I know a lot of y'all are new parents, or soon to be new parents. All I have to say is
I used to pretend to be a robot, do the robot walk and voice, and put my arm out for my toddler. He couldn't bend it BECAUSE I AM A ROBOT MADE OF STEEL AND COMPUTERS HAHAHAHA.exe
putting him to bed later that evening
"Daddy... are you really a robot?"
Also this book meant a lot to us because I was still a captain during that time
He's 14 now and about to start high school at McCallum! GO KNIGHTS
Take Your Eye Off The Ball is pretty much the go to literature on this.
I posted this in the thread asking for book recommendations here yesterday, but I thought I’d repost in this thread: if any of y’all are looking for a cute Christmas present for your UT fan family or friends who have kids, I recommend Bodie & The Burnt Orange Sunset by Rick King. It’s an adorable little picture book about a runt Longhorn who grows up to become Bevo after dealing with some evil bears, aggies, and land thieves.
In the saxophone section of Longhorn Band, we actually had a tradition where we would get together and have somebody read this book to the whole section on one night of OU weekend haha. So I can vouch for it.
ESPN's FPI have Texas and ND ranked closely - Texas at 23 and ND at 20. Interesting to see given that the AP and Coaches both have ND as a top 10 team and have us unranked.
Big fan of Brett Kollmann's channel.
Also, try books. I've got a couple of the AFCA Coaching Bibles and they're fantastic.
One of the most important factors for why a military endured and kept the will to fight during a long conflict, particularly a losing one, is how cohesive the military is. For example, compare WWI Germany and WWII Germany. Near the end of fighting in WWI, the German military fought with unity and made the allied forces fight for every inch despite knowing the writing was on the wall. Interestingly in WWII, Patton’s third army demoralized the remaining German forces and they began to disintegrate. An important factor, was their desire to fight for their government, ideologies, and cultural values. Wilhemine Germany (WWI) felt like they were fighting for a strong cause, compared to the Nazi German military. Many interviews collected from nazi pow’s and soldiers at the end noted that they had heard rumors of the crimes they had committed and the suicide of hitler and removal of top generals escalated their disintegrating belief system.
If we want to have a military that faces the challenges of 21st century of a homogenous nation like China or Russia, we really have to ensure that all our soldiers truly believe in fighting for each other and their nation. Frank conversations that deal with hard truths and healing often lead to improved unit cohesion.
For anyone else interested in reading about military cohesion theory, I highly recommend the following book, Endurance and War: The National Sources of Military Cohesion. I took two classes under this professor and he was a real academic inspiration with keen insight after his experience in the DoD and at RAND.
For a long term solution look into allergy shots/immunotherapy.
In the mean time, she should take allergy meds like Zyrtec and Flonase.
What she might have could be the same thing I do. Bad allergies lead to clogged sinuses lead to postnasal drip, which leads to chest congestion and heavy coughing. Honey ginger tea makes me feel a lot better when this happens.
> His older son Jack is now in college. His younger son Sam, whose health issues as a small boy helped keep Petersen in Boise, not only fully recovered, but will start high school next year. It's a good time to make the transition.
I don't expect him to say yes, but his son's health issues are apparently behind him.
Do I have the book for you!
My boys love this book. There are these little plastic re-usable bandaid things that the kid gets to stick on the animals as you read about how they fucked up and hurt themselves. What kind of an idiot elephant steps on their own trunk?
love me some Amazon. They have almost unlimited supply of THE JUICE
Plans for this weekend:
Put together new pellet smoker (I already have a stick burner shut up y'all)
Do initial burn on Saturday.
Opp test with chickens on Sunday
This is what I got
I'm pretty excited
I've had 100% success rates with this fermenting setup
Welcome to the club!
I will return to the office (one day a week to start with) next week. I had a single-serving coffee maker on my desk, but it probably needs to be replaced after sitting there for a year. Of course, they don't make that model any more.
Any recommendations for a single-serving coffee that doesn't use a K-cup?
Should I just get a pour over setup? I have an electric kettle at my desk too, but it's not a gooseneck, and I order my coffee pre-ground. I don't know if all that really makes a difference, but just in case.
