“If you asked him on that first day he said yes, he would have said, ‘I want to be an advocate for energy,’” said Michael McKenna, a Republican energy lobbyist who advised Mr. Perry’s 2016 presidential campaign and worked on the Trump transition’s Energy Department team in its early days. “If you asked him now, he’d say, ‘I’m serious about the challenges facing the nuclear complex.’ It’s been a learning curve.”
>Linda Bean, a granddaughter of the company's founder, had donated thousands of dollars to a political action committee that supported Mr. Trump's presidential campaign. The donation turned out to be illegal.
>Making America Great Again LLC was limited to individual contributions of $5,000, according to a letter Wednesday from federal regulators obtained by The Associated Press. Federal campaign finance reports show Bean contributed $60,000 while the group spent $66,862.
>You seriously think there's a scandal in a president giving favours for donations?
I think we could be angry when the President-elect is openly telling people to buy a product from someone who donated illegally to his campaign. That is clear and blatant corruption. Corruption in the past doesn't excuse corruption in the present.
Yeah, because McConnell totally didn't philibuster his own bill like 2 weeks ago. And could you source Obama rescinding his offer? I can't seem to find an article on it.
It sounds like Obama is trying very hard to compromise.
I'm so tired of seeing this chart. It's not an accurate representation of anything that happened, nor does it include a full picture of the years between Bush and Obama.
Here is the same chart source, with a few more prior years in there: gasbuddy - gas 2006-2012
I wish it went back even a few more years as you'd see they both started and ended with similar numbers.
Only 3 months prior to the $1.61 number, it was $3.87! 6-7 months prior it was $4.12! From the time Bush started and the time Bush ended, the numbers consistently rose over time...to a price even higher than what it has been under Obama. It only dropped to that low number in the very last few months of Bush. Regardless of all of this, gas prices have so many variants that to think this is the result of the president's action in an active time-frame is ridiculous.
What makes you think the Obama campaign's polls were any more accurate than the public ones? In fact, the Buzzfeed article linked in the editorial you posted states that Obama's campaign was actually testing their accuracy against him.
How about the actual definition? Why do we have so many debates over actual word definitions? So many words have become completely useless and mean nothing these days.
the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (as political opponents) with unpopular views
It is in 19 states and growing, you realize you're on the wrong side of this debate by now right? Sure, textbooks really do say that marriage is "a union between a man and a woman", but that same book also used to classify rape as something that men do to women. Now, terms like "person" are used because contrary to popular belief, women can rape too.
So just because you grew up within a certain paradigm doesn't mean that you're right, and I think this is a perfect example. While our laws and texts don't all agree that marriage between two men or women at the current moment, there was a time when people with dark skin couldn't drink from the same fountain as people with white skin, probably because some people thought it was against common sense or textbooks or something. Today we look at people who oppressed them (you included, I guarantee you don't think blacks/whites/whoever should be held to different standards) as intolerant and embarrassing to our history. I also guarantee that decades from now your grandkids will wonder what kind of person would deprive something from someone that they can't control.
If it's a matter of what textbooks say, read one about our nation's history with oppression and how that works out. If it's a matter of common sense, use it and don't repeat the mistakes your grandpa did.
Hey Buddy, I hope this helps. https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/special-enrollment-period/ Says here you don't have to wait for open enrollment to begin, with the ACA, as you now qualify for special enrollment period because you have been without insurance for over 60 days. In the worst case scenario, you only have to wait until November 15th, about a month from now, for open enrollment to begin again. Good luck.
dude, you're killing me with your stupidity.
you're using a site where some guy ranks his favorite sites based on his own made-up criteria.
and what's even funnier is he's using alexa.com, which is what i'm using. so based on alexa's data my original post is still more accurate than what you're using. and just for funnzies here's alexa.com's rankings based on a "politics" rating.. huffington post still lists ahead of fox & drudge.
until you stop reading biased & distorted information you're going to wallow in ignorance.
Oswald was a Communist that got pushed out of the USSR for being a waste. Went to Mexico to meet with the KGB, they pushed him to shoot JFK. Then changed their mind, but he wasn’t going to be stopped. Also shot a general.
Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism https://www.amazon.com/dp/1936488604/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_U7KhFb0KEH9Q3
Well documented here.
this kid doesn't know what the he's talking about and should maybe finish a class or two before posting youtube videos on staggeringly complex topics
pure socialism is bad because you end up with a burning pile of raw garbage, but pure capitalism is also bad because you end up with robber barons, people being paid in literal monopoly money, and private police forces. this isn't a wildly progressive concept or anything considering the hybridization of socialist ideas with a mostly capitalist system stretches back to The Wealth of Nations/Moral Senitments and has been the American way to some degree or another since we've existed.
tl;dr its a matter of proportion and this video is implying American capitalism itself is bad.
As pointed out by another source on the web. This chart is a photoshop hack of a chart found here giving the results if only white people had voted.
For photoshop hack evidence notice the lowercase 'a' from "all voters" on the left is clearly in a different font than the lowercase 'a' in Electoral on the right.
Creating a new reserve currency is going to be difficult with Europe back in a recession. And I'll agree the debt is still a problem, even if your doomsday scenario doesn't match any predictions I've seen. However, I've yet to see a nonpartisan economist advocate removing $1 trillion plus from the economy in the middle of a weak recovery. Most of them are pretty much firmly on the other side of the fence. And I haven't seen anyone in your party come up with a way to reduce the federal deficit without doing exactly that, usually by cutting the programs that the CBO says have some of the best stimulative effects.
Edited with links: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/03/the-hyperinflation-hype-why-the-us-can-never-be-weimar/254715/
hey here's a little more data for you:
huffington post & NBC news websites rank higher than fox news and the drudge report websites
i can do this all day, show how wrong & misinformed you are, that is.
to clarify victor means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_Underground
not https://www.wunderground.com/
which is a better site than weather.com if you want the weather, and not overly dramatized shark videos.
oops, not a repub in name, pretend I'm a bot.
Edit, or downvote me for trying to be helpful to younger readers who weren't around in the 70s, lets see how that works out...
Translation: "We mistook the clock for a bomb" is really a way of avoiding saying "We mistook the kid for a bombmaker."
The kid would never have been arrested if he was white.
The story took off on twitter and was soon trending under the hashtag IStandWithAhmed, with a picture of Ahmed wearing a NASA tshirt in handcuffs and a look of surprise on his face:-
The Dems then all jumped on the chance to look good by exploiting to the limit an obvious case of racism and paranoia, with messages of support for the child.
It's preventive in the sense it keeps her blood sugar in control, and prevents her from having serious complications...
Preventative medicine (in the form of health insurance terms) is things like check ups, vaccines, screenings, etc... that meant to prevent disease, disability, etc..
After you are diagnosed with diabetes, the things your mom uses to prevent complications (insulin etc..) those are considered treatments for the disease that is diabetes...
Just a mixing of words, but what you're describing would not be considered "preventative medicine" in terms of health insurance
To help clarify, Here is a list of preventive care services deemed free under the ACA... Diabetes screenings are the only thing Diabetes related that falls under that category..
> I have 18-month old phone and had to uninstall CovenantEyes (I work for an organization where it is recommended on all devices) because it would be slow and crash a lot.
You might try OpenDNS FamilySheild, it runs at the DNS level and works on all devices without additional software. Official documentation for Android devices.
Creationism isn't science and should be banned from school, or taught in a comparative religion class.
Evolution doesn't have to answer the question of the very origins of life, to successfully explain speciation. That's all it does explain, in fact, and it explains it better than any scientific theory yet devised.
Curing cancer has nothing to do with evolution (did you know sharks don't get cancer?) and the way you phrased this question shows a large amount of scientific ignorance. I'm not trying to put you down, I'm just saying you are not prepared to dig in on this.
However! You are sitting in front of a fantastic education machine at this moment! Ignore reddit for a few hours (hard as that is) and go check out some evolutionary background info. Maybe start here. Less than 20 minutes (that's only 2 beers!) and you'll have more ammo than you do now.
