That's the same video they already showed at gamescom (they had two, this is basically selection of scenes from both), I suggest reading the blog instead, there is some detailed explanation and additional info about each scene in the video, you'll learn some cool things that aren't evident just from watching.
What I hope we'll seen in future is more automation, or selection of advisors and messengers like in some mods, so you don't have to run around the map and do every single minute thing - asking for additional troops (by simply sending messenger) while I'm waiting and trying to siege a castle would be the best thing ever. That way I could spend more time on cow herding.
Thanks for that, many good details in blog post 11
Some highlights that got me hyped
"One thing that we didn't show in the video, though, was our deployment screen. All of the siege weapons are placed freely by the players, so there is full control over how to assault the walls."
"The four sides of a village can all be made into different types of production, with the unique option of turning one into a castle."
"What's really interesting is that AI Lords start new projects and modify their villages over time, just like the player."
"Though that is balanced by the power of larger, stronger weapons to hit more than one foe with a single swing!"
"The gameplay effects of this will also be felt by players who try to wage war in the winter, as troops will suffer greater losses to morale, demanding more food and fuel."
Goddamn it's been five years since they announced Bannerlord. Hell, it's been so long that the images on the first announcement expired.
C'mon Taleworlds, I need a decent RTS/FP...S? hybrid that isn't a decade old.
Bannerlord is anything but a small project.
Battle sizes and scope of project is expected to be 2x+ more than Mount and Blade, which was already a ridiculously in-depth game.
I don't know if I'm spoiled by other games' open development (most recently Paradox games, Stellaris specifically) but I really thought that they'd be more open with Bannerlord.
I mean, they were talking about a possible early access last year! I know it's better to hold if off if it's not ready and would cause a bad first impression, but that should mean they have at least some, if not most, mechanics done, at least in design. They should be able to talk about them, no? Or at least share screenshots?
The last blog post was in July 2016... I really don't understand this extreme silence :(
If anything, the god-tier mod support they're promising. native c# scripting and custom animations is so enticing, it will essentially turn Bannerlord into an engine. Personally I love modding in games, and if Taleworlds is putting this much effort for their modding community it could topple Warband and Skyrim for modding king. (Fuck I'm glad I learned c# on my free time....)
Also, just overall more complicated game mechanics, such as sieges involving proper siege equipment like battering rams and trebuchets. And more ladders. Not to mention, a physics-based more polished combat system.
Lineage system. Kids growing up, etc.
There's a lot of other stuff, an updated questing system with more stuff to do, more depth to companions, weapon crafting system, government running, castle building, etc. that I've just seen from the trailers, Gamescom footage and dev blogs alone.
They actually confirmed in a blog years ago that one year will be condensed to 12 weeks, effectively making the years pass about 4.35 times faster. If we can suspend disbelief on that then I feel like you could also just have aging occur at twice the rate so that a baby reaching maturity at say 16 would take 672 in-game days. Add more travel time in the bigger map and hopefully more ways to make the time pass quickly during peace and I think that'd be a reasonable amount of time to have a child ready in the mid-late game. Definitely interesting to think about what other ways they might make it work, some may have to be modded in to reach the feature's full potential.
Found this:
"The topography of the map is not entirely consistent with Warband, in fact Bannerlord's map is somewhat more mountainous. The effect of this is an increase in the number of choke points. It will be hard to avoid conflict, for instance, when traversing narrow passes through mountain ranges that may be riddled with ambush spots or enemy patrols. Tactically, the map offers many more options for controlling areas that serve as trade routes. Battles are often fought in the game to contest key choke points with the goal of securing passage for trade caravans and other parties. "
Sounds promising!
Empire is actually indiginous to the continent
>A thousand years ago, the Calradoi were one of a dozen tribes living in the hill country between the southern sea and the Battanian woods. Over time, they subjugated their neighbours, forcing them into a confederation of city-states.
> And finally: In the past few weeks, some people have asked us if we plan to attend the next E3. After careful consideration, we have decided against it, and we won’t be going to Los Angeles this year.
> Bannerlord is set 200 years before Warband. Players who followed Warband's lore will recall that Calradia was once an empire, which declined and was supplanted by successor states -- tribal confederations-turned-kingdoms -- much as the Western Roman Empire was supplanted by early medieval states. Bannerlord lets you join those rising kingdoms at an early stage in their development, and it also lets you join the Empire.
> they're running out of significant content to tease us with and are now just showcasing any minor change they can think of (see "Conversation Camera").
