This app was mentioned in 104 comments, with an average of 3.68 upvotes
It's open source, it has everything I need, and the community loves it.
Also the dev is pretty active on /r/bitwarden.
I use bitwarden as my password manger, I haven't looked at last pass in a while but when I did, I didn't like it. Bitwarden is simplified has firefox and chrome extensions and others and syncs between them all and has an app
>I have so many logins I’m forgetting them and locking myself out
Get Bitwarden to manage your passwords, then you'll only need to remember 1 password. Available for all mobile platforms and desktop web browsers. And the best thing about it is it's free. Android | iOS
As for time management, I'd go with the higher-paying apps/sites first. If any of the lower-paying ones have sign-in bonuses or the like, I'd at least get those done. Then I'd use the lower-paying ones only if the higher-paying ones are being fruitless at the moment. That's my 2 cents.
You need to install the Android App and can set up Auto-fill login.
Why not just use BitWarden to store your passwords, which has a fairly robust password generator that can auto-populate new entries into your database as you make them?
Just use a password manager. Can recommend Bitwarden.
Bitwarden is an open source password manager with TOTP built in. 2 very useful features in 1 app!
It also has cloud backup and sync built in.
Google Play:
What do you mean? I just use BitWarden to cover all my passwords across all browsers and on Android, PC etc in general. I'd recommend that over another browser actually. Free, open-source and security audited, and there's a subreddit where the Devs are active on. Personally to me, the best one out there.
>* Bitwarden: An open-source free password manager. Syncs through all the devices.
Is it better than 1Password? If so, why? Always used 1Pass but I'm open to new suggestions
go to the web based playstore and search for the app.
at the address bar, after "id=" is the package name.
package name: com.x8bit.bitwarden
Can you use Bitwarden to save the password (when you auto-login however you do currently). Then just reinstall Bitwarden and all your passwords are saved.
The great thing about password manager: they can auto-generate passwords for the accounts that need them, and merely remember the custom password for those that don't.
If you have a shared account you use for a TV, you can just come up with an easy to remember password for that account, save that easy to remember password in your password manager so that it's quicker to log-in to everything other than your TV, and manually log-in to the TV like you would normally.
As for your Fire tablet comment, like the other person already said: Bitwarden has an Android app (and so will any other password manager you choose), it's quite literally easier to use a password manager on your tablet than to manually log in to everything.
If you want the addons to work in stable Firefox, use Fennec F-Droid, or, as u/Marruk14 suggested, install the Bitwarden app and enable autofill. It will function in any app
Bruh just use a proper password manager like Bitwarden or any other password manager suggested in the megathread.
Here's an ad-free, free to use password vault/generator app that supports auto-fill login credentials, and can import saved passwords from any browser. It made things way easier for me, I hope this helps even for just a little
Another vote for Firefox. I recently switched from Chrome on all my devices and it's really easy to import your saved data into Firefox. I don't regret the switch at all.
Also recommending a password manager, Bitwarden is an excellent choice, even though I still use the browser's inbuilt manager for some less important passwords ^^'
Ich gebe mal die Empfehlung BitWarden weiter, die hier mehrfach im Thread aufgekommen ist, weil es wirklich modern und einfach zu bedienen scheint und sich vollautomatisch um die Synchronisation der Passwörter kümmert.
Für iOS:
Für Android:
Link to app you download please?
Set up a password manager, Samsung has a good one built in plus you can install apps in the secure folder, basically Sand boxing them. Bitwarden is also very highly rated.
If your really that dubious factory reset your phone and start again.
If your coming from Ios you'll find a few things that will surprise you, Apple ( quite brilliantly) makes things as basic as a user needs, Androids the opposite, there's an app for everything, it's just finding one you can trust, and one you like.
+1 a bitwarden, la uso hace 1 año aprox(? Fui saltando por varias y con esta me quedé.
