Danmaku is a duel in which the most beautiful wins....
Mostly copied from the last time:
He was recently a guest on a 1-hour radio-style live stream on Nico (here...in Japanese, obviously) discussing Touhou derivative works (organized by the author of Touhou no Nichijou). Some interesting facts:
I'm liking the update in Reimu's model; she's grown up since the Remilia battle!
I don't mean to say, but the Suzanne Awards for best Blender animators might be something we could shoot for for mister T. I don't really know how those work so I'm only saying.
ninja edit: I've also noticed a lot of the winners are animations that are only a few minutes long. SA is 14 minutes long.
Some people just hate fan fiction as a whole. Others love it. This is one of those cases where you really can't please everyone.
At any rate, here's TVTropes Touhou fanfic recs page
Edit: copying something I said further down
> May I also recommend Stephen King's On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. It's both a guide and an autobiography about him as a writer.
> As for writing quality, when I read fanfiction I tend not to read it the same way/as seriously as a stuff like, say, White Noise or Neuromancer. It's not really the same caliber (especially given the lack of professional editor) nor has nearly as much time or creative effort usually been invested. For that matter fanfic is rarely written all at once, it's usually pieces at a time that, after being written, the author does not go back and edit later. That's not to say it's bad, just not the same thing.
Labyrinth of Touhou 1 and 2 for Etrian Odyssey and overall dungeon-crawling games.
MegaMari and Rock Maiden 1, 2 and 3 for Mega Man. I heavily recommend the Rock Maiden trilogy! They are very unknown.
The huge amount of Touhoumon hacks, and Touhou Puppet Dance Performance, for Pokémon. And a mobile game too, currently in Japanese with an English translation under work.
Genius of Sappheiros for Final Fantasy (and RPGs in general).
Maristice for Solstice.
Bouhou Koumakyou/Youyoumu for Metroidvanias.
As for Touhou-style games, there's Concealed the Conclusion, Book of Star Mythology, The Last Comer, Riverbed Soul Saver, Mystical Power Plant, Shining Shooting Star, White Names Spoiled Past, Frantically Forbidden Fruit, Outside the Traditional World, Phantasmagoria Trues, Spell Card Collection... this is a big list and there are still more!
I sincerely hope people would have the courtesy to link artworks to the artist's pixiv page, as a mean to credit the artist. No offence intended.
This GIF Sound goes best with Rainy Mood.
I've always thought of Parsee's story to be very sad, imagine how many people she seen come and go, and imagine how much she wished to go with them, just to have a glimpse beyond her reality. The pain she carries intensifies with each and every traveller until anger and jealousy finally consumes her. Her past, present, and future will be forever spent in deep jealousy of others. And after you defeat her, she's just thrown aside, hurt and injured, more angry and jealous then before. That just kills me inside.
Artist is awkwardkuroki.
Sakuya is already heavily HEAVILY implied to live forever.
Akyuu says that Sakuya has the mannerisms and level of ability of someone who is already hundreds of years old, Remilia says Sakuya has been working for her for so long it doesn't feel right to call her human, ZUN says suspicious things like "she plays the role of a human maid about 10 to 20 years old", an unresolved connection with Eirin who cut off contact with everyone hundreds of years ago, also none of her backstories make any sense if she was born any time near the present (A time manipulator wouldn't just be "Disliked", she would be a worldwide sensation).
And finally what I consider the most suspicious statement in the entire franchise. Komachi, a literal death god, said this to Sakuya in PoFV "When I watch you closely, you have a face that makes you seem like you'll never die."
This isn't all based on older information either, Read Komachi's article in AFiEU with her statement in mind and then try to convince me that there isn't something strange going on.
It's the picture that Aya would have have chosen to attach to one of her articles. It's technically as canon as that picture of Flandre blowing up the meteor or this picture of Wakasagihime
It's a keyboard ghosting issue.
You can use a remapper like this one.
Or alternatively, you could use autohotkey to make your own one.
Jam page - Join and submit here. Make sure to read the rules!