That means the game is almost done...
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord takes place in the fictional world of Calradia. While the series draws heavy inspiration from our history, it is in no way a 1:1 replica of it. Comparing that universe to any time period in our history will get you no where in the end. Saying x wasn't invented yet but y was creates the same problem.
Things are in the game because they're cool and work well. Other things are not because they either:
What we do know from various screenshots, videos, and art pieces is:
If I missed something obvious, comment down below.
>bannerlords engine has only been finished up in the past year or 2
They confirmed in a recent blog that the engine wasn't finished as early as last month.
Sturgia are based on the Rus people, which is an easter-euope group that had a lot of immigration from Scandinavia (vikings) and are where the Varangians come from.. I think you have it confused by calling the Vlandians for Varangians tbh. Vlandians are based on the normans, but also the french. They're just psuedo dark age western europe. They have a history of being mercinaries for the Empire as the dev blogs explain, but they are not Varangians.
Dev Blog on Sturgia:
"The Sturgians are based on the federation of city-states known as Kievan Rus, located in today's Russia, Belarus and Ukraine."
Hey guys I have a life hack
If you listen to keyboard cat 50 hour version after approx 180 instances, one year would have passed and bannerlord would be out. So only watching a youtube video 180 times would make bannerlord appear? Yes! All your problems are solved . Say thank to god turkçe the sloppy game develpoer for that life hax, or there will be no scabbards in the game.
That doesn't really mean anything though. They might be going just for PR, show an updated siege demo or some combat gameplay and I wouldn't really feel satisfied with it. If they wanted to keep the community up to date, they would have done it through dev blog posts or new videos on their youtube...
Or at the very least, they could finally update this "Features" page on their website.
The good news is that they're working on it! The bad news is that the last update was a few months ago. I'm sure it will be released when it is good and ready, but who knows when that will be.
I did a little digging for the old blog about children in game.
> Her beautiful face was derived from the features (facekeys) of her father and mother, with a small amount of randomness thrown into the mix. And thus, she has a unique face(key) which will retain traits of her parents into adulthood. And, it is not just the facial traits that she will inherit from her parents, but also our wealth and lands too, which we worked tirelessly to accumulate through entirely legitimate means.
As she grows, we will be able to spend more time with her, interact with her, share our experiences and skills with her, and develop her into a fine young woman.
So definitely some sort of schooling and skill development, but nothing definite about companionship and vassalage for the grown-up kids. Well, gotta save something for the actual release, whenever that maybe.
Well they mentioned in the Imperial Declines devblog that >Weapons, armor, clothes and architecture should date from around 600 to 1100 AD, rather than the 13th century.
They probably did this to give themselves a long period of time to take creative liberties with certain things.
I'll wait until their official YouTube channel re-releases that trailer or until their website updates with any new content. Hell, even their Facebook page has to say something. Let's wait and see.
Edit: This is to serve as a bookmark for anyone that quickly wants to check for updates using the links above.
I think stiff and clunky animations come with how mount and blade combat works.
But in bannerlord there are seemingly smoother animations with inverse kinematics and even chained attacks. Not to mention you can hit multiple people with some great weapons now as seen in one of the siege videos which would seems like it would feel smoother, and bow animations have been improved as mentioned in the cem Q&A devblog.
May I ask you all to calm your tits, obviously that's not the only thing they will show. Frankiepoo will show us some sweet turkey delights.
Edit: Oh nevermind, apparently that's it. More information on Talewords bois
I'm not sure they have a team dedicated to marketing. But at least someone there has to have an overview of some sorts. I think people waiting for Bannerlord could be satisfied with any monthly snippet they get. I am not expecting a full developer blogpost. What they should publish can range from single sketches over 3D models to related art and design (like interfaces). Small snapshots, as mentioned. Like in the first ever developer blog.
It rekindles interest and is a statement in itself, for the very reason many different things are happening in Turkey. So the fans know its still being worked on and not halted by the circumstances.
They mentioned it in the Battle Report blog
> The battle report screen also comes up when the player decides to resolve a battle on the campaign map instead of playing it out. This could bring simulated battles a bit of excitement as the simulation is carried out incrementally and casualties start to pile up. The player can, of course, skip the simulation to end the battle instantly.
There will be (or there is already, notice how there's different blocking animations) directional shield blocking:
"Directional Shield Blocking and Shield Bash – These two features revitalize the sword & board gameplay, making it a more engaging experience than ever before! Blocking in the wrong direction will not necessarily get you killed but it will cause your shield to break faster, leaving you defenseless against missiles and vulnerable against multiple foes. Shield bashing, a highly requested feature, temporarily stuns your opponent and knocks them back, lowering their defenses and giving you room to breathe."
