I use songsterr . Not as complete of a selection, and an upgrade is needed for some features, but I have been fine without one. Haven't tried it on mobile yet, though so I cannot tell you if it works.
A friend of mine always used to play this opening riff and I still think it's pretty fucking rad:
http://www.songsterr.com/ I can learn any song twice as quick with songsterr, a lot easier than regular tab
> I would see if you can get in touch with some of the guys who run songsterr and see how they're able to get away with it.
They don't "get away with it". They pay, like they are legally required to.
> Songsterr is backed by U.S.-based Guitar Tabs LLC and it is 100% legal. We have great relationships with music publishers, all of the content provided through our Service is licensed, and we pay a percentage of our revenue as royalties to support music creators.
I'm looking at the Songsterr Plus feature page, and I notice that they don't charge for content, they charge for features, conveniences and removal of ads. I just looked up numerous tabs without even having to create a free account. And you have to consider that they still have to pay some publishing fees for all this copyrighted music even if Internet users transcribed it. And creating a state of the art website isn't cheap; even reddit has it's "reddit gold", which is much the same idea. But all that is their problem right? Where's my free lunch?
You have picked a pretty complex song to learn but I use a website called songsterr for learning Dream Theater tracks. It lets you isolate the different guitar parts and also lets you listen to the audio. Check it out.
Songsterr is a great website, and I like it better than Ultimate Guitar because I can see and hear how all the different instruments go together. The only thing that Ultimate Guitar has over it is that there's a lot more songs available.
Sure thing!
Thom Yorke of Radiohead does this on "Fake Plastic Trees"
Song starts with a bar of rest, melody comes in, last note of melody (the word "can") starts on beat one of a new chord (F#7 9+). The chord itself uses complex harmonies -- rather than a simple F, Yorke creates emotional tension by using notes around where you'd expect to hear them.
Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsixXCnYVfA
Elliott Smith, who was just a master songwriter imo, did this on "Miss Misery" -- note how the vocals emphasize each chord that is introduced.
(Rest) I'll fake it through the day
With some help from John -ny Walker Red
He leads the melody by doing an almost kaleidoscopic thing with the chord progressions. As each new note in the melody comes along, it is now harmonizing with a new chord (often a seventh or otherwise augmented or diminished chord).
Another good example is "Which Will" by Nick Drake. Check out how beautiful and complex his chords are, and how he links the melody with the changing chords.
David Gilmour. His solos aren't too complicated and they don't require too much speed. However, they require an incredible ear in order to perfect the bends and control the dynamics.
Also, Gilmour uses the pentatonic scale, a solid foundation to soloing like a pro.
Edit: I linked Comfortably numb. I started learning solos on Songsterr. Its very difficult for a beginner to comprehend plain tabs, so live tabs really do help.
Ghost and Mastodon both typically use D standard (sometimes drop C for Mastodon) if their stuff interests you. Also, some tab sites allow you to filter by tuning, like this list of popular intermediate tabs in D standard on Songsterr.
Maybe some people can fully learn stuff in RS by just playing it a lot, but personally I didn't really find that it helped me memorize songs. Sorry if the following is some super captain obvious shit but you asked. :p
This works best for me if I have printed tabs (ala songsterr or RocksmithToTab), but should be fine with just RS if you're on console (albeit a bit slower)
Once I've memorized whatever section I'm trying to learn, if the song is available for RS I'll go into riff repeater. It's more than likely I'm playing slower than the tempo of the song so I use RR to bring myself up to speed.
For some of the more advanced shred stuff it's not a bad idea to check youtube for breakdowns to make sure you're not missing out on a technique RS doesn't show (e.g. sweeping) or just general tips.
Thank you! I didn't record the guitars, but i'm like 90% sure my guitarist used these tabs for all of the guitars/bass.
Blackbird, and Norwegian Wood are probably two great songs to start with and not that hard.
All the best. Hope you get laid.
Many people have, there is no right way to do something its juts important to find what works for you.
I started off with economy picking it felt easier / quicker at the time.
Where I got into trouble was mid-high speeds where you want to articulate the notes more, and also long runs that winded up and down and high speed string skipping.
