Here dude. I bought this a year ago. It's sturdy as hell and easy to mount. Great price, too.
But good on you for working with what you've got.
TaoTronics at Amazon are what I use, they've lasted me two years, great quality and the battery is still trucking, and cheap enough that it's no big deal to get another pair.
Why do you need that feeling ? Not trying to bash or anything but as a general fact it is accepted you are better off training for strength and lifting heavy weights. The burn means nothing, progressive overload and getting stronger is EVERYTHING, I know the pump and burn are really nice feelings but in the end is the results that matter the most ...
Check my free app for a real strength program, which you can fully customize!
Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift 3 times a week with a rest day in between. 5 X 5 or DUP. Focus on progressive overload and get stronger. Eat well but stay away from "Bulking". Dont do any bodybuilding pump bullshit. That's it.
If you need more help I made a free app that will generate a program for you and tell you how much to eat. Give it a try:
Let me hit this off with a simple: don’t focus on weight, focus on muscle. You only need 300 calories surplus to gain muscle steadily, as long as you are on a proven strength program, DUP or 5 x 5 Stronglifts. I have a free app for DUP if you wanna check it out Otherwise, to answer your question, eat oatmeal blended up with milk and some peanut butter. That is basically a weight gainer on steroids, and if peanut butter is too expensive simple buy some peanuts or sunflower seeds and blend that in there.
If you are in US - Limited-time deal: Yes4All Deluxe Cable LAT Pulldown Attachments for Weight Lifting with Multi-Option: Combo Tricep Rope, Straight Bar, V Bar, Single Tricep Rope & Single D Handle Lat Machine Attachment
If not it is called lat pull down attachment. I had this problem, got these straps and they help alot.
Hey guys, I would like to present you my Lockdown project: A coaching app for strength sports. I would love to hear your feedback!
Also, if you are willing to go outside, there is a 15 minute running intervals that I do sometimes, it's
Walk 20 seconds
Jog 20 seconds
All out sprint 20 seconds
Repeat 5 times
You can do a warm up and cool down jog for 5 minutes each, I actually normally skip this. These workouts are actually pretty effective in my experience. (I would recommend doing this on a track, because it seems weird all out sprinting in public, but if it works for you, you do you)
Edit: For keeping time, I use an app called Exercise Timer for android.
I made a totally free fitness app to help people track their lifts. If you want to see great results you just need to get stronger. It also gives you a general idea on how much to eat to gain muscle. Try it out:
Your trainer is shit, sorry to say. Any decent trainer these days recommends a 3 days full body routine, which seems yours didn’t even consider. There is also the aspect of progression and strength involved in this, but so far the whole routine just seems wrong.
I recommend checking out a proven program like 5 x 5 stronglifts or my free DUP app, but the main idea is performing 3 sessions a week of compound movements, like Deadlifts, Squats, Bench Press, Overhead Press and some exercise aimed at your upper back (I like lat pull downs but there are weighted chin-ups and also rows). You will need to keep the strenght aspec in mind and make sure you increase the weight on your lifts - my app does this for you and stronglfits 5 x 5 has its own progression.
As for weight gain, it’s extremely depended on your nutrition and you will need to eat right. I advise eating 300 calories over your maintenance level of the right macros (my app also can help you calculate this or you can use an online calculator).
Good luck bro, let me know if you have any questions.
Firstly, strength training is NOT optional. It should be the base of your gym program, something like DUP (I made a free app for it or stronglifts 5 x 5 will totally do the trick, but remember to track your progression (my app does that for you).
Now, for you “shredding plan”, you can gain muscle and burn fat at the same time if you are a beginner, but after a while it will stop. The idea behind this is that to gain muscle you have to be in a caloric surplus. Now, if you are NOT a beginner I advise you simply get your nutrition on point, try to eat at around 300+ calories from your maintenance level from clean CARBS (yeah carbs are actually needed for athletes, anyone who recommends a keto diet to you is wrong) and around 1.6 grams of protein per kg of body weight (usually 1.2 to 1.8 grams are recommended for athletes, with 2 grams when they are on a caloric deficit - aka cutting) and 35% calories from fats. I would say go with this for 6 months to 1 year and I promise you will see results, and you will NOT add much fat if you don’t overeat. If you still feel fat after 1 year then simply go on a cut after you have established a strength base. Trust me I know 1 year seems a long time but it is EXTREMELY important to set a base and to invest in the long term.
