The issue is that storm chests weren't suppose to have schematics in them. They just snuck in there so when you get one from a storm chest it isn't registering anything. Nothing is overridden or anything like that. We have the Trello card for it here.
We're currently investigating this one. Can follow along with our Trello card here.
Apparently on EBAY people sell "Legit FN STW accounts" for PS4. And you guessed it. No codes whatsoever.
You get an account email and password that already has STW PC on it and all you have to is link up your PSN account to it orany other platform of choice. And they sell cheap too, from 9$ and upwards.
I almost fell into buying one of these looking for a cheaper alternative. But i figured out it was cracked accounts when the guy ( seller ) sent me emails that didnt work and sent other emails and they all seemed like theyre real emails of other guys.
So my advice to you. Youve probably been cracked.
1) Never use the exact same passwords everywhere, try having unique passwords for everything.
2) Try to have a junk email address for signing up on forums or any non popular website.
3) Enable 2 Step Verification on everything you have. Preferably Google Authenticator or using a cell phone.
4) Use a password manager like LastPass or smth else as they can generate and keep secured passwords for your accounts routinely.
5) Change your passwords everywhere you care for as you are probably vulnerable now.
6) NEVER keep your credit card info linked. Havent you heard of the Sony disaster? I guarantee you itll be used if ever stolen.
7) Check this website called Have I Been PWNED routinely to check if your data has ever been leaked from a weak and unsecure website breach youve signed up at.
Thanks for letting us know! I'll get some people spun up to take a look at this.
UPDATE: We've created a Trello card on the issue. We are working to get this resolved. If you happen to have a mouse.. try plugging it in and see if you can get past that. We've seen reports that this temporarily solves it.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We threw it on our Trello board so you can follow the progress on it HERE.
We're aware that the event store is missing items. We're working on this one!
You can follow the status of this on our Community Trello Board
We corrected this with the release of v.4.3 and you shouldn't see BR loading screens when loading directly into StW. However, players that play both modes will still see a BR loading screen when switching from BR to STW. This is being worked on and is tracked on our Fortnite Trello Board.
Keep in mind that is not an official Epic twitter handle.
and if there are any Major Data Dumps you will find out on these websites,
But it is always good to have 2FA active.
Not one mention on the AFK / Leach / Toxic players.
Yes I know they said they are working on it.
I would think it would be on the road map. They do not even have it as an issue on Trello:
They need to do a dev post on the goals / plans / possible ETA on this.
This is just a visual bug with the "Start Up" tooltip. We corrected the values on the perk but the values displayed are incorrect. I've highlighted this on the Community Trello Board.
This will be fixed in this weeks release. You can monitor the bug on our official trello board. You can do a Deliver the Bomb mission in a slightly higher zone (34) and have this quest completed.
Thanks for the linking, it's my App :)
If anyone is on Android, here the Android link as well:
or the latest news:
Hey there! We're aware of this one and working to get a fix in ASAP. Follow the Trello Card to stay up to date on the status of the bug.
We're aware that this is an issue. We have done some digging and found that the perks aren't being properly calculated. We have a fix for this set for 3.6 (next release).
You can find this on our Community Trello Board
Hey there /u/Lewzephyr :)
> Unable to build in random flat areas
I have someone from the QA team investigating this now. It looks like an issue with building floors over sidewalks and then attempting to build a wall.
> Outlander - Keen Eyes not lighting up loot.
This will be fixed in v5.41 Here is our Trello Card
> Lefty and Righty - freezes after completion
This should be fixed with this build
> From a distance search-able objects showing as orange boxes
This should be fixed with this build
> Tier 4 5 and 6 mission reward chests give the same amounts of reward.
We have a bug in for this with all of the communities added information. (THANK YOU!)
> Shamrock Reclaimer uses A.C.s voice.
This should be fixed with this build
This definitely wasn't intentional. We have it tracked on our Fortnite Trello Board. This is fixed in 4.3
If you received this from a Storm Chest then this is currently what's happening. Schematic drops weren't suppose to be in Storm Chest but they ended up sneaking in with the patch. You can still earn them from other chests around the world, just not Storm Chests. We have the Trello card here.