It would seem to be more consistent, yes. But first and foremost, if you return a large amount of the healthcare to the states, it saves the federal government hundreds of billion dollars per year.
Secondly, it keeps with the constitution. The federal government should not have that kind of power over the states. If one state wants to have massive increases in government-provided healthcare, they should be able to do that without the federal government picking up the tab.
Last, it allows people and companies more choice as to where they move. For instance, I live in NY. With the expiration of the Bush tax cuts next year, my combined state and federal taxes are going to be much higher than they are now. I want to get the fuck out of this state as soon as I possibly can. Same with starting a business in NY. My dad used to own one, back in the Reagan era, and he still says he'll never start a business in NY again. The more nationalized this country becomes, the less freedom I have.
To your note of efficiency - Think about this sentence and say it aloud with a straight face: "The federal government could do this much more efficiently"
And then go look at the USPS compared to UPS or Fedex. (easiest example I can think of)
Oh, I'm sorry, how is the former CEO of a multi-billion dollar chemical products company, ambassador to Singapore and China and one term governor of Utah not more qualified than Romney on paper?
The same man that was described by HuffPo as: "a conservative technocrat-optimist with moderate positions who was willing to work substantively with President Barack Obama". That's the kind of person we need more of. He was also endorsed by the Economist as their ideal candidate during the primaries.
Ron Paul isn't calling for a return to the gold standard like it used to be, he wants to legalize gold and silver as a competing currency to the dollar.
Ron Paul looked like a rock star in California =) And in a head to head poll, Ron Paul beats Obama =P http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Ron-Paul-Bests-Obamain-Latest-bw-3821734650.html?x=0&.v=1
That would be a poll tax.
I'm also amused you don't think firemen and cops should vote because they work for the government.
From that well known socialist Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations
>The necessaries of life occasion the great expense of the poor. They find it difficult to get food, and the greater part of their little revenue is spent in getting it. The luxuries and vanities of life occasion the principal expense of the rich, and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the best advantage all the other luxuries and vanities which they possess. A tax upon house-rents, therefore, would in general fall heaviest upon the rich; and in this sort of inequality there would not, perhaps, be anything very unreasonable. It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.
I disagree with Mustaine's contention that the country was not socialist a generation ago; it has been socialist since 1913, which is why Milton Friedman wrote Capitalism and Freedom in 1962. The income tax is based on the Marxist idea that government should take from citizens according to ability, and give to other citizens according to need. Unfortunately, there are only a few people who advocate abolishing income taxes.
Citizens want the government to take care of them, so they elected Obama. Republicans don't mind high government spending, so they selected Bush as their nominee twice.
The country has accumulated unprecedented debt that cannot be repaid, a huge penalty that will burden income earners for at least the next 40 years. Alternatively, imagine living with a responsible government like Hong Kong, in a Mediterranean climate like California. Unfortunately, no such Utopia exists; but Chile offers a combination of pleasant climate and fewer government burdens than many others. If you’re ready to shed the debt your government has imposed upon you, it is a good destination to consider: http://brophyworld.com/move-to-santiago-chile/
In my home state of Georgia, you'd have to work 90 hours a week to earn a living wage at minimum wage.
Wikileaks isn't trying to take credit, they've simply created a searchable database. They even state:
> On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016.
I am far from a fan of Assange's, but I am a fan of the truth.
Yep, there were, but they were old warheads that were useless, and we already knew that we would find such weapons. There has been no evidence discovered of any working weapons program that Iraq had that was ready to wreak havoc. Zero. None.
There is a major problem with politics today, causing tons of polarization. I think it's mainly due to a poor information signal to noise ratio.
That makes 2015 economic growth 2.4% <em>with</em> the change we made in 2013 that no other country uses, which increases our reported GDP by 3%, and it includes the additional calculation change we made in 2015 to make first quarter GDP not look so bad.
Nearly 50,000 medicare recipients have died within 14 days of the jab.
But they are not considered vaccinated until after 14 days from their vaccine regimen. So they don't count. And we have no data on all the other people who aren't on medicare, and the CDC and big government covid ops are keeping all the other data in lockdown.
Next week: Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google begin blacklist Rumble and begin to block service to it as aggressively. Reddit already does, can I even post this parrot?
I think you're trying to go for something like "regimentalism", maybe "imperiousism", but since those aren't real words: autocracy or maybe totalitarianism, how's "alt-right"?
None of which represent republican ideals and would certainly not be warmly received here. I must stress this again, the Republican Party is opposed to fascism and idealistically strives for a smaller "weaker" government.
> Obamacare outlaws the sort of catastrophic coverage plans that make sense for young people.
Discrimination and Disparities https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541645634/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_4kCuFb699QVY1
Her entire argument is trashed by a much more intelligent man than her. Thomas Sowell is the boss when it comes to these topics.
Quote him and watch them call him a racist. Then drop a picture of him. 😂
I can agree with that.
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LCkiFbAFK28K5
I believe charter schools and pushing for 2 parent families in the black community would fix a lot of the problems facing it. I also know as a single father how hard it is for males wanting to be a father to get the state to support them. If I wasn’t a man of great fortitude I would have called it a day and left my daughter to escape the BS I deal with constantly from my ex.
It’s hard not to turn to crime when you can’t read o do basic math. Schools are owned by the Democrat Party.
Henry Hazlitt - Economics in One Lesson (watch this first)
Milton Friedman's Free to Choose series on why unrestricted capitalism is the best system: http://www.freetochoose.tv/
> ... the removal of Hitler ...
Was not Hitler himself a government authority? A stateless society would not permit such acts of aggression in the first place.
>... Moon landing, first computers ...
Could they not come about cheaper, sooner, and more efficiently without the State? A free market system would likely hold technological progress at its forefront, such is the nature of true laissez-faire.
Besides, at what cost to the taxpayer did these come about? What suffering and poverty resulted in low-income households across the country who could scarcely afford meals -- all so that the Government could...fly to the moon?
>... vaccinations and antibiotics...
Were not the most beneficial medicines produced by the free market, as opposed to the Government? How many life-saving (albeit risky) drugs has the FDA kept away to dying patients? Again, the cost of funding these via compulsory taxation (a redundant term) has many adverse and unseen effects.
>Even with all the bad that government does, all this should certainly hold weight over it, shouldn't it?
On one hand, there is what is seen. Yet on the other, there is what is not seen. As Hazlitt ("Economics in One Lesson") and Bastiat ("That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen") showed, a broken window has no positive externalities. Moreover, if government takes money to break the window (as is the case with war) holds many, many negative ones. There is no opportunity cost achieved in building a nuclear bomb.
We had a bailout in 2013 of FHA, a rate cut in 2015 and they just approved another rate cut. Dated but still valid, nothing has changed with FHA from bailout until now, defaults remain high. This is taxpayers money
Peter Schweizer got you covered. And yes it goes all the way to the top.
>The reason that Republicans can't unify around a candidate is not because we lack an excellent candidate. The reason is that that excellent candidate is a nerd and people hate nerds.
I disagree. I think it is exactly for that reason. Romney changes his mind so often I could not say what his stance is on any issue other than cutting taxes 20%. I'd be okay with him changing his mind, if he had a good explanation. Gingrich, I consider to be the embodiment of festering corruption in US politics. Santorum represents the stereotypical religious zealot who seems to think his religious beliefs trump everyone's unless they agree with his. Ron Paul has many remarkably good ideas, but some wacky ones as well.
In my opinion, only Ron Paul stands a side from the other major candidates and is in sharp contrast with Obama on issues of freedom.
I consider a nerd to be someone obsessed with something specified often to the detriment of social skills and relationships. The major candidates have all held or hold office and have already won popularity contests for those positions. So, we are talking about the popular people.
I don't think you understand. I'm a mod.
Your post is made in bad faith, imo... because you insist that we accept your points as fact.
This post has not been approved and will not be.
Our community over these past months has, a number of times, made the case for Trump.
I suggest that you check out.
Ours is not a debate subreddit where people need to debate with you about Trump.
I get it you aren’t very smart at logical comparisons, but we weren’t at war during the Great Depression and we didn’t fight at all, until we got attacked and they declared war on us. Not only that, but there were groups that actively opposed the war.
We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001FA0N3I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_2CHE9RQGBMWBB1FH9KSV
I am no fan of Russia, but let’s not act like they are just having this border skirmish for no reason.
We broke an agreement and let Poland into NATO (which I supported).
Democrats didn’t like Ukraine’s vote so we tossed him out, Putin in exchange took back Crimea which had been in dispute since 1992.
We also have had Biden Administration indicate that we were going to expand our troop presence there, which already had 10th SFG(A) since 2014 parked there.
It’s not like we don’t know exactly what they want, they literally gave us a list of demands and Biden is too stupid to read them and then negotiate over them.
> Like I said you have to rely on the lies that CAIR is a front for Hamas...
Not a lie - it is a matter of public record, because the FBI recorded the meeting in which CAIR was created as part of the investigation into the Holy Land Foundation.
Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections https://www.amazon.com/dp/168451259X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_809RSD67HFY8W34B69WJ
Great book, I'm a retired AF vet and father.
Here’s also CNN trespassing in the building during the riot.
I’m sure only the trump supporters were ordered by Trump into the building.
None of those people were doing the same thing CNN did when they trespassed in the building, which was going with mob mentality.
Everything he tweeted that day also seems to go against the idea he ordered or wished for people to commit political violence. So weird.
get to know the Drudge Report and The Blaze for online conservative news aggregation
as for books, become a Constitution scholar, and read the Federalist Papers
in the past I have subscribed to the Weekly Standard...it's just OK
you'll find a LARGE list of links at the bottom of the Drudge Report that take you to dozens of conservative authors
Question from a conservative: do you see all Republicans as Barney Stinson?
PS that was the best video I could find. I apologize for the poor quality.
https://parler.com/post/e914d0428bda41feb283a29cf7abb701 Good reminder of what went down in Venezuela. After Chavez stole the election, his opponents fractured rather than rallying together to prevent it from happening again. Those who stole the election are the real enemy. Not those who were too afraid to do something about it.
Parler is a centrally controlled app like Twitter that is dominated by conservatives.
Mastodon is decentralized/ federated so you can choose your server, but still talk to and follow people on other servers just like email. You can even run your own Mastodon server for $10/month without any tech chops.
Find an instance that is compatible with your views.
If you're referring to my gender fluidity I prefer that you simply refer to me as nonbinary. I've written a book on how you can become nonbinary too - it is available on Amazon and is called 'Becoming Nonbinary'.
THANK YOU! I literally wrote the book on this subject and people still want to debate me by sending me articles that are complete trash trying to prove their points. If you're into this subject please consider getting the Kindle version, but it'll be print-on-demand ready in a few weeks! https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Lynching-George-Floyd-Successful-ebook/dp/B08FRPKBZP
Sure they do, it when you have a true randomized sample using the NYC public schools and charter schools (random admission into charter schools, same level of IEPs, same buildings and same neighborhoods) the charter schools out perform the public schools hands down.
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_zpt8FbQ978Z6P
Studies also show unions protect teachers who underperform, whereas charter school teachers don’t have that luxury.
What tells me that? The fact that the data shows that non-union charter schools out perform public education:
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_zpt8FbQ978Z6P
They almost never fire for poor performance.
The union I worked in, had it in the contract that once you had tenure it took 2 years of bad reviews to recommend dismissal and it was appealable.
We had a teacher who was retiring in 2 years. He taught history and so he decided to basically do nothing. He laid out the work and told kids they were free to do it, but he didn’t care. He sat there and watched DVDs on a laptop with headphones. Parents complained and after him doing nothing and getting a bad review, he started to repeat it the 2nd semester. They ended up hiring a long term sub to teach the class and he watched movies.
The district decided to not rehire him. The union forced them to hire him again. He did the same thing, so they told him to take off the rest of the year. He got paid for the vacation and it didn’t matter if he didn’t get rehired the 3rd year because he was retiring with 85% of his income.
That’s when I realized unions suck, doubly so when I watched them refuse to assist a teacher who was attacked, because the teacher defended themselves.
I was glad when I left teaching.
There is a reason private school, charter schools, and homeschooling out performs in general public education.
Who does the union represent? Students or teachers?
I would like you to actually read what I wrote because it is not nonsense in my opinion and I would like you to further this conversation by debunking some of my claims.
There's actually a whole book written about how economics favored GOP in the south. The book doesn't negate that race didn't influence elections, but it claims that when people go to vote, they vote for their interests (such as employment) and not because of race. Here's the book: The End of Southern Exceptionalism: Class, Race, and Partisan Change in the Postwar South
"You'll own no property and you'll be happy" - Klaus Schwab
Only 8 left in stock order soon!
I read all the comments I respond to I just fail to see what your point about the cutouts are.
Civility has come to an end. We conflated another’s right to free speech with our own obligation to accept it. This book explains it all.uncommon sense addressed to citizens of America
> Reagan would hate Trump.
They met.
And I'm not sure. I think that if Reagan was here and he saw how far left the Democrats were trying to move the nation ... I think Reagan would admire Trump's ability to confound them.
Remember... Reagan experienced the left's duplicity when he was in office...mainly in the 1986 amnesty. The left agreed to increased border security and the first ever penalties for employers knowingly hiring illegals in return for the amnesty and then they reneged on funding the increased border security.
https://www.amazon.com/Madam-Speaker-Nancy-Pelosi-Lessons/dp/1538750694 Got it. First one I found was https://books.google.ca/books/about/Madam_Speaker.html?id=cND4AgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&redir_esc=y By a guy named Marc sandalow
Republicans don’t support gun control.
Gun Control Myths: How politicians, the media, and botched "studies" have twisted the facts on gun control https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08C95PD1K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2ULAFb6SW7MER
Everything you need to know by a PhD.
Teaching pays quite well when you factor in 3.5 months of vacation and other benefits, including many states cover student loans and healthcare is gold plated. Retirement is actually better than the enlisted military.
Homeschooling is growing and the outcomes are repeatedly better.
Charter schools are finally becoming more and more acceptable and they consistently out perform public school.
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TXIzFb9JTS8FW
If we can get through this election, I think we can start turning the corner on the battle and now people have started to realize public education isn’t education, but indoctrination.
Depends, on what school is that? Baltimore and NYC schools in the projects? Not so much.
They spend $17k a year per a student. I think that is plenty and I, as an ex-teacher, could do better with only $10k.
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Q-WuFbHPT7M62
The VA sucked for decades, my brother finally had surgery after 2 years of arguing with them about a service related injury. Now, if you don’t get care in 39 days you can ask to go to a private provider.
The military got a lot better. I went from shooting twice a year to monthly and usually for multiple days. Less missions got scrubbed and less political Bs we had to deal with.
Friends were able to go out and start their own businesses a lot cheaper, especially in the oil fields. Where regulation priced out a lot of the start ups for bidding on fracking jobs, the lower regulation got a lot better.
Lots of new jobs and manufacturing actually grew, until the virus.
Hispanic and Black unemployment was at the lowest rate ever.
Not done yet, but Trump is encouraging charter schools for inner city kids. I think if we can control both houses we can do it to help improve black lives.
And the analysis of charter schools:
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_t4WuFbDAB2SAK
4 million people on food stamps made enough to no longer be on food stamps (before the virus).
The FDA has been on a generic drug approval binge lowering costs for everyone.
Moved the embassy to Jerusalem.
Pushing back on China and slowly limiting it on the international stage.
Helped Israel get the former enemies to work with Israel to off set Iran.
There you go, and I can go on without even searching for reasons.
I am a historian with my own library. You are entitled to your opinion. This topic could take months to didcuss, but I will point you in the right direction.
One of the most important interviews and I rank it up there with this book:
Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism https://www.amazon.com/dp/1936488604/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_CajqFbZH32J77
Having been an ex teacher, many teacher actually are paid quite well when you factor in time off. Starting salary tends to be about 40k a year (not including steps that the state usually pays or reimbursed for) when you factor off the difference vacation periods (3 months for summer, spring and Christmas Break) $40k is about the average salary in the US (60k a year).
