Anyone else amazed that Mari0 hasn't been DMCA'd, yet? I get that it adds a lot of functionality thus making it way more "transformative" than a straight port, but you can also ignore the portal mechanics and play through the original Super Mario Bros in a near 1:1 port on modern PC's for free.
Looking at the source for Mari0 might help. The developer provides the source as a .love file, which is just a zip file with a changed extension. So just change the extension from .love to .zip and extract it.
Also, reading up on prototypal inheritance would be helpful if you're only vaguely familiar with it. It's the style of OO that Lua (and Javascript) uses.
that is Mari0 of which is still available today..
the way i have seen nintendo act is they are fine with any fan made project, no matter its capacity.
however, if you put in a 'donate' button, then you end up like full screen mario, and if you put a 'buy now' button.. expect a call from their lawyers.
Lac c now
Lack Vitamin C Now
What does lack of vitamin C cause? Scurvy.
Where is scurvy mentioned most? Pirate movies.
Pirates use ships.
What's on those ships? Portholes.
Portals. Portal.
There were four Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
The last one wasn't as good. 4 - 1 = 3.
You think this means Portal 3 confirmed? Think again.
There's only two portals in single player and four in co-op.
They come in the colors blue, orange, red, and yellow.
Red + yellow = orange, and blue + yellow = green.
But there is no green portal.
Also blue + red = purple. There is no purple portal either.
Because purple isn't actually a color.
This means there's only importance in the lack of a green portal.
Where is something green that acts like a portal?
Mario's pipes.
But there is a game that combines Mario and Portal. Mari0.
M a r i 0
Marry 0
Marry no one.
Definitely! I've been using LOVE for a good 5 years now and I've never had any problems with speed, aside from some very shader-intensive games.
Just to list a two large games that use the engine - Mari0 and Move or Die.
To answer your questions as well:
1) GTA2 can be comfortably made in LOVE if you're a bit clever with the pseudo-3D.
2) How open-world are we talking about? There have been LoZ1 type open-world games made in LOVE before and I have made a Terraria clone a while back with infinite worlds and chunk saving and such, so it is entirely possible.
Just remember that LOVE does not handle anything except for the very basics for you - some tips for open-world games include only drawing things that are visible on the screen and using ECS. LOVE requires you to have a pretty good knowledge of how things are meant to work, not only from a gameplay perspective, but also from a technical perspective. If you're okay with that, then you're looking at an incredibly flexible and fast framework!
There's always the classic Team Fortress 2, which is free on steam.
Also I like to play Dota 2 and Heroes of Newerth on occasion.
Mari0, a spin on mario and portal, is also really fun to play. requires love 0.8 to play, so you can just do
sudo apt-get install love
If you're using ubuntu.
I really enjoyed Wario Ware and the incorporation of retro/modern/remix mini games. On that note, I dig your idea of doing more than just minigames with remixes.
That mari0 portal game was pretty neat. Or that mario game where you could play as other Nintendo characters was a good example of neat things you can do with remixing.
I really like this idea of this subreddit. Hope it catches on. I'm not sure is this concept is cliche, but it was the first thing I could come up with.
Idea: Mutated Classic
Take a classic game of your choosing and add some new element that changes the core gameplay while still preserving the spirit of the original. Great example of this is would be Mari0, Not Tetris, or other Stabyourself games.
Along with Mel and Prelude, I'd also recommend Portal: The Flash Version mappack
Edit: also Mari0... 1-4 player Super Mario Bros. with portal guns. It's kind of brilliant.
Lua é uma coisa linda, tenho um amigo que teve aula com algumas pessoas na PUC Rio que trabalhavam diretamente com a linguagem e disse que os caras são realmente muito bons.
Embora não seja minha linguagem preferida, meu negócio é C++, C, Fortran (a contra gosto, mas enfim...), Go e python, ainda é uma linguagem com a qual eu brinco bastante, estou cogitando seriamente usar Love2d pra um projeto pessoal que estou começando junto com alguns amigos.
Só pra recomendar um jogo que eu acho do caralho e é escrito em Lua (Löve2d no caso). Mari0!, uma mistura de Mario com portal.
Even if the coins were there, you would not be able to get them since you can't go left past the camera. I went through the first of the three pipes in the underground level in Mari0 (Mario with a portal gun. Great fun. Contains what appears to be a block for block recreations of the levels in the original in one of its map packs. You can also walk left and the camera will follow.) This led to the room with two floors of coins, but there was no tunnel leading to the first group of underground coins - just the brick wall. In other words, they don't exist.
OP added on to the original image (which (s)he was kind enough to link to) in order to get it to the resolution of 3 1920x1080 monitors.
Well my 'top 5 games' and the top 5 games I would recommend to someone who has never played a PC game are pretty different.
For the recommendations, I would have to go with
*S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC
*Planetside 2
*Neverwinter Nights 2
Giving a general 'you must play these games' can't be confined to such a small list, though. The PC log has 20,000+ games. What's right for someone won't be right for another person, so unless you're somehow accounting for every different taste in 5 games then the list is useless. These games were decided for 1: PC Exclusive (Planetside 2 has recently come to PS3 but still), 2: Variety, and 3: Novelty.