Hey there /u/PotatoSaladThe3rd! What state was your character in after completing the missions? Were you in a downed state?
We're aware of issues occurring at the end of the missions and we have a fix set in 3.6 highlighted on our Trello Board
Someone sold your account, thats why the person didn't recycle your entire schematic inventory; he honestly thought it was his now.
Use a site like: to find what have been compromised and act accordingly.
>Bluehole should have made their own engine if they didn't wan't that kind of scenario to happen.
>Tens of millions of dollars and several years later...
>the game is in a bad state and everyone is tired of waiting.
It really is not, but continuing to harp on every issue ignores all the improvements and mires the fact the game is in a much better state than what it was months ago. Issues happen. They have either fixed or in the process of fixing. Not sure how this means the game is in a bad state.
In response to "tired of waiting" I'm assuming you mean for fixes; Epic has fixed stuff and continues to fix stuff. If you mean for compensation, then they already responded to that.
>It would be the perfect chance for us to know what bugs are being worked on and when fixes will be implemented.
Not sure if you're aware, but Epic does do this
The husks IA basically make them follow the fastest way to their objective ( in your storm shield, that would be the generator they target for this wave. ) So if you try to make them go on a different way, they won't. However, if you make a single 1x1 path going from their spawn to their target and block every other way, they'll just follow that path, which you can now fill with traps. As an exemple, if they spawn on the X, they'll basically go here, since that is their only way. I can now add walls, floors etc, and fill them with traps.
note that using a single wall to block them isn't safe at all, I just didn't want to use mats for an exemple. what you should do most of the time is This which is a 4 wall defense in a single case. Enough to dissuade them from breaking it, and just follow your path
I just remembered. Go onto Enter in all of your emails, check if you have had your information stolen. For example, I acutally have had my email in 4 different data breaches, and so might you.
It is the law in China to display the odds from in game loot boxes. Clearly this is a real problem, at least it's being dealt with in some places.
Use the browser version of the app and get the Betternet extension (or any VPN extension). Activate it before you create your alt so the IP isn’t connected to your account. After joining, feel free to delete the extension. Easy peasy. And if Discord asks for your phone number verification, just enter it, you can use the same number as many times as you want with any account
No, here. Don't give Twitter clicks if you don't have to.
Also... I'm skeptical about this project board. Top community issues doesn't have "Add chat filter so it's not a cesspool of bots and trading" and "Design system to punish/prevent AFK players in missions". :D
This will be fixed in the next release. Visit our Trello Board for more updates. This will be fixed in this week's patch.
Hey there. We're also aware of the issue you described here. I've made a Trello Card so that you can track the status. We're pushing to get this one fixed as soon as we can.
We are currently running some investigations on what is causing this. We're working on getting this resolved for everyone impacted. You can view the status of the bug on our Official Trello Page.
Hey everyone! We're currently aware that there is an issue with Xbox controllers losing functionality. We're working hard on a fix and will update the Fortnite Community Trello board with more information.
We definitely understand the frustrations behind this and will get a resolution out to you as soon as we can. I can assure you that we aren't ignoring issue like this and we are actively testing a fix for this issue.
100% of the victims i've seen on reddit, have all been part of a data leak where emails/passwords have been leaked.
I garauntee that OP's email used to create his epic account is present here:
Edit: His stuff is leaked. Not EPIC's security at fault. 100% error-40
The 2 Major websites which informs the public about Databreaches are;
If it is not on either of those you got to wonder what their "source" is.
That is not an offical epic twitter handle. Unless EPIC announces it or is posted on this website,
Then it likely is not true.
Keep in mind all major account breaches much be reported to the FTC - unfortunately, there is no "time limit" they are required to report it.
That's not correct. The standard terms are 5% of the gross for sales over $3,000 per quarter. There's a separate limit for sales made via the Oculus store. This is covered in the engine EULA.
If you sell through a 3rd party store front like Steam or Epic's then you'll pay the relevant fees for that, but if you sell independently you will only pay the engine licence fee as per the EULA I linked above.