And there was indeed more fluid combat (that's why the swing animations seem to loop rather than start then stop to allow for more fluid connecting combos:
"Attack Chaining – Swings that complete their motion can now be chained into follow-up attacks which can catch your opponent off-guard after a miss. Unbalanced weapons such as hammers and axes also use the momentum of the first swing for a faster follow-up!"
I could have sworn they said they are adding that in Bannerlord. Let me check.
EDIT: Doesn't really go into detail, but here
>The map is changed, not just by the activity of the player and NPCs but also by the passage of time. Changing seasons affect the weather and transform the landscape sending snow creeping south during winter. Significant gameplay effects, of the changing conditions, are felt in the effectiveness of different troop types. Cavalry and ranged units in particular will have a harder time in rain or snow. One major change from Warband is how time progresses; the yearly cycle has been shortened to twelve weeks, which adds more importance to the changing seasons and ageing of characters.
>Since we haven't shown a lot of the map yet, the visual actually hints at quite a lot which is, as of yet, unmentioned. We'll talk more about how character ageing works, along with some of the other effects of time moving faster, in a future blog. For now, thanks for reading! For the latest news and updates, don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
It's a medieval sandbox RPG with one of the best combat mechanics used by any medieval game ever. It's played in first person & third person. The graphics are a bit outdated but all that will be fixed with the upcoming sequel: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Besides the choose your own path feel to it, the game has a very active multiplayer community.
With an active modding community, there are multiple mods to choose from (both singleplayer & multiplayer) the game has an almost infinite amount of replay value.
Conclusion: This game is truly amazing, you will learn something new every day. I recommend this game from the bottom of my heart. All you need to learn are the game mechanics and from that on you're set on playing one of the best games of the decade.
The dev blogs are here. It isn't super active, but there are posts every couple of months, the last of which was less than 4 months ago.
I have no idea what state Bannerlord is in, whether it will ever be released, or if it will be good on arrival, but it does seem to be in active development.
Edit: misread date when I glanced at page. Thought I saw may instead of march.
I believe sieges were actually the subject of a dev blog.
Your prayers are being answered!
I could definitely get behind more reasonable build times too. Just because someone doesn't have a good engineer skill shouldn't prohibit them from just, y'know, hiring a competent engineer.
There's a blog for that! Important passage:
>Each of the horses come in a variety of colours, which we think helps to add to the overall immersion of the game, and in addition to this, we implemented a horse mark variation system which adds some additional variety to the horses by randomly assigning them with leg and facial markings, which helps to make them look and feel more natural.
Yeah, they explained this all in their dev blog; that certain factions are just going to have more primitive and accurate castles. "France" definitely had castles as of the 8th century, hundreds of years earlier under Charlemagne, and England had burhs, as well as Roman forts they restored. At the time, these would be called castles, but modern definitions are more strict.
Ah, right. Well in the campaign map blog they explain that they now use the scene editor to create campaign maps and in the modding blog they include the scene editor in the list of tools available to modders.
". One new feature that we hope will add a lot of color is minor factions: outlaws and mercenaries based on historical or legendary bands like the Jomsvikings or the Fianna of Ireland. But the outer kingdoms -- the ones whom imperial citizens would call "barbarians" -- should still retain that sandbox feel."
From this blog where they explain the different factions. Seeing where they have gotten the inspiration for the different factions from, it seems reasonable to believe that the empire is in the center of the map. (seeing that they are describing factions located west, north, east and south of the empire) This Calradian Empire is obviously inspired by Byzantium, or the east roman empire, like they also mention in the blog. The capital of Byzantium was Constantinople.
Bannerlord will be the next Mount and Blade game:
But we don't have a release date yet.
Warband is IMO much better than the original Mount and Blade and I believe has a larger selection of mods.
You could wait for a sale, it's not too uncommon to see it half off or less on Steam.
I certainly wouldn't say it's by design, but there was an excellent thread yesterday detailing why Sturgians, and Aserai to a lesser extent, simply aren't in a good place right now. To me, the big thing is that Sturgians were designed to basically be shield wall specialists, but their infantry is only on par with everyone else's infantry, while still having weaker archers and cav. As of 1.1, unit AI quality is based on the unit's skill in their governing weapon rather than their character's level - while it's a great change IMO (it will enable far more variety in unit quality than basing it off of character level), unit skills still need to be rebalanced across the board, but especially for the Sturgians, since some of their units are very skilled in weapons they don't have and not so well skilled in the weapons they actually use.