Podes entrar desde la web si te olvidas el celu o te lo roban ~~como al capo acá presente~~ y en el celu si tenés lector de huella y no querés poner la pass cada vez que lo abrís, podes desbloquearlo con la huella, para más placer. Tiene autocompletado, aunque lo tengo desactivado esto, y otra opción para importar las cuentas desde otra app así no lo haces manualmente la primera vez.
BitWarden espero mí millón de dólares por la propaganda.
PD: LastPass también era recomendada pero no llegué a probarla.
...or any password managers
Bitwarden - Try this once ����
I recently switched from Lastpass to BitWarden, and I've been really liking it.
Hope you enjoy your new phone.
My advice would be to extensively explore the settings on a quiet day, when you have time to really get into and get comfortable with all the options.
For example, do you want the ambient screen on all the time? Or just when you pick the phone up? How much info should the notifications reveal?
Do Not Disturb mode is really helpful, maybe set it so that the phone is quiet, but you can still see notifications. I find that helps with productivity.
Try the dark theme, it's great!
Look at all the stuff in the "gestures" menu (pulling down the notifications shade with the fingerprint reader is especially useful.)
Additionally, feel free to look at my personal Wallpaper Collection.
There are a lot of "bad" apps on the PlayStore that may perform their advertised function and have millions of downloads, but they are filled with ads or require too many permissions with the purpose of collecting your data.
It's always worth it to check out other options, see which apps by smaller developers might have better aesthetics and less ads/permissions. If there is a paid version for something, I would recommend spending the dollar or two for a better experience. By the way: if you don't like a paid app, just uninstall it within 15 minutes of trying it out, and you get an automatic refund!
Personally I have a philosophy of having absolutely zero ads on my phone, and I install apps accordingly. It's a totally different experience from my friends Samsung, where the experience is full of pop ups to sell you more jewels for some game or another.
Bitwarden for secure password storage
Overdrop for a gorgeous weather app.
Calendar Widget: Agenda by Francisco Franco for a beautiful calendar on your home page
Subscriptions to track periodic expenses
Telegram for chatting, if you can get a few friends or family members to also try it out.
Sync for Reddit (pay to disable ads)
(advanced) (not on Play Store) Blokada for systemwide ad blocking. I recommend downloading v.3.7 for a better UI
Reigns: Her Majesty or Reigns: Game of Thrones
Pocket City (paid)
Catbird (pay to disable ads)
Florence (more an artsy VN experience without text)
Some last words
iOS does a great job at offering even the dumbest user a very aesthetic, safe and pleasant smartphone experience.
On Android, with much more choice and freedom, you could easily end up with a cheap, slow, ugly phone that's bloated with advertisement.
However, with the right device and apps, you can also achieve a beautiful and minimal smartphone experience that enhances your daily life with aesthetics and purpose.
Having a Pixel, you are halfway there.
Bitwarden : Shifted from Enpass. Meaning to do this like forever. Thought new year would be a good start.
Signal : Trying to ditch whatsapp
Solid Explorer : A solid file manager
Unit Lab : Comes from the creater of Bouncer, this is a unit converter app which also includes Currency.
Another pro from Infinity is that it is open source. You neew the izzyondroid repo on f Droid.
This are my favorite apps right now
Bitwarden has a mobile app that will do auto fill (on Android, I have no idea about iOS)
Bitwarden Password Manager
Bitwarden. Free and open source.
Try Bitwarden
Long list I know, but I went through and pulled out all my most used apps. I avoided the more obvious ones Like FB, Spotify, etc. Some are only available in f-droid or XDA.
EDIT: I somehow missed Tasker.
List made using List My Apps
LastPass ➡️ Bitwarden
Bitwarden. That's all you need. But still pay for it!
My list is given below:
List made using List My Apps
Useful apps that I use regularly are:
Warden (on fdroid or xda)
adguard (on their website, not the play store)
Bitwarden is my friend
Essential / use the most: * AdGuard download from there website * Bitwarden * Bundled * [Deezloader] download from Telegram channel * Firefox Preview * Infinity * Lawnchair * Retro Music * Sesame * WhatsApp * [YouTube Vanced] download from there Telegram channel
List made using List My Apps
Welcome to the team.
