I think any sufficiently large site with relatively anonymous users and that skews towards a young, insecure demographic will do that.
Examples: tumblr, twitter, reddit. > Another reason kids persecute nerds is to make themselves feel better. When you tread water, you lift yourself up by pushing water down. Likewise, in any social hierarchy, people unsure of their own position will try to emphasize it by maltreating those they think rank below. I've read that this is why poor whites in the United States are the group most hostile to blacks.
>But I think the main reason other kids persecute nerds is that it's part of the mechanism of popularity. Popularity is only partially about individual attractiveness. It's much more about alliances. To become more popular, you need to be constantly doing things that bring you close to other popular people, and nothing brings people closer than a common enemy.
>Because they're at the bottom of the scale, nerds are a safe target for the entire school. If I remember correctly, the most popular kids don't persecute nerds; they don't need to stoop to such things. Most of the persecution comes from kids lower down, the nervous middle classes.
It's an inevitability, unfortunately. Even telling /r/justneckbeardthings that they're pathetic for doing this will just cause them to seek out another group that they can make fun of and feel superior to.
Can cyberbullying be stopped? Does a dog have buddha nature?
Maybe, but murky at best.
Since there's no legal definition of "armed" and "attack" is murky as well, at best it would be an enormous stretch.
NATO wasn't built or designed for cyber attacks (outside of a war) and trying to press it into such service is a bad idea.
But muh dildos. The left are extremely dangerous and we underestimate them to our own disadvantage.
Sun Tzu warned us of this.
Do Kaggle's tutorials instead for FREE
More resources that don't cost 1.8k for basic info -
https://www.safaribooksonline.com - This is the main resource I used during my beginning in data science. Tons of data science books and access to early releases which was huge.
If I were you, I would just focus on supervised learning first. Learn the basic concepts and just start building as many models as possible with sklearn. That's what I did and I feel like it accelerated my learning a ton.
Django has very good defaults and you can make pretty small Django applications. Not that Flash isn't a good framework, but if you would want to expand a website like OP suggested, you would probably be happy with Django's standard lib. For example: the admin, forms and authentication parts could come in handy.
I did some research because I'm curious and sick and can't sleep. It turns out he did.
Ironically he posts about it on his website (apricotsfromgod.com)- essentially the government sued and got a preliminary injunction ordering him to stop selling people his apricot kernel product. He violated that order and set up a shell corporation in Arizona where he kept selling apricot pits. The 5 years in jail was apparently a result of being held in contempt of court.
Also discussed in the book "Spam Kings", since Vale used email spam to promote his product: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/spam-kings/0596007329/ch10s03.html
Note: a few pro-Core shills have tried to counter this by arguing, from the other side of their mouths, that Bitcoin has no reference implementation.
To these people, we need to constantly refer them to Wikipedia, and ask / demand that these people edit Wikipedia to reflect what they're saying (Bitcoin has no reference implementation). Don't fight us! Fight Wikipedia.
Also they should argue with their best buddy Andreas Antonopolous, whose best selling book "Mastering Bitcoin" declares Bitcoin Core to be the "reference": https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/mastering-bitcoin-2nd/9781491954379/ch03.html
> Bitcoin Core is the reference implementation of the bitcoin system, meaning that it is the authoritative reference on how each part of the technology should be implemented.
Get it?
If you write any client that isn't fully compatible with Core, that's an altcoin
By definition: because it isn't compatible with "the Bitcoin reference."
There's always a bug you didn't foresee. Valve Broke The Computer Thingie is a very wide class of things. Sure, you could foresee coordinator downtime, but could you expect it to misreport the status of matches that you were actively trying to automatically track?
Take a breath, and write a blameless postmortem - it's not your fault, it's not your admin's fault, it's not Valve's fault, it's a situation that happened only because a chain of events, each of which individually should not have happened, any one of which could have stopped the accident had they gone differently, instead went in a direction that caused the accident. Blame blinds you to opportunity: what would have made these aligned mistakes less likely? What can you (as a programmer, as an individual, and as an organization that isn't Valve) do to make this alignment of mistakes less likely? What other layers could have prevented this alignment of mistakes from mattering? What similar alignments of circumstances are lurking nearby, now that you're looking at this as an entire system that collapsed, not mistakes that people should be taken to task for? No sense in going after the people involved -- after all, of everybody in the company, you folks are the ones least likely to make the same specific error again.
https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/site-reliability-engineering/9781491929117/ch15.html is worth a read here. Maybe it's a new process for y'all, maybe it's something you do as a software engineer but it's new to the admins, maybe you just need a reminder that even when Reddit is mad it's still real that blameless postmortems are the way to go -- if it's new, there's no better time for a first time.
So, first of all, Java doesn't have a long startup time.
Second, this shows a misunderstanding of both how compiler optimizations work and how slow they are. Doing optimizations like this is fast; JIT compilers are very fast, which is why they're so prevalent. Java intentionally late-binds optimizations like this. It does this so that it has information about the architecture and environment in which it will be run, so that it can optimize specifically for that architecture and environment. It also allows for some pretty cool hotspot optimizations that can optimize given the knowledge of which paths through the code are more frequent and which are unused.