Our game jam starts now! And we have a particularly special theme this time, so we'd like anyone who wants to participate to read this: * You aren't required to make an LGBT+ related game (hence "identity" as an alternative), but anyone interested is encouraged to, and we're looking forward to the good rep! * Please respect people who do follow this theme and what they make. * Don't bring in any drama/contention about the theme itself. This is a very thought-out decision from our team and a motion of respect for the diverse Touhou fan community. * Your game is welcome to explore personal or uncomfortable subjects if you would like to share your voice on them (leave a note about age restriction on your jam page if it gets too mature). But we are not allowing games that promote bigotry (transphobia/racism/etc) or seem to be made to spite the theme.* * Be fabulous.
Besides that, the usual stuff applies: You can work alone or in teams. Any engine or genre is A-OK! Need a team? Our Discord server still has plenty of people scrambling to find teammates, so feel free to hop on board!
We're really looking forward to the content our jammers provide for this unique jam. I can't speak for the subreddit mods or anything, but I'd definitely appreciate not seeing any debates or contention in the comments so we can provide a nice channel for people to enjoy the good LGBT+ touhou content. Happy jamming!
This project has started around early-mid October and is currently going pretty well, with most Spells (over 1600) and Skills (over 180) and every Bonéka (over 510) name having been translated.
Your units are called "Kodama" in the original Japanese version, however it was decided to have it changed to Bonéka to keep it consistent with most GBA Touhoumon hacks. As you can see the font doesn't have an "é" character just like it lacks other characters like ü, ä or æ, all of which are needed for the translation.
All the buttons are untranslated because they're images, so they just need to be replaced later. Most of the text that is still untranslated is not in the database where the other items are so more work will have to go into that later.
There are plans to add more areas and Bonéka to the game, with currently almost 50 new ones having sprites already! However we haven't found a way to actually add new stuff yet.
We welcome suggestions and feedback. Link to the official app can be found here, we encourage you to support the original maker! It's completely free with no in-app purchases.
not made by me
support the writer's ao3
i'll start off by saying that this is one of the best touhou fanfics i've read. it's a 100k word fic, and every word is worth it. the fanfic stays very close to the plot of DDC with some slight alterations. however, it's still very believable. the beginning is a bit slow, but it picks up real fast. highly recommended. there's also illustrations thrown in, so that's a plus.
Ah, it's Cold Wind but Warm Winter! Happy Flame Time makes nice doujinshi!
That doujin's quite famous for this quote often seen on /r/touhoujerk.
It's also where I got this from.
1) There is a link to the English Amiami page near the bottom; you pay in Yen (which depending on what you use to pay for it IF your pre-order gets accepted...) and it will be calculated into USD when it's paid for via whatever means you are using. Some methods might add a little more due to conversion fees. Do not bother using Zenmarket for this, that will only induce more headaches than necessary (more on that later).
2) Despite it saying there will be a sale for a week, if the last clusferfuck of a sale is anything to go by expect all pre-orders to sell out in less than an hour, as these are not made to order, but have a set number they have ready. Even if you get to checkout with a fumo, prepare to be disappointed with the site lagging and delays; you are going to be fighting English and Japanese buyers flooding the site for a fumo.
3) It depends on your timezone. I am in CST in the US, so 11 am on October 25th would be around 9 pm my time. You should try and get on about an hour or so early with your time zone and make sure your internet access is fine and have nothing better to do. https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/japan-tokyo-to-cst <- This will let you calc the timezone
I don't want to be as aggressively pessimistic as I have just been, but as a fumo owner who saw the flood of complaints of people in this sub who could not buy one due to amiami barely being able to handle its own traffic, much less the swarm of fumo enthusiasts, it was kind of sad. Just be ready with your hand on the trigger, so to speak. Good luck, dood.
Well, it's now or never, what do you can do when you want Sakuya, Alice and Remilia but can only request one character?
That is right, suggest Muse!.
Her Kyoh Gyoku design (the uppermost sprites) are more simple since they lack the cape and the spear, and apparently stockings and shoes, im not really sure if that last bit was intentional but well it should be easier to do and is the one from the ZUN aided game, if you want more references to work on she also has CtC style sprites from the Danmakufu fangame Phantasmagoria trues.