Pretty pumped for these socks. I’ve been needing to get more and the reviews are great. Will put em to good use with outdoor activities
APTYID Men's Performance Cushion Ankle Athletic Running Socks (6 Pairs) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08PK14S2T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RDTPVS10R8XGHBSCN49P
I bought this one off Amazon a couple years ago. Granted I've switched to purely cardio and at home body weight exercises since Covid, so I haven't used it recently. But for squats, power clean, hang clean or deadlift I almost always use a weight belt.
Same as /u/uncomfortablyhello, we always used them in high school football to prevent lower back injuries / help keep your back aligned. Nothing but good things to say about using one. Even if you're in shape and just doing low weight, its good for your form as well, so no reason not to.
So I called, they said it's a one time thing, but they took both the overdraft fees away, God bless 😭😭😭😭 talked to NordVPN customer support and they're refunding me my $12 too.
This morning has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me just because of this whole situation but I'm so happy again now
Hey, LHN Crypto Club members, especially those of you who are new to it like /u/uncomfortablyhigh and I are: Binance has reopened registration on their website so you can start diversifying your crypto portfolio from the Coinbase options, if you want to. You trade crypto for crypto on Binance instead of USD to crypto here, so it's a bit more advanced than Coinbase, but it is the natural next step to understanding the crypto market.
Have you read Sarah Kendzior's Hiding in Plain Sight? Great read. Not so much for my blood pressure or mental health, but great read.
Any non-fiction book recommendations? I'm trying to restart a reading for fun habit and would like to add a few non-fiction books to the list. Currently, I'm reading "The Power of Habit" by Duhigg and I'm really enjoying it.
Most crypto places that I've dealt with have required identification verification of some type. You can also get $50 in Stellar Lumens on Coinbase for someone more reputable.
Yup. The sports package is a separate add-on, so you can pay the extra money during the relevant seasons to make sure you get all the games.
I'm not as familiar with the channel the Spurs get broadcast on locally, so I'm not sure if Vue carries that channel. Check the full list of channels here.
I was in Mexico during most of the baseball season, and had no issues. The stream link posted here works great (make sure you have an ad-blocker). If you are going through ESPN+, as others have mentioned get a VPN. I use ExpressVPN and it worked great. Pro-tip: the server location matters sometimes though, I've had the best luck with New Jersey 2 to get past VPN detection. YMMV. Currently in Colombia and this is my plan too. Hook 'em!
I just got back from Mexico and basically spent all day Saturday ignoring the beauty surrounding me and watching sports.
Basically, if you can open the ESPN app and watch games normally, then the VPN will let you do the same from Mexico. YMMV and Hookem!!!
I use this one although there are like a million clones that are likely all made in china and rebranded by middle men. Also super awesome for camping. Best camp coffee ever.
They have a web streamer you can use on pc but you can also connect to it through any media apps. I have an android tv box (think Roku) and use an app called tivimate. It acts like a TV guide for IPTV streams. Feed it the stream info and it pulls in the channel list and schedule like a normal TV guide.
This is tivimate https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ar.tvplayer.tv&hl=en_US&gl=US
The Sixth Extinction and God Save Texas have been my favorite nonfiction books of the last couple of years.
The Sixth Extinction is about how much humans suck, which always makes me feel better about my misanthropy, and God Save Texas is written by Lawrence Wright, a Pulitzer-winning The New Yorker legend who famously resides in Austin and occasionally freelances for Texas Monthly.
You can't go wrong with his Collected Fictions. It's all of his short stories. If you want to start with a shorter collection, find one with The Library of Babel. It's probably his best known short story.
This worked really well for my last puppy at night. He's 10 months old now. I still turn it on for him just because, but I don't use the heat packs anymore.
I like Bogle's The Little Book of Common Sense Investing and despite the title I Will Teach You To Be Rich, but I'm very quickly out of my depth when it comes to the posts here, so grain of salt and all that. I keep it simple with index funds for me, my wife, and the kiddo's 529.
Also, I started this book on recommendation from a bud today. I’d never leave y’all behind but:
10 Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
The script uses Bing's API, so I don't think it can read cookies, and even if it could it's not running on my actual computer, but another separate server I have, so it doesn't have any cookies.
