r/ghost is a subreddit about the Ghost.org blogging platform
r/ghostBC is the Ghost fan-subreddit, utilizing the name the band had to use to release Infestissumam* (due to "legal reasons")
^^* ^^in ^^the ^^US
I am surprised no one has mentioned Ghost. I had previously been working with Wordpress, but its too much. I wanted something that just worked and Ghost has been a great platform. Easy to setup, and it is also on Markdown.
Full-stack dev here.
All I need is someone to pay for the domain name and hosting. Prefer AWS or Heroku, but open to others.
Can build you a static site which can be updated w/ markdown with something like nanoc, or perhaps some sort of markdown-based blog with the Node/Express/Ghost stack.
Not worth maintaining a Rails project for something this trivial.
Just let me know.
You're obviously a beginner. Node.js is for the backend. If you want to do frontend, you have miriads of frameworks, unfortunatelly all of them require you to layout HTML and CSS by hand. If you want to run a simple blog without having to write code, look at the https://ghost.org/ or similar nodejs powered premade solution.
Otherwise I have to let you down- there is no solution to easily create applications withou getting dirty with html, CSS and the DOM. You might try some app like https://jetstrap.com/demo but those will not suffice for creating a web app.
You could give Ghost a shot. It's free if you run the software on your own server, and they offer a hosting plan if you don't already have one with nice extras like analytics. I really dig the side-by-side Markdown editing interface -- it's very simple, yet highly functional.
If you’re developing a web app, Heroku has a fine free tier and it’s easy to upgrade / scale when you need to:
You can even deploy prebuilt apps, like the Ghost publishing platform, with one click deploys. For example:
I think Ghost Pro is priced at a premium to target people who value the automatic backups and who want to support an open-source project and non-profit (and also its mission to fund journalism).
And besides, as I'm using the Ghost CLI first time now, setting up your own free blog seems almost as easy as just using Ghost Pro. And with a $2.50/mo Vultr instance (or free Heroku dyno), it can be even cheaper than WordPress.
My next CMS I'm going to be using Ghost CMS written in Node. I've never used Node before but I'm already up and running and it's pretty easy to get at all the code and the editor seems nice and simple.
I haven't tried it but this is a new blogging platform built on node.js that looks really good. https://ghost.org/features/ They offer their code up for free if you want to host it yourself and there are some tutorials out there about how to set it up.
I looked at SubStack, but eventually settled on Ghost, which feels like a mix of Medium (super-simple post creation and editing), and has built-in subscription and newsletter options. Newsletters and posts can also be monetized, although I haven't done so. It also provides many more design options and templates than SubStack.
Ghost is an open platform that they can host for you (for a fee) or that you can install elsewhere with a web host (the only cost is the hosting cost.) This helps me feel I am not so locked into a platform where the whims of the exec suite determine how I can and can't use it.
I believe it has more versatility than SubStack, and the writing part of it is a joy to use.
I've started creating a set of freelance guides on a new website I'm building, which should complement the posts and comments I make here. Let me know what you think.
You can use a content management system such as Ghost or Wordpress.
They might be a bit much for an RPi, though, so I would suggest in investing in a VPS (Virtual Private Server). You can get one for free for a year with the AWS Free Tier, or you can pay a bit for a server through Digital Ocean. Either works just as well.
If you are comfortable with Linux then setting up a VPS should be quite easy for you.
Though I think their site is a little confusing - they have a paid version which they host themselves.
You want the app itself though: github link
It really is a joy to work with, their is a small learning curve for getting everything set up, but it is dead simple and works great.
SEO is built into the platform.
I cannot comment (at this stage) on how it performs as my blog is still password protected (and therefore not live) and (SEO) is something I need to learn more about when the time comes as I'm still writing material.
You are not limited to single page applications and Angular when using Node. Node is a server and can work with literally anything on the frontend side. For my blog, for instance, I use Ghost, which is template based and renders everything on the backend side.
I highly doubt that Google is penalizing Angular apps though, considering that Google is the developer of Angular! Nevertheless, if your developers have their doubts they are free to use something else. Their excuse does not make sense at all.
Edit: Ask them why Node would negatively impact your SEO and if their answer is along the lines of "Node is single page application", you should consult with another developer.
