Or you could just install the free and open source 7-Zip which supports a smorgasbord of formats:
> Supported formats:
> Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
WinRAR offers features 7zip does not, like profiles for different compression settings, recovery records in case of corruption, and the ability to delete archives automatically after restoring, to name a few. For the average user 7zip is fine, though. WinRAR does still have a place for some.
By the way, there's a security vulnerability that allows arbritrary code execution in 7zip that was found last week. If you use it and haven't updated it recently I would highly recommend you update it now.
Uwah, 12h straight programming. I need sleep.
I'll read your comments and answer your questions tomorrow.
DDMK 0.1 pre-alpha
Navigate to your DMC HDC root directory -> data -> dmc3.
Typically this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Devil May Cry HD Collection\data\dmc3.
Open dmc3-0.nbz with 7-Zip.
Open GData.afs and type pl000.
Now hightlight all pl000_00_X.pac files, ranging from 0 to including 31.
So 32 files total.
Now go to your Desktop, create a new directory and name it MOT.
Back to 7-Zip.
On the toolbar click on Extract and in the newly opened window select the MOT directory you just created and click on OK.
Move or copy the MOT folder to your DMC HDC root directory.
Now download this archive and extract its contents to your DMC HDC root directory.
Start the game, once ingame you can open the menu with CTRL + D.
The rest should be pretty clear.
You can use 7zip or ResourceHacker to open ZuneShellResources.dll
in the Zune install directory. The specific image in your screenshot is named DEFAULTDEVICE.LARGE.DEFAULT.png
I understand how getting into something new can be a bit of a daunting task. So with that said, I will walk you through it from start to finish. Whether you do it or not is up to you. 1. Download/Install something like BitTorrent or uTorrent. Bittorrent.com or utorrent.com 2.Click this link. It will download a file that ends with .torrent. https://itorrents.org/torrent/B4531B9C5337B0B078CE8D8EEC3F8E83B2AEA583.torrent 3. When file is downloaded, open with choice torrent client. Torrent will start downloading to your computer. 4. While file is downloading, install 7zip. It allows you to decompress the torrent file you are downloading. https://www.7-zip.org/ Chances are you are on a 64bit version of Windows so make sure you download the appropriate exe. 5. When torrent is done downloading, go to where ever you chose as your download location. May need to change from a default location. Right click on the file (should end in .bz2), in the context menu hover over 7zip, select extract here. It will decompress and you should be able to view the file after.
My good man, you are in luck. Back when that site was still around, I was something of an edgy teenager. Through much nefarious effort, I was able to obtain login credentials to the site. I downloaded just over 100 video files and they've been on my hard drive ever since. They're short - 20 seconds to a minute long each, but that's what was available. I don't remember if I downloaded everything they had, or just a selection of stuff that looked good to me.
When the site went offline, all traces of it disappeared. I saw the guy again though, he stayed on the ballbusting scene. I saw this reddit thread with him in it, but no useful information is there. I also saw him on a clips4sale store, but I don't recall which one.
Anyways, regarding the videos, I've put them all into a .7z archive and uploaded them to WeTransfer. You can download them here, it's about 670 MB. The file will be available for two weeks. You will need 7-zip, which is free and open source, to extract the files. Practically speaking you should be using 7-zip already anyways.
Hey, I'll just tell you how to do it. Zip files are easy to compressed and it sounds difficult, but you'll get habituated with it.
You can download 7-Zip if you don't already have it. (You'll need it)
1.) Create a folder
2.) Rename it "Animal Crossing Portraits" or whatever you want, your choice.
3.) You'll have to start creating folders inside the folder, so let's start with CharPortraits
I. Drop: Dwight, Meg, Claud, Jake, and Nea inside CharPortraits (Trapper, Wraith, Billy, and Nurse)
II. DLC characters have their own folders; DLC2 is Laurie and Myers. DLC3 is Ace and Hag. etc. Go into DBD game files and recreate the folders for your pack.
4.) Make sure that the image files are .PNG and not .JPG and the Dimensions are 350x350. If they are, skip this step.
5.) Assuming you've installed 7-Zip you're ready to compress your pack. Right click on it, Scroll down to Send to, and click on Compressed (zipped) folder.
(Right Click on pack > Send to > Compressed zipped folder)
- 7-Zip is a tool that allows you to open zip files and it's very efficient.
6.) You're going to need a file sharing site. Luckily, Google Drive exists, it's free, and it works well for beginners.
7.) Upload the Zip folder on Google Drive and mark it as Other people can view.
8.) Copy and paste the link into the subreddit and I think you're good to go.