Edit: Definitely not cookies, here's the search results
Ran in incognito mode. Your not the 3rd consistently but Bing doesn't guarantee constant order. Just face it man, you and Mike are Internet famous
Are you talking about this recipe?
If not, what so involved with it? Making tallow or something?
Yeah, sorry about that. I won't be available on Saturday, and I don't think it's wise to leave my stream running all day. I don't want to risk getting it taken down like last year, even though I am taking extra precautions this season.
In order to stream in HD, we would have to buy the Ustream Producer Studio application for $200. I also don't really want to link myself to ustream since we are making new 30-day trial accounts to get password protected streams. It is $99/mo to actually get a silver pro account. Making any kind of purchase would directly link me to the stream, and I'd rather not do that.
I always recommend The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John Bogle and, despite its title, I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi.
I have a shun santoku that is my work horse, the VG10 holds an edge forever.
This is pretty much what I ordered, although mine is a traditional Gyuto not a K tip
If you haven't read it, check out Nineteen Stars. It compares the characters and leadership styles of Patton, Ike, Marshall, and MacArthur.
It's the same app, just renamed because Reddit forced all third-party apps to be renamed when they released their official apps for iOS and Android.
I believe there is a beta version of Sync for iOS, but it's not nearly as mature: /r/sync_ios
Here's the link to the Android version for anyone interested:
Play store link: Sync for reddit
i got him a hand scooter like this and some books
registered for a marble run and that 4pack of puzzles. thanks bud!
Does your day-to-day include a lot of reading? I tried it out, but I couldn't get past the bobbing up and down motion while trying to read case law or draft briefs. It was great for videoconferences / CLE's where I don't have to talk, but I struggled multitasking.
With that said, I worked with a guy at Centura Health that had a treadmill under his desk. He would walk all day long, and it didn't bother him a bit. I guess you adjust to it eventually? His wasn't very loud either, but he would turn it off when we talked in his office.
I am a big believer in habit stacking, so I would say give it a go with one from Amazon with a good return policy. I kept mine and just use it in the basement.
Hmm, I tried googling around a bit to see if I could find the Texas Exes chapter out there- all I got was their LinkedIn profile. And then there was a blog post from 2009 that said the group met at the Dubai Marina Yacht Club. Finally, maybe you could tweet this dude Ricky Berens and see if he remembers where that photo was taken. Long shots everywhere, wish I could have been more help.
I couldn't get it to work with NordVPN when I was traveling last season, but I keep seeing people on Reddit say they've used VPNs to watch NFL games in different markets. Super interested if you figure out a way. I had to resort to just using online streams while I was gone.
Baby PeePee TeePee, football edition: https://smile.amazon.com/Beba-Bean-Pee-Pee-Teepee-Cellophane/dp/B005MYI7UE/
Thank me later...
My bad. Sorry about that. If you are curious, I can send it to you over PM. Or try running the link through 12 foot ladder?
It's an edited interview with Barbara F. Walter, professor at US San Diego and author of How Civil Wars Start.
Anyway, yes, I agree that most of Americans are divided across a right-left divide. But that's not who she's talking about. This isn't about the average Democrat or average Republican.
She's talking about violent extremists within the US who are actively planning and hoping for another civil war or at least widespread political violence. Think IRA vs. Great Britain, not the North vs. the South. Think Hamas or the political terrorists that operated in Europe in the 60s and 70s.
Think white supremacists metastasizing, growing from individual killers to small groups, think of reports of militias infiltrating law enforcement groups and the military. That's one of her concerns. She also talks about the concurrent weakening of government institutions and norms as well as faith in those institutions.
> I would just not rely too heavily on their internal temperature controls
This is kind of a strange issue that seems to be true across the board from what I've seen. Most companies will send you a new thermometer for free but even those can be problematic. I use something like below, although mine has two meat probes and a dedicated grill temp probe.
Unless you already have an ooni or whatever, check and see if the models you are interested in can accommodate a pizza oven. I really wish I knew about that before getting mine.
Oh and the room is 23 feet long so I can hang it however far back it needs to be. So I don't need to pay for short throw I don't think. I was looking at a Epson Home Cinema (this one) for 4000 but needed someone who knows about this shit to tell me that price is worth it.