Optimizing during JIT is a conscious decision made by the designers of the language, who are a lot smarter than either you or me; maybe try to understand why the decision was made instead of blindly criticizing it. There are pros and cons to every decision, but try looking at the pros instead of just focusing on the few cons to this one.
Network+ might actually be a little below your current level.
I would highly recommend a book called Network Warrior. The book is Cisco-oriented (but not from Cisco), and covers a wide and fairly deep range of topics, including basic network security.
I once switched departments because I wanted to and they had a "very real need" in that department...that materialized three months after I moved.
Use the time to educate yourself. Read read read. Sounds like you could do something long form. Check out getting a subscription to Safari Books Online (your office may already have one). Sign up for an online class.
It's actually a really great opportunity, and I would think twice about quitting unless you think you could get paid more elsewhere.
The bird on the left is an Auk, not a penguin. The main difference is that auks can fly, penguins can't.
The system renders the game at a resolution higher than the display resolution, then uses that information to increase the anti-aliasing effect, smoothing out jagged edges and tiny flitering in distant objects.
I presume you have a multicast server in one subnet and multicast receivers in another?
Multicast relies on an underlying IGP to find a loop free path through a network. In most cases, you simply need to enable the ip multicast feature on the switches in the path, enable ip pim sparse-mode on each interface in the traffic path, and configure a rendevous point (RP) in the path.
It would be easy enough for you to configure the RP from PIM Sparse Mode on the switch to which your multicast server is attached. Enable IGMP on your switches where multicast receivers are connected to the network, so that they can signal to the RP that they wish to subscribe to the multicast group to which your multicast server is sending traffic. That should be enough to support a very basic implementation of multicast on your network - there are plenty of basic tutorials on this from the likes of Denise Fishburne at networkingwithfish.com.
For a better understanding, a really great reference is Ron Fuller's IP Multicast Fundamentals course on Safari Books Online.
I'd also recommend reading Chapters 1-4 of IP Multicast: Volume 1 which will give you a good overview of Multicast fundamentals, IGMP, Layer 2 vs Layer 3 Multicast, PIM and Multicast routing.
Truthfully a generic book or all around title doesn't really help if you have experience. Might look for a specific cookbook. But 99% sure you will be working on Red Hat or a variation of it like CentOS so just use the free administration books from Red Hat. Learned a lot from them and I wasted money on generic books written by everyone else. Always ended up back online reading Red Hat documents.
Something basic - https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/linux-administration-a/9780071767583/
The book an set of docs I refer to are all free on red hat like Selinux https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/pdf/System_Administrators_Guide/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-System_Administrators_Guide-en-US.pdf
This piqued my interest, as I've never heard of this.
The manpage is here: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=malloc&sektion=9&manpath=FreeBSD+7.0-RELEASE
The flags are interesting. Especially the M_ZERO flag.
The type information is used for memory profiling and accounting, it doesn't really appear to be a different malloc underneath. https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/freebsd-device-drivers/9781457166716/ch02s02.html
Wow wow wow guys, you are reading too much into this. Hudi is just a way to store data in order to efficiently upsert data on HDFS. Let’s say you have table stored as partitioned parquet. If you want to update one record in a partition, you have to rewrite the whole partition. Instead, a hudi table will maintain a delta log as avro. The performance view is the parquet data only. The real time view combines the parquet base data and the avro delta log so that you get the up-to-date info. When hudi decides that it’s worth compacting the data, it flushes the avro log and rewrites the parquet blocks. Just watch their presentation at strata nyc 2018 on learning O’Reilly: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/strata-data-conference/9781492025856/?ar&orpq. There are even better alternatives on cloud like Databricks delta and snowflake.
Clojure has Ref Types, which are explicit constructs for handling a succession of values. With that you basically emulate a mutable variable. At any time you can say give me the value that is assigned to this ref. See https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/clojure-programming/9781449310387/ch04s04.html
Also since clojure is hosted you have full acess to java or javascript. Which eliminates the point made about having to somehow sell a multi million dollar rewrite to stakeholders.
Lastly clojure has transactional memory and ref types for concurreny built in, so you can transition from one state to the next without anyone seeing an inconsistent inbetween state.
Clojure is a very pragmatic language.
It was from a talk he gave a few months back that I attended. I do not think there is video or slides made public from it, though it seems Zendesk DS team has been giving similar talks all over.
EDIT: googled some and there seems to be a video on o'reilly but behind a paywall: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/strata-data-conference/9781491985373/video317340.html
The context is that they were classifying documents in customers' knowledge base and while the Logistic Regression worked well, it was trained per-customer and required a LOT of data per customer to get going.
They pursued NN for NLP so they could learn across customers and a new customer's very first document could be classified by the algo -- so the NN has a serious business value advantages over the logistic regression, which is why they stuck with it. But it took them a while to get the new setup going.
Use this as an opportunity to make yourself better. If the pay is good and the benefits are good, and the people you work with are nice, and you like your job otherwise - then it's silly to pick up and leave because of this.
Not to sound like "I walked to school in my bare feet" - but I started out before Google, Github and StackExchange existed. Ask for an account on Safari Books and use actual reference materials for everything. While it may not be as fast as doing a quick Google Search, I think that in the long run you will learn a LOT more this way.
