This app was mentioned in 99 comments, with an average of 1.95 upvotes
Bip bop bip Ben bir botum ve insanlara sevebilecekleri uygulamaları öneriyorum.
Yamulmuyorsam <strong>TikTok</strong> adlı uygulamaya bayılacaksın.
Benden bu kadar iyi forumlar kgb halkı.
Make sure you're checking this listing for Tik Tok: which is the actual app download and currently at 2.6.
There is this listing that says 4.5 but you can't actually download TikTok from it:
Well, you'll get far fewer than 6 years of OS updates on Android, but you might get more than 6 years of software support. E.g., TikTok, an app that came to the US in 2018, supports in the latest version of the app Android versions as old as 4.1. Android 4.1 came out over 8 years ago. Obviously not all Android devs support such old versions, but it is very common to see apps support very old versions of Android, something far less common on iOS.
It continues to appear in the social category on both the app page and the top chart. The web version of the play store also shows it in this category.
TikTokia asentaessa Google Playstä täytyy hyväksyä seuraavat oikeudet:
> Tällä sovelluksella on seuraavat käyttöoikeudet: > > Valokuvat/media/tiedostot > > * read the contents of your USB storage > * modify or delete the contents of your USB storage > > Kamera > > * take pictures and videos > > Laite- ja sovellushistoria > > * retrieve running apps > > Tallennustila > > * read the contents of your USB storage > * modify or delete the contents of your USB storage > > Henkilöllisyys > > * add or remove accounts > > Mikrofoni > > * record audio > > Wi-Fi-yhteyden tiedot > > * view Wi-Fi connections > > Yhteystiedot > > * read your contacts > > Muu > > * read Home settings and shortcuts > * receive data from Internet > * toggle sync on and off > * create accounts and set passwords > * use accounts on the device > * control flashlight > * prevent device from sleeping > * run at startup > * change your audio settings > * reorder running apps > * view network connections > * full network access > * uninstall shortcuts > * install shortcuts > * control vibration > * expand/collapse status bar
Ei ole kyse siitä etteikö Androidin käyttöoikeusjärjestelmä olisi hyvinkin kykeneväinen suojaamaan käyttäjiään, vaan siitä että käyttäjät itse ajattelematta klikkaavat hyväksyntää ihan mihin tahansa.
I'm kinda busy so I don't have the time to watch the full video right now, but he does talk about that reverse engineer dude so I'm gonna copy paste a comment I made earlier about his 'research'
>That redditor is full of shit. He never once provided evidence for any of his claims and has no clue how TikTok or Android even work. He thinks TikTok collecting your hardware information is malicious even though EVERY app does that. How does he think error reports work? Same with network information. When you go to their Play Store page and go to App Permissions, it literally tells you right there that they ask for network information (running apps too). Great "reverse-engineer" my dude. > >Also, he claims TikTok GPS pings every 30 seconds and says that's enabled by default if you 'location tag' a post. Now, go to TikTok's permission page again. Notice something? They don't even ask for location permission! There is no 'location tag' fuction in the app. If he really has evidence that TikTok collects geodata without asking permission, he could singlehandedly be the person responsible for it's removal from the Play Store. But yeah, guess what. > > >Also, the pendulum 'research paper' might be even worse than what that guy wrote. > >The fact that people believed him so easily even though he never once provided evidence for any of his claims really shows how prevalent and dangerous confirmation bias can be.
I made a comment about that guy earlier so I'm gonna just copy paste it
>That redditor is full of shit. He never once provided evidence for any of his claims and has no clue how TikTok or Android even work. He thinks TikTok collecting your hardware information is malicious even though EVERY app does that. How does he think error reports work? Same with network information. When you go to their Play Store page and go to App Permissions, it literally tells you right there that they ask for network information (running apps too). Great "reverse-engineer" my dude. > >Also, he claims TikTok GPS pings every 30 seconds and says that's enabled by default if you 'location tag' a post. Now, go to TikTok's permission page again. Notice something? They don't even ask for location permission! There is no 'location tag' fuction in the app. If he really has evidence that TikTok collects geodata without asking permission, he could singlehandedly be the person responsible for it's removal from the Play Store. But yeah, guess what. > > >Also, the pendulum 'research paper' might be even worse than what that guy wrote. > >The fact that people believed him so easily even though he never once provided evidence for any of his claims really shows how prevalent and dangerous confirmation bias can be.
That redditor is full of shit. He never once provided evidence for any of his claims and has no clue how TikTok or Android even work. He thinks TikTok collecting your hardware information is malicious even though EVERY app does that. How does he think error reports work? Same with network information. When you go to their Play Store page and go to App Permissions, it literally tells you right there that they ask for network information (running apps too). Great "reverse-engineer" my dude.