Main the iron serve you well. Let me know if you have any questions.
Do DUP, 3 reps in a day, 5 reps in another day and 10 reps in the last day. It works great, ive been doing it for the past year. I have a free app for it even:
You can also cut all your weights in half before starting the dup program and gradually increase. Remember the goal is to get stronger.
As someone said, there is 0 correlation between muscle growth and “burn”. Ignore it if I’m wrong but you are also probably doing some kind of bodybuilder split, I advise you to pick up a real training program, something like a stronglifts 5 x 5 or DUP, I have a free app for Android that generates a DUP program and helps with tracking,, but you can also follow any strength based program online that has good progression, again stronglifts 5 x 5 is great and Mad Cow is also efficient after you have set a strength base. You will need to focus on getting stronger on the compound movements (Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, Overhead Press, Rows). Let me know if you have any questions, cheers.
Here we go, beaaaar with me it’s a long one:
There are two keywords here, muscle mass and body fat. Obviously you will want a high body mass and low body fat.
Starting with muscle mass, train for getting stronger on compound movements - deadlift, squat, bench press, chin-ups, overhead press. You can do 5 x 5 strong lifts or a DUP based program. I have made a free app ( that helps you track your sets, reps and that generates a DUP program, but you can find many free programs on the internet as well (strong lifts 5 x 5 is great). However, if you want to use your own program remember to implement progressive overload (add weight or sets as your body adapts to the training).
Going to body fat, you will want to track your calories and eat 300 calories less than what you need - deficit. My app also helps you calculate this, including macro nutrients (carbs, protein, fats), but there are again other options, such as Yazio. What is important is to keep your protein 2 grams per kg of body weight, 35% calories from fats (1 gram of fat is 9 calories so you will take your total calories minus your protein 2 x kg x 4 - 1 gram of protein is 4 calories - and divide by 9 to get your grams of fat) and the rest of calories from carbohydrates. Carbs SHOULD bring in most of your daily calories, do not do any sort of ketogenic diets or other low carb diets. You can calculate your total calories with my app, Yazio, or online calculators.
TLDR: train for strength on big compound exercises and be on a 300 calories deficit with high carbs high protein low fat.
When you start out yes its possible, but it won't last long. People usually prefer to focus on lean bulking, eating around + 300 kcals and getting strong as fuark. You will surely notice better results than trying to eat to lose fat and also trying to get muscle. I have a free app if you want to try it: tracks strentgh, generates a lifting program and advises you on total calories + protein, carbs and fats.
Before promoting my free app I will actually tell you some basics, please bear with me.
If you want sport performance you will want to focus on getting stronger and fitter, this means lifting heavy weights on the big compound exercises and also doing cardio. \ An example of a program would be: Monday 5 x 5 Squat, Bench Press, Deficit Deadlift. Wednesday 10 x 4 Squat, Incline Bench Press. Friday 3 x 5 Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift. Add 4 sets of weighted chin-ups on each of these days as well. The most important part is to progressively overload, meaning adding weight on these exercises as you get stronger - for example say that this Monday you successfully did 5 x 5 squats with 60 kg, then next Monday you will want to push this 5 x 5 squats to 65 kg.
Regarding nutrition, if you want to gain weight and accelerate muscle gain you will need to eat +300 calories more than what your daily needs are (if you need 2000 daily calories you will want to eat 2300 to gain weight slowly), If you want to get lean and lose weight (hopefully fat) you will want to eat -200 - 500 calories than what you need (if you need 2000 you will want to eat 1500 - 1700). If you are eating under you caloric needs you will also want to eat 2grams of protein per kg of body weight, if you are eating over your caloric needs you will want to eat 1gram - 1.6 grams of protein per kg of body weight.
Now, I have a free app that can help you calculate how many calories you need, including protein fats and carbs, and that can generate a strength program for you (you can customize it) and will help you track your sets, reps and weight on your exercises making sure you get that progressive overload. Give it a try if you want
If you want to build mass, get on a proven strength program with good progression, linear progression will do for beginners, I have a free DUP app that helps with that or you can check out stronglifts 5 x 5. That being said, these programs all focus on strength on compound exercises like Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Overhead Press and Rows. These exercises are great for adding mass and strength to your body, as they are natural movement patterns. Let me know if you have any questions.