I wouldn't post anything in any place where I don't own my data. And, for something as simple as a blog I wouldn't ever use a centralized platform. There are many completely free software blog platforms that can be hosted in hosting providers that are cheap and ads-free.
Anyway, I think you can find reasons to use Medium (for example: visibility, free/gratis service, etc). What I'm saying is that there is no reason for Mozilla to use it. Mozilla defends an open and decentralized web, and has plenty of resources to host a simple (and hopefully free) blog software. In fact, Mozilla hosts blogs
I would suggest you to use free software in first place.
If you can't pay for a hosting and need to use a free service, you should choose one that gives you the possibility to export your data later. Wordpress is always a good option in this cases.
If you want something more modern, there is Ghost.
There literally thousands of free software blogs/cms platforms, just choose one and try it. If you don't like it you may be sure that it will be easier to migrate to another than if you would have been used proprietary software.
Hi! First, I am biased in this as I am a Community Manager @ DigitalOcean so I hope others will comment and relate their own experiences to help you better decide.
That being said, there are a ton of medium and larger organizations building on DO. Among many others, the Ghost blogging platform hosts their SaaS product fully on DigitalOcean. We would be happy to discuss your needs and help you in finding the best solution. Reach out to us here, or PM me and let us know a bit about your planned infrastructure.
MathJax, but I am not sure if you will be able to insert the necessary script tags in Wordpress unless you are hosting it yourself.
Setting up your own server isn't too much of a hassle, although it might cost you around $5/month. Digitalocean has some linux images with most of the setup already done for you. Although, if you're going to run your own blog off your own VPS, I'd look into other blog platforms as well. I'm running my own MathJax-enabled blog on ghost, which I am much happier with than the bloated Wordpress install I used to have.
For our blog--Indie by Night--it was Ghost. Lots of hosting options (even their own), for very cheap. Also plenty customizable if you ever learn html/css. And if you host use their own platform, upgrades come automatically.
Keep in mind, it is not even version 1.0 ; new features are still being developed and rolled out.
For self-hosting you need a VPS with these requirements:
- Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 or 20.04
- MySQL 5.7 or 8.0
- Systemd
- Recommended Node version installed via NodeSource
- A server with at least 1GB memory
-A non-root user for running ghost commands
Source: https://ghost.org/docs/hosting/
You already can sell on Ghost with Shopify or Snipcart, for example:
Personally I use the free Dawn theme and love the dark mode.
Like u/stevehl42 mentioned, it will automatically detect your preferences on your device and match them. (or you can toggle between light/dark mode manually)
To access the "toggle" functionality, scroll to the bottom of any page and click where it says "system theme / dark theme / light theme". (The text will vary based on which option is currently selected. It's right next to the Terms and Privacy links.
I've basically been using this formula for my own https://ghost.org/blog/content-strategy-creator-funnel/
Lots of 1-on-1 convos on Twitter, consistent monthly mailing, a few live zoom calls with subs to drive referrals.
It should be possible with eleventy, which allows using external template languages such as handlebars. Check out https://ghost.org/changelog/eleventy/ and https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/handlebars/.
This one? Damn, this looks really good, might be exactly what I was looking for, can't believe I missed it!
I don't have a much a use for their audience features but otherwise the rest looks solid, plus it looks like I can add MathJax support easily.
Thank you, will definitely give it a try!
To get it up and running, I think you can easily get something for less than $15-20/month. There are even cheaper routes, but $20/month can get you a top performing host.
I personally use WPX Hosting and it's been fantastic... $20/month for up to 5 sites. It's really easy to set up and it's supposed to be one of the fastest hosts. It just takes care all of the basic but necessary things such as getting an SSL cert, installing wordpress, etc.
If you want to use ghost (probably a little bit more advanced), you can get that through digital ocean or through ghost.org.
More than happy to help you get setup if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Netlify is slow. I suggest using either GitHub pages or firebase hosting, both free and faster. I also suggest Gatsby.
You'll probably need a CMS right? If yes I suggest looking into https://ghost.org/docs/api/v3/gatsby/
> That IT specialist told him Node.js was not standard to use for a website, but a CMS like WordPress
ghost is a popular CMS written in Node. Just throwing that out there.