If Taleworlds wants them to be the highly disciplined shield wall supported by a couple of archers and cavalry, while also giving them worse equipment than similarly tiered infantry of other factions, then they should at least have a lot of skill in the weapons they use compared to other factions, especially if AI quality is going to be based on weapon skill. In other words, they should be... well, highly disciplined.
I'm just simplifying for brevity's sake. Not exactly, but the mechanics they've shown are pretty similar to how guilds would have worked at the time.
I think they've shown off more about them, but it would just be bits and pieces.
It seems they're aiming for a max of 400 each side.
>Currently our aim for battle sizes on current generation high end gaming CPUs is at 800 characters, at 60FPS.
That's how it sounds to be in Bannerlord, via weapons blog.
"Another thing to note about polearms is if they are too large, such as with pikes, then they will be dropped to the ground if you switch to your sidearm."
If you scroll you will find a picture of the same game, and a description that reads "Each of the game's six cultures has their own boardgame, originally designed but inspired by real historical games."
Hey, sorry for the late reply, (we are currently celebrating Eid in Turkey and I don't have internet at my house just yet,) and thanks for the warm welcome!
We know that as a company our communication hasn't been great and this is something we are actively trying to improve on. We recently discussed some new features and improvements in Bannerlord which you can read about here -
We will also be discussing our experiences from E3 and taking your feedback on the event later this week. (We had hoped we could do this last week but with the holiday celebrations currently taking place we were unable to do that.)
that was a pretty old blog from 2015. here is the link The aging system is mentioned in that blog as: One major change from Warband is how time progresses; the yearly cycle has been shortened to twelve weeks, which adds more importance to the changing seasons and ageing of characters.
I see you already added it to the post, but here it is:
>After this, we see a short clip of the world map and village management. Graphically, we have made huge strides here, to improve the look and feel of Calradia. Though there are also some significant gameplay changes evident here. Castles are now fully integrated with villages, which means that settlement produces goods and has economic impact. The four sides of a village can all be made into different types of production, with the unique option of turning one into a castle.
Sure thing, here you go.
The paragraph right above the boardgame screenshot says > Next as the player enters the city, we have provided a glimpse of imperial culture and architecture, reflected by the style of the buildings and clothes of the citizens. The tavern seen here shows how lively and appealing scenes have become in Bannerlord, with NPCs sitting, drinking, interacting with one another and going about their business. In this tavern, there is a musician playing and a game host in the corner, with whom you can bet money on the custom board games which we have introduced. Each of the game's six cultures has their own boardgame, originally designed but inspired by real historical games. These can also be played with ladies and lords, as well as other NPCs in the game for role-playing and diplomatic purposes.
About a month ago(and with a less than stellar release). But Viking Conquest wasn't produced by TaleWorlds, it was produced by a third-party modding team who created the Warband Mod 'Brytenwalda'. I don't think the TaleWorlds team had much to do with developing the mod for Warband. By all rights, they should have been working on it consistently since they released the teaser trailer.
They have had some information released regarding development, but it took forever for it to start coming out, forever in between updates, and it's been 4 months since their last update. TaleWorlds Bannerlords Dev Blog
Awesome :) also if you have a strong enough PC Bannerlords (The next installment of the series) looks really nice and you should check it out Here is the link to M & B: Bannerlords
Mount and Blade: Bannerlord is the squeal to Mount and Blade: Warband. Its one of my favorite games of all time. Its an RPG, party-system third and first person medieval simulator. You start the game by giving you characters stats (health, training skill, trading, ect) naming him/her and designing the face (traditionally as ugly as possible).
You pick a town to start in that belongs to one of the few major factions and roam around killing bandits and recruiting peasants. Those peasants grow up to be knights, crossbowmen, vikings, Mamelukes, etc. You can join a faction as a merc or they will recruit you into their house once you have enough renown.
When you get onto the battlefield you control your units while also jumping into the fray yourself. You can spears, swords, axes, bows, crossbows and assorted armor. With high enough stats you can be the spearhead unit of your army. The game fallows your mouse to control sword movements. This makes it so its less of a bash-fest and more of an actual swordfight. You can swing left, right, down or stab.
Its one of the best medieval games ever made. Bannerlord is going to be the squeal to that game.
