L'Oreal Oreor Creme 40 Volume... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000A3ZN7W?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Brush some on, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the sun for a few hours. It only needs a thin coat. Wash it and reapply if it needs it.
That's interesting. They give Three Fat Guys & A Skinny Guy a 10 out of 10.
Also, 10 out of 10 for One Skinny Guy & One Medium Guy & Two Fat Guys
You know, this rules. I've seen a million Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, and Metroid shelves, but very VERY rarely a Mega Man shelf. All it needs is one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Mega-Man-2-Worlds-Power/dp/0590437720
If you're going to go the RetroPie route, Amazon has a starter kit with everything you need except a controller.
As far as controllers go, you've got a bunch of options. If your dad doesn't want to play any games that require analog sticks, you can get him a bluetooth SNES-style controller. There are wired USB controllers as well, just search for them. Be careful to read the reviews, because a lot of cheap controllers fail after a shockingly short amount of use.
I use a PS3 controller for my RetroPie, and it works for everything.
If you decide on RetroPie, feel free to PM me questions. I've been working with Pis and Linux for ages, and I'd be happy to help.
Just buy an empty case from Aliexpress instead of ruining a perfectly good NES game.
Edit: Linkage to said empty cases. Buy the black on and spray paint gold for the Zelda feel.
Edit: Here is a clear blue one that would allow you to see RPI inside.
Here's an excerpt from David Sheff's book about Nintendo, Game Over that talks about R.O.B. and how Nintendo designed it to win over the US market:
It's an excellent history of the early days of Nintendo; well worth a read. It's available for free on archive.org: https://archive.org/details/Game_Over_1999_Cyberactive_Publishing
That would be a connector issue, you gotta move the cart left to right and pray, this was the biggest issue with the old NES'. You can buy replacement pin connectors on ebay.That is a fairly easy part to replace. but, try a few different games and slide/move/push them around while the cart is down and hit reset just to see if you can get one to boot.
here is a video for the slide/wiggle - just don't listen to that last windex part
if i recall correctly you must have 2 players, 1 can finish the level, its a bug
i was wrong, if you have 2 players player 2s controller doesnt work in level 11
This game played a huge role in defining the NES for me as a kid. Glad to see it get the spotlight here.
Also, related, they just released a successor to the original Winsor McCay comic from the early 20th century on which the game is based. If you loved The Dream Master, I encourage you to check out the new comic series (Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland).
Couldn't agree more with the connector replacement. You can get a brand new one for $10.45 on Amazon. There are lots of how-tos online. This one from ifixit is pretty good! Before you use the system after replacing the connector, make sure you clean those games REALLY good. And contrary to what pop culture has to say, don't blow on those cartridges if they're not working! When you do that, you're introducing your saliva into the mix and corroding the connector pins.
The issue here is that emulators generate/playback audio and video at slightly different rates. Most emulators synchronize to the audio rate, which leads to stuttering, and jerky scrolling, when a video frame must be dropped or delayed. Alternately, an emulator can synchronize with video, but that can lead to audio issues (popping/crackling).
Try my NES emulator, nemulator. It synchronizes to the video refresh rate, for smooth scrolling, while dynamically (and inaudibly) resampling the audio rate to match. The end result is perfectly smooth video without audio issues.
You might enjoy Ducktales Remastered, an HD remake of the NES Ducktales.
On the other hand, if you liked NES Ducktales, you will definitely enjoy Shovel Knight, since it seems to have stolen the pogo jump straight from DuckTales.
The NES guide might be a new thing, but the Super Mario comics and the Zelda comics were released back in the mid 90's.
Thanks! I didn't make the keyboard view in NSFPlay, though I am its current maintainer. Two other options:
A tool to import an NSF file into Famitracker. If you're familiar with trackers, this lets you read the notes directly, not having to spot them in real time like on the keyboard view. http://rainwarrior.ca/projects/nes/nsfimport.html
Patashu wrote a fork of NSFPlay called "Synthesia" that adds a colourful piano roll kind of display to the keyboard view: http://famitracker.com/forum/posts.php?id=4220
No something like this from WD 40 or you could use high % isopropyl alcohol, but I find this words better. however, give it plenty of time to dry after. For whatever reason, when I clean carts with it, they need like 5 minutes after before they’re working.