> Did I use the wrong technology for this website
A lot of people use WordPress for eCommerce. Seems like the "wrong technology" but they do it and it works, mostly.
This is either a black and white question or a complicated question but in general and based on what you've said: no. It meets your friend's and your requirements RE a good learning experience; unless, it was a bad learning experience.
Hi! :) That all sounds great. Anything lyrical can be really interesting - I understand what you're putting down. That kind of writing can turn into playwriting very quickly as well; I recently saw The Smuggler (Ronan Noone, 9,000 lines of verse spoken by one man about his life) at a local theatre and it was incredible. I'd recommend writing exercises at first, just so you don't take your writing too seriously. That can stifle you; I know it did, me. Just know that most of your work won't be publishable, but that every piece of writing you put together IS working toward your larger goal. Practice makes perfect, even in creative disciplines!! Here's a great list of real (adult :) ) nonfiction writing exercises: https://ghost.org/blog/10-minute-writing-workouts/ Also, make a list of those random ideas. They will be great writing prompts one day. That said, sometimes big ideas don't work, but maybe a little facet of that big idea will. You could get an essay instead of a book, or a poem instead of your play. Be open to whatever forms feel right!
21€/an ça va être difficile à battre, mais faut voir ce qu'ils te proposent et à quel point c'est limité. Déjà si t'as un nom de domaine en .ovh c'est pas fou (mais un nom de domaine en .fr coûte 15€/an sans hébergement).
Dans les CMS je recommande beaucoup Ghost. Marre des Wordpress qui se font hacker en masse.
There's a few.
Write.as as others have mentioned.
Ghost is another really good one. Probably my personal favorite.
Standard Notes has a simple blogging platform as well.
I like https://ghost.org/ . The setup is the same as wordpress, you can pay them to host, or download and host yourself. You write stuff in Markdown and there's a decent amount of good-looking themes.
Use Ghost + DokuWiki? I run a reverse proxy internally so 80/443 only need to be open. I run an Apache, DokuWiki, and Ghost server.
Ninja Edit: idk what Ghost's upload limits are but I figure you could change it to w/e. DokuWiki runs on PHP, I changed PHP7's conf. file to allow 100Mb uploads, and embedding for sure works in Ghost blog posts. Personally thats how I do it, but you could even set DokuWiki's upload limit to w/e you wanted. But 100Mb is plenty imo
I used ghost. It was easy enough to set up and I could host it via node. I hosted it on my local server, but since my ISP blocks outgoing 8080 traffic, I had to use port forwarding that ended up unmasking my IP to the user.
I'd link you my medium, but that, unfortunately, is tied to my name & personal details. Sorry!
If you want to focus on content I would point you towards DreamHost's managed WP hosting. They handle everything for you and have (in my experience) the best support in the business.
Another option you should look into is a managed Ghost site (link: https://ghost.org/pricing/). If you want to focus on content and not on the technical side of things, I cannot recommend Ghost enough.
Use https://ghost.org/ or Jbake to build a site and make it static.
Don't worry about all the fancy blogging platforms. Just start something, and start writing about what you are working on.
As an aside, it also helps hone your writing skills.
Depends on whether your goal is to have a very simple, straightforward blog or a customized blog with maybe some unique features and styling. For the former, if all you really want is a simple blog, you can use Medium. Tumblr also works and offers support for custom domains. Tumblr offers themes but their name can be loaded and have a bit of a bad reputation lately, so you may want to distance yourself from it if you're a professional.
If you're looking for the latter, you can use WordPress or Ghost or Jekyll w/ Github Pages or a number of other options. I believe all of these will require at least some interaction with the command line, however, so you should be comfortable with it (or at least willing to learn) if you want to use these options.
You should go with what comes with the least amount of work. I used Wordpress years ago and was happy with it. I imagine it only got better since then. Now I have Ghost running cos I was curious.
>You can use Ghost as your blogging platform. It's simple & free to download, but you can host on their servers which has some pricing I now don't remember
Host it on your own server. Ghost's pricing is based on view counts.
I'm aware of 3 Node CMS programs (although I haven't searched lately):
I don't know what they support in terms of languages. They are all open source if you want to play around with them.
