It started small...a few white dots on the lower leaves of 1 of my reaper plants. I wasn't sure what they were right away so I waited a few days to see. Sure enough, they're on all 8 of my! no! no! I orderd 1500 live ladybugs online and released them with my family at dusk one evening. I took this video about 12 hours later. Within about 3-4 days the aphids were all but gone. A month later, not a sign in sight and all the plants are recovered and fruiting nicely! All in all? A really fun activity for the kids and WAY less effort than the amount of neem spraying one has to do to get ahead of these bastards. Would recommend. The lady bugs eventually dispersed into my garden, but they still return several days a week. Wonderful little creatures.
Edit: I forgot to mention my overall cost was about 20-25 bucks if I recall correctly.
Edit 2: BUG WAR!!!!
Edit 3: Wow this got way more interest than I expected! Several people have asked where I got them. The link is here:
but also I was wrong about my cost. It was like 10 bucks. "A banking error in your favor!"
Possibly an example exhibiting the fi-1 or fi-2 gene as described in The Genes Of Capsicum Is often sterile or partially sterile. Good luck and thanks for sharing.
Please be careful! This advice is incomplete!
While it is true that botulism-causing bacteria can't live in the acid-heavy environment of a vinegar-based hot sauce, the threshold for what counts as 'acid-heavy' is specific, and you need to test it to be sure.
The pH level needs to be LOWER than 4.6. Any higher than that, and it will not be acidic enough to kill botulism-causing bacteria.
Obtain a pH tester like this one:
That way you aren't guessing, but making certain your product is safe.
NEVER try to 'eyeball it' or 'guesstimate' when it comes to food safety.
Spicy jam/jelly. Spicy ice cream (not very hot, just a slight warmth to follow the sweet). Spicy powder-spiked sugar or salt to rim the glass for fancy drinks. Flavored simple syrups. Flavored vinegars. I didn’t have scotch bonnets, but I made a quart sized mason jar of this with a cup of Piri Piri peppers and about 6 ghosts and it was pretty awesome. You can also cut them in half and cold smoke them. Check this link, and check out some YouTube videos too. Once cold smoked, you can use them as is, or further roast them to make em soft and blend them into some cream cheese as the base for a spicy dip, or jalapeño poppers. You can blanch them to lower the heat a little bit, and then use them. You can ferment them to bring out more flavor, add flavors, and lessen the heat. This will change your hot sauce game too. You can make spicy tomato sauce, spicy gazpacho, spicy bbq sauce, or just grind em up, make tea with them, and spray em on your plants as deer repellant.
I only had to do this once and have not seen a single aphid (or sign there-of) in over a month. I ordered them, amusingly enough from amazon. Easy mode!
I added it dry to the soil. And I also dissolved it in water and sprayed it on the leaves. Make sure you get pure epsom salts and not a product meant for soaking your feet. Those usually have additives you don't want. I found pure MgSO4 on amazon. This is what I bought.
Get on amazon and order an air lock. E.g. Here is what I bought.
Buy a mango or two, a canning jar, some garlic cloves. Drill a hole in a large mason jar lid and hot glue that air lock into the top.
Slice up everything and put it in the jar in a cabinet for a week.
Later blend it and add in a pinch of Xantham gum to keep it thick. Put in fancy hot sauce bottles or just jar it.
Check over at r/hotsaucerecipes .
Salt brine in mason jar for 1-2 weeks sit on counter is the basic gist. Make sure material does not touch air as it will mold and ruin the batch.
I picked this book up.
I got this book in a Secret Santa exchange at Christmas, and while it's not super informative, it does have a section on Asian peppers with a very small description on uses for each one. May be worth checking out if they have one at a bookstore near you.
Thanks! I used these: DIAH 24 pocket flask bottles 100ml with GOLD screw caps for wine, whisky or spirits
I bought a crimper to finish off the bottom of the lid (but not really needed!)
Green as grass.
Maybe this could work? Not tried it myself, just googled a bit to see if it existed something like this.
Bottles: Clear Glass Woozy Bottles with Shrink Capsules, 5 Oz - Case of 12
Stopper thingies: Dripper Insert for Hot Sauce Bottles 20ct
I got this drip irrigation kit on amazon, it comes with 1/4 tubing, I got some 1/2 tubing from Lowes to run from the water source and just attached the 1/4 tubing at each plant, this ensures constant pressure to all the plants.
