to see if it can do an animated gif screensaver/slideshow type thing.
(where did my comment about needing a special driver go?)
To add to why a special only-rpi-foundation-can-make firmware level (not Linux) driver is needed, I found this post > The camera modules outputs raw data direct to the GPU. There it goes through about 17 stages of processing (Debayering, lens correction, black level, gain control, AWB, scaling, cropping, distortion etc). This is all done in real time at 30fps because it's all done in HW under control of the GPU software. The GPU can then also HW encode to JPEG a single capture at full res, or send a lower rez processed stream to the H264 encoder which can encode at 1080p30.
It's a real shame, really. If they wanted, they could turn a $25/$35 Raspbery Pi into a Netflix box to watch a streamed 1080p video through HDMI. Geez, there's even a demo of XBMC for it, while a serious proyect to port it has already started.
Cheap Netflix-compatible ARM Linux boxes would most likely popup everywhere. Real affordable options for their paying customers.
The FAQ still says they intend to support Debian, Fedora, and Arch at launch. The linked entry in this post is actually for Ubuntu which did indeed ditch ARM support.
/EDIT: Meant ARMV6
> Windows 10 > > For the last six months we’ve been working closely with Microsoft to bring the forthcoming Windows 10 to Raspberry Pi 2. Microsoft will have much more to share over the coming months. The Raspberry Pi 2-compatible version of Windows 10 will be available free of charge to makers. > > Visit today to join the Windows Developer Program for IoT and receive updates as they become available.
Windows? Their whole success is based on the open source community and now they go to bed with Microsoft?
CPU is a Raspberry Pi model B, hooked to a 5" composite display. Separate batteries for the CPU and the display, both can run the rig for several hours, actual battery life not yet known. The keyboard is bluetooth and has a little trackpad and buttons for pointer control. Finally it's got a wifi dongle.
OS is Raspbian Linux
If you have a gaming PC with an nVidia 600 or 700 series GPU, you can use it as a Shield station with Limelight. Pop a USB controller on the Pi, hook it up to your flatscreen and WiFi (802.11n or greater) to stream games to it.
I don't think it is accurate to say "specifically designed for the RPi". It says it is tested with BeagleBoard and PandaBoard.
Have you checked the RPi forum to see if someone else has done it, or if they think it'll work without too much hassle?
I worked with a small charity organization at my college trying to use FOSS to help bridge the digital divide. I would love to see stuff like this grow even more. Check these out. - Here you can grab some more cheap computers and read about a charity trying to get more kids access to technology and teach them to program. - Maybe you can find something similar near you. I know that we were not the only organization doing something like this.
And this comment sums up the foundation's perspective nicely:
At least that's how it seems like they're coming off in all of this.
Short answer: the manufaturing costs are simply way too high. You need to import all the raw materials to the USA, which costs tax, and then you have to manufacture it, sans subsidies, and so on, so forth. It's a lot cheaper in China, where there's less tax, more accessible resources, lower labour costs, and so on. It took a good while for manufacturing of the Raspberry Pi to move to the UK from China.
I know this doesn't specifically relate to the Eurozone, but back in January, Raspberry Pi mentioned on their blog that the UK tax regime was making it difficult to build their product in the UK.
>Simply put, if we build the Raspberry Pi in Britain, we have to pay a lot more tax. If a British company imports components, it has to pay tax on those (and most components are not made in the UK). If, however, a completed device is made abroad and imported into the UK – with all of those components soldered onto it – it does not attract any import duty at all. This means that it’s really, really tax inefficient for an electronics company to do its manufacturing in Britain, and it’s one of the reasons that so much of our manufacturing goes overseas.
I believe more can certainly be done, on a national level, to aid these companies. Even something as simple as a tax break for this sector would help startups get onto their feet.
On a European level, something like the SME funding programme specifically tailored for IT businesses might work. A recent European success story, Spotify, was very much reliant on private investment and the founders' own money to get itself to a good position where it could start making money.
It's been in development for a while and has only recently been released as a product to the public. Its production goal has always been targeted as a $25 computer that you can fit in your pocket. It can even play Quake.
I think it could house a Raspberry Pi, which would make it a very cool pocket computer, where you could still see the insides. Raspberry Pi shipments are a little slow, but if you order now, you'd get one in about 3 months.
Wait until the raspberry pi comes out, and then order it, the more expensive ($35 I believe) version is capable of hdmi output and has built in Ethernet, you can load up Openelec which is a self booting version of XMBC, or any other linux build on it and there you go, a cheap simple and silent machine to get online content to your tv.
--Edit-- (Changed Price from 30 to 35)
It's called hardware decoding you fucking idiot. The 700MHz ARM processor doesn't do the decoding assuming the video is supported by the hardware decoder, because the CPU alone obviously can't handle 1080p. It's good to know that people this rude are also fucking stupid.
