This folder was shared here a short while ago. I haven't gone through it to check if every single official artwork is there, but it sure does have a lot.
Edit: After skimming through the folder, I found the above post in the folder.
Here. If you have a Google account, you can save the album to your account. Not every piece of official artwork is in there, but there are 500+ images. There's a good amount of posts on this sub which are not in the folder, so you can just add them to the folder if you wanted to.
The girl being voiced by Hikasa-san kinda looks like Mio, too.
Edited to give proper credit to the VAs
A long time ago I used to mimic it in PhotoShop by scaling an image down, then back up without re-sampling, it can lead to some nice effects but it's often a bit messy.
Anyway, I've been messing with GraphicsGale since it recently became freeware and it's been pretty nice so far! Other than that just some tidying up, cropping and scaling up in post using PS. This zip has a ton of tabs in it. And this site has a ton of tabs as well. Now I just need to learn to play guitar...
Amazon has quite a few good K-on figures, quick search on the Auz amason I found this
probably cheaper ones too.
Wasn't there a second season of Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata (Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend) announced? When is that coming out?
Nvm, seems it was only green-lit in late April/early May. Could be awhile. The show really developed into something good. Looking forward to seeing it continue.
Here's a folder of official artwork that was shared a while back. Enjoy!
I view all my anime via a plex server, so the episodes are already ripped and in a convenient format to scan through.
I have the series mostly memorized to between that and a few stops to the K-On wiki to confirm I didn't forget anything. Wheel through the episode to find when the music starts/stops/opportune time to start/stop the cut and note down the timestamps. Dump the episode into Handbrake, set the encoding, audio, and sub track, then throw in the timestamps. While it's encoding, scan the next episode.
Sounds complicated, but I have a rhythm down as it's the same workflow I do to make random clips and gifs that I post from time to time here, so it probably only takes a couple minutes per cut.
So I have a question, and out of the two posts on the topic I think this is the best one to ask it in.
What license will this music be released under? Personally I'd like to suggest either CC BY or CC BY-SA if only because I get that releasing it into the public domain can be a bit of a bitter pill for most to swallow.
Further to the best of my knowledge if we got the song to a point where it was good enough that we wanted to place it on something like apple or amazon, neither of them have a free option for their song and a minimum 30% profit share. If we did that where would we want the money to go?
Just some thoughts on this project that I feel should be tackled early on.
I was actually quite surprised how cheap I could get a brand new instrument. Fender's Squier line, in particular is pretty affordable. I spent less than $500 on Amazon and got a brand new full scale bass, a 40w amp/speaker combo, headphones, cables, stand, a bag of random picks, a strap and a clip-on tuner. Everything you need to get started.
If you go used, you can get them much cheaper still. Plus if you are just planning on practicing you can skip the amp and cabling and just get one of these which hooks directly to headphones.
if you're gonna be playing for other people buy an amp, if you gonna just be practicing for yourself i recommend the VOX AC30 headphone amp. the full size version of this was actually used to record some of HTT's songs. i would link to amazon, but they're out of stock
Edit: i noticed you wrote the money sign in pounds, so i assume you are in the UK, so here's an amazon uk link to the Vox AC30
The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya. There is also a movie spinoff after the series called The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
This series/movie, is in my top 10 list.
So guys we did it my new pc finally stopped blue screening like a maniac so I hope I can do some better ones in the future but both school and work are wack.
Sources are: PNG of Mio, Street photo and Mio plushie was taken from the anime, can’t remember what episode in specific sorry, I’m having a rewatch and looking for some nice shots to edit since I have a lot of ideas but going at the speed of an episode a week it’s rough and might take a while ayy.
if you arent already aware of this website, you need to check it out. it really helps when learning guitar/bass!
I think Listen!! would be a relativley easy song.
Maybe even No, Thank You!
Thanks a lot! Let's see what we got.
I couldn't find much on Toshio and Nobuyuki.
Naoki Oka seems to be indeed a keyboardist. Shigeo Komori is involved in Shinsekai Yori and Shin Megami Tensei. He's also credited as keyboardist in various records.
Toshino Tanabe ~~is~~ appears to be the same guy who played bass on K-ON! Live Event ~Let's Go~. Rei Kudou, afaik, is not credited anywhere near K-ON.
None of those guys (except Hajime and Tom, but composing/arrangind) are credited in, for example, Ho-kago Tea Time II.
Edit: Hisashi played on Hibike Euphonium's Dream Solister *-* that's pretty cool.
Sure thing:
I'm not 100% sure if it has the recap on here, but when I buy it, I'll tell you if it does. Or if you buy it first, you could tell me. Whichever way things turn out, I suppose. I usually see the Ultimate collection for $50-$60 on various websites like Sentai, Walmart, Best Buy, etc
I got it off amazon for like 50 bucks it shipped from a shop on Japan through DHL and it came really fast actually. Here is the link.
You can look at your drawing in reverse, when you do that is more easy to notice something that bothers you, I don't draw in computers, but I imagine that you can flip your drawing in any program.
Well, if you want any recommendation, I would say, go look Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson, it can help you to understand a little more about what happens into your mind while you are drawing.