I love your work, but could you do everyone a favor and zip up the the 4K versions, then host them on a public Dropbox / Google Drive? Imgur compresses the hell out of image uploads and makes them look bad.
You can use <strong>7-zip</strong> to zip up the files.
<strong>Artstation</strong> is another good option, but 4K uploads are only available to Pro members.
Windows file explorer can handle .zip archives natively, no third party software required.
You can also use gnu tar in PowerShell for .tar or .gz format archives.
(Remember, less third-party software = more security)
For any other archive format, 7zip is probably your best bet. Make sure you get it from the official project site, https://www.7-zip.org and not some other source.
Also, you can always reference alternativeto.net for helpful software recommendations. Open source options are generally good, avoid proprietary and "freemium" software if you can.
Aber wie die anderen schon schrieben wurde ich dir neben der Lösung empfehlen auf 7-Zip ( https://www.7-zip.org/ ) umzusteigen :) Das kann auch rar entpacken und mehr.
Or... did you ... r/PaidForWinRAR/ ?
Well personally I would recommend to use 7-zip instead of winrar to extract 7-zip files.
Alternatively, if you're using Vortex as your mod manager, you can use Vortex to install SKSE64.
Press the Windows key + L when you leave the room.
If you have a dual-monitor setup, follow this guide to prevent the lock screen from turning off after 1 minute - https://www.howtogeek.com/267893/how-to-change-the-windows-10-lock-screen-timeout/
Use 7-Zip to password protect sensitive folders.
Did you extract it? Ok, I'm going to assume you have no idea what to do here, so don't take offense. A rar file is a bunch of other files smashed down in size and stuffed into a single file. It's similar to a zip file, if you're familiar with those. You need a program to extract it. Install 7-zip here:
Once you do you can right-click the rar file you've downloaded and select 7-zip -> Extract
There should be an install file in the newly extracted files that will install whatever it is you're trying to do. Good luck.
A .zip is a compressed folder, you will need to open it and take the .package file out of it then put the .package in your mods folder. A .rar is an archived file and you will need to download a program I recommend 7-zip.
>Is this the actual 7zip website?
7-Zip checksums: interesting, couldn't find them on 7-zip site, but, they may be there.
I am not finding checksums here either
But, sourceforge good, and 7-zip's own website good.
You will be safe with either.
You'll need to unpack it as it should come as an archive.
Basically use something like 7-zip, which I think is the one they recommend anyway, and unpack the files into Skyrim's main folder. Not the data folder, but the folder that has the game launcher in it.
You'll also need to launch the game from skse_loader, either directly or if you're using a mod manager (which I'd recommend) by having that set to launch the game via that file.
You don't need to pirate WinRAR, it just nags you to get a license. If you want to avoid that and you don't wan't the malware from cracked WinRAR copies, just use the free (and much better) 7-Zip.
Use 7zip with "LZMA2 compression method" + "Ultra compression level" + "1536 MB Dictionary Size". [Tick "Create SFX archive", for exe]
Note: U need 64 GB RAM, to do this!
> Because: Enterprise IT.
That's not a valid reason.
> Our security team wants to lock us down as tight as possible.
That's fine but security needs to consider that these tools are accessing machines on the network and rely on security of the machines to limit access and ensure that the communication is secure.
> procurement team wants to minimize choice
Again, valid reason to reduce the different software. But they need to understand that there are several tools that you can use for the job. Excel is not the only spreadsheet making software etc..
> they're always worried about license compliance
Surely they read the EULA's for the open source stuff? Its their job right?
PuTTY EULA: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/licence.html - "In particular, anybody (even companies) can use PuTTY without restriction (even for commercial purposes) and owe nothing to us, or to anybody else"
WinSCP EULA: https://winscp.net/eng/docs/license - "No matter if you are an individual, or representative of educational institution, small firm or corporation, the GPL license grants you following rights: Run WinSCP for any purpose for free;"
7Zip: https://www.7-zip.org/faq.html - I think the EULA is in the installation - "Can I use 7-Zip in a commercial organization? Yes, 7-Zip is free software. You can use it on any computer. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip."
> They rarely give the exact reasons a certain piece of software is being removed.
I'd ask them for these reasons. Without these reasons they are inhibiting the use of tools which you use to perform your work. Its basically like the team walking into a kitchen and removing all knives and forks and replacing them with plastic ones for "security". This is illogical and it prevents you from being effective in the workplace.
Yep! Just as another fun tidbit, the author, Igor Pavlov, placed his algorithm LZMA2, the default compression algorithm used for 7zip, in the public domain. And I'm not 100% sure, but IIRC, p7zip would be what you're looking for.
