Vlado Krizan's Behance and deviantART gallery.
About this image, the artist says, "What if the British Empire didn't collapse after WW2 but spread to the whole world and beyond..?"
I like it because it conjures up feelings of ominous danger. At least to me. But then you see that couple in the far-left of the image, just sitting there, casually taking in the whole scene with no hint of alarm or care, suddenly the whole pic takes a different turn. It's analogous to how technology can, with familiarity, lead to a kind of shrugging acceptance rather than trepidation.
I'm working on new header art for this subreddit. It'll be multiple images instead of one. If you have any favourites that you've seen in this subreddit, please share those URLs or send me a PM.
I'm guessing the old man is thinking, "That's cool, my dear grandchild, but it seems to me every thing would go much faster if we had two camels each carrying two smaller barrels."
More of Łukasz Nowicki's artwork can be seen on his deviantART gallery and ArtStation.
Gravity is the main factor prior to germination. Seeds contain special cells called statocytes, which help orient the seed with respect to gravity so it knows which way to grow. Most likely plants grown in space would have to be on a centrifuge until germination. After that, light levels determine the plant's direction of growth.
See this NPR article for details.
More of Christian Bravery's artwork is on his website and Art Station.
Really glad I'm able to post this great image from Bravery's authorized third-party site. This is the third time this image has been posted here; first time, 3 years ago, from the now-dead CGHub; second, from a year ago, from imgur.
What a great lumbering, smoking behemoth! An awe-inspiring imaginary technology. And who's that figure/couple(?) I see?
Looks more like a hoverbike to me (with a much larger rear+wing area).
Or like /u/IWILLCALLYOUOUT said plus what /u/Androidconundrum said: when flipped vertically, a dude on a throne in a fetal position.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Prityazhenie, here are some Trailers
I submitted a smaller version of this here a year ago but because that link was to the now defunct CGHub, I thought I'd submit this wonderful image again, now much bigger. Back then, the artist titled it 'Huge' but today it's called 'Traction City'.
More of Christian Bravery's artwork is on his website and Art Station.
Ironically, Sweden (Spotify's birthplace). Will try a proxy.
Edit: Spotify dislikes NordVPN, apparently. Can't connect to it and it showed the songs as unavailable (grayed out). Hmm. Well, there are always "alternative" ways of getting them.
Thanks! This piece took almost 1.5 years, of 3 times a week lunch breaks, to finish. Here's the Work In Progress gallery. It started simply, and grew as more scribbles and lines were added.
Removed. Sidebar rule: Please credit the artist by their real name and link to source. Please take 5 minutes to use Google Image Search or TinEye
i.imgur is not source.
I HIGHLY recommend hardops if you plan to do hardsurface stuff, especially mechs. Handles all your edge bevels and comes with a bunch of fancy boolean tools that work really well.
Full process can be seen here!, along with some other work of mine.
This is my favorite style of painting, the ones that start as a silhouette.
Lord Of All Things from Eschbach actually makes a compelling case for it.
There was also a NASA publication about what we should look for in order to check that hypothesis (industrial long-lasting compounds in geologic layers"
It's this one. I've had it for years and it's really amazing. Has almost all of the vehicles and spaceships from the movies.