The Windows 10 OS has a compact file function. You can download the UI for the function using this link:
The game will still be functional, and shouldn't have any performance changes. Cut my ARK file by about 40%.
If anyone is curious, I made this in the Dev Kit, and they're just doing the "lay egg" animation. (Which I think is also the poop animation).
I was originally wanting to do a video of 100K dodo birds fighting a rex, thinking that eventually they would win, but I couldn't figure out how to get them to spawn the way I wanted without crashing my computer. Unreal Engine is powerful, but there's quite a learning curve!
Oh, and the 100,000 downloads is referring to iOS and Android combined. :)
Vulkan from the Khronos group:
Looks set to be released quite soon, any plans on implementing this instead of OpenGL for Linux? Or do you see the latest OpenGL releases being up to the task?
use this thing if you are on win10:
Cut a brand new install by 60GB with zero perceptible change by compressing the filesystem (e.g. removing duplication)
Use this program that is technically already in windows but this gui let's you control it better and easily. It will compress your games files a ton. My ark install dropped like 100gb alone using the normal compression rate and the game still runs great.
Yes you can compress it. But with every larger patch you might want to recompress again.
i'm using CompactGUI
Depends on how many and what mods/maps/dlc your client has downloaded but I can half my install size using the highest compression (takes a few hours on my i7 3770k)
I actually worked on this a while ago, tested several algoriths (median cut octrees etc) and the best looking algorithm (subjective judgement) I found was neuquant. There's a really nice implementation of it here It's probably your best choice too because you can supply your own specific palette (the dyes) to fit the image to.
You can visually compare different algorithms using this handy tool
PM me if you need any help with it.
I think the problem was Bohemia Interactive and not Dean Hall.
Developers pay royalties for the engines they use. Wildcard for example pays 5% of it's gross revenue to the guys that made the unreal engine. That is 500.000 $ just in the first week!
Bohemia Interactive thought: Hey, we have our own engine, so let's save a shit ton of money.
The program you list is for Razer products only. Autohotkey is an open source macro writer.
I'm pretty sure most people realize this though. A lot of people don't auto-pilot because sometimes after leaving the keyboard and coming back "e" is accidentally pressed.
I've been using macros for "e" "Mouse 1" "w" "Shift+w" and "u"
We are currently in EDT, not EST (Thanks to daylight savings time)
So 1EST is actually 2EDT. So the servers should go down in 40 minutes.
Hey guys. I made this Warpaint on the request of /u/Nova_Trooper117 and wanted to share the result. For best results you will need a dark skin color on your char.
For more Warpaints and/or requests head over to r/ARKWarPaint.
@DragonBrigade Wow! Thats really awesome :D Would you consider getting the file from your ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\MyPaintings folder and uploading it to and posting the link here so I or anyone else could download and use it?
The site is on a red 41. You should do something about those slow loading images. :D
Hey guys! I just launched Dododex's Stat Calculator. This has been one of the top requested features, and I gathered a lot of feedback on what people want to see in a stat calculator.
A lot of the feedback I heard was that stat calculators are a bit confusing to newer users, and that it would be helpful if it was more visual. For newer users, it took people a while to understand how stat points actually work in the game calculators work and what to do with the data.
I tried to make this calculator visual and intuitive so it's easy to distinguish how the stats were distributed to a creature. Dododex also gives you a "above average" or "below average" rating to make it easy to determine if a stat received a lot of points.
I also tried to make it as easy as possible to enter your stats, so you can use the +/- buttons to easily tap to your creature's stats, rather than typing them in yourself.
This stat calculator is also in the latest version of Dododex for iOS and Android, which was just released a few hours ago.
Would love to hear player's feedback! :)
Wonder no more my friend! There are the official stats showing the actual numbers! Feel free to compare it with similar games in the genre!
You will notice instantly that it is holding its player count incredibly well when compared to other early access survival genres, and hasnt dropped below #8 in the most played games list. Currently sitting at number 4 (on a tuesday afternoon) only behind Counter strike and two free to play valve titles.
