Nope, the Shield add-on isn't built (removed from code base) and the URL for downloading any add-ons extensions.systemAddon.update.url;
is just sent to a blank URL so it won't download anything.
I for one am disappointed in the forthcoming removal of the tab groups feature. I hope it's spun off into an add-on, otherwise i'd love to see it preserved a-la palemoon.
And I always shut off Hello and Pocket. These should have been add-ons in the first place, imho.
Other than that, I haven't kept up with new or removed features since v40. Is there somewhere I can find a list?
Hi all,
I won't be adding any sort of sponsored advertising or the sorts into the browser. In fact it should be off by default, if it's not please don't panic, it's probably just an error on my part.
The two relevant settings for this should be:
user_pref("", ""); user_pref("", "data:application/json,{}");
Which should disable this, as described here (and have been set as so in the Waterfox preferences).
You can read up about Waterfox's future plan here. If anyone has any queries about this ever, PLEASE CONTACT ME/POST A THREAD ABOUT IT. I really want to do something good for the web and would hate to have what I'm doing be viewed as bad. If you think it's a bad idea, let me know!
I just think it's a good way to help keep Waterfox going as well as doing something good around the world :-)
According to the developer release notes of the latest beta, Firefox is deprecating Pipelining, which is a great feature for page loading speed. I would really appreciate if Waterfox maintained this feature in future versions.
Additionally, I'm really interested in how your experiments with ffmpeg are progressing? Can we expect alternative codec solutions any time soon?
EDIT: another cool feature would be to build the portable version of Waterfox with libportable instead of portableapps. It contains some cool memory management and security features in addition to providing a native portable solution for the browser.
Picking the right webbrowser is important simply because it is so critical to your online privacy and security. Therefore users must exercise due diligence while making this choice.
Despite that, you make the choice to use Palemoon, a browser with a virtually non-existent security development process and whose devs are frequently intellectually dishonest, if not flat-out misinformed.
As if that is not enough, you then decide to stay on v26.4.0 of Palemoon, a version that hasn't received security updates in 2 years and that the developer himself recommends against (surprisingly).
Why would you do this to yourself?
You can set app.update.url.override to in about:config and that will force the next update. Just making sure no major complaints before I roll out to everyone :-). I'd recommend removing that pref unless you want random test builds in the future.
> I expect that FF will also block ad-blockers,
I doubt it. There's this, published a few months ago:
– and so on.
Waterfox Gecko
This is by design. Waterfox uses the same profile data that Firefox does. This is just to make switching between the two easier. Here's a guide if you want to run both.
> I would like to hear the opinion of /u/gorhill4 regarding it.
Negative. What AdNauseam does is the opposite of what I am trying to accomplish with uBO: not connecting at all to ad servers is what is best IMO. I find unfortunate that AdNauseam is described as blocking-and-clicking ads: you can't do both at the same time, for an ad to be clicked it needs to not be blocked, so there has to be a connection to the remote ad server.
Everybody can judge the results from themselves by using uBO-Scope, its primary task is to report what is not blocked, so you will see the difference between uBO and AdNauseam.
Note that AdNausem devs asked me originally to create an API in uBO so that they could hook to it to create their extension, and I refused.
Now that said, even if I disagree with AdNauseam approach, at least they derive a value-added product from uBO, there is work put in there. I say this to contrast with all the other blockers out there which just reuse the code, just change the name and no value added, and worst phone home ability added into it (see <>.)
> … bug … memory dumps (including passwords) …
Do you know the bug number?
Or maybe a link to an article? finds a few things but nothing like what you describe. Thanks.
noScript, the classic legacy addon v5.1.8.5 still works perfectly
all the "old" legacy add ons blocked by firefox Quantum are still working on Waterfox...
Many legacy add on are still better respect new webextensions for firefox (quantum)... That is due by the fact that webextensions API's have some limits...