Find the book on the topic, go directly to the index in the back of the book for the topic you're looking for and you'll generally find what you're seeking
RHCSA as of last week :-). As others have said, I recommend Linuxacademy.com, Jang's RHEL 7 book, and this video series: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/red-hat-certified/9780134193281/
you can get a free Safaribooks trial and watch it all, but I STRONGLY recommend you wait until you have finished linuxacademy labs AND the RHCSA section of Jang's book as it is not very in depth, just a review.
Also, I have created these flashcards that may help, I set them up backwards, so choose "see term first" when you use them. They helped me immensely. Just remember, for most of them, I set all paths to the absolute paths, not relative. https://quizlet.com/pathfinder2210/folders/rhcsa-cards
Opposing viewpoints:
OpenBSD's DeRaadt: "...incorporate it into a baby mulching machine if that turns your crank..."
Bruce Perens: "Your software must be equally usable in an abortion clinic, or by an anti-abortion organization"
safari books has a subscription model that gives you access to the full Cisco press library plus a lot of other really good technical books and video courses. Its relativity affordable too.
I feel ambivalent about this. I still strongly couple operation lifecycle with its attached values: an interruption signal is a request-scoped value (like any other).
Consider the case of boundaries in a distributed system, whereby request-scoped calls may use other backends (fan-out). A reasonable RPC system would serialize and deserialize attached context values across these boundaries — no? Wouldn't a top- or branch-level deadline be worth propagating to callees? If you agree to that premise, then it follows that a deadline is an attached value. For example function GetResource in Backend A is called with a top-level deadline or now+5seconds. GetResource calls Backend B's IsAuthorized method (serializing attached values), which receives (deserializes) that then+5seconds deadline. That deadline is propagated across a distributed caller-callee RPC boundary. That is a useful property.
Context admittedly elevates this deadline/interruption property above others in it's API, which may not satisfy purists. Then again, I would much rather have explicit and near-standardized cancellation contract than something fragmented or poorly understood. I cringe at the thought that things might become opaque like this.
The reason that you "shouldn't" call executables from another program is that making use of the PATH variable is not very secure. Someone will eventually use your program in an setuid context and then you have privilege escalation. (more reading here and here )
So if you can't use PATH, then you need to know the path of the executable at runtime, which introduces a huge amount of trouble with each distro having their own path for the executable, meaning that each distro has to patch your program before distribution, or you have to search all possible paths (until the next distro becomes popular and then your application breaks).
So you can call an external program in a secure manner, but there are a lot of ways to do it wrong, and the correct way isn't exactly pretty. Using a dynamic library fixes both problems, and is thus considered the more "professional" (safe) solution.
I agree that embedding the application is not a great solution either.
Legit No Shame Involved Shameless Plug : https://www.safaribooksonline.com/
Maybe you are ahead of yourself in your rhetoric. Maybe spend some time in the library and develop a niche for yourself and be asking yourself the entire time.
Whose problem am I solving with this?
If (SAAS : Software As A Service) is becoming prevalent ... ask yourself a question like this ...
How can you use your software skills to visualize the data the government provides? What insight into society can you cultivate by massaging data through government API's?
Judging by the rhetoric in your post it looks like you know the big phrases but you don't know the little phrases that give the big phrases their meaning.
I am not questioning your intelligence but software is a lot about vocabulary. It's what stymies me in the entire process. I am going through a process of trying to decide if I want to go through the vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and rhetoric building to become proficient in software engineering just for myself. I have the time to study and I have to decide if the pain and not anguish but if you have a mind for it.
Spend your time at the library and develop your niche that makes sense to you and then sell your Service in the form of the software you can create. Make some phone calls to local prestigious firms and give them two years advance notice that you would like to apply and ask them what they want you to study?
Take the guesswork out of your equation and call someone that you think you would qualify to work for if you knew what they wanted you qualified in and get that qualification.
Actually, there is! And it's both fascinating, and depressing.
The most average facial appearance effect:
> People find faces that approximate their population average more attractive than faces that deviate from their population average. In this context, population refers to the group in which a person lives or was raised, and average refers to the arithmetic mean of the form, size, and position of the facial features. For example, when pictures of many faces within a population are combined (averaged) to form a single composite image, the composite image is similar to the facial configurations of professional models in that population.
Here's an example by country. I'm not arguing that these are the most beautiful or the most anything (other than average.) But you can see symmetry and a lack of deviation make up the better part of society's beauty standards.
There's a funny implication that if someone is "average" looking, they're almost certainly don't have a literally average appearance.
The switches don't "die" technically.
Basically even a fresh new switch produces several clicks due to something called bouncing. But every mouse has an algorythm that mitigates that. But as switch wears out the metal spring inside it gradually loses elasticity and the bouncing period becomes longer and that algorythm cannot mitigate that anymore. Inb4 "why can't you make an algorythm that would account for that" - if you make it like that it'll cause much more button lag and not gonna actuate on light short clicks at all.
Well, this is very simplified but that's how it is in general.
