I would also read the book series on “Life between Lives” starting with Journey of Souls these books scientifically prove afterlife with thousands of regression therapy patients saying exactly the same things that happen between lives. Soul groups, reincarnation and the progression of our souls over many lifetimes to learn lessons in each life.
These books changed my life and helped to take away my fear of death.
You probably have read it, but did you ever pick up a copy of this book.
It's got a lot of our ghost stories and urban legends sprinkled throughout.
Any chance this was in December? If so, according to this book they were bowing to the Christ Child.
Haha reminds me of the other night when I was up late in the dark reading these and someone had posted an image that looked like a screenshot of a forum with some scary stories, turns out it was a long gif and when the scary face appeared for a second I made the weirdest loudest yell that woke my gf up, she thought it was hilarious, I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack.
EDIT: Found the gif, still scares me. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=sg51dj&s=7#.U01ztceZNCU
This is exactly what this book is about. Same thing happened to this guy. Disembodied Voices
I believe you may have had a bout of transient global amnesia. I've read a few cases on Reddit where people had it in creepier circumstances. It's usually a one off, but you should read up on it.
Ghost Cases - Amazon prime, The production quality especially around the audio is low, but the two hosts enter into the investigation with skepticism. I have watched so many ghost hunting shows and found this one refreshing.
If you're really that interested in finding the place, here you go. Just be very careful if you do decide to go.
I honestly don't remember who the tour was with now. I think it might have been ~~Blue Orb~~, Sixth Sense Savannah. But again I can't be sure.
I think our energy field can cause experiences like this. Yes, I definitely think yoga and meditation affects your energy field/etheric body with experiences like this. Yogis used to boast about levitation-there is a very interesting book about this written over a hundred years ago called Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East-which is full of lies apparently but describes this.https://www.amazon.com/Life-Teaching-Masters-Far-East/dp/0875165389
I practiced yoga for many years and read a book on Kundalini and how damaging it can be. Yoga is very vata-to me-if you know about Ayurveda. I get "too light." I would say ground your energy field. Eat very solid meals, do not try to force anything in meditation, go for walks, sleep well. Have friends and pray to a higher power. Make sure your life is very grounded in the real world. Then do your yoga, prayer and meditation.
There is a good book worth reading. I found it amazing. This is a non-religious take on the afterlife based on findings by a hypnotherapist.
I believe it is a book about the book of Enoch. Here's some insights: amazon.com/Thracian-Script-Decoded-Book-Dead/dp/6199090055/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=the+thracian+script&qid=1595496636&sr=8-2 It's worth reading this discovery. It sheds light on The Book of Enoch.
https://www.amazon.com/St-Anne-Patron-Saint-Objects/dp/B000HE9XNY Here's an amazon product.
I def could be wrong, but I REALLY remember the saint being female in the story about my grandmother, and the bobblehead I saw. If anthony is the only saint of finding things, then I must be mis-remembering. But like with any pantheon and any mythology that was built over time by different people telling different stories, I'm pretty sure there can be overlap between different saints and what they cover. If I am wrong though, my story above is still true--- it's just that the saint is Anthony, and not anne. I still say I remember it being a female though.
Well keep in mind that I'm never completely sure if it's real or all in my head. The main argument to me is that everyone always brings him up on their own. Same description of behavior, and even came up with the same name. LOL
Heck I have even entertained the idea that ghosts only exist because we believe they do, but that's different than imagining them, they ACTUALLY exist because we believe they do. This idea actually came from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Which I'm currently reading. Good book so far.
If this happened to me, I'd become a total iconoclast.
The story reminds me of John Bellars' "The Curse of The Blue Figurine"
Thanks for sharing. Sounds like some kind of accidental tulpamancy gone wrong. Cherish a statue, but it's a little creepy, and your subconscious projects power onto it. Perhaps it comes alive that way, perhaps something susses out how you think and takes root inside the statue. I don't have the answers.
