This app was mentioned in 70 comments, with an average of 2.07 upvotes
You can force t-mobile service with dialer codes, or an app:
it won't be the same QOS though. Depending on congestion Fi is a bit slower than t-mobile (can be, not always) but it will give you a pretty good idea of what kind of coverage to expect.
Just treating the symptom, but you can use an app to stay switched to Sprint (or at least not have to type the code). You can use:
Paid: FiSwitch (
Free: SignalInfo (
Where I am near Knoxville, TN it never uses Sprint and when I have forced it on to Sprint with fi switch the the coverage here is terrible. I mostly bounce equally between TMO and USC. It is supposed to chose the best signal for data and in all my travels around the US and UK that has been the case. Internationally it is only TMO except in the UK. Data sim is only TMO no matter where you are. You are just in an area where it percieves Sprint as having the best chance for a good high speed data connection. If you want to test different carriers install fi switch and you can force it to the different carriers. It will also give you the actual signal strength since using the "bars" is inaccurate. Below is a link.
There are a couple of things I've seen regarding this.
First off, they do have a coverage map. Just gonna throw that at the top in case you're more rural than I'm thinking.
There is supposed to be a learning curve for network switching, according to Google. From the FAQ:
>When multiple carriers are available, Project Fi will move you to the network that our analysis shows will be fastest in your current location, whether that is 4G LTE, 3G, or 2G. We’re constantly learning and improving, to account for factors such as newly-built towers or newly-available radio frequencies. And if your current network is providing weak or no coverage, we’ll adjust in real time to find you a stronger connection.
Annoyingly, PLMN selection practice is still problematic with Fi. As I understand it, Fi won't switch to a better network, it will only switch to a new network when you lose all signal from the current one. Additionally, it will try to connect to networks it remembers first. Pretty dumb. I report this stuff through the Fi app, I encourage others to as well.
If you're okay with spending $1.99, there's a pretty highly-rated app called FiSwitch that lets you switch between networks by automating a lot of dialercode nonsense. It might be worth a look.
I've been using it since last March and have only had a few issues in random spots in town. When I do have issues, I use FiSwitch to change my carrier.
When I first moved here years ago (Four Corners area) it was mediocre to awful. Now it's pretty great, tbh. Its steady improvement (rapid improvement honestly) has kept me loyal to the service.
A few things to note if you do go the Fi route. Their customer service is - not great. Just browse the project fi sub to get a feel for what you might be getting into. With that said problems are far and few between so it hasn't been an issue personally for as long as I've used the service.
Additionally you may want to find an app that indicates what network you're on and allows you to switch manually. I use Fi Switch but I'd imagine there are plenty of options out there. I rarely use it now, but when I do it has been a life saver. I'll agree with the other poster who said t-mobile is the most reliable network around that uses Fi.
I think the switch is definitely worth saving hundreds of dollars annually.
I have the same problem. I just use the Fi Switch app from the store to flip back to T-Mo when my phone tries to use Sprint.
I wonder if this isn't some convoluted issue related to me tying my Google Voice number to my Sprint number, way back when that was a thing.
Get the FiSwitch App and you can switch to the specific carrier you want on the fly. Also has a nice homescreen widget that shows you what carrier you're currently on.
I occasionally have issues when I'm at my parents place. Us Cellular works the best there and it doesn't always switch over. FiSwitch does the trick to switch manually.
Here in central Iowa, Fi has a tendency to default to Sprint, which has decent data speeds, but has TERRIBLE call quality. I'm talking frequent robot garbled sounds, bad connections to the other person (I can hear them, they can't hear me), and terrible call audio quality (too much compression). These problems never happen when I'm on T-Mobile or US Cellular. It's not really a huge annoyance until I get a phone call and have to call the person back after swapping to T-Mobile or US Cellular. I use Fi Switch all the time, but I'd rather have the option of choosing which carriers never to swap to. I'd love to just take Sprint off the switching list altogether, or make it the dead last option.
Ah reception, not the actual handset, gotcha.. did you try to switch to the US Cellular option to see what it's like with them? Perhaps also try the VPN / Enhanced connectivity to see if it helps with anything overall.. do you get good signal strength but just not very fast connectivity? Perhaps play around with Fi Switch to get a better picture and track what is going on and contact Google to see if it can be remedied. Are you showing full 4G coverage on the Fi map everywhere you go?