If you're talking about the PC version you need to log into your account on the fortnite site (
There should be a purple 'Download' button in the top right, this will install the Epic client.
The pre-load hasn't started yet, so you can't get the game client yet. When the game goes live you'll be able to pull it from the epic launcher.
Hiya, and welcome to the PVE side of the game! If you're looking for guides/information, the fan-made 'Companion for Fortnite' app might be helpful! I help out with the development of it and I think it explains a lot for newer players, stuff like managing your Survivor Squads and what resources are used where (and where to find specific resources!), and there are some great tools as well that are useful to more experienced players :) if you feel like giving it a try, here's the links:
Companion for Fortnite-
To answer your question about people running around at the beginning of the match, it depends, but generally people are out farming for materials- materials they need to craft their guns or traps, ammo, building materials (wood, stone, and metal). Exploring the entire map gives a Silver exploration badge as well, which contributes to the total team score at the end. I think EraChanz covered it quite nicely :) and I'd like to offer my own help as well to you, so if you need any specific materials just lemme know!
edit: also, yes, the early levels are verrrry easy generally, but the difficulty does present itself later on c:
They apparently expanded to 7 times the personnel already and plan to double that again. They also had an interview with one of the support staff that said that they recieved so much spam from BR kids that didnt realise how they died and claimed the other was hacking etc.
Heres the report:
We're working on this bug. My best advice is to upgrade the walls fully before dropping a base. Also, you can upgrade the walls by first shooting them when an explosive weapon first and then upgrading. We know it's no ideal and are trying to get this resolved. This has been a tricky bug. Here is a link to the Trello Card
It may be hard to believe but prioritization is a thing, meaning that Keen eyes may not be as important as global server performance, display issues and latency delays. I personally don't mind not being able to farm as efficiently when I can actually start playing the game normally.
By the way: You can follow it here.
We're looking into this one. The plan is for it to be on sale everywhere so something weird is going on. Follow along with our Trello card here for updates.
Bug already acknowledged by Epic, you can follow it here:
Yeah I totally agree that traps are overall weaker than the current "play soldier, use bullets" meta
but since I play ninja, have a high tech and doesnt use that much n&bs for bullets, I gave a go to traps. I, like many, farm Radars/survivors/Encampment missions alot so the materials just comes by while farming for survivor EXP to a point where I literally throw traps to friends and still have My inventory full of them... And while I see the downside of traps, I still like to use them.
If you wanna see if any of your emails have been hacked/compromised you should check on
If any recent ones on sites that use passwords you use often or are important. you should change your passwords especially for anything important like social media, financial, or anything with purchases using your cards
If someone else has your password, unless there was a massive security failure on Epic's part, it's because you either used an easy-to-guess password, you re-used a password on another site that got pwn3d and leaked your password, you shared your password with someone that betrayed you, or something similar. And if there was a massive security failure, you'd know, because everyones' accounts would be compromised and not just yours.
This subreddit is for Fortnite: Save the World, the PVE side of Fortnite.
Wrong Subreddit, this is a subreddit for anything related to Fortnite: Save the World.
Anything related to Fortnite: Battle Royale belongs on r/FortNiteBR instead.
I posted this in another thread - since it is affecting so many people.
There have been major hacks releasing millions of usernames and passwords ( from other companies ) in the past few years.
If you have not checked already I suggest everyone going to this website and typing in their email.
If your email appears on ANY of the sites that get listed, I recommend changing your password to those sites immediately as well as any site you use the same password on if you have not done so already.
99.9% of all "Hacks" is because users reuse the same password on multiple sites. If you have trouble remembering passwords I suggest using a 3rd party offline service like Keepass ( Do not save passwords in your browser autofill - that can easily be hacked )
I used to think that Levi's are pronounced Levis...
In my country they all call it Levis, until I heard it somewhere on the internet, lol.
Ok just so you know, epic did not do this to your account. It sucks that they are not replying back but they are not stealing your money. Your password most definitely got leaked from a database that you signed up on with the same password. If you say you use a special password just for fortnite i wont believe it... but yes, check here to see if your email got pawned.