I was just making too many mistakes. I went more into picking exercises etc and looked into where I was going wrong.
I found primarily transferring to adjacent strings with two consecutive down strokes (or up strokes the other way) I had to adjust what my had was doing to slow it down slightly to make sure I dont play the second note too fast.
I tried alternate picking and it was much more consistent, i.e. you hand is just going up down up down at a consistent beat. Its extremely simple and smooth.
I dont fully alternate pick all the time, you can add mini sweeps legato / hammer on / pull off techniques that give your picking hand alot of freedom to pick in a way to get desired articulation, but for all out picking runs, strict alternate is what I do.
Generally I find if I struggel with a picked passage its usually because I've slipped into economy picking (lazy picking ;)) and have gotten my hand in a twist.
Play the octave string skipped riff of Racer X Superheros, that is what opened my eyes to the benefit of alternate picking.
And also actually a little harder in a way, the opening riff:
This is a good tab for it. Bar 19 for the intro riff, bar 35 for the octave riff.
Here's a tab for the Final Fantasy one. It's a crazy finger exercise and it's pretty fast, just check this part out.
Check this site out, sorted by beginner tabs: http://www.songsterr.com/a/wa/all?inst=gtr&diff=Beginner&sort=p
Singing and playing the guitar requires it's own special set of skills. I'm a decent enough player but I can't sing and play at the same time to save myself...
You could maybe play the same notes as the vocals. http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/arctic-monkeys-i-bet-you-look-good-on-the-dancefloor-tab-s25720t0 This tab has the notes of the vocals. You just have to select the clarinet - lead vocals, and it will show you a guitar tab for the vocals. Hope this helps.
I've loved this song since it was popular in guitar forums over a decade ago but when it comes to fingerstyle arrangements, it is actually considered basic.
Look at the tab. http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/john-butler-trio-ocean-2012-tab-s385309t0
Not really the pinnacle of technique but it doesn't need to be in order to be good music.
I recommend checking out songsterr on this - http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/radiohead-the-tourist-tab-s16363t0
Great website. Shows tab and plays a midi version of it. Also shows time signature, and this song definitely has an interesting time signature.
This has pretty much all the proper notes, just that the rhythm of the notes is off at some points (like the hammer on 7-9-7 bit) but you could just listen to the song to get the timing.
For the solo... I watched this a couple of times and just about have it. https://youtu.be/GtaTBkyypgo?t=1m53s (she also does the ad lib intro if you wanna try and learn that too)
Generally you're going to have a hard time finding easy-to-play metal, excluding certain kinds of popular metal. One of my favorite "easy" metal songs is Blodtørst by Kvelertak. Songsterr has a good tab for it.
There are some do-able Queens Of The Stone Age songs, if you consider them to be metal. No One Knows isn't impossible until the guitar solo. I can play that part decently about 10% of the time. The song structure is tricky at first but you can get the hang of it rather quickly.
If you're into post-metal, some of Mogwai's heavier songs are easy to play.
If you're into industrial, NIИ. Tasty basslines, usually not too technical.
I used the tab for the basic chords etc then listened to John for the fills and embellishments.
Anyway this is good one - http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/red-hot-chili-peppers-under-the-bridge-tab-s99t1
good video on how john plays it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU_sxusyuoI
Bassmasta was a great resource for tablature, but just before shutting down I believe they sold most, if not all of their resources to songsterr, so that'd be the place to look. I personally dislike sites like ultimate-guitar because it seems like -- in my experience, at least -- that nine out of ten bass tabs are hugely inaccurate or outright wrong. Now, you can say that about every tab site, but I tend to find that somewhat less with songsterr, but that's just my two cents.
Is it a playing along with the song-type of issue? Is it "not hitting the right rhythm" problem? Maybe try playing along with Songsterr; that site will play the tune with you along with showing you the tabs.
If its dexterity, I'm interpreting that as your fingers get tired or not moving across the fretboard as fast. Also does this pertain to the playing hand, or the strumming hand? Things like just takes time and practice. Try some hand stretches.
Did you check Songsterr.com? They have this version that while not maybe 100% accurate should give you a decent idea of the song.