What's the improvement I'd get if I went with the 12000?
Definitely go mesh for your new router. I have this one and the coverage around the house is great:
TP-Link Deco Mesh WiFi System (Deco S4) – Up to 5,500 Sq.ft. Coverage, Replaces WiFi Router and Extender, Gigabit Ports, Works with Alexa, 3-pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084GTH5LL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_4XXJ7DEQFN8JV2R4JYZC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I've got one that's been about 35 years in the making, and we're on book 15 of 17.
Do you like obscure mythology mixed with organized crime and assassins? How about how one becomes a secret agent of the Empire one hates?
The Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust; he's got some spinoffs from his main story too. If you've ever loved reading Dumas (The Count of Monte Cristo, etc), you'll love his spinoff "The Phoenix Guards" and it's sequels, too.
Not sure how many of y'all have recovery and/or back issues, but this little dude has saved my life the last couple of months.
The original Theragun has been great for preventing tight muscles from spasming/getting worse, but even the strongest guns struggle getting deep knots out. I used a lacrosse ball for that purpose for years, with limited results, until I got the above vibrating peanut as a gift-with-purchase last year when I got the new Gun.
Holy fuck. The vibration allows you to mash on a knot with little to no pain, which means you can push it until it releases no matter what. I'd release shoulder knots, low back knots, glute knots and psoas knots in the last week and feel great.
You still have to do lots of stretching/active stretching/strengthening to address the underlying issues for some of the knots, but just being out of pain has been awesome. Highly recommend.
I try to avoid late night snacks but these, pretzels, and popcorn.
You might enjoy Malka Older's Centenal Cycle. Infomocracy is the first book.
Define coherent.
But yeah, our nation went off in a weird, bad direction over 9/11. And a lot of decisions made in response to 9/11 are still impacting us today. If you're interested, I'd suggest reading Jane Mayer's The Dark Side or Spencer Ackerman's Reign of Terror.
How's everyone doing on their new exercise and eating habits?
My secret weapon for the last few weeks, at least, has been Sour Apple Koolaid Packets and HEB Pickle Me Diilies.
If y'all have never tried HEB's pickles, they're the bomb -- in particular the big jar of full-sized pickles is loaded with some kind of souring agent that is both welcome and unnatural. The Koolaid packets are sweet and sour (zero sugar obv) with the sour turned up past some people's comfort zone, too -- not quite Warhead levels but if you leave it concentrated it's close.
You and I would be like peas and carrots.
Do you prefer scotch over bourbon? I personally do. Although I won’t scoff at any decent whisk(e)y.
Also have you read any books on whiskey? I really enjoyed this one.
I started reading <em>The Perfect Pass</em> by S.C. Gwynne last night. It's a really enjoyable read, if you're looking for something to take up a few hours of the long offseason.
I looked around for one a few months ago. NordVPN and ExpressVPN are the two best for general usage (Netflix, avoiding region locks, etc). CyberGhost is apparently a bit more secure if you do a ton of torrenting and are worried about tracking, but I’m not sure if it gets as high of speeds as the others. I ended up going with Nord and it works great, plus their apps are really nice and easy to use.
I had a subscription with Ritual in San Francisco for years, but eventually moved to a better-tasting and more economical (but not local) 5lb bag I found on Amazon. I was on Fresh Roast brand for a bit but I like this one better for 50 cents extra a pound.
It’s small - 2500 running / 2700 starting watt. But it’s a lot better than nothing and it’s small enough to throw in the bed when I go hunting. I tested by running our electric fireplace, fridge, freezer, and a TV on it. Would have been great to have those last year!
It was actually $15 for everything! I didn’t buy OEM parts, but $15 for a plug, all 3 gaskets, air filter, fuel filter + line, and carb. Can’t beat it
AUTOKAY Carburetor for Honda GCV135 GCV160 GC135 GC160 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085KV8WZW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P25VNHC9SEA8N1XAJSYS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
WiTopia sells a VPN Router that'll essentially VPN all the traffic in the house (including firestick). I've never used one (I VPN my various machines), but it seems it's right up the alley for what you're doing. Else, I think you can put an OpenVPN client on the android behind the Firestick's interface and launch it from the Applications menu.