Moral: Never use the same password for sites that you HAVE a cc or any other payment option on.
But its too late and if they dont give u ur money back that will be a big d!ck move by them.
>It was recently in Fortnite Crew Pack but I don’t think it’s there anymore.
Fortnite STW was available in the May Crew Pack, that's not available anymore...
A starter pack for Fortnite: Save the World can be purchased from here:
Without watching the video I can already tell that it's not related to this subreddit.
(This subreddit is for posts related to Fortnite: Save the World)
Post on r/FortNiteBR instead.
Post on r/FortNiteBR or r/FortniteSwitch.
This subreddit is for Fortnite: Save the World, which isn't available on Nintendo Switch or Mobile.
Regarding the voice chat.. the issue wasn't actually something on Epic's end. The team that handles our voice chat system was able to spin up some new servers (for both game modes) that fixed the issue.
For Keen Eyes. I've stated several times that on this sub that Keen Eyes will be fixed in v5.41. Here is a link to our Trello Card. I apologize if that news hasn't been getting around yet :(
you can check this out to keep track of their development progress.
Before the patch, that specific note was not green yet. Pretty sure a hotfix will be rolling out soon. Hope so, at least
You can find Trello here and Epic post here.
Fix in dev not only see-bot but a lot of stuff are like this. Before it was Ray shouting randomly from time to time. Annoying but fun times.
Seems to be pretty much related to something already reported, you can take a look at the Trello:
epic have added it to their trello, theyll probably fix it in the next patch
Hey everyone! I posted this on another thread and wanted to give it on this post as well. /u/RyanJacques!
Just a heads up that we've pinpointed the cause of this bug and will be implementing a fix in the near future. You can track the status of the bug on our Community Trello board.
Hey everyone! We are aware that this is currently happening. This is definitely an unintended bug and we are working on a fix.
You can follow along with the status on the Fortnite Community Trello Board
Known issue that already has a fix waiting for deployment in the next update/patch.
The Trello is constantly updated by the devs with the status of bugs/issues that they're aware of.
We're aware of the issue and should have a fix in our next patch. You can check on the status of that on our Trello page here.
How does them walking to the objective change anything? Assuming the husk doesn't spawn exactly where you stand, you still have a downtime with melee weapon that a ranged one wouldn't have.
Bullets needs to be reloaded, and that's for a reason : They dish out ALOT more damage.
It is true that melee cleaves (and it is the only thing that melee does better than ranged weapon if we ignore rocket launchers). So that makes melee situationally better than Ranged weapons. To get an idea of how much target you'd need, let's take quick comparison.
A lvl 1 Pressure Cutter, the weapon used in your gif; would deal 972 dmg every 0.8seconds using my stats. This would get an additionnal 25% dmg from Assassination, assuming I've been consistently hitting before, and would deal 30% of its damage over time after first hit.
Now the Meta AR, which deals 439.8 dmg 12 times per seconds with my stats. Now that is 5 277,6 Dps, but to be fair since you talked about reload, I'll take its dps over two magazines; 2.5s of shooting, 2.3s reloading, 2.5s shooting : 3614. This would take the classic soldier +10%Dmg ranged weapon perk, aswell as 24% increased AR damage. (Not even mentioning debiliting shot, +40% Ammo capacity perk/+30% reloadspeed perk, War cry... etc)
Not going further in the maths, you can already see on paper that you'd need to consistently be hitting atleast 4 target to be on par with an AR, which is quite unlikely.
Does that makes melee not viable? No. Does that makes melee high risk - low reward? Yup, definitly.
First of all, you dont get infinite tries at a password, account gets disabled temporarily after a number of tries.
Second, only way to pass 2fa is to compromise the said mail adress.
If my email adress was compromised fortnite would be one of my last worries.
Edit: I bet 99% of the hacking is from phishing and epic cant do anything about it. Only mistake epic had (as far as to my knowledge) is the 2016 leak from their system which exposed email, username and salted and hashed passwords. Unless you were registered in that date, you are fine. (I was registered at the time because i was using unreal).