I do have a timer but I have not used it yet as we have been getting plenty of rain around here. So the times I have used the irrigation has been like 2 times and just turn it on manually for about 15 mins.
I used some bug netting bags to put over my plants i over wintered this year and then put the lady bugs in for about a week or two. I used these:
Just need to add some supports for the netting so the bag doesn't just lay on the plant for support -- used 3 bamboo poles per plant (but you can use any kind of stick or even a small tomato cage) stuck into the soil and tall enough to be above the tallest part of the plant. Then just used some string to close the bottom of the bag around the pot to seal them in. Worked AWESOME! No more aphids... Works way better than sprays.
That does seem pretty strong.... I would thoroughly spray/wash the plant with clean water, flush the soil with clean water, and then give it a week to recover. Remember not to water until the top inch of soil is dry, or, the plant has slightly wilted. I use "MAG-I-CAL" from Technaflora for Magnesium/Iron/Calcium boosts. You can find it on Amazon and in most hydroponics stores.
I've been doing a lot of research on the power consumption thing myself and planning on a grow over winter. You can plug the numbers into a calculator like the one below and get accurate estimates.
If you don't know the cost of your power you can probably find it on your bill or google it.
You can also look at something like:
Which lets you not only schedule your lights to turn on/off automatically but will also show you current power usage, average power usage over the last 7 days/30 days etc.
I can't speak to florescent but the standard 300W Grow LED you see on Amazon like the Mars Hydro ones and their derivatives use about 140W/Hour.
I plan on using two of those for ~12 hours a day and a small space heater when needed to help keep the tent I bought warm and my estimate is about $20/month in electricity costs here in Saskatchewan.
I use them. Here is my container garden. I'll be buying 20 more for my hot peppers.
I like them a lot. I would definitely recommend them. I buy mine from Amazon and with free shipping from amazon prime, I get 5 for about $9.
They need more light, go grab a desk lamp on Amazon like this guy or Ikea (I have this one, spendy, but it's also long and can handle a 100W LED (not equiv, 100W)) Go to the Homeless Despot (or Lowes or Menards or Walmart, whatever) and grab the highest wattage LED bulb you can (probably like 60W) that's 4500-6500K (kelvin, color of light).
the picture in the Amazon listing is deceptive. They ended up being 24 inches by 37 inches. Just barely fits around the rim of a 7 gallon smart pot. I only intended to isolate individual branches
It’s a 30 gallon pot. Considering it a forever pot. I personally have never used one before but they advertise it decreases root bunching and allows oxygen flow. I bought it off amazon, they have a nice little video on it: Smart Pots 30-Gallon Smart Pot Soft-Sided Container, Black
The oven or toaster oven method mentioned works as well.
Just cheap lights from Amazon. The newest one is my favorite. Sometimes they go on sale.
I’m not sure about those types of heating pads giving the amount of heat needed for peppers to germinate. Here’s a link for a two pack of pads for 26 USD on amazon as an example:
2-Pack 10" x 20.75" Multifunction Waterproof Seedling Heat Mat Warm Heating Pad
Biggest thing for me is having ample moisture (but not too much) and warmth for the seeds to germinate.
You should also check the seeds before you plant - if they have dark spots in the center, they’re not viable. If you’re planting cross bred peppers among different pepper species, there is a potential for seeds not to be viable either.
I have a couple videos on germination and all things pepper related if you’re interested... here’s one on germinating tricky seeds:
If you like it, please subscribe and share :)
Hope all this helps!
-Farmer G
Well I thought this book was good because its covers alot and is super informative. If microbiology isn't that interesting or is difficult to grasp you may not like this book but it is fantastic. I think this should be the whole book "Teaming with Microbes" but if not pdf's exist online fo' free, but please support the author.
as far as rotation I do things a little differently because I use coco in some of my plants and soil for the rest. I have some Fox farm soil with very large pepper plants and I water them like every 3 days, maybe longer and about every two weeks I give em some Compost Tea (FYI when you start doing it go easy on the molasses as too much will give you anaerobic bacteria and its just bad news). But what is more the reality is that I feed them with it the day that I make the tea and then store it in my fridge for >4 days and about 4 days after my first feeding I feed again and then wait two whole weeks. I do this so I don't throw good fungi down the drain and it works out to like 3 times per month. There is alot of science that goes into GOOD A.C.T. because if you use too much humic or fulvi acid it will harm bacteria but its not that hard to learn its just all about balance. So what I typically do is brew it with EWC, kelp, molasses and a few other things that are just awesome for bacteria then I take the whole brewed tea and mix it with Humic acid and a organic fertilizer right before I feed my plants so I don't harm the bacteria. You should bottom feed for this because if you don't all the bacteria that sits at the top of your plants will die from the light and we dont want that!!
