On a side note: After installing, you can compress the game from 74GB back to 21.3GB using CompactGUI. The game can still be played normally with no performance loss.
Here's a list of games with results from compression
Not every game gets compressed very well, but some of the results are almost mind boggling.
Note that if a game/file is updated it gets decompressed, so you'll have to rerun the tool after a major update to your game.
Just added this to the Wiki:
It's compression, so extra CPU power is required to decompress the program files as they're needed, however the XPRESS algorithm is highly efficient and designed for minimal CPU overhead. Any reasonable CPU will have minimal to no performance impact, and those using slower HDDs may even see a performance improvement as the smaller files can be transferred to the CPU much faster for processing. See the Microsoft doc here
FLIF! The design is really clever, it outperforms every existing image format's compression (incl. BPG and WebP), and ~~it's on track to being included in browsers~~ (EDIT: there's feature requests, but it's still under discussion). It even has a lossy compression mode with no generation loss.
The Windows 10 OS has a compact file function. You can download the UI for the function using this link: https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI
The game will still be functional, and shouldn't have any performance changes. Cut my ARK file by about 40%.
Or you could just install the free and open source 7-Zip which supports a smorgasbord of formats:
> Supported formats:
> Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
WinRAR offers features 7zip does not, like profiles for different compression settings, recovery records in case of corruption, and the ability to delete archives automatically after restoring, to name a few. For the average user 7zip is fine, though. WinRAR does still have a place for some.
By the way, there's a security vulnerability that allows arbritrary code execution in 7zip that was found last week. If you use it and haven't updated it recently I would highly recommend you update it now.
Another option is OptiPNG. Years ago I did a comparison and found it to be amongst the best (when given the right command line options, such as -o7.) I'm not sure how that has changed with time, but it is worth checking out.
EDIT: I didn't realize that TinyPNG was lossy when writing this. OptiPNG does lossless optimization. (Though newer version appear to have more options.)
You're welcome :)
If you have a look at Disk 3, you'll see it's absolutely pegged. I'm not sure if you read my bit about performance, but basically your CPU is blitzing along much faster than your drive can give it information, resulting in low CPU usage. If you were to try compressing on an SSD, the CPU would be a lot more hard hit :)
Also, when you've finished compressing, would you mind sending me a screenshot of the final compression, or opening an Issue on GitHub and posting the details? I want to add it to the wiki list even if the compression isn't great so other can see if it's worth compressing their games :)
Uwah, 12h straight programming. I need sleep.
I'll read your comments and answer your questions tomorrow.
DDMK 0.1 pre-alpha
Navigate to your DMC HDC root directory -> data -> dmc3.
Typically this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Devil May Cry HD Collection\data\dmc3.
Open dmc3-0.nbz with 7-Zip.
Open GData.afs and type pl000.
Now hightlight all pl000_00_X.pac files, ranging from 0 to including 31.
So 32 files total.
Now go to your Desktop, create a new directory and name it MOT.
Back to 7-Zip.
On the toolbar click on Extract and in the newly opened window select the MOT directory you just created and click on OK.
Move or copy the MOT folder to your DMC HDC root directory.
Now download this archive and extract its contents to your DMC HDC root directory.
Start the game, once ingame you can open the menu with CTRL + D.
The rest should be pretty clear.
Something everyone already knows. Re-saving jpegs reduces quality.
This video is more a promotional piece for FLIF and it's been posted here a few times already. https://www.reddit.com/r/photography/comments/4el82b/flif_the_next_gen_image_format_demonstrates_its/
One of the super nice advantages is the fact that you can decode "on the fly" if I understand it correctly. So you only need one file, not a full lossless file and a small lossy thumbnail, etc.
"The preview is the beginning of the file" (last paragraph)
It would've just been easier to reduce the width of the window and then take a screenshot.
In Firefox 17.0.1 (current latest stable release), go to Firefox button -> Web developer -> Responsive design view, which allows you to change the dimensions/resolution of the web page without having to resize the window. Set the width to about 700 pixels. Now go to Firefox button -> Web developer -> Developer toolbar and type in screenshot test.png 0 true
as the command and press Enter and it will save a screenshot of the entire web page (even the parts that are not visible) but it should maintain the width at 700 pixels. The image will be saved in your Downloads folder.
