I refuse to believe the general reddit population is this ignorant. Every single app you have on your phone does this, bar none. Do you use facebook? twitter? hell, have you watched a youtube video today? congratulations these same practices take place on an even more invasive level on these platforms.
EVEN REDDIT DOES THIS don't believe me?
"Oh but shibe123 they make allowances for advertisers, they don't share my scraped data." Yes, it's true they don't, but they share all their collected data with their affiliates... What's an affiliate? Literally anyone reddit works with... but it gets worse; who is one of reddit's major affilates? GOOGLE ANALYTICS and they quite literally do WHATEVER they like with your data. What's even worse is they just recently added a clause that not only gives them the right to view any information they gather from your device - as per googledir they take ownership of your information and can use it internally or externally as predicated by their own internal compliance teams
Google Analytics Privacy Policy
This is and has been the status quo for a loooong time, it is so deeply ingrained within industry practice that it is unlikely to change.
So, something I've just noticed, both Acorn and rosi make use of google analytics, this would appear to me to be a violation of the official Guidelines Concerning Access to Official Student Academic Records stating that
> Any other information contained in the official student academic record, shall be released to other persons and agencies only with the student's prior express written consent, or on the presentation of a court order, or in accordance with the requirements of professional licensing or certification bodies, of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities for an annual enrolment audit, or otherwise as required by law. Requests granted to any persons or agencies outside the University for access to a student's academic record shall be kept on file within a division. The release of the information concerning alumni and former students contained in the portions of the academic record as defined in Section 2(a) shall also be governed by the above provision
(read the PDF for a complete picture, there are obviously exceptions)
Does anyone know of any reasons why this would be acceptable behavior? If not, does anyone know the right place to complain to try to get this fixed (the Send Feedback button seems like a good first step)?
Incidentally, the lack of linked privacy policy might also make them in violation of Google's TOS (part 7) but since I'm not a party to that contract, I don't really see it as something I can object to.
Believe it or not Google Analytics has a Terms of Service and Privacy Policy completely separate from other Google services, both of which state they don't share information with third parties unless explicitly done though integration or as required by law (as most services do).
As per the Privacy Policy (section Data Access):
> We do not share Google Analytics data without the customer’s authorization (including via settings in the product user interface), or as otherwise expressly permitted under the terms of their Google Analytics agreement, except in limited circumstances when required by law.
And as per their agreement (Terms of Service, Section 6):
> Google will not share Your Customer Data or any Third Party's Customer Data with any third parties unless Google (i) has Your consent for any Customer Data or any Third Party's consent for the Third Party's Customer Data; (ii) concludes that it is required by law or has a good faith belief that access, preservation or disclosure of Customer Data is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of Google, its users or the public; or (iii) provides Customer Data in certain limited circumstances to third parties to carry out tasks on Google's behalf (e.g., billing or data storage) with strict restrictions that prevent the data from being used or shared except as directed by Google. When this is done, it is subject to agreements that oblige those parties to process Customer Data only on Google's instructions and in compliance with this Agreement and appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
Thanks to everyone who's posted here. I responded to someone else with this information, but I'm not sure if it was buried. I've passed the link to this discussion along to my boss and our director of online advertising, and highlighted several comments I thought were especially enlightening. If you have specific solutions that you think the Post-Dispatch should consider, email me: . And if you think you want to subscribe (or give a gift subscription), here is a way to do that (that shows the pricing options without requiring you to sign up for an account). Several people have stated that the survey is meaningless -- it's not. We receive revenue from the survey, which is run through Google. And if you subscribe, you bypass the survey. Our app (available for Android and iPhone) also bypasses the survey. So, thanks -- and email me anytime you have questions about the Post-Dispatch, our coverage or our website. -- Beth O'Malley
Have you heard about the Google Analytics Solution Gallery?
You can find there loads of dashboards, custom reports and advanced segments from people like Avinash Kaushik (The "God" of Analytics), the Google Analytics team, and many other experts.
Hope that helps.
From the Google Analytics ToS: >"Customer Data" or “Google Analytics Data" means the data you collect, process or store using the Service concerning the characteristics and activities of Visitors.