As an off-topic aside, I noticed you seem to have an unlicensed copy of winrar.
All memes and joking aside, you should be aware that 7-zip is an open-source alternative that's every bit as good or better than winzip and winrar. However, it's completely free and unrestricted. It's able to unpack pretty much all formats as well as create zip, 7z, tar, and wim archives.
On Windows you can save the following script as .bat file:
md "C:\location\x"
7z.exe e "C:\path to file\x" -o"C:\location\x" -aoa
If "C:\location\x"
exists, md
will display an error message and the script will continue.
Make sure <code>7z.exe</code> is in a directory contained in %PATH%
(e.g. system32) or in the working directory of the script. Alternatively, call 7z with the absolute path:
"C:\location to 7zip\7z.exe" e "C:\path to file\x" -o"C:\location\x" -aoa
Probably not, but i could suggest something that might work.
Use 7-zip
install it, then right click on the archive and select '7-zip' and then 'extract files' and a window will open.
under Path Mode you can select 'no pathnames' and then all the archives will be extracted to a single folder.
(this probably wont work) You might also be able to use something like Glary Utilities search tool, to search the folder for archive files, it will find them all and then highlight them all and extract them, they might extract to each folder?
But I don't think there is going to be an easy way to do it.
Download link: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=URKM&id=1S-CEdgI00E2IWkT0NkMz8VCwu3R9MURY
This archive contains the following:
These images were generated by myself and are based on the latest translation released in December 2018. All tested, all working. Please note that you will need 7-Zip to extract the archive. Have fun :)
A quick walkthrough.
Tip: look at how the other games submodules (Sandbox, StoryMode) are setup
That .7z file isn't the actual BIOS files. You need to extract the BIOS files from that .7z file using a program called 7-Zip. https://www.7-zip.org/
Once you've done that, you should have 3 files but you also need to make sure they're named properly. They should be named "firmware.bin", "bios7.bin", and "bios9.bin" without the quotes.
Place those files in the "system" folder wherever you installed RetroArch.
Quick follow up, you may need to download an app that lets you unzip files. There are a couple good ones and it doesn’t matter which you use. (luckily it only takes two seconds, no creating an account nonsense or anything.)
I use 7zip. https://www.7-zip.org/
The zip file is like the box your rom came in, you need to open the box and take the game out before you do anything.
You can get FFmpeg for Windows from here:
I use ffmpeg-git-full.7z (direct link).
You can open .7z
files with 7zip.
Copy ffmpeg.exe
and ffprobe.exe
(from the \bin
folder in the archive) to the folder where youtube-dl.exe
You can get FFmpeg from here:
I use ffmpeg-git-full.7z (direct link).
You can open .7z
files with 7zip.
Copy ffmpeg.exe
and ffprobe.exe
(from the \bin
folder in the archive) to the folder where youtube-dl.exe
I recommend downloading the free small app 7Zip. Once it is installed, all you have to do with any zip file is right-click on it and choose how you prefer to unzip it.
Zip files are standard for storing or downloading large files or large bundles of files all in one go. If your computer "has problems" opening them, you might want to investigate what's wrong with it. You didn't say what the problem was, so I can't speculate, but in any case, just using 7Zip might take care of your issues.
If it's a zip file, you need to extract it. If you use Windows, it can be double-clicked and then compressed files can be dragged and dropped to a new folder.
If that doesn't work, you can download an open source program called 7-Zip (https://www.7-zip.org/) that will do the job.
I would guess once you do that, there will be an .stl file that can then be imported into Blender.
The only other guess as to what might be wrong is, if the file appears in the Outliner, but doesn't appear to be in the viewport, it may just be very small (this happens often) and needs scaling up.
vcpkg.info also has quite a bit more information for each package.
For example, from vcpkg.io:
> 7zip | Version: 19.00 > > Library for archiving file with a high compression ratio. > > Compatibility:arm-uwp, arm64-windows, x64-linux, x64-osx, x64-uwp, x64-windows, x64-windows-static, x86-windows > > Feature List: No features for this library.