Use PNGGuantlet to compress the image (visually lossless compression) and upload.
You can use CompatGUI after you install the game, it will reduce the size to about 70~ gbs with all the DLCs i guess. And yes, the game will run just as fine, even better tbh, it improves loading times and helps with the stutter for me at least.
You can use 7zip or ResourceHacker to open ZuneShellResources.dll
in the Zune install directory. The specific image in your screenshot is named DEFAULTDEVICE.LARGE.DEFAULT.png
I understand how getting into something new can be a bit of a daunting task. So with that said, I will walk you through it from start to finish. Whether you do it or not is up to you. 1. Download/Install something like BitTorrent or uTorrent. Bittorrent.com or utorrent.com 2.Click this link. It will download a file that ends with .torrent. https://itorrents.org/torrent/B4531B9C5337B0B078CE8D8EEC3F8E83B2AEA583.torrent 3. When file is downloaded, open with choice torrent client. Torrent will start downloading to your computer. 4. While file is downloading, install 7zip. It allows you to decompress the torrent file you are downloading. https://www.7-zip.org/ Chances are you are on a 64bit version of Windows so make sure you download the appropriate exe. 5. When torrent is done downloading, go to where ever you chose as your download location. May need to change from a default location. Right click on the file (should end in .bz2), in the context menu hover over 7zip, select extract here. It will decompress and you should be able to view the file after.
CompactGUI can also bring down sizes considerably, varying per game, with minimal performance impact. For example, Payday 2 compresses to 30GB from 53GB.
All it takes is a few mouse clicks (and Windows 10).
People are confusing compression and resizing. In the past, if opting for the unlimited option, images were resized down to a max size of 2048px on the longest edge. They were ALSO compressed subtly to save storage space in the cloud.
Now they are just compressed, or optimized if they are <16MP. You can still have a beautiful, detailed photo compressed and look great and be printable. For example look at this service http://www.jpegmini.com/ - it compresses the image without resizing it and retains the visual integrity of the image, but saves considerable space.
> In which case it will be noticeably worse than JPEG
No, especially not under generational recompression. In fact that's a big selling point of FLIF:
> One of the advantages of using a lossless format in a lossy way (as opposed to using a lossy format), is that generation loss is not an issue. Of course the information that is lost, stays lost, but no matter how many times you save a FLIF file, it will not get any additional loss from a decode-encode cycle.
from http://flif.info/lossy.html so "lossy" FLIF should not degrade when recompressed to an identical or higher quality.
> in any case is not what is being presented in this video
It is. If you look at the finger on the apple or at the background/skin interface near the singer's right brow (close to the spotlight) there is noticeable quality degradation wrt the initial frame (at least it's noticeable in 1080 fullscreened)
Hey, I'll just tell you how to do it. Zip files are easy to compressed and it sounds difficult, but you'll get habituated with it.
You can download 7-Zip if you don't already have it. (You'll need it)
1.) Create a folder
2.) Rename it "Animal Crossing Portraits" or whatever you want, your choice.
3.) You'll have to start creating folders inside the folder, so let's start with CharPortraits
I. Drop: Dwight, Meg, Claud, Jake, and Nea inside CharPortraits (Trapper, Wraith, Billy, and Nurse)
II. DLC characters have their own folders; DLC2 is Laurie and Myers. DLC3 is Ace and Hag. etc. Go into DBD game files and recreate the folders for your pack.
4.) Make sure that the image files are .PNG and not .JPG and the Dimensions are 350x350. If they are, skip this step.
5.) Assuming you've installed 7-Zip you're ready to compress your pack. Right click on it, Scroll down to Send to, and click on Compressed (zipped) folder.
(Right Click on pack > Send to > Compressed zipped folder)
- 7-Zip is a tool that allows you to open zip files and it's very efficient.
6.) You're going to need a file sharing site. Luckily, Google Drive exists, it's free, and it works well for beginners.
7.) Upload the Zip folder on Google Drive and mark it as Other people can view.
8.) Copy and paste the link into the subreddit and I think you're good to go.
One interesting caveat to note, if FLIF ever catches on and gets wide browser support, then CSS resizing will actually be the best option available. The way FLIF works is that it only downloads as much of the image is required to display at the current resolution. So pointing at giant image won't have any downside, and using the same image for all screen resolutions will work without any downsides.
