This is insane and a clear example of closed room handshakes. Aside from the fact that $657,000 is way too much to be paid for any government job, this guy has been effectively retired since 2007, after which point he started a (now defunct) arts organization that never went anywhere, and then pursued a career as a fine art photographer.
I personally wouldn’t be putting somebody that out of the game for almost 10 years in charge of something this important.
His LinkedIn in case you're curious
I actually wrote my Masters of Law Thesis on legality of Torrenting. So I am pretty good on this topic!
Despite the response from the other poster in this comment threada it is absolutely illegal to download a file without permission. This is clear in the Copyright Act. Now in the law it says that if you are only downloading for personal use, the penalties are quite limited. So limited that it does not make economic sense for a copyright holder to sue you. You may get a "notice" from your ISP (without using a VPN) but even then there is not much the copyright holder can do.
With a VPN, I'm optimistic nothing will happen to (let's say, someone in your position :)).
(edited to cover my own ass)
Un frontal mortel impliquant que des cyclistes, c'est particulier...
C'est juste une hypothèse, mais peut-être que les cyclistes n'avaient pas de lumières. Rouler sans lumière est dangereux, surtout que l'investissement est négligeable. Personnellement, je recommande ce modèle, à 5$ pour la lumière avant et arrirère : (J'ai aussi entendu dire qu'on pouvait les trouver en magasin).
Those cookies were made by myself and Jillian. Glad you enjoyed 'em! We just took a generic recipe and made a few tweaks.
Et voila! You have smash hit, Reddit meet-up cookies!
Très bonne nouvelle. Vraiment, ça, c'est une très, très bonne nouvelle!
Avec la construction de l'autoroute 30 et du nouveau pont qui traverse le fleuve près des Cèdres, les camions n'auront plus besoin de traverser Montréal, ce qui y soulagera d'autant les autoroutes.
C'était pas mal idiot de reconstruire Turcot avec la même capacité qu'en 1967, compte tenu de l'autoroute 30.
Et la nomination de Thierry St-Cyr comme sous-ministre, c'est encore une bonne nouvelle; il a fait du bon travail en tant que député fédéral, et il habite à Verdun, donc il est pas mal au courant de ce qui concerne Turcot. Et comme c'est un ingénieur, il se fera pas passer des crosses par les contracteurs.
Hackers can actually design chargers that look like this and infect any device plugged into it.
This official one is fine, but if they are everywhere then a normal person would have less hesitation plugging in their phone to a malicious duplicate a hacker attached to another pole.
Having them built in to the pole in a way that's obvious it was done professionally helps, but some people won't look closely.
Anyways the right move is to use what's called a USB condom.
A USB connector has 4 lines, two for power and two for data. The USB condom cuts off the data pins, so you can use a untrustworthy port to charge stuff without worrying about getting hacked.
Mais yé pas normal d'aller a ce genre de place à cet age. C'est plus normal de parler ensemble dans un petit groupe d'ami(e)s proches... Avec ceci, on fait juste le "grooming" de ces ados pour les vrais boites de nuit.
Puis en plus, ils vont prendre de la drogue pareil.
Demain après-midi: bbq/hot dog gratis pour tout ceux qui veulent se présenter et frisbee. Dans le coin de St-Henri, envoyez moi un pm pour l'emplacement exacte. No strings attached.
I have a similar silicone mount for my road bike — but I attach it to the stem (not the handlebars, which are thinner and potentially less stable). I've learned to trust it, to not let my phone slip out. But you'll have to just buy & try it on a BIXI, see if it works.
My contrarian 2 cents though? For BIXI jaunts (<30mins, presumably) I would encourage you to develop your mental map of Montreal! If you plan on being here for a while, at least. Getting lost and figuring out your way is a right of passage, and because you're just biking dock-to-dock you don't need a lot of precision, at the intersection level. You just need to be able to reckon where the closest BIXI stations are!
It's also not always easy to use phone mounts downtown (traffic demands your attention, and glare can make it impossible to read the screen). If I were you... I would just wing it!
PS: wouldn't trust the BIXI pannier, had my tote/laptop fall out of those elastics, so many times... : You get dropped somewhere in the world and have to guess your location based off the google earth pictures. Great way to spend a Friday afternoon at work. It's been shared around Reddit a lot lately but worth a look.
>Traditional Canadian fast food poutine with sauce and cheese close-up on the table. horizontal
>By AS Food studio
>professional photographer
I suggest:
For SMS, you'll need to find a carrier that's willing to give you that for cheap. I think all the operators in QC are overpriced, but its pretty easy to get unlimited texting and incoming calls with Telus. With these two features + skype I haven't had an extra charge on my cellphone bill in the last year+ i've owned my smartphone.