Install "Blokada 3.7" from this website for systemwide adblocking for browsers.
Try Bitwarden for a really good password manager.
Look at this beautiful calendar widget.
Function & Aesthethics
Take a chill hour or so to really explore the available settings and features to try stuff out and get familiar. Maybe you want your Ambient Screen on or not. Maybe you didn't know about Live Caption but now you'll try it!
Personally, I recommend a spirit of minimalism to go with Pixel's design philosophy, and setting up a new phone is a great opportunity to start a clean slate.
Which apps do you really need?
Maybe manage to only install apps without ads to keep your mind free of unwanted influences?
Maybe one page of quicksetting tiles is enough and looks cleaner than having several?
Do you actually need all the rows of your home screen and dock?
Lastly, feel free to check out my public wallpaper album if you're still looking for one. I'm currently using this one (credit to Arthwork on Twitter).
Pixel Specific
As for Pixel specific stuff, hmm... You can long press on the home screen, select styles & wallpapers and change your system icons in the notification bar, font, etc.
Use the same way to go to "home settings". Much good stuff here!
For example, definitely turn off the Google Now feed you find when swiping to the left of the home screen. It sucks and hasn't been good in a while (shame).
Turn off App suggestions in app drawer and app overview for a cleaner, more minimal look (especially with an empty dock, makes app overview super clean).
Definitely enable text/image selection in app overview ("overview selection"). It's the quickest way to share pictures, even directly from IG etc.
• Bitwarden - imo the best password manager that doesn't require a subscription. It's by no means as fully fleshed out as LastPass for example, but you don't have to pay monthly to use the bloody thing on multiple devices.
• Google Pay - everyone should've set up mobile payments yesterday. GPay & Apple Pay are the most secure way to pay for something, period.
• Rotation Control - this is useful on so many levels. It's not an app I use daily but when you need it you'll be glad you have it.
• Google Stack - The Play Store describes this as a "PDF Scanner" but it's more than that. It's a password protected app that allows you to store copies of important documents for easy access, and it all syncs to Google Drive.
• Parallel Space - this app is the best purchase I've ever made on the Play Store. It allows you to "install" a duplicate of any application on your phone. My bank app doesn't have easy account switching so I use this to keep all my accounts easily accessible with biometric login. Also great if you want to keep work and personal accounts a little more separate.
• Pushbullet - this is less useful now than it was a few years ago, but it's still the most reliable option for sending links and files between devices. The free teir is a lot more limited as of late but for the occasional file, link, etc it's a huge time saver. (No more emails to yourself)
• Google One - no one should live without daily backups on all their devices. Once your data is gone it's likely not coming back. There are definitely cheaper solutions but of course Google's is completely seamless.
• YouTube Vanced - I'm pretty sure Google sued this this off the face of the earth but if you can get your hands on an APK for YouTube Vanced then take it. Vanced allows you to customize the YouTube app to block ads, automatically skip sponsored messages, remove annoying UI elements, and much more. If you can afford YouTube Premium then go that route since it supports the creators you watch, but if you're on a tight budget or an infrequent user Vanced is a good option.
• AccuWeather - I'm not going to link this one because at the end of the day 99% of people will just use Google, but if you like a little more detail (and accuracy) AccuWeather is the best weather app IMO. Just don't pay for it 🤣.
• Google Find my Device - always enable tracking for your devices. If you can, change your phone settings so you cannot shut the phone down without a passcode.
For more niche use cases:
• Google Snapseed - photo editor with RAW compatibility
• 4kvideodownloader - download YouTube videos and/or their audio
• Chrome Remote Desktop - pretty self explanatory. Not as fleshed out as Microsoft's all but if you use a Mac like I do or want to remote in away from home Google's option is pretty solid.
• Google Voice - always have a burner number without a second phone. GV is free in the US and you can get a new number whenever you want. I use GV for work and all loyalty cards, etc. Note some services won't let you use Voice since it's a VOIP service but I've rarely had that issue.
