Considering that she's often talking about her "lovely bitter green tea" that was "so bitter you lose your tongue", and Japanese tea sets' cups look like that Evidence It's more than likely that it's tea.
Here are a few sample pages from the book. It isn't really flashy or anything, just has 2 pages per talking point, one that's straight text and one with a diagram, sometimes having characters from AA stand in for certain scenarios.
Have you got a 3DS or a DS? (Although this one costs £39.99, or the same as a 3DS game.)
But that wasn't the argument. The argument was whether mayonnaise is an instrument, not whether everyone can use it as one. And yes, I did. I provided proof that it can be via that video.
According to, an instrument is "a device used to produce music." As the video shows, the mayonnaise was used to create music. Is that not the very definition used? I think the court would agree with me.
I think, Mr. NaaRock, you have very little base behind your claims. Unless you'd like to provide evidence that it's not?
well to save you the trouble I just put them on my google drive, if you want to download them for yourself just click here!
Another Capcpom goof is that the Android page for SoJ doesn't mention "Ace Attorney" in the title. It's been like that since release.
DraStic emulator, like you said, is the best way to play the original trilogy. I played the first game on my PC a long time ago, however, I played the entirety of the second game, Justice For All, and it was pretty good.
The DS' touch function works amazingly when translated to mobile, and you can get through the entire game without using clunky touch controls.
It does cost like $5, but it's a good deal for what is hours upon hours of entertainment. Plus, ROMs don't cost money.
>Could you perhaps recommend the best version (of drastic) you might have used to play through the trilogy on your phone?
Not sure what you mean by that. There's only one version of DraStic on the Play Store.
However, if you meant a different emulator, I very briefly tried this one because it was free, but the ads are annoying, and I bought/switched to DraStic 5 minutes in.
A little googling around turned up Polyphone. That could work.
And please post the soundfont here when you're finished! I'm sure a lot of us, myself included, could really use it!
There's Citra, an experimental 3DS emulator. I have absolutely no clue if this emulates those games at an acceptable rate, but it never hurts to try. If you don't want to do that, then you're shit outta luck bro.
It's not like we ask people to tag everything. And it's pretty much up to each person's discretion. I'm not aware of the mods going around strictly policing spoiler tags. :)
But it's nice to give people a warning about the more recent stuff (we might have subscribers who've played every game apart from, say, PL vs PW or AAI2) or stuff that could really spoil the games (like "main" culprits and major plot twists).
And AA is a big series (180+ hours, according to HowLongToBeat); not everyone necessarily starts with AA1 and plays through in order, and people may not even have access to all the games (e.g., iOS players). We shouldn't be excluding people, right? :)
Usually I work on this editor which should have everything you need to make stuff like this. There's also a mobile version which doesn't seem to have and noticeable differences.
From what I understand this is an existing Digital-Battle Card game called "Reversing Otronia", who's simply getting an Ace Attorney collab event
UPDATE: Google Play link from the webpage:
> NDS emulator on android is pretty good right now.
But there's no need, there's literally an HD version for android
Yeah that's the ace attorney musical with the all female cast. It's pretty good but I was really curious about the theater production. Below is a link to the second one.
Udgey is a dinosaur, and a dinosaur deserves a dinosaur car.
Okay dude, potential solution here. I've converted it to a sav. Download it here!xZ5E0B7L!TIPbQ2tELNEe0CAHOfMATjdc6DcQeSQO-BEKlTQRSBw.
After that, open up GK2 in Desmume, then click file > import backup memory, then select the sav file, then on the sizes, select 'AUTO (from imported save data size)'. That should work
> Is there a sub yet, even? Preferably one that's not completely awful? I've not been able to find one yet. :)
It's on Funimation. (Which is what HS rips from, along with Crunchyroll and occasionally Daisuki.)
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan is based on a spin-off manga (by a different mangaka, and thus with a different art style anyway) in which the characters are all just normal human beings. I haven't read it, but don't expect it to be anything like the main series.
Citra works pretty well for the AA trilogy rerelease, if you know your way around C++, gcc and Qt. If you have a sterile dev environment, set the right flags when you compile, and you build from dev, you can actually get graphically simpler games like AA trilogy to run pretty well (but I haven't tried trial 1:5 in it yet...). AA:DD still pitches fits no matter what I do, though.