Mi cover de Holiday de Green Day
No es que sea nuevo, pero es lo último que hice. Cada tanto hago. En el verano tuve más tiempo libre así que en ese tiempo hice mucho más (1 cover por semana).
Antes que me bardeen por la pija de audio, quiero explicar cómo hago. No tengo una interface de audio, estoy considerando comprar una, pero lo que estuve haciendo fue poner el celu al lado del ampli y grabar así la guitarra. El bajo y la batería los grabo del audio de la tablatura de Songsterr. Y los vocales busco algún vocal track que haya por internet y lo junto todo después.
Mostly Drop D, but some of their newer stuff from Wrath and Resolution is in Drop C#. For example, Reclamation from Wrath is in Drop C#, along with most of the Resolution album. Not all of Wrath is though, I know that In Your Words is definitely Drop D. Apart from that, pretty much everything with the exception of Vigil (which is in double Drop D) is in Drop D as far as I know.
If you're looking for some cool riffage to learn, I recommend In Your Words if you think you're up for it. Great fun to play because of the tempo and movement up and down the fretboard.
Also, it should say what the tuning is on the tab. I recommend Songsterr as the tabs are generally pretty accurate and there's an online player too.
Lol, k. Why don't you take a quick peek at the tabs for a death metal song and compare it to something you listen to.
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
I'm a guitar player, many death metal songs will have palm muting, string bending, sliding, hammer ons, pull offs, tapping, vibratos and sweeps. Not to mention unique styles of drumming and bass picking that were developed for the genre.
If it just sounds like noise to you it just means you aren't able to follow it. Not that it is not a diverse genre.
Songsterr is a great resource for tablature, their collection of songs is massive and there is a flash-enabled play-along type mode offered for free. I can't stand sites like Ultimateguitar that have shitty tabs and way too many popups, especially when Songsterr is a much better alternative.
>The melody that stands out are the same, but the chord as a whole sounds different.
If you're choosing chords based solely on the melody their root notes create, your likely going to have a bad time*. Sure, power chords still have that melody, and that melody transposed up a fifth. But music needs melody, it needs harmony, and power chords contribute none on their own.
Don't get me wrong, power chords are great when combined with interesting melodies, use of counterpoint, or rhythmic diversity. But chances are if you're the type of songwriter who relies on power chords, you are going lazy in other aspects of songwriting as well.
Note An exception that proves the above rule. People may intentionally write ascending or descending basslines, like so. But if you played this chord progression with power chords, it wouldn't sound very good. The harmonic progression complements the melodic progression of the bass note.
http://www.mediafire.com/download/5z1xto26b7ygata/K-ON+Tabs.zip This zip has a ton of tabs in it. http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/k-on-tabs-a12003?r=inst&lyrics=any&tuning=any&inst=gtr&diff=any&sort=n&vocals=any And this site has a ton of tabs as well. Now I just need to learn to play guitar...
Randy's ridiculous run from Revelation (Mother Earth). Trills, open string tremelo picking and just a avalanche of awesomeness from the man that inspired me to pick up a guitar.
Starts at measure 122. The Cherry Lane transcription from the Tribute album is great and probably the most accurate version available.
In standard tuning, ebgdaE, or Every Bad Goat Dates An Escort the strings are tuned a perfect fifth apart from one another, except between the b and the e, that is a fourth. When people say they have dropped down to D, all they have actually done is lowered the low E by a whole note.
Your tuning should have each string lowered by a whole note, except your low E which has been lowered by two whole notes. Because the E is now a C, begin tuning with the high E first, as the lower notes won't register correctly on the mic in your tuner.
Congratulations on learning guitar, but be warned of bad tabs. Learning bad habits takes forever to unlearn. I'm seeing some bad info in the tab you posted. The chord symbols above the tab should all also be lowered a whole step. The ones listed will just confuse you later.
This is a far better source for tabs, as you can play it back in midi format and get a correct idea of what your end product should resemble.
My favorite site for tabs is Songsterr.com because they include a MIDI player that plays along with the tabs - makes it much easier for me to learn new songs. Here's their Nirvana page and their Dive tab.