You need to get Buzz Launcher and then download my skin for it i am going to be adding Ritsu so i can make xUGRxBoogeyMan Happay if you need help just reply to this and i will help you
I remembered to save my comment from last time this came up! There's a big google photos page with them all here
Are you in the US? Because if you are you can get both seasons and the movie on Blu-ray for $41 plus delivery:
In fact importing it to another country is also pretty cheap as the postage cost is pretty cheap.
From what I understand, the omnibus will be the four K-ON! manga volumes in one book.
I don't think it will include K-ON! College or High School, though.
If you want to read the manga legally, all six volumes are available for purchase on your favorite e-book retailer. Here's the ComiXology link, I'm sure it's available on whatever ebookstore Google has:
i got mine on amazon for $190 plus tax and not sure you wanna buy one for that much but heres the link.
This is ‘Spotify Wrapped’, which they put out around this time every year. It records all your most listened bands and artists, your top genres, what countries your music is from, so on and so forth. It’s pretty neat.
You can find out your own stats right here.
This was an edit by me in GIMP, but props to the sources: Hipster Jun, background, and big ups to u/indigofenrir for posting the original Jun pic.
So the studio pic got taken from pexels, mio, ritsu and mugi screenshots were taken from ep02s1, the azunyan one uhhh… somewhere between the end of s1 and the beginning of s2, I can’t remember, I took a lot of screenshots for future proyects lol and the yui one got taken from the movie since that was the best shot I could get from her full body with the same outfit as the others in the pic and with a front angle, I know it’s not perfect but everything is done for the lulz with love. Let’s goooooo
The author is amazing, he made over 100 K-On MADs/AMVs, all of which are either a crossover between Susumu Hirasawa, YMO or Kraftwerk. All while maintaining high level of quality.
List of his works:
I have all my anime ripped so I can play it on my plex server, so I can just pull up the episodes and wheel through them to get the start/stop times. Then I dump the file and the timestamps into Handbrake to cut the clips. If I want to include subtitles, I make sure to have it burn them in, otherwise most players apart from Youtube will ignore them.
The first is for K-On! Music History Box (link if you want a cool K-On! christmas gift, that's what I'm getting :D) second idk
The artist's official version that exists in the source link provided by OP appears to have the same resolution, so I'm assuming this is the highest (at least canonical) resolution that exists on the internet.
If you really need it, it's possible to create an AI upscale using something like Bigjpg. Be sure to use the original image from the source link because it's in PNG format, which is cleaner than the noisy JPEG version compressed by Reddit. I think it'd produce alright quality for 2x or possibly even 4x resolutions, but you probably shouldn't crank it up too much because the bigger it gets, the worse it becomes.
That's what thetvdb (and therefore plex) calls it. I'm not sure if I've seen any other place use that phrase. just calls the K-On!: The Movie, or Eiga K-On!
I don't play the drums, but you can look here for some drum tabs!
Hope this helps!
Dude, are you a bot? You spend all your day farming for karma, at least post the source for artworks you didn't make. Its the most polite thing you can do, here is the tool people use to find source of artworks if you don't know, only after you actually tried to look for it can you say you don't know the source.
Seems like they revised it already and are rereleasing on 15th November. At least that’s what the description says.
Amazon link: K-ON! Complete Collection (incl. Season 1, Season 2 and The Movie)
I found one on Amazon but it was only the first volume however it was 1.88€ can't say that seems legit but they have one in stock and don't deliver to my area so if you wanna try your luck 🤞 Amazon I'm browsing eBay right now to see if there's any good deals that aren't possible scams. (I got trust issues lol)
Amazon. Bought it on Amazon Canada, but I do believe this third party seller was located in the US: here's the link
The physical collection in English paperback is on Amazon UK for £378 (444€), with separate volumes at around £100 (117€) each, so I'd say that you got a bargain.
I got it on Amazon! It’s not a “legit” scroll, so it’s kinda printed lightly though. K-ON! Wall Scroll Poster Fabric...
But BEWARE! We realized after it came that Azu-nyan isn’t in it. ;(
Legally? Bit of an issue, it's out of print. I managed to snag a copy of each while they were in print, but these days a hard copy will net you a huge sum of money from flippers. You can buy an e-book on Amazon or Book Walker, for about $7 each. I highly recommend purchasing to show your support and interest in the series.
Illegally? Well, you'll have to find that out on your own, and with MD shut down, I'm not sure I'd even be able to help you there.
Happy Birthday, to check more characters use my free app Master Anime Birthday, with over 15000 entry
I found a jacket that is very similar to the one in the show but it's a bit more of a bomber jacket than a track suit. Comes in the blue and red color in the show and other colors as well.
Awdis Mens College Jacket (XS) (Fire Red)
Looks like it uses English for the title--here's a BookOff auction for it:
And on Amazon JP:
I can't even play guitar haha, but just because of K-ON i tried to learn it and bought this one for christmas: Much cheaper, looks like Gitah too!
Still can't play Fuwa Fuwa Time. :L
Well if your Android device is good enough you could use a PSP Emulator to play it. You can also connect a controller instead of using virtual buttons.
It's one of the few games that plays well in PPSSPP and can be played with non-buffered rendering (good for timing in music or rhythm games).