I too did this a while back. The difference was very stark, it actually loads on my SSD in less than half a minute (or around that), while my HDD was at least 3 minutes.
BIG improvement, I really second your post and recommend anyone who can to do it.
Try Steammover for those not familiar with moving already installed software (that way you don't have to redownload or reinstall anything, then whenever you want to play another game on the SSD you can easily move Ark back and forth.
there is also an easier way : enjoy :
100% profile with all skins and stuff unlocked, just add "ile" to the end of the file and put in your save folder in ark
The dev kit is over 100gb and the steam version is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outdated, it should be removed. Latest version can be found here. register an account, download the launcher and get it from there.
While you might already know this, it seems more likely to be a general blocking-rule within Cloudflare's system that is supposed to protect from DDoS, which has been setup very broadly (likely to protect the launch) and you for some reason (either through the ISP you use, your current [potential dynamic?] IP) fall under the rule:
In essence: The cloudflare rule needs to be changed to allow you back in or you can reset your router, clear cookies and hope that only the IP/cookie setting is blocking you.
Now available on <strong>iOS</strong> and <strong>Android</strong>.
If anyone develops any cool shortcuts or anything with the dododex://
URLs, let me know! :)
Note on Old Kibble: Old Kibbles are being added back into the app one-by-one, so not all of them are in yet. I'm about halfway through, but I'm hoping to add them all in over the next few days. (It's a little time consuming because I have to redo a lot of work that I undid when the Rework went live. ��)
I found a "way" to fix it for now, its really fucking stupid that we have to do it like this. But it worked for me. I got the TunnelBear VPN, free account, limited MB per month. You only need it connected while joining the server, as soon as you join the server, you can turn it off, get a lag spike and then boom, not using data on the vpn and still connected to server.
“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The last couple of weeks I've been developing a companion app for ARK in my spare time, in addition to the website. After a week of beta testing, I decided to publish the app and wanted to let you guys know about it. Currently the app includes calculators and other things I personally use. To give you a quick overview, it currently contains the following:
For a more detailed explanation of the features, and screenshots, you can check out the Play Store link. Most of the data used is fetched over the internet, which means that with the release of new creatures you don't have to download an update; it will automatically fetch the latest changes as soon as I've added them to the website.
The app is actively developed, which means that a lot of other features are coming in the near future (this also includes an iOS version). Examples being resource-, breeding- and experience calculators, but also small additions such as feeding intervals for non-violent tames.
Welcome to the internet.
This is called internet anonymous effect. People can say and do what they want, because none can punish you for it in the real world.
>>>People on internet<<< Read and watch the video if you want to know more.
Best an fastest method to move any Steam game:
* If it doesn't exist already, Generate a Steam library folder at the wanted position in Steam-settings -> Downloads -> Library-Folder. Inside you'll find a directory "SteamApps" (if freshly generated you need to manually generate a directory "common" inside said SteamApps-folder).
* Close Steam.
* Move the gamefolder (...\SteamApps\common\Ark) to the new "common" folder on your SSD
* Research which AppID belongs to Ark here:
* Find the refering appmanifest file (appmanifest_346110.acf) inside the original SteamApps folder an move it to the new SteamApps folder on your SSD.
* Fire up Steam an have fun. No need for reinstall or verify.
*EDIT: formatting
Forget XSplit, get OBS. And if you have Intel's CPU, offload that Streaming to the iGPU, since we know every bit helps in ARK.
Drop it in \Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\MyPaintings and you will be able to load it up on your own Rex. It's very much still a WIP, I'm halfway through a new one using admin commands to get the base coverage as it's a total PITA to get total coverage normally. I'll let you know when I've finished it.
1050 Ti isn't as beefy as the 1060 but will be enough w/ the settings turned down.
Beats an MX150 any day (though the one you linked was a 1050?). The 1050 Ti is about halfway between the 1050 and 1060 and well worth the extra $50 (less when you account for the free shipping) over the one linked in the OP.