Those are original drawings in alphes style, not reprints of drawings by alphes himself. The relevant pixiv tag is alphes塗り.
I looked through the usual places in Japanese and didn't find any information about him having a pixiv account, so he doesn't have one, or at least not publicly. He does have a personal website, sort of.
[edit] Some more of his art
Title: 井の中にて
Circle: 夕焼けコンテナ。
Artist: 雪花菜 (Circle: liquid lime-light)
Album: SakurasaClear
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21231559
I want to hear more Touhou arranges like this.
Title: 芥川龍之介の河童
Arrangement, lyrics, and vocals: Ricco
Guitar and other instruments: Ngaze
Album: n/a
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7857914
YouTube reprint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExtoT2zKNg0
Still not finding anything with any version of Speed Racer, but the most famous Imperishable Night MAD using an anime you might mistake for Speed Racer is this one. If that's not it but you think it may have been this anime (Chargeman Ken!) instead, trying looking through the Touhou x Chargeman Ken! tag (566 videos).
For the people who aren't aware, Stunfest is going on this weekend. It's not Touhou related, but there will be a few shmup demonstrations. There's was already a Akai Katana demonstration. Jaimers is going to play Dangun Feveron in about ~2 hours from when I'm making this comment. In the next two days, you can also see Erppo play DFK BL, and other cool people playing other cool games (Batrider, Eschatos, and Dragon Blaze). I know StgWeekly will be streaming those with English commentary. I imagine there are other streams as well, though they might be in French.
Anyway, for something more Touhou related, a Japanese Touhou player got a NMNB run of the LoLK demo. He actually got it 2 or 3 days ago, but whatever. He evidently has a Legacy Mode capture history of "MASTER" for all the spellcards up to Ringo's first spell, which gives you an idea of how long this took. For comparison, he got a NMNB run of the DDC demo within 2-3 days of its release.
EDIT: Dangun Feveron over. Jaimers too good. Too bad about that miss though.
MGMG is a romanized abreviation for もぐもぐ (<em>mogumogu</em>) or the sound of chewing. As others have pointed out, it's included in one of Ringo's portraits to indicate her eating her dango.
And now I've completely ruined the joke by explaining it. My work here is done.
I'm posting the Youtube link as a new thread for better visibility, as the previous thread is on the second or third page now. Also, I finally found a compromise for my reprinting concern: I made the video unlisted. I also took the opportunity to offer a nice Full HD upscale from my own DVD rip for the fans (using the same method I use for some videos on the touhousubs channel).
Although I re-timed the subs to match the voices, the video can still be used with the original unvoiced audio, if interested: http://www.4shared.com/music/ZTWfMTPfce/phantasm4_original_audio_untou.html
A more complete feedback and my final verdict can be read on my previous thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/372lgr/full_audio_restoration_of_fairyhell3s_fandub_mix/
Now, the known tiny flaws I noticed after uploading:
The timing for one line said by Remilia begins too late (mistake while setting the timing boundaries within the waveform analyzer in Aegisub)
A line by Sakuya is pronounced by the wrong VA towards the end (my apologizes, I deleted the wrong audio bits while mixing)
There were some tiny typos made by Kuilrayt that I forgot to correct. But it shouldn't harm your watching experience
Not really my fault, but overlapping voices sometimes yield the wrong VAs. As FairyHell3, I had to make some choices in those cases, especially for the list line said by Flandre. Besides, NENE's line sounded better than 山田鶏子's one on this particular case (better in tone with the conclusion)
I hope you'll enjoy, as this is the only alternative to the missing Pika Aizawa fandub (she may want to turn the page). And don't reupload or reprint. Thank you.
Unfortunately, there isn't. ZUN has said he won't allow his games to be sold through overseas download services (source), so the only way to legally buy it is to buy a physical copy.
As others have said, there is not a Touhou game that has been ported to OS X. However I use Wine to run the programs, and most of the games run pretty well!