I know you hear this a lot but I actually made a free app for it (no ads no bullshit):
It generates a programme for you with squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press and chin ups and it will help you track your sets reps and weights and will increase the weights for you. You can check youtube if you dont know how to do those exercises.
The main idea is you will want to get stronger to get muscle. The app can also suggest the amount of protein, carbs and fats for you daily nutrition (and calories) depending if you wanna lose or gain weight. Give it a try if you want.
TLDR: free app Get strong on compount exercises Dont waste time with bodybuilding exercises like chest flyes.
>What I found most helpful was infrared lights with the aluminum reflectors.
These do a good job? I've debated getting a couple to put over my rack & deadlift space. My roof is uninsulated so it's useless to do any sort of space heater.
I live at high elevation and the temperature is commonly under 20 degrees in the winter. Sometimes -20 or lower. For a few years I was training in uninsulated garages/barns. To help with this I used a variety of heaters, including propane and electric space heaters. What I found most helpful was actually infrared lights with the aluminum reflectors.
I would put those on a timer for two hours before I would get into the gym. Start with them shining directly on my bars. That would warm them up. Then when I hit the gym I'd shine them on myself and the area I was training in.
Do that with a pair of thin gloves, a quick warm up like jump rope or some bodyweight work, and you're set.
Been there amigo. I honestly do not trust gym-provided clips. Instead I keep a pair of these in my gym bag:
There's plenty of versions and forms, but they're far better than questionable metal clips that have been in God knows how many gyms and abused by God knows how many people for God knows how long.
I've been using this rack for 7 years now.
Now that I'm looking at the picture, I'm realizing I put it back together incorrectly after the last move.
Had the same issue. I started small and also use an adjustable grip strengthener at work like this one
Get a callus file, I like this one. It's $7.
Every other day, let your hands soak in warm water for a couple of minutes. This is important, don't skip this part. Use the file to gently sand down your calluses. Put moisturizer on your hands.
I cut them off using a shavette razor, like this one.
You're going to have tons of advice from people saying to go slow, shoot for X calories over TDEE, do easy bodybuilder splits, and other such advice that's well intentioned because they're interested in being Instagram worthy 24/7.
With all due respect, ignore those people, they're not interested in you getting big, strong, fast, conditioned, or otherwise becoming a well rounded athlete.
I put on almost 20lb in 6 weeks following Super Squats, and I believe the promised 30 was possible if I'd eaten the full diet presented for the full duration. I've got a writeup of my experiences here.
Other methods for getting fucking big and strong include doing the full workout and food prescription of 531 Building the Monolith (including jumps/throws and conditioning), doing Deep Water following similar diet rules, and generally listening to people like /u/MythicalStrength.
I actually have two pairs - one sized for a regular bar and one for an axle.
I got these in large (I think) for my regular bar, and these for the axle.
I also have the Cerberus lasso straps for the axle because I like to change things up sometimes, and a couple of pairs of generic lassos. I like buying straps, but I only routinely use one or two pairs. lol
There's a learning/liking curve for figure 8s. They felt weird to me after years of lasso, until they just clicked one day, and now they're mostly what I use.
This Tripod is $12 on Amazon in the US. I have it and absolutely love it. It extends up to 51” but also collapses enough to fit in your bag.
Mate I want to apologise for being a dick to you out of the blue for no reason. I could have scrolled past and not said a thing and I really am sorry.
To actually try and help you though, I just remembered this app
It has a bunch of programs built in, you just put in your maxes and it will calculate the weights. You do the exercises it says, tick each one when you're done and it times your rest too. Boostcamp is also supposed to be good but I haven't used it. Both available on IOS
Also, you should look at a few spreadsheet routines they're not hard to use and opens up a lot of options on training programs. Have a look at something like this maybe
Hope I was actually helpful this time, good luck!
Holy shit you look like you could you lats as a fucking arm blaster Good shit my dude. I hope I can get to look half as good as you
Protein Powder will be your best friend if your struggling to get your protein intake up.
This is the one I use, 120 calories per serving and 27g protein, I usually do 2 scoops so 240 calories for 54 grams of protein. Would highly recommend picking some up.
I mean that's probably fair, but chicken is cheap, so they may be prioritizing real food over supplements. And creatine is really expensive right now - $55 for a kilo. I swear it was like $20/kilo pre pandemic.
You see that green sticker at the end of this bar
It actually includes the weight.