Was about to say the same till I saw this comment, so I'll just add to this. Here's some photo examples for anybody curious:
In snow, resembling the Mysterious Footprint
Clearer tracks
Rabbit/hare tracks seem to be photographed a lot as cryptid evidence.
Ah, yes. You‘ll find your answers in Markus Zusak‘s book I‘m the messenger.
*Ed Kennedy (...), nineteen. Cab driver. No real career. No respect in the community. Nothing. (...) there were people everywhere achieving greatness. Well Ed - what have you really achieved in your nineteen years?'
This all changes one day when Ed stops a bank robbery. He begins to receive playing cards in the mail with addresses and names on them. Ed has messages to deliver. The tasks are not easy but it might just turn out that Ed is not as ordinary as he thought he was , and soon he will learn that greatness comes in all shapes and sizes.*
I have one.... But this time it was a cats eye across the road. I've been using the road for going to my tuition for over 2 years and suddenly one day I notice them... Never in my 2 years 4 times in a week going to my tuition using the same damn road I've seen or noticed it and suddenly one day I noticed it... It was across the street horizontally, i asked my friend about it and he said it was there all the times... I swear i don't take any meds or drugs ... How can I miss them even after I've walked through the same road for numerous times..... Idk either it's a parallel universe glitch or something along the lines of it.
Amazon sells a bunch of wireless cameras for pretty cheap. I was thinking about getting some for my apartment for security. Just shop around and find the ones that let you check them remotely. They also have settings to only turn on if there is movement, which is helpful so you don't have hours and hours to look through, but pets will set it of as well.
These ones do everything you want, plus you can speak through them if you want to mess with your cat or something :p
You mentioned lizard brain in the context of OP being a lawyer. This reminds me of a very popular book amongst the Plaintiff’s bar in the US:
Reptile: The 2009 Manual of the Plaintiff's Revolution https://www.amazon.com/dp/0977442551/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_9SQ3XEFJTQ1EJY3873S8
I noticed the man in the suit right away, but it looked like black/white reflections as other said. However, I did see something weird on the painting. Is there a smudge on the glass? It looks like a face. I'm talking about the third pic down. I played with the levels and enlarged it in PS:
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Frankenstein and Me, here's some Trailers
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Frankenstein and Me, here's some Trailers
He shouldn't? Who does he think we are, trying to profit off ignorant non-thinkers such as you and me? Thankfully we have YOU to watch our backs and to protect us against these fiends.
I saw this the other day and have to say some of their discoveries were mind blowing. Our entire understanding of pre-BC seafaring civilization is broken. Well worth the watch.
When you say you cannot recall the familiar piece of music you played on the piano, what do you mean exactly? Can you not recall the name of it, or can you not recall the melody of it? If you remember the melody, try this site http://www.musipedia.org/query_by_tapping.html - It might help you find the song.
I think you are over generalizing about abductions. Many, if not most abductions, are not positive experiences with spirit family. Many are simply hybrid breeding experiments involving rape and abuse of humans for genetic projects. Others include human military milab experiments involving torture and mind control. Some nonhuman abductions also torture and feed on the energy and flesh of people. Some abductees are not returned. You can check out Lon Stricklers book for some examples: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FP54S2F/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i6
And of course, there are positive encounters as well, which I believe I have also had with positive beings. But I don't assume all of it is good. That's really dangerous to assume.
I don't like alcohol, I think its awful although I unfortunately drank a lot in the past. I've smoked a lot of weed but am not proud of it, and I feel it brings me down to a lower more earthly vibration which can be therapeutic if I need to calm down, but I feel it dulls my shine. I've done mushrooms a few times as a teen and it can be a beautiful thing. But if you take too much, lose your ego, what if you don't come back? These psychedelic drugs are dangerous.
If you check out that channel about the Nephilim spirits it might freak you out. Its just so amazing how cultures all over the world describe and venerate the same beings they see when on psychedelic drugs or out of body states.