I use this, it comes with the regular wine. I personally don't use the Bottler, I found EXEs converted into apps to act weird.
There are a few exceptions:
In IN, you need to install a Japanese localization thingy, or else the font will look a bit small, and be a bit broken in a few places. AFAIK you can't really do that.
In PoFV (assuming you use the English patch) you need to put the Cirno font in your Wine directory, not your own computer's directory.
In the newer fighting games (HM, ULiL), you may or may not have nothing but a black screen in game. If it's messed up you need to install a DirectX via wine tricks, IIRC.
You made this on Photoshop? Wow, I can imagine how tedious it was to resize each image manually. For things like this I recommend the ImageMagick suite, it has a tool exactly for this purpose:
montage -geometry +0 -resize 100x100^ -extent 100x100 image1.jpg image2.jpg ... output.jpg
The command above resizes each image to 100x100 (keeping aspect ratio) and stitches them together in a grid, writing the result as output.jpg
Here is an example using the covers from Alstroemeria Records and ALiCE EMOTiON from my music library.
Oh and, I have to clarify this: I just happen to see it on the rankings, and it has Reisen. It's not that I like bakunyu'z.
This is more like what I would like. (NicoViewer) (Also NSFW)
Title: O/E
Circle: <echo>PROJECT
Artist: 平茸 (Hiratake)
Album: [neutrino*]
Link: http://youtu.be/7HQpVjUpCak
Hiratake is a pretty famous Touhou arranger on Nico. His mylist.
Yay, he finished it!
By the way (blatant advertisment incoming), rtil's got a patreon up now, and there are pretty nice perks (sketch raffles, ho!), and he streams once a week lately.
EDIT: here's his Picarto channel, but he's not streaming currently
Source: Official Touhou short stories, Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Written by ZUN himself, Drawn by Genji Asai. Chapter 10: Higan Flowers of Muenzuka.
Plot: Rinnosuke Morichika is a half-youkai, half-human antique shopkeeper in Gensokyo. He known Marisa and Reimu for many years, and he is the one who provides them their clothes and many other trinkets. For example, Reimu's Gohei and Marisa's mini-Hakkero were made by him.
Its a slice-of-life type series of short stories.
Where to buy, https://www.amazon.com/Touhou-Kourindou-Curiosities-Lotus-Asia/dp/4048685015
I use just playlists for android along with the gensokyo radio m3u file to listen on mobile.
It's not the best, but it works better than visiting the website on a browser imo :)
Part of the Prelude to despair series by MMDer 天狗天子. Another quite nice MMD drama with a strong mood to it, accompanied with the beautiful Moonlight shines arrange by FELT (also featured on the Scarlet Cross Ep.6 MMD drama). 天狗天子 finally got its lighting and shadow effects right this time, despite some residual coldness (some MMDers solve that by slightly blurring around object edges -- this is an MMD effect presumably). Warning, this is a little babble-y, but can be watched nonetheless, as it has its share of touching moments. If you liked Scarlet Cross Ep.6 by PatcheshibaP, you can try this one.
note: again, the translation of the title might not be accurate
My university just got a bunch of 3D printers that you can use for free if you're in my major, so I found this model and after a few tries I got it to print correctly! Quarter is for size comparison; it's about 100mm x 100mm x 30mm
Unfortunately the hi'irokane was on back-order so I had to use plastic instead.
I'll try to put together a more complete list of Touhou-related pixiv and Nico Seiga tags (something similar to what's [here](/r/touhou/wiki/nico/index) for Nico) ~~today~~ some other day because Social Anxiety Alice 2 Episode 3 just came out.
The artist links to (and in fact was inspired by) it also, but here's how it sounds.
hissno has some MMD sketches using yukkuri voice that isn't monotonous at all.
Pixiv Link: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=277982
Homepage: http://www.geocities.jp/a_kar_te/
Edit: Also, the thumbnail is a random advertisement, not the artist's work. Now I'm worried people won't see it because of the generic-looking thumbnail.
I think more of this song (and MMD).