Here are some visual comparisons between the two games: Here is the latest dev's website for bannerlord:
They're working on Bannerlord now. Don't know how long we'll have to wait, but I know I'm keen for it.
I'm working on a Game Maker thing that's like M&B writ small (read: not 3D, more like tabletop). Sort of like crossing Genghis Khan (the old Koei NES title) with Warlords. Don't know how long the wait is on that, either. :P
There are a bunch of decent mods out there: Sword of Damocles is one of my favorites, but it can seem a little scattershot at times. Good difficulty curve though... took more skill than Vanilla.
One thing I wish happened more often (so long as it still felt "organic," anyway) are the "robbery" events: when you go into town at night, and you're set upon by bandits. Maybe one or two of your party against seven or ten foes, bent on your murder. That, or if a town you oppressed in the past somehow remembered you and came after you. These are the kinds of things I'm hoping they really bring to fruition in Bannerlord (and seiges... PLEASE let them "fix" seiges).
Not only does Taleworlds have a writer, he's one of the lead designers. It's like the 5th line in the credits.
Here's an interview he gave a few years ago:
That said, there is a writer. Singular. You aren't wrong, they should hire some writers, cause one dude isn't enough to write the story for the entire game world. The history of the whole world, how factions interact, the main story, each side quest, each important quest, all companion stories, and anything new involving these things are probably on his plate.
Pretty sure I saw his name a few times elsewhere too, so maybe he's playing double duty ON TOP of all that.
Sturgians draw on a mixture of Norse, Slavic, Turkic, Uralic and Scythian influences. They're not just straight up Slavs.
Imo the Vaegirs were an analogue for the Kievan Rus:
Garðaríki = Old Norse for "realm of walls"
(Vaeg = Old Swedish for "wall") + (-ir as in "Sabirs", "Siberia")
Sturgians are supposed to draw from everyone who would later contribute to the culture of the Rus (Vaegirs). Some of their costumes feature copies of Scythian artifacts, for example.
Here's the relevant dev blog:
The "English Longbow" was adopted from the Welsh (represented by Battania). While in Bannerlord, Vlandia is represented as very Norman, Swadia was clearly a spin on "Swabia" and was intended to be pan Germanic, for which Crossbows were a broadly a better fit. The Normans themselves certainly favoured the longbow, but for the antecedents of Swadia, a more logical choice might be to instead make javelins more prominent.
Yes. You can read about the various levels of AI in this dev blog. If you want to see it in action you can watch this video from E3 2017.
if you mean Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord made by TaleWorlds Entertainment. having nothing to do with Kingdom Come: Deliverance
The last update on the dev blog was yesterday!
Blog from 2014 about factions - part about Battania is what you're looking for.
Also I definitely remember TW mentioned ambushes in some other early blog so it is actually a feature.
Found it:
“There have been many changes to the recruitment system. First of all, players can recruit base troops only from notables of fiefs. Some notables even provide higher level troops, such as archers or infantry, rather than just recruits. Depending on the relations with that particular NPC, they can provide a reduction in the recruitment cost or offer more troops for the player to hire. Some special troops, such as Vlandian Knights, represent minor nobility. These kinds of units have completely different troop trees. In the instance of Vlandian Knights, they can only be upgraded from Vlandian Squires, who in turn can only be recruited from NPC nobles. With this in mind, it is wise to maintain good relations with Vlandian nobles if your eventual aim is to have Vlandian Knights in your party. However, that’s not to say that you are restricted from acquiring heavy cavalry if your relations with the Vlandian nobility is too poor. You will still have access to Vlandian Men-at- arms, who are almost as skilled as Knights but aren’t as heavily armoured.”
In case anyone isn't familiar, I'm referring to the sequel to Mount and Blade: Warband. Bannerlord was announced six years ago and this is the page where they detail the game's features:
That's the thing. This is based on them early on. They're still not slavic speaking, and they haven't assimilated yet. I just read the dev blog again, and it mentions the viking influence much more than slavic. The terms they use are also Norse, as well as things like clothing.
I have tried to go about making this as a mod, but it cannot be done, the way the AI aims is completely hardcoded. Unfortunately, the modding blog actually suggested that this would also be the case in Bannerlord.
>Will it be possible to alter where the AI aims with ranged weapons?
>You can give them an entity to target.
Maybe we can create some sort of invisible entity for each troop and keep it positioned according to the troop's movement, but it seems like a horribly unwieldy way to get the result we want.
>One major change from Warband is how time progresses; the yearly cycle has been shortened to twelve weeks, which adds more importance to the changing seasons and ageing of characters.