So, at least until next version of waterfox (based on firefox 60ESR) will be ready, it's still better you install legacy version of your extensions signed for firefox 56
while if you want to try to use web extensions (removing the compatibily check) for firefox quantum, you need to make this passage:
right click new Bolean
and set it to false
>>advanced install options and other platforms
direct link to windows portable version:
Features of waterfox: * Disabled Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) * Disabled Web Runtime (deprecated as of 2015) * Removed Pocket * Removed Telemetry * Removed data collection * Removed startup profiling * Allow running of all 64-Bit NPAPI plugins * Allow running of unsigned extensions * Removal of Sponsored Tiles on New Tab Page * Addition of Duplicate Tab option * Locale selector in about:preferences > General
Here you go: Version 55.1.0 is not yet there, but still 55.0.2 might suffice. You should keep an eye on future Waterfox updates regardless. Profile transfers can be tricky and are prone to bugs, so best is to wait until it gets sorted out.
Have you imported you profile from another browser? That's the only thing I can see causing it to come up with an error and yet still update.
If you goto about:config > Promise to be careful > Search for app.update.url and make sure the value is set to:
Now that I think about it for a second, how long as this been going on?
If it's recent, it could also be a backbone server having issues connecting to the server (aka, taking too long to reply).
Waterfox 43.0.1 is now available for download on the website and has the following changes:
> Fixed various crashes with less aggressive optimisation flags (Removal of -Qprec-div- -Qip -Qopt-prefetch)
Let me know if you still have any issues, but as far as I'm aware this has fixed the crashes (such as on YouTube).
I absolutely hate how quickly RES dumps support for older versions, which wouldn't be that bad if the release notes weren't massive and include a ton of bugfixes and changes anyone not running 57 simply cannot get access to. I understand not adding new features but they really should keep a version with bug fixes following ESR.
Not to mention the fact that Reddit is going through a massive redesign that is going to be deployed soonish, and it will break older RES releases almost completely.
This one is actually "sort of" unrelated because my issue occurs not on startup but at any point of mozilla's session, until I (at least once) start the private mode. The ublock origin bug I actually experienced too and there is a setting (experimental) which you can toggle.
Related github issue:
Related resolution:
worked for me
Would you recommend using a pre-webext version of uBlock Origin (ie version 1.13.8)? The uBO Github repo says
> uBO/webext works best with Firefox 57 and above, and with multi-process enabled.
But it's not clear about some of the details. I assume uBlock0.firefox.xpi for version 1.14+ is the Webext version? Or is that only the specific uBlock0.webext.xpi ?
I'm guessing the one on AMO is definitely the webext version, right? Which one do you all recommend?
In about:config create a new bolean if entry does not exist
Now edit dom.ipc.processCount to more than 1. I set 10.
Restart browser and verify about:support that "Multiprocess Windows" says enabled
Thanks to
well I zipped the src directory of a slightly older version and loaded it up with signatured required flag disabled. Works ... probably set some stupid min requirement version in latest version
e: celebrated too soon, preferences dialogue wont come up
would use the chocolatey package but needs updating last update was Monday, November 3, 2014 the script points to cloudfront url but is not working for 49.0.2
In the case of IHG, I asked in the forum if it could auto update and the unofficial response is that it isn't coded to auto update and is manual update only.
For Nano Defender, it says in the "Installationn" section
> You need Firefox version 58 or above to install this extension.
so it isn't compatible with WF 56.
I mean this. And no, it is not similar to what Mozilla is doing, because using it alleviates the need to use your ISP DNS, which is the biggest privacy hazard out there, as ISPs do all sorts of nasty shit with it, from censorship and built-in ads to passing all your data to government agencies.
Using OpenNIC or other public DNS servers without DNSCrypt is not a complete solution, because the default DNS protocol implementation is unencrypted, so your ISP is still going to be able to see all your requests. If you use DNSCrypt, on the other hand, the ISP is only going to be able to see the IP addresses you connect to and not the domains, if you use a VPN in conjunction with it, they won't see even that. VPN providers do have their own DNS servers configured and those are passed through the VPN tunnel and encrypted, but most of them suffer from DNS leaks, so they aren't entirely reliable on their own. My guess is that whatever Mozilla is doing may also have this sort of problem.
