Stronglift 5x5 is a great beginner program that you can do 3 day splits on. Wendler 5/3/1 is another one that's great but 4 days. For running, I always recommend reading this book Run Faster from the 5K to the...
It has some good programs in it and does a good job teaching the technical stuff.
Finally, keep in mind you don't need to do nothing on your recovery days, active recovery is a very beneficial thing. adjust the starting weekly mileage to match whatever you are doing currently and ignore the military themes. It's a well written program.
Have a look on this app. It will provide you all workout programme for free. It's A.I version also helps in correcting your posture in bodyweight exercises.
Yeah well a friend of mine recommended that I should focus more on my lower body than on my upper body. However, now I've changed the scheme to the following:
Monday: lower body Wednesday: upper body Friday: lower body
I did this so that it won't be two lower body days in a row.
The app is called "strong". (
It is an really amazing app. You can build your own woekout schedules, however, you can only have 3 templates. If you want more then you will have to upgrade to pro.
I have heard converse are better, but you should invest in some lifting shoes. I bought mine from rebok 60$ Reebok Men's Lifter Pr Cross-trainer Shoe
This is the app I used when first starting. There are also exercises that use equipment under the 'discover' section.
ON android could be used. Good program to start is "All gains" by Bill Hartmann or Bodyweight recommended routine which already got many apps ready to go.