I feel like outside of that you're left with Verizon, or ATT.. both of which aren't too bad, just a bit expensive usually.. both should fully support you and have visual voicemail / WiFi calling, etc..
I use the FiSwitch app, just press "Temporarily force connection to Sprint" and then when the phone app opens, paste into it and it will connect to the Sprint network.
It is a useful app to have in any event, the widget is useful to show connection type/strength etc.
There is also a dial code to force to Sprint, I'll try and find it...
I've been using Project Fi for about 1.5 yrs now (on Pixel XL)... still very happy with it. I haven't had any problems around Asheville or traveling. A couple people already mentioned FiSwitch ( - I would recommend it, has been invaluable.
FiSwitch is a cheap app that lets you force switching between one carrier and another. Generally not necessary IMO, but if you spend time in areas with limited service like me it's clutch. Fi should default to the best provider based on what's available, but I've had mixed results in one specific area that I spend a lot of time so it's nice to be able to force it on to the best.
Edit: inserted a link now that I'm off mobile
I use FiSwitch to manage all 3 carriers. It has a nice widget to quickly see which network you are on and switch if need be:
You can use FiSpy or FiSwitch to help this, too. FiSpy copies the dialer codes to switch providers so you have to paste them into a dialer, while I BELIEVE that FiSwich can do the dialer codes automatically if you have root.
I have experience with FiSpy, none with FiSwitch. Not brave enough to drop $2 yet...not even sure I'm going to keep the service...
FiSpy (free):
FiSwitch ($1.99):
I use an app called FiSwitch to do this. It just uses the same dialer codes that you can enter manually, but it's a bit easier than remembering them. It costs a couple of dollars, but has a bunch of other features too (although I never really use those). I felt like I got my money's worth with it.
Have you tried Fi Switch? You can switch between the cellular networks and that usually helps for me!
Whenever I am not getting good service I use this to switch between Sprint and T-Mobile... They also have a widget which you can use to see which network you are currently on so I just switch to the other one (never US cellular as I find that is the worst).
My G7 was connected to US Cellular on Google Fi like 98% of the time, I wouldn't worry about it.
You can check with FiSwitch. It's 100% worth the couple of bucks.
I've been using this one since my OG Pixel XL: FiSwitch
It just makes it easier to enter the dial codes to switch between Auto/T-Mobile/US Cellular/Sprint, but that's really all I need. If I find that my connection sucks where I'm at, I try switching it around to see if I can get a better signal.
There are a couple of apps that can be downloaded that make it easy to switch networks. Personally, I like the app FiSwitch: The other one that I know about is "SignalSpy". I used to like that one better, but the UI has changed in the past year or so and now I don't like it as much.
I use this app to monitor my network
In the app it has options to help you switch between networks however here are some shortcodes Incase you don't want to purchase the app
Once your on T-Mobile just disable location permissions on Fi app.
The app will complain, but I just silence that specific notification. You will also see a warning banner in Fi app, safe to ignore. If you ever feel you need to enable the Fi auto switching it's dead simple to re-enable - just enable location permissions on Fi app.
There are apps for it. Only 2 I know of off the top of my head are Fiswitch (I use this one) and Signal Spy
I use a Network Switcher that will monitor my network that I am on and made for Fi. I always make sure that I am on T-Mobile - would highly recommend if you haven't used it yet.
But that said, when I am home, I am on WiFi and usually just disable the mobile data...old habits from before Fi offered Unlimited data plans and I would conserve usage like a fiend.
Use FiSwitch to see what network you are on while using Google Fi, and also to force a different network on Fi supported phones (useful for me when I was in China).
I'm very interested to hear how well your ROG Phone II worked on Google Fi!
On Google Fi and just received the update. I recommend using the app FiSwitch to change carriers. I usually switch to Sprint for faster OTAs.
Project Fi user here with a Pixel XL 1. I used FiSwitcher's "Repair" function and got the real final version almost immediately. I had signed up for the Android Beta Program and induced a Beta download but this "Repair" function pushed the update to me almost immediately (seconds). I personally think it had to do with the Sprint network. I just realized that I've almost never connected to Sprint in the last couple of months. I might have inadvertently changed a setting or something.
tl;dr Forced ProjectFi to repair connection/force connect to Sprint and got the update almost immediately.
Try this. It will allow you Force carrier's if your reception is bad with one of the three. I live in a strong TMobile area and my phone would sit in Sprint 90%, which I only get about a mar or two. "Pushed" it over to TMobile with the app and now I have full or full bars all the time. Super handy app if you are have signal issues with carrier's.