>Most of the people who use S+ seem to think that it's reinventing the wheel, but it isn't. It uses precisely the same mechanics and accomplishes the exact same thing.
'Reinventing the wheel' means you are making the same thing that has already existed, a phrase usually used to say something is redundant. I could take you literally, like what you're doing to OP, and tell you that you're wrong. Or I could just let it be because I knew what you meant.
>It uses precisely the same mechanics and accomplishes the exact same thing. The difference? It uses different shaped pieces, and many of the components function differently (being able to pick them up, certain components not requiring electricity, larger storage capacities, etc.)
So you've explained the differences more than you have explained what you mean by 'building mechanics.' Since there are many definitions and ways in which you can use the word 'mechanics' in a video game, you should probably explain which one you mean.
This might help you understand how the word "building mechanics" could mean something different than what you're thinking of: shows address as 218 Main St Kirkland, WA 98033 United States, but upon looking it up on google maps it shows a UPS store. here we can see some quotes by Jesse saying "Jesse Rapczak A Real Person Who Lives In Seattle " and also, the most important "We have team members spread around the world. As you can see from our job posting we don't shy away from talented people working remotely..."
lol you're over-engineering this. Just run a macro like Autohotkey.
Last I heard, macro's have the greenlight for use and are not banned.
Hmmm, well I would say ARK is generally too simplistic to provide any real sense of natural selection. At best it provides a sense of realism for the physicality of ancient creatures.
It's really old but the best game for learning about evolution is... Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life Though actively using that to teach would take forever as it is a really really really slow game. :D
There are plenty of utilities for this. I use a PS4 controller with no problems. I do this with DS4 utility here. .
There are a few programs to do this with an xbox controller such as xpadder and Jpy2Key.
I havent used these as I prefer the ps4.
If you are using a PC controller try Pinnacle. I have used this one for years.
Unless they simply allow us to select the button via the normal keymap screen I feel it just wont be as good as these options.
Signal 11 means the program tried to access memory that wasn't assigned to it or was outside of memory bounds. This could be an error in the program or it could indicate a hardware issue.
Check your memory:
Could also be heat issues, with the memory or CPU or even Hard Disk drive issues, if data is being corrupted coming out of on disk memory swap space, look for a disk diagnostic tool that will do read/write verification. SiSoftware has some good tools.
You can download compactgui to make the size much more reasonable, I experience close to zero performance loss with the game folder compressed. I got the 190gb down to 103gb with it.
You can check for dlcs here, from the steam library folder:
The game will always be big, you can significantly lower it by compressing the files using a tool called CompactGUI, there is almost no performance loss for me using this:
From another thread a user suggested the following, which I have done and tested:
The Windows 10 OS has a compact file function. You can download the UI for the function using this link:
Took the game from 127GB (which is size of mine with only extinction and mods, no other optional maps, idk why yours is so much larger) down to 62GB on disk. Someone further in the thread mentioned that updated will fuck it up and decompress it but idk if he meant id have to compress it again or if its automatic but I guess ill have to wait for an update to see. I notice no differences in game performance though.
Yeah, my install is 179 GB. Crazy amounts of file space needed.
However ..... you can use the Windows 10 Compact tool to reduce that to around 80 GB of disk space used.
You can find tutorials around or use CompactGUI
Uhhh.... I also run a 980 ti and I run the game on mostly "Epic" settings at 50-60+ fps with dips pretty much only when it has to load a bunch of new textures/models in the distance. Game is installed on an SSD to help alleviate those load times quite a bit.
The game is continuously being optimized during development, so I don't think you will have to worry much about that by the time the release date rolls around. Like someone else already mentioned, it's pretty naive to assume they are ignoring optimization in favor of only content...
Quoting only your video card as a reason the game should be running at 60+ isn't a realistic measurement of your systems ability to run this or any other game.... We can make some assumptions based on you having a 980 in the system, but the video card is not always the bottleneck.
Check out process explorer and see if you have anything else bogging your system down. Mem load, cpu load, gpu load, IO load, etc....
I find that watching SOTF, is the best source for all related info. You can learn all the up-to-date tricks and best strategies if you spend some time watching twitch streams.
Locate the install directory and start the shooter game executable by hand. If the error message is something like 0xc00000007, chances are that you are missing a dll. If that's the case, first, install visual c++ redistributable and directx which come along with Ark. You can find them in your install folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK_CommonRedist
If that doesn't cut it, try copying the stuff from the directx folder into the binary directory, where the shooter game exe lies. Only x86 files if you have a 32 bit OS, otherwise only the x64 ones.
If it still doesn't work, get dependency walker from, install and open the Ark executable from it. It will then tell you what dlls the game is trying to load and which are missing, if any. You can just download them from the Web and copy them next to the exe, ask Google for them and you'll find what you need. This fixed metro redux for me lately, after trying for several hours.
Those have been in there for a long time, pretty sure those were just unused assets from a purchased UE4 asset pack.
I'd have to check again but I believe this is the pack:
( This seems to work for me, however you've got to log in and link your Git-Hub account to an Unreal Engine account. You can do this here - (
There are two files you may wish to look at regarding single player configuration.
Navigate to the following folder > *\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config*
In this folder you will find two other folders labelled > CleanSourceConfigs and WindowsNoEditor
In these two folder you will find a file called GameUserSettings.ini both of these contain some information regarding singleplayer configuration and the settings.
The file that will probably have the new No Alpha Spawn Option will probably be > \steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\CleanSourceConfigs\GameUserSettings.ini
Before making any changes to any files in these folders please copy the folder *\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config* and save that copy somewhere you can use for backups purposes in case you make a mistake while working with any files.
a) > - Alliance-Chat channel!
b) Teamspeak
> - Admin Command Logs & Chat Logs file-output options
You need to install a program called AutoHotKey and then save the script as "Ark.ahk", then double-click it.
Here is what the script does
Try "autohotkey", it was irks like synapse with a few more features.
Also in regards to the razer synapse auto run, best not having it as 15 seconds, 1 second is enough otherwise when you want to stop you press your auto run button ans you could keep walking for like 1-14 seconds after
Meat calculators will definitely be in a future version.
A paid version is available in the iOS and Android versions, but there's no donations or anything set up for the website at the moment, thanks so much for the thought! :)
The ability to change weapon % is something I plan on adding to the website eventually. It's already available in the apps however. :)
Didn't get to finish this as fast as I hoped, but a 4am patch is tough to stay up for. :P
This only includes violent taming (non-violent is coming soon) -- will be including a toggle for it in the next version of the app. :)
I'm pretty confident about these estimates in comparison to other Dododex estimates I've done. The Kibble estimates, taming effectiveness, and timing have been verified on a handful of levels. Any other levels shouldn't be off by more than 1 or two, but if they are, please let me know! Didn't do full testing on the berries or crops, however, but they seemed to be in the ballpark range when I did some quick tests.
The Diplodocus is already on the iOS/Android apps, but if you're not seeing the data, you can force update to the latest data by going to Settings > Check for New Data. :)
Try this.
Worked for me, might not for you.
Also try a different capture mode if you have not already.
So when you tame something there's a 15% boost to HP and Damage on official (other server types do vary) that is linked to taming efficiency. At 100% (or bred) you get the full boost. That's why dododex doesn't work for checking and bred babies will always have better stats than tamed parents.
I use Blade and Feather's app on android. It'll match up much better for you. Takes a bit of learning but once you know how it works it is a great asset for planning and tracking bloodlines as when as checking stats post leveling (without allocating). The devs also been great at responding and working with to help improve accuracy. Link to follow.
Ark is a very intensive game on your computer - my computer plays skyrim (not digitally remastered) on ultra just fine but I have to play Ark on low (low memory 4g setting). Check out the link below:
Edit: minimum CPU requirements say 2.0 GHZ and a gfx card that can run DX10 with minimum 1G memory. Your chip looks okay, but check out your video card as well - keep in mind that you may need to run the game on lower settings. Keep in mind it has you download a desktop app to scan your hardware - I've used it in the past with no issues.
Best place on the net for testing your video card. It's not 100% exact (Subnautica actually disagreed with its assessment that I could play it), but it's good enough that it has saved me a lot of money over the years.
I don't have time right now, but I think changing the port numbers up fixed this for me.
So I think I did something like 7780 and 7781 with 27017 query. I read somewhere to try that and it worked.
Also, since you are hosting out to the net and trying to play from the same machine your router has to support what is call NAT loopback. That was the other piece of the puzzle. I bought this one because I'm an IT nerd and like having my own, but there are cheaper ones that support loopback.
Where is your sources/ credit for the stolen resource maps you put on your website? Even if the ARK gamepedia is using the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license, you have to give credit for using their content, LIKE the resource map overlay.
What you are doing is simply illegal.
Using this my install is Size: 125 GB but Size on disk: 66.9 GB.
I use the the 8k compression.
But you can only do this on the Steam and Epic installs.
my game goes from 340GB to ~150GB doing that, i have all dlcs installed but the center and a few mods, i do this to almost any game that gets a big reduction in size, you can see a list with some games here to see if its worthy to you doing that
Some games are already compressed so you dont need to do it
I have a 500gb SSD and have ark installed with all maps (aside from genesis as I don’t have money for them yet and I’m not too concerned about the maps right now) and still have 209GB left. I don’t have anything else installed on my laptop however, aside from Hearthstone so that does play into this, and all my pictures and other media are on my storage drive
What I did once I installed the game and only had like 70GB left was to compress the game files using CompactGUI. It took quite a few hours, but it gave me a lot of space back and the game runs perfectly fine still (I play single player with about 15ish mods). Provided you need the space to install the game in the first place, but if you’re able to do so and compress the files, you’ll have a lot more free space. Hopefully this works for you and I explained it well lol. try this website. It's generally pretty good at figuring stuff out. I used to use it all the time before I upgrading to a PC that can handle what I usually play.
Yeah, I even did the Can You RUN It thing and it's just the video card that is screwy. Luckily I tried it on the free weekend and didn't purchase it. I'll get it once it's more optimized.
I made a Giganto in the Borat mankini.
Also if your looking for your warpaints mine was in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\MyPaintings
I ended up getting this so I could play Ark and Conan at the same time. But I appreciate the tip!
The BAT-file can be placed anywhere, because of:
REM Folder settings
REM Path to the SteamCMD folder (example: C:\SteamCMD)
SET path_to_steamcmd=CHANGE_THIS
REM Path to the ARK Server folder (example: C:\ARK Server\ (<- don't forget the '\'))
SET path_to_ark=CHANGE_THIS
These will tell the script where to look for the SteamCMD (so yeah, it's using SteamCMD ;-)) and the ARK Server.
App ID 376030 refers to the ARK: Survival Evolved Dedicated Server application (Link).
For maximum updating functionality, I've added both to the script, so it will first update 376030 (Server files) and then 346110 (Game files).
Thanks for your positive response! Let me know if you have any other questions =)
and they dropped another one..have no clue what the number is 171.7?? but the build id is 651128, (steam >Ark>Properties>Local the bottom is the current files build id)
I watch this website for patches and changes for games...this is the Ark page:
Weird. Someone in another thread commented saying their sister bought the game on EGS before knowing it was going to be free. Maybe it's out in different countries already? Either way the mod creator seems to be live already.
References in case anyone missed it -- Wildcard was forced to pay $40 million to Trendy:
Thanks for the reply! Here are my specs. I ran it under the system requirements lab. Let me know if this link works.
I changed the game like the OP did but now I want to change it back to default. I replaced the DefaultEngine with the copy and removed -SM4 but now the buildings look weird.!3475&authkey=!AG4nP5s020qGVF8&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg Please help!
I just got one of these:
Getting 30-40fps at 1920x1080 on all medium/high w/ epic textures, resolution scale 100%, shadows and sky on low, haven't overclocked it yet.