>Google will not share Your Customer Data or any Third Party's Customer Data with any third parties unless Google (i) has Your consent for any Customer Data or any Third Party's consent for the Third Party's Customer Data; (ii) concludes that it is required by law or has a good faith belief that access, preservation or disclosure of Customer Data is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of Google, its users or the public; or (iii) provides Customer Data in certain limited circumstances to third parties to carry out tasks on Google's behalf (e.g., billing or data storage) with strict restrictions that prevent the data from being used or shared except as directed by Google. When this is done, it is subject to agreements that oblige those parties to process Customer Data only on Google's instructions and in compliance with this Agreement and appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
Google is merely storing the data and providing analysis tools for it to the customer(Techbrew in this case). As the ToS states, they don't sell it to third parties. They do however give it to third parties under certain circumstances.
EDIT: Clarification
Google Tag Manager might be something you could look into. At my agency we have several tracking pixels between Facebook, advertising, and Google Analytics. Tag Manager let's us put one snippet of code in our sites and manage all pixels from one place. Any updates you make on Tag Manager will get published to your site without having to go and manually paste your tracking pixel code everywhere again.
You're correct, G is redirecting https://www.google.com/analytics to https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/ . Even if you go to the last URL that you posted, you will be redirected by G to an account login screen.
>I'm calling shenanigans on his survey techniques.
>> One instrument I’m particularly interested in is Google Surveys, which allows virtually anyone to become a pollster ... I put together a quick survey on the following question: “Who do you believe is telling the truth about the interactions between President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey?”
>Hardly rigorous, scientific standards for survey if you ask me. A correct headline would be "In my insulated bubble of think-a-likes 83% think everything Trump does is automatically wrong".
>Excellent work /r/politics, I love you people.
With respect, Ja89015, I don't think you understand Google Surveys. Here's a simple explanation to help you understand and hopefully assuage your concerns as to sampling ☺️
Watashiwa 🔷CANNOT even /ˈˌfo͝ol ˈstäp/😅 for this sub📕dit to get 🚒🛴. Watashiwa got IN2️⃣ the sub✈️ of memes around 🐍-🐎, so "I" May NOT 🐝🎥 🅱️ MémÉ 🐧colon ¯🥄\/( : )\/¯, but I'm doing my xxX⛓️🤐master🤐⛓️Xxx's 🌡️ in MémÉ Analytics at the University of Kekistan, AND Watamote,🐸☕ have also done alot -much research-, 'n da mAmae's on my own. they're|🔥ore Watäshlwa 🎓 🔝 🐸🐸mÉ 🏫 to wait &🙈(the)😬's sharing their🔥🔥🔥 therorie's🔬🔬🔬 &🔷research on THIS SUBreddit.
> Being overtly racist is much more douchebaggy than being on the down-low with it.
And yet, that's not at all the discussion we were having. I agree with that.
What I don't think is that the overt racist is somehow worse than the person flippantly wishing millions of people would "just die" online in an anonymous forum. I think that person is as much an asshole as the racist.
> somewhere that has an all-white staff as evidenced by the pictures on their website.
Ironically enough, if we assumed racial demographics were well-described by websites, we'd have the most diverse society on the planet, and further, there'd be a reverse-wage-gap: women would be the primary earners.
Here's the "diversity-aware website company starter kit": an asian woman, a black woman (really black, typically smiling, typically with stereotypically "black" hair, like an afro) and a black man (lighter than the woman, typically smiling), a "standard" white dude in thick-rimmed glasses (so as to be male and white, but not threatening). Often they'll look stupid and/or subordinate to their female, minority boss in the photos.
Take a good look at the Google Analytics landing page.. Of the pictured "workers in the tech industry", most are asian women, and every white dude wears thick glasses. The only black woman I see has the "traditional" black afro, while lounging in a wildly well-appointed living room.
I have no problem with any of this, but I find it hilarious that this kinda "oh, no, no, we're totally not just made of 97% men, most of which are indian, chinese and white" thing comes from Google and every other tech industry on the planet.
Google will usually find you on its own, especially if you're using Google Analytics. If you want to jumpstart the process, you can also sign up for Google Webmaster tools, which will index your site.
To start showing up for different words besides your company name, that's when SEO and such come into play. Links:
And I like this beginner's guide to SEO for when you start wanting to advance:
Good luck!