I never saw anyone that got their account compromised from anything on epic had any controll on, however i saw multiple people hacked from phishing attacks, keyloggers and overall people using the same password and username for everything (After one of their accounts were compromised) I highly recommend to check to see if anything related with your email compromised.
There are things people need to understand.
Anyone at any time can make an account with another personal email address. You don't need to hack into anyone's email to do it. You just need to know the address.
This is the reason why almost every web service requires a person to "authenticate" the account by clicking on an authentication link. So no need to panic.
Likely your email was leaked from a major breach from another site. Just go to this website,
It will tell you if your email was "leaked" and from which site.
The reason it was showing "failed" login attempts was because the account never got authenticated by you. Also since your email was leaked there really is no way to prevent them from trying to log in as your email address is already known to them. Nor can you ban a single IP tp stop them as this is done through a bot network.
As long as you don't authenticate the account - the account will be deleted by it self after a period of time.
Either you fell for a phishing email or your login credentials were compromised somewhere else. (you can view whether your email is compromised here:
Could you by any chance, PM me a screenshot of the email you received while you are hovering over the link you used? You can and should remove any personal identifying information.
If your email is in the list, its time to switch passwords on all accounts associated with the email used in fortnite.
Another tip: If you see an email that appears to be legit, asking you to change anything associated with the account. Manually go to the website, never follow any links in emails.
The verification email is likely in your junkmail folder.
You delete the account by not verifying the account
Your account was likely leaked from some other site - I reccomend checking out this site;
It will tell you if your email address has even been leaked by some other site.
Indeed it is, Rockstar launched the Online as standalone little while ago, and the 5 bucks is an offer which expires on the 15th of February. You can find more info here;
This subreddit is for Fortnite: Save the World, the PVE side of Fortnite.
This subreddit is for Fortnite: Save the World, the PVE side of Fortnite.
This subreddit is for Fortnite: Save the World posts, See BR & Creative subreddits below.
Fortnite: Save the World already saves your builds within the Homebase areas like Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny Valley and Twine Peaks.
Unrelated to that, why not build in Creative Mode instead, you can save progress there.
>Is Tilted coming back?
Tilted Towers wasn't in Fortnite: Save the World to begin with...
That was for the May Crew Pack only, you'll need to purchase a Starter Pack instead.
Pfft, this is nothing. One time CCP Games deleted boot.ini with Eve Online's Trinity update. Bloody kids these days, don't know how easy they have it.
I agree with you. This probably reduces the population after updates.
They should compress the packages and let Epic Launcher de-compress them then install them. With LZX compression, the game could be shrunk to 52 % of the total size. From 18 GB > 8.6 GB. Source is a great choice here. Paired with for 'spoofed' credit card data (real numbers but unique so they don't add your real card to a list where you can't do another trial). And you've got free trials for day.sssss.
This doesn't solve your problem what so ever. But can help you in the future. Check out it allows you to create virtual credit cards that you can use once and cancel. You can make as many as you want, as often as you want. You can create a card for every website you use, set a spending limit per card/site, or just create burners for your sex toy ordering. It helps to not get screwed like this.
But like I said does NOTHING for your situation now, just something to think about for the future. Anyways, GOD Bless, Good luck and hopefully you get your monies back.
I can't find scans of the full case, but the Amazon store page essentially has the back of the case verbatim. There's also no mention anywhere on the page that it's early access and incomplete until you get to user reviews. That's seriously not okay.
I'm also in China and I have no issues connecting to Asia fortnite STW/BR servers. I don't think you would need to use a VPN to play fortnite as 3 of my friends and I play it fine without a VPN. However, I've used a VPN (astrill) to connect to Japan when playing and I didn't lag either. Astrill's pretty great for playing other games like League of Legends or just going on youtube because of its stealth VPN feature.
There is an app called Companion for Fortnite, it has ads but if you support the developer you can stop the ads.
Has something called Collection book and you can check what has been owned and what has been booked.
