It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "but"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
According to Amazon the shipping weight is 22 pounds. My complete collection paperback set comes in at 18. Methinks OP may have been indulging in a spot of hyperbole.
Thank you!
I assume you're asking mostly about the comic panel squares. I sized images to fit an 8.5 x 11 sheet and printed them onto transfer paper with an inkjet printer. You can see that they aren't perfect squares, since some of them have white strips on top and bottom, but that was okay with me. Since I ironed them onto white cloth for the squares, I had to make sure that I mirrored the image before printing.
And if you're asking about the pinwheel squares, those are just pieced quilt squares. I chose those colors since they seem to occur fairly consistently.
Here's more work from the artist:
She says she's very appreciative of all of your comments! Thanks :)
The artist asked that I also include her portfolio link which can be found here:
We ordered this one from Amazon, and we love it.
I think the seller is out of Vietnam. They have an Etsy page, too. Super high quality, and I love that it looks like the floppy doll version of Hobbes. It’s big, too!
Not a suit, but here's a quick list of things I didn't have when I needed them. Learn from my mistakes:
Amazon! At the time it was $50 instead of $100. (Paper back but High quality, all of his comics divided into 4 books.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
It's not a good philosophy though.... If every great artist or writer waited for inspiration, we'd be left with nothing.
I'm reminded of the Steven Pressfield quote from his book "The War of Art."
“...she (the artist, the writer) doesn't wait for inspiration, she acts in the anticipation of its apparition.”
The long and short of it is, inspiration is not something you can wait for. You must first start working, only then can the inspired come to you.
Do it now! Our son is 3 years old and loves reading with Daddy. He'll read 10 books in a sitting a come back with more. It's awesome bonding and really fun. Here's an interesting article about the value of a father reading to their child.
Here's a quick blurb from the article:
> "When sharing a book with their child, they would often link events in the book to a child's own experience. For example, when a ladder was discussed in the book, many fathers mentioned the last time they had used a ladder to climb up on the roof or use it for their work," wrote Dursman, a senior lecturer in early childhood literacy at the University of Wollongong. "Mothers focused more on the details in the book and often asked children to label or count objects or identify colors." But the abstract thinking is better for kids' brains because it's more challenging, she adds.
We started reading to our son basically as soon as he was born and he loves books and his stuffed tiger.
Calvin and Hobbes comics would be great to read/look at with him right now because of the colors and pointing out things like snow, tables, basic things.
If I can recommend a book that involves tigers (my son has a stuffed tiger he never goes without)..Read to Tiger
It's a book about a boy trying to read a book and his tiger keeps trying to play with him. Finally the tiger sees what he is reading and it's a book about tigers, so they read it together. My son loves this book because of his own tiger.
You're doing parenting right!
Thank you to everyone for the love on this piece. I really enjoyed making it. If you’re looking for a cheap, fun hobby I’d suggest giving wood burning a try. I bought a $20-30 kit off amazon this past year and use a laser jet printer to transfer parts of the image onto the wood first. I used a Calvin and Hobbes font generator I found online, then the two images I wanted to portray. You will have to print the images in reverse if you want to use this method. This was my first piece, but I’m looking forward to trying more. Thanks again for the interest.
It was originally published on May 22nd, 1993 and was included in the Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat collection.
Thanks for the compliments everyone!
If you're wondering about the process I first cut out the the characters in Photoshop, animated them in After Effects, rendered a movie, imported that into Photoshop again and made a GIF. They're pretty heavy for GIFs, usually around 500-700kb, but I'd rather have them big, long(time) and with as many colors as possible. From scan to GIF it takes about 6 hours to complete thirteen of them.
Looks like Buzzfeed picked it up :)
edit: word and link
It does not. Waterson lives in Ohio and they convinced him to show his original artwork as an exhibit in 2014 at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, which is part of the OSU Libraries. The show only ran for a month or two, but I believe some of the artwork is now kept there, but I'm unsure if it is on active display, in their archives, or possibly in their area which houses "drawers" of artwork (
They did release a companion book for the exhibit, which is still available -
Attatoy Regit Tiger Plush! Got one for myself two weeks back to complete my bookshelf. It was way bigger than I expected and almost didnt fit.
So you gotta rub the Grandmas into the stain and let it sit for a few hours THEN throw in the wash. I put a Amazon link to be helpful, if you live in Seattle you could borrow my bottle if you'd like.
If you enter this very question "Is there a book anywhere that compiles every Calvin and Hobbes comic?" into Google, the top hit (in anon mode) is a The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Amazon link.
Combination of Nova Launcher Prime and Lines - Icon Pack Pro!
I think it's valid.
It's probably one of those things that isn't worth redoing a strip for, especially in the limited space of dialogue in a single panel.