But FLIF just came out of Beta. So it will probably be a 1-3 years before we see browsers willing to adopt it.
That page is comparing the lossless FLIF to a lossy JPG. FLIF has a lossy mode too: http://flif.info/lossy.html
It's pretty close to JPG. They concede that JPG is slightly better at really small sizes, you can compare yourself here: http://wyohknott.github.io/image-formats-comparison/#swallowtail&jpg=s&flif=s
Wow! 20 MB PNGs is a lot.
That's good to hear.
I'm curious; will you be losslessly compressing the PNGs using something like OptiPNG to save file space? That'd be pretty rad.
You can use the compression tool built into windows and save about half of the space for ARK with little effect on performance. Idk how the dlc will scale but you can see how the base game will compress in the results sheet.
Been trying to work on a Rust port of a decoder for FLIF. Unfortunately, the specification isn't entirely done and the C++ code isn't well documented, so it's quite the challenge to understand it all, especially with my lack of experience in the area. I'm currently up to the point of reading transformations.
I love your work, but could you do everyone a favor and zip up the the 4K versions, then host them on a public Dropbox / Google Drive? Imgur compresses the hell out of image uploads and makes them look bad.
You can use <strong>7-zip</strong> to zip up the files.
<strong>Artstation</strong> is another good option, but 4K uploads are only available to Pro members.
Nice! It helps out a lot with the user experience. Speaking of... your page load time was 17 seconds on a gigabit connection. That's not good.
There are a lot of scripts that could probably be combined or eliminated to reduce page size.
I see you have something that is automatically sizing the images out (I tried to grab your uploads from this month as an example, and it tried to spit out every size imaginable), but if you run your images through https://tinyjpg.com it will save you a ton of bandwidth. I scraped the images off of just this page alone and it came out to 3 MB. I ran those images through tinyjpg and it compressed it down to 1.5 MB. 1.5 MB doesn't seem like a whole lot until you have 500 people hitting your site at the same time and you're losing people from not sticking around because the site load time is so high. I compressed the batch of files from the page scrape here: http://sb.eddie-muller.com/nwk/
Aber wie die anderen schon schrieben wurde ich dir neben der Lösung empfehlen auf 7-Zip ( https://www.7-zip.org/ ) umzusteigen :) Das kann auch rar entpacken und mehr.
Or... did you ... r/PaidForWinRAR/ ?
Well personally I would recommend to use 7-zip instead of winrar to extract 7-zip files.
Alternatively, if you're using Vortex as your mod manager, you can use Vortex to install SKSE64.
Press the Windows key + L when you leave the room.
If you have a dual-monitor setup, follow this guide to prevent the lock screen from turning off after 1 minute - https://www.howtogeek.com/267893/how-to-change-the-windows-10-lock-screen-timeout/
Use 7-Zip to password protect sensitive folders.
Install the skin first:
This will take awhile.
Then install:
And enable them in settings. Once that is done you will be able to activate the "Weather" widget.
This was one of the bugs in the original Eminence 2 MOD release that is fixed in this version.
Also all the images have been jpegoptim & OptiPNG.
This reduced the size of the skin from 29.5 MB to 18.9 MB.
This is basically a much faster, smarter alternative to CompactGUI, written in Rust rather than Visual Basic, and using DeviceIoControl()
syscalls rather than shelling out to compact.exe
If you're willing to be a guinea pig and verify it works on machines other than my own, you can find binaries on the releases tab - you want the non-i686 versions unless you're on 32-bit Windows.
While I doubt there's that much risk of data loss, please keep backups and take care of what you compact with it. App and game folders yes, your entire Documents folder, best not.
PSA There is a program on GitHub called Compact GUI. It uses the built in compression algorithms that ship with Windows 10 to reduce file sizes on your disk. An added benefit is since these files are compressed and decompressed in RAM as needed, your load times will improve.
Anything more powerful than a potato should be able to utilize this and benefit from it. If not, it’s easy enough to decompress a file.
use this thing if you are on win10: https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI
Cut a brand new install by 60GB with zero perceptible change by compressing the filesystem (e.g. removing duplication)
If you're on Windows 10, you can usually shrink the disk space used by a game that's not well-compressed, generally without losing performance (even potentially gaining loading performance if your drive is slow), though you have to manually rerun it when the game gets updates.