Lotame has been partnerning with a couple firms and doing something similar https://martechtoday.com/lotame-cint-marry-survey-panel-data-dmp-data-199611 There are a fair amount of ad networks or other partners who will run survey for you, but the issue you'll face will be API access and budget. $1K a month is extremely small for an ask of this nature, especially when working with a DMP. Would instead recommend looking at something like a Google Consumer Surveys tool https://www.google.com/analytics/surveys/how-it-works/
Apologies for this, but a little bit more digging and I found exactly what I was looking for: https://www.google.com/analytics/web/importing#importing//%3F_.objectId%3DZxnJCS1rRuiJ1Zu-SMmHQg%26_.selectedProfile%3D
Have you tried setting up a Google Dashboard in Analytics for them? You can set it to email them a report based on the metrics you set up however frequently you like. Visuals aren't fantastic but you can get some basic pie charts, line graphs, etc.
The best part is you can use the gallery of submitted widgets/reports to pick and choose what works best for you.
If you already have data in an Excel, you could also try using Google Sheets and one of the Analytics add ons (open a google sheet, select add ons and then 'get add ons'). I haven't been able to play around with the few I found but I remember some of them being pretty promising if you fiddle with them. And they can connect to your Analytics account to pull data directly, or you might be able to load in Excel data if you already have it.
*edited for clarity
> Data you own and fully control
- > flat annual fee of $150,000
Do you use a bookmark?
If you go to https://www.google.com/analytics/web/ you go straight into your overview page, however if you go to https://www.google.com/analytics/ it takes you to this god-awful home page.
I would assume that Twitter is using the paid version of GA rather than the free version (which has a limit of 10 million hits per month). The contract for that is pretty standard, and the Data Processing Agreement is publicly available.
Per GDPR and CCPA, Twitter is not "giving" the data to Google. Google can process the data only to the extent required to provide the service that Twitter is paying for, and dipping into the data for their own use is a violation of GDPR/CCPA.
Your call whether to trust Google to follow GDPR, but that's enough for Twitter.
Have you tried Google Optimize instead of Experiments? I find it is easier to control and set up than Experiments is. Set up a redirect test on Optimize.
Don't use wordpress for this! Try out Google Optimize: https://www.google.com/analytics/optimize/
With Google Optimize you can do a/b tests or split / redirect tests and it integrates with your Google Analytics goals and gives you statistical relevance etc.. etc.. etc.... that will help you make decisions.
If you're interested in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) you should checkout this blog: https://conversionxl.com/blog/ - they cover a lot about A/B testing and improving sites in general!
Yes, absolutely! You want to base decisions off of data wherever possible. The simplest way to get data is to ask people. Most people are pretty helpful, and many older entrepreneurs want to help younger people where possible and even pass on their knowledge.
You can also use things like Google Surveys, but your best bet early on would just be to just ask as many businesspeople as you can. And if you end up befriending them, ask them to ask their friends too. It goes a long way!
Perhaps you could use a javascript powered hit counter? Or if you wanted to get fancy, you could use something like Google Analytics for advanced user feedback.
Make location a non-issue. Stress the fact that you may be out of state, but relocation transition will be smooth. A lot of smaller companies will not pay for relocation. Be prepared for that.
Make another resume specifically for your website. Do not put an address on that version.
Looks like you're holding back on skills on your resume. e.g. Java is missing on one, but present on the other. PHP is missing on one, but present on the other. A lot of the time recruiters will get your resume. If they don't think you're good at the position you applied, then they may suggest another position based on your relevant skills. I would list all relevant skills.
Link your GitHub on your resume.
Add Android, REST API, and JQuery to your skills.
If you have the time, invest more on building your website. What works for me is to have a projects section. Give an overview of each one of your projects, link to GitHub code, explain skills used, and maybe some sample code. PM me if you want to see mine. :) Use google analytics (https://www.google.com/analytics). You'll have knowledge of who is visiting, how long they are visiting, and where are they exactly going.
Louisville, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis are within 4 hours of driving distance. They are not major tech hub cities or glamorous, but they do have a lot of jobs. If you're desperate I would look at those places. For a city kind of in the south, Louisville isn't that bad.
How familiar are you with Google Dashboards inside Google Analytics? If you have Google Analytics you can check out my Dashboard Templates, they’re free and perodically updated. If there is something specific you are trying track let me know.