It's Node+SQLite instead of flat-file, but you might want to take a look at Ghost. It hits a lot of you requirements, and as a former Jekyll user, I felt right at home with its Handlebar templates. The console gives you just enough options while still keeping things simple, and the post editor gives you a nice live-updating Markdown preview.
Probably not what you need, but it doesn't hurt to take a look.
? As soon as I log-in, the main page, https://ghost.org/ has two links. One for getting the code (what I assume you mean by the download) and one for using GhostPro.
Not sure how to make it more obvious unless you didn't have to log-in, but that's pretty straightforward to create a free account and whatnot.
I think the latest version of Ghost offers multiple users now.
What I liked about Ghost was that you could develop themes for it really easy. As a blogger you can write posts really quickly with markdown.
I use https://ghost.org/
and another tool called buster
See the results here http://royka.github.io/
Ghost blogging platform. It's simple to use. We use it currently, and because our droplet is small enough, we only put up the cheapest option (I forget what that is). It's also in development (meaning that it's stable, and continually getting new features). It's got the ability for simple blogging, social media, gallery/games page, author pages. , and some more.
I would create a site like https://ghost.org. Create a light version and allow everyone to download it for free then charge a fee to unlock the full version. This would allow people to check it out, play with it and make the decision as to whether they want to commit fully by paying the fee for the full version.
It's important to be able to explain finances in easy-to-understand terms if you expect to have general audience. If it's just web development that's hindering you from starting a blog, you could check out https://ghost.org/ for easy blogging, https://medium.com/ for finding the audience without having to have a blog, https://www.odesk.com/ for having someone else set up a blog for you.
If you want to start fast you can use the source code of my website:
The source is here:
You'll get 3 themes, code syntax color + a way to highlight part of code. Disqus for comments, a script to deploy on github pages. And many other small features.
On the other hand, one blogging platform I would find interesting is ghost. It is written in an evil dynamic unityped language. But you'll find a lot of themes better than mine (I am not a designer). The blogging experience feel also better, but you might not be able to use github pages as ghost is not a static website.
Note, if you really want you could use the HTML templates of ghost for your website and then be able to use ghost themes. But that'll need some work in HTML/CSS.
https://ghost.org/docs/webhooks/ „Webhooks are specific events triggered when something happens in Ghost, like publishing a new post or receiving a new member“ You can use them for automations eg. when I posted something on ghost, post it on Reddit
There's Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer.com and many others you can find by searching for freelancer.
For a CMS, I recently built my blog from scratch with Ghost and it probably fits your use case (blogging). If you need something more future proof WordPress is always a safe bet, you can still have a custom site outside of WordPress that just renders the content.
I doubt you need to hire a separate designer as it's become industry standard that frontend engineers have basic design skills.
Good luck on your search!
You can add a query parameter of &limit=all
Though, the example you shared would only fetch one post. You would need to fetch the posts routes with the limit param.
Let me known if that makes sense
I really like Ghost - it's simple and easy to setup, you get quite a few design options, the writing experience is similar to Medium, and although it's not free, it's not outrageously expensive. There's absolutely no coding needed.
There are very good reasons why WordPress gets a lot of hate. Keeping it up to date is almost a full-time job if you have a few plugins installed, care about security, etc. Plus, stuff like this was only a matter of time considering what a colossus WordPress has grown to be...
As an alternative, if you are looking for a blogging platform, you might want to check out ghost. It's open source and self-hostable, simple to use as a user and to keep up to date as an admin.
You can easily migrate contents from wordpress to ghost. follow the official migration guide here https://ghost.org/docs/migration/wordpress/
regarding backing up.. Its also pretty straightforward. you can export your contents as json.. But you have to take backup of your images manually
> This very documentation site is running on a Gatsby.js front-end, connected to both Ghost and GitHub as content sources, hosted statically on Netlify with dynamic serverless functions powered by AWS Lambda (like the feedback form at the bottom of this page). It’s a brave new world!
The official guide you linked to as well as this page are how you do multilingual sites in Ghost. They discuss pretty much everything you need to know.
While you can create multilingual pages, note that the admin area isn't translatable nor is the Portal that is used for membership.
