With killer mosquitoes the size of thumbtacks. I drove out to big cypress national preserve a few times to shoot the Milky Way back when I was into that stuff, and was ambushed by these mutant mosquitoes that looked like they had been born in testosterone water. Kid you not I bought one of these and still left with some bites: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I5AX7CY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Z1FCJYRM1QBQ95TQ1TDV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That temperature reading is not accurate at all, and is usually much higher than actual temperature outside.
The state of Florida agrees. After a warm winter and now with record-breaking summer heat — the kind of weather iguanas thrive in — the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has declared open season on the exotic reptile.
“The FWC encourages homeowners to kill green iguanas on their own property whenever possible,” the commission recently wrote on its website. “Iguanas can also be killed year-round and without a permit on 22 public lands in south Florida.”
Agency biologists say they don’t know how many iguanas are in Florida, but they know the kinds of problems they’re causing. These include “erosion, degradation of infrastructure such as water control structures, canal banks, sea walls and building foundations,” state biologist Dan Quinn said in an email.
Along with doing damage by digging, iguanas destroy landscaping and ornamental plants, including some that are endangered. They can also carry salmonella.
For people wandering how to quickly disable biometric unlocking here is an article describing how to do it.
iPhones: hold the volume and power buttons for 5 seconds
Android: various options (read the linked article)
The second consecutive weekend I spot these people. Last weekend included confederate flag waiving, hooray!
Very kind offer. Try meetup.com, a site that has thousands of groups based on interest. Not a dating site. A good way to meet people with similar interests and to find out about events. I use the site for my fishing club.
If you drive on the Don Shula westbound, there is a Taj Mahal themed house. anyone know the story on it? Link to Map View of House
I spent $30 on one of those huge 10x9 “blankets” that fold into itself and ends up being very small. It doesn’t get hot, doesn’t hold sand and quick drying.
Limited-time deal: Wekapo Beach Blanket Sandproof, Extra Large Oversized 10'X 9' for 2-8 Person Beach Mat, Big & Compact Sand Free Mat Quick Drying, Lightweight & Durable with 6 Stakes & 4 Corner Pockets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073NYKNL4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_dl_AADXX0MFTD0VQS439XVV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Money well spent.
Hey Miami, I'm working on a project in class and was hoping some of you would take my survey and help me out Here's the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LSNG65X Thank you all
This survey will be done on Sunday 11/16...THANKS!!
https://www.groupon.com/deals/miami-firearms-training I had my sister do it here and it was pretty good. Its 10mins from stone harts and you have the option to shot at stone harts for $12 more. Including that I paid for hers about 50
Great shot! Looks like it was taken from Mercantil Bank?
Here is a photo of the view towards the other direction, I just posted it this morning haha
What do you shoot with?
I did too! But, "urban gardening" is becoming a big thing in Miami. Organic Methods for Vegetable Gardening in Florida is a great book I found on amazon. Also, this guy on Youtube did a bunch of great videos about what grows in south florida and when…he has a lot of…enthusiasm and some of the videos are a little long…but he knows his stuff. He was very helpful.
Download HERE Maps while you're home or on wifi. It's by Nokia and it allows you to download maps state by state to your phone, so you don't need a cellular connection for navigation.
lmfao why didn't I check reddit haha.. Was wondering the same thing.. Automatically thought the worst (Blame CNN)
Anyway I took a pic :)
Speaking of behind a bush on an empty-ass street, I got pulled over here once: https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ll=25.549576,-80.347706&spn=0.006437,0.011319&sll=25.573879,-80.33083&sspn=0.102971,0.181103&t=h&z=17
What this appears to be is to register for some email newsletter regarding tryouts, events, and other stuff for some local Overwatch scene that doesn't yet exist. Probably in preparation for the Overwatch Open Division or the Overwatch League.
Literally just saw this: https://www.groupon.com/deals/gl-halloween-horror-nights-at-universal-orlando-resort-20
Steve's Pizza and Here Comes the Sun are my favorites over there. They're North Miami staples.
Steve's is open until 4am on the weekends. Enjoy!
Al Capone had a house in Palm Island off the MacArthur Causeway.
If you guys aren't shy about open water, you can rent your dive flag and snorkel gear from a local dive shop and head to Hollywood/Hallandale Beach.
Here is a good place to start. Just kick off the beach and swim straight out for about 3/4 of a mile. It's only about 15 feet deep, and there's some pretty cool coral. Not as good as Key Largo of course, but this is cheaper, and a little more adventurous.