Here's a pic to illustrate what i'm saying: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/making-embedded-systems/9781449308889/httpatomoreillycomsourceoreillyimages935490.png
This picture of Turing makes him look sort of handsome. Church didn't look terrible either. I couldn't find a flattering photo of Curry, though, but I'd definitely make sweet love to the language named after him.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Cookbook looks pretty good. RHCSA/RHCE Exam Guide by Michale Jang is also available now on Safari Books Online as well.
FYI -- you can get most of these books on https://www.safaribooksonline.com/ for $24/month. Basically, they have digital copies of thousands of technical books and then you can just read them on there. I am not affiliated with them, just a happy customer. If you are working for a mega-corp or attending a university you might already have access via their enterprise plan.
I generally advise people to use the documentation, info and resources that is provided by the ones making a product first. There might be a lot of other resources that may or may not be better, but getting it from the horses mouth is generally a good idea.
For Ansible it would be: https://www.ansible.com/resources/get-started and https://docs.ansible.com/ etc.
Reading books can also be a good idea when you want to dive more into it. Search on https://www.safaribooksonline.com/ (you can get a 14 day trial there, or maybe just pay for a subscription, it has a huge amount of useful books and video courses for IT professionals).
We have a Safari subscription through work and the content is really great. Every topic I've wanted I'm able to find books, entirely video based courses, study guides for the exams, etc. It's not cheap ($39/mo or $399/yr) but if you use it a lot it's still cheaper than buying books individually.
Edit: I'm a derp and forgot the link. https://www.safaribooksonline.com/
> Finally, note that the <= (less than or equal) and >= (greater than or equal) operators do not rely on the equality or strict equality operators for determining whether two values are “equal.” Instead, the less-than-or-equal operator is simply defined as “not greater than,” and the greater-than-or-equal operator is defined as “not less than.” The one exception occurs when either operand is (or converts to) NaN, in which case all four comparison operators return false.
From Javascript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition
If you want to read the part on Ecma, you can find it here. It is Section 12.9.3
I can only find the data for the java claim.
Edit: this is as close as I can get for the CLR bit.
As discussed there is no need to update the sticky.
Combining my other replies to you in the other thread to give context to others.
> A couple people have mentioned they say routing protocols on the exam but after chatting with them it seems to just be them misunderstanding the exam topics.
> OSPF is not on the exam but things like administrative distance and reading the routing table is, so asking what AD OSPF uses is perfectly fair game but asking how OSPF forms a neighbor would be not.
> As for CEF it could be a similar explanation, a non-graded question that Cisco throws in, or could be a bad question. We're at a impasse since you can't tell me about the question without breaking the NDA.
> Your missing the distinction and I feel it is important you understand the exam topics before you attempt again.
> The topic in my example is AD which boils down to "what are the AD values you would see in a CCNA level routing table" and that topic is covered in the ICND1 book. Odom and Lammle covers it by just showing the CCNA level AD values in a table and moving on, which is why it is important to read the books really well.
> Likewise the "understanding the routing table" topic boils down to what does O [110/13] via, 1d20h, GigabitEthernet2tell you? OSPF itself is not the question topic in that example.
> Ok let's try this > > This is the table that Odom uses to cover AD > > Using this table tell me what AD does OSPF use? What do you need to know about OSPF to answer that question?
If you're after similar material you should check out "Effective DevOps" on Safari Books Online. A reference to Richard Cook's whitepaper on this topic within the book is what brought me to the video.
>How many thousands planned it?
Far less than one thousand. [edit - I think that's an early map of the network from 2002 or so, in the immediate aftermath, so it's missing a couple key planners and centers more on the hijackers, but it's in the ballpark for size]
>How many millions celebrated?
Not many. 9/11 was of course before the Global War on Terror and its effects on global opinion.
>How many hundreds of millions didn't care at all?
Probably very few there, too. The World Trade Center was (go figure) a center of world trade. People in that building had connections around the world, which was part of what made it a target.
There's actually a 3rd Ed. coming out next year, Tom talked about it at LISA15. You can start reading some of the content on Safari Books as it comes out, and buy a hard copy whenever it prints. https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/the-practice-of/9780133415087/
*edit: though, like others have said, if you get the 2nd Ed. it's not like it's junk.
Text isn't very big, so as long as the books don't have pictures each book would take up an average of 1-5Mb. According to this source, the "average city library" contains 18,000 books. Taking the upper average of 5Mb per book, this ballpark average you're looking for would be about ~90Gb. I just got a 64Gb flash drive for $10, so I could fit an entire library on $20 worth of flash drives.
This is not including magazines, comics, videos, maps, and however much the average would be skewed with books with a lot of pictures.
TL;DR 90 Gigabytes
Get a redhat learning subscription from redhat. It's the best resource including labs. Second best is a subscription from https://linuxacademy.com . Another great resource is https://www.safaribooksonline.com .
I was looking for the same thing recently. I noticed that "Learning the bash Shell" covers this topic in Appendix C. "Loadable Built-Ins". They mention that example code can be found in the bash tarball under "bash-4.4.18/examples/loadables". Hope that helps.