I use this.. Keep it simple bro. The work is more important than the log
I use these yoga toe socks. I wouldn't recommend these on a wooden floor. I use them on the rubber floor.
I used a separate mesh swim bag. Something like this.
Obviously when using straps, you still have to hold it, and there's some carryover of familiarity for the size when you do it without, but I don't feel like I particularly get much out of it in that respect when I use the figure 8s.
However, I think there is a bit more of that when you use lassos, but it's a small effect; I have a pair of the Cerberus double ply axle-length straps where I have to noticeably grip harder with than the figure 8s.
I'm not an expert on shoes, so I can't recommend a bunch of different things. The ones I use are a bit older, but similar to these.
Xero Shoes Men's Prio Cross Training Shoe - Lightweight Zero Drop, Barefoot
The keywords are zero drop, flat, hard sold. You can look around for something you like in whatever brand when you are ready to buy, but I still recommend posting again to verify that it's what you want, so you don't waste your money.
I follow [](this program) by Bret Contreras.
I eat a restricted diet of 1600-1800kcal, I get 100-130g of protein every day from food and sometimes I supplement with a shake.(I’m 5’5 and weigh 143lb)
Get a pad like this for hip thrusts. No more pain!
Would this be fine? here
Sounds like you had a very specific one-off encounter. I'm sure there's ways to film without it being obstructive.
Here is a tripod. It extends to 60 inches in height.
The diameter of the base looks to be about a foot.
Smaller tripods also exist. The diameter will be even smaller. I've used a large example for you, since that seems to compound into your issues.
Insulated water bottle
Bottle cleaning kit (because apparently you fuckers are disgusting and don't clean your things so this must be said)
Blender bottle / shaker cup
Weight scale
Kelso Shrug Book just don't drink "the big drink" -- it's kind of ridiculous
Unflavored Creatine Monohydrate, 2 kilograms
Mitchum Deodorant (not body spray) which is also an antiperspirant
Men's lotion, a pumice stone, and some nail clippers for callous management
These will take you far so long as you correctly use them.
I went with one of these
Along with a bench that can do leg extensions/curls, and a set of adjustable dumbbells.
I would put your shoes on.
There are the that look like you're wearing socks. I forgot their name. Expensive, though. Nike makes them and some other people, too. I don't think they ever were super popular, though.
Here's a link from Amazon. It's the type of shoe I was talking about.
Vibram FiveFingers Men's V-Train 2.0 Fitness and Cross Training Shoe
But definitely wear shoes.
I just stick with these ones Healthy Oats
But avoid these ones at all costs, the processed sugar becomes healthy when you consume more than one packet Junk oats
Here’s a link for some mens weightlifting shoes just as an example. Adidas and Nike also make good weightlifting or cross training shoes. Anything flatter will help significantly.
Second this one. I have the small which fits 2 lifting belts, my dip belt, and shoes + other crap in main compartment. Side compartments (front/back) have other crap like straps and chalk. Works great.
I used to have a very simple bag with only the main compartment. It really drove me nuts trying to find shit in it. Loving my replacement Defender IV.
Like one of these with 4 risers is the perfect height for me: Yes4All Aerobic Exercise Workout Step Platform Health Club Size with 4 Adjustable Risers Included and Extra Risers Options
Before jumping into a belt It's important to know how to breath and brace effectively without one. Check out Brain Alshrue/ Alex Bromley/ Chris Duffin/ Dave Tate's vids on YouTube on the subject.
Buy a powerlifting belt. I.e same thickness and width all the way around. Single prong is the easiest to get along with. Yeah double prongs look cooler and levers are more convenient, but trust me start with a single prong.
Only use a belt when you need to use a belt. Its not magic and shouldn't be worn on every set. I only use mine for max effort squats/ ohp, or for the final set of a 5x5 or 5x3 at the end of the week. Deadlifts for me feel weird with s belt so I give it a miss.
You don't need to spend lots, I have one of these and it's great value. Jayefo Leather Power Lifting Belt 10MM Thick 4 inches Wide
I’m not quite sure what the science behind it is, but for some reason my stomach can only handle the GNC Creatine HCL tablets, Monohydrate Powder gives me unbearable gas.
Sooo I guess that’s my recommendation
GNC AMP HCl 189, 120 Tablets
Nope. Creatine Monohydrate (Micronized) - Creatine Powder - Pre Workout with Creatine - Vegan Pre Workout - Pre Workout Women (1 Kilogram - 2.2 lbs)
If you've got a cheaper source, please prove me wrong. I'd love to not pay $60 for it.