Note that not every song is 100% correct, but they're usually close enough to get you pointed in the right direction.
Just use this if you want accurate power tab. Tab is a crutch in the long run, learning to read a score will help with your theory and help you harmonize with others, but it is convenient if you need to learn a song quickly.
Here's the tab. Enjoy! The tuning is REALLY strange and it took me about 3 weeks to figure it out but I can tell you how to do it if you're interested.
This is a song, but hey, Bob Dylan just won the Nobel Prize for literature.
Also, "Oh The Places You'll Go" by Dr. Suess.
Try Songsterr.com, it's basically free guitar pro tabs. I use it all time since you can play back the tab and see if it's correct by hearing it cause it's basically guitar pro.
Link: http://www.songsterr.com (It's free btw dunno if that was clear or not)
It is "only" fours, 4/4, 2/4, 6/4 ect. but the pattern is not following the signature, so to speak. Here is the tab for the song, the bass drum follows the guitar.
It gets slightly more complicated towards the end imo.
Yes exactly this :) I watched the video before but didn't know the difference. So in the normal lead you'd be playing Jonny's part, and the alternative, Ed's part (the higher note) correct? maybe this is helpful, scroll down to the "what's that" riff
Andy McKee - For My Father
Andy McKee is pretty much the best mainstream fingerstyle guitarist, IMO. If you want a real challenge try Rylynn by him.
A few things: Like /u/phunksta said, your guitar track needs to be slightly louder than the backing track so we can distinguish between the two.
What you were playing was just slightly off most of the time, in particular the "vomit" riff. This is difficult to correct because you can't read tabs. Ideally you would learn to read tabs, but otherwise watching other covers on youtube is a good way to learn songs, as you can see what the guitarist is playing.
Lamb of God tend to play on the lower strings whenever possible (e.g., they would play the 12th fret on the low D string as opposed to the 5th fret on the A string.) This makes a pretty big difference in how a riff will sound.
If you decide to learn to read tabs, songsterr will help you out a lot. It plays the tab as you read it which has helped me a lot.
The only version available at the moment is in Songsterr. Here you go. It has some errors (Songsterr tabs are corrected by the community to improve them as far as excellent), but you can begin to learn it. Keep checking it, I hope it gets some corrections soon.
Red Light, fo sho. I know that it sounds wayyyy better with both guitars but if you go here http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/strokes-red-light-tab-s49198t0 and then mess with the tab a bit, you can get a real good sounding red light cover going.
That's how the finished version sounds like^^^
Quick Google search:
The first link has all the different parts available and even plays them for you simultaneously, which is pretty cool... have to check out some other tabs on that site.
You can learn it through songsterr as well
Although it would be nice to have in there you don't always need to be reliant on Rocksmith ;)
Here's one on Songsterr but it only covers the TV op.
Edit: Found another one on songsterr, same length but has vocals
Use this songster tab. You cannot solo the drums without a membership, but amazingly, you can mute all the other tracks without one, if you want the drums alone.
I agree. It's fun to just go to, say, a giant list of riffs and just go down the line seeing what you can play and recognize and all that instead of sitting down, choosing a specific song, figuring out where the cool bit is, moving on to the next one and so on.
> I've picked up the guitar 2 years ago but I hate everything I play. I get NOTHING out. I put everything in NOTHING OUT. I try as hard as I fucking can IM FUCKING TRYING.
Not even a single song? This was my first full song learned. It's basically two chords for the majority of the song. Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's
> Why is everybody so fucking happy and why am I so.. nothing.
Everyone is struggling. You don't know if they're keeping up a facade to be more social, I suppose.
Not even remotely close except for the tone.
Click on the bass tabs. For the most part, 46 and 2 is almost exlcusively a mixture of eighth and sixteenth notes. Meanwhile The Pot is all over the place.
Josh Homme was using CFA#D#GC for some Kyuss songs like Beginning of What's About to Happen so that should be a good start . May want to check here for tunings for kyuss / queens of the stone age tunings
If any of you falsies want tabs (guitars only) for the Grym Nekrokvlt ov Balthazarageddamon tracks: As Little Elves as Santa's Spies, Levendegjøring (Sønn av ulykke).