It can also unshrink them as well if there actually are performance problems.
My personal results:
Algorithm | Game | Before | After | Savings |
XPress16K | RO1 | 5.53 GB | 2.98 GB | 2.55 GB |
XPress16K | RO2/RS1 | 26.9 GB | 14.9 GB | 12 GB |
XPress16K | RS2 | 23 GB | 11.8 GB | 11.2 GB |
CompactGUI just a user interface for built in Windows 10 compression tools and can be used for anything. List of other games compression results here.
>There is a bit of overhead with having to decompress the data, but with recent CPUs this is basically negligible and probably won't ever be tangible unless your program is extremely heavy on the CPU.
>The files are decompressed on the fly so the data is never written to disk. This is why some people actually see loading improvements on HDDs since the CPU can read the compressed files and decompress them faster than loading the original sized file. - /u/japzone
As other users helpfully pointed out, tools like tinyjpg.com can help.
The HTML and styling used can also makes some difference.
Hope this helps.
Here's the website:
You can find objective measurements there. Also, Jon Sneyers seems to be the principal maintainer and perhaps researcher.
This isn't necessarily you want to do with files everywhere on your computer. Some programs are going to have various image files that they load up for buttons and such, some may have pdf help, files that you really don't want moved.
You might look into a program like Belvedere or Dropit. You can make up a variety of rules for various file types or have the programs monitor certain drawers for you. It can then move the files as you like or perform a variety of other tasks.
edit: fixed dropit link
Did you extract it? Ok, I'm going to assume you have no idea what to do here, so don't take offense. A rar file is a bunch of other files smashed down in size and stuffed into a single file. It's similar to a zip file, if you're familiar with those. You need a program to extract it. Install 7-zip here:
Once you do you can right-click the rar file you've downloaded and select 7-zip -> Extract
There should be an install file in the newly extracted files that will install whatever it is you're trying to do. Good luck.
A .zip is a compressed folder, you will need to open it and take the .package file out of it then put the .package in your mods folder. A .rar is an archived file and you will need to download a program I recommend 7-zip.
First of all, be selective of which photos you want to keep. It's of no use to keep everything. Delete all out of focus/bad photos.
Once you've done that simply apply the 3-2-1 backup strategy.
"The 3-2-1 backup strategy simply states that you should have 3 copies of your data on two different media with one copy off-site for disaster recovery."
So basically backup all your photos to an external/internal hdd/sdd and also back everything up in the cloud. Preferably you make an extra backup to another external HDD just to be sure.
Since most of your photos have been taken with your phone the quality won't be DSLR/mirrorless quality so it's perfectly fine to use a site like https://tinyjpg.com/ to decrease the filesizes.
As for your videos, upload everything to Youtube. Set your videos to private and you have unlimited backup.
One small milkshake, please.
I just put through a commit with these changes. I ran the images through optiPNG first to save space (and revisions that increase the size of the offline download).
Chica does look more interesting now. I think that this will increase her appeal to those whom it's meant to appeal.
Use this program that is technically already in windows but this gui let's you control it better and easily. It will compress your games files a ton. My ark install dropped like 100gb alone using the normal compression rate and the game still runs great.
I wonder how this compares to CompactGUI which I havent used in quite a while?
I used CompactGUI because it was the first ui for compact.exe I heard of and it has a DB of compressed games/apps. The author of Compactor mentions they have recently improved folder performance, retains modified file datetime, and now locks files to prevent file updates during compression process - But I dunno if Compact GUI has any of that.
Glad theres choice and development around such a useful command line tool in Windows! Hope to try this on my 5600X to see if it compresses any faster with my 5600X versus my 3570K.
You can buy more hard drives and put them inside your PC. Regular hard drives (not SSD) are fairly cheap, and they store a lot of games.
There are also external drives that connect via USB, and not inside your PC, but these tend to be more expensive, slower, and generally not as good. Buy internal drives if you can.
You can use a tool like CompactGUI to make your game's size smaller, but it will only help a bit.
Yes you can compress it. But with every larger patch you might want to recompress again.
i'm using CompactGUI https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI/releases
Depends on how many and what mods/maps/dlc your client has downloaded but I can half my install size using the highest compression (takes a few hours on my i7 3770k)
Depends on what maps you install. Base game(Island) is significantly smaller. You start adding on the Centre, Scorched, Rag, Aberration, Extinction...ya, it gets huge.