<em>Fluent Python</em>, Chapter 4: Text versus Bytes. The most comprehensive coverage of the subject that I've ever seen.
That said, if you have some examples or details of what exactly you are having trouble with, we can probably provide more targetted information!
One book to rule them all? No, doesn't exist.
Not sure what level of knowledge you are at, so following advice assumes beginner.
First decision you might have to make, Java EE or Spring. Both are valid in my opinion and have their pros and cons. My recommendation, start with Java EE and progress to Spring. It is easier for Java EE knowledge to be carried over to Spring, not the other way round though. But no problem if you start with spring and want to be a spring specialist.
Regarding books. Always start with official documentation or tutorials, they explain the concepts the best. That should give you an idea of the building blocks and how your application may look like. Now you should've started having some targeted questions for maybe JPA, or Webservices or performance etc. Now you can look for books or blogs that solve that problem.
I would highly recommend taking a look at https://www.safaribooksonline.com/ they have a great collection, have video courses and now even live training. I think they offer a free trial, give it a shot.
These might help you
If you have SafariBooks, here is a condensed 'Command Reference Guide' which is about as close as you can get to a cheat sheet with such a vast amount of material.
I think this is a genuinely interesting question. Any of us who learned with Java or C# never had to ask, "Does this belong in a class?" because the answer was always, "Yes, always, no matter what." So it was interesting to me to learn C++, because despite its reputation as an OO language, it's actually strongly multi-paradigm. You're not supposed to use a class unless there's a specific reason to do so, and the language's creator said exactly what that reason is... to keep data valid, or in C++ lingo, to maintain an invariant. You're also not supposed to use inheritance unless there's a specific reason to do so, and Herb Sutter, a member of the C++ language committee, said exactly what that reason is... to implement substitutability. Every use of inheritance should be an implementation of the template and strategy patterns, and if it isn't, then odds are good you're misusing inheritance.
This is a little more accurate, since a range higher than 255 is invalid, but it's still not perfect.
^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}↵ (?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$
This is apparently the most correct way, according to here.
Sign up for Safari Books Online - (they have a free trial) - https://www.safaribooksonline.com/home/
You can read both and buy a physical copy of the one you like. Depending on the book I might read it all on Safari, or I might grab a physical copy.
Just to provide something different - https://www.safaribooksonline.com/
Gives you access to everything from O'Reilly, Cisco Press and Sybex which covers all of the popular books. They also have the official Cisco videos and the popular Pearson video series.
I'm a fan of CBT Nuggets, but I give my money to Safari because they have so much more.
Pandas uses numpy as its processor base, which calls in C and FORTRAN libraries. The general practice is to code what you need to run high-performance in C or Java, and use Python as a glue so you don't have to spend nearly as much time on boilerplate code.
Incidentally, there's a new book that focuses on Python for Finance. Most of the use-case focuses on data analysis and more efficiency in use, but it does mention tie-ins to C/FORTRAN libraries or compiled code when necessary for performance.
I would suggest following the up-to-date instructions from Microsoft here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/
As for free books, sign up for a free trial for Safari Books Online (they won't ask for your credit card or anything just for the trial), and read this excellent book:
<whisper> when your free trial expires you can sign up with another email address </whisper>
The examples aren't great - for example, in "write code that expresses intent": set_numeric_thumbnail_size
talks about numbers right there in the name... but then it takes a string such as xsmall
as a parameter.
Descriptive variable names can be useful sometimes, but $elapsed_time_in_days
is on the other extreme. I don't think he noticed the disconnect here between the "variables are your nouns" and "here's a phrase that looks fine on its own". Does well-written prose repeat phrases such as "elapsed time in days"? Only when it's trying to make a point, and I suspect the key point in the code that needs this variable is perhaps not that the time is elapsed, and measured in days - as such this risks obscuring important semantics. Too much verbiage is not a sign of clean code.
"Comments are often lies waiting to happen" - the slide content would typically emphasise "document why, rather than what/how" instead.
anyway, I think the original 3-letter summary is actually pretty accurate - there are elements of useful content in here, sure, and it's hard to do an awesome summary of the topic in just 10 minutes. Overall I'd be inclined to point people towards the referenced "clean code" book and other sources rather than this talk:
There are lot of blogs and tutorials on internet for django deployment. But if you want to learn in detail , i would like to recommend you to read books on <strong>Safaribooksonline.com</strong>
Django Deployment Workshop this video tutorial will help you
I think you can improve by using Construction lines to help shape out the head. Also using plain paper helps.
I can vouch that this is a great book.
Book : https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/introduction-to-machine/9781449369880/
Git repo with jupyter notebooks : https://github.com/amueller/introduction_to_ml_with_python
Definitely recommend this book before you even get started.
Also don't go OOP just because, plenty of problems don't automatically gain anything from being wrapped up in classes. Obviously if the project benefits from it, run with it, but it often introduces overhead without actual improvements in clarity or maintainability.
> 7) Computer Doing the Difficult Work > A good game must be filled with interesting choices and if the player wants the computer to take care of difficult tasks then they must be able to do so.
Makes me think of "excise" from About Face. You can see the introduction of the chapter here.