Solid Explorer: File Manager
Bitwarden: Password Manager
Nova Launcher: Launcher
Snapseed: Photo Editor
Surfshark: VPN
KWGT: Custom Widgets
Link to Windows: For Pairing Your Phone with Windows (Sync Calls, Messages, Notifications, Photos etc.)
Or Bitwarden
You can't. Your version of Android is incompatible according to the Play Store page for Bitwarden.
I agree. I use it too and it's safe
This sounds like something is off in your stack. Your specs are pretty recent.
Start by deleting Bitwarden from your tablet. Also, you aren't installing a browser extension, are you? I don't recommend that on an Android.
Next, install the Bitwarden app. Do NOT install any beta version.
>It keeps crashing when I try to login.
So it starts up fine, it crashes when you log in? There is a known issue with a CAPTCHA on a new device. It is ostensibly fixed, but you might need to talk to support.
Also, there is some trampoline action between Bitwarden and your default browser. Are you using some weird browser, or is your default browser Firefox or Chrome?
Do you have any security oriented apps that might be interfering, like a rogue antivirus (it happens!)?
Use a real password manager.
You don't need to remember them all my friend, now you can rest
Didn't know about it since it's still in beta. If you're looking for a good password manager I strongly recommend you Bitwarden
Bitwarden Password Manager | 4.7 rating | Free | 1,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Bitwarden is the easiest and safest way to store all of your logins and passwords while conveniently keeping them synced between all of your devices. Password theft is a serious problem. The websites and apps that ...
Bitwarden Password Manager - 4.6 rating - Free - Search manually
Aegis Authenticator - Two Factor (2FA) app - 4.8 rating - Free - Search manually
VLC for Android - 4.3 rating - Free with IAP - Search manually
Oto Music - 4.7 rating - Free with IAP - Search manually
Pocket Casts - Podcast Player - 4.3 rating - Free with IAP - Search manually
Very first thing I'm gonna advise is to make sure to always check the email acct you're receiving the "attempted login" emails from. This is a major phishing tactic. Even if the email domain looks legit, I always enter the login domain manually in my browser instead of clicking the email link, in order to login and check activity. If you use this email a lot and these attempted logins are legit, then you need to take extra steps to resolve data breaches your acct was likely involved in.
Here are my recommendations:
Use a trusted password manager like Bitwarden, which is FOSS (free & open source), to generate diff passwords for each acct so you never reuse passwords. Never save passwords on your browser. On Android it's extremely easy to import passwords from Chrome/Chromium-based browsers, however on iOS you'll have to manually enter them because Apple won't export passwords. The app works extremely well on both Android & iOS for autofilling pws. Password managers in general streamline password changing so it's not such a drain to think of & remember new pws. Based on best practice recommendations, I generally set passwords to 18 characters, min 3 capital letters, min 3 numbers, and at least 1 special character.
Since you use a 2FA app, make sure you write down all of the backup codes to recover your acct should you lose access to the device/app. I personally save them in an encrypted note inside Bitwarden & always store a hard copy somewhere safe. Never screenshot or download recovery codes on your device. You should also seriously consider an authenticator app that actually makes encrypted back-ups like AndOTP (also FOSS), because Google Auth caused me to get locked out of and even lose several accts after I factory reset my phone. I save all my encrypted backups to Google Drive.
Go to & search your most important email accts to see if there have been any security breaches causing your email & pw to show in dark web marketplaces. A great project that integrates haveibeenpwned is Mozilla's Firefox Monitor, which monitors every email address you register for data breaches, helps you resolve them step by step, and alerts you of new breaches involving your email(s) so you can be proactive. It doesn't require Firefox browser, just a Firefox acct. If you do use Firefox, it's same login that syncs bookmarks & can be used with their password manager app (I don't recommend their pw manager). Register each email address you wanna track, it'll search & tell you if it's been compromised, shows number of breaches & from which websites/companies, when, and what information was stolen. It'll help you resolve each by taking you to their site to change your password. This is when to use something like Bitwarden to add these accts & quickly generate strong pws. You'll see VERY old data breaches, so always add 2FA if the site now offers it. Even if you don't care about the acct or use it anymore, you still have to resolve it because personal data can still be leached from a small online retailer or defunct social media app.