Hey, I believe you. Have you ever read up on the Law of One? /r/lawofone
What you describe about being in conscious contact with your higher self I think would be described as the "magical personality" (what happens when your Higher Self temporarily joins you in this density to directly experience catalyst itself and create "magic"). I've been working on an Android app to study the Law of One to develop the magical personality according to Ra's suggestions. Do you by any chance use an Android phone? I would be fascinated to know if it helps you understand any of this... Thanks!
I would recommend this. I haven't read it, but anything I've read in this series has been great. In case the link gets removed as spam, it's an Amazon link. There is a folklore collection called Pantheon Fairy Tales and Folklore that has books for cultures all over the world. I linked the africa book.
I bought this a month ago. Under $15 and it does the trick. I went around the house obsessively looking for more things to sharpen.
I just watched a whole documentary about “The Tall Whites”. This dude in the Nevada desert stationed at a weather base claims to have seen a race of tall white extraterrestrials that land here and repair their ships with the help of the US military. It was pretty interesting. Guy’s name was Charles Hall.
Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah
by Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FCKKXU/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_9KA9XDPX3K0ETEA6TTZA
There's an interesting book called The Mole People about the societies that exist in the buried layers of NYC infrastructure. Some very complex and dangerous stuff. The person you saw may live this way. Or it could be something else completely.
Good read either way.
The Faeries are allergic to salt. Modern legend claims aliens are as well. I read about that in a book called <em>Hunt for the Skinwalker</em>, which is only somewhat about skinwalkers,
Hi home!" a cat's never ending love story: pets past lives, animal reincarnation, animal communication, animals soul contracts, animals afterlife & animals spirits https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1463578261/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_owcyfb6xqewge?_encoding=utf8&psc=1, I'm dad.
"I'm Home!" a Cat's Never Ending Love Story: Pets Past Lives, Animal Reincarnation, Animal Communication, Animals Soul Contracts, Animals Afterlife & Animals Spirits https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1463578261/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_owcYFb6XQEWGE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The first time I experienced them, I woke up in the middle of the night and rolled onto my side to check on my 5 year old (who slept in bed with me). There on his chest I saw 3 dots of red lights in a triangle formation. I was confused and thinking WTF, so I put my hand above his chest, over the spot where the dots were and they appeared on my hand. So I look around the room, looking for a source, some reflection somewhere but could find nothing. The windows were closed, the blinds were closed, the curtains were closed, so no way for it to be from an outside source (car driving by etc). The only red light in my room was my alarm clock, which was across the room on a dresser, about 10+ feet away.
So I look up towards the ceiling and there I see the source, a red light on the bed canopy, similar to this. So basically, it was like something was shining a laser pointer down on my son from the canopy right above us. I stood up on the bed to get a closer look and it then vanished. I had a few more experiences with that damn red light, which the source always seemed to appear on something dark/black.
I remember waking up one time and seeing it on my sheer drapes (also black), getting out of bed and trying to grab it. I literally felt like a cat chasing a laser pointer on the wall, because it would always move right before I could grab it. Then it would disappear. I don't know how to classify my experience, can't really call that paranormal, as I don't think ghosts/spirits can appear or summon a red laser light. But who knows, back of my mind wants to think aliens or some sort of interdimensional being, maybe using those lights to spy on people. Sounds crazy, I know, but I know what I saw and have seen it multiple times.
I appreciate you. Two books were published on this topic in 2020. Were I curious, I’d start with the latter (43 minute read), and if you want more detail, the second is available for free as well:
The common thread between religious books is the authors actually sat and wrote their stories, which despite eventual deaths of these authors, their words are everlasting.
TLDR; write (and film) your own book of the Bible, and when He approves it, you will see His face as the ultimate fulfillment of your life. Afterward, stabilize and publish your (i.e., His) work. If you have questions, message me.
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
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There's a book about this, it's available on kindle. Chameleo
Mysterious Universe did an episode on the book. It's in the PLUS section, so you have to be a member. It's totally worth it (9$ a month).