How this applies to game design, is what parts of the game are fun to control and what parts would be better off automated? In an RTS, the individual units are given some autonomy. You tell them to go somewhere, and they'll find a path that gets them there. If they're in range of an enemy maybe they'll shoot automatically. But in a platformer, if you just told Mario where to go and he found his own path there, that would eliminate the fun part. In an FPS, you want to control when and where the character shoots. But to have to control at that level of precision would be unmanageable in an RTS.
I'm also waiting for this. Release Date: April 2017 ; According to https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/programming-rust/9781491927274/ . However you can read early release version via Safari Books Online.
One alternative to buying books is safari books online (https://www.safaribooksonline.com) which starts at $39 / month. If you're a fast reader (who doesn't need to keep the books for reference) this is a fairly cost-effective option -- and (if you're working) your company will often subsidize this anyway.
(On the other hand, if you work for a company that won't pay for your source textbooks, then I'm sorry. That's just poor cost management.)
Clock speed stopped growing exponentially (or much at all) way back in 2005. CPUs do keep getting faster, due to more and cleverer cores, though.
I agree that the computation/energy efficiency is important, but the society-impacting needs we have for better batteries have little to do with electronics; they're about utility energy storage and transport (fully- or partially-electric vehicles), which are vastly more demanding than the uses for portable electronics.
The Missing Manual does a slight better explanation, and they show you this little cheat sheet.
Rack and cabling infrastructures, go for the standards : TIA-942 and TIA-606, a bit dry but well worth a read ino.
I don't know of a single book that covers everything else, it depends how deep you want to go. Get a safari subscription and poke around.
If you're a university student (or even a former one, like me), check to see if your academic email gives you access to O'Reilly Safari. I'm reading the whole second edition online now for free.
Note that equations don't seem to display correctly for me in either Chrome or Edge, but they do show up correctly in Firefox.
I'd recommend checking out Safari. For about $30 a month or so you get access to loads of books. I know when I had a subscription still (left my old job and they cut off my access) I was looking for CCNA books and found dozens of them on there. Plus just about every other topic you can think of. They have an iPad app and it works just like the Kindle app for the books they have. Have a lot of videos, test prep books, etc as well.
The part about "After a certain amount of time"
You could execute the script and add in some "Start-Sleep" sections to delay the actions:
Yes - I hear you. I really appreciate Larry recasting the three great virtues of a programmer - laziness, impatience and hubris .... to ... dedication, patience and humility (https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/open-sources/1565925823/ch11.html) - these sound like good brand values for Perl 6 to me!
Since standards update so often I find that it's easier to start a bookmark folder for whatever language / framework you are learning, and find websites that can serve as that.
A few suggestions if you are just starting out:
Code Academy - https://www.codecademy.com/
[Do a free trial, requires no credit card, when it lapses sign up again under a new email]
Safari Books Online - https://www.safaribooksonline.com/home/
[Same deal, do a free trial, requires no credit card, when it lapses sign up again under a new email]
Mozilla Developer Docs - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript
I agree with dingoliv, this really is the best resource for levelling up your Python skills.
If you don't mind an electronic format and would like to save money:
You can get a free 10 day trial subscription to O'Reilly's https://www.safaribooksonline.com/home/, without needing to enter a credit card number and worry about forgetting to cancel later. I'm reading Fluent Python on there, and clipping each chapter into Evernote to read whenever I want later. Another advantage of reading it online is that Mr. Ramalho provides tons of excellent links to other resources.
I just started on Eloquent JavaScript myself, it does seem like a great resource!
Do yourself a favor and use the combo I suggested. There are really good books about it like Web Scraping with Python: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/web-scraping-with/9781491985564/ requests is order of magnitude easier to develop (especially when using cookies, user-agent, etc) Python2 is end-of-life. Don’t use it except if you have no choice. lxml is generally faster than beautiful soup, and if you work with severely broken html, you can still use beautiful soup with the lxml API.
For starters, one of my favorites https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/mysql-fifth-edition/9780133038552/
Then for in depth, the online docs are pretty good, plus the internals section depending on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/
Nice tips! Minimalism is at the heart of C so these are useful things to keep in mind. Reminds me also of certain principles from Forth.
This line confused me a bit though:
> Putting FILE *
pointers directly into an API mingles it with the C standard library in potentially bad ways.
Do you mean bad in terms of minimalism?
If there is one thing I learned is this market is to never hope for the breakouts. And even if they DO move up, then it's ok to still not buy in and wait for them to confrm
I say like William Eckhardt, What feels good is often the wrong thing to do.
This link may be helpful. Particularly, note the section on advantages/disadvantages of mmap.
Performance benefits depend on the size of the file and access patterns, but potentially yes. I don't think you'll see much of a difference for a sequential read, but for non-sequential read on big files, it can be significantly faster as only the pages containing the regions you actually access will be automatically loaded by the OS (via page fault) when you access them.
Regardless of performance benefits though, there's a large conceptual benefit in that you can simply map the file into memory, operate on it, and the OS will (eventually) save changes as you work on it -- assuming a shared mapping. (That could be when you call munmap when you're done with it though, so use msync if there are times when you want to be sure it gets written.)