Just to let you know that norton connectsafe dns is currently blocking your download url:
You get this instead: Malicious website blocked!
This website may be dangerous, and it is recommended that you do not continue. For your protection, this site has been blocked.
You may need to get in contact with them.
>Fingerprint option now disguises Waterfox as Firefox 60.
Thank's for this... very important for privacy... but how I can be sure it works fine?
I just tried here:
and It revealated that we are 341 with same fingerprint... it worked?!?
This is a quote from the Waterfox 56 release notes:
> Waterfox will now remain at 56 for the time being, following the security releases of 59 ESR until it becomes End of Line (Q1 2019). In the meanwhile, a “new” browser will be developed to follow the ethos of Waterfox of customisation and choice, while staying up to do date with the rapidly evolving browser landscape.
So it will be longer supported than Firefox 52 ESR, definitely.
You may also wish to check out this project if you are into XUL add-ons:
Keep in mind though that this must still be considered Beta-Software, so if you intend to use a stable build stick with Waterfox for the coming months at least.
No trouble here with FreeBSD-CURRENT. Waterfox 56.1.0_1 can import from:
> Script: chrome://browser/content/browser-places.js:2038
I do not know why Waterfox's developer hasn't replied to my query, but I have a strong, sneaking suspicion that the developer relies heavily on Mozilla's own coding and since Mozilla just ended support for OS X 10.6-10.8 with their last full feature version of Firefox (version 48.0), I have a feeling we older OS X users will NOT be seeing anymore Waterfox upgrades/updates for OS X 10.6-10.8 from this developer, any longer. Waterfox's last version for OS X 10.7-10.8, is the same version number as Mozilla Firefox. So, that tell me this version of Waterfox maybe done and the last version for older OS X users.
Mozilla is continuing secuirty versions of an older (version 45) through their Firefox ESR program which will only offer security updates only for versions 45-50 until April 2017. No new browser feature updates. The Firefox ESR extension program is targeted to Enterprise and educational institutions, but individuals CAN ignore this and download and install the Firefox ESR versions that, will still run on OS X 10.6-10.8. You just won't get any new features and newer add-ons and extensions may not be compatible with this ESR version of Mozilla Firefox. Download and install Firefox ESR here.
I kept both versions of FF on my system and labelled the ESR version Firefox ESR to differentiate the last full version of FF for OS X 10.6-10.8 and the security updates only version.
The only other supported web browser for OS X 10.6-10.8 is SeaMonkey
Check them out!
Good Luck!
Being honest on the feature/differences list and also including known issues and incompatibilities, and more importantly any workarounds or alternatives for them, just like Palemoon does with known issues and incompatible addons. If you want help maintaining it from the community, you could open up the subreddit or github wiki and then update from there.
And it's just a cosmetic change, but removing red from the fading thingymabob would suit the blue waterfox theme better. OK, see what you mean - Yalp Store will do it!
What's nice about Yalp store is you can get it to identify as a non android TV device and log in via your google account - so if you have bought an app - you can get in on android TV. Waterfox works a lot better than Firefox android in this instance - though you still really need a controller with a track pad.
P.S there is also an android TV version of Firefox on apk mirror. Its good, and works with a TV remote. But you can't log in, sync or have proper history. I use both.
Also available from:
~~Please, which page offered just the one link with nothing about Portable?~~
> Yeah that was probably the case. I disabled my antivirus and ran the updater again and it re-installed waterfox just fine. > > Now my only question is why did it disappear in the first place, but I guess i'll never know.
maybe your antivirus read waterfox setup.exe or waterfox.exe as a false positive...
be sure download waterfox setup only by his official site:
Your update checker is likely perfectly fine. Waterfox 56 has not yet been pushed to autoupdate because there are some Mozilla-induced problems with a (very) small range of add-ons, namely:
/u/MrAlex94 is looking into it.
If you want the current version of Waterfox (WF56) you can download it from here and install it over WF55.2.2:
I don't know for sure, but it looks so far off and doesn't even work in the slightest. I know because I've fallen in the same trap.