Translated lyrics (kinda rough, though)
Title: oneesama e
Circle: n/a
Artist: 履いとらん鮨
Album: n/a
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/nm8728469
Cute Devil ~ Innocence, Septette, Phantom Ensemble, Romantic Fall, Satori Maiden
Man, your favorite one is really good.
I'm guessing you know this, but for anyone wanting more of this effect, the relevant tag is called 紳士枠. I'll add this to my tag list later.
Googling "site:nicovideo.jp 現夢- genmu -" (song name taken from the video description) brings up the original Nico upload. From the video description:
Novel: 人比良(四面楚歌)
Art: ほた。(いよかん。)
Video: 七薙(Hightension wries)
PV for "現夢" and "うつつのゆめ" distributed at C80. No plan for another distribution. Home page.
The original "現夢(ゆめうつつ)" (Yumeutsutsu (Dream and Reality)) was a light novel/manga was from C74. The home page tells me that "うつつのゆめ" (Utsutsu no yume) is another work in the same spirit. Two volumes, 312 pages each.
> Pretty sure it was about big eyes, overexaggerated expressions and "cuteness".
You're thinking of the 2000's era.
Here's a half-decent article: http://aminoapps.com/page/anime/6774050/the-style-of-anime-how-it-has-changed
Edit: And another: https://kotaku.com/how-anime-art-has-changed-an-explainer-1656750480
That expression. "Yea I cost as much as a moderate computer? You think I give a shit? That's right. I'm the Shrine Maiden of Paradise."
The only thing more painful than paying the bill would be the eternal feeling of inferiority to Giga Reimu.
25$ with free shipping, took maybe a week to week and a half there were more but I bought the 90" one because I hate seeing wall!
Nowadays I mostly use GIMP. Previously I used PaintTool SAI, it is a great program for drawing on a tablet. It's not free but it is a one-man project like Touhou, so if you like it after the one month trial period please buy a license to support the developer.
Nico has a user ad feature where you can use points (can be bought for 1pt = 1yen) to promote videos and live streams. These points are reflected in the video/live stream rankings (along with other data like view count and MyList count), which is where people often go to find new videos. So minusT used about $40 worth of points on the live stream (or a bit less since he probably had an ad ticket). It's an effective way to let people know about the event. There are also always a few people who drop ridiculously huge ads to liven things up.
(I used 1,000 points.)
minusT's video currently has 29,000 points in ads, putting him at the top of the Nico-wide(!) hourly video ranking. That'll get a lot of non-Touhou fans to check it out also.
...sort of. It's a suffix, but it's not an honorific per se, since it can be used derogatorily. It's intimate language, but it can be used sarcastically to piss someone off.
You can find them all on Nico, where they are much less likely to be taken down (and some copies are IOSYS's official uploads): /r/touhou's Nico Portal
For example, IOSYS tag.
Source. This is a very recent work and hasn't gotten that many views on Nico. If you enjoy it, please support the creator by mylisting the video on Nico. (See Koakuma_bot's reply to this comment for more info.)
The entirety of AFiEU was translated by Reality Dreamers a while back, here's the start of Tengu Quarrel. ^^^^I ^^^^hope ^^^^I'm ^^^^allowed ^^^^to ^^^^link ^^^^this
My google-fu spits Akanistha set 〜 東方緋想天【ハウスリミックス】 a 'house remix' of the SWR ending 東方緋想天 - Oriental Sky of Scarlet Perception
I found it in my facebook feed, but it's so beautiful!!!
I loved they show the making of... with the arduinos, Bluetooth modules, the app... just beautiful!!!
Title: 楽 園 喜 劇 (Paradise Comedy)
Circle: Liz Triangle
Artist: lily-an
Album: AQUA
Link: https://youtu.be/olMhZVVGIyo?t=5m21s (5:21 start)
I am seeing big circles that made Touhou now make Touhou and Kancolle. If Touhou were to go down, my hope is for Touhou to be remembered by lots and then hijack everything. For example, this scene from Umineko (anime). Oh and btw the original scene from Umineko (game) uses Tsurupettan directly.
this is my submission. This time a replay of the right game. Normal difficulty.