Yes it's right beside the St-Laurent, I'd say aroud the 45th avenue. here
The monument is new so you can't see it on google maps, but you can see the CIBC in the background as well as the houses are the same.
Source : I'm from Lachine
> La Ville propose essentiellement la chose suivante : « Pour maximiser les retombées économiques de la Ville intelligente, il est essentiel d'encourager les entrepreneurs, d'attirer les talents d'ailleurs, et de favoriser le maillage entre les milieux de la recherche, de l'industrie, du capital-risque, des investisseurs et des entreprises en démarrage. Montréal devient ainsi un vaste laboratoire pour miser sur les talents locaux, développer avec eux des solutions technologiques qui, à leur tour pourront être exportées, tout en créant et préservant des emplois locaux. »
> Le Bureau se voudra donc promoteur, accompagnateur et facilitateur des solutions « ville intelligente » développées localement que nous pourrons exporter à travers le monde. Pendant la période de questions, Harout Chitilian, l’élu responsable de la ville intelligente et numérique, a confirmé que le processus d’approvisionnement avec la ville sera revu pour ouvrir la porte aux logiciels libres, aux petites entreprises, aux solutions infonuagiques et aux solutions en prototypage.
> Deux autres mesures qui devraient aussi intéresser les entrepreneurs Web : la Ville désire propager l’accessibilité du Wi-Fi gratuit ainsi que la fibre optique jusqu’au domicile (pour Internet très haute vitesse) sur son territoire. De bonnes nouvelles pour Montréal!
One of the nice things about winter coming is that the skies are generally clearer. The top star is Jupiter, then Venus (brighter) and then Mars will be at the 8 O'clock position to Venus.
Stellarium: is a great way to check whats is visible in the sky and at what time!
Fortunately, web giant Google has a real neat tool that allows you to translate web pages and/or snippets of text.
Click on this hyperlink to start using it:
That being said, welcome to the internet! :)
Hey everyone, I'm the creator of resto-net and would love to get your feedback / suggestions. If any of you are developers you can checkout the source code here.
There's a place across from snowdon metro - its a card shop/general gaming nerd shop, and they have a lan area in back. no sketchyness. streetview:,+snowdon+metro&hl=en&ll=45.485681,-73.62741&spn=0.010275,0.015492&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=47.215051,63.457031&hnear=Station+Snowdon&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=45.485789...
There's some evidence that right turns on red lights are actually not a particularly good idea. It generally causes an increase in collisions with pedestrians and cyclists. Honestly, the cars can just wait for 15 seconds.
I could swear that I'd seen a more recent journal somewhere, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it right now.
Sorry but you can't bring your gun. (Sorry if it's not funny...) Maximum 100 (70 on the island) on the highway KPH not MPH Parking is hell, best way to get around for tourist is Metro and Bixi Bring an Umbrella it'll rain saturday night and sunday
Road sign are in french : North — Nord East — Est South — Sud West — Ouest Exit — Sortie Bridge — Pont
Finally, eat a poutine!
p.s.: Oh yeah, I don't know if students plan anything this weekend but there are some protest sometimes, so if you see lot of people walking in a direction with red square on them, don't follow them and try to not stay there.
p.s.s.:I didn't know anything cool like being allowed to drink when you usually can't but I hope this can be usefull. Eat a poutine! :P
p.s.s.s.: You can read this if you have an eternity to spare.
Have fun in our city!
Henri IV, le roi de France le plus populaire, avait souhaité que sous son règne, «chaque famille puisse mettre la poule au pot le dimanche».
On trouvait aussi, jadis, dans les villes françaises, des rôtisseurs qui, moyennant denier, rôtissaient les volailles apportées par les clients.
Le poulet, donc, a ses lettres de noblesse dans notre alimentation, ce qui explique pourquoi c’est populaire.
Celà dit, St-Hubert, c’est de la chnoutte; si vous voulez du vrai bon poulet barbe-au-cul*, c’est chez «Coco-Rico» qu’il faut aller.
P$ Mobile Service (Android) & P$ Mobile Service (iOS)
To pay for parking downtown.
I'm not sure but, I remember hearing that cops, ambulances and some other jobs were exempted from the no-cellphone laws.