I know that a working app can be found on the official page ->
it has all to do with the question you asking for...
As I linked you MrAlex94 (He's the developer of Waterfox) answered this:
Keep at v56, update with security and add-on compatibility. In parallel, develop a more modern, just as extensible browser.
and this is what ihe made:
This is what /u/MrAlex94 said here:
>The idea is as follows for varying version of Waterfox as well as a new browser forked from the last usable XUL/XPCOM/Add-on version of Firefox:
Waterfox ESR version of that specific fork, where nothing changes but security patches. Waterfox RR version that follows the new direction Firefox heads in (Rust features et al.) but removes all telemetry, profiling etc.
Bit of Ubuntu weirdness. My waterfox prompted to download 55.2.0. When it finished it wouldn't restart. Checked my install directory and found it had been replaced with: > ls waterfox
>active-update.xml defaults update-settings.ini
>Contents updates updates.xml
find . -name waterfox
I've rolled back to 54.0. I think I'll wait until the compressed archive for 55.2.0 shows up at
Edit: It looks like the linux compressed archive is at 55.2. The link still has "Waterfox Compressed Archive", though. Downloaded, unpacked and running great.
Kudos and thanks!
When you right click a tab, it's at the very top.
It's a feature that's been added with the newest update of Waterfox, so it isn't an add-on issue:
"Quality of Life feature: Duplicate Tabs! Right Click and Select Duplicate Tab to access this feature"
Thats what Alex wanted to say.. Doing this or not is upto you and needs to be done on your own risk..
I'm assuming you got the update because you've got app.update.url.override set to
Yes I'm just prepping the update so the article will be live when the update goes out to everyone. The build via auto-update includes a fix for Netflix issues :-)
> Could you please include a version in the final 4.0.2 download that I can run from the desktop like the test build you have here. Since using the test build I really am having no browser hang issues. The firefox and waterfox that I have installed both hang again when I use them. Thank you.
Sure, there are portable versions available for download already.
Yes this will work, it'll just overwrite the registry settings and Waterfox files. You can also do as the post above and set app.update.url.override which forces updates. (You'll need to use:
as the value)
Hmm the about:support doesn't show anything too weird.
Well the Valence addon is no longer maintained by Mozilla, but i doubt its the cause of your problem.
21 tabs can be a lot depending on the amount of RAM you have(i have no idea if suspending releases the memory fully). Have you tried looking at your memory usage once the slowdown starts?
Well a new profile would rule out any old and forgotten altered settings and files affecting you. But that would mean you would have to redo all your settings and any customization you might have, so that's a last ditch effort.
You could try exporting the bookmarks to an HTML file as that will work in pretty much any browser to import. Also there are likely to be potential issues moving the bookmarks directly.
I would consider a site like Bookmark OS ( where you can import your bookmarks and then you can access that from any browser. And it includes extensions which make using it very easy though I find just having a pinned tab works well too.
It's not available in Play Store now, so link was removed. MrAlex maybe could just place it directly on website, but he obviously doesn't want to do that, because won't be any updates. He said recently that it might return soon.
Possible alternative => (open-source from recently =>
Whois is private (no shock there) and some rumblings of collaborations between them and Android Police.
Owner of ApkMirror is Illogical Robot LLC, same as Android Police.
Apparently, it's quite easy to snag apk's from one phone to another when the source phone is rooted.
You can even do that without root, just install MiXplorer from XDA Labs, then go to App tab on it, choose Waterfox and click share. Or you can use ApkExtractor
Update: Now I compared checksums with MiXplorer for Waterfox App I downloaded from Play Store and ApkMirror and I see that on ApkMirror it has other checksums, but certificate fingerprint is same. ~~Hovewer I see that applies also to another apps from Play Store, but if they are for example from XDA, then checksums are indentical on XDA and ApkMirror, strange.~~
I have finally resolved this problem. The key was disabling the CyberSec
I have finally found the culprit, though I find it puzzling.
Videos on the three sites I mentioned in my original post will not work with Waterfox, Firefox or Safari if I connect through my VPN. However, they work perfectly with Chrome, with or without a VPN.