From vcpkg.info:
> 7zip 19.00 > > Library for archiving file with a high compression ratio. > > homepage https://www.7-zip.org > > vcpkg folder https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/7zip > > tags 7ZIP COMPRESSION > > versions > > 19.00 2 7bb217d9898fb13fa032731aef635ec66c7625b6 2020-10-08 > 19.00 1 0e60bcd44f5e58d76b5d9aa3fd67931122abe14c 2020-08-18 > 19.00 0641cf54ecdaa33c4b6874bab5afe7e9a4049011 2019-07-10 > > control > > > Source: 7zip > > > > Version: 19.00 > > > > Port-Version: 2 > > > > Homepage: https://www.7-zip.org > > > > Description: Library for archiving file with a high compression ratio. > > > > Supports: !(linux|osx|arm|uwp)
I'm not a license expert, but it looks like it's GPL LGPL, BSD 3-Claus, and the unrar license, so... I dunno? There is an unrar package in debian which has a non-free license so... possibly this could be included?
250GB and he's full-up on Excel spreadsheets? Meanwhile I'm having to make do as a software developer with a 100GB disk drive.
A couple other programs have been mentioned already, but WinDirStat is the one I keep handy for trying to find wasted space, along with 7-Zip for compressing stuff I don't need often but can't throw away.
AES is only as good as the KDF protecting the key. Looking at the github mirror of its code (updated march 2019), it seems to be using PBKDF2-SHA1 with 1,000 iterations. That's actually really bad because SHA1 is weak, and 1,000 iterations is very low.
I could be wrong about this, as the documentation says its encryption implementation uses a "SHA256-based" KDF, and I hope I am wrong, but I can't find any PBKDF2-SHA256 code anywhere. Neither did I look at any of the AES code, so who knows if that's been done correctly! Maybe I missed something, but based on what I'm seeing here, you'll be safe if you base64-encode 33 random bytes and use that as your password.
You need to install 7-zip to extract the contents of the archive.
I would suggest looking for Windows tutorials on YouTube to help get a better understanding of using the basic, everyday functions of the operating system.
you need archivator to use 7z files. It may be winrar or 7zip itself, it's a free software (https://www.7-zip.org/). Then you just need to unarchive it into mod folder in victoria 2 folder
> So, I grabbed a copy of the 7-Zip archiver from https://www.7-zip.org and started decompressing the files.
Yeah, that takes forever and is unnecessary if you read the files directly from the archives using something like libarchive
> Once I had the common field, I’ve created a Postgres database
Or you can use SQLite if you only need to work locally.
I don't know if it would suit you, since you said you were looking for a WinZip alternative, but 7-zip is completely free and I'm pretty sure it allows you to encrypt anything you compress.
Did they say how they wanted it encrypted?
If not:
GnuPG would be the best option if the recipient is willing to set it up on their end and you can encrypt it just for them vs just putting a password on a file. This also allows you to safely send encrypted content without having to give them a password via some other communication channel.
Assuming you are using Windows GunPG for windows is known as GPG4WIN.
If you go the GnuPG route do some googling on how to install, configure, and use it. Its a bit more complex then simply adding a password to a 7zip file.
Simplest way would be to use 7zip.
Right click the file.
Add to archive.
Set password and make sure AES-256 is selected.
You would have to get them the password via some other (should be secure) method though.
Here's how I do it, although I don't know if easier methods exist.
Essentially, you first want to create a sprite with a costume that you want to replace with your image larger than 480x360. Name the costume something recognizable, like "largeimage" so you can find it later. Save your project to your computer and open the .sbX file with 7Zip. Look for a file called "project.json" and open it up in a text editor. Search for your costume's name and copy the file name associated with it (under the key "md5text"). Now, rename your large image to that file name (making sure to keep the file types the same) and replace the original image in 7Zip with your new image. When 7Zip saves, your large image should be imported into the project successfully.
Yes. You need to use either 7zip or WinRAR, both of which are free software.
7zip can be downloaded here: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
WinRAR can be downloaded here: https://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
Once either one of these utilities has been installed, the option to "extract to FILENAME" will appear under the drop-down menu when you right click. Alternatively, you can open the files with WinRAR or 7zip and drag/drop them out of the WinRAR/7zip window into another folder.
Tried it with the cellars mod and merchants mod and couldn't get it to work, but just in case you want to try yourself:
Open the TFC+ .jar file with 7-zip (or another archiver like winrar), there should be a "mcmod.info" file in there. In 7-zip, right click it and click "edit". In mcmod.info, where it says
"modid": "terrafirmacraftplus"
remove the "plus" so the modid is "terrafirmacraft". Save and close, say yes when 7-zip asks if you want to update it in the archive.
7zip is free.
First line in the FAQ https://www.7-zip.org/faq.html
Can I use 7-Zip in a commercial organization?
Yes, 7-Zip is free software. You can use it on any computer. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip.
Whether it's the right answer or not is another story. Makes me wonder why OP doesn't just implement dedup of some kind. Can do it on the SAN or even in Windows. Files could be moved to separate folder and locked down to restrict access if that's the concern.