Sling TV has Longhorn Network available for stream. I would sign up for the 3 day trial the weekend of the LHN game and then cancel right after
https://www.sling.com/ Edit: You have to select the Sports Extra package for the trial to get LHN
I like using Every Noise at Once (warning, slow website) to find versions of genres I like in non-English-speaking countries so that I can listen to music without the lyrics distracting me.
The publicly available Franklin bbq sauce recipes are quite good.
Easy version: https://www.eater.com/platform/amp/2015/7/2/8864653/franklin-barbecue-sauce-recipe-meat-burgers-ribs
Slightly more involved version: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/aaron-franklins-bbq-rib-sauce-recipe
> ...and grow as a human.
Like I told my doctor when he said my BMI was too high, "How in the hell do you think I'm going to grow taller if I cut back on what I'm eating?"
Also, the days of the type of movies that get funded these days has changed dramatically too. Big, franchise movies with well known IP (Marvel, etc.) get hundreds of millions of dollars. Very small independent movies still get made. But the ones that used to cost, say 50-70 million (a lot of the comedies and some of the action ones you mentioned) don't get made as much any more. Check out The Big Picture if you want to know more.
Here ya go, I hear you need a grammar refresher since your time at UT, ya heard?
Sling has On Demand ESPN 3 Skycam coverage of the entire game that includes pre-game band performances. The running time is 210 minutes. Here's a link https://www.sling.com/shows/all-22-%2315-texas-vs.-%235-georgia-(allstate-sugar-bowl)
I watch Sling through a Roku device.
Do any of y'all use pre-workout? If so, do you like it?
I'm about to run out of the one I use (Xtend), and I'm curious what else is out there.
Or is it all just a scam and I should just have a cup of coffee first?
So yesterday I misunderstood the phrase "outside the hash marks." I took that to mean using the width of the field, but that isn't what OP meant.
I am a fan of football, but I've never played. I've officiated, but that requires you to look for different things than the players look for, and the terminology isn't an exact match. So I'm not starting from zero, but I'm far from an expert.
If I wanted to learn more about the language of football, the schemes, what to look for, what would you recommend? Take Your Eye Off the Ball by Pat Kirwan? Chris Brown's Smart Football series?
I tend to prefer books over videos, but I'm open to any suggestions that you have found useful.
Seems like you might as well come to the dark side and get a pellet grill if you're going to spend on a controller anyways. I got my Z grill on sale for like $350 and it has been great.
If you haven't already, check out George Saunders's A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: In Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life. He goes more or less page by page through some short stories and breaks them down like he would in his MFA class.
Damn. Only thing I could think is (if they're the paper kind) buy some in multiple colors and keep them in your pocket until you know which corresponds with the section you want - if it works that way. Godspeed
Memory foam but it has a soft side and a firm side. We sleep on the firm side and it’s great. We never wake each other up.
King Mattress, Sweetnight King Size Mattress-10 Inch Gel Memory Foam Mattresses for Back Pain Relief/Motion Isolation & Cool Sleep, Flippable Comfort from Soft to Medium Firm, Sunkiss https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DD7TYS7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_R6N5JCPZ62YH8EKEJWX2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use this little guy to plug in headphones to my guitar so I can play without pissing off the neighbors. It’s really nice if you’re just looking for a nice cheap plug n play type situation.
I personally like the green.
This one is supposed to be pretty good. It was featured on Hot One’s and I recall several of the guests saying it’s got great flavor. I can’t eat it and it’s a bit expensive.
Hey mom while I've got you here, is this the model you'd recommend getting? If so, is that a reasonable price or should I wait and see if it drops?
Biggest thing I would advise is warm up throughly to prevent injuries. Hill sprints are safer than flat ground sprints since they prevent over-striding. Since I don’t have any convenient hills, I use an adjustable sled with to encourage knee lift and protect me from over-striding. You can still sprint without a sled of course, but you have to more careful with form and listen to your body.
I know my son's 3rd birthday is still 4 months away. But I am just so crazy excited about the jersey I found him on poshmark. When he see's me wearing gear he says "hook'em horns" and tries to give me the hand signal (we are still working on that, lol).