High nitrogen like blood meal. I have seen few academic papers in support of high N fertilizers. Here is one
Frost is MUCH harder to protect from. But I will give you advice that has worked for me.
As for self wicking pots I personally don't see a problem with them so long as the sump is cleaned regularly. They are good for those with a busy lifestyle and can't maintain water and nutrients schedules.
XPCARE 10 Pack Tomato Cages 62 Inch Plant Cages Plant Support with 120 Vegetable Trellis,80 Clips, Climbing Indoor Plants Moss Poles Individually or Together
I bought a dehydrator so I will likely start by dehydrating all of them when they turn from green.
Excited for next season already as I hear plants do better on the second year - I built a poor man's wintering setup which is literally a piece of nylon rope hanging between my garage door frames and a few grow lights hanging from lamp cord ( connected to a power strip which is plugged into a smart timer.
I cheated a bit, just using this premade spice packet and then chopping up one reaper pretty finely per jar and dropping it in. After a week - fire pain pickles.
I used this last year and it worked great. Check it works for hornworms but I'm fairly certain it does. I had an infestation of smaller caterpillars. It's straight up biological warfare, a strain of bacteria that's harmless to humans but might as well be ebola to caterpillars. Happy hunting.
Edit: went out to my garage to read the bottle, it works on hornworms.
I ordered this Year of Plenty kit:
I thought it came with jars as well but it did not. Luckily I had a couple to try it out last weekend. I just bought that big lock jar yesterday. I don't think the airlocks are necessary since I had to open my first batch frequently anyway as I had too much brine in them and had to scoop some out a couple times. I also just used a spoon and (glove covered) fingers to smash everything down as much as I could and didn't use the bamboo tamper.
Others on here don't use the airlocks or weights. Just make sure to release the gasses and slosh everything around to cover any floaters with brine. For overall consistent flavor I think a scale is needed for more precise measurements.
I briefly looked up general recipes then just started cutting and weighing everything. I have made salsa several times so roughly knew how much of everything would result in good flavor...still needs tweaking as I did adjust on the second batch a bit. And probably went overboard on the strawberries for that mix, but no doubt it will be good :)
Presto 06300 Dehydro Electric Food Dehydrator, St...
Wife got me it for Father’s Day one year to stop me from doing it in the house, looks like they went up to $40 but still worth it. I just cut my hot peppers in half, save the seeds, stack them up in here, let it go over night in the carport. Then I fold a piece of wax paper or ziplock and crush them into hot sprinkle. Can never go back to crushed red pepper though.
I got them for free - they are a bit expensive but essentially waterproof.
Seems to have pretty solid drainage, I don’t ever have any issues with pooling that could lead to rot or other issues. The fabric pots have really helped to ensure quality drainage as well.
This was the best deal I’ve found, 20 pots for $28:
Does anyone have experience with this brand? Also, is the fact that I inherited a “hanging basket kit,” render this system useless for a setup like yours?
I do two tsp of MaxiGro in a gallon jug and just put it in the bottom cup every other morning. I worry about root rot so I give them a day to breath in between. That's really it!
5-pack 7-gallon fabric pots on Amazon $17.99
They're pot elevators
Or you can use silt traps from car wash buckets
I'm using Mega crop at roughly 2/3 the listed strength and half strength Calmag plus as well as Hydroguard.
Not advertising for this product but this is what I bought and what came up during a quick Amazon search.
Organic Neem Bliss 100% Pure Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil - (16 oz) High Azadirachtin Content - OMRI Listed for Organic Use
For keeping the big guys alive, I just bought a 32 watt LED grow bulb(super bright) and found a nice looking 5ft tall lamp stand that would fit the bulb. For the babies, I have a couple T5s from the propagation kits I bought.