I found it in the Indispensable Collection. It starts around page 80. Since I used an Amazon link, you can actually "Look Inside" the print book, do a key word search and see some of the strips
Another reference: according to this website the story arc appeared from May 15–June 10, 1989. It started out with the G.R.O.S.S. club.
I wish I could get something like this legitimately:
It bums me out both that you can buy illegitimate stuff so easily (dozens of listings on Amazon, hardly in the shadows, paying no royalties and having no legal right)--- and that Watterson won't sell us a thing or two.
The quote you have there is taken from an interview on April 18th, 1946 between Gustave Gilbert and Hermann Göring while the latter was being held in prison during the Nuremberg trials.
>Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. > >Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars. > >Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country. > >(source at
I don't recall Calvin ever quoting this or saying anything similar, and my searches of the Calvin and Hobbes search engine don't turn anything up either.
I just did a quick search and couldn't find it anywhere... I may have it on my home computer but I can't check right now as I am at work.
If I can't find it/don't have it:
Windows 7 saves a copy of the image you are using as a background (I'm assuming you right-clicked on the image in Reddit and clicked on "set as background image") so what you need to do is find that copy that Windows is using. See here:
You should post the file if you can find it... If I don't already have it I'd love to get a copy of it.
I would probably give someone who'd never read C&H one of the earlier books. The later books are, IMO, better, and I wouldn't want to ruin it for them by giving them the best collections first.
This is a good starting point.
There is also always this option. :)
I got it on amazon:
I'm also WFH before it was the norm, and with 3 kids in the house, it's a good reminder to not spend too much time working.
According to this website the story arc appeared from May 15–June 10, 1989. It started out with the G.R.O.S.S. club.
I found it in the Indispensable Collection. It starts around page 80. Since I used an Amazon link, you can actually "Look Inside" the print book, do a key word search and see some of the strips
Glad you enjoyed. They did release a companion book to go along with the exhibit if you are interested. It is available on Amazon and elsewhere:
Have this one framed in my home office.
Bought on amazon
(If this type of link is not allowed let me know and I’ll edit it out or I’m sure mods will remove)
Good entry level texts:
These books focus more on the practical, secular side of Buddhism and are target toward western readers. I can personally recommend all of them and these books are often recommended on /r/Buddhism.
Now that I see these, I might buy one.
They have an identical form factor, so i'd think the cases would be interchangable, don't hold me to that though.
I saw this poster here yesterday, and I decided to make my own, with the same quote.
In the attachments there are 3 versions, in Hi-res, with and without images
Edit: I've added 2 mockups, so you can see I they'll look
Yeah Amazon has the hardcover and paperback versions. As stated elsewhere in this thread the hardcover is 3 books the paperback is 4:
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes [Box Set]
Well, I got mine on amazon but you can probably find it at any major bookstore or even a used bookstore
Well, I got mine on amazon (looks like it’s still on sale too!)but you could probably find it at Barnes and noble or any other major bookstore
According to the reviews on amazon, the pages are glued to the spine, so they will eventually fall apart if you use it often =/
It took some hunting, but according to this website the story arc appeared from May 15–June 10, 1989. It started out with the G.R.O.S.S. club.
I found it in the Indispensable Collection. It starts around page 80. Since I used an Amazon link, you can actually "Look Inside" the print book, do a key word search and see some of the strips
Get them all if you can. The paperback set is on Amazon for $52
I'm pretty sure Bill Watterson never sold the rights to anyone, so there aren't any official "hobbes" toys. However there is some similar rip-offs on amazon and such
RIF, Reddit Is Fun, it's a Redfit mobile app.
Unlike the official Reddit app, I like using this one.
I'm actually using the "Platinum" version, I figured that if I was using it for more than a year, it was worth supporting.
So. This took a while and also didn't work quite as planned.
But I've been using IFTTT with an applet to let me know when a certain reddit user posts.
And that has been working wonderfully.
I have a recipe on ifttt that I use to send a pushbullet notification to my device of the daily C&H comic posted here on this sub.
It's very basic in the sense that it only does a keyword search for "Calvin and Hobbes" so you might get other posts that have "Calvin and Hobbes" in the title, but it's not too much if a bother to me.
Found it. You need the launcher it links to. I personally found the launcher to difficult to bother messing with.
Lol, I figured. I meant it more like, "Why would they ask you to do that?" Sorry lin alg didn't work our for you though. Have you looked up Khan Academy videos on it?
Ninja edit:
Here’s a recent one that isn’t as well known.
The content is familiar, but similar to the Tenth Anniversary Book, many have commentary from Watterson:
OR, skip this reseller and buy the 50 stickers for $6 on Amazon.
Just start from the beginning. It is the best place to start because it's where Calvin and Hobbes first meet.