Do you know what Flashpoint is? It's kind of an emulator for flash and they have a amazing archive of flash games on there. I looked it up and "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney: Mock Trial Version" is listed on you might want to check it out. I didn't know this demo existed so I'll probably download Flashpoint to try it out.
if you'd like to further color the film, it's very easy and fun. i taught myself how to color films and i am now a freelance colorist.
davinci resolve is free to use and it's industry standard!
Found a few listings on Amazon (It wasn't cheap)
Mines the actual CD version. Got it from amazon. (If you buy it from there pick used, they're actually new most of the time)
You can get it on iTunes. Here's the full list. Only in the UK store and japan store sadly
here This is the link to the Japanese app store so you'll need a VPN to buy the game
In order to purchase it through the GooglePlay store, you'll have to use ProtonVPN which you operate out of BlueStacks anyway. Make sure to follow the Scarlet Study instructions and you'll do just fine!
If Tunnelbear didn't work, please try ProtonVPN instead.
Japan is listed as a supported target even in the free version.
Some people were able to access the Japanese store after using ProtonVPN and not Tunnelbear.
If you have an Android phone, you could use Drastic.
Yes, it costs money, but it can play other DS games at high resolution, and I find games like Ace Attorney work well when you disable buttons and just use the "touch screen" on the phone. Combine the features of a shortcut to launch the game directly and auto save states when closing the app (and resumes that save state when you launch it again), it almost feels like a real Android game.
I'm playing AAI2 translation right now on my phone.
Going by this track listing, I don't think you missed any. All forty-one pieces (not including the Unused tracks) are in the graphic in some fashion.
Zen Monkey Studios makes some official pins for the series. They have a lot, but these two pin sets come with both Phoenix and Edgeworth, which are the two characters that make up the Narumitsu ship. Besides the pins, there isn't much official merch available without importing from Japan. You can try looking on Etsy for some fan made merch. There are a lot of cute keychains and pins on there. Only thing I could find about a completed version of JFA, not sure if they work but give it a go if you feel like
And here's one I managed to find. Sure, I guess the resemblance's a little bit subtle but it's there.
Oh God... I'm really sorry about this ridiculous 7 day delay between your message and my response. I meant to send you a link straight away, but stuff happened and I forgot about your message.
Again, I'm really sorry for the delay!
Super random I happened upon this on Twitter earlier, but some of the art books are available as e-books on kindle if you can't get a print copy.
Can I just post the detailed document of my CaseCountdown? It's pretty apperant that I love GK2 and TT. But there is really not a horrible case. 2-1 is only lacking the style and have some major flaws but it's still playable. But here is the link to those who want to read me going over the main 7 games.
Amazon? The songs seem to be available for purchase separately
He is! If you don't have a DS emulator I recommend Desmume to get Investigations 2 because the (free) fan translation's the only way to play it in English. But if you didn't play the first AAI you should do that first because a lot of main characters from that come back
Well, technically there was that 3DS emulator, Citra. It's not finished, but from what I remember, they ran a few games on it.
Depends on how you define "successful", I suppose.
That's one argument I can't counter XD
There's actually a REALLY great emotional fanfic about that premise. As a Fenris shipper, it hurts, but it's so well written... And of course I can't find it...
Found some really cute art of them though...
My Gavinners T-shirt just came in the other day. Great quality, I love the shirt! It's actually on a "pledge-to-buy" style website though, so you'll only get it if a certain amount of people agree to purchase one.
Just from Here's a direct link.
Okay, thanks for the feedback, it has helped me a lot. I've been adding everything you've been pointing, except:
- The 4 official fanbooks, due to the little manga content they have.
- I have read that this book is a kind of educational book on the Japanese legal system, so I am not including it at the moment.
- I do not include the manuals of the games either.
Lastly, do you know if there are any more DGS drama CDs? I have found this limited edition of 3ds DGS compilation that comes with a Drama CD, but I don't know if it is the same as the LE of DGS2 you mentioned.
PS. Stay tuned for the updated chart!
Incidentally I just tried to buy Dai gyakuten saiban on the Japanese play store a couple days ago but I couldn't find it, while the web store page says it's not available for my device, even though there's no issue at all with AA5 and 6.
I contacted Capcom support and they just replied to me that the reason I can't buy it is because Dai gyakuten saiban was removed even from the Japanese store - what the fuck ? Why would they do that ? Can anyone confirm they can't find it either ? Could it be related to this upcoming localization announcement somehow ?
The covers I upscaled are from the 2006 release, which 'Im afraid you'll have a hard time finding. However, there have been several orchestral releases, with the latest already listed on Amazon Japan.