I tried not to bomb too much, ended up using my first and second bomb during the second half of the stage. The next one during Sanae's first non, got walled there.
Then I died once pretty early into Sanae's first spell, moved into a bullet. Another bomb was used on Sanae's second non, I don't remember why. I ~~capped~~ didn't die or bomb on the spell after that.
Then I bombed three times and died once to Sanae's third non. I thought it was just moving left and right, but somehow it didn't work, guess I was too low on the screen. I also killed it by bombing three times :'<
The spell after that I bombed twice and died once, I don't know how to do that one. And on her last spell I died two times. One time because I was looking if the big balls are aimed and a second time because I was wondering if it is easier in the corner.
I guess I liked the stage portion more than the boss. It seems possible to pacify all of it without dying, just by streaming in a certain way. The boss I didn't like as much mainly because I don't know it. I know which spells exist from seeing others play it, but I don't know the order and I never really bothered trying to do them myself.
It's still in infancy. For the progress, you should follow this page: http://www.indiedb.com/games/touhou-legend-of-scarlet/news/starting-up3 if you want. Because I am not on Reddit all the time and IndieDB is where I mostly hang around, as well as Twitter. This link is the main page at least. Thanks for commenting ;-)
Artist is karamoneeze: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=295119 (Some stuff slightly NSFW) and original picture is page eight of http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=25460668
Yeah, deeplinking pixiv doesn't work. I went through the artist's pics, it's this one: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=13486450
To see more of the artist's drawings, you have to sign in pixiv. I recommend it, it's a great place!
top_image: screenshot from Story of Eastern wonderland
bottom_image: screenshot from Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
font: Magic Decimal
> Posts of found fanart MUST be a link to the source
> Not Exceptions:
> Crossposts
so by rule, this post does have to be changed to link post to the source since the source only contains one image, but if it was an album of multiple images, then just giving source should be fine on crosspost
It's a self-produced arrange posted by an anon on the shitaraba forum 東方ヘタレ音屋の修行スレ (incompetent composers' training thread) post #660 on December 2, 2007. Googling the poster's ID (which depends on the IP address) on shitaraba ("site:jbbs.shitaraba.net 3r0XwzNw") only returns that post.
The file was uploaded on Nico, which is how I found it (using the [Touhou Christmas tag](/r/touhou/wiki/nico/tags/music)). I then Googled the thread name mentioned in the video description, and then ctrl+f for "クリスマス" (Christmas) on the thread. 5 min.
The Touhou x Tom and Jerry tag has the other one (and comparison video) and some otoMADs of Touhou songs using Tom and Jerry clips.
Title: 夢の終わりに (At the End of the Dream)
Circle: WAVE
Artist: Morrigan
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/nm22367375
Crimson Tower ~ Eastern Dream..., Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream..., Eternal Dream ~ Mystical Maple
I should remember to post this again for the interlude thread because this is great.
Title: 玉のふぐりの稲荷山
Circle: n/a
Artist: Feuilles mortes
Album: n/a
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3907904
Wrestling otoMAD. Version with only ass drum
Title: Devil's Labyrinth
Artist: Vocal: 709sec, Lyrics: Blue E; Arrange: 709sec
Album: 幻 -MABORO-
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17992566
The Inevitably Forbidden Game, Illusion of a Maid ~ Icemilk Magic, Cute Devil ~ Innocence
Touhou x Ran Ran Ru NND Tag (taken from /u/touhousub's tag compendium)
I won't be adding to the archive, since very little of it actually has Touhou as a source.
I find most Yuke's videos great, especially the moments when the game screen expands, they are always well timed. There is only one thing I dislike with his AfterExtra's, their stage portion is too easy and straightforward, especially the latest one.
This? I don't translate songs by circles, but there are other resources for that. It's "Spring Shower" by C-CLAYS.
Also, I didn't know about this tag: Godzilla x Okuu is my nuclear fusion.