> Chardee Macdennis
These are way sharper than I expected.
I mean, they do make toasters that toast perfectly evenly. If you're a toast enthusiast with disposable income it's pretty hilarious how expensive they can get. This one was trending for a while
Here’sthe listing for a compilation of “Little Nemo” by Windsor McKay reprinted in its original size. It took up an entire page of the paper.
I own "The Complete Calvin and Hobbes." It was my understanding that this was all the comics. Is this collection missing some as well?
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
It’s one of the old ones judging on the art. But he produced so many it’s hard to say… if willing to spend some cash you can get them all The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Stupid expensive now, and around 30 lbs. But it looks amazing on a bookshelf. Bought mine around 2007 or so for $60 or something. It’s got every comic strip ever written in chronological order. It’s amazing.
Attatoy Regit The Plush Tiger Toy, 17-Inch Tall Striped Sitting Tiger Stuffed Animal
My son loves C&H too and has the same tiger as OP. Great quality plush!
Lol. I had to Google it. I really wanted this to exist. Sad that it doesn't but I did find this rather disturbing song track.
self control you can set what sites to block and even if you quit the application you still can not access them. so you could block twitter google+ and facebook easily
Not sure, but probably not. He sometimes used obscure words in his writing. I first heard of the term on Seinfeld, which was the 90s.
Source: "[Lee] Salem ["Watterson’s editor at Universal Press Syndicate", per the same source] recalls a minor blow-up from readers when Watterson published two strips in the 1980s that depicted Calvin mocking the idea he might be adopted. In one strip, Calvin’s [sic] complains that “I’ll bet my biological mother would’ve bought me a comic book…” It was later changed to, “I’ll bet a good mother would’ve bought me a comic book…”"
Thanks for the explanation. That's more or less how I thought it is implemented. I'm asking because nowadays, full text search is quite easy.
MySQL supports it (manual), and sqlite does, too (manual).
Depending on how your setup is, full text search could be just a few SQL statements and a small codechange away. That would not only be great for the users, your setup could also save some cycles since FTS is more efficient (but needs more space, though).
If you have Android, install the nova launcher.
Press and hold any shortcut, edit, tap the icon to edit it. Gallery apps > select screenshot > You'll need to crop the icons from the screenshot.
I suggest you to buy this if you can The complete collection of Calvin and Hobbes I've buy that for myself and never regretted it.
So I took a look at the set I got at costco and it's a 4 book paperback set so I think it's different than OPs, but I found this link
I just found this on amazon it’s $110 for hardback $50 for paperback Here’s a link
I had a couple of books when I was younger that were full of the comics. I don't know where they are now... :(
This is what they looked like
Woah! Good find! I hope you enjoy it! I bought that set for my husband for Christmas for around $90. While he loved it he was a bit disappointed that it didn't contain any bonus materials. Then, I recently found Exploring Calvin and Hobbes : An Exhibition Catalogue. It has interviews with the reclusive Watterson, and has a large section about comics that have inspired him. At the time I'm writing this, it's available on amazon for about $15. I consider it a great companion to the collection you just bought.
I know there is the Lazy Sunday Book which is purely Sunday strips and is entirely color.
I think that's the only one that is entirely colored though. I could be mistaken. But most weren't ever made with color. Newspapers only printed comics in black and white except for the Sunday paper where they would have a larger comic section and print it in color. Watterson didn't make a lot of them in color because there was no reason to.
This is the one I used. If linking commercial stuff goes against any sub rules I'll DM anyone who's interested.
Paperback's $59.55 (List price $100). Hardcover's out of stock but it's usually around $99. I'd suggest paperback cos it's easier to open and read. I collected the collections - There's something absolutely gorgeous about Bill Watterson's watercolor covers.
She used mod-podge, which is basically a glue/sealant. First she brushed the wall with it to hold the comic in place, then pressed the comic on, used a plastic smoother blade (like a putty knife) to get rid of any air, then applied another coat of mod-podge over the comic. It dries pretty quickly, and is waterproof so we can still clean the walls. Basically mamma Viking is very handy and creative. I couldn't find any videos to show you, but hopefully my explanation makes enough sense.
Amur tigers are known to hunt and kill, as well as fight brown bears. That match seems to slightly favor the tiger.
However, an Amur tiger may not do as well against, say a Kodiak brown bear, or a polar bear.
edit: I was on mobile earlier, but here is the source: The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival
I am assuming dental waxing instruments. My favorite is the cleoid-discoid for carving and something like this with a Bunsen burner to manipulate. If you are going to try waxing just get good with two or three instruments. There are dozens of different types but you can do a lot with little.
Edit: In lab we use nylon or a toothbrush is used to polish the wax