From amazon: > Chameleo is a true account of what happened in a seedy Southern California town when an enthusiastic and unrepentant heroin addict named Dion Fuller sheltered a U.S. Marine who'd stolen night vision goggles and perhaps a few top secret files from a nearby military base.
> Dion found himself arrested (under the ostensible auspices of The Patriot Act) for conspiring with international terrorists to smuggle Top Secret military equipment out of Camp Pendleton. The fact that Dion had absolutely nothing to do with international terrorists, smuggling, Top Secret military equipment, or Camp Pendleton didn't seem to bother the military. He was released from jail after a six-day-long Abu-Ghraib-style interrogation. Subsequently, he believed himself under intense government scrutiny -- and, he suspected, the subject of bizarre experimentation involving ''cloaking''-- electro-optical camouflage so extreme it renders observers practically invisible from a distance of some meters -- by the Department of Homeland Security. Hallucination? Perhaps -- except Robert Guffey, an English teacher and Dion's friend, tracked down and interviewed one of the scientists behind the project codenamed ''Chameleo,'' experimental technology which appears to have been stolen by the U.S. Department of Defense and deployed on American soil. More shocking still, Guffey discovered that the DoD has been experimenting with its newest technologies on a number of American citizens.
Crazy stuff!
I know a simple way of avoiding all of this. If you are on an android phone https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.blokada.alarm/ this program not only blocks ads on the web but also in games programs etc. Also if you are on Android install Samsung browser https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sec.android.app.sbrowser&hl=en_CA&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dsamsung+browser+google+play&pcampaignid=APPU_1_2r4YXYPLFYaz0PEPofin8Ao
You might ask why would I want Samsung's browser but it allows you to install ad block plus to prevent ads that get through.
I'm not really sure if you're phone's are really listening but this will help.
I don't think that's a 177 either, it looks more like a 777, with the first 7 being slightly written over by "google". If that is the case, it may be related to Aleister Crowley's book: "777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley: Including Gematria & Sepher Sephiroth". The book can be found on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Other-Qabalistic-Writings-Aleister-Crowley/dp/0877286701.
Edit: Looking more into this book, it appears to be a collection of various occult writings and various religious holy books, along with studies on numerology and cabalistic magic. I wonder why this would be in a UFOlogy book, of all things. Is there any writing like this anywhere else in the book that you've seen?
Edit: In particular it may be related to his portion of the book named "Liber 777".
If you want to explore the more far fetched avenue that may pertain to your mothers sighting and subsequent missing time I think you may find this book interesting : https://www.amazon.com/Dual-Soul-Connection-Agenda-Advancement-ebook/dp/B00S1UREB4
Probably one of these fake foot gags bud. Hope that puts your mind at ease.
Maybe something related to the Stargate Program.
So, a book like this: https://www.amazon.com/Stargate-Chronicles-Memoirs-Psychic-Spy/dp/1941408192
Amy Allen from the Dead Files would be a great person to reach out to. Their show deals with helping people like Lilly, so that may be a great option for her if she's willing to try.
Maybe have her watch a few episodes and see how Amy helps people get rid of attachments like this so that she knows it won't get worse when Amy leaves?
> We're odd people.
:D At least you fit very well together :)
Meanwhile I got another idea than a laser pointer (which may work or not): a jet lighter, like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005UNESO6?
Storm proof flame and a lot HOTTER than a normal lighter - don't try the show-off trick "flicking your finger through a candle flame" with this! This thing wouldn't be a bluff like a laser pointer, if the Wendigo would come near enough, you can burn it. And if there's some truth in what I found during the quick research, it would be much more dangerous for a Wendigo than for a living human, and it's not a lethal weapon. But there's a problem: It could be dangerous for you if you (could somehow made to) sleep walk. I don't know what to do about that, except keeping it out of your reach during the night by giving it to someone else.
It's a terrible conspiracy, and they should be ashamed of themselves.
Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman is a great book, if you're interested! I need to get his other books on the family.