It's towards the bottom :)
"Castles are now fully integrated with villages, which means that settlement produces goods and has economic impact. The four sides of a village can all be made into different types of production, with the unique option of turning one into a castle." Quote from here:
I never had an issue with the controls, so not quite sure what your problem with them was, but I'm sure the revamp will "feel" better for most people regardless.
No need to apologize, it's really interesting.
Yeah I had only gotten that impression because in their post that covered the music of the factions, they said "For Sturgia, the Viking-style faction for example we chose strong, deep sounding Davul drums..." So I just associated the Nords to the Viking-sounding faction.
I think you're right though, they probably have mixed ancestry. I'm a little sad that the Vaegirs don't seem so unique anymore, or maybe I'm just worried they won't have much cultural representation in the armor or weapons of Bannerlord, but either way it's interesting and I kinda like that they're being pretty historically accurate to a point. Thanks for clearing it up! This helps a lot.
Have you looked at any of the devblogs? There isn't a whole lot of information in them but they have shown a few new things like the bartering screen, as well as telling us they plan to overhaul the siege system.
You can take a look at them here.
Their last blog was in March, they also update the community on their official forums - They hired an English person to communicate with the community as they are a Turkish development house.
They are also not with Paradox anymore so I guess that makes development a bit slower.
Its in production they're a couple of screen shots out its looks amazing so far its got everything you would want and there really open to fan base suggestions.
engine video
screen shots
As others have said: Yes. Very muchly, yes. Although, getting Warband is better as it's pretty much the same game just with improvements and I think one added faction. It's a super fun game, really worth it. And they're currently in the process of making a second M&B. It's called Mount & Blade II Bannerlord and it looks awesome. You can look up some stuff on that here:
It's also worth mentioning that you get some really cool stories from this game. I'm usually more partial to multiplayer games where I can create cool memories or stories with friends (survival/sim games, stuff like that), but with M&B you'll find yourself telling your friends about this awesome battle where your army of 43 beat 86 Rhodok troops and captured the king and held him for ransom for two weeks until they paid you 4600 gold for his return.
Is it possible you heard the word Byzantine used as an adjective? Because of the history of the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the word Byzantine is often used to refer to decadent empires in decline - like a united Calradia that's about to fall apart in Bannerlord.
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. It's shaping up to be much like Mount and Blade Warband, but with some much needed improvements and modernisations to improve immersion. I've been playing a lot of M&B lately, and though the game is great it's definitely starting to show its age. Graphics, UI, character design, sieges, ect are all rather rough, and these are all set to be reworked. Aside from that, the devs seem to be going on a "don't fix it if it isn't broken" strategy, which I agree with. The original game got a lot of things right, but left a lot of room for improvement, so I'm excited to see it getting a more polished reiteration.
The devs have released a series of development diaries to give a preview of what Bannerlord will offer.
The new mount and blade. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord.
Though I guess you could call it an expansion to Mount & Blade II. Judging from the facial animations they're implementing I guess it will look a lot more on par with current generation games.
Just realised that none of the previous games has "II" in the title, so maybe we're looking at a new engine.
I love mount & blade. When is the new game coming out again? Went and found out myself, still in development. The progress looks promising, though.
APPROXIMATELY HOW LONG WILL THIS GAME BE IN EARLY ACCESS? “While we do not have a set date for a full release at this moment in time, we expect that the game will be in early access for around a year. Our focus is on ensuring that the game is fun and enjoyable rather than imposing a deadline that might have a negative impact on the final product.”
It's not an exact date, but a year was the expectation set by the company producing the game.
You mean this post they made about castles in 2018 ?
Could you link all those blogs. Looks like you've done your research. Would love to see the proof tho
Actually only 5. They went from 3 to 5 for bannerlord singleplayer:
"There are currently 60 people working directly on Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, plus 19 more people in different administration and support tasks – but let’s break these numbers down a little bit so that you can get to know us better. We have a design team which consists of 5 people, 2 of which are narrative designers."
That is consistent with what one of the lead programmers said too.
Also there is Slavic Battle Music, as Sturgia isn't just viking, it is chiefly inspired by the Kievan Rus' according to the official Sturgia dev blog.
I know right, because it's actually 10. The game has been in development since Warband released in March, 2010.
Some links on the subject:
TW Press Release where they mention when they started.
Actual Dev Blog with someone hired specifically to work on Bannerlord in 2010.
I think it'll be in good shape come March 2021 if not fully released.