You can always move off Substack in the future. It’s a bit of a pain but at the end of the day you own your email list and your content. Some places like Ghost will even help you move everything over. https://ghost.org
I recommend WordPress, it's a no-brainer really.
You can get started with $30/year, just get a domain and hosting.
You could also try ghost.org, have heard great things about it but more expensive.
Just write about what interests you, use yourself as an experiment for others.
If your content is interesting and helpful it will do well.
Blog in your own name. Read about Nat Eliason, he's done this well.
Goto youtube for helping setting up your blog. If you're looking for something simple and to get started quickly I think ghost.org is great.
I'm not sure I understand the question. The only way to control the URL is by using your own domain name. Ghost and WordPress both have sleep UIs.
You can also use a custom domain with Tumblr.
This is not hard to do and is documented on the Ghost docs. https://ghost.org/docs/themes/helpers/foreach.
You will loop through using foreach from 1 to 6 and then do another from 7 and on. You will just be modifying your theme, it is easy to understand once you get into it.
Changing the language is not as simple as it seems, the theme that you're using has to have support for the language you're selecting, in this case Spanish, you also can edit the theme to make it support another language, sometimes you just have to add a translations file, other times you have to add support to every thing to want to be translated you can check the guide A complete guide to translation & multi-language content in Ghost
Are you asking about grabbing the code for the default Ghost theme? That's Casper, which you can download here. Just click the install button and then the download link.
As mentioned in the thread, probably your best bet would be to go with Digital Ocean. You have a tutorial on the ghost website for this:
You can use Ghost and connect your Stripe account (https://ghost.org/features/). Ghost takes 0% of your revenue. However, you get to pay a monthly subscription fee. If this gets too high, you can get a developer to help set up a hosted version for you.
When you host through ghost you have to do it how they do it, since they are hosting thousands of sites through their server at one time.. Custom hacking of the ghost .hbs files might not be possible.
I am not telling you to Leave Ghost.org, or telling to kill your website. I have been doing Linux and web stuff off an on for 25 years and I still have to pull up stuff from 10 years ago in my head to finish a website... It might take you some time to get all your skills up to do it yourself, but it is worth it. Ghost is super easy compared to Python/Flask or others.. Also documentation is core to any platform, and ghost has great documentation.
What I would do is leave your website at Ghost.org AS IS... Then I would do is go fire up some VM's, see if you can get a ghost VM up and running without much headache.. If you can't figure it out and you end up pulling your hair out, just kill the VM and keep hosting at Ghost.org with its limitations..
Also You can try to force CSS and JS changes with Code Injection, that is always the best place to start before you start messing with the .hbs and any core JS mods.
If gusto mo ng personal diary experience, try mo yung Notion may option siya para ma-export to HTML. At marami pang pwedeng gawin sa notion katulad ng mga calendars, vaults, and pipelines.
If gusto mo ng CMS blog or website na i-hohost sa computer mo or sa server. Try mo yung GhostCMS. Need mo lang maginstall ng nodejs at i-run.
In the article there is a link to the email sent out by the GP US, rejecting the use of substack, and not even mentioning the availability of the open source Ghost.org platform.
I very much want to support fund raising newsletters, but no Green Party candidates have been interested.
Do you want to blog to the world?
If so, your best bets are:
TLDR: React and NodeJS could be good ways to go.
I like Ghost, it's an alternative to Wordpress with a tonne of integration possibilities. It can also use React/Next/11ty and/or be deployed via services like Netlify and Vercel. It also could stand for some advanced Wordpress developers to help it get to feature parity/new heights to shake that Wordpress monopoly a bit.
I also agree you could just do Wordpress headless with a React based front end.
I think Ghost.org would be perfect for you. It has an in-built paid/un-paid membership system, lets you manage your newsletter internally without the need for third-party newsletter services, plus it's great for SEO.
I use the Ghost CMS hosted on DigitalOcean.
The horizontal scrolling ability is some JS, whereas the CSS and HTML leverage the Handlebars JS library, making styling more modular
So Ghost has a couple options, it is paid if you have them host the instance, but you can also host it yourself for free, similar to Strapi.