Edit: Yes they are exempted:
Montreal has pretty awful light pollution, check out the map (warning, loads slowly): . A friend told me once that Voyageur Provincial Park, just over the Ontario border, isn't bad for star-gazing, and that's about 75km from downtown.
I think this one might be a strong contender!
I've put all the december's threads' score in a table and did some manipulation with it.
In december we've removed almost ALL "Where can I find" thread and tourist threads. There's only 211 threads but I think we can conclude that these type of threads are what drive us down in term of quality.
> Threads since December 1st
> Number of threads: 211
> Max score: 333
> Number of 0s: 46
> Average score: 21.203791469194314
Not exactly what you ask for, but still an interesting perspective on the city, particularly for those who enjoy long walks in the city, here is a map I made of the various public stairs going up the Mountain.
Je suis d'accord avec Blank_1, être compétant en maths est essentiel si tu vises étudier les sciences informatiques de niveau universitaire.
La beauté, c'est qu'on est en 2012 et tu as vraiment plein de ressources à ta disponibilité (quoique bcp sont en anglais). Par exemple, pour te rattrapper en maths:
Pour des cours en sciences informatiques, en ligne, gratuits, tu peux essayer:
Sinon il y a tout plein des vidéos de cours en ligne (MIT/Stanford).
Bref, si tu veux pas être sur les bancs d'école jusqu'à 30 ans, tu peux essayer de tracer ton propre parcours "on the side". Si tu est très autonome, si tu te trouves des intérêts et que travailles sur des projets open source par exemple, je suis persuadé que tu peux aller très, très loin.
more importantly, Dollar Cinema does the 4:20 movie of the month, this month it is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, theres a big crowd and you can sneak in booze.
I was reporting a possible hit and run to the police when I said " Going west on De L'Eglise" when the 911 operator told me "That street goes north and south"... no it does not!
> et ce n'est pas une grève mais simplement un boycott des cours
Nice try, Line Beauchamps.
L'Office québecois de la langue française says hi.
Sais-tu c'est quoi un boycott, ou tu répètes la cassette libérale?
Oh yeah, no good! That was our designer's take on the Drupal logo:
As you point out, it's way too obscure and probably should be removed from the business card. :)
J'allais suggérer une app que j'ai trouvée pratique pour ça, mais je réalise que ça vient du même site, alors... ben ils ont une app aussi!
Judging by the reviews for both apps, you can't do either reliably.
And yes, you can pay with a credit card machine, after they're done pretending it's loading slowly or it stops being "broken".
They posted security camera footage of the whole thing going down and are asking for people to see if they can help identify the guys who did it:
À Bordeaux...
Plus petite encore que l'Avenue Lansdowne qui n'existe plus... (Elle était entre les deux arbres).
>I would really be appreciative if someone..anyone, would be able to go verify that this is actually there..
Chose promise, chose due:
Shit that sucks. Does she wanna divulge the spaces that have fallen through? My partner's looking for exhibit space in January and we could use the scoop on who's not agreeable/reliable.
Anyway! Depending on her needs (size of rooms, colour of walls, lighting, etc) she could use my learning centre. I hosted our Turkey Dinner there. My info's on the contact page, if she has any questions or wants to contact me for specifics. :)
Has she tried Eastern Bloc? They have quite a few different sized rooms. Also, Burritoville 2nd floor can be rented for one timers, but also has space for smaller month-long shows (though they might be booked for November).
I studied the way the system works and did some testing myself with a basic RTL-SDR setup, and found the only information that a hacker can get is the serial number of your meter, and how much energy its used. And unless you're the only house within 500 meters, there's no way to tell which meter is on which house.
[more info] The 'smart' meter only broadcasts information. It cannot receive information, and is therefore impossible to 'hack'
check here for what birth control must be covered under the affordable care act for men and women:
The policy (which I do t agree with) provides exemptions could potentially roll back the benefits so that BC options for men and women would be equal. Male barrier contraceptives are never covered. How is this sexist towards women ?
dammit i had a google maps with ALL the spots in montreal, but i lost it all in a dead hard drive :(
edit: FOUND IT
Here is my suggestion. I walk and bike a lot, and I have walked/biked most of those places, and I think that you will get a good balance of interesting, nice scenery, as well as a sampling of many kind of relatively less-known neighbourhoods.
Yes, I suggest to do a little bit in Laval.
[ When I went to the City Hall in Verdun the city councellor suggested to use the Verdun Municipal Greenhouse - It turned out to be a lovely idea - The flowers are nothing special but being just aside the St-Lawrence River was really beautiful (it was rainy too) - My favorite picture ]
Why stop there? Make the owners of Hentai Sushi & Grille change their name to something less evocative of tentacle porn?