The screen was this one, I think, and I mounted it on a milled plastic electronics container that I picked up at Jaycar. You'll need an adapter for it to connect to the Pi.
I got Quake 3 running using two tutorials: this one and also this forum post. They do require quite a bit of patience to complete, however! I had problems where the power supply to the screen kept dropping out and causing all sorts of tomfoolery.
It's a micro-computer the size of a credit card which runs Linux.
It's not that powerful because of its size, but it can run Quake 3 pretty well and it's only about £20-£25. (Depending on the model. A+ is the cheapest and B+ is most expensive)
Here's a bunch of things you could do with it. ^^^That ^^^I ^^^definitely ^^^didn't ^^^just ^^^copy ^^^and ^^^paste ^^^from ^^^Google...
I'm not a big reddit user, and mostly just lurk. But here's my thoughts:
1) Stop thinking of Arduino as a computer. Without getting into a deep semantic fight, it's just a microprocessor with some added stuff to make it easy to use as a hobbyist. Not a computer.
2) Yes, you can most likely use any computer with gpio pins to perform most of the things we ask an Arduino to do. This is a classic Arduino 'Hello World' project, but done on a Raspberry Pi for example. But a computer comes with overhead -- power hungry, larger, and with additional components (both hardware and software) that are unnecessary.
3) As for portability and single-use... The Arduino is fractions of the size (not to mention price) of even single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi, Cubie, or Beaglebone. And an old computer is many times larger than those. Yes, they are often used as embedded processors, which would make them single use -- but that's no different than any of the alternatives in that use case.
You say "I'm not really into electronics, but I really love the computer part of the Arduino". My advice for you is not to get an Arduino then. Arduino is specifically built for hobbyists in electronics. Get a single-board computer, or use your old computer, and tinker with that; I think you'll be happier.
And most likely, one day you'll come up with a project and think "hey, a computer is really overkill in this case. Really all I need is a simple processor to do this one thing" and bingo - you now need an Arduino.
Compsci dpt at York uni has a battleship challenge for undergrads, using Raspberry Pis: (article has nothing specific about strategy or algorithms)
You need to download and instal ffmpeg and create a account. On your ustream account go to channel then remote and there you will find the RTMP address and the stream key which you will need to start streaming from the pi.
I followed this guide, its fairly simple. Near the bottom is a 'worksheet' click on that and you will see a step by step guide. Skip to the part that says streaming:
Hope this helps you out :)
The People at the Raspberry Pi foundation have said that the most of warranty returns they had for the Pi could be traced back to bad supplies How many of those could be "fixed" by using a decent supply and how many of those took damaged from the supply are unclear.
But these suppiles don't just "stop producing enough power" It can go the other way, where they fail and produce too much power which is what will fry your Pi.
Use a high quality supply, and not for the sake of the Pi (Its cheap enough to replace) But use one for the sake of your house (Esp if you are going to be running it unattended). I've lost count of the number of stories I've seen of cheap and even fake power supplies from china going bang and starting fires.
Have a look at what is inside some of these cheap supplies Yeah I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.
yep, when I first got started I was reading these 10 page tutorials about configuring the installs from scratch and mostly scratching my head. Then I found the preconfigured SD image files and realized it was easier than doing laundry.
They have since put them all up on the pi homepage with decent quick tutorials how to get started. If you can reddit, you can make pi work.
Hell no! There was actually a lot of controversy a while back because they claimed they had released all the videocore driver source, yet really only released the source for the userland and not the giant binary blob the userland interfaces with.
If you want to read more:
Luc Verhaegan's comment is where the discussion starts getting hairy.
The main issue I can think of is that you're supplying power on the wrong side of the poly-fuse that protects your pi. Have a look at the schematic (see p. 1, top left for the USB power input, and the middle of p.2 for the GPIO headers.)
Basically, I think it'll be fine, as long as your power supply is decent and solid. (No voltage swings in either direction, etc.)
This is pretty much the same specs as a Raspberry Pi which costs $25 but can output 1080p.
I use one to do DNS/DHCP/IDS on my home network but I think they're most popular for creating a media streaming server since it can output high definition video. I've also heard they can be useful for distributed IDS/honey pots on large networks. $1000 gets you 40 small computers that can hang off a switch port.
So I guess the question is.. laptop or credit card sized computer with USB and higher resolutions.
Case looks nice, but seems to be solving (or not) some problems that don't exist? Interested to know what hole in the rpi case market this is aimed at.
Impact Resistant Silicone - but leaves the SD card exposed? If the SD card is supposed to be removed for transportation, why isn't there a slot/holder for 1 or 2 in the case?
Steel outer, but it's a U shape so doesn't look very strong / resistant to crushing?
Electromagnetic shielding metal - Seriously, get out. The rpi had to go through EMC testing as part of getting the CE mark. It doesn't need any shielding. See This claim in your video cheapens all other feature claims.
At this point you lost me as a potential customer, but has the steel been treated to make it fingerprint resistant, or is it labelled as such just because you can't see them as clearly as in a mirror?