The L shaped ones are better than the extending ones.
If it looks like this you're golden.
Alright here you go; article form 2021 saying to keep the knees bend when stretching out the legs:
No but you might want some some support over looser boxers or something. I like these 2Xist boxer briefs. I get the ones without the convenience outlet (hehe) for workouts and with for day-to-day.
I would start
Included in the calories ensure you are also eating a decent amount of protein (1.5g/kg bodyweight is a good start).
Also ensure a decent amount of fruit and veg in there. Once that is all consistent then you can tweak further.
My app is called FitJo. I'm in the middle of a rewrite but if you want to be a tester send me a DM! I'm adding nutrition tracking, routine sharing, and measurements this week.
Soundcore by Anker Life Q30...
Been using these for a few months and I'm happy with them. They're noise canceling and have transparency. I have long hair and they stay on pretty good despite that. Much cheaper too. You can opt for the higher end version for $130 if you really want. I'm super happy with them.
I usually recommend this for an entry level well dosed pre workout. Alot of the things in c4 are so underdosed you are paying for no effects.
I have been using the clear whey protein powder. I personally like the MuscleTech brand. No clumps and it doesn’t have any of that whey after taste.
Whey Protein Powder | MuscleTech Clear Whey Protein Isolate | Whey Isolate Protein Powder for Women & Men | Clear Protein Drink | 22g of Protein, 90 Calories | Lemon Berry Blizzard, 1.1lb(19 Servings)
I just got these a few months ago
They are pretty great. You can use one or both, they work all day very big charge. The charging case is also a battery so if you need to charge your phone you can.
Panasonic RB-HF520, im using those for gym and they are great for small price amazon
Preworkouts are not like gakking up a rail of speed. The best you can hope for is a bit of a stimulant hit, an acid buffer and a vasodilator.
Looked at the ingredient list. Decent list but under dosed and way too goddamn expensive like every other preworkout on the market. 60 bucks for 20 servings of 8 grams citruline malate, 3.2 grams beta-alanine, and 430mg caffeine.
I take 5 grams Beta-Alanine and 10 grams Citruline Malate before a workout with about half a pot of good coffee (back of the napkin math that gives me about 400mg caffiene). My way gets me 50 servings for about 50 bucks. Already had a fairly accurate scale to weigh out doses on hand because... reasons.
I have PLT headphones. Got them years ago for running and never got new ones when I started working out cause these haven't failed me yet. Battery only last about 6 hours but I've had these headphones over 4 years now. They're very comfortable, easy to use, and never fall out of my ear. I have a link below on kinda what I have. These seem like the "new and upgraded" but same design. I only have it linked for showing you what I mean. Buy at own risk, I don't make a commission.
If you can fill out this you would be great
If you dropped weight from 195 to 180, that's great. It is reasonable to continue your program.
BMI 27 doesn't mean much. Try this to estimate your bodyfat percent.
I'd get a cheap rack instead, footprint is pretty much identical anyway.
In case you're worried about your safety:
Hey pal so I got this one:
Normally I am careful and skeptical about buying shit off amazon etc. But I can tell you it has worked great for me and it is very solid. I will also say if you get that one, it runs pretty big so unless you're fucking huge get a small or medium at most
Doing powerbuilding myself, a cool chalk bag with some chalk for grip during the heavy lifts would be a cool gift. Every time he's doing a difficult lift and chalks up, he'll be thinking about you.
If possible, maybe invest in a good liftingbelt. Great for squat, bench and deadlifts.
We should all chip in and get him some of these for safety. Should protect those around him from errant weights
Put resistance bands across your safety’s and stand on the resistance band. It’s a poor man’s assisted pull-up machine. SUNPOW Pull Up Assistance Bands - Set of 5 Resistance Heavy Duty Workout Exercise Crossfit Stretch Fitness Bands Assist Set for Body, Instruction Guide and Carry Bag Included
You can get some capsules that use specialized caffeine for extended release as well. I personally get this one...
This brand was just the best deal at the time but anything that says "nucaffe" or "extended release" usually use the same thing.
They give a nice, consistent, smooth energy feel. Super convenient to have at work or in your car for a quick pick me up. Usually last 2-3 hours before you start to feel it really fade out.