It was pretty damned foggy yesterday.
Montreal is mostly bilingual (english and french), even trilingual since it has a big immigrant community. Here are a few sites with frequently use french phrases:
As for food it depends greatly on taste and budget. But you'll find anything you want here. Montreal is the 2nd city in North America with the highest number of restaurants per Capita, second only to New York. There's a few local delicacy that are exclusive to Quebec like the world renown Poutine. Many will recommend La Banquise, but i prefer Poutineville. Also Montréal has a fondness for breakfess hence we have the nation wide renown Cora Déjeuner. Or if you prefer Dim Sum, we have one of the largest Chinatown.
You don't want to buy an used mattress.
There are plenty of outlets that sell new mattresses for cheap (besides Costco).
Here's the intersection. Hmm I wonder what else the cops could look for and ticket in that area?,-73.594266&spn=0.024041,0.038581&t=h&z=15&layer=c&cbll=45.482768,-73.594266&panoid=f-bQsgF8ae4ekcPedo8h6g&cbp=12,237.66,,0,15.42
On prononce le R presque comme un L en japonais. Le N existe par contre. (liste de prononciation de Hiragana)
Example: ラジオ (radio)
C'était durant la croissance économique japonaise des années 80, avec la omniprésence de leurs touristes, qui a contribué à ce stéréotype que les asiatiques, caméra dans le cou, en les entendant mêler le R avec le L. Maintenant ce sont les touristes nouveaux riches chinois qui sont partout, selfie stick dans la main, eux-autres ils n'ont pas de misère à prononcer ces consonants. Mais le stéréotype persiste.
Source: un chinois qui est en train d'apprendre le japonais.
It's on Saint-Laurent street corner des Pins
Big in Japan... Go on their Facebook page if you want to see the menu
Made the calendar public! Click here and you should be able to add it to your own calendars.
I buy used books from Not local, but it's very easy to browse the selection and the selection is great. Shipping costs to Canada vary, but it's usually much cheaper than Amazon or Chapters
Did you consider Gameloft? I'm working for the Montreal studio and there's actually a Sound Designer position available :
They even offer French course for new comers.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
You don't need to buy the gadget, which is just some kind of pokeball/localisation pin-shaped bracelet that connects to your phone so you dont always need to have your screen open to play some parts of the game.
It's also free to play, but with in-game purchases.
T'es pas dans le bon logiciel pour faire ce genre de plan. Ça va te prendre un temps fou chaque fois faire une modification. Regarde plutôt du côté de logiciels d'édition d'images vectorielles comme Inkscape ou Illustrator si tu peux te le payer.
Never before has a nick and neighborhood tag made me grin from ear to ear. Keep in mind that /r/Montreal only has 30,000 subscribers. You shouldn't need to gauge interest or worry about what others think if it's something you're passionate about.
Ah, then it is a bit more complicated:
Use google translate to translate from your 2nd or 3rd language to English, then use google translate to translate from English to French.
It's a communication tools for companies, communities, groups etc. to keep in touch. Imagine MSN, but corporate. It's pretty handy, plus there's open channels (like the global ones I mentioned) where anyone can join and collaborate/share with one another.
One other thing you can do is make a channel on on craigslist. Doesn't really help with kijiji, but it can keep you from having to search daily.
Tip: If you have trouble finding them or want to know what constellations you are looking at, download Google Sky Map and point your phone to the sky. The app uses geolocation and shows you the stars, constellations, and planets.
En ce cas le je suggère un Pi-hole.
Ça a l'air compliqué mais ce n'est pas si mal. Un bon projet pour une fds. Il bloquera tous les pubs sur tous les appareils connectés à ton wifi.
ça vaut la peine
Here is the map of where the field is
as for the tickets involved, nope, nothing!
There will be raffle tickets on site if you want to buy them. Prizes included tickets to the CFL eastern final.
There is no rain date.
A cantine will be present, 1$ hot dogs, 2$ burgers, that sort of thing.
Team colors are BLACK AND YELLOW for the Ti-Cats, and BLUE for both opposing teams for those who want to wear face paint!
Got more questions? let me know!
En assumant qe le téléphone est toujours en vie, tu devrais essayer Plan B; une excellente application pour les téléphones android perdus.
I absolutely love the idea, but I certainly won't be able to be there.
The event has also been added to the calendar and will be updated when I get more details.
Wow, I just published a tour of the place and I have photos of the Murals in question.