> ELI5
I actually Google searched "ELI5".
I'm not exactly understanding your question but here it goes anyway.
Are you having trouble installing the custom report? All you have to do is click the url or copy and paste it and a list of GA profiles will populate, choose the profile this report is meant for.
Since we are no longer able to most organic keywords, the way we work around this in GA - Behavior > Site Content > Landing Page, choose or search a landing page you want to analyze, it can be a particular product or leads page, then click "secondary dimensions" choose or keywords. This will show us which keywords are driving traffic to that particular landing page.
Please read this article/deck http://www.slideshare.net/jeffsauermn/google-analytics-for-seo
More not provided reports
Please let me know if I can be of further help,
1 login to google and sign up for analytics
2 after signing up, youll see your tracking ID.. scroll down and look for the part that says:
> Paste this code on your site
3 use an ftp client or dreamweaver or godaddy's file manager or ssh 'command prompt' to access the index.html file and paste that script somewhere at the bottom of the body. (anywhere is fine)
edit: and number 4 view the source of the site to make sure its there, might need to clear cache.. then use the Google Analytics dashboard to set your stuff up. sometimes google makes you create a file on your site so they can recognize you, just follow instructions.
The reason we use such processes is only for basic needs, such as being able to provide our services at all or analyzing and improving the performance of our Website/Services, user experience, and others. The information being tracked also would not be able to link back to any particular individual person, and you can also simply opt-out of Google Analytics: www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html
For more details, visit our Privacy Policy page: https://surfshark.com/privacy-policy
Webinar Wednesday - Week 14 - Brilliant Directories Webinars (04/19/2017)
This webinar covers topics including:
Webinar Wednesday Master List Thread - https://www.reddit.com/r/brilliantdirectories/comments/fpjg1o/webinar_wednesday_master_list/
ERROR: only links to Google Docs and Imgur are allowed (non-shortened links).
For your reference, links to Wattpad.com are considered self promotion and Inkitt.com is right out. Post has been removed for having the following link: [https://www.google.com/analytics/#?modal_active=none) data you notice that you got fewer visitors per day its heartbreaking for any Blogger. Why is this happening? It means your website promotion methods failed. so building a [blog website](http://www.ukb190.com]
Please note, this is only an error message. The mods don't know about it. Go ahead and resubmit. It wasn't a punishment, rebuke, reprimand, castigation, or objurgation – only an admonitory. And if you can, could you check the thesaurus to get Automod more synonyms? Automod gets bored sometimes...
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fantasywriters) if you have any questions or concerns.
Google does use the info obtained in Google analytics. https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/es.html And google unlike Redshells do request to be fully disclosed to everyone that Google analytics is being used with an embeded link to this info. Could you tell me who ask us or notified us about the us of redshell?
Well we should check whats Redshell OWN description states about that. Because the last time I read it. Wasn't like that
Might this be a culprit?
Found within a recording made by Web REC.
https://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/ mentions tracking …
Not very familiar with Shopify, but a data layer should be able to pass back “advanced” conversion info - product name, value, quantity, SKU, etc. You might have to get a dev to set one up properly, but they’re definitely worth the investment.
Otherwise, you’re looking at GA as someone has already mentioned, or setting up different conversions to capture different data. Also worth it to look into Google Tag Manager.
Optimizely works, but is expensive. Google recently came out with their own split testing tool, called "Optimize" https://www.google.com/analytics/optimize/features/
This extension seems to be tracking and or marketing. I keep getting an extension error, saying that Ublock Origin has blocked communication of HTTPS Everywhere. Here's the latest address blocked by Ublock Origin:
I'm not sure why HTTPS Everywhere wants to connect to google analytics but I'm glad Ublock stopped it
Haha — you know, Opinion Rewards is a market research project Google has. Here's the business end of Opinion Rewards.
As for Maps, they used to offer rewards for reaching local guide levels. For a while, before I started doing it, it wasn't hard to unlock a 100GB Google Drive package and maintain it. So you got some cloud storage, at least. I wanna say they had some Nexus or Pixel discount, but I'm not sure. I never got any rewards from Maps, not that I can recall anyway. But I do the Maps questions when I'm bored. IDGAF if they pay me, because I've gotten a lot of use out of the maps. Just yesterday, my wife mentioned Sam's Club and holiday hours, so I looked it up. They had the holiday hours on Maps — not just the regular Sunday hours, but specifically the Christmas Eve hours. That's really nice. Google Maps is a great service.