That's just a distribution-agnostic version of the native launcher. The launcher.jar hasn't been linked there in months. This link still works:
It may require 7Zip to open and extract.
because its not a folder. its a 7zip archive and you have 7z files associated to a free version of a paid program that obviously has some restrictions/issues. Download and install 7zip from https://www.7-zip.org/ and remove whatever that program is.
For sure, I belive GeekVape has instructions on their website, make sure you do the Aegis legend 200w, not the 100w Aegis.
Thanks a million to u/Solidbill he helped me out big time by giving me a detailed explanation of the update process!
Here is what he posted:
Download that program, run the installer. Download the Firmware package, right click it, select extract to...xxx (folder name here, it will create a folder with the same name as the package file).
Remove your atty and batteries, plug the micro end of the cable into your device, then hold the + button while plugging the other end into the computer, then release the + button. It should pop up with some message saying that “xxx is ready to use” (just Windows installing generic drivers). Now you can open the new folder you created in the first paragraph, click the file that ends in .exe, that will open the program. Hit start and it should apply the update and show a success message. "
Thanks again u/Solidbill ! ......✊ Solid
Download that program, run the installer. Download the Firmware package, right click it, select extract to...xxx (folder name here, it will create a folder with the same name as the package file).
Remove your atty and batteries, plug the micro end of the cable into your device, then hold the + button while plugging the other end into the computer, then release the + button. It should pop up with some message saying that “xxx is ready to use” (just Windows installing generic drivers). Now you can open the new folder you created in the first paragraph, click the file that ends in .exe, that will open the program. Hit start and it should apply the update and show a success message.
At the bottom of that mod page is a link to the DAI mod manager, you'll need it to install the mod. And the DAI modding tools forum link has some tutorials that show you how to setup the mod manager and use it to install your mods (in Tools section go to mod manager then go to general discussion...there are two tutorials right at the top). This program can unzip the mod manager and extract it and same goes for the mods you download: https://www.7-zip.org/ You'll need to create a folder to extract your DAI mods in cause you'll need to point the mod manager to it during setup.
You can view each individual page from the thumbnails going down in order, or you can download the entire chapter from the links provided at the top of the page.
CBZ files can be opened with 7-zip, and from there you can extract standard JPEG files to be read with the image viewer of your preference.
My personal suggestion would be 7-zip. It's fully free, with no nag screen like WinRar, and also open source.
An additional note is that those files are all .dds, so you will need to convert to upload them as decals to ROBLOX, but they are perfect for modelling as is.
7zip provides an msi download on their download page: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
Stick it in a file share where everyone that needs it has access. Push this out with a Software Installation policy. This is dead simple group policy stuff, nothing special.
This only gets more complex when you don't have MSI files, but lucky you in this situation.
Assuming your download was not corrupted (as it would be one of the reason you can't unzip it, on the moddb page you have the exact amount of octets if you want to compare) you can try to download 7zip that should open it :
WinRAR is used to open all types of archived files (.zip, .rar, .tar. .jar etc)
7zip does the same
Download the x64 version
>That isn't true, I make RAR packages all the time with 7z.
Weird that they would specifically claim otherwise on their own website.
I recommend starting with the basics.
This is a YT playlist guide to modding Skyrim SE using Mod Organizer 2. It will help avoid the common mistakes when starting out that can lead to serious issues down the line.
To answer your questions:
ok.. first off (stranger telling you to download stuff I know) go get https://www.malwarebytes.com/.... its excellent, inexpensive, and has barely let anything through for years (and I download a lot of sketchy shit) .. that should protect you from any malware regardless of what you are doing.
Second, winrar is incredibly common, but yes rar and zip files can contain malware. However millions of legit people also make rar and zip files to send over the net, its so common that you are going to have to use it one day eventually so might as well get used to using it.
Zip and Rar files are made with special code that takes a normal file and makes it much smaller and thus faster to download, winrar reverses that process, turning the file back into the files it was originally. If anything dodgy comes along for the ride Malwarebytes will almost immediately quarantine the bad files and tell you.
https://www.win-rar.com/ is the legitimate site. Another alternative that is very popular and also free is 7zip https://www.7-zip.org/download.html which does pretty much everything winrar does but is free.
Vanilla minecraft is fun.. but there are some AMAZING mods that change the game either a little or heaps. Lots of people add mods to their servers to allow people to teleport to where their friends are, or get free resources or all sorts of other things.