Well, in the UK game.co.uk is. TRU was but they took their preorder page down. Guessing they're out of preorders. Amazon UK was also taking preorders, but the page now says sold out.
I'd be shocked, SHOCKED I tell you if you can't just walk into a GameStop and plop down money on a pre-order right now. Back when I worked there you could pre-order anything that was announced, even if we had a SKU for it or not. We had a generic SKU for pre-order items that weren't in the system. GameStop is set up so that all stores in a district compete with each other for allocations of merchandise, and those allocations are based on pre-orders. More merch means more sales, and more sales means more money in the operating budget to do things like create shifts. That's why every time you walk into one they pressure you to pre-order crap.
Here you go my friend, holds around 200 games I believe: https://www.amazon.com/Sauder-Beginnings-Multimedia-Storage-Cinnamon/dp/B00983B82Y/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_pd_title
not sure if it is necessarily hard enough but I use this kit and its worked out pretty well for me
Since a CRT is not an option, and your current TV doesn't seem to want to show retro consoles at all, let alone attempt to upscale, it would seem that you have two decent options.
A Framemeister, which is very expensive.
A Retron 5, which is much less expensive at around $130. It will make your old games look fantastic, but the downside is that you're emulating at this point. This might not be a downside for you, depending on how important using original hardware is to you.
I've tested other upscalers, but I can't recommend any of them, as lag is pretty noticeable on all but the Framemeister.
It's Nostalgia.NES if you're interested. I definitely think that it's the best free NES emulator, but NES.emu is the absolute best for Android.
I have a set of the 8BitDo ones and they work great. The Turbo buttons are nice but the positioning is a little weird. Do kind of wish they had a dogbone version is an SNES style button layout.
It was all new and exciting for me as a kid. I get what you're saying though, and I can see why. By the way, if you're interested and are using hardware that allows use of multi-game cartridges "Dragon Quest" is neat; It's a got the first 4 Dragon Warrior games, the Dragon Quest 1-4 games, and a Chinese version of Dragon Quest all on one cart.
I haven't tried it out yet because I haven't dug out my old NES, but I picked it up a while back and I'm looking forward to playing through the whole package.
There already is something like this for some of the first party games.
Just get one of these. Much easier to get good-looking captures from, and it's no more expensive than the cheap capture device plus the distribution amp you'd need to split composite video properly to it and the RT2X.
this is the one i bought at my local game store, prob about 1-2 years ago. i use 2 original nes controllers with it. the disclaimer is that it may not play every NES game, however, it plays all my 100+ games BUT not everygame from my 800+ in 1 cart. i have an original NES as well, so i have tested that its not the 800+ in 1 cart that is the problem, as the games work fine from that on the original. but most the 800 games work just fine.
i got this retro because the kids(little ones) were not strong enough to push in the carts in my original NES on their own, and not savy enough to play with the cart to get the game to work right once it was in. this thing is nice and loose and they can put a game in no problems without Dad always having to do it.
original is still the way to go imo, but idk what the prices run these days, i purchased the original over 10 years ago.
however, i do know that battletoads has seen some complications emulating and playing on non-original NES consoles. its not a game i play myself nor own, so i dont know every little detail, but that is prob worth researching if you are planning on buying the original cart.
They work great! Do you have any opinions on snes and n64 controllers too? I was thinking this one for snes
i bought these, no clue if they are the best, but work great for what i need it to do, which is play and have fun, aka, not a speedrunner.
If you're only hooking up the one console, you can just get an RCA to F connector adapter and use it with a short RG59 or RG6 coaxial cable.
I de-solder capacitors and small items with a soldering iron and de-soldering wick.
However, I'd recommend purchasing a Hakko FR-301 de-soldering gun if you're going to de-solder the PPU and GPU, or if you have a large amount of de-soldering to accomplish.
I'm not sure how socketing the PPU and GPU lowers RF interference (does it put distance between the chips and the PCB?), but the interference lessened when I socketed them.
I use this. It comes from Japan but doesn't really require much if any Japanese language knowledge to set up from what I recall at least. I don't know if there are really any better capture cards available for older consoles at this point since most of them are HDMI I believe.