I haven't done this in a while and it looks like it has changed a bit, but maybe these links will point you in the right direction.
Using google analytics you can A/B test all sorts of things in your site and see the results right in your google analytics dashboard.
https://support.google.com/360suite/optimize/answer/7012154#ab-tests https://developers.google.com/analytics/solutions/experiments https://www.google.com/analytics/optimize/features/
Use Tag Manager to extend the functionality of GA. Google have added some new features around user engagement recently (scroll and video tracking) so you can get a better understanding of which types of content people find engaging.
But really, the most value that you can get out of GA is by conveying what metrics mean for the business to as many colleagues as will listen. Knowing what users are doing is only worth while if you use the knowledge to make their experience better. Rather than showing people a list of metrics or graphs, do some of the analysis for them and make some recommendations about how you think things could be improved.
Perhaps go and take a look at https://www.google.com/analytics, but yes, definitely wrong sub for this kind of question.
Edit: Also, it looks like Google Pages supports Analytics natively, so that should fix your JS issues.
Don't worry - there are no noob questions - and ignore people that say that.
I'm still learning these things as well - no-one knows everything..haha
Have a look at Google tag manager - https://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/ and https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6164470?hl=en
You can also add your own if you're using a different analytics platform but you can add a GA tag to everything form a div container to a button.
Hope that helps,
Google - Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking…
Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files - Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage – free.
Google Analytics Solutions - Marketing Analytics & Measurement… - Google Analytics Solutions offer free and enterprise analytics tools to measure website, app, digital and offline data to gain customer insights.
If you plan to use Google Analytics, yes -- you're required to have a Privacy Policy by Google.
The Terms of Service from Google Analytics requires website owners using Google Analytics to disclose this use, to disclose how analytics data is collected and processed, and to provide notice cookies usages to website visitors.
This is from Section 7:
> You must post a Privacy Policy and that Privacy Policy must provide notice of Your use of cookies that are used to collect data. You must disclose the use of Google Analytics, and how it collects and processes data.
The Privacy Policy must inform website visitors that analytics tools are used (i.e. Google Analytics) and also inform how visitors can opt-out of these tools tracking (i.e. how to opt-out from Google Analytics tracking).
For example, Google Analytics has an opt-out browser add-on.
Privacy Policies of websites that are using Advertising Features from Google Analytics need more information: that Advertising Features is used to advertise across the web, how users can opt-out of Advertising Features etc.
Canada has two regulations that website owners should look into: PIPEDA and CASL (email marketing, similar to CAN-SPAM in the US).
Feature request in your product focus that you don't plan to build. Example: we're in the live chat software space, however some customers tend to look for more powerful web visitor analytics to understand where leads are coming from, how well they're converting to customers, understand their traffic peak times, etc. In this case, it's best to respond tactfully, along with a recommended tool if one comes to mind (or even with some research to really help out a customer):
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out! That's a really good [idea][feature][enhancement] -- we currently provide real-time web visitor monitoring, however we don't have plans to build advanced analytics features as a primary focus of our platform. I'd definitely recommend using something like Google Analytics (free: https://www.google.com/analytics/) as it is extremely simple to install and has a ton of data you'd probably find useful. You can even try ClickTale.com, which is another really robust tool (although at a cost).
I hope that helps point you in the right direction! Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Have a nice day!
The damn pricing https://support.google.com/360suite/surveys/answer/2447244
I know, going to the website of the thing you're talking about is too much work before making accusations about it.
They need to add a privacy policy. The terms at https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/us.html dictate any website using Google Analytics needs to have a privacy policy, and that policy needs to disclose Google Analytics.
I can not prove this site belongs to Benson because it is hiding both its WHOIS and its webserver.
The survey isn't pointless - it's a service through Google. I like the idea of making people answer the survey before going to comments, but we have it set up so people who do see it answer one every 24 hours - and most readers don't enter the site straight to a comments section.
Edited to soften a verb choice.
I'd never seen launchrock before. It looks interesting, and I'll probably give it a shot.