Retired teachers in some states make very generous pensions.
I also am against public pensions for teachers and against unions, because the data shows that charter schools out perform the public schools and they tend to get paid less.
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VW.oFbNGFJ6AN
So remind me who put into place Jim Crow laws? It wasn’t the GOP.
The Strange Career of Jim Crow https://www.amazon.com/dp/0195146905/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_r3dnFbZVD195Q
Jim Crow only came into place when the GOP/Federal Government left the South.
Remind me which party decided to fight rather than risk losing their slaves?
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_s4WkFb7HEVRWE
I believe private charity is best.
I also know Ben Franklin’s quote is accurate:
>I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion about the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.
You drive them out of it by making it uncomfortable.
I suggest this book, it’s old but highlights the issue when charity was replaced with government:
By Marvin Olasky - The Tragedy of American Compassion (Reprint) (1994-02-16) [Paperback] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IFZK2Y6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_rKBjFb8V59GD4
So we don’t talk nice. Let’s just look at one policy
The Democrats refuse to allow poor minorities to escape poor school. The Democrat party literally stands against allowing Charter Schools.
You know this is public education too often:
The GOP stands for Charter Schools. They work, they give a chance to those in the inner cities. There is no dispute (ex teacher who went to graduate school) that Charter Schools out perform public education, even when in the same building:
Charter Schools and Their Enemies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541675134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_loojFbJ62FHBH
They get paid less per a student, but damn if they don’t out perform them.
The NEA owns the Democrat party and they refuse to let them support Charter Schools.
So tell me who really is heartless?
I linked you to an article.
> And frankly it comes off as support for an authoritarian state type of government.
No, it represents support for law enforcement.
Perhaps your bias is what motivates you instead of a concern that this desecrates the flag.
>What other groups have changed the flag like that?
This double-standard and the taboo about discussing it creates resentments that drive people into the arms of white nationalists and the alt-right. It is a threat to racial tolerance and integration. I find it rather concerning. I highly recommend Carol Swain's book The New White Nationalism for a detailed discussion of this. It covers this very issue. If whites start seeing themselves as an identity group, I don't know how we'll back off that from that level of racial tension.
While the racism of black people may not be as bad practically speaking, morally, it is the same, and deserves to be condemned whether it is against Jews or whites in general.
This movie, available free on Amazon prime, goes into detail about some of what was written in that article. It’s time for people to wake up.
If this bothers you, look into getting a non-caching VPN (I use EarthVPN and have been very happy with their service). Change your DNS to a free provider (EarthVPN's FAQ has a pretty good list of free services) and just stay connected 24/7 to whatever server you choose. You can use OpenVPN and a common port like 80 or 443 to make your traffic look more "normal".
I know a lot of that was probably just "computer nonsense" to a lot of you guys reading this but I feel like most of it could be learned with a few minutes of Google. I wouldn't mind expanding on any of those concepts if anyone is interested but ask here don't inbox me so others can read it too.
I for one won't be waiting around for the government to "let" me have my privacy. Consumer protection one of the few reasons I will support government intervention in the market but it looks like Trump is going to go the other way.
I would highly suggest you skip both Rand and Friedman (at least for now), and instead start with the short and very readable "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt -- the thing has been in print forever and so is available at just about any second-hand bookstore -- or you can read it online for free (just Google the title).
Note that it is a non-partisan*, serious book based on taking the "Seen vs Unseen" concept (from the French thinker Frederic Bastiat) and applying it to a variety of economic questions, from the local to the larger macro.
*Certainly you will find elements within it that are critical of the policies and programs of the Democratic party (but actually also of the Republican Party) -- but the criticisms are on a straight-forward economic basis.
> no one knows or cares who he is.
Arrogant Millennials only know about the "The Apprentice".
However, many adults have known about Trump for 30 years or so.
For example, the bestselling "Art of the Deal" was published way back in 1987.
> That's ridiculous. > > > > What does K-12 education standards have to do with political affiliation?