Post-Install you can use a windows 10 feature to compress the ark folder. It provides substantial space savings and no performance loss: https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI
As a matter of fact, you can!
Check out this tool: CompactGUI
I saved 23 GB for Titanfall 2 with no discernible issues so far. Actually used it on a whole load of other games saving me literally hundreds of GBs of disk space.
The funny thing is that if you apply modern video coding advances to JPEG (without making a new format!), you'd be surprised at the quality increase you can make.
It's just that everyone is using that single free JPEG library made in the early 90's...still using 90's technology.
Here's a few guys trying to commercialize that idea: http://www.jpegmini.com/
A quick google search pulls up a couple programs.
There's probably more out there.
You'll need to unpack it as it should come as an archive.
Basically use something like 7-zip, which I think is the one they recommend anyway, and unpack the files into Skyrim's main folder. Not the data folder, but the folder that has the game launcher in it.
You'll also need to launch the game from skse_loader, either directly or if you're using a mod manager (which I'd recommend) by having that set to launch the game via that file.
You don't need to pirate WinRAR, it just nags you to get a license. If you want to avoid that and you don't wan't the malware from cracked WinRAR copies, just use the free (and much better) 7-Zip.
Use 7zip with "LZMA2 compression method" + "Ultra compression level" + "1536 MB Dictionary Size". [Tick "Create SFX archive", for exe]
Note: U need 64 GB RAM, to do this!
Yep! Just as another fun tidbit, the author, Igor Pavlov, placed his algorithm LZMA2, the default compression algorithm used for 7zip, in the public domain. And I'm not 100% sure, but IIRC, p7zip would be what you're looking for.
As an off-topic aside, I noticed you seem to have an unlicensed copy of winrar.
All memes and joking aside, you should be aware that 7-zip is an open-source alternative that's every bit as good or better than winzip and winrar. However, it's completely free and unrestricted. It's able to unpack pretty much all formats as well as create zip, 7z, tar, and wim archives.
On Windows you can save the following script as .bat file:
md "C:\location\x"
7z.exe e "C:\path to file\x" -o"C:\location\x" -aoa
If "C:\location\x"
exists, md
will display an error message and the script will continue.
Make sure <code>7z.exe</code> is in a directory contained in %PATH%
(e.g. system32) or in the working directory of the script. Alternatively, call 7z with the absolute path:
"C:\location to 7zip\7z.exe" e "C:\path to file\x" -o"C:\location\x" -aoa
Probably not, but i could suggest something that might work.
Use 7-zip
install it, then right click on the archive and select '7-zip' and then 'extract files' and a window will open.
under Path Mode you can select 'no pathnames' and then all the archives will be extracted to a single folder.
(this probably wont work) You might also be able to use something like Glary Utilities search tool, to search the folder for archive files, it will find them all and then highlight them all and extract them, they might extract to each folder?
But I don't think there is going to be an easy way to do it.
I haven't used WebGL, but here's my understanding from a general graphics programming standpoint.
The graphics card doesn't know how to read a JPEG. The texture has to be converted into a bitmap before it is loaded into video memory. Therefore the image format you use only affects download times and RAM usage.
I would say use whatever you can get away with. If your texture has gradients and photographic-like bits, use JPEG, and try various compression levels until you find a quality loss amount that you're comfortable with. If you're compressing line art or text, or anything with large areas of flat color, use PNG. And always run it through ImageOptim (Mac) or OptiPNG.
As for the models, OpenGL is format agnostic so just use whatever format supports the features you need.
Probably the most useful utility I've used lately is CompactGUI, a tool for compressing your games with no loss of performance. Depends on the game but the savings can be huge. List of games and expected savings on the Wiki
To make things clear, ComptactGUI is only a GUI for the Windows 10's new Compact feature written by /u/TheImminentFate. You can accomplish this from the command line but his software makes it very easy and intuitive. You can download it from his GitHub here.
The best part about it is so far there hasn't been any impact on performance. In fact, it's been widely reported as having faster load times and the compression can sometimes be insanely good. The best I've seen is upwards of 99%!
I'll be trying this out when I get home today for sure. I'm only worried about how this will work out when an update is released. Will it break the compression or will Windows automatically compress it into the current file?