I'd be willing to guide you guys as I will live in Hallandale come August and have done the snorkeling there before. :D
As a side-note the Broadwalk at Hollywood where I linked is also something to see. Lotsa restaurants, bars, shops, etc, and it's all right on the beach front!
Take a look at this tutorial: http://www.ehow.com/i/#article_6038303
This sounds like a pretty easy do it yourself type thing. Pop open your hood and see if you can figure out just what the guide is talking about.
Pro tip: If you decide to tackle it yourself snap a bunch of pictures of how it looks before you do anything, it might help you get everything reassembled.
Its an issue with comcast. I had a server collocated in miami, and still had jitter issues when connected to it. The data center had peering with comcast, and it was like 5 hops from my house to the server.
Also a much better tool to use is pingplotter, https://www.pingplotter.com/freeware.html
filled with everything
Foldable beach lounge chairs, a beach tent, d battery operated fan, Bluetooth speaker. a cooler, for Budweisers. And water, snacks,
I can't recommend this book enough that was written shortly after for a fairly unbiased take on the version of events:
The short answer is that there were was a coordinated air strike to back up the brigade, however due to miscommunication the planes flying from Guatemala left first, and an American pilot was shot down. When keneddy heard that, he called off the air support. So the brigade could literally see the American warships, but they couldn't help. Some of them tried to deliver resupplies but it was difficult, and there were russian migs flying above unabated. They had to surrender when they ran out of ammo.
My personal theory is that Allen Dulles wanted it to fail. He deliberately went to a diplomatic forum in Puerto Rico when this went down, and when finally informed of it's failure by his exasperated staff, he acted very nonchalant and changed the subject. Much of the military and intelligence apparatus already wanted the US to take a more direct role in regime change, like the Soviet Union was doing in Eastern Europe. So Dulles wanted to force Kennedy's hand or push him out and get somebody like Johnson in. A few years later they were focused on Vietnam and lost interest in Cuba.
Notice that all this talk about Cuba and their frustrated attempts to take out castro, but nobody mentions Dominican Republic. The US invaded in 1964 with tens of thousands of troops, a massive operation, and swiftly crushed the democratically elected communist president. The US was just like "nope, not allowed for you kiddo!". And he was elected too. The US had far more justification to invade Cuba.
I'm glad you got your dog back. What we do is, we have a car attachment so my dog can't jump out of the car. I also usually don't roll the window so far down that they can either, just to be safe.
Specifically, I got this one, as it comes with a seatbelt tether, buckles are of metal and is crash tested although results aren't that great, but better than most brands that do no testing.
I know you said you've tried everything, but out of wanting to help, have you tried Advion? https://www.amazon.com/advion-Plungers-Cockroach-Insecticide-Australian/dp/B00730QW70/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=roach+gel+bait&qid=1611210476&sprefix=roach++gel&sr=8-8
I used to have them as well, but man, after I did this a couple of times, it seems like the vast majority got flushed out. Don't get me wrong, when you first use it, they will come out en masse. You will see them everywhere. But after a while they just start dying. If you live in a house , I recommend this.
You have to really place the Advion though. In your cracks and crevices, in the deepest , darkest corners that no one usually goes to.
If you live in an apartment, townhouse, or something along those lines, then it's tough, because the infestation may not even be your fault. You'd have to get everyone else on board...which may not be likely
I wish the best for you man, truly.
Thanks, good suggestion on offline map options. Right now the app is only looking to support the free trolley system and metro mover since there's no app that does that consistently well. For bus and rail options this app does a great job:
Yeah, you’re basically doing Miami wrong. I call it crawling up a hot babes butthole it’s full of shit. She’s hot you are just going about things the wrong way.
Miami residents are IMO generally Very happy. 5 years ago you could buy a $125,000 fixer upper or a $250,000 house. Now they are double and triple in value So yeah people are happy.
If you are in an area like South Beach and frequently see people stealing from conviene stores.
A. Stop going to those stores
B. Upgrade your life
crying about No Electric scooters. Then buy your own. I did
That’s why I have one of these on my keychain. I encountered the same thing in an alley. And got 2 of his windows before booking it.
Probably look at hitting up the local social drinking hubs (assuming you drink); downtown south miami (57th/US1), Wynwood, Coconut Grove (east of 32nd ave along grand ave). You like sports? Hit up some sports bars during any games. You'll find similar minded folks.
After that you could look into music venues and check out some concerts that would have people that enjoy the same music you like.
Thirdly, you can always do meetup.com or tinder/bumble/grindr/what-ever-your-app-of-choice-is.
It's going to be rough at first, but you have to take initiative to get your 'foot in the door' as it were. Put yourself out there. See what vibes. Keep an eye on local events you might enjoy. Maybe use some of your free time to volunteer somewhere that will open the door to socializing. Pet shelters, food banks, ymca, etc. We also have plenty of amateur / casual sporting gatherings like kickball leagues and what not.
I tend to go to bars / concerts alone and just strike up conversations there. Law of averages, you'll eventually find a social group if you put in the work.
What are your interests? Go to meetup.com and join groups with similar interests and get out there. Talk to woman. Practice makes perfect. Many woman like self-confidence, man who smell good, those who are kind, and those who can listen to them. Walk up to ladies at social events and say hello. Ask them what they are interested in; what excites them in life; hobbies, what music they listen to movies, anything, just start talking. Make the conversation about them. Of course you will be shot down, we all get shot down, so you move on. Dating is like anything else in life, you get better with more experience. Good luck!
I read a book a while back that had a chapter about how much Qatar changed when they struck oil, turning into a land of nouveau riche swimming pools and shopping malls. In the process the arts died, and what little music and art there is now, is from the South Asian immigrants who came over to be Qataris' servants and laborers.
Use one of these to make your espuma like in that video. You’ll know it’s ready when to tap the side of it and it makes a thunk sound rather than a ding.
This is the one I useespresso and I really like it. Also remember cuban coffee has a lot of sugar and with the first brew sip abd the sugar you need to make the "espumita" on the side
There is a brand of roach killer that you can find on Amazon called Advion.
You will wake up the next few days and find dead roaches all over your house to the point you’ll get tired of cleaning them up but afterwards you probably won’t see anymore.
Recommended to a couple people after research and it worked great.
LPT: Pick up some Power Inverters for your vehicle and turn your car(s) into a gas powered generator. This plus a decently long extension cord got had us with lights, TV and an original Xbox during Katrina.
A radar detector will do the trick...
Cobra RAD 480i Laser Radar Detector – Long Range Detection, Bluetooth, iRadar App, LaserEye Front and Rear Detection, Next Gen IVT Filtering, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086B88TGR/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_TZX6HP6E6TD7HZ7NMNEA
Okay, so make sure you have catchers in ALL your drains (Kitchen, sink, bathtub) and also buy door seals for your front door and any other door that connects to the outside.
Some condo HOA's also already have a pest control service... get on that list to get fumigated
I think this would be a good opportunity to recommend this book https://www.amazon.com/Che-Guevara-Revolutionary-Jon-Anderson/dp/080214411X/ref=nodl_ to every Miami Cuban to help cut through the immense bullshit and propaganda put out there since the Cold War meant to demonize him.
Here’s a groupon 30% discount for the Wine and Food Festival Sunday Andrew Zimmerman Bacardi Beach Carnival on Sunday. https://www.groupon.com/deals/gl-bacardi-s-beach-carnival-hosted-by-andrew-zimmern
I‘ll probably skip it, but it will be a good party.
They price match both brick and mortar store and "major online retailers" such as: >At the time of purchase, we will match the current pre-tax price for new, identical, immediately available products from a local retail competitor's store and these designated major online retailers: Amazon.com, Apple.com, Bhphotovideo.com, Buy.com, Crutchfield.com, Dell.com, Frys.com, hhgregg.com, HP.com, HomeDepot.com, Lowes.com, Newegg.com, OfficeDepot.com, OfficeMax.com, Sears.com, Staples.com, Target.com, TigerDirect.com and Walmart.com.
If you're willing to pay $130, it looks like this kit is in stock at a couple Barnes and Nobles.
Next week will be even hotter. The winds have been persistent from the south, pulling in heat from the tropics.
Indeed It has been a warm April. I checked last year April highest temp we had was 89, it's been over 90 for most of the month..
Things to do in Miami
Does that about cover it?
Hi Reddit! :) Free Art Event! @ Acoustic Architects in Wynwood. An exhibition and fundraiser for photography students. Sponsored by Brooklyn Brewery there will be cheap beer, dj Da Mask, and a raffle to win free studio time @ image first studios.
We <3 Reddit and we hope you guys come!
love, Free Art Miami
McArthur Causeway - There is an area here where people go to fish, hang out and take pics.
I went there myself one evening to do a sunset panorama - Image
"a tropical cyclone generates winds that exceed 119 km (74 miles) per hour"
Also: "The difference is important, since tropical systems have the potential to quickly grow into hurricanes, while extratropical or subtropical storms do not. "
What a difference a month makes:
I biked 40 miles this morning.