/u/IAMNOTINDIAN has tabs for Frostbitten Night on Songsterr as well.
AC/DC - Back in Black (entire album) - Simple rock beats with ample fills
Might I also suggest songsterr for playing along to your favorite songs. Not always but often they even have drum tabs. Another fun thing to do is to buy Rockband for Xbox 360 or PS3-4 and figure out the colors and how they match up to your kit, then play along (on no fail) to learn the songs.
Hope this helps =)
This unnecessary cat and mouse game pisses me off as well.
I don't fully trust that "on request of the publisher" fully. On Ultimate Guitar at least, they have takedowns for public domain music! For example: http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/s/scott_joplin/the_entertainer_ver4_guitar_pro.htm They also have their "tab pro" plus version on the same page. Odd to me that they would take down the download but still offer the same copyrighted version online.
For Carry On, try Songsterr: http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/crosby-stills-nash-young-carry-on-tab-s61515t3 I don't think you can download but you can practice from it.
That tab doesn't look right. Try this one, it has the rhythms marked on and if you hit play you get a horrific but useful midi version of the song with the bass line showing you what you are meant to be playing.
I've always though the pacing of this song was a little weird, especially compared to most of the songs on the rest of the album. A bunch of material presented in the beginning, then a couple of much longer drawn out ideas for the middle.
Anyway, here's some supplemental material! Guitar playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9hj9nTV2P4 Tabs here, if you want something else to look at while listening: http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/pomegranate-tiger-new-breed-tab-s388929t0
Sorry about the tab link, they used to have a dropbox link up with gp5/pdfs in it, but the link is dead now.
I'm a metalcore guitarist, I doubt that would happen to be sub-genre you're into though. The first songs I learned:
Today - The Smashing Pumpkins
Aerials - System of a Down
Hypnotize - System of a down (a lot easier than you may think)
The beginning of:
Nothing Else Matters - Metallica (incredibly easy, literally only need one hand)
Bleed Black - AFI, one of the first songs I could play through all the way
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
A lot of these songs use a technique called "power chord". Its the simplest way of playing a chord. Where your index lies on either the low E string or the A string. Your ring finger will rest on the string above (higher pitched), two spaces (steps) higher on the fret board. And your pinky, on the same fret, one string above.
For finding notes, "tabs" are the easiest method of reading music on guitar. I recommend these two sites http://www.ultimate-guitar.com and http://www.songsterr.com.
Have fun! I've been playing for about five years now and have a had a blast with my guitars.
Found it on Songsterr. Songsterr has pretty much all the tabs that are blocked on other sites including Eric Clapton and RATM tabs. I've seen so many posts complaining about this and every time I found the tabs the person was looking for on Songsterr.
love playing that song, I learnt it using this: http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/pleasure-glide-bass-tab-s78252t0 though there were one or two some mistakes I had to work out. The main thing that I think was wrong was that it says in the main riff you have to slide from F to G or 1st to 3rd fret on the E string but it sounds better if you hammer onto the G. Also the last portion of the verse riff is a bit off. This guy knows what's up and I watched him for all the stuff I wasn't sure about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRJz2RfHWq8&feature=player_embedded#!
Just listen to songs and look tabs or chords. Look around and search some songs here. Not the best site, but quick and easy to use.
Edit: Seven Nation Army is pretty easy.
If you give me a few minutes, I'll try and do a quick transcription.
EDIT: I'm not up to a full on transcription today but I did check around a bit. Here's what I have discovered. This version at Songsterr is awfully close, if not spot on to the OST, EXCEPT that it is 3 half steps low. Capo at the 3rd fret if you want the original key and all tab is relative to the capo.
If you haven't already, you should check out Songsterr. It's got a fairly decent collection of tabs and they're organized: beginner/intermediate/advanced as well as by genre so you can surf around for songs you'd like to play.