Algorithm | Game | Before | After | Savings
XPress16K | Napoleon | 23 GB | 13 GB | 10 GB
XPress16K | Attila | 24 GB | 15 GB | 9 GB
XPress16K | Rome II | 27 GB - 16 GB | 11 GB
XPress16K - Shogun 2 | 23 GB | 16 GB | 7 GB
XPress8K - Warhammer | 33 GB | 21 GB | 12 GB
XPress16K - Warhammer II | 38 GB | 29 GB | 9 GB
CompactGUI just a user interface for built in Windows 10 compression tools and can be used for anything. List of other games compression results here.
made by http://www.jpegmini.com/ - company for image compression :D :D
EDIT: It goes deeper! :D jpegmini.com webpage is associated (maybe it's the same company?) with Beamr.com, a video compression company. I guess those companies can be real but them doing Silicon Valley page? Great joke! :D
It's stealth spam, this account is an hour old ... first comment is on a post from the JPEGMini blog about how "well written" the blog post is.
Dror Gill is also the CTO of JPEGMini ... would be a hell of a coincidence if this "Gill" wasn't related, IMO.
Take the image and first resize it to something reasonable---the images you have are probably 4000px wide, and depending on your use, could probably get away with being 1600px wide.
Better yet, you can use media queries to deliver a different background image (different images with different widths).
Take these smaller images and run them through a JPEG minfier and then download and use the resulting images.
This should suffice for a beginner, but there are more elegant tactics once you get more experience. If you are comfortable with it, make sure GZIP is enabled on your web server, as it will save a lot of bandwidth.
So true. PNG Gauntlet would tear through all of their images in 30-40 mins on a quad core, even at the highest compression.
- I love the bottom right graph there, what program is that?
I would say something like:
>Please compress your photo to the .zip format.
Though I don't know why would you compress a photo to zip, images formats are designed to be highly compressed. I'd suggest optimizing the photo using something like PngGauntlet (lossless) for PNG, Jpeg-Optimizer (lossy, stick to ~80) for JPEGs.
FLIF would be better than PNG or zip. Zip does around 25-30 precent ratio, PNG does around 50 percent, and FLIF does around 70 precent.
E: if anyone is curious, I compared FLIF to PNG and JPG. It was on average 50% the size of the PNGs but was also smaller than the JPGs with images that had more solid colors or with in just one or two megabytes with images like photos.
This was with UGUI FLIF, based on an early, pre 1.0 version of the encoder from several years ago. As a result the time for encoding was generally around 1.75 times longer than encoding.
Since then there has work put in to make faster at encoding (and decoding). I'm also betting but can not be certain that if the gui was using a recent version of the encoder, the images would also be smaller.
PNG has been used for images that need transparency. This format though has the benefits of PNG plus an optional lossy mode that prevents generational loss and higher compression making it more attractive than jpeg(which is why PNG never replaced jpeg). Furthermore the way the interlacing is handled it never encodes the same pixel twice so it improves the speed of rendering an image and it's compression. Check out the example page or this video comparing the rendering and loading to PNG. This really is a game changer.
All files produced by it can be opened by it. But it's from October. The next version is scheduled to be released after FLIF format is finalized. It may support converting older versions into newer stable ones if this feature is requested. It would be a trivial task. Just include the old converter with the new one. Convert from the old flif to pam, then from pam to stable flif behind the scenes.
Maybe a Finder alternative like Pathfinder may be able to do this.
A quick google gave me this list of alternate file browsers.
No problem. See the ".rar" extension at the end of the file name? That means it is a zipped file. Zipped means it is compressed to save space, or that it is several files grouped into one zip, then compressed in order to traverse the Internet as one file (and to save space). Zipped files will mostly have [.rar], [.7z], or [.zip] extensions. There are others, but they are more advanced. You'll come across those with more practice under your belt.
There are several FREE software applications available to unzip zipped files. WinRAR is one example, but I prefer PeaZip because it is Open Source, low impact, and user-friendly (IMO).
In order to open a .RAR file, you need to download and install one of these file unzipper programs first. This will "Extract" the file into all its parts. Read the screen carefully. In general, you should use "Extract into new folder", because that is going to help keep all the files together in a folder under the original file name.
Does all that make sense?