Since you use Outlook, login to each acct on Microsoft and find the option to create a free Alias. Microsoft is one of the few that offers this free, and it'll prevent almost anyone from being able to hack your actual email acct going forward if you use it right. An Alias is an entirely different email address that is linked to your main email, that allows you to receive and send emails from that 2nd address. To set it up right, make sure to select option to prevent your alias email from being allowed to be used to login to your acct. It's super easy to add each alias to the Outlook app, and you'll be using the alias to create new accts & for social media logins. You never want someone to get access to your email where they can reset all acct passwords.
I had a very bad breach with an old email acct, so I actually created an Alias, but made it the primary email for the acct, and now only that email can be used to login. So in a case like yours, I'd recommend turning your main email acct into the alias, and never ever using the new email ANYWHERE. Not even for personal communications because contacts are stolen constantly. This way you don't have to worry about email forwarding or changing addresses, and there's no further risk to keeping the acct open.
Also highly recommend compartmentalizing your email accts. Use separate emails for each acct:
Really important accts like cloud storage, banking, etc
Social Media accts
Retail, service & app accts
Junk mail or sign-up on sites that can be spammy with their newsletters/shady & sell your email (i.e. autoshops, Yelp, insurance quotes, survey sites, etc)
I use Bitwarden but if you trust Google, you can use their "AutoFill by Google" service and password manager. I haven't tried it in depth myself though. There's a bug in Chrome on Android that sometimes prevents Bitwarden's autofill popup from showing. Pretty aggravating but you can force close Chrome and reopen to fix.
I would import events from iCloud and switch to Google Calendars entirely. Easiest way for your events to show everywhere.
Apple notes will be a pain in the ass because Apple does not want you to leave their ecosystem. You would have to set up an app on your Mac to automatically copy Apple notes to something like a Dropbox folder. Then notes would be available everywhere in Dropbox (or other universal "cloud" service).
A Samsung phone might not have been the greatest choice if you don't like bloatware, sorry. Use this tutorial and for those that can't be disabled, you'll have to either root your phone or live with them like on iOS.
It depends on your interests. These are the main apps I use: 1. Google Keep for notes (Bundled Notes is a great subscription based alternative) 2. Poweramp for offline music (but there is a ton of other great offline music apps on the Play Store) 3. Boost for reddit 4. Forecaster for weather (widgets are broken though). Climacell is another good weather app if you need more details and notifications. 5. Niagara Launcher 6. Hi-Q for audio recording. Google has its own app though but files aren't easy to share / sync. 7. Solid Explorer as file manager 8. Join to easily share just about anything between devices 9. Tasker 10. BuzzKill to handle notifications 11. Snapseed for photo editing. A ton of apps like this on the Google Play Store too.
And there's icon packs of course. My favs: Gladient, Viola, Dove.
I use this for Live wallpaper atm.
Join the beta program here:
You missed a good one bro, Bitwarden
If there's no option already in settings, go to Chrome://Flags, which will forward you to Kiwi://Flags, search for "password" and enable the flags that allow importing and exporting passwords. I believe it's 2 separate flags — 1 for importing, other for exporting. Once enabled it'll prompt you to relaunch your browser.
From there go to Settings → Passwords → Select 3-dot menu in upper-right, and now it'll show option to import & export passwords in dropdown.
HOWEVER — I strongly recommend switching to a password manager instead. Passwords are not encrypted on Browsers, as your csv file clearly shows, and it's a serious security risk. I suggest using Bitwarden — also a free & open source project, and you can just import the CSV from Chrome. It works on every OS and functions via app, browser extensions & webapps. I use it to generate & save diff passwords for every single acct/login/app after reusing passwords & numerous company breaches, caused a few of my accts to be "hacked." It would've been a complete shitshow if I didn't have 2FA on every single acct that offers it (Hulu & Netflix don't and both were "hacked"). That's how I figured out how to enable exporting passwords via Flags, like I explained above, then imported csv into Bitwarden and everything transfered perfectly.