> my understanding of Battanians is that they meant to be inspired by pre-viking age celts and picts, possibly even pre-roman
Battanians are inspired by a mix of different celts, both pre-viking and post-viking. "As readers have probably guessed, the Battanians are inspired by the Celtic peoples of Western Europe - in particular, the Picts, Irish, and Welsh of the early medieval era. For example, the Battanian king Caladog is partially inspired by Gruffydd ap Llywellyn, who dominated much of Wales in the 11th century."
I get my general descriptions of them from the Battle of Pendraic where they were said to unleash a great hail of arrows, along with constant mention of their archers in game and according to TW.
Your source also notes that they had strong cavalry as well, although tbf my original point doesn't make so much sense. Gauls had esteemed cavalry, but that doesn't meant they should be common place. I'll concede on that.
Still, I disagree with your proposed alternatives. Oathsworn are clearly meant to be the heavy infantry of the faction, even if their armour values don't quite reflect it. I'd swap your ideas for Oathsworn and Wildlings around. Oathsworn are versatile heavy infantry while Wildlings become dedicated lighter skirmish infantry.
I do not see any reason for your proposed highlander infantry. If Veteran Falxmen still exist, that just gives us a redundant shock trooper with less tactical flexibility than the Veteran Falxman. A veteran falxman already hits extremely hard, what can a supposed highlander do over something like that? They'd be the weaker choice in every way. That, and you kind of step on Sturgia's two choices of 2hander infantry in terms of uniqueness, which brings us to the next point.
The lack of common archers might be unique, but I don't see that uniqueness as a good thing. Everyone has some form of ranged units in their common roster, including Vlandia. On the field, their lack of shooting potential gets them abused badly and have a weird tendency to get outskirmished by everyone else. Its only their weird amount of cavalry that gets them by in autocalc.
And no, having a longbowman path wouldn't be less representative as a whole, seeing as the Welsh Celtic influence would remain strong, if anything they get more represented. On the contrary, your 2handed highlander isn't very representative of Celts.
10 years going on 11.
The game has been in development since Warband released in 2010.
Some links on the subject:
TW Press Release where they mention when they started.
Actual Dev Blog with someone hired specifically to work on Bannerlord in 2010.,
>Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord relies even more on CPU usage than Warband. Hundreds of characters, more advanced animations, an Inverse Kinematics system, individual AI, formation AI, combat calculations, (which do not change in respect to distance or visibility,) and many other requirements really increase the burden on the CPU. In order to accommodate this, our optimisation efforts are more heavily focused on the CPU. We generally try to use Data Oriented Design, which enables us to achieve high amounts of parallelism and core usage. Currently, 60-70% of the frame is fully parallel, which means it can, and will, use all of the cores of current and next gen CPUs for the foreseeable future, (the old engine generally used to use 1, or at most 2 cores.) This means that as new, higher core count CPUs begin to emerge, Bannerlord will scale well with the new hardware and players will be able to test bigger and denser battles. Currently our aim for battle sizes on current generation high end gaming CPUs is at 800 characters, at 60FPS.
No. And it’s the one feature that holds the most promise for revolutionizing the game. We ought to be clamoring for it! NPCs and the player should be able to die in battle, and old age ought to be a real concern. Clans would have to plan ahead, and protecting heirs would become really important. I know TaleWorlds has a lot on its plate, but I’ve been surprised at the lack of discussion of this missing system.
Here’s the developer blog post from a year ago discussing the mechanic:
It has been in development for 10 years, not 8.
TW Press Release where they mention when they started.
Actual Dev Blog with someone hired specifically to work on Bannerlord in 2010.
There is also nothing early about access that took 10 years to deliver.
And for anyone questioning that development for EA took 10 years, some links on the subject:
TW Press Release where they mention when they started.
Actual Dev Blog with someone hired specifically to work on Bannerlord in 2010.
Here's the Dev Blog about it from last year:
Not sure what the command does, exactly... if the GI is off by default and you're crashing it by turning it on, or it's on my default and you're crashing it by turning it off.
All of these newbies on this forum since release. The game has been in development since Warband released in 2010.
Some links on the subject:
Article on TW Press Release where they mention when they started.
Actual Dev Diary with someone hired specifically to work on Bannerlord in 2010.
This one?