Download link: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=URKM&id=1S-CEdgI00E2IWkT0NkMz8VCwu3R9MURY
This archive contains the following:
These images were generated by myself and are based on the latest translation released in December 2018. All tested, all working. Please note that you will need 7-Zip to extract the archive. Have fun :)
A quick walkthrough.
Tip: look at how the other games submodules (Sandbox, StoryMode) are setup
That .7z file isn't the actual BIOS files. You need to extract the BIOS files from that .7z file using a program called 7-Zip. https://www.7-zip.org/
Once you've done that, you should have 3 files but you also need to make sure they're named properly. They should be named "firmware.bin", "bios7.bin", and "bios9.bin" without the quotes.
Place those files in the "system" folder wherever you installed RetroArch.
Quick follow up, you may need to download an app that lets you unzip files. There are a couple good ones and it doesn’t matter which you use. (luckily it only takes two seconds, no creating an account nonsense or anything.)
I use 7zip. https://www.7-zip.org/
The zip file is like the box your rom came in, you need to open the box and take the game out before you do anything.
I recommend downloading the free small app 7Zip. Once it is installed, all you have to do with any zip file is right-click on it and choose how you prefer to unzip it.
Zip files are standard for storing or downloading large files or large bundles of files all in one go. If your computer "has problems" opening them, you might want to investigate what's wrong with it. You didn't say what the problem was, so I can't speculate, but in any case, just using 7Zip might take care of your issues.
Unfortunately it actually was the Size on Disk that Windows got wrong in the first place - here's the original issue on GitHub where NekuSoul found the problem. Seems like they've fixed it now which is great.
I elected to use compact.exe since I didn't trust myself to not break peoples' files by trying to operate on them directly, electing to let compact.exe handle all those issues. And, even with that, a few people have still had issues where compact's broken their computer to the point of needing a restore.
They added a whole lot more content, thats why.
BTW, i recommend using Windows' compression feature on the game files, you save a whole lot of space that way. Up to 17GB of space if using CompactGUI
This might slow down the game loading speed though, especially if your CPU is slow.
the gw2.dat is actually compressable under windows 10 compression algorithms into an absurdly small rate (<10% of original size) the problem is that the game dictates that it has to uncompress when it relaunches making it pretty pointless
I agree with you. This probably reduces the population after updates.
They should compress the packages and let Epic Launcher de-compress them then install them. With LZX compression, the game could be shrunk to 52 % of the total size. From 18 GB > 8.6 GB. Source
you can try this out . It has marvel listed on the games page, and here is a reddit thread for it.
For those who don't know about CompactGUI - it's a tool that uses a built in compression method exclusive to Windows 10 that works well with pretty much anything without any big performance drawbacks.
I compressed 40 games and i was able to save close to 150GB. Some of the results are from my own tests.
I highly recommend you guys try it out and submit your results. The best part of it is i've experienced zero performance difference in my tests.
Don't download the ZIP, that's the source code. Just download and run the EXE from the releases page. No installation necessary since it's just a GUI for existing under-the-hood Windows functions.
Then just choose the folder you want compressed, choose the third compression setting(the fourth "LZX" setting isn't recommended for files you use a lot), and click "Compress Folder". Sit back and wait.
Keep in mind that if the game gets updated you have to run the compression again for the new files.
How much further? One of the things that drives me nuts about Google Page Speed Insights is that it's a diagnostic tool pretending to be a grading tool. I've seen it dock points from a site for "uncompressed" images that are only a couple of KB (or a literal handful of bytes) in difference from whatever compression algorithm it's calculating with.
GPSI has no since of scale of issues (often meaning they're non-issues) or trade-offs (e.g. an important image that you need to be higher quality even if that means an extra tenth of a second in average load time). So don't go out of your way chasing a meaningless GPSI score if there's not actually a problem.
But to answer your actual question, I love TinyPNG (has a WordPress plugin, works for JPEGs too) for the vast majority of my images. And JPEGmini is the best I've found for optimizing big hero image photos with no visible quality loss; seriously, it's some kind of witchcraft.
You should really optimize the photo of yourself.
It's nearly 2.5 megabytes, there's really no reason for it to be more than 20-30kb.
Reduce the size in pixels (currently 4272x2848 and only displayinng at 310x290) and run it though https://tinyjpg.com/ or optimize it locally yourself.