Don't forget to check out the r/Guitar Resources Wiki and Justin Guitar over there =====>
That whole sidebar is chock full of useful stuff!
oh man i totally forgot about Dethklok in my post, Thunderhorse has a sweet sweep in it too! although it's a little hard if you're only just starting to learn them, but it's a great way to see the sweep shapes.
song & tab (bar 9) -- im pretty sure they're actually three-string sweeps, not four, but you can still use this for practice anyway..
For ALL your tablature needs I suggest Songsterr. There is a huge library of songs and it often has all instruments tabbed out AND you can listen to them all individually if you want (even in the free version). Use the "select an instrument" drop-down to go through the different instruments on the song. Click play and you can watch the slider go through the tune note by note. Jump to anywhere in the song you want. I'm not affiliated with the site I just use it everyday (for free) and I think anybody that plays guitar/bass/drums would love it.
I want to learn how to play strumming songs but I find it really difficult to look at conventional diagrams. The only way I can really learn a song is with Songsterr using tabs that look like This. Where else can I find strumming songs that show you the pattern in detail like this.
TL:DR (I really want to learn riptide, but I cant find a chord layout online that accurately describes the strum pattern that the song uses, I really feel like this is easier to read for me, but songsterr only has tabs for ukulele and the one they have for guitar is very complicated
The first song i learned to tab is Blood Culture by Essence
The tabs is here, mby there is some better ones, i'm not sure, but these sound right to me.
I didn't really bother changing the tuning when i practised it, but it's pretty fun, you should give it a go.
Oh, so in this case for one (tabs here: http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/metallica-one-tab-s444t1 youll have to switch to kirks guitar) it would be 1, 2, 3, then 4 and try to bend as much as I can along the way? Or do you mean, pick 1, then start bending 2 and 3, and pick 4 again while its bending? I really appreciate the help, by the way man. I definitely do the surveys when I sober up tomorrow.
I could only find the tab for the arpeggio, here you go.
If you have some spare minutes, could you answer some quick surveys to improve our FAQ section? Official thread here
Hey is it actually possible to play this song, or is it mostly to inform us of the equivalent notes on a guitar?
I'll have to redirect you back to this one:
> Citizen Erased is in Drop A.
> http://www.musewiki.org/Citizen_Erased_%28tablature%29
> https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/m/muse/citizen_erased_ver4_tab.htm
> http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/muse-citizen-erased-tab-s11423t0
Don't listen to the people telling you learn sheet music (actually do, but not at this stage, that comes later).
Go to http://www.songsterr.com/ and search up the tab you need. You can press spacebar and have the computer play it back to you with perfect rhythm.
Most of Vektor's songs are pretty challenging to play on bass. Tabs are kind of hit and miss, but I've tried to correct them somewhat on the ones I've uploaded to Songsterr.
NoMeansNo also have some pretty challenging basslines that are played with a pick.
I don't have any tabs for my version, but I did some research online and found this: http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/yasuharu-takanashi-hyouhaku-tab-s83067t0
This is pretty close to what I play only that I play the 2 guitars at the same time. try bringing them together and it's pretty close to my version. I hope this helps :)
Everything on here so far is great advice. Here's one that hasn't been mentioned yet: don't get discouraged if you don't become a guitar hero (read:as good as someone who has been solidly practicing for years) as quickly as you think. I almost gave up pretty quickly into learning because I wasn't able to shred, like I figured I would, within a few months (I was 17 and much stupider). Even if you've been practicing a certain riff, technique, or whatever for a while and still haven't gotten it down, keep trying. If you have the drive/desire to stick with it, you'll be amazing people before too long.
Anyways, here's wonderwall
Once you get down to the guitar line of it, it's gotta be the inspiration. The exact notes may be different but it's a match
Walz for Zizi by Yoko Kanno, great song for learning to focus on your picking hand. Sounds good on a clean electric as well as on an acoustic.
Most people learn songs through tabs if they aren't good enough to do it by ear. Learn to read tabs. It's pretty straight forward and just about every song in existence is tabbed out somewhere.
Hysteria by Muse. http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/muse-hysteria-tab-s11430t3
The 6 horizontal lines represent the strings. The bottom is low E(fattest) the top is high E. The numbers are what fret to hit, so the first note you play in that song is on the low E string at the 6th fret(Bb). A number with a scooped arrow going up is a bend. I'll leave the rest up to you :)
Stairway to Heaven http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/led-zeppelin-stairway-to-heaven-tab-s27t1
Good luck.