If you don't want to spin it up manually, Digital Ocean has a droplet that speeds up the process and setup: https://ghost.org/docs/install/digitalocean/.
Even with that your going to pay a few bones a month (I think the smallest is like 4.99/m). But with that you have to maintain the server on its own which can be a bitch. For 9.99/m, Ghost will host and maintain it, and you won't have to worry updates or security, it just works.
The beauty and downfall of doing a headless is that hosting your CMS and your Site happen on two different places (most of the time). So in most cases there will be some out of pocket, unless you can find other wise. I don't know everything lol.
I am paying Ghost for the cloud hosting, but my app is being hosted on CloudFlare Pages(also highly recommend and free). That should give you enough to working our what stack you want to use for this project.
Just a few moments ago I was swaying towards Ghost thanks to https://ghost.org/customers/.
Your response has now settled it. Ghost is the way! Sure, it doesn't have the ecommerce features I want (to sell funny services like calling customers parents telling them they raised good Humans 😂) however I realise this is more a want than a need.
Honestly Human, thank you so much for putting awesome effort into helping me! Overwhelm now solved 🥳
I just started blogging but I use ghost.org
It costs $9 a month but you have like 2 weeks free trial.
It´s easy to use and looks good and at least for me it feels like they take care of most (But as I said I just started so might not be the best one out there)
You can use most types of referral software, just do your research to pick one that suits your requirements best. Most of them offer some method of tracking referrals and either applying credits/points to the affiliate, or to offer monetary rewards.
As for physical rewards - this is a separate thing and can get expensive in both budget and time spent organising the logistics. Dropshipping is not easy. have you already budgeted for this?
I wrote a post about this here which you might find useful: https://ghost.org/blog/newsletter-referral-programs/ :)
I inject the follow code into the Header via Settings > Code Injection to disable it in the default Casper theme:
<style type='text/css'> /* Hide the Membership aka Subscribe actions etc. */ #ghost-portal-root, a[href^="https://ghost.org"], a[href^="#/portal/signup"] { display: none; } </style>
I'd highly recommend Ghost to Scott if he hasn't considered it already.
It's open source and infinitely customisable, and because both Substack and Ghost are part of the Open Subscription Platform, you're able to move your content, subscribers, and data across without any interruption to subscribers.
Ghost also doesn't take a cut of subscription revenue (though the payment processor would at ~2-3%).
he's the developer of the theme that I was using on the website. https://github.com/godofredoninja/simply
the website runs on Ghost CMS, similar to WordPress, if you've ever used that. ghost.org
I don't like WordPress much, but there are no competition now. Its strength comparing with other CMS systems is: themes and plugins. There are thousands of them and you can really find anything you need.
For me the best of other CMSes is Grav CMS - it's simple, but powerful. Ghost is also very nice, but the greatest disadvantage is lack of free themes (there are only few) to get an attention.
if you know how to code, Netlify CMS is a good option to let non-technical people put content on your site. If you don't, Ghost CMS (https://ghost.org/) is a good option that's self-hosted, but uses the Node.js language rather than the shitty, insecure PHP that Wordpress is based on.
This is not language specific at all, so any language is ok. Use what you know or what you are most comfortable with.
Specifically for the copy Word document: think about how you plan to achieve this. E.g. put the article into a DB which the app picks up. Thus you reduce the problem to: how do I put a text with formatting into a DB. And for that task, there's probably already ready-to-use solutions, so no need for an admin interface.
You could also simply use Wordpress or Ghost which significantly reduces the amount of programming. Since you can host either one by yourself and both have APIs, your Flutter app can pick up those articles too, but maybe there's no need for this then and a simple web browser will do.
You definitely can migrate from Substack to Ghost (or any other platform). For example, at Ghost we offer concierge migrations, or if you'd prefer to handle it yourself you can use the CLI migration tools :)
Actually Ghost has an integration with Netlify, so that you can publish a static site automatically to Netlify, every time an article is updated. https://ghost.org/integrations/netlify/
This means you could run the server locally, and use it to push to netlify whenever content is published, although not ideal, it will be great for performance.
In terms of using Netlify for having the actual full Ghost instance running on it, I didn't find any resources in doing so. You could probably achieve it but it will take manual effort.