As you said that this is largely a learning exercise, this is a great tool to learn how to use. When it's useful, it's really useful. Go look up "virtual memory" and/or take a course on operating systems when you have a chance to get the full story of what's going on here.
This article covers sending serial data to the arduino: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/arduino-cookbook/9781449399368/ch04.html
If you use the serial pins that are directly connected to the USB interface, you should be able to send data directly to it. You will need to work out how to format your data - send it as raw bytes or formatted ascii text. You'll have to sort out the java side yourself, but it should be pretty easy.
Hope that helps.
It doesn't matter at what level the language is, there will be constructs that will emerge to solve problems that share similar structures. These are captured as design patterns.
They say nothing about the expressivity of the language, they are more an expression that the language is being used to solve a lot of different problems.
No offence, but there's enough wrong with your code that shows a lack of understanding of how libgdx works. For instance, you shouldn't be generating and disposing fonts every render call. I recommend you read through a couple of books on libgdx which you can do at safari books with a free trial, and follow the structure of the superjumper demo game more closely.
Access to all the books and videos that you will need for any cert, business, and technology you can imagine. It's a little expensive $399/year or 39.99/month, but I think for the price and the amount of information you gain access to is worth it. Plus you can write off the subscription on your taxes.
On top of that, you can register the books at the various publishers sites to gain access to various resources as well.
You can also find "Rough Cuts" of books that have yet to be released.
Take a look at these slides :
If you have access to safari, the author of the above slides has given a very comprehensive class on concurrency here: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/java-concurrency-livelessons/9780134070957/
Based on this book:
>If a server receives conflicting information from a user, requires more information, or simply wishes to decrease the risk of a fraudulent authentication, it can issue an Access-Challenge packet to the client. The client, upon receipt of the Access-Challenge packet, must then issue a new Access-Request with the appropriate information included.
I've only ever seen it used for 2FA, but there doesn't appear to be a requirement for user interaction. I suppose it's possible it might be used when coupled with EAP/PEAP certificates. It's also possible it's sending an access-challenge if the user enters incorrect credentials.
What's your goal with the comp sci degree? New career? I'm not a hiring manager, but it seems odd to go for a masters in CS without a bachelor's. A lot of people get jobs with just a bachelor's degree, so I don't know what it would look like on a resume to see a masters in CS, but no bachelors. I don't think one course could really make up for missing 4 years of CS classes, there is just too much to cover. You would most likely be lost in the masters program.
If it's a new career you're after, and you do a bachelor's degree, try to get an internship during the summer. They usually pay pretty well, and don't expect that much of you.
As far as the age gap, I would say unless you're over 35, most students probably won't notice. Unless you're a girl, most CS classes are like 95% guys.
As far as skills to brush up on, it's a little difficult since the industry is so big. Everybody will give you different languages that they think are useful. Some universal skills that would be useful:
1) Source control, specifically Git. It keeps track of file changes over time. It's an industry standard. There are others like SVN and Perforce. You can make your own repository at github.com and play around with it.
2) What the unix file system looks like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_filesystem
3) How to navigate on the Unix command line: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/learning-the-unix/1565923901/ch01s02.html
is an operator (like -eq
and -match
) and it does string formatting, it takes a string on the left and some values on the right.
The values go where you put the placeholders {0}, {1}, {2}, etc.
but the placeholders have their own mini template language for number formatting - padding with zeros, limiting number of decimal places, showing as a percentage or currency, putting commas in long numbers as people would write them, do things like accounting formatting - negative numbers get parens around them, positive numbers don't.
'{0:D6}' -f 52 # 000052 '{0:F2}' -f 52 # 52.00 '{0:C2}' -f 52 # £52.00
Pluralsight has a deep programming catalog, but they are now developing their networking portfolio. If all your company will pay for is Pluralsight, it's still not so bad, because their CCNA series by Ross Bagurdes is quite good, although not as popular as CBT Nuggets and the other big names.
However, you can ask your company if they would pay for a Safari subscription for you.
With Safari, you can get the Cisco Press CCNA books and videos for free, including the excellent Odom CCNA Official Certification Guide, as well as Kevin Wallace's outstanding CCNA video series, along with thousands of other titles.
It is $39 per month for individuals, and they offer companies special plans for employees. They also offer a free 10-day trial so you can see if you like it before you commit.
Safari is way cheaper than CBT Nuggets, and for the CCNA, it's probably far better value for money.
Which safaribooks series are you starting? David Miller has one that is roughly 50 hours, which was great. I also recommend checking out Sari Greene's Exam Prep, which is roughly 5-6 hours and it goes over the more difficult aspects of the major domains and general tips for the exam (for me, this definitely bumped me into passing territory and I felt a lot more comfortable going into the exam):
I'd also recommend the Sybex practice tests as well. You need to register on the following site and and it will ask you to "confirm" you have the book by answering a question (ex: what is the 3rd work on the caption for picture 3.2). Answer this by using the Sybex book on Safari and then register your access code and you'll have access.
http://www.wiley.com/go/getsybexpin https://sybextestbanks.wiley.com/public/index/login??page=register
I found this website much easier than printing/writing down the answers and checking; plus you can customize the quizzes that are generated on the site.
I'd skip Packt and go for Safari:
They get most of the Packt content anyways, plus many other publishers. They also have mobile apps for iOS/Android with offline viewing capabilities.
Look into some CISSP study chapters... ~~an inch deep but a mile wide.~~ Additional Info: There is an entire focus area on Certificates and Encryption technology for studying for the CISSP. Most material covers strengths and weaknesses of various technologies. There is a saying among test takers that the CISSP is an inch deep but a mile wide. So if you grab a pdf or any modern study guide - or video training package, you will find a interesting section on encryption and crypto (including certificates). I liked the cissp series that was here (and its free trial) https://www.safaribooksonline.com/pricing/
On all Juniper devices, access to the device control plane itself is through the loopback interface. A filter applied to interface lo0 will see any traffic to the device itself, regardless of the actual device IP it's going to. An example for SSH is here - although it says it's for EX9200 and SRX, I know all other EX and MX work the same way, and I would imagine the ACX is the same.
The Juniper MX Series book has a chapter on RE protection - it's the basis of what I have for my MX, SRX and EX. Again, should be the same for ACX. https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/juniper-mx-series/9781449358143/ch04s01.html
The exit pupil is a measurement of the shaft of light being emitted by the eyepiece in a telescope. Your eye doesn't have an exit pupil; it has an entrance pupil. Your pupil can dilate to 5-7mm depending on your age, health, and ambient lighting conditions. Here is a technique to measure your pupil diameter using Allen keys: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/astronomy-hacks/0596100604/ch01s08.html
I'll just be selfish here and give my opinion.
I really enjoy the flair trend posts. I'd like seeing how support for faded teams wanes, and how support for still-in-it teams grows. Imagine how cool it would be to see a stacked region graph like that which eventually ended up with two growing segments indicating the SCF matchup?!
I think that the ability for a user to change their bandwagon flair should be the silver lining to seeing their chosen team get eliminated. Especially since everyone likes an underdog story, and are likely to bandwagon "lesser" teams.
This is why I wish the bandwagon flairs weren't locked down. I don't think of them like a playoff bracket that can't be changed once it's set.
Just last week I was reading a book about symmetry (by Henri Bacry) which talked about durer and used this picture. I'm curious too.
ps: duckduckgo was nice enough to answer an ancient renderer made modern
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Third Edition
by Kurt Akeley, Steven K. Feiner, James D. Foley, David F. Sklar, Morgan McGuire, Andries van Dam, John F. Hughes
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Release Date: July 2013
ISBN: 9780133373721
Preview here: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/computer-graphics-principles/9780133373721/ch03.html
Either your body has taken care of it past the point that your nerves pick up on the pain.
OR you brain starts treating it as white noise and tunes it out. https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/your-brain-the/9780596517786/ch04s06.html
Have been going through both of these books using https://www.safaribooksonline.com/ and there is a video series there to accompany Effective Python. The subscription is not exactly cheap, but I got one of the deals, and it has been very useful to push further, as there are all the O'Reilly books, plus much more, also doing 2 other video series on there, Object Oriented programming, Designing Data Structures in Python, along with other algorithm series, other python titles I have perused a few chapters, and dozens of books, series waiting in my queue. If you can stump up the subscription, and have the time, as everyday there is another title I add to my queue; Safaribooksonline.com is a great resource full of great resources.
> You could make some kind of notation to delete a certain amount of leading whitespace on each line.
That's sorta how multiline strings work in scala. But scala gives you a convenience method to strip the left margin.
see if your library has this book, goes over the basics: harmony, drum machines, hardware, DAWs and plugins, effects, etc (it's recommended in the /r/edmProduction sidebar
that sidebar's excellent as well: /r/edmproduction/wiki/resources and:
I'm taking the exam tomorrow morning, the last two weeks you should start practicing all the RHCSA objects every day. I recommend you to watch Sander's "RHCSA Final Exam Workshop" which he discusses exam tips, common exam traps, pitfalls, and difficulties. You can watch it on safaribooksonline.com, create a free two weeks trial account to watch it for free.
I'm studying for the new exam myself, here is the book I'm reading. This is the only website I have found that has it available right now too.
that would return true or false, not 1..
for anyone that is interested. he's trying to use type coercion, which isn't a very good programming paradigm, in my opinion. you're not being explicit about the intentions of your code, and, as you can see, mr. fancy pants here just broke our app trying to showboat.
The background isn't as blurred as it "should" be. Having the subject in sharp focus and immediately having everything else out of focus gives that professional look most people strive for.
It's an absolutely gorgeous shot, but OPs friend will soon learn more about adjusting aperture settings and manipulating the shutter speed to allow the proper exposure. As it stands, it's a decent quality photo and if they shot in RAW, there's a lot of manipulation that can still be done!
Edit: Blurred background example from my own engagement shoot. There are better examples somewhere but she only put a few up as a preview - and we actually didn't want a lot of the backgrounds blurred out because it's such an important spot for us!
i think A. Ruppe's D cookbook addresses the language/stdlib/unit test/ddoc aspects of your bullets pretty well (but not free resource, of course): https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/d-cookbook/9781783287215/