Ask your friends exactly which mods he is using and then go look them up and see if its something you would like. If its not ask him if he can disable it on the server when you play.
it's a 7zip file, you need to download a unpacking software called 7zip here, its free and open-source. right click the file, 7zip - Extract Files, and then do the other steps I wrote
You should be able to compress the file, use something like 7-zip.
Or if you're on Mac, follow these instructions.
Strange, have you not downloaded 7zip or winrar before? I thought windows came bundled with them?
Try dowload them. Here is a link to external site. Download .exe for you windows version (its usually 64bit these days).
Well you have to unzip it and actually run the downgrader. Get yourself 7-Zip, use it to unzip the archive you downloaded, then run the downgrader's .exe file inside the SPT folder.
You don't have file extensions on, is it possible that Windows' default unzipping process is getting hung up on .7z files where it doesn't have problems with .zip or .rar formats?
A quick Google of the error code suggests that this error usually appears if the file is password-protected or if it's zipped using certain programs/formats that Windows Explorer can't handle on its own.
As always, just use 7-Zip. It's free, it's easy, and it solves 99% of these problems.
Well you can compress with 7-Zip. But just compressing the game files and then uploading them to google drive sounds like extra steps for something that probably works lot better by just backing up the save files and deleting the game. Then you can just install it again the same way you originally got it?
Apologies in advance, but my uploads aren't the easiest because my Google accounts are on a precipice haha.. I use 7zip, and you can get it here:
After you get that software, just use this link:
and the pass is Rilo.
Message me if anything goes awry!
As far as I know no, you cannot download it on the phone.
You download the game here.
First, you click Download Witch's Heart 2.00, it will download a file. You have to extract the files with a special program, for example 7zip.
No need to install anything, just click the .exe file after you extract the files and you're good to go. After you finish the base game you can download the Bonus stage and the Post bonus stage content the same way. But, since all the parts are linked, you have to first finish the main game, then download the Bonus stage, follow the intructions in the game itself after you start the Bonus stage to transfer your progress from the main game, finish the Bonus stage and then repeat the transfering for the Post bonus stage content.
>you don’t pay for the product YOU are the product!
How are we the product here?
You should download the latest version of dolphin beta, and 7zip for extracting files. You should also join some pikmin hacking discord servers if you run into any trouble with anything.
Install 7Zip, it is free from https://www.7-zip.org/
Once it is installed, right-click on your .rar file, and say extract. Then you'll see the .CIA file
RAR is one of many compression formats. They compare files to make them smaller and thus easier to download. 7Zip is great because it is free and can uncompress many different formats.
No, not automatically. You can however, pack up all of your beatmaps into .osz form and then move them over with a USB. How, you ask? Download and install 7-zip and paste this into notepad:
for /d %%X in (*) do "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -aos "<output folder>\%%X.osz" "%%X\"
Change <output folder>
to the folder you want to put all of your packaged beatmap files in, as an absolute path. As an example, for a USB drive it would be E:\osu\songs
. Then, save the file as backup.bat
and place it in your osu! songs folder (you can find this by going into the osu! options and, at the top, clicking Open osu! folder
and opening Songs
). Run the file and it should, for every folder in your Songs directory, output a packaged beatmap file you can drag straight into osu! on your other computer.
You can do this for skins to, by changing .osz
to .osk
and placing the program in your Skins
The command I have in my MDT server for deploying 7zip is
msiexec.exe /i 7z1900-x64.msi /q INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\7-Zip"
The silent msi install example on the 7zip FAQ page has the INSTALLDIR option on it, I don't know if it is necessary or not.
I would also try using an absolute path for the working directory rather than a relative one. You may be getting an error because it can't find the msi in the working directory.
It all depends on the content and compressibility of the folder, like Arthur said, double layer dvd's are your best bet size wise.
You can start by using a compressor like the free 7-zip to see how small you can get your folder.
Another function that might be useful is limiting the compression to the size of a single DVD and you will get multiple files (archive), never exceeding the size of a DVD.
You will have to burn several disks, that's true, but when unpacking the archive it will turn into that single folder again.
I use 7zip https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
I would decompress them just to save yourself from having to transfer them twice if you find out the emulator needs them decompressed.
You can select all your zipped files and choose “extract here” and it will put the contents of all the zip files straight into the directory their sitting in without putting them in their own folders. Or you could choose “extract to /*” or something like that, and it will put the contents of each zip into its own folder named after the zip.
Either option should work fine.
Everything (the program called Everything, not... you get it) is a must have. It lets you run file searches of your entire computer instantly, which is great if you're like me and terrible at organising (or want to find hidden stuff). There's also 7-zip, but I honestly don't know if you need that because I have no idea how good the inbuilt windows zip file management is (because I always use 7-zip). It lets you extract many zip files in one go if that sounds like something you need.