Here is the link to the GE Bulb. In another comment, I linked the propagation kit.
I bought one of these guys last year and I get probably 95% germination rate. I keep the bottom filled with about a quarter inch of water to help conduct the heat to the soil. I also keep the top layer moist until they pop.
I got all my seeds from here.
I have plenty of Fatalii seeds, but gave away all but one Fatalii that I am keeping for my brother.
In recent years I have overwintered them in the window. For lack of light they lost almost all their leaves. This year I gave my last year's superstar a light of its own, with resounding success. And although I cut it back twice in winter, it has almost doubled its area and bears fruit all the time.
Yea, seems to be at least keeping them alive but not enough to grow them any bigger, just ordered this a few minutes ago after reading a few other posts about lights. A lot of the amazon weird company named lights are not well described and seem to lie about wattage and stuff.
Ah, okay. I was thinking like the ones you put in your kitchen (I actually just replaced mine in my kitchen which is what made me think of that). So even with two of those it's only 40w, which isn't a lot. You're probably okay for a while with those with seedlings, but once they get bigger I think they'll quickly outgrow those. My HD website only had 6 and 12 packs of those and they seem to come out to about $20/bulb. For not a whole lot more you can get a much stronger light off Amazon/etc. That's my two cents.
Edit: I have a couple of the bigger version of this and they're great lights. This appears to be on sale at the moment for $80. I'd go with something similar if you're not doing a ton of plants.
Thank you so much for responding! The pot does have a drain hole, I will water it the way described by you. This is the fertilizer I mixed into the dirt Espoma Citrus-Tone Plant Food, Natural & Organic Fertilizer for All Citrus, Avocado, Fruit & Nut Trees, 4 lb, Pack of 1
Cool. Here is the all in one system I went with. There are some cheaper options but I liked the 2 batterys thinking it can make it all through the night that way.
haha, you wouldn't believe the amount of searching I did to find something like it. It did not come with the light. It is actually a stand used to hang a light over a reptile enclosure. NOTE: the weight of the light (my light at least) will tip over the stand by itself. But if you weigh it down it works great (I'm just using a large textbook).
The frist one is fine the 2nd one will not load. The past 3 years I have been using two of these.
This year I have switched over to these
Ah cool mate, let me know if you're after any other varieties, with any luck I'll have more seeds than I know what to do with soon!
I don't know if you're aware of this trick, but (light issues resolved of course) you can replant your seedlings down to the cotyledons (the first set of leaves) and then that fibrous hairy coating on the stem can take root! I've had loads of leggy buggers from when I was just using windows sills (in a flat also) and they've come on strong.
I did see your links, but I'm no comfy wi giving advice on CFL bulbs as never tried. I basically started with this amazon special to see if it was better than the window sill, which it was by some margin.
Then I watched these videos and bought the strips, which you can see a picture of in my post history.
Ken 30 bucks is a fair kick but the strips are really affordable. Probably get more light out the gooseneck job but it's less of a footprint compared to what I've got under the strips. I'm basically using both now with the gooseneck on plants from late October.
A bulb like that will see you fine for sure in my experience, but even the halogen type LED's you get out Ikea give off as much light as the Kingbo if you get close enough.
So you can either use a LUX meter app like in the videos and play about wi cheapo bulbs that you'll prolly only get at Tesco or w/e the now or use that knowledge to chance the CFL one or grab that Kingbo effort which I've got 5 adolescent plants under one bulb and a small propagator under the other.
Most say the "cheap" lights are junk, but I think they expect too much of them. If used correctly, I think they can be effective. Their spec sheets will say that they are good for covering a 2ft x 2ft area with the light at 18" and thats complete bull. At that height, light may reach 2ft, but it has the equivalent light energy of a night light and not enough to grow anything. The solution is to hang them closer to the plants. For seedlings, I would say 4-6" above them. However, that means that light will only cover basically the foot print of the light. If you're only growing a few plants, that's fine. If you're growing 4 flats of seedlings, it will be more cost effective to have 1 big light instead of several weak lights.
That's my theory at least. I just purchased some of the Hytekgro 45W lights to use on a shelf and test my theory. I have them within an inch or 2 of some overwintered plants and so far so good. If you've only got $40 to spend, I think it's worth it.