And yes, that was a pretty erratic ride. Decide to explore Miami Shores and the neighborhood in Golden Glades where I grew up in the 80s. Sadly it's gone very, very downhill. :(
Saw this one around, not sure if it works for you but feel free to check out:
In Brickell there is an indoor soccer league that plays on the roof of an office building. Here is a link to where it is.
I did this in another city, but the house was located off a main avenue. Even an old mattress (ew) got picked up in an hour.
My parents live in a deed community with a HOA, and the street is a bit isolated, so I am afraid this won't be possible.
I know a community service organization once picked up one of our couches for free, but it was in pretty "decent" condition.
I will nextdoor.com, actually. I got rid of a ton of things on craig's list in another city, but I rather not do that right now especially with COVID-19. Thanks!
Depends on the bus the 3 runs pretty late last time I took a year ago the the mdt bus tracker app mdt bus tracker
I wouldnt call it "best" even for Brazilian steakhouses but this place was decent enough at your price point.
Christy's is closer to your price point but it's in the gables
October is on the late side for hurricanes, but they're not impossible, Wilma hit just before Halloween one year. It still rains fairly often, but less often than July/Aug/Sept and the rains tend to be less 'all day rain' and more of a 'rain for an hour or so' but nobody can say 'it won't rain then, weather is an unpredictable bitch, you know? It's still quite hot, but not as hot as middle of summer. Beach is great in October.
The prices you can afford seem very good, depending on your tastes and necessities. As someone else suggested I did a quick search on the aforementioned website and found three results well within your budget all located in the heart of South Beach, which is prime party real estate.
I wouldn't recommend going with this though, for various reasons. To start with they would require you put up all the money up front which could be a bit burdensome. However the moral of the story is that you have many options available to you with some effort. I suggest checking craigslist as well as airbnb. You don't specify why you prefer Miami Beach, however I do because of it's small size as well as relative proximity to the beach itself. I grew up along Miami Beach until i was 18. If you tell us more about your expectations we can give you better advisement.
To everyone that doesn't live in Miami, and even to many that do, "Miami" refers to the Miami metropolitan area: https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_metropolitan_area It's all contiguous urban development, one big megalopolis and Miami is the catch-all name to describe it.
Try to also post something on nextdoor.com if you have access to it. A lot of times people post offering their services--tutoring, catering/cantina, handy work, house cleaning, etc.
Did you used to party at Szimpla?
edit to add something to the actual post: this has been posted to my neighborhood in nextdoor.com, and a couple of people are saying it is fake.
it was taken from my apartment complex on 34ST and NW 2ND AVE in front of robert clemento park. It was in my hallway at 3 AM when I ordered uber eats and then it was gone at 8AM when I got up for work.
It's a really small frame 44CM to be exact
Thanks for the help gents https://giphy.com/gifs/adventure-time-spongebob-thank-you-u0bQN6bxXweHe
That sure is me talking. And BTW that's awesome that you remember my first post.
For anyone that gives a shit about what I look like (and a shameless plug): My fan FB page
I went ahead and put all this info into a database on airtable. You can view submissions here:
and you can contribute your own submission here:
All submissions are anonymous and you can search the list of reviews by name of building to see reviews of a building you are interested in.
I went ahead and put all this info into a database on airtable. You can view submissions here:
and you can contribute your own submission here:
All submissions are anonymous and you can search the list of reviews by name of building to see reviews of a building you are interested in.
A private entity does not create create money with non-asset backed crypto. (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GCVSVXH)
There is not really a “dividend” to the city if the dividend is just being paid in the token that the dividend is based on. All that is happening is that the token value is being diluted by the % of the dividend. If you double the supply of the tokens, the token are worth half as much. You are just “cutting the tokens in half”.
If the dividend was being paid in cash, that would be an entirely different story. However, it is not.
It is simply a marketing exercise. Follow the real cash to see who wins at the game.
From South Pointe Park to Surfside is about eight miles. At surfside the concrete path ends and becomes hard pack sand for the rest of the ride to Bal Harbour inlet.
As you can see in this ride I skipped the sand part and went into the city for a Starbucks stop. Heh.
There are a bunch of local liquor stores on Uber Eats. Use your own Uber/Uber Eats account to order from one of those places and change the delivery address to that of your mother.
Slim pickings for keys camping in the winter, but I found Big Pine Key Fishing Lodge to be a good spot I'd go back to.
If you're tent camping you can probably get a spot on the water. Call ahead and talk to the lady, she's really nice & helpful. Lots of variety of people there, from snowbirds to tourists to hardcore fishermen to full-time residents living in their trailers there, selling used/repaired fishing gear.
It's got a nice nature trail, and there are the endangered key deer walking all over the place. So cute. Right about MM33 oceanside.
You say " I met some folks this weekend who seemed nice, but then proceeded to do some really inconsiderate and rude things to a supposed friend of theirs." But that's being Presumptuous too, you don't know both sides of the story. Maybe their friend wasn't considerate to them. Who knows.
I've met some great friends at my local workout place. We shared many interesting conversations and they are like minded people. How about talking to people in your workout class?
Yoga Studios, people are super friendly and outgoing at Yoga Studios.
Our Local Zoo and Aquarium. I've made friends at both these places. Heck even one of the malls, Cool Pubs/Bars like Blackbird Ordinary, World of Beer.
Volunteer groups, I host a monthly beach cleanup its a great place to meet people.
Miami Dade Parks and Rec hosts dozens of events! http://www.miamidade.gov/parks/
This past weekend Art Basel, most people just want to share and talk about cool art.
There are TONS of things to do here and TONS of places to go. http://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g34438-Activities-Miami_Florida.html
When I was a student at FIU the best place I found was a little area on the East side of the roads full of quaint older apartments and townhouses and lush vegetation. The thing that made this area so awesome was that it was a block from US1 and walking distance from the VIZCAYA METRORAIL STATION. so you can hop on the train whenever you need to go North - South and you are right next to US 1 and also a few blocks from Coral Way which goes straight to FIU. I always tell people that how much you enjoy Miami will depend on the neighborhood you live in. Listen to the people that are advising you to maybe pay a little more/get a smaller place/roommate, it makes a huge difference. If you are a young student/professional the only places really worth living are Coconut Grove/Gables/Brickell/Downtown/South Beach.
Stay away from Kendall/Hialeah/South Dade/Westchester/Doral these are all boring suburbs that are several minutes away from the attractions and areas Miami is well known for.
Great way to use your regular tv for those online/streaming subscriptions, instead of watching on your computer or phone. Some channels have their own (paid or free) apps as well (like PBS, HGTV etc, I think)...It's all we have in the bedroom, since we do most of our watching in the living room where we have directv. They have larger boxes/products with more features, but we got an older version of this as a gift a few years ago, and it works great.
Spotify works... here are some other ones I have found along the way
| http://radcap.ru/ <- any genre you want 24/7 ad free; thanks Russia!
| http://shoutcast.com <- how I found above; still going strong since 1998
I'm on my second chinese version Xiaomi phone here in Miami and they've worked nearly perfect.. It depends on what model phone (chinese/global) and what carrier you use. This website is the one you're looking for
Just search for your phone and the list of carriers are below
I have 4/6 4G bands working here and data always works fine, just sometimes the phone callers won't hear anything from my side.
About Google play, my phone didn't come with it, I just had to install the .apk for it from a website and it's worked fine
I hear you man. I have a lot of the same problems as you, but I don't work at home. My problems are that I work on Saturdays, so going out on Friday night is out of the question. I'm also older (40), and it seems like women my age are either married, or already have kids. I have no idea where single people my age go on the weekends. As far as dating sites like Match.com, I think they're a complete waste of time.
They're a complete waste of time. Plenty of Fish is the worst site, and it attracts the scum of the Earth. Then you have a site like Match.com that is full of fake, or dormant profiles. Match also only cares about money. They even charge people to attend their stir events. OK Cupid is not that bad, but the problem is that there aren't may profiles on that site. I suggest you try meeting people in person.
And so sorry, OP! I live around the Kendall area. Have you heard of nextdoor.com? Also, do you mean it's been over a year since this happened, or over a year since you posted on Reddit.
The surveys IMO will be of little value, I hope I am wrong, or if they actually engage 10% of the ridership. I’ll be watching for sure. Someone like a blue ribbon panel should have oversight and scrutinize Better Bus. They should welcome it an embrace being more transparent. I’ve seen this before in other arenas a heavy reliance on surveys. Which depending on how they are worded or questions asked can be leading to a certain outcome. They fact that Transit Alliance and Better Bus have zero outreach and social media presence and engagement of the public already show me this has issues and whatever person or team is running their Public social media posts is getting things backwards.