Companion for Fortnite by Gnejs Development
Hey I should get premium benefits for advertising so nicely ;)
You may also use the Companion for Fortnite App which loads the same mission alerts (not the storm ones atm though) and daily Llama. The App also has a Research Alarm notification service where you can schedule your device to remind you to collect the Research points in case you forget. Many more features as well. I am the author of the App and I also know Nordrasir, he made the site information available for me via the App.
Not gone dark; However all changes are closed by NDA; Iam more impressed how well they/the community is going about the NDA.
P.S - They also stream on Twitch last I checked; April 1st was the last time they streamed the game. :)
We have it listed on our Trello Board. The team is working to get this one fixed.
Thats a trello card, trello is a page where devs and users can collect bugs while the devs can put them in a choosen row of how important they are and when they expect to fix them. Some kind of community shared organizer.
Hey there, we have a Trello Card up for this issue. We've been able to reproduce it internally and are investigating why it's happening.
I haven't seen a direct reply to it, nor do I see it on Trello.
Really wish they had a page of acknowledged bugs they are working on. Well that is what I thought the Trello board was for but it doen't appear to be so:
Clearly its not important as the important issues are on the trello board like BR not getting an umbrella when they win. Thats clearly FAR more important than broken chest rewards and broken weapon skins. /s
"Community issues", what a load of shit.
Thanks. As this is just an update week, are things noted in trello as "fixed in next release" included or do we need to wait another week until a true patch week?
Exhibit A:
It was stated either here on reddit or in the 4.3 patch notes that if you switched from BR to save the world you would still see the loading screen. You can also see it on the trello board here Its not some secret conspiracy they know about it.
I have already, just hope that thread gets a response. Subscribed to the last one, nothing. Kinda losing hope that this will be resolved quickly, if it's getting the hush treatment.
Just have to wait and see, I guess. Thank you for pointing out that thread, though.
EDIT: Oh good, that thread is tagged with [Investigating] now. Finally looks like one got their attention!
EDIT2: Flagged as Fixed in Next Release!
I don't have the screenshot on me, but there's also one of the famed Facing Worlds map from Unreal Tournament.
Yeah.. This game is especially rude as there is really close to no-use for a dupe mythic lead. Retiring them gives the same as retiring a legendary (with ~1000 more survivor exp); putting them in collection gives approx. same as an epic hero, they're worth 1/2 of a legendary hero as transformation fodder... Literally nothing to get out of them
Man I couldn't tell how much I agree with you, Both about how SM is fun to play and How I've been hesitating alot with an Outlander main because I love laying down traps. But that is also an outlander issue : most of the time I lay down alot of traps, because I gather my ressources while doing Radar/rescue the survivors. So if someone's playing outlander in my team, well.. He's got a base full of traps when he comes back, and he basically can't do much.
And about your question for the supply, I am in twine since less than a Week. Those are my Ores right now
With how many people are getting their epic accounts compromised this exact way (they don't even need to touch your email account to add that form of 2FA) I'm starting to wonder if we are all going to get notices from soon.
Epic games, is there something you should be telling everyone?
Anyway, suspicions aside, that website is really helpful. Check if your email has been spotted, and if so, lock down everything you can with new passwords and enable 2FA on every account you can.
I had someone try to breach my account a few months back thanks to Snapchat leaking my email over two years ago. (That's what I fucking get for trying out that dumpster fire of an app two years ago...)
Considering there is no way to do anything without access to your account, the answer is no.
So lets talk about your poor account security.
100% of that investment is going into non gaming. People are making Hollywood movie magic using Unreal. Look up "The Void". Even Disney is using Unreal to make movies and even Star Wars movies.
They are working on a whole new way to experience movies.
You still have the freedom of choice to say, "I'm not going to spend money on this." Who cares if they offer incentives? Stand strong and don't buy anything if that's what you believe.
I really wanted the super people llamas this week but I only had 600 or so vbucks. Guess what? I didn't buy them, and I will save my vbucks for the next time it comes around.
Also, they aren't offering gambling services without licensing as the ESRB doesn't see this sort of thing as gambling: