This app was mentioned in 20 comments, with an average of 2.15 upvotes
Was using AutoGuard...but in order to save to SD you need to buy the pro version, so that was uninstalled.
Currently using AutoBoy Dash Cam, and it's been working great so far:
You probably have one in your pocket already mate :)
I use this one.
It's free and does the job! (Just remember your charger if you intend to use the GPS feature as well lol)
I have a V20 with 10k zerolemon and a dashcam.
One thing I notice was V20 would barely run when its hot from the sun (CPU throttle?)
Zerolemon might have help with the bigger back case.
I think there is a maximize video recording limitation because I remember getting that while recording a concert.
But seems there are apps for this:
As long as it auto records when power on (ie when car is turn on) Auto delete after a certain space used (so old file gets deleted when needed space for new video)
I haven't tried this way. I am using my action camera and turn it to dash cam since it has those auto start, record. Turn off when no power and record/delete when full options.
There is a don't record with no motion, but I turn it off cause there is a delay.
> I’ve wanted to get a dash cam for a while
You got an android device? Try this out. Pretty amazing little app to tide you over until you commit to a normal cam.
I posted this elsewhere in this thread, but figure couldn't hurt to put it here too.
This is a really good free app that pretty much does everything a regular dashcam does. Worth dl'ing and using it while you decide on if you get a standalone cam.
I just flip around my gooseneck phoneholder so the cam can shoot out the windshield. It has a bunch of nice extras included... might want to give it shat.
I wish they suggested an app that could be specifically tailored to being a dash cam rather than sending us into the abyss of the play store to find one that works
Edit: I found one that seems to work well (with ads) that's still actively developed. AutoBoy Dash Cam - Black Box.
It's been a while since I used it but I have AutoBoy Dash Cam Pro
They have a free version:
Pro Version:
> what about using an old phone?!
Sun/heat, especially if you're using the phone for navigation as well.
I used Autoboy and Driver for years as my cabin-facing camera on my phone which doubled as my navigator. I had my phone mounted in such a way that it was usually shaded from the sun, but it would still occasionally overheat and auto-shutdown.
In the end, just having the live video PIP in the corner seemed like enough of a deterrent, so I stopped recording at all times in order to avoid overheating.
Don't you have an old smart phone lying around? If you do then on android download autoboy dash cam and it will work way better than any dash cam i ever bought.
Sorry you went through this and I really hope your dog is OK and you make that A-Hole pay.
I have 2 dobermans that I walk usually twice a day and many times have had off leash dogs and children run up to mine, The thing is while they are sweet and not aggressive they would probably kill most dogs and injure the kids if they felt threatened. they are around 80 - 90 pounds of Muscle and fierce love.
to protect myself from liability I keep an old cell phone on my belt that runs a Dash Cam program while I have my dogs. It isn't perfect but it shows my dogs are on leash and records audio as well.
This is the one I am running but there are many out there that are free to use:
Nice thing about these dash cam programs is a lot of them use time stamped video and GPS location so if you ever had to use it in court you would have your documentation.
A dashcam app should do the trick. I use and love Autoboy blackbox, it supports background recording and auto/start stop based on bluetooth or power connections:
Edit: Forgot to mention it's free with ads, with a one-time payment option to get rid of them.
I just downloaded an dash cam app called AutoBoy Dash Cam - Black Box Its 100% free and has no ads on it. I figured since I always have my phone on me it would work perfectly. This app is great and has many awesome features. It has the ability to record in the background as well as with the screen being off (saves a lot of battery). My phone has an SD card slot and this app is compatible with writing onto an SD card. You can also set the max amount of memory you want to dedicate for this app so it wont fill up your memory. It automatically delete old videos if you do not need them. You can also connect the app with your youtube account to automatically back up footage. I have a phone mount on my windshield and it records a nice it doesnt have the wide angle of a dashcam but its good enough. The only thing I bought was a $2 USB charger for my car that way I can charge my phone during longer trips and not have my battery completely drained. I've been using this method everyday for the last few months and I can't be happier.
All the phone needs to do is record and know when it's moving which can be fine through GPS.
Lots of good free apps:
AutoBoy Blackbox,
4 apps that do the same thing. And that workaround is obviously easy to implement on any android device that has a GPS and a camera.
Here's four of them. There are a lot more.
or get an app