This raises the following questions for me:
Thanks in advance!
I have a Verizon Galaxy S5 (kltevzw) with the Waterfox Beta v56.1.0 32-bit (armeabi-v7a) via the Play Store and was last updated late March 2018.
It's really been working great but, I was hoping for an updated and/or stable version sometime soon.
I know that the 64-bit devices are being concentrated on but, hoping that the 32-bit won't be forgotten.
FYI... to obtain the 32-bit version, just go to the Play Store link,, and scroll down to the bottom and select the option/enrollment for the Beta version. This Beta Version will then be able to be installed on a 32-bit device.
This article should help! Basically you need the -no-remote flag to run multiple instances of Firefox (and this case Waterfox too due to sharing same profile folder).
I'm not sure what's your angle here. That's not the page I asked you to screenshot.
I asked you a screenshot of
You posted a screenshot of and cropped address bar like it's gonna fool me or anyone else.
From <>:
> - Fix Imgur videos with audio not being handled correctly (thanks @larsjohnsen)
Try downloading newer libs from here: Download libgcc1, gcc-6-base and libstdc++6 and install them. If it break something, then don't install and unfortunately you must wait for update with fix.
The portable version isn't distributed by directly but you can find one here
You can probably just copy the profile folder over. Or only the places.sqlite and favicons.sqlite files
> an old OS needed to keep my old Photoshop running.
Will the Mac run Mavericks, and have you tried GIMP recently?
When I last tried it on a Mac (years ago, probably with X11 with Mavericks) it was slow to launch but now I see,
> … runs on OSX natively. No X11 environment is required. …
– so maybe the slowness is no longer an issue.
FWIW I'm very pleased with GIMP 2.10.12 on FreeBSD.
If you want a current non-WE uBlock Origin visit their GitHub releases: and select any uBlock0.firefox.xpi file you like. This will install a more current non-WE version.
Hope all works out. I was a long time Adblock Plus user before switching to uBlock Origin. It will block ads, trackers and malware sites, plus more.
uBlock Documentation
This server is who knows where and only loads indefinitely. I found the same version on another server and it downloaded instantly:
> the vast majority of flash-based content out there (mainly games)
TIL that flash content is still intentionally hosted live in the wild.
And here I thought we needed the Wayback Machine or just to even reach anything like that. Wow.
Edit: isn’t there a separate tool for online flash games??
yeah Windows 10 is an amazing OS made even more personal by the extensively configurable API, which unfortunately gives rise to even more inadvertent errors (bugs) but stick with it and learn how to ask Google in a way as it gives you the right answers.
this issue has been raised on windows answers ( and the best the MVP (Most Valued Professional) < big in joke, was to make a new profile and transfer your settings to it, that or reset Windows to back to default status... neither of which are very helpful
you might want to give Winaero Tweaker a try for adjusting Window 10 hidden setting, one of its best features is the ability to reset all tweaks in case you get errors after a tweak.
>Status: Editor's Draft (not even working draft)
>Why is a major website like imgur using this without a fallback?Have they learned nothing from operating imgur for years? Or do they not care?In the latter case, I suggest packing up your bags and moving to another site like as an alternative image hosting site if you need one.
Wahaha, this article is such a load of crap. Pure FUD, nothing more. I'm not discarding anything shady about could be true, but this particular article is riddled with stupid fear-inducing terms that make no sense for a search engine whatsoever. It's a default FUD-article with [insert_product_name_here] fields, which happen to be filled with "Startpage" on this URL. When you look at you'll see what that website is about.
> I, too, thought of algae before posting but honestly, seeing the letter W in green doesn't make me think of algae:
Those don't make me think of water though. They make me think of Universities or Hotels and that John Deere logo >The same for green water; none of these logos inspire thoughts of algae:
and those make me think of soylent green and that "Green Water" logo makes me think of those companies that charge more for bottled water because it's "extra purified". The logos make me think of environmental companies.
Like I said green is so closely associated with earth, grass, and trees that trying to associate it with water is too much a stretch.