Also, he claims TikTok GPS pings every 30 seconds and says that's enabled by default if you 'location tag' a post. Now, go to TikTok's permission page again. Notice something? They don't even ask for location permission! There is no 'location tag' fuction in the app. If he really has evidence that TikTok collects geodata without asking permission, he could singlehandedly be the person responsible for it's removal from the Play Store. But yeah, guess what.
Also, the pendulum 'research paper' might be even worse than what that guy wrote.
The fact that people believed him so easily even though he never once provided evidence for any of his claims really shows how prevalent and dangerous confirmation bias can be.
> Definitely not possible on iOS. It doesn't even ask for contact list permissions.
Well, it does ask for reading the contact list on Android (details). The key point is that an attacker could remotely access to everything the app can (and on Android it can do lots of things).
Is there any way to check what permissions it asks on iOS? I couldn't find it
> Fair point. Although I know that anyone in the UK who has security clearance is banned from installing Chinese apps on their phone. So unless they want to target a 13 year old girl I don't think its the right demographic.
This is a really weird comment from your part. There are 195 countries in the world, why is UK important here? And why do you assume they target authorities? I was thinking more about targeting people with "wrong thoughts".
Also, according to all the shitty videos that people post here from that app, their users are from all ages, not only 13 year old girls.
Im still able to install it.
So are my other friends, some aren't
This is not a complete ban which it should be , you check what's in your case
I didn't had the application before ban, also I didn't used it now. So don't like whether it's working but it did install
Dude don't do this, This is in vein Play store already removed 2 million reviews from tik-tok.
Saying most of them are spam.
This is fucking terrible.
Google Just needs traffic and downloads, They don't care what happens or not in the app if it has the requirements to be fulfilled by the google Play Store. ( )
It had 1.1 Stars now it has 4.4.
This is in vein but we can always try doe.
DO YOUR PART! TikTok deleted 7 million 1 star reviews yesterday to get a better rating on their app! The app is proven spyware, and is very malicious. PLEASE LEAVE A 1 STAR REVIEW
this one?
1.4 stars and 20,387,286 reviews
at least the mass-removal hasn't seriously affected it's average :P I assume there's many dedicated people keeping it accurate.
The star distribution is hilarious. Like 15% are 5-star, 85% are 1-star, and anything in between don't even show up they are so low.
Guys I just went in the website of play store to see the rating (1.6) and I want you to take a close loom at the link<strong><em>musically</em></strong>
an app for sharing video, I think.
Please help to finish off TikTok. For Android users here is the link to the play store. We would appreciate it if you could give 1 star maximum.
Is this what you are looking at ?
There seem to be two tiktok listings in google play. One shows 2 stars the other shows 4.5.
You're on the wrong app. There's TikTok, which is the older version of the app that is no longer available for download which is what you're seeing. Then there's TikTok - Make Your Day, which is the current version and has 2 stars.
Link to correct app:
Lol it's true: Currently at 2 out of 5 stars.
Now they need to go over to apple. It's currently still at 4.7 out of 5 Stars there.
This is always a bad idea anyway coz fucktards will always go and brigade some other similar sounding app.
UNDELETED comment:
> Please spare yourself further embarrassment by deleting this comment of yours.
^please ^pm ^me ^if ^I ^mess ^up
Kardeşim duymamışsındır belki ama gayet iyi bir program ve müzikle ilgileniyorsan program sayesinde yeteneğini de işe dahil edip hızlıca güzel şeyler çıkarabilirsin bununla; Google play- App store-
Screenshot of TikTok permissions straight from the Play Store.
100% the same permissions as /u/HowDoThingsHappenWhy's not deleted comments.
>1.5 billion total downloads across the App Store and Google Play
Google Play is not available in China. It says 500M downloads:
App Store might be inflated but still, real numbers must be pretty big.
It moved to a new app
Mine is showing 1.6. Check here
Its IOS, i checked both.
IOS has 69k reviews (4.7 stars)
Google has 27.6 million reviews (1.6 stars)
EDIT: On IOS phone, it has 4.6 mil reviews, with a 4.7 star rating. I checked this with some other apps (instagram, clash of clans), and there was no difference between the amount of reviews on the website and on mobile. Something fishy is going on here
Chiar este adevărat
Bravo India, muie China și TikTok
On google play its 2.0 rn
Google PlayStore :
> the app requires no permissions on my phone
and from another related comment of yours
> given the nature of TikTok, the app itself collects literally no info from me. I created a username is all. On my phone it has and requires no permissions to run
However, from the Android app on the Play Store, the following are the granted/requested permissions by the app. Not all require user acceptance, many are granted by default.