That's a bad linkbot, bad!
If you're on Project Fi, check out these two apps. Really useful for monitoring what cell provider you're on, and also allows you to manually switch between providers:
FiSwitch, paid:
SignalSpy, free:
There is an app its called FiSwitch. Costs $2, Well worth it.\_US&gl=US
I prefer the app FiSwitch over SignalSpy.
FYI: If y'all notice degraded speeds, drops, etc. on the Sprint network (as I have), you can force it over to T-Mobile.
Anyone try FiSwitch? It's pretty cool for getting into and switching networks.
This might be what you're looking for. It works really well. Costs $1.99 but no ads and does exactly what you need.
You can also use an app called FiSwitch to force T-Mobile..
Have you tried out the app FiSwitch?
I have experienced this as well and have always been frustrated about it but I never thought to block a specific carrier.
From what I read on this thread:
>When you force switch to another carrier it resumes to auto switching after about 2 hours.
And based on this older thread:
it seems like there was a thing called dialer codes that people used to force carrier switching. I'm not sure if it still works since it was 2 years ago.
After looking into dialer codes, it seems like there's an app called FiSwitch that might solve the issue you're experiencing, but it's $1.99. Feel free to try that out if you're willing to shell out 2 bucks and let us know how it goes.
Never had that happen when leaving Wifi. I also use the FiSwitch app which allows for hot swapping of carriers
FiSwitch solves problems.
It looks like there are other options now, but this is the network switching app I've used for a while:
I am in no way affiliated with this app, however I find it very helpful for switching carriers on Fi.
I use this so I know when I've switched and can also use it to force the switch.
I've tried AT&T, Google Fi, T-mobile, and Verizon here in Madison. I'm currently on Verizon.
T-mobile was by far the worst. Poor or non-existent coverage in a lot of surprising areas, like bars on State Street.
Google Fi was OK -- if it was on US Cellular. When I had Fi, my phone seemed to want to keep getting on the Sprint network, which was horrible in Madison (super slow data, spotty coverage). There's an app you can use ( to force your phone onto one of the three supported networks (Sprint / T-Mo / US Cellular) that was helpful in forcing my phone onto US Cellular.
AT&T and Verizon have been similar for me, but I would say AT&T was a little better. Both overall have pretty good coverage in Madison and south-central Wisconsin, but both also have some areas with really slow data speeds (Verizon more so than AT&T, in my experience).
With AT&T, I noticed this with their Distributed Antenna System (DAS) they have near the UW campus (you'll see these short stubby brown antennas atop power poles along Regent St.). When I was in those areas, my phone would crawl along at dial-up speeds. Just trying to load the bus times in a web browser was a challenge.
After switching to Verizon, I had much better speeds on campus. But now my house on the near West side is in a similar spot with Verizon: basically unusably slow data service. We have AT&T fiber for home Internet, so it's not really a problem at our house, but I've noticed a lot more spots around town with poor Verizon wireless data performance than I recall seeing with AT&T. (It's not like I am constantly driving around town running the speedtest app on my phone, but when I notice problems like web pages not loading, music streaming cutting out, I check the network performance, and keep finding areas with really poor data performance with Verizon).
I'll probably either switch back to AT&T or try out US Cellular when my Verizon contract is up at the end of the year.
Use fiswitch instead
You can use dialer codes, but the easiest way is to use an app like FiSwitch...
For network switching, I use the app "FiSwitch."
I use Fiswitch to see what network im on, also has dialer codes for force switching and whatnot.
I recommend using "Fi Switch" it costs, but I enjoy it.
I haven't noticed anything today. Might want to check out an app like FiSwitch for easier network switching.
Here's the link for anyone else interested: (unfortunately costs $1.99 for such a simple concept of an app)
You can use this app to manually control which network you are on. It works great for me.
I feel like this needs to be linked on any Fi post for control over which service you connect to.
I completely forgot about FiSwitch.
With such problems I use the app FiSwitch and its function "Next Carrier".
Yup, using dialer codes. I use this so to make it simple
If you switched to T-mobile, it will probably stay that way unless you switch it back to auto.
Try FiSwitch
You may want to try this app. I've been using it for several years on Fi. It will allow you to force switch to the carrier that works best for you, among their selection. I also live in an area where the Sprint service is poor. My phone regularly would stay on Sprint even though my TMO coverage was far superior. This allows you to switch when you feel necessary.