>Green … makes me think of algae.
I, too, thought of algae before posting but honestly, seeing the letter W in green doesn't make me think of algae:
disable WebRTC
media.peerconnection.turn.disable = true
media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers = false = false
media.peerconnection.identity.timeout = 1
And you have more tips under "Firefox: Privacy Related "about:config" Tweaks"
Hope it helps
Thanks for sharing this. So far I have only attempted to use this extension on the web application "" I added the extension, clicked on the icon and filled in my userid and password. I clicked the Save My Password button and then waterfox revealed the save credentials dialog and I clicked Save. Now, the website "" steadfastly refuses to populate my login credentials even though I can now find them in the Saved Logins window! Very frustrating! Any suggestions?
TBH old website was clean clear concise. Information right there with easy navigation to required content. This new sites is more fancy bloat confusing the user experience to be able to see accurate information about the software product or to download what they require. Look at google chromes download page clean right to the point another reason why chrome gets downloaded more over firefox users get lost or confused trying to get to the download. Most users will be on the site less than a minute they get to page click content then leave, if they have to follow a rabbit hole like the current most users will drop off fast. This is one of the powers of google analitics you can see these interactions down side is privacy issues but double edged sword in web development
Can you try adding from this page?
Then, set to default after it has been added.
If you would like to use the HTML5 player you can enable media streaming extensions which will enable 1080p etc: this guide will help you out. for the latest version. At first I thought the signatures were wrong, then I realised that two of the links are wrong.
An innocent mistake, I haven't checked for mistakes elsewhere, I contacted the site.
Workaround: If already installed, just do an update (Menu > Help > About Waterfox). Or grab the previous version at Fosshub (, install and then update.
With 56.2.12 – without any user agent override – I can get and the thirteen sites there to load correctly.
Not every time, not consistently, but often enough to make me doubt that there's a UA issue …
When I first visited most of the texts were missing.
Then, no problem when I visited the page for the first time in a different profile in safe mode.
I submitted a support request #3683 but I expect the simplest answer to be that Waterfox is not supported:
I checked %TEMP% while updating expecting to find the executable installer. There was nothing there. I know the users are covered as far as security is concerned but I’d like to have "WaterfoxPortable_2020.01_English.paf.exe" stored just in case.
btw, Has anyone tried fork?
Warning: this portable version does not appear to be compatible with the version (PAF.EXE) the Waterfox team creates, and that version does not appear in the PortableApps "app store" (bloody hell, everyone has to be cute nowadays), so updating might be an issue.
> I recommend this btw:
> killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell > /dev/null 2>&1 &
I use KRunner for the shorter form,
killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell
Is there any benefit from the longer form when KRunner is used?
While working on fixing classic for would it also be possible to get current release also at
Would love that. :)
I am running current now as portable by using launcher from classic and extracting the core directory into WaterfoxPortable\App\Waterfox directory and it works great, all other directories and files are from classic. :)
Thanks for taking the time to post here,
> 1.7.4.c, please use that. XPI located on site. lists apparently inferior and is 404 not found, was 1.7.4.c a typo?
FYI IHG has decided to only support Palemoon
Through a little trial and error I found the download link for 56.2.14
If you get freezes and stutter, it might be playing VP9 for you (it was for me).
In the about:config page look for media.mediasource.webm.enabled, change the value to false.
I've had a small discussion on that topic over at youtube center github :
Otherwise full MSE was what I was looking forward the most for v37 update. And it works just fine and silky smooth for me. (only thing I had to do is set Nvidia drivers to control video colorspace instead of the app setting, since 'fox was set to limited RGB for some reason and video appeared washed out).
its been so bad here I had to switch to FF :(
emby media server affected by it too (the actual server web gui) using newer tech not affected by user agant, made controlling media server impossible with waterfox.
happens with 2020.01.x also
Merci. Je vois, par exemple:
> Firefox* > > 64, 66.0.4+ ; ESR 60
Donc Waterfox Current devrait être OK.
Est-ce que l'extension est installé mais pas fonctionnelle?