Pra que tiver problema com o tamanho (em kbs) da imagem: https://tinyjpg.com/
Funciona com png também, mas não é um formato recomendado pra fotos.
Na verdade eu recomendo a moderação usar o tinyjpg ao invés de quem mandar a imagem. O imgur já reencoda a imagem e pode ser que perca muita qualidade.
Just beware that these site use lossy compression techniques:
> What does TinyPNG do?
> TinyPNG uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG files. By selectively decreasing the number of colors in the image, fewer bytes are required to store the data. The effect is nearly invisible but it makes a very large difference in file size!
This is what I would recommend: pnggauntlet, it's a program that collects the best losslessly compression algorithms and then gives you the image with the best compression result.
I'm at 32,154, but this is a bit inflated. I haven't run my duplicate-culling program since downloading the Drawfriend archive, which had 3757 images that I probably already have a significant chunk of.
Though the count is similar, I'd estimate that only roughly half comes from the 26K image torrent - after I downloaded it I went through it and did extensive culling, removing almost all the images that were simply screenshots and most of the macros, as well as a bunch of other stuff I deemed to be cruft (the notion of saving fanfic as jpegs of text... It's hard to comprehend the thought process that would lead to such a thing). I've also sorted most of the images by pony, an ongoing process with about 5000 images currently still in the buffer waiting for review.
Oh, and I've also run every single PNG file through the PNG Gauntlet (a program that losslessly recompresses PNG files very thoroughly). I'd estimate that's saved me maybe a gigabyte of space overall, though it took weeks of processor time.
[](/twicrazy "There's a place for everything and everything in its place. Tidy, tidy. I'm the pony who makes things tidy, I'm a tidying monster.")
If you need to work with video, why not go with Lightworks, an academy award winning NLE.
This is less an editor and more of a swiss-army-knife - Irfanview will open nearly any image format, is lightweight and hella fast at moving through hundreds of gigantic images. Free too.
Finally, if you need to get really good compression on pngs, check out PNG Gauntlet
I replaced the cartoon image with a mozjpeg-encoded one. It does indeed look much better. Compare: http://flif.info/example-lossy/SMBC-comic.jpg http://flif.info/example-lossy/SMBC-comic-mozjpeg.jpg
In the black on white text, it looks much better: the mosquito noise has been replaced by slight blur. There are still some visible artifacts around edges between different colors, but all in all it does look much better.
As for the other tests: I'm currently trying to improve the lossy encoding, so I'll redo the plots at some point. I'll use DSSIM instead of PSNR, and maybe include some other formats like BPG too.
I’m not sure if this is what you’re thinking of but it was the first thing which came to mind: Pathfinder. If you can’t find an app to fill your need you can definitely do this as an Automator workflow, maybe not 100% what you’re looking for but it would save you having to do it manually in the future.
I used to swear by Path Finder, but a few releases back I experienced some issues with lock-ups and haven’t used it since. Might be worth installing the trial to see how it works for you, because when it worked well it was an absolute must-have in the toolbox.
I use a cute little tool called DropIt: http://www.dropitproject.com/
You'll probably have to play around with it a bit to set up your own rules correctly, but it works like a charm.
I saw .tar on linux, but not .zst. Quick googling provide how to open in windows https://peazip.github.io/zstandard-compression-utility.html But I don't know why is compressed this way. Did you download from safe source?
If it's a zip file, you need to extract it. If you use Windows, it can be double-clicked and then compressed files can be dragged and dropped to a new folder.
If that doesn't work, you can download an open source program called 7-Zip (https://www.7-zip.org/) that will do the job.
I would guess once you do that, there will be an .stl file that can then be imported into Blender.
The only other guess as to what might be wrong is, if the file appears in the Outliner, but doesn't appear to be in the viewport, it may just be very small (this happens often) and needs scaling up.
I'm not a license expert, but it looks like it's GPL LGPL, BSD 3-Claus, and the unrar license, so... I dunno? There is an unrar package in debian which has a non-free license so... possibly this could be included?
250GB and he's full-up on Excel spreadsheets? Meanwhile I'm having to make do as a software developer with a 100GB disk drive.
A couple other programs have been mentioned already, but WinDirStat is the one I keep handy for trying to find wasted space, along with 7-Zip for compressing stuff I don't need often but can't throw away.