In this Wikipedia page under the Various section you'll have the list of releases, there's bound to be one for sale online if you look up their names.
Apollo Justice is already on phones
Infact the entire series is on phones now, even the first investigation game. You can even get daigyakuten saiban 1 & (I assume) 2 if you use the japanese playstore.
Context: This is a game called "AI Dungeon", in which you create an imaginary scenario by typing literally whatever comes in mind. The AI that runs the game responds to your prompts with its own and together, you can make a story like no other.
I was just messing around with the first couple of sentences, and the AI decided that I must take Edgeworth as my client.
If that's not reason enough for you to try it out, I don't know what is:
Citra is an option, but you can also set up Bluestacks, the Android emulator, and buy the games from the Google Play Store, installing the fan translation for DGS1, the one for 2 when it's finished.
And if anyone's curious, here's the casebook I'm talking about:
I managed to get a used copy for $15.99. They're pretty steep if you buy new. I read the Wright casebook, too, but it isn't nearly as insightful as a character study as the Edgeworth volume. It has its moments, of course, though I don't recommend it nearly as much. Also there's a gross and suuuuuper out of character entry >!where Wright speculates what Pearl will look like as an adult since the Hawthorne sisters are so pretty and he's got this flirty look on his face and EW NO NO NO NO NO. !<That threw a lot of the book off for me.
At least the casebooks seem to be canon adjacent where you can pick and choose which ones work to fill in game blanks and which to ignore... I definitely choose to ignore that one. But much of the serious Edgeworth stories flesh him out in a way that helps bridge the character growth gaps between games 3 and 5, especially since in 5 he comes off as much more self-assured and capable of expressing gratitude. The Maya story works as part of it, >!minus the bear fight,!< but that aspect can always be chalked up as friends retelling the story with exaggerations to make it more interesting.
It's really hard to find any official merch outside of Japan. I found an Amazon page for a Phoenix pin I actually have this pin but mine came with an Edgeworth one with it. I also have a Trucy and Apollo set I got them both at a convention but they seem to be very hard to find online.
Yeah. There's an official remaster available on mobile, which I would consider better than emulating the game (though emulation is still an option). Depending on your device...
On my laptop I get a message that says this app is compatible with some of your devices and but the buy button is greyed out.
One thing though, I haven't connected to the VPN on my laptop. Is that possible with the browser version of ProtonVPN? Doesn't seem so.
ProtonVPN worked like a charm! Got onto the Japanese store first try!
I had a bit of trouble getting a Google Pay Japanese account afterwards (I don't know if there was some way to bypass it but it wouldn't let me redeem the gift card code without it) but I got that sorted and now, amazingly, I can finally try out this game.
Thanks so much for the help fam.
Looks interesting, but there are a few things that I can see might drive people off.
First: What makes Burden of Proof different from Ace Attorney or Danganropa?
For example, another game based of Ace Attorney I've seen is Regeria Hope. While it functioned much like an Ace Attorney game, one of the interesting mechanics is your ability to throw a case, and become a corrupt lawyer.
From the trailer, it looks like 3D investigation? But I'm not sure.
Second: The visuals.
I imagine 3D models are a lot harder to create than 2D sprites. I'll be honest, the visuals look really rough. If there is anything I think you should work on, it's definitely the visuals.
> I doubt we will get one.
> If I am not wrong, the purpose of the anime was to promote SOJ when it was new at the time.
That makes no sense whatsoever. The anime is about the first two games.
Here's an R4 and the necessary 2GB SanDisk. Have fun.
Yeah. this series is difficult. For me, someone who works with Ace Attorney music for my YouTube channel, it can get a little difficult to track down physical copies. I have ended up getting some from and ebay. Sometimes can also be good, if not for their slightly higher prices on certain OSTs.
In all honesty, I'd say amazon might be your best bet for trying to find the older soundtracks, and something like CDJapan is reliable for the new releases.
(btw, if you plan on getting the OSTs for the original trilogy, I would HIGHLY suggest buying the "Gyakuten Saiban Sound Box" it is the best quality version of the original trilogy music, since they updated the music for the Wii ports.)
They're very high quality, and the defense badge especially looks a lot better IRL.
Yeah, they're in English. I had them all on my Amazon wishlist, here's the first volume and the rest are easy to find from there:
It appears there are two distinct APKs (the Android app format) for Apollo Justice :
I'm afraid this means that if you bought the Japanese version, you won't be able to access the English one (unless the translation is in the files, but based on what you're saying I suppose it is not). I'm sorry :/