Yes the Safety Dance, lol. You're right about the melody, in the tab link I listed you can see the music is written out for multiple instruments. The part I intended to share is listed as 'Lead 1 (square) - Voice' starting on measure 16. You can indeed make it sound good on acoustic, and you're essentially matching the vocals note for note, but when you play it for people they recognize the riff immediately. It's really beginner-level stuff and good for people just picking up the guitar.
The actual guitar part later in the song is similarly simple but it's only about 4 different notes and lasts like 20 seconds total. If you check out the 'Lead 2 (sawtooth) - Keyboard', there are some more challenging parts to play in there.
Also, here are the chords for the song.
It's played with a tap in that video because it's quite obviously played with a tap in the song. Also, tapping the last note of a sweep is always easier, and it has an interesting sound.
For me, sweep picking was easy enough to learn because I didn't concern myself with sounding cool - I just did boring ass drills over and over for about a month and it became second nature to do it. Just take the standard major sweep shape (the one that's essentially a C major in a different position) and practice the shit out of it. Then move on to the minor shape, then on to the bar chord shape. Then the tap actually comes quite naturally.
If you want a solo to drill sweeping that sounds pretty good, here's a good one. Very arpeggio-y. The sweeps at the climax are very, very good practice. That was the first sweepy one I learnt and I turned out fine.
Don't kill yourself, and obviously drill intermittently with fun stuff. You should never drill yourself to the point that guitar is un-enjoyable - it's primarily a device created for your enjoyment. But practice is important. I don't think you need to use a metronome to increase speed (I didn't), I think if you go with the Guthrie Govan technique:
Fuck up a fast sweep
Realise you're not getting anywhere repeating the same shitty sweep again and again - all you're doing is learning bad technique
Sweep as fast as you can do it without fucking up
Increase speed incrementally
Repeat until you're good.
you should be fine.
Sweeping is a technique that seems really daunting at first, but it gets easier as you learn more and after you learn it, it just flat out stops being difficult altogether.
Intermediate: "Over and Over" - Neil Young & Crazy Horse Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8QodEGQpCY Tabs: http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/neil-young-over-and-over-tab-g-s317434 Video Lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WhFtf3Buu0
Try a website called songsterr. It's like Guitar Pro, in Web app form, and a lot of the tabs have drums, bass and effects, as well as the guitar parts.
Not sure how accurate this one is, but the songsterr tab for Dream House has tabs for all the instruments and you can mute each of the parts as the it plays the parts
Intermidiate(?) Porcupine Tree - Sound of Muzak http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/p/porcupine_tree/the_sound_of_muzak_tab.htm
other tab http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/porcupine-tree-the-sound-of-muzak-tab-s15884t0
video with tab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VGxdLzfCDk
could be considered beginner maybe
Shouldn't you be asking 'Does anyone know of any good songs with more than one guitar?'
I would recommend some Iron Maiden songs, seeing as they have like 3 guitarists, their harmonies can be pretty sweet. Try harmonizing the trooper. Aces high would be great as well.
The Trooper - http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/iron-maiden-the-trooper-tab-s338t2
Aces High - http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/iron-maiden-aces-high-tab-s10018t2
I have played guitar for a total of about 5 hours, and I was able to pick up this song fairly quickly: Xasthur - Screaming at Forgotten Fears. I still can't play it all, but some of the basic melody is pretty simple once you know the chords. I also used this to help me learn, which may be cheating, but I'm a full-time drummer so I don't really plan on actually learning guitar thouroughly.
Kinda varies, stuff like Complex Terms/Faust seems not too bad but something like Vela, Together We Await the Storm has a bunch of faster Sweep sections I'm too ass to play.
If you're wondering here are the time sigs in Activation Synthesis Theory which has more changes but not more unique ones http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/blotted-science-activation-synthesis-theory-bass-tab-s382167t6
if you arent already aware of this website, you need to check it out. it really helps when learning guitar/bass!