Here is the tour.
I'll ask my dad if there's a link.
He built many houses through the 70s and 80s in the east end of Montreal, (started in St Leo and worked his way to RDP). He mostly built bungalos and triplexes, but the house on your link is very similar to something you would find in Montreal, in an Italian inspired area.
This is a very typical bungalo that was built by an italian contractor back in the 60s 70s. Rivieres Des prairies and St leonard are full of these:
I'm interested in making some short films this summer.
If you're interested let me know and I can let you know when we're starting to work on some. They would be just for fun/practice.
Here is some of my work.
>If the OQLF is so keen on barring English/Italian/etc. words, why not change the O (which stands for office) to a B making it the Bureau Quebecois de la langue Francaise instead of L'Office Quebecois de la langue Francaise
Office is a French word. In fact, it is an English word because of a loan from French. So you can stop beating that drum right here.
Anyway, this is getting blown waaaaaay out of proportion. The news about pasta was not even news worthy. We can all agree that it was ridiculous, just like that crazy lady ranting in the metro. Shame on the media outlets that pick those kind of stories to sell their shits...
And that topic about the "ethnic food" was ridiculous and of poor taste. It added nothing to the debate and sounded hysterical. Anyway, reasons here in this very emotional issue doesn't seem to do much...
Sorry for the delay, I just got around to adding the events to the calendar. The three events have been added, waiting for additional info to update.
Also, just like many people here, the best days for me would be the 10th and the 23rd.
Le prolongement du Métro coûte très cher, et Montréal n'a pas la densité pour justifier un Métro (sauf au Centre-Ville).
Bon; il reste des trous, oui, qu'il aurait été mieux de combler plutôt que de flamber une fortune pour aller à Laval...
De Poirier (le tunnel se rend déjà presque jusqu’à Poirier - voilà où finit le tunnel) à Bois-Franc, oui, c'est une bonne idée, et ça permettrait d’augmenter l’achalandage en prenant des gens de la ligne de Deux-Montagnes (et de soulager celle-ci) allant dans les quartiers centre-ouest de Montréal sans passer par le centre-ville.
Quand à la ligne 5, il n'est pas justifié d'aller jusqu'à Anjou, car la ligne 2 y va presque (Honoré-Beaugrand), et Anjou a une très basse densité. Tout au plus devrait-on la prolonger jusqu'à Pie-IX, préférablement au nord de Métropolitain, pour desservir Montréal-Nord qui en a beaucoup plus besoin qu'Anjou. D'abord desservie par la voie réservée pour autobus sur Pie-IX qui devrait revoir le jour d'ici peu, on pourra, si l'achalandage augmente, la remplacer par une ligne de tramway, chose parfaitement adaptée à la densité des quartiers St-Michel et Montréal-Nord.
Autrement, tout prolongement du Métro serait un gaspillage de fonds qui pourraient être mieux utilisés pour bonifier le réseau d'autobus, en installant des terminus qui ont de l'allure, par exemple.
Quant aux trains de banlieue, ce serait idiot de les bonifier pour la banlieue en ignorant Montréal; ils pourraient être électrifiés, et la fréquence augmentée au moins à Montréal pour servir de métro complémentaire; on pourrait même se permettre une ligne de petite ceinture permettant d'assurer les déplacement extérieurs sans passer par le centre.
I saw a guy last month on Mont Royal who I thought reminded me a lot of Jimi Hendrix... I took a pic. Could it be the same one you saw?
Well, there are trees falling, crushing houses, tens of thousands without power. You and I may be fine, but lots of Montrealers are in a mini-disaster right now. Here's a picture from the plateau:!/weathernetwork/status/107929647030870016/photo/1
Edit: Hundreds of thousands without power, it seems.
This is not a anti english but an anti 1 language worldwide type thing. Think of it mostly because soon it'll be Chinese scientist or Indians that will be making discoveries and their books might not be in w/e language someone needs them... One of the big problems in the past was everything remotely smart was in latin or maybe greek even or people just couldn't read anyways, so just from that it caused a extra barrier for the masses to get the knowledge.
Golf town is just across the highway. You can usually rent a virtual golf machine there by the hour.
Je dois avouer que la rue de Coursol dans la Petite-Bourgongne entre George-Vanier et Atwater donne un bel aperçu de ce que devait être le quartier avant sa destruction au profit de l'autoroute 720:,+Montreal,+qc&ie=UTF8&ll=45.485876,-73.576555&spn=0.011448,0.01929&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=Rue+Coursol,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec,+Canada&t=h&z=16&layer=c&a...