For surveys... I'm referring to the services that allow you to target specific demographics such as Google Surveys. You can create surveys for free, but if you want them to be distributed via Google to your target audience, it costs significant loot.
What I'd like to do is survey something like 1000-2000 individuals that are (for example):
And what I'd like to ask them simple questions like this: First Pass Validation Survey
And yes... I just shamelessly stuck a link to the survey in the forum...
This tracks the traffic on each page of your site/app. But to see how people are interacting with your content you would want to do "Event Tracking", like if you wanted to track if your filters are being used, or if people are seeing your footer.
Yes it certainly has been happening for some time now. The difference here is that google has moved the Google Analytics reporting console from https://www.google.com/analytics/web/ to https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/ instead. Basically I had to manually remove what was originally the GA tracker endpoint entry that was blocked in my hosts file as well as unblock the domain in uBlock Origin in order to see my reports. This seems to be a new thing that Google has done in the last 24 hours.
Most websites have the ability to tie into https://www.google.com/analytics/ ... the article above mentioned the ability to track how many people sign up or pay based on traffic or content is a solid reason to use SQL queries off your own database to supplement google's analytic
Another benefit of HTML over PDF is analytics. If your HTML-based help system is on a web server, you can get a ton of data about usage, particularly if you can use Google Analytics. The only statistic you can get for publishing a PDF is the number of downloads.
EDIT: clarification
Oh, well you can get a Google Analytics and Google Adwords Certificate which gets you onto the Google Certified directory which has a followed link.
Also given how pathetic businesses are at using Analytics, it can lead to some solid consulting time to help them understand their Analytics.
Went thru checkout:
Whats a spacer? That needs to be clarified.
Size needs clarification too. Size of spacer or wrist size?
Clean up copy (as others have said)
Not all products had the sale price reflected.
Run multiple Facebook ads, they all will perform differently.
Try a whole new campaign, with a different demographic, and different ad.
Filter out that spam by using a google analytics spam filter:
You'll probably have to update that using the newest referral data.
Website looks pretty good, photography is good. More angles would be helpful.
I have done the top channels and source/medium report for you. Just import this custom report:
(I won't see your data or anything - all sharing custom reports does is share the template.)
Then I'd advise clicking edit on the custom report to see how it is done. The main difficulty I have is knowing what things are called as names for each thing changes over the years. "Default channel grouping" is your channels these days.
Once you have it down, you can import this into hundreds of properties.
Use this badboy: https://www.google.com/analytics/gallery/
Many of the reports built by Avinash and Justin Cutroni are excellent base products for customization. (There's a reason the Occam's Razor of Awesomeness is #1 download, let's say that.)
If you want to start getting fancy later, LunaMetrics is a fine read.
You may want to check out https://www.google.com/analytics/partners
It's a list of agencies that are certified directly by Google to do exactly the type of work you're describing.
While I agree that you should look into GTM, it does have a decent learning curve and isn't a one-click fix.
definition on GA: Unique Pageviews is the number of visits during the specified page was viewed at least once.
So if user A clicked on Page 1, Page 2 and Page 3...Unique Pageviews would show 3...when in fact it's one person...
You need to create a custom report with pageviews, unique pageviews and users...you'll see different numbers for all 3 metrics. Try this custom report template: https://www.google.com/analytics/web/template?uid=PtEJ4hthQZCmLkFbFD75vg
Not exactly sure what you mean by "separate" them. You can drag and drop items once they're on a dashboard.
E.g. with your first three items you can make a dashboard like this -- https://www.google.com/analytics/web/template?uid=16ls9tCrT5eQNKGCvY0TRA
Are you already able to make something like the above?
I just took 10 minutes to create my first Chrome extension.
It does nothing but redirects you from: http://www.google.com/analytics/ to: https://www.google.com/analytics/web/#report/visitors-overview/
Feel free to copy or improve it - https://github.com/perezda/google_analytics_redirect
Actually I am getting the methods down, I do have a specific question though about this
Private Const Url As String = "https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/data"
I don't know how to make a string url in C#...
Sounds like you need the google website optimizer: https://www.google.com/analytics/siteopt/splash?hl=en
> With Website Optimizer, you can try any combination of content to find out what leads to the most conversions.