This post should explain all those TIME_WAIT timers. As for the IP addresses you're trying to access, they belong to CloudFlare, (probably because you're on reddit which uses CloudFlare) so you won't be able to resolve those addresses directly.
I haven't had a problem combining Comodo Antivirus with Waterfox. But I don't use the Firewall.
Isn't there an option to use Comodo's "safe" DNS, replacing the normal one with a Comodo one? Maybe Waterfox noticed and thinks it is a hacker of some sort. So it displays the error.
Maybe try to turn it off if it is turned on.
Here is a link to what I mean:
Re: I guess that the crawler is off; the 502 error page states
> … because the site uses Cloudflare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. …
– but (unless I'm missing something) there's no direction to a snapshot.
Normally I would have ignored a 502 at the weekend, but the blank symptom coincided with a different type of blank that's occasionally seen in Firefox on FreeBSD (with an async progress indicator, as shown at <>). Pure coincidence, as far as I can tell.
> My concern is with any processing and information exchange with System1 -- like in the Startpage search engine situation.
Do you mean with "like in the Startpage search engine situation" that your concern is the same in this case, or that System1 in fact processes and exchanges information of
I've been looking through the information I could gather concerning and I haven't found any information that would confirm the latter.
I think it's shady what happened to Startpage, I think every single answer given by the Startpage personnel has only frustrated the relation with their customers, and I think Epic Browser's stance is very interesting, i.e. stating that Startpage's not saving your data may as well still mean they're transferring data to their partners (which include Google, and now System1) at the moment you make use of their service.
But I have to say, this is all speculation, which is quite frustrating, because I'd love to continue using, as well as Waterfox.
I wasn't aware that Cookies Exterminator didn't work for automatic local storage cleaning, I tested that and you're right. The author says indeed that it's because of e10 here :
I didn't test that without e10 it doesn't work either.
I've just discovered Site Bleacher :
that seems to succeed in clearing local storage as soon as the last tab closes, but not indexedDB according to my tests. The strange thing is that the addon description doesn't even say that local storage is cleaned when the last tab is closed, only cookies, but my quick tests seemed to show it does.
can you not find the button in the Customise tab and drag it to the menu bar?
this isn't something I use but maybe the latest update will allow you to enable the firefox addon (latest SW is Build (Dec 12, 2020))
>Installation of the Sticky Password extension on supported browsers is one of the optional steps in the First Run Wizard. With only a few quick steps, you can also install or re-install the extension manually at any time directly from the application.
TIP: I would remove the addon from waterfox and windows before you update
> Stickypassword
Have you sought support in the StickyPassword area? This, for example:
No. It doesn't work even in safe mode. shows
POSITION_UNAVAILABLE (numeric value 2)
The position of the device could not be determined. One or more of the location providers used in the location acquisition process reported an internal error that caused the process to fail entirely.
Make sure it works, as some newer version of CB do not work with waterfox. Go to and make their test. I use the old legacy version for that reason, as the new version did not work.
This is worrying for every FFx based browser... :-(
The "best" option for Mozilla, from a user point of view, could be to transition FFx to a Chromium based browser, if they want to keep it free, which doesn't make much sense.
The alternative on which I'd bet is that they'll soon make it a "VPN only" browser that will use their own paid VPN (
The days of "free" Internet are slowly coming to an end...
The new CanvasBlocker 0.5.11 breaks lots of sites in Waterfox, the developer is aware of the problem and this is probably going to be fixed in the next version to be released soon. This is probably the same problem as yours.
If this still doesn't work for you it may be worth opening an issue there Also, maybe try disabling other addons before testing to see if there is a conflict with another addon causing the issue.
As others said you cant use gmail and escape the google clutches,protomail really is a good alternative.
obviously you should not use any google service, and start using other search engines
and which DNS are you using? i would suggest using
not only for google, but don't use social midia (facebook, instagram and etc.), switching to linux helps (windows 8 and 10 also collect data) (i would suggest mint or zorin fpr windows replacement or elementary for a mac os like interface)
and you should consider using a paid vpn service as it throws some of your online trail.