Also if you really want to ramp up the indoctrination pick up this book, my son loves it.
LaCroix helped me break the Diet Coke habit I had. From there, it's easy to make the step to still water. If you need it to be flavored, you can get your electrolytes and flavor in one shot (this stuff is not inexpensive):
You might want to read University of Nike
If you want to get into wine or at least learn what you like and don't, check out Great Wine Made Simple.
Is that the XR-50? I was thinking of jumping up to a four-probe ThermoPro after one of my probes crapped out in my two-probe model.
Oh, and this is not an Impish Grin original. A lot of this came from Sarah Kendzior's book Hiding in Plain Sight. But of course I'm going to latch onto the stories that paint Trump as a dumb, asshole criminal.
I’m gonna go ahead piggyback off this comment. What do y’all use when y’all fry food? I had one of these in my cart but backed out.
Bit the bullet on Prime day and bought something that had been on my wishlist for a while. 44 piece full set of Metric/Standard Gearwrench wrenches.
It sounds stupid, but I can’t express the joy of never having to worry about digging through my current array of various quality and brand wrenches that don’t all fit in the same size racks again.
Anyone else have any fun splurges recently?
I have had quite a few struggles in that department myself. This book has helped me a bit. I was reading it for help with my athletic performance, but it has had a bigger impact on my happiness (although my athletic performance is also improving). Check it out from your local library:
I have this one and it works great. Honestly it's pretty hard to mess it up. Just try not to grind the beans too much or you get a lot of coffee sludge at the bottom.
I ain’t gunna lie, it was painful.
Asus ROG Strix XG49VQ 49” Curved Gaming FreeSync Monitor 144Hz Dual Full HD HDR Eye Care with DP HDMI https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PZR2YY4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JCkjFbFH93WK6
Edit: Had the wrong link the first time, it was ~$1200 after tax.
Have you tried a KVM? I have this cheap one for just my mouse and keyboard between my desktop and my work laptop. Let's me switch back and forth at the click of a button.
Even the virtual (and often free) KVMs are supposed to be pretty decent these days as well.
Look at Córdoba. They also make classical guitars that are really nice quality, so we, my coworker and I, recommend our students get the Protege guitar by Córdoba for our class. Here is a link to Cordoba’s Protege Tenor Ukulele.
I have a 'Chef's Choice' brand horizontal vibrating stone/sharpener, with guides for the two angles: ASIN B00005KJWZ (mine's a much older model)
If you're buying a 15' angle knife get a 15' cutter (searching on Chef's Choice on Amazon will get you those results).
Well, just started using it, but it's called Ike.
The interface isn't good for long-term planning, but that's not really the purpose I need it for for ADHD. It can also only do one type of reminder notification: you can't make some things into alarms and others into one-off sounds, for instance.
What I like it for is that I can sort the types of goals I want to accomplish for one day into 4 easily accessible categories. I'll sit down at night and write down all the things I need to do (and my own suggested times to complete those things). Then, the next day, I check the app one time in the morning, one time at lunch, one time when I get home. Inevitably I see something on the list that provokes an "oh yeah, that was important!" reaction.
This is the one I used. My only issue with it is that, when I did start to kick again, the ankle straps would come loose. I'd go with a waist tether if you want to be able to kick without worrying about the tether.
An industrious grillperson can do a lot with a 22" Weber Premium. I use mine for grilling at super high temperatures, or for smoking using the 'snake' method with charcoal and wood chunks, or some well-placed bricks. Plus you can get it in burnt orange.
Otherwise if you want to upgrade to a more traditional smoker, the Weber Smokey Mountain, or WSM, is a great value for a good first smoker with a long lifespan.
Anyone have any experience with this brand of generator? I'm looking to get a generator to work a TV for a small tailgate my friends and I are having in a few weeks. Price seems too good to be true for the reviews it has.
http://www.amazon.com/Longhorn-Football-Illustrated-Bobby-Hawthorne/dp/0292714467/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1465069474&sr=1-2&keywords=longhorn+football Buy this awesome book for less than 10 bucks!! Used ones...