Here's the 2 pack I bought:
No. I used a very similar light at the same distance from my seedlings, and they grew just fine. You will need to raise the light as the plants grow however because eventually they will get tall enough to get burnt. The light I use ->
Edit: I use the 1000w version, not the 600w version.
I kept reading a lot of places that it wouldn’t work, but I had a heat mat so I tried anyway.
I have 2 AeroGardens one in my house and one in my much colder garage. They were planted both at the same time. The ones in the house germinated at about 7 days. The garage had almost no activity, not even a root hook. So I threw the heat mat under it with the thermostat probe dangled in the water reservoir through the little hole they have in the top that you’d normally place the extra water tank tube through. I set it to 85 degrees and after about a day you could see condensation in the domes. I measured the temp of the sponges and they were at around 82-84. All have sprouted and have almost overtaken the ones in my house in size. So yes long story short it works great!
VIVOSUN 10"x20.75" Seedling Heat Mat and Digital Thermostat Combo Set MET Standard
I've been drying my peppers since the summer. I so some whole, some in halves and others diced small. I made the mistake of putty different types of diced peppers into the dehydrater at the same time. It mixed the tastes and heat levels. Would probably do the same thing with halved peppers. Not sure about whole ones but not willing to take the risk.
Diced peppers at 130 degrees for 4.5 hours works great. I use these to cook with as is as they easily reanimate while cooking.
Halved peppers at 130 degrees took 6 hours. These I grind into powder.
Whole peppers at 130 degrees took 9 hours. These I have vacuum packed and set aside for the future for whatever purposes needed at that time.
I can do heat up to habanero/bonnet level inside with the door to that room closed without an issue. Hotter than that I do outside so as not to gas me out. I haven't had that happy to me but read about it online when researching dehydrating peppers.
I'm not a pro at this and have only done it for a short amount of time and still expect to learn more. But this is what has been working for me so far. Times may be a bit different for others bases on size of drying medium and humidity level (I live in a low humidity area).
Here's the model that I'm using. I wanted one that had adjustable temps because I also dry out herbs from my garden.
So I was worried about that two when they arrived. Once you fill them the bottom sits flat. It’s weird you’d have to see in person.
These aren’t the exact ones because mine aren’t on Amazon anymore but they look identical and should work the same. Here you go!
Those Chocolates are scary! I would also recommend a dehydrator. I got one last year and haven't looked back.
pH fluctuations, in my experience, have been caused by 2 things:
1) High mineral content in the water - esp. high limestone content. It reacts with your pH lowering agent (typically phosphoric acid) and cause spikes / fluctuations in pH.
2) Microorganisms / algae eating your nutrients and releasing waste into your water.
I have both problems here, with my water coming out of the tap at ~300 ppm tds. I finally gave up and installed a RO system with UV filter, and, since then I haven't had an issue. I also hooked the RO system up to my refrigerator for water / ice dispensing, and, the amazing thing is my ice went from cloudy white cubes to almost clear. That's one of the ways I discovered my water was of a poor quality.
One other cost saving tip - skip the overpriced pH down solutions you see online. Get the real stuff. I found this on Amazon:
It's Reagent grade, so, it is safe for use in food. It's also CRAZY strong (85% - wear gloves / eye protection!), so you only need a few drops. If you buy the bottle, it will be the last time you need to. Be very careful with it and remember always add ACID TO WATER never water to acid!
Man light is the key to making plants strong and bushy. Anything is better than nothing, even a desk lamp on them would work. You can find LED grow bulbs for damn near any light fixture out there. Here is one on amazon for less than $8 that could fit a desk lamp.
Yes trimming the tops would help them grow out and not up. Also there are tons of fertilizers out there to stimulate root growth, use with caution on new plants of course.
I used a cold smoking tube. I got this one, but in retrospect, I maybe should have chosen a 6-inch instead of a 12-inch, since I don't end up filling it all the way. (I figure that it's better to underdo the smoke than overdo it, and this is still plenty of smoke flavor.)
It uses wood pellets rather than hardwood chips or chunks. I got this assortment to see what I like best before committing to a larger amount of one kind of wood. Plus, I can make custom blends, which is always fun to experiment with. 7 to 9 tablespoons of pellets was plenty to smoke a load of peppers, and that's about a quarter of one of those bags, so I have plenty more room to experiment. This fills the smoke tube about 20% full.