For example their are outsourcing (as I expected) the people running the surveys. Who knows who will get hired in this Uber Driver style jobs posting using. airtable ? What ?
You mean sugar ants? Yeah those fuckers have a tendency to make their way into cars.
You can try using this, but make sure you’re monitoring it. The liquid can sometimes spill
wX. I like it cuz free, ad free and includes a bunch of geeky metrologist graphs and such from NOAA. And open source
Just buy this and stick it on top of your bed, the chicks will think you're a class act.
If you like the beach, then you gotta learn to accept and live with the sand. That being said, I'm a fan of aqua socks over sandals/loafers when I hit the beach. Easy to carry around, protect you from burning your feet on hot sand and sharp shells/rocks etc.
I don't think anyone else suggested it (granted I read through the thread quickly) but adding "insect growth regulator" really helped me out, like this one I grabbed from Amazon. It interrupts the growth/reproduction cycle and combined with Advion gel, it's super effective. Good luck!
German cockroaches are like well under an inch in size. Palmetto bugs are...bigger. I'm a little confused which ones we're talking about but since German cockroaches are totally a thing up north, I assume it's like the one in your article. In which case no, what you are describing is way too many and is a health hazard. 5 years in my last apartment, only encountered 2 or 3.
FWIW, the best treatment I ever found (during an infestation when I was growing up) was the very fine boric acid powder. This stuff is super fine and comes in a puffer bottle that allows you to puff a cloud very fine dusting into cracks and crevices. IT IS CRITICAL TO GET ONLY A FINE DUSTING DOWN BECAUSE IF YOU PUT THE STUFF DOWN IN HEAPS THEY WILL JUST WALK AROUND IT INSTEAD OF THROUGH IT. YOU NEED THEM TO WALK THROUGH IT. THAT'S WHY YOU NEED TO USE A PUFFER.
We puffed this stuff into the cracks between the electrical outlets, under the sinks and drawers, etc. Was actually amazing how well it worked. That house never had a problem again.
Also, just FYI, it is possible that if what you are doing is working, you will actually see more of them for a short period of time. They act pretty wacky when they are dying and may be more likely to appear.
I have a homelabs 3,000 sq ft that I’m trying to get rid of, it worked great for my home when I was using it. 4.5 stars on Amazon, bought it for $200 Can let it go for $120
If you have a water hose that has different functions use the cone/sprayer option to gently spray the bugs off the buds.
I also use orthene which last for 5 weeks with one application and Bayer Advanced which you can find at any Lowes/Home Depot Walmart etc and that gives you application for up to weeks.
The Wirecutter's top pick is the WaterPik Aquarius. Amazon sells it for $70.
I've posted this on a few front page threads recently and hundreds of people who bought the same mattress agreed, i got this king memory foam mattress from Amazon for $300 delivered the next day. It's honestly the most comfortable bed i ever been on and i love it. The best thing that's ever happened to mattresses, and it can't get cheaper. The queen and smaller sizes are around $100-250$
Don't ever buy a mattress on Craigslist
The Bay of Pigs: The Leaders' Story of Brigade 2506
Great book. Tells the perspective of the initial exiles, both the batistianos and non-batistianos. Thriling and almost heart breaking at times. I hope somebody would make it into a movie or miniseries.
Alot of the guys in the book are still kicking around Miami politics still!
Yeah I was feeling a little bit discouraged too but then I found these guys... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0888Q3XFG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_aR-zFbH7RJ1TS
I figured as soon as I see a fruit, I'll put one of these around it.
If that's the case, and the power is coming back quickly then I would agree with other posters and invest in an uninterruptible power supply. A decent one will probably run you about $60-$80 but should assist especially with things like modems. Do keep in mind that units like these are intended only for use for short periods of time, they are basically designed to ensure that you can save your work and log off. If you notice power has not been restored after a few mins, then act accordingly and save anything you're working on.
Amazon has tons of scarfs or bandanas you can buy. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GTV3P4K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Remember it’s just a barrier covering half your face. So if you breathe,cough, or sneeze you don’t harm anyone else.
Covid-19 is so insanely contagious. 1 lady in China infected 100 more people in her apartment building through the plumbing system. It somehow spread.
So far finished Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 3 Stars on All Tracks. Finished Gears 5, and working on grinding Diablo 3 loot. Necromancer of course.
And Amazon delivered this on Saturday, planning on tackling it on Tuesday.
My building closed off Common areas, like pool, and Library, Gym, Movie theaters, Spa steam rooms, etc. Only thing open is the Mail Room, and Storage rooms.