The Khuzait Khanate draws its inspiration from the steppe peoples of central Asia. Genghis Khan's alliance is probably the best known example, thanks largely to the remarkable document, the Secret History of the Mongols, which chronicled the Khan's rise from lone fugitive to the ruler of one of the greatest empires the world has seen. The Khuzaits are based partially on the Mongols but also on their more modest cousins, the Avars, Göktürks, Kipchaks, and Khazars, who were more regional powers than global ones.
Don't take my word for it.
Here is talewords talking about the setting:
"The Aserai are based on the Arab tribes just before the great Islamic conquests of the seventh century, which created a diverse tri-continental caliphate whose scale and institutions don't really fit Bannerlord's political system. In the centuries before, the Arabs formed a series of confederations and kingdoms inside and on the margins of the Arabian and Syrian deserts."
Here’s a link to blog itself: source
This feature would have enormous RPing potential. When I first purchased the EA I wanted to RP as the ancestral founder of the later Sarranid Sultanate from Warband, so I was disappointed upon realizing I couldn’t join the Banu Sarran, having been required to create my own clan instead. :(
Not almost a decade, it is a decade now. It's been in development since April 2010.
Some links on the subject:
The game has been in development since the release of Warband in 2010.
Official blog with someone hired specifically to work on Bannerlord in 2010:
So you think trading right now is mindless and your proposed solution is to make it even more mindless? Good job...
You can't have dynamic prices without a significant degree of complexity. Dynamic prices are based on supply and demand which means you don't only need simulate that, but also design the system in such a way that it doesn't run itself in the ground, that the prices remain within reasonable ranges, that makes it easy enough to turn a profit (but also not too easy) and that is robust enough to withstand and recover from any scenarios that may result as a consequence of player or AI action. Then of course you need to design an AI system capable of handling and interacting with all this. You can probably imagine this gets very complex very quickly.
Warband had dynamic prices and its economy system was considerably more simple than that of Bannerlord because it was not interconnected with other systems like recruitment, but it was still highly complex nonetheless. The more complex economy system of Bannerlord is a natural consequence of the more complex and interconnected town management and recruitment systems, as was explained in the dev blog of 25/04/19: In other words, the added complexity of Bannerlord's economy over Warband's already complex economy makes the game more realistic and is necessary to support the improved cities and fief management of Bannerlord.
> Well sturgians, based on Vikings absolutely should have female soldiers
Nope. For a start, Sturgians are based on the Kievan Rus, who had some major Viking cultural influences but weren't really Vikings.
Secondly, Viking female warriors is a myth with almost no supporting evidence except a single case of a tomb, and you can read more about that here, from the blog of a female professor of Viking history. Her conclusion is that there is no supporting evidence for female Viking soldiers.
Games like For Honor propagate false-history myths that female Viking soldiers were a thing.
10 years, it took them 10. I see people say 8 a lot, but that's just when it was officially announced to the media.
Some links to prove it:
The game has been in development since the release of Warband in 2010.
Actual Dev Diary with someone hired specifically to work on Bannerlord in 2010:
Yes and no. TalesWorld intended for the PC to potentially bite the dust and have your heir take over. ( Tho they said you can disable that). However, seeing how abysmal it is to gain reputation with lords right now, I don't think that's a thing just yet.
You're clearly misjudging this scenario, and it seems like your projecting expectations that you are required to meet by your own managers, read this dev blog
So far as I can tell they are beholden to noone and they are as far from the average american tech company as it gets, which imo is a good thing. To be completely soulless and profit driven, like a company such as EA, would be the death of this franchise. I understand the disappointment that comes with waiting for the game to meet full release standards, but you also need to stop with the the judgements before fully understanding the situation.
Why not just read their blogs theyve been posting?
Also just because mechanics look similar does not mean they're the same, especially when using a new engine.......
This is a good place to start:
Obviously a bit dated, and some stuff may have changed since then, but it should offer some insight into a few of your questions.
I just want to point out that Armagan is the creator/founder and was also the programmer all the way through Warband.
You're probably right that he didn't make this decision, but, he very much can/will set it as he deems fit without anyone else's say as it's his company and his game and to a very large extent, his code.
I found this Developer blog that proves i'm not crazy and does in fact say you can start a criminal operation.
It is, admittedly, from 2017, but I also can't anything from them saying this is no longer a feature.
I've been counting the Humphrey's weekly for the last year or so. It's not a Thursday but we'll count this one anyway. Thanks for keeping us sane, Humphrey!
This is the 111th Humphrey and the 108th week since he first arrived on 1 March 2018.
Callback to the OG jpeged Humphrey and the glorious blog post that spawned it
Happy butterlording, everyone.