- It's quite a lot of effort to manually enter every single trade, couldn't it be automated based on emails received from IG or via API?
- There are some features on the homepage but what's the benefit to me, 'Powerful analytics' is sounds great but what do I get? Check out https://ghost.org/ if you want to see some powerful benefit driven messaging.
You only have 3 issues with it. I don't know what you do or what your plans and revenue are for this site but on the very high-level surface you've offered I don't know if I'd move (And I think WP is mostly total shit –but it's functional shit that gets the job done especially if traffic is low).
While I cannot offer you a path here I would definitely recommend not designing your own but I suppose that depends on my the first paragraph.
If you really want to get on to node maybe https://ghost.org/docs/
Hey fellow blogger.
I am new to the game & I would have loved to use both. The slider can keep your featured posts, and next you can have your latest posts listing.
However the slider was malfunctioning in mobile & in iPad, so I went with a Theme for Ghost called Newsportal which comes without a slider. (Affiliate Link, which you can bypass by Googling the text!)
Checkout my website: DerpyCoder.
I don't know what you are using, but I am giving a generic response, which should be useful everywhere.
Pinterest provide a simple pinit.js
script which you can copy and paste into your index html.
<script src="//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js" type="text/javascript" async defer data-pin-hover="true"></script>
Or if you are using Ghost for your blog, like me, see: Pinterest Integration for Ghost. (Affiliate Link, which you can bypass by Googling the text!)
Ghost do have guide for frontend integration if that is what you need https://ghost.org/integrations/custom-integrations/
Or do you want to implement something backend wise also?
I prefer Ghost as a simpler blogging platform to a complete CMS like Wordpress. It may still be overkill for your use case though.
What about Discourse? It has tagging, RSS, following, and images in one location. See for example the Ubuntu Discourse.
Sorry for the late response, here’s my attempt to answer your questions.
For SSO, what I mean is something that would be a sign on for one service, and then all the services connected to it would be signed on. If this isn’t possible, I guess the ability to use the same accounts is fine? I’m honestly not sure about the terms, really.
For kanban, I guess I more meant a general project manager. I recall seeing some open source ones, but I can’t seem to find them now. Something with various ways to organize things would be good, if you have any suggestions.
For blogging, I was thinking about Ghost, Hexo, or Blundit since they have pretty themes (yeah, I know I’m basic haha). It’s going to be used for a portfolio/blog, so nice looking is something I’m concerned about. It doesn’t need to have a lot features otherwise, just basic text or markdown and image support.
Sorry again for the trouble, I know it might be frustrating to work with someone who doesn’t know a whole lot.
Regarding blog option there is ghost, which supports markdown and has API, that you can use for integration with codimd.
Can't say for sure, if markdown is supported by API or if it will show content exactly the same as codimd does, but anyway worth to try.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
If they need a site, this might be a cheap and cheerful solution - it integrates with Stripe and you show different stuff to members and paid subscribers, and it handles unsubscriptions for you: https://ghost.org/integrations/stripe/
I am in the process of moving my weekly newsletter Creativerly to Ghost, just setting things up right now but it sounds like it could be the right platform for you!
Ghost and Red Hat are two that come to mind. But this is not easy to do, especially when it comes to enforcing these licenses, even more so as a small player.
Last week, this post blew up about how AWS reskinned an OS project and started monetizing it. Nothing illegal, just scummy. But this is common practice.
Personally, I recently had a similar dilemma with one of my own projects. I decided to just open source everything. Getting traction for any new project/idea is hard work. But once you have traction, opportunities to monetize grow significantly.
That's what I'd do. If you don't want to start from scratch, maybe grab a lightweight framework like milligram or something, but pull in the source scss and modify it to meet the needs of the project. Importing a framework just to override it so it doesn't look like that framework seems like a lot of work for a blog.
Also, If your client hired you to build a blog, what they expect on the backend is Wordpress or something similar. So you could deliver a high-performance, high-concurrance web app built with the latest SPA hotness, but if the publishing experience is less pleasant than WP's post editor, they will likely be dissatisfied. If you don't want to use WP (who could blame you?), try a more modern blogging platform like Ghost.