The product itself has visual appeal, but the marketing claims detract. Also, for less than the cost of this case you can get a shield, breadboard, and component selection (resistors, push switches, leads, LEDs) for experimenting with the GPIO ports.
You can play any of these codecs/wrappers for dirt cheap:
Raspberry Pi - $35
Debian Linux - Free
32GB SDHC card - $35
So, for $70, the same price as most Xvid enabled DVD players, you can build a tiny PC that will play ANY file you want.
I am surprised this is proceeding. I can imagine certain parties attacking it as being "anti-competitive" and an abuse of the BBC's dominant position.
Don't forget - the UK dropped plans for an open standards policy when certain parties kicked up a fuss.
As the Pi cannot run their expensive & proprietary software, I can see them getting in a real strop over this.
Given the posts below, I am considering this a fake until the BBC/RaspPi make a formal announcement.
I wouldn't go giving that site any details until you are 100% sure it is genuine.
More here:
I have a sheevaplug which works well for my needs. There are many similar alternatives such as the pogoplug and a few others though i dont think these are open. They will run you about $100 but if you need something cheaper i think the raspberry pi might be what you are looking for. The should be going on sale soon and are $35.
EDIT:changed price to $35 to reflect increased price of ethernet version
Have people already forgotten about the Raspberry Pi? There were already a few ingenious ideas about sticking one of these in a controller for plug-n-play emulators. It's supposed to come out by the end of this year, so hopefully you won't have to wait very long.
EDIT: Well shit, looks like Damocles ninja'd me.
Camera module not included,
They're aiming at a model A and a model B for a little more. 128Meg on the A and 256Meg + network jack on the B,
Everybody should have at least one.
Specs and stuff from here:
>Provisional specification: > >* 700MHz ARM11 >* 128MB of SDRAM >* OpenGL ES 2.0 >* 1080p30 H.264 high-profile decode >* Composite and HDMI video output >* USB 2.0 >* SD/MMC/SDIO memory card slot >* General-purpose I/O >* Open software (Ubuntu, Iceweasel, KOffice, Python)
I'm not seeing anything about how it would connect to the internet though (so how he is getting Twitter/Facebook is a bit puzzling).
Windows is unable to understand the disk space due to the card being in a non-Windows-friendly format. To properly format the card and get all of your space, use the SD format tool - make sure to pick the space option.
Just follow the NOOBs directions, Raspbian is the default OS.
That'a a picture of a small, low cost, fully functioning computer called a Rasberry Pi. It's mainly used by computer hobbyists and educational institutions.
The implication of the joke is that reddit is run on poor/cheap servers, because it went down for a little while earlier today.
Official information:
> Because it has an ARMv7 processor, it can run the full range of ARM GNU/Linux distributions, including Snappy Ubuntu Core, as well as Microsoft Windows 10.
It's a case for a single-board ~$35 computer called a Raspberry Pi.
It's useful for Learning about computers, microcontrollers, Linux, and electronics.
It can also act as a HTPC or Home Theater PC, serving up video and music.
They are really cool beasties, I have 3.
If you read the Blog post you will see that they call this a revision to the Model B hardware, the B+ NOT a Raspberry Pi 2. It is well known they will do a successor model at some later point but this is not it.
Considering that they took a lot of the feedback from users and integrated those suggestions into the revision for the same price is just awesome. Simple things like more GPIO pins, proper mounting holes and the alignment of all the ports to the board is very cool for project builders like me. And all for the same price. Awesome!
My dad's Apple TV died a while ago. He replaced it with a Raspberry Pi which he just started using yesterday. Seemed pretty snappy and functional. The price, size, and fact that you can install whatever you want without having to mod it give it an edge over the Apple TV, anyway. Though, you do need to purchase an SD card or USB drive separately for it to have any memory, and it also doesn't have Wi-fi so you need to use an ethernet cable to put it on your network.
there is a free online class for building an OS on a raspberry pi here:
I haven't tried it yet (I plan on it), but it sounds like a good start, if you're okay with purchasing a raspberry pi. Since the hardware is standardized it's a lot easier to control for variables, and most of the course is just getting familiar with the systems, building up to a final command line interface OS
Pick up a Raspberry Pi Model B for $35!
Install lightweight linux, add a cheap, fairly small SD card for storage (16GB is less than $10 online with free shipping), and you're good. You'll need to pick up a cheap keyboard/mouse, unless you have some lying around.
If she has a TV, she can hook it up to that to save money on a monitor, otherwise, anything with DVI can be adapted super cheap from the HDMI on the board.
Since she's never used Windows anyway, presumably, learning Linux shouldn't be any easier or harder. She's basically just using facebook anyway, which works identically on every OS, being a website. Debian is pretty straightforward to use, and makes installing new programs a snap!
Should easily come out less than $100, since the computer part is only $35 ($45 with 16GB of storage)