Complete Darkness
Title: distance away
Circle: ユウノウミ
Arranger: void
Vocal: 高井さん
Album: ENCYCLOPEDIA <魔> magical beings
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18304518
Reincarnation and Complete Darkness.
Complete Darkness
Title: Windows-style arrange of Complete Darkness
Circle: n/a
Arranger: FD
Album: n/a
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7433247
I just learned there's a whole tag for such arranges.
Eternal Dream
Title: 幽玄の槭樹 (Electro Metal-ish Arrange)
Circle: Xenoglossy
Artist: Xe
Album: distorted incident
Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20462273
Uploaded by Xe. By the way, I'm finding all these from the Nico tag list.
Title: BAD APPLE!! をリミックス
Circle: アルマジェミア (alma-gemea)
Artists: Arrangement: ロボP (機械); Lyrics: Haruka; Vocals: はるの (Haruno)
Album: N/A, from NND: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11480431
This damn reprinter doesn't even bother to link to the original upload on Nico.
For fanon, 3 MMD dramas by Kani. (These days he seems to be influenced by this Sealing Club novel called ジムノペディが終わらない. There's no translation.)
A bunch of the big-name MMDers are into the Sealing Club these days, so I expect a lot more dramas and PVs to come out.
kamS also has this Sealing Club video.
Circle-produced, but it's uploaded on Nico by the creator of the PV. I won't touch this for now since I'd also need to contact the circle. A quick search brings up the lyrics in Japanese.
For now, maybe someone can make an article on touhouwiki with the Japanese lyrics.
In fact, it's almost customary on Nico to leave a "here it is!" (or "I saw it!" or "it's white!" or...) comment at any panty shot.
I guess I should leave this here: MMD pantsu link
Ironically enough it was /u/Protect_My_Garage was the person who originally posted the link but it seems like it hasn't been updated in a year...
You mean git? Github is just a cloud hosting service for git. For beginners, I would go ahead with Github's GUI application: https://desktop.github.com/, which sort of works like a manually synchronized Dropbox to be completely honest. Here's a list of resources from Github themselves. If you opt for the command line option, the only things you really need to get started are the clone, pull, push, add, and commit. The rest can be learned on a on-need basis.
Here's a bunch. The wide-screen version of that should be on the bottom of page five.
Source: link
The text (seems like old-slavic script) roughly translates to "The cat and the crow chill in Hell. Cat moves dead bodies and crow makes fire and eats the bodies."
You sure can! It's pretty old but you can definitely run it, even on the later versions of Windows! If you're interested in purchasing, you can get it imported on Amazon (found this link on the Touhou wiki).
For newer Windows, you may experience problems with fps, the game running too fast, but that can be easily repaired with the VSync patch and fixing the program to run with Japanese locale. Also, if you use a Mac, you will likely have to get Wine for the program to run correctly.
Despite being quite old, Danmaku Death is still the best one I've played. It has 31 bosses, can get ridiculously hard, and you can even play as Reimu if you want.
Whenever I play this, people are confused. "What's the point of the game?" I mean, I would think it's obvious. ever played Space Invaders? Same thing, but more complex.
not made by me
support the writer's ao3
have you ever wondered “what would happen if satori took a little trip to the hakurei shrine? and what if she happened to meet the one and only remilia scarlet at the hakurei shrine?” well, now you can read this fic and find out.
this fic is about remilia and satori. more accurately, it’s about remilia trying to have a conversation with satori. unfortunately for her, satori isn’t very willing to talk to her.
my summary doesn’t do this fic justice, but it’s a pleasant read.
i can't give you my perspective as a writer, but i can give you my perspective as a avid reader of touhou fanfics.
for self-inserts and OCs, i usually don't like reading stories with them. however, that's only because those kinds of stories shift the focus away from the touhou characters and onto the self-inserts/OCs. i read touhou because i want to read about touhou, not some random character.
that being said, there definitely are some good stories with self-inserts/OCs.