I did it in a kamado grill, but really any grill will do. Any container that's fireproof and has a bit of airflow, really. You could definitely do it with a pit barrel cooker. The thing is, you have to light the wood pellets with a propane torch (like a creme brulee torch or similar torch) so you'll need one of those. The "Best Seller" one I got from Amazon was a piece of junk, so I returned it and got one locally at a hardware store. The torch works, but it's still a bit of a bugger to get the pellets lit well with the tube only partially filled.
The A-maze-n smoke tray also may have been a better choice, because it seems like it would be both easier to light (with its open top) and easier to partially fill (again, coming in from above, or through the "ignition holes" at either end of the maze.)
I got them on Amazon for $25, so they’re probably not the best. I just took them out of the box, so I can’t really give them a proper review.
I'm using two, both from Amazon:
The first one is cheap and, while maybe sufficient for some plants, is nowhere near enough to grow light-hungry seedlings.
The second one is the real deal, very bright with much longer and sturdier goosenecks. It's also full spectrum vs just red/blue; it's much whiter than the photo makes it look. Highly recommended!
Probably, but I ordered from Amazon.
I got 4 foot stakes, and now wish I had gotten 5 or 6 feet long.
I feel you, my area went from dark and wet for a month, to insanely hot every day. Daily watering though will actually reduce the stress factor since they hate getting their feet wet, but the direct sun and heat definitely sucks. You could try shade netting! You can explore options like this on Amazon to reduce the amount of sun they get while still getting adequate air flow!
This one : Dehydrator Stainless Steel with 5 Compartments 30-70 °C 24-hour Timer Fruit Dryer Dehydrator 2 Boxes Cereal Bar Shape BPA Free
I’ve tried them a few times but honestly I just don’t like the taste of the actual chips/seasoning that paqui uses.
I have since transitioned to pouring these reaper, scorpion, or ghost pepper powders I got as a gift over Doritos. If you pour enough on it They end up being WAY hotter than anything paqui puts out and tastes better too.
I’m nooby too bro. Couldn’t tell you those numbers off hand, but here’s the link to the light.
MARS HYDRO TS 1000W Led Grow Light 3x3ft Upgraded Daisy Chain Dimmable Full Spectrum Grow Lamps for Indoor Plant Commercial LED Grow Hydroponic Growing Light with 342 LEDs Thermometer Hygrometer Timer
SANSI 24W LED Plant Light Bulb... This is the bulb. I use it for about 10 seedlings in double cups right now. They’re growing pretty quick tbh. I have a heat mat but you can probably get away without having one for a while since they’re already sprouted.
From the seller on Amazon:
You can boil the glass bottles, but NOT the plastic caps or fitments (they can warp). Most people use the hot-fill-cap-invert method. Fill each bottle hot +190ºF and apply dripper insert and cap immediately, and invert and hold 5 minutes. The heat from the hot sauce will sanitize the caps and inserts. If these are for commercial use, you should check with your local food process authority.Hot Sauce Bottles with Red Caps & Shrink Bands, 5 Oz - Case of 24
We got ours from amazon But you might be able to find them at your local garden center. I didnt have much luck other than 5 packs of 5 gallon ones
The room is around 70 degrees and gets morning sun through the window. I got the light off Amazon to try out indoor growing this year.
I would say it's either too much water or nutrient deficiency. Try mixing a tablespoon of Epsom salt in a spray bottle and spray down the leaves. Also mixing half strength of some Neptune's Harvest SW136 Liquid Seaweed Plant Food 0-0-1 1qt, 32 Ounce might help.
Don't worry too much. And they honestly aren't doing poorly. Just not an optimal setting for growth.
Personally I would choose soil over hydroponics. Easier to control and isn't as suceptable to disease.
Get a heating mat. I use this one:
VIVOSUN Durable Waterproof Seedling Heat Mat Warm Hydroponic Heating Pad 10" x 20.75" MET Standard
I would also recommend a bit of plastic wrap over them with the heating mat under them. Then poke a few drill bit sized holes in the wrap. It will have a miniature green house effect.
Edit: removed paragraph. Didn't notice you were already doing the cup-in-a-cup method.
seriously, the vivarium people use bugs as "clean up crews" to eat left over food and waste from the geckos/ lizards/ frogs that are kept as pets (thats the bio-active bit) pill bugs, especially the interesting coloured ones have market value. There is even books on the topic of pill bugs in this context.