Les maisons sont très ordinaires, mais la répétition et la perspective donne un aspect assez plaisant.
Et en plus, c’est une rue agréablement calme, malgré la proximité de Papineau & Henri-Bourassa.
J’ai découvert ça ce-soir à vélo, en essayant un truc
It would be strange for them to shut down that whole stretch for a suicide (unless the incident was at Lionel-Groulx, but then they would have stopped green line service as well). The reason for this is Lionel-Groulx has changeover tracks either side of the station so it can be used as a temporary terminus in either direction.
My guess is there was someone in the tunnels along that stretch so they couldn't afford to run the trains in the vicinity due to the unpredictability of where that person would end up. Unlike in the movie The Jackal.
C++ is a federation of languages including C.
Projects that have been around for a long time (1990) will have entire C files and entire C++ files. STL, Boost and proprietary collections will also coexist. Some functions can even be optimized with assembly code.
Les vents à Montréal soufflent de l'est environ 50% du temps, par rapport à environ 15% pour l'ouest, le nord ou le sud. (C'est beaucoup plus évident quand ton trajet quotidien en vélo est est-ouest!)
If you order from there always check this first -
They usually offer free shipping if you order total is above $99.
I always buy two boxes + solution when I order from them, easy way to get free shipping.
Iirc, The Ganadara bar now serves full meals, and I know they have a chicken Katsu, so maybe they have the cheese katsu (It was also one of my favourites)
As usual, they have no website, but here's the ubereats menu
Parc de la Cité du have, c'est sous le pont de la concorde, l'acces y est seulement piéton. Il y a plein de "BBQ" installés un peu partout. Tu pourrait faire un feu la dedans. c'est accessible seulement a pied ou en vélo. apportez votre bois. Beau spot il y a un incroyable vue sur la ville. Good luck. Keep the fire low profile
ND: I went back there yesterday and the Charcoal grills are long gone. Too bad because it added so much to the park with dozens of people BBQing. I guess it was a safety hazard. Nonetheless it is a beautiful park. in the pictures you will see the old BBQ spot as well as the view behind the trees and and the end of the peninsula.
I know I am a bit late to the party, but just past by there and didn't see anything. Checked the flower pots and post boxes as well.
However at the exact location is a store, maybe you want to try and call them?
reminded me of this classic:
I liked the former st-james'ghetto-futuristic look better. the hell can that wikipedia page on "maker subculture" even be up without a reference to, is beyond me.
Not to mention the hacker jargon files came out of the MIT AI Lab...
How about that for "[...]those who identify with the subculture can be found at more traditional universities with a technical orientation, such as MIT"[...]
Ce n'était pas vraiment sérieux, mais ça devrait fonctionner, oui
226$, gros comme valise et assez puissant pour un laptop. Le soleil n'est pas constant, mais il y a la batterie du laptop pour garder l'énergie.
Ça dépends ce que tu cherche, si tu cherche deux dumbells et une barre c'est pas bin cher sur amazon.
Moi je m'entraine chaque jour, des fois ça me tente pas d'aller au gym ou j'ai pas le temps. 90$ pour un set de 105 lbs c'est pas trop pire.
Bud, I'm not condoning smashing up buildings I'm just saying you don't understand what fascism is if you're going to make that false equivalency.
If you genuinely want to educate yourself I suggest this book as a starting point.
If you're content just shitposting, then by all means stay the course.
> Prague Powder aka pink salt is probably the only ingredient that’s hard to get.
I've typically got it on Amazon (
Seems to be currently unavailable however.
You can schedule a Uber for a given time and place in advance.
You could also schedule a taxi via Taxi Coop's app:
They also don't play noise at ear-splitting levels when there's so much as 3 second stop in play! It's even louder at Laval games. I don't know a single fan who likes it, never have, and have no idea how this persists.
You literally have to scream at the person next to you, and I was tempted to put in the earplugs I carry around for concerts in bars.
I'm seriously tempted use this dB level reader app next time. There's no doubt in my mind it's well over safe levels. Unlike a concert, loud noise is absolutely not the point of the experience; it could be a potential case for a class-action suit for hearing damage.
Vous pourrez aussi suivre l'avancement de vos requêtes à l''intérieur de l'application même. En test dans 8 arrondissements (Côte-des-Neige-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Pierrefonds-Roxboro, Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie, Saint-Laurent, Sud-Ouest, Verdun et Ville-Marie).
Android :
iOS :