Only place I’ve been able to find it is Amazon Scho-ka-kola Schokakola energy chocolate -MILK -100 g - 1 can
Anything with sliding pulleys like this one
My daughter broke hers also. This issue why we got here's. She has dropped to and dented this one a couple of times. Still working.
Sursip 64 Oz Vacuum Insulated...
Try this app. It allows you to easily track your food. It has a huge database of barcodes you can scan that will help you to more easily track your daily calorie intake.
>Leaving aside the fact that it's OPs first time deadlifting and it looks pretty decent, what muscle group is not getting worked in the clip that would be worked in a deadlift closer to optimal form
Well OPs deadlift is pretty legit. But with bad form breaks on conventional you can find a lot of the weaker legs and a disproportionately strong back.
>I have no idea why you are talking about squats in this context. My squat variation selection has very little to do with my deadlift training.
I'm not sure what your goal is while training but if it's general strength training like powerlifting, this is extremely common.
>What basis do you use for this frankly bizarre assertion?
Practical Programming for Strength Training
Most breakdowns on programming for strength training will touch on similar things.
Ultrawhey Pro has fantastic flavors. My favorite is the mocha one. I always drink it with water and it goes down smooooth.
Try this supplement if gallstones in fasting seem to be a problem, it helped me Standard Process A-F Betafood - Gluten-Free Liver Support, Cholesterol Metabolism, and Gallbladder Support Supplement with Vitamin A, Iodine, Vitamin B6 - 180 Tablets
Use a fishing scale.
Definitely go see a doctor. Do you smoke or have caffeine after 3pm? That could be hurting your sleep too. Check out the insomnia workbook.
Hahahah I’m glad you took that in good humor! I’ve never had coffee flavored protein but coffee is such a strong flavor it might cancel out the protein taste so maybe give it a try. Protein bars usually taste just as bad, there’s only 1 protein bar brand (Oatmega) I can say I actually absolutely love. Lenny and Larry’s protein cookies aren’t bad either but I don’t like their macros.
The protein powder I use is Planta and I get the sprinkle cupcake flavor. The other flavours sound really good, but I just love cupcakes too much to try the others lol
Could something like this reacher help?
X-Long 36" Flex-Cable Pick-Up Tool 4-Finger Claw End Retriever Snake
I have used something like these from over 30 years ago. Not sure if they are thinner than leather ones.
Harbinger Padded Cotton Lifting Straps with NeoTek Cushioned Wrist (Pair)
The device you listed is to focus on your biceps and forearm. Here is a other, cheaper version. I may consider getting this.
Never seen anything like what is in your drawing.
Gorilla Strength Rhino Lever Curl Bar
Lol. The other person has brains and brawn. But no tact.
I know I am partial, but I prefer tapered leather belts. The old school way.
Jaffick Genuine Leather Weight Lifting Belt for Men Gym Weight Belt Lumbar Back Support Powerlifting Weightlifting Heavy Duty Workout Training Strength Training Equipment
JLYSHOP Weight Lifting Belt for Men and Women - Durable Comfortable and Adjustable with Buckle - Stabilizing Lower Back Support for Weightlifting
I made a gym logging app after bodybuilding for 5-6 years :) Maybe check it out: or (it's free/no ads)
Dude, your budget might be a bit low, but mainly because weights cost so much right now.
That said, here's a decent "starter" cage that is priced really well at $300 -
Start with something like that - you can always upgrade if you get super serious, later.
Something like this? BodyRip Power Cable Crossover Gear | Full Machine & Attachment Accessories | Strength Training, Home Gym Fitness Exercise | V-Bar, Seated, Stirrup, Revolving Bar, Pressdown, Tricep Rope, and MORE
A bit of shameless self promotion but I've been working out for 5-6 years now and used nearly every popular gym app out there. There were some I liked, but they were all missing one thing or another. During the pandemic, I decided to build my own workout tracker app by taking all I learned during these years. I do it as a side project, and it's completely free ofc :) I use it to track my own progress and sharpen up my programming skills. I hope it will be useful to other fellow gym rats. I wonder what you would think of it! Feel free to check it out at or
Get some resistance bands like this
This Pullup bar is a fiver in home bargains
A couple of bags of building sand done up with a roll of duct tape will give you somethNg heavy to squat/carry.
You can maintain gains with this setup for less than £50.