The Dollmaker's Daughter by UnmovingGreatLibrary is the first one that comes to mind. it's a series about one of alice's dolls gaining sentience. lots of parental hijinks ensue.
in this story, the OC is the main focus. however, even though she's the main focus, there's a very good amount of screentime for other characters also.
thp also has a lot of stories that in the Choose Your Own Adventure format that has a lot of OCs and self-inserts. i don't go in this website often, but i've heard that there are some good stories on here. maybe worth checking out if you want to see some examples
I'm jelly of those posters OP, they look sick! obligatory artist info =D
original artist: 晩杯あきら Banpai Akira (Vampire Killer, read it out loud)
not sure about the gender but I'm pretty sure it's a she, here's the link to her pixiv and her blog
like others have already mentioned, she did the art for the koumajou densetsu games as well as some ALiCE'S EMOTiON album art
Nice one. All this care put into the environments is amazing. Clearly deserves more views and mylists. Quite in the same vein as one of his previous work, but much prettier.
That's nice. On an entirely unrelated note, here is a cool Gachimuchi video I found.
Title: 【和風】プレインエイジア【東方自作アレンジ】 (Japanese-style self-made arrangement of Plain Asia)
Artist: amm ("あめめ様")
Link: http://nico.ms/sm17350418
Took me ages to find this again, got deleted on YT.
Used as BGM in the Touhou Reireimu series.
I should mention my method for the LoLK stage 3 lasers since I haven't seen anyone else use it yet. I know that /u/Yatsuzume and /u/Star_King were looking for a way to do it.
Basically, for the first wave where there are are both laser and aimed fairies, kill only the aimed fairies. Then wait a few moments in the lower right hand corner. When the fairies get reasonably far down the screen, stream to the lower left corner and then up the left side of the screen. Example
This strategy works with all the characters, not just Sanae. And it's even a bit easier with the other characters since you don't have to worry about unintentionally killing laser fairies. I also think it's easier than the method Jaimers uses since restreaming bullets in the upper right corner is a little tricky, especially if you're not using Sanae.
The rest of that example replay also has some hilariously awful deaths with bombs in stock. I crash into a snowball wall in Ringo's second spell, I get rammed by a fairy, and I fail to move in a circle.
this does not belong to me
support the writer's ao3
this was recommended to me by /u/ady159
before i begin, i have a message to /u/ady159: HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FEEL ACTUAL EMOTIONS AS I READ THIS. this fic was an emotional roller coaster, and i absolutely enjoyed every word of it. thank you for recommending it to me.
this is a story about parsee and seija. although, it might be more accurate to say that it's a character study rather than a story. this story really fleshes out parsee and seija as characters. it takes place post-ISC and is about seija escaping underground and meeting parsee. from there, it's a drama-filled story about how their relationship develops.
obviously, there's a lot of drama in this story. there's not too much violence and that sort of stuff, but it does get somewhat. heavy(?), especially when there's introspection by parsee. my summary doesn't do justice for this story, but i highly recommend you give it a chance.
Source. This is a very recent work and hasn't gotten that many views on Nico. If you enjoy it, please support the creator by mylisting the video on Nico. (See Koakuma_bot's reply to this comment for more info.)
Tip for the future: keep an eye on Nico's Touhou category ranking. More info about this.
One of the many ChenChen parodies. More.
Someone made a MIDI of it on niconico: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10145855
But if you are looking for a MIDI to download, you're most likely going to be out of luck. I don't think people really do that sort of thing for the album-only songs. You're best bet would probably be to either make it yourself or find someone that can.
EDIT: Found a piano score. While it's not exactly what you're looking for, it should be able to help you make the MIDI if need be.
Link: http://hemiaux.com/touhou_analyses/SG04_oriental1_01_hide_and_seek_010.pdf
This site has easy sheets for almost all Touhou music.
Here is the "download all" link if you don't want to / can't navigate this Japanese site.
I use autohotkey with this script for this. With autohotkey (AHK) you can create pretty much every kind of remap you want, and if you download the pre-existing script that I've linked at the top you don't even really need to understand the kind of "programming language" that AHK uses.
You can even create multiple setups within the same script that you can switch to with CAPS + 0-4 .