This app has access to:
Device & app history
Wi-Fi connection information
Photos / Media / Files
I'm not saying that all (or even any) are 100% certainly being abused to construct and link people's profiles but there is absolutely the capability to do so and I'd be more surprised to see it wasn't being used to maximum anti-privacy potential by TikTok. Whether they pass that info on to governments or do anything more nefarious than heavily targetted advertising and content promotion is up for debate but that the app can collect/provide the info people are worried about isn't really (and that's not even taking the content of any uploaded media in to account which is another huge area of data collection, only passive app use)
What happened to all our hard work?
Edit: nothing happened (link)
Maybe you'll hate me in the future but uhhh..
Have you heard of TikTok? Explore at your own risk.
You checked? Really? That doesn't literally say "Teen" next to it?
Package name for TikTok on android is literally musically
TikTok - Make Your Day | 3.7 rating | Free with IAP | 1,000,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> TikTok is THE destination for mobile videos. On TikTok, short-form videos are exciting, spontaneous, and genuine. Whether you’re a sports fanatic, a pet enthusiast, or just looking for a laugh, there’s something for everyone on ...
> Browser user agents submit similar data all the time
Wrong. Browser user agents don't send ID's of your hardware that can be used to identify you later in other places/situations (e.g. at airport when the authorities check your mobile phone).
> As far as I know this isn't possible on iOS. Everything is sandboxed. It was possible at some point through a library which was able to pull data regarding apps using the most battery. Not sure if this is still possible. Its definitely not possible to read other app data.
> Google as well as many other apps and search engines collect part or all of this data for analytics.
Yes, and that's concerning too.
> In iOS, the GPS ping requires approval. I've checked the privacy settings in the app. There is no approval request for location data. This claim is just wrong.
I don't know about iOS, but on Android that's right. The Android app doesn't ask for GPS access. Details.
> Even if a local proxy server was set up. It would only be accessible on the local network and if you're behind any sort of router or NAT, no one else would be able to connect to this.
If the authorities seize your phone, they can use this proxy to send commands to the app, to run things in the mobile without requiring the user's login (pin, password, face recognition, etc). Even if the mobile phone is not connected to a WiFi network, they can connect to that service if they control the mobile network.
> I've seen the video and again I'd need to do more research as exactly what's done with the data. I've seen apps in the past just pull random data like this and send it to servers. More sloppy developer practises than anything.
You cannot accidentally get the clipboard data and send it to a server. That's deliberate.
Ghanta hata hai
Abhi bhi dikh raha hai
Baki apps bhi
I guess Google likes your money just as much because it’s still on the Play store too
Android developer here, the app itself doesn't request (and thus can't see) sms (see ). Additionally, Google gives a way to see that sort of text one-time with a special API (,a%20one%2Dtime%2Dcode. ) that doesn't expose all texts.
Not sticking up for TikTok (I uninstalled today actually) but some of the things I've been reading about recently just aren't possible.
look at this.
it's in another language btw
Here is it in the day
The Playstore link
open this link in browser
Oh, I must have been looking at a knockoff then. I found it:
Actually its at 1.2
It got review bombed by the fans of Indian youtuber named Carry Minati at the play store, it got to 1 star lol
30million user reviews
The play store rating is on 1.2 stars but it may still go down.
Here’s a link to see what it looks like on the Indian store:
also check the playstore
link to the play store for Apple users as proof
In Google Play Store, yes.
Its 2 stars on google playits 2 stars on Google play
i should not be though... but can be.
try to open this link in your browser.
use copy-paste. heres a link to make things a bit quicker
i don't even know what musically is but apparently its not even available in the US
No credible source, but if you look at the apps reviews by most recent order it's getting a lot of 1 star reviews from people with Indian sounding names.
So it sounds plausible.
Bueno, esto es algo que a ustedes puede que les guste:, la aplicación para hacer vídeos musicales que está arrasando
Google Play para android 4.1+
That redditor is full of shit. He never once provided evidence for any of his claims and has no clue how TikTok or Android even work. He thinks TikTok collecting your hardware information is malicious even though EVERY app does that. How does he think error reports work? Same with network information. When you go to their Play Store page and go to App Permissions, it literally tells you right there that they ask for network information (running apps too). Great "reverse-engineer" my dude.
Also, he claims TikTok GPS pings every 30 seconds and says that's enabled by default if you 'location tag' a post. Now, go to TikTok's permission page again. Notice something? They don't even ask for location permission! There is no 'location tag' fuction in the app. If he really has evidence that TikTok collects geodata without asking permission, he could singlehandedly be the person responsible for it's removal from the Play Store. But yeah, guess what.
Also, the pendulum 'research paper' might be even worse than what that guy wrote.
The fact that people believed him so easily even though he never once provided evidence for any of his claims really shows how prevalent and dangerous confirmation bias can be.