Apparently it's not in the game yet, but is in either a special edition, or is an upcoming feature in the multiplayer.
Edit: Nevermind, it was done in the level editor.
you can try super mario bros crossover or a Mario/portal mix i've had the most fun with crossover
Have you heard of Mari0? This game was made with an older version of love but I'm sure the source code has some inspiration. Keep it up you are doing great!
Check out Mari0 ! Its the original mario bros except you have a portal gun. Pretty fun little twist on the games and it even allows you to create your own levels. Also its free.
Mari0 is a very fun, slightly aged fan made platformer combining both the Portal & Mario universes. It's been continuously updated since 2012, is free, and has a ton of content. I highly recommend it, even if you don't like Mario or Portal, the interesting mechanics that make it highly different from any other platform is what makes Mari0 special.
I understand why you think Unity2d would be overkill, but I'd recommend trying it. It's very nice.
Usually with a 2D game, you don't need to worry about performance as much, especially if you're targeting PC/Mac, so I wouldn't recommend making that a consideration (everything from rendering to pathfinding is made easier by not having a 3rd dimension). I don't use it personally, but Love2D would be a very good choice. Everyone seems to have nice things to say about it, and it got used to make Mari0.
half-life 2 (really, buy the games that garry's mod is built upon. It's a mod, not a game, besides, you won't regret playing it)
Fallout: New Vegas
Team Fortress 2 (it's free on the same platform you bought GMod from)
Don't Starve
Doom 3 - BFG edition (people tell me they prefer non BFG. Bfg was supposed to be an HD remake, but it isn't much different)
Warframe (also free)
Overture (fun survival 8-bit rpg game. I don't know where to categorize it)
Postal 2 (fun)
Portal 1 and 2 (take place in Half-Life universe. Excellent puzzle games)
If you haven't already, you should take a look at Mari0. It was originally going to just be a level designer for the original SMB, but the creator eventually added the Portal gun. You can still create levels without the Portal mechanics, though.
I am also a fan of love2d, though I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to those inexperienced with coding. It was my first framework but it took a lot of trial and error for me to become proficient with it. I'm not sure what you mean with i being terrible for large projects though, Move or Die and Mari0 are good examples showing that large games do work with Lua.
Scratch is a great learning language, if you know a better language for kids let me know. I think my game is actually more similar to Mario portal then the Flash version.
>Nintendo gets a pass because they don't tout their 1080p system to he revolutionary
Bullshit. And they don't brag because everyone knows it's the most potato out of the peasant machines.
>They have great exclusives that are worth playing because its difficult to find a similar game on PC.
Opinion, mixed with some bullshit. Diablo, I'd argue, would be a better replacement for Zelda. Likewise, saying PS2 is a replacement for Halo is like saying Divekick is a replacement for SSB.
Hell, there's a version of Mario with <em>PORTALS</em> on PC. This, to me, is infinitely better than Mario on the consoles and from the Roosterteeth Let's Play, also fills the multiplayer gap.
And this still doesn't tackle the rather shitty policies they have or the fact that you CAN'T get their games anywhere else which is one of the big thing everyone here hates.
You're mean. Haha I love it. QWOP is great, I still haven't hit 100m yet. Getting closer. As for my own suggestion, OP, if you like Mario and Portal why not play both
-The site doesn't give system requirements, but I'd think it's low end.
-Windows, Mac, Linux
-No Steam
-It's Super Mario Bros, but with portal guns, and hats, and 4 player co-op, and a level editor.
The stupid cake jokes aren't funny because they actually, at one point, were really funny and just referenced into obscurity.
The gameplay is challenging without being frustrating or annoying, the humor is great (when it was fresh), the game is short enough to be fully enjoyed in one sitting, and the real-life implications of what it would be like to have an actual portal gun make hypothesizing about it all the more fun (like this or this)
OK, dude. That's fine. Then feel free to ignore these links to things you could do.
From Nintendo, kinda. But its make false the part about the devs trying to get free ads by a DMCA to make money. There weren't going to finish the game or sell it. And they couldn't see a DMCA was going to happen. Usualy Nintendo doesn't for case like this, like Mari0 never got one (it should get 1 soon now). But Pokemon Uranium last week changed everything and No Mario's Sky was done before that.
The funny part is that They've Let Much More Blatant remake projects live. Seriously.
This game is designed with the portal gun in mind. Therefore you have open ceilings and places to shoot portals from and surfaces to make portals on. Try playing mari0 and you'll see how the portal gun only becomes a distraction. I'm expecting a similar situation in Terraria but I hope I'm proven wrong.
Do you have controllers? mari0 will make you hate your friends.
McPixel on a big TV with wild mass guessing happening.
Are you looking for LAN, single-computer, or online gaming?
Love2D is the easiest. C# with XNA can be fast rewarding too, altough it's certainly more difficult to begin with.
Oh, and /r/love2d. it's not really active but it can contain some nice information.
Edit: btw, want to see some Love2D badass game?
Oh, I know... Mario and Portal! Oh wait, looks like it's already been done.
Also, check out this fun little game while you're at it.
edit - The Original Super Mario Crossover game
will update with more if I remember any