The difference between that and my 670 which got the same framerate on all low at 1280x720 is ridiculous. The game looks amazing on my machine now. I picked up the card for full DX12 support and eventually Witcher 3, but I'm glad I picked it up sooner than later.. ARK feels like a whole new, modern game.
>In its current state, no. Maybe eventually.
>A tip when you're looking for computers: Check its CPU's score on CPUbenchmark to get an idea of what it can do. My i5-2500K in my desktop scores about 6500, and with a GTX 760 I get 30-60 FPS on moderately low settings.
Woah. I have a i7 4770k, GTX 760 4GB, and 16GB of RAM but I barely get 30 fps on all low settings. What settings are you using?
In its current state, no. Maybe eventually.
A tip when you're looking for computers: Check its CPU's score on CPUbenchmark to get an idea of what it can do. My i5-2500K in my desktop scores about 6500, and with a GTX 760 I get 30-60 FPS on moderately low settings.
There's also the video card benchmark. That laptop has an integrated card, a HD 4400, which scores 540 (not bad for integrated). My 760 scores 4967. The benchmark isn't everything, but it gives you a good idea.
You probably won't be able to run Ark very well in a laptop cheaper than <$600-800, which is about where dedicated graphics start in laptops (in my experience). If you're buying for Ark (which you should NOT base much money on, since it's being actively optimized), you'd want a desktop.
I also tamed a level 120 Spino on official eu server with full kibble.
His bronze color looks sexy
There you go.
Command for spawning in alphas are cheat summon MegaRex_Character_BP_C cheat summon MegaCarno_Character_BP_C cheat summon MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C
You can either rent a game servr, or use something like to create a "virtual server".
You can also rent dedicated servers, which are a computer, but hosted in a datacenter.
> enjoy : > > > > > > 100% profile with all skins and stuff unlocked, just add "ile" to the end of the file and put in your save folder in ark
eat_sleep_drift [+1] 2 points 2 hours ago enjoy : 100% profile with all stuff unlocked, just add "ile" to the end of the file name and paste into your ark save folder
[–]eat_sleep_drift 1 point 2 hours ago enjoy : 100% profile with all stuff unlocked, just add "ile" to the end of the file name and paste into your ark save folder
>"Cracked server" is more of a minecraft term, where players with unofficial accounts can play.
No, cracked server is since Ultima Online came out (back in the late 90s)... Nowadays almost every multiplayer game that required authentication have cracked servers, including Ark, Rust, Minecraft, etc.
Just check:
>Unofficial servers have whitelisting/passwords, where you decide to play with just people you know and trust. That's what I plan to do.
They still use BE, at least most of them. I havent seen any server that does not required BE and is not a "cracked server". Know of any?
Use Fast Clicker instead. It does the same thing (and more) except you don't have to mess with scripts.
I have mine set to use the backslash key, which I don't have assigned to anything else in game, and toggle. Then I just put my mouse button over Remote Use and press the back slash and keeps going until I hit backslash again.
I run a rented public server for myself (52) and my son (23):
It's PvE and I mainly play in the evenings to relax after work. If you aren't a troublemaker I'll add you to the admin list and you can play however you want so long as you don't mess with anyone else's stuff. Rag's a big enough place for lots of people to do their own thing.
The server runs the structures mod, a stack mod, and a hanging bridge mod. Most of the settings are turned up enough so you can play a couple of hours at a time and still make some progress. You are welcome to bring friends, make a group, whatever so long as you respect others.
I used to use the logitech controller. Same reasons. great controller. Pinnacle Game Profiler was great but then some games just couldn't be over written. Ultimately I went with the PS4 controller. Works right out of the box (via bluetooth) and the DS4 utility lets you bind keys.
Sadly I dont use the logitech anymore. If you cant get anything to work for the logitech I would consider the PS4 controller. I use the PS4 controller with ark EVERY DAY. I even bound the keyboard functions to it.
Probably depends on if you are planning to cluster multiple maps, or just have the single map.