I'm not too sure which ones you are trying to extract but if its a .zip windows explorer should be able to do it for you, if its anything else then 7zip should be able to do it
First, be sure you have Persona 3 FES and not Portable; CDRomance provides both. You can also check the megathread for another download source. Be sure to search for the game's full name: Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES.
Secondly, use 7zip to extract the ISO from the 7z container.
Lastly, in PCSX2 you can load any game for any region with one BIOS. If a region lock is triggered, just use the Fast Boot option.
I think the best option would be to try out some more basic solutions then just check the 7-Zip forums to see if anyone's had a similar issue, or ask about it if there isn't. https://www.7-zip.org/support.html links to the forums
\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\save games\
Unpack your save with 7zip or similar (save games are zip files). Open both gamestate and meta files with Notepad++, you will find block like this in both of them:
"Ancient Relics Story Pack"
"Anniversary Portraits"
"Distant Stars Story Pack"
"Horizon Signal"
"Humanoids Species Pack"
"Leviathans Story Pack"
"Lithoids Species Pack"
"Synthetic Dawn Story Pack"
Remove the ones you don't own. Save the files, zip them back with parameter tc=off ). Change zip extension to sav and you are good.
PS. Always backup your save in case it gets overwritten or accidentally deleted.
Sorry, but I'm not experienced with those apps. I use multiman mainly, and I don't use ISO's. Honestly, I'd open the ISO in a app like 7-zip and check if it has "PS3_GAME", "PS3_UPDATE" folders, and a "PS3_DISC.SFB" file. If it does I'd just extract those things and any other files in the iso into a folder and load the game through webman like that. Only way I can think of :/
It's a 7z archive. 7z are like rar or zip archives, but you can only use 7zip to unzip them. Download 7zip here and unzip the file. You will obtain a iso file you can use with dolphin emulator or a home-brewed wii
Do this
Open Control Panel > click Uninstall a Program > then scroll until you find WinZip > Right-click it and click Uninstall/Change then you should uninstall it from there.
I personally use 7-Zip, as it isn't intrusive like WinZip is (as you have experienced). WinRAR is another fan favorite. Remember to choose the 64-bit/x64 version, unless you're running a 32-bit OS, then download the 32-bit version of one of the programs I mentioned. How to tell what bit OS you run. Tell me how it goes, I hope this helps.
Play at least two playthroughs vanilla. Believe me, this is a experience you'll never get to have again and you'll make memories that will last a lifetime. After your second playthrough:
Go to www.skse.silverlock.org and download your version of SKSE.
Use 7zip ( https://www.7-zip.org/ )to unzip the files and follow the readme file.
Go to Nexus Mods ( https://www.nexusmods.com/ ) and get Vortex ( https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1)
Once you have that setup, then get these mods from the Nexus for your version of Skyrim.
Unofficial Skyrim (special edition) Patch
For character generation I'd suggest the following
Eyes of Beauty and/or Improved Eyes
A body texture mod, I use Fair Skin
ApachiiSkyHair and KS Hairdos
As to the other mods, especially the graphic ones, it's really going to depend on what the setup on your computer is.
For your first two play throughs, don't be glued to the quest lines. Be willing to take off across country just to see what's there. SAVE OFTEN! Don't let dying often bother you, you'll figure out how to keep it from happening as you play. Also don't be glued to a particular playthrough, if you don't like the character then dump it an make another!
Try WinRAR. If that doesn't work, the file is just corrupt and will never work how many times you try to download it.
You can maybe try reading this on 7zip's website.
I use KeKa. It's even recommended on the 7zip website. Look at the bottom of the 7zip website where it has recommendations per OS.
You will see it links you to KeKa. I've never had any issues with KeKa and it's free from their website although not free and $2.99 if you go through the App Store. Same app though on their website but I do recommend supporting their project since it's the best MacOS alternative to 7zip so if you have $2.99 to spare, it's worth it. It's all open source like 7zip.
I have never went wrong with it and highly recommend it! I actually use it for a large scale business quite a bit without any issues. It has all the functionality that 7zip has. It will definitely have a different graphical interface since it's on MacOS and a completely different program than 7zip, so you'll have to learn how to properly use it.
It looks like you got the games from somewhere compressed so you need to uncompress it with 7zip which you can download here
To open the game you just launch dolphin(.exe) open the game file from there and the game should start.
If you tell dolphin where your game folder is, it should show all your wii and gc games in a list.
There Was A Time when WinZip and WinRAR were the options, and I've somehow memorized a serial number for WinZip that I'm pretty sure was pirated.
Then 7-zip came along in like 2005 and I haven't installed either one again.
When you see .rar, .zip, .7z, it means the rom is compressed.
Download and install 7-Zip (https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1900-x64.exe) Then right click on the .rar > 7-Zip > extract here. Now you should see your .gba rom.
EDIT: as godwearsblack has pointed out, soul silver is a NDS ROM and it has the extension .nds. VisualBoyAdvance is a GBA emulator and you need a NDS emulator instead, like desmume or melonDS.
Not quite correct. This is only when using the shell drag and drop in windows, because 7zip can't know the file destination (Windows keeps it secret), so it uses %temp% and then moves the result.
To avoid this behavior, use the full 7zip GUI 'add to archive' and specify the desired destination in 7zip before you start the operation.
See: https://www.7-zip.org/faq.html about drag and drop.
Also to answer Op's question about size, 5GB seems like a reasonable split under onedrives limit. But I would definitely look into using some direct transfer solution instead, Filezilla has a quick / easy server you could setup and pretty forward on your router, especially if you aren't worried about the sensitivity of the content.
Touhou 7 is less problematic because it doesn't use Japanese file names, so it doesn't need a special version of the vsync patch to work with the English patch. It might even work without Locale Emulator or the English patch. But to make it more fun, this time the updates are in LZH format, I recommend 7-Zip to extract the archive. You only need the 1.00b patch, use Locale Emulator to run it like for Touhou 6. After that you can install the English patch.
The vsync patch should help when you have frame rate or input latency issues, the DX8 to DX9 converter can also help with frame rate issues and full screen issues.
Ok I’m gonna try and walk you through this, sounds like the first thing you need to do is download a program to your computer called 7zip https://www.7-zip.org/ it’s open source and I use it for all my file extraction needs. Once it’s done downloading, the next step is to install it. Should be a fairly straight forward process. If you have any trouble let me know. After it’s finished installing you may need to restart the computer, if so prompted, do it. Once you’re rebooted, go back to your downloads folder and right click on the F-D7500-V110W file and select the extract option, it should pop up a dialogue giving you an option to choose where you wanted to save the extracted files to, click the little folder option button on the right and choose your memory card as the location you want to extract the files to. Once it’s done extracting and saving to the card, pop that bad boy into your camera. From here you’re gonna need to go through the menu features on your camera and find where the firmware settings are located, usually it’s in the wrench looking menu options. Once you find the firmware tab it should give you the option to install from there. Hope I helped, LMK if you need me to clarify anything and good luck, you got this!
try https://edgeemu.net/down.php?id=19651 extract the 7z then send Super Metroid (JU) [!].smc to the randomiser
also try https://edgeemu.net/down.php?id=18994 extract the 7z then send BS Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (J) [!].smc to the randomiser
you need 7zip (https://www.7-zip.org/download.html) to extract the .7z file
Just wanted to make sure this is a Pro S with RGB lighting. If so, you need to use a program to unpack the .rar file. I usually use this: https://www.7-zip.org/
Once you have 7-zip installed you can use it to open the .rar file which will have the setup program inside. Hope that helps.
You already got a link to a developer forum tread with the same error you have:
>This error indicates either corrupted *.db files (maybe corrupted download or unpack of the mod) or incorrect dbs.
Make sure you are using the lastest 7zip to unpack and not WinRAR.
Re-download CoC to make sure your archive is not corrupted, then install latest 7-Zip version, then unpack CoC archive using this tool.
How do you know it wasn't CPU limited? It's really unlikely the SSD is causing this. Don't use Windows' build-in ZIP, it's garbage, really slow compared to for instance 7-Zip.
Those files are archive files, which means the files in them need to be extracted before they can be used (some emulators do allow for .ZIP files to be used, however I don't know if Dolphin does) .ZIP files can be extracted by most operating systems natively. Right click the .ZIP file, and there should be some option to extract the files.
But for .7z files, you need to use this program called 7zip: https://www.7-zip.org/
Once 7zip is installed, right click on the .7z file you downloaded, hover over "7-Zip," then click, "Extract Here..."
And, yes, these ROMs do work once they are extracted.
Oh, so the FS2000 folder appears AFTER you click setup right? and that's your game folder. I think I still need you to open up the lic file for me. You may open the iso file using 7zip or WinRAR
Stupidly, Windows still doesn't support rar natively, only zip. But 7zip is a great extractor that supports rars too. Install that, and you will be able to open rar files and treat them exactly like zip files.