I found a grow light at Lowe's that should do the trick for 50. Lowes Link
Or would this LED be better? Amazon Link
It's half the price, I just don't know how hot they get, could I use it in a small 2ft by 2ft 6ft tall little greenhouse without any problems?
Huh? I’ve got over 100 habaneros and a 1/2 pound of weed with only those 3 bottles not 13
Starting indoors is fairly simple and not expensive as long as you start at the right time before they get too large and require more resources. I'd recommend watching some youtube videos as they are more informational.
Things to look for
1. If you have issues controlling temps ie. cold climate and don't want to raise electric bill to provide heat. Get a grow tent (cheap 2x2) for under $50. It locks in a good amount of heat from what the LED grow light gives off.
Heating mats are not required but they provide faster germination times/rates in my experience. $20 at my local farm store
Airflow- You don't need much. A cheap $10 fan will work.
Grow lights- This is where it varies. If you are looking to start ahead depending on your zone. I would start mine about 8 weeks out from my last frost (zone6). Since they are not that big they require less light. I bought this light for my seedlings: BoostGrow
Provides enough for about 10 plants on my shelf.
You will dive into hardening off your plants etc, again check out some youtube videos.
Something like this would be perfect I’m thinking, but would love everyone’s input on options that have worked well, not worked well, etc
plants dont care. get what u can cheap as possible. i would use the 9-2-7 for veg and find a water soluble phosphorus fertilizer during flower and veg, something like this, use it with that 9-2-7 at half strength and u should be Gucci.
A good idea would be to fill a bathtub or 5-gallon (whichever it will fit in), wrap a plastic trash back or grocery sack around the pot and soil (to keep the dirt from spilling out), and flip the plant upside down and dunk and soak the entire above-soil plant in a solution of soapy [pyrethin])(
Bonus points for pyrethin taking care of many other pests that soapy water alone wouldn’t kill.
Like the other poster said though, this is why I don’t do it, either; Too much work to grow chilis year round for what it’s worth.
I like to grow east herbs during the winter to throw in soups, and I just use dehydrated peppers from the summer to spice up stews and soups!
A baggie. You know those bags you get when you buy small amounts of cocaine. Ask your dealer, I am sure he has loads.
Here is a link to a research study on tomato mosaic virus in peppers that shows a great picture of what an infection looks like in figure 1. My plants looked almost identical.
Thanks for the help. The model is this, it is supposed to 600W. Although it is probably less, it does look pretty bright. It was relatively pricey so I hope it is not the problem. The temperature should be pretty ideal as it is kept indoors and the light provides a bit of warmth. I am tempted to increase the fertiliser concentration but am a bit worried about over-fertilising as this seems to be a common issue.
Thanks for the help. The light is around 20cm away from the surface of the soil and the grow light is supposed to be 600W . Although it may actually be less, it does appear very bright to the eye. Maybe it is worth bringing the light closer? As you suggest, the fertilisers are not designed for pepper plants and I have now purchased a fertiliser for peppers grown in coco.
I don't know what you were expecting but I use these for naturally dehydrating. 20 bucks is a good price. Had mine for years and they haven't failed yet, just don't beat em up.
The first link for the Bar Light didn’t work, but this one should
Was wondering the same. With a bit of enhancing you can read the brandname of the lids. It seems to be Brillenti.
I am from EU too, so there is a way to get those! However, it was not easy to get the right size, that's true.
In the picture I used 100ml bottles from the german amazon. See here. Maybe it is available for you too.
I use this every week and water whenever to soil starts to dry it. It depends on factors like how much rain and how hot it is.
I agree with the fertilizer probably belong too high in N... and the bigger pot is excellent advice as well. When it gets water stressed, it will drop flowers.
when I want my plants to bloom and they are resisting, I usually feed them a one-time feeding of something high in available phosphate. (Like carl pool br-61)
I also note that since I started regularly feeding my plants kelp extract, I have had much less blossom drop. It has lots of plant hormones that will help trigger blossom and fruit set. read the reviews on amazon, one of them is mine :)
Put in a bigger pot using miracle gro performance organics soil and as others have stated use cal mag and fish or sea weed emulsion. This works great for me Sea Magic Dry Soluble Seaweed...