On that note, def check, or if you have a Firefox acct (or you can create one) go to Firefox Monitor on Kiwi (or any browser), and add your email addresses, and it'll search for you. After I found over a dozen breaches under just one email (my oldest one), I went thru each via Firefox Monitor, and used Bitwarden to login then changed my password with an app generated one. Passwords should be 16-18 characters, have upper & lowercase, symbols, and at least 1 special character — all of which can be selected during pw generation in Bitwarden.
I use Bitwarden
You need to use two step verification on all your accounts and use a password manager like Bitwarden
On the off chance that someone around here hasn't heard of Bitwarden yet, let me recommend it once again. I don't remember how I could live my life without a password manager before. I have like 10 different logins and passcodes at work. And this one's free!
Resplash is an Unsplash client. Unsplash is a savior if you need photographs for art projects but don't want to pay exorbitant license fees for stock photos. All they require is you credit the photographer. Also a great source of wallpapers.
Reigns: Game of Thrones is down to 3,50 from 5,00 and a genuinely decent mobile game.
This last one is kind of cheating, since it's more a barebones client for a subscription service, but... are any of y'all into Dungeons and Dragons? If so, get Dropout by College Humor, ignore the sketches, and watch "Fantasy High". There's a free trial period and afterwards, the series is worth 5 bucks a month for a few months. For any cheap freeloaders, the series' actually also on Youtube.
For me it was Bitwarden.
Welcome to the team.
Install "Blokada 3.7" from this website for systemwide adblocking for browsers.
Try Bitwarden for a really good password manager.
Look at this beautiful calendar widget.
Those aren't Pixel specific, but nice to have on Android in general.
Function & Aesthethics
Take a chill hour or so to really explore the available settings and features to try stuff out and get familiar. Maybe you want your Ambient Screen on or not. Maybe you didn't know about Live Caption but now you'll try it!
Personally, I recommend a spirit of minimalism to go with Pixel's design philosophy, and setting up a new phone is a great opportunity to start a clean slate.
Which apps do you really need?
Maybe manage to only install apps without ads to keep your mind free of unwanted influences?
Maybe one page of quicksetting tiles is enough and looks cleaner than having several?
Do you actually need all the rows of your home screen and dock?
Lastly, feel free to check out my public wallpaper album if you're still looking for one. I'm currently using this one (credit to Arthwork on Twitter).
Pixel Specific
As for Pixel specific stuff, hmm... You can long press on the home screen, select styles & wallpapers and change your system icons in the notification bar, font, etc.
Use the same way to go to "home settings". Much good stuff here!
For example, definitely turn off the Google Now feed you find when swiping to the left of the home screen. It sucks and hasn't been good in a while (shame).
Turn off App suggestions in app drawer and app overview for a cleaner, more minimal look (especially with an empty dock, makes app overview super clean).
Definitely enable text/image selection in app overview ("overview selection"). It's the quickest way to share pictures, even directly from IG etc.
You can download bitwarden from playstore itself.
List made using List My Apps
What do you mean by "safe"? For me it's not:
There are better alternatives like KeePass DX or Bitwarden.
Windows (Native)
Browser extensions also available for leading browsers.
There is also MacOS, iOS and Linux support.
bitWarden for password & 2-factor auth management.
It looks like you're using a smartphone and going to the web vault. It would be easier to download the App from the Play Store and enter your information that way.
Here is the app
If you have a regular computer you can follow these directions here on how to setup the plugin for your web browser.
I find Bitwarden to be an excellent password manager. It's open source, and I trust it. Very secure from what I see.
You should check out bitwarden if you want an open-source password manager that is completely free & supports autofill in apps & on websites. You can import your information from Keepass too
Edit: I have no idea what I did or what I said to warrant downvotes. Would someone care to explain so I don't make the same mistake next time?