I run a private server for me and 3 other friends. In order to be able to run all 6 maps simultaneously as a cluster, we had to run a 32gb server. It is basically 4-5gb per map to "load" it in. CPU has never really been an issue for us.
I also highly recommend using Linux GSM to run the ARK server - its been great for me:
Well I have a $300 budget for a new card and will be upgrading from a GTX570. So anything will be a vast improvement. I found a GTX970 for $250 with free shipping that I will probably just end up going for. I can't afford a $600+ video card right now unfortunately.
My baller ass total war CE has way cooler stuff wand was only $150.
Games with critical issues
This worked fine for me. Though obviously and sadly you will need to redo it every now and then because of updates to game and mods, but it reduces the size significantly anyway and makes it even run faster on HDDs iirc
And here are the results , just scroll down to ARK.
btw, it doesnt affect your ingame graphics AND switching maps goes faster as well...extra bonus
ark/steam requires all files to be reloaded during a patch instead of download just the patched files themselves
what you can do is to compress the files first
yup my Ark install is 180gb normally. You can try the Windows 10 compressor if you have Win10, it works wonders. My Ark install went down to 120gb and seems just as fast to load. Zero impact on in-game performance too.
Most of the size is because of the DLC. I suggest just downloading the maps you want to play and no others. Apart from that there is a program called compactgui which can compress arks file size by about half, that's what I have done and it works perfectly fine. Here is a link to compactgui
Unfortunately the game takes alot of space to install yes
But! you can shrink is by half very easily by using the W10 compression function called compact through command prompt, there is also a GUI version available that someone made.
My game size is 170 GB but it only takes 80 GB because its compressed I use this and run the command as a bat executable whenever there is an update to shrink it down again, it does not take long running it in the command prompt as opposed to compactGUI > compact /C /S:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK" /I /EXE XPRESS8K * &&pause
Picture of my Ark folder properties CompactGUI
Ark and Atlas is extremely compressible, usually a 50% or more reduction in size.
you can compress the folder to less than half the size.
It's a UI utilizing Windows 10s compact.exe
It's a much more advanced version of the NTFS compression feature. Nowadays the compact process on SSDs takes maybe 2-3 hours on a Quadcore CPU.
Every time the game does a large patch and lots of files are changed you have to re-run the compression.
A list of games with their compression ratio:
DLC's make up for that space. After install, you can shrink the size by about 50% with CompactGUI, you can lower the size down to 40-60GB depending on if you installed DLCs/Workshop mods.
Try one of these in the console - I THINK you can access from the menu:
These are generic UE4 commands, I haven't tested if they work. Not at home, so can't try myself first.
ALTERNATIVELY: Get process explorer from sysinternals. Run the game once with your 4gb mode, and once using the server browser. Compare the command line arguments (executable should be shootergame.exe). You should be able to figure out how to direct connect with your 4gb options.
the prt sc button at the top right of your keyboard universally takes screenshots on windows. doesnt work on some games, should work on ark though. it goes to your clipboard.
alternatively, download lightshot for a much better screenshot taking experience. it overrides that same key and does a very nice job at letting you crop and draw lines/text/arrows on the image. you can then copy to clipboard, save it, or upload it to their servers so you can simply send someone the link
Not perfect is an understatement, it's completely fucking broken.
I died the absolute second I got dismounted off my mana on the tek cave boss because of it, another person died walking to the entrance of the tek cave on his mana and lost his entire kit.
Here's another example of how shitty it is
I assume you've got current drivers... but did you try launching GeForce Experience? I did this recently and wow it made my old card sing! From the website:
>Optimize Your Game Settings
>GeForce Experience takes the hassle out of PC gaming by configuring your game’s graphics settings for you. Don’t know what texture filtering level to set in Overwatch? Not to worry. NVIDIA taps into the power of the NVIDIA cloud data center to test thousands of PC hardware configurations and find the best balance of performance and image quality. Then it automatically configures personalized graphics settings based on your PC’s GPU, CPU, and display.
Good luck!