8Bitdo N30 2.4G Wireless Gamepad for NES Classic Edition,Compatible with Nintendo Switch, Plug and play, No lag https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076H1Q15Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3P609Q0MSND5BFR0M794
This is a cool accessory for the switch to use with the nes games
In addition to that, I recommend you replace the 72-pin connector inside the console. I did that with mine and it made it SO much easier to get games to load.
Amazon lists the part for $10 US:
I use this app on my Android (SAMSUNG) phone: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nostalgiaemulators.neslite
It's not the same as playing with an original controller, but for strategic games vs. the computer like "North and South" (even though that one requires some practice with a touchpad when you are on the battlefield) and "Spy vs. Spy", it's super fun!
I haven't found any good app on the iPhone yet.
There are a lot on aliexpress, and really affordable too.
This week I actually did a thread here with pictures of the PCB so you can see they are exceptionally high quality. Higher even then original NES carts. (Not the cartridge and label though, talking about the PCB itself).
When testing my Mother 25th Anniversary I noticed I got a LOT of white screen/blinking led with original cartridges (and I really can't get chip 'n dale to work :( ). The repro cartridge worked fine every time.
I decided to order a physical copy of a romhack, Mother 25th Anniversary as far as I have heard this would be the "community fix" to making this title the best version to play.
I was particularly interested in the PCB though. I have ordered a repro or a romhack once before; starfox 2. This was a native guy that gutted a Stunt Race FX cartridge and put the Starfox 2 chip on it with a lot of loose wires. This time I ordered it from China, and the PCB seems to be of really high quality, production quality even.
I was googling on "Mindkids PCB" trying to find maybe a supplied so I could make my own boards for cheaper, but I can't find anything on it. Also notable are how small the chips are.
(Here is where I ordered mine for people interested, btw you need to HOLD the reset button for 3-5 seconds to switch regions, not push it like the instructions tell you. Works in my unmodded european NES)
if it's for a real nes, skip the bluetooth and get this one:
I was thinking of something geared towards travelling with, like this one, but for the original instead of the "classic" :
omg, I didn't know there were special spike in Super V.
Time to try those too.
Edit, never mind its the same spikes just different timings to hit them.
Not the same one I bought (mine doesn't have the awesome cover) but basically this one
I got this one a few months ago. No problems. I don't believe this type (no sdcard) would be bad for your NES.
Most folks here would take your friendly post and either tell you to get bent or send you to another thread. I hate that, but will say this’d be better suited for the retropie threads:
You can also consider an NES/SNES Classic and mod it to run the games your dad’s interested in. It’s very easy, and faster than a retropie to set up. Depending on the controllers you get for the pi, the Classic route may even be cheaper. If that interest you, just search for the mod community here, I believe it’s r/minisnesmods
Good luck and well wishes to your dad!
I don't have any of the "common" games exept for smb:P so consider yourself luckier than me:P
I have seen some stuff online like: http://www.instructables.com/id/NES-Cartridge-External-Hard-Drive/ but I don't know if it is worth destroying an nes cartrigde for it:P
I don't think q-tip is good. Will leave little fibers and fuzz. Here's what I use:
If you've already got the isopropanol, you can probably find some similar scouring pads on the cleaning isle at your supermarket.
>pocketable storage
I'm sorry but I'm still not sure what that means. I think you mean something like this but still not sure...
I picked this game up a few weeks ago. Took about 2 weeks to get here. Has a pretty good line up of games. My buddy gifted me his childhood SNES with 1 controller, AC adapter and AV cables, but no games. Picked up a few games on CL for $ 20, but after looking around for MegaMan games prices were outrages. Decided to go with this. Just a heads up. Mario 2 is the PAL version. It's a bit fast and Kirby is the only game that uses the battery backup.
there is, It is called GB studio and it is free:
The only limitation is that there is only a single module currently. But hey, it's free
RCA to HDMI,AV to HDMI... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07RX69KR8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
honestly, im not the one to notice lag input but I got this. bought a 4k tv to hook up my apple tv and also conveniently play games on one screen
So this is the line switch I have (which I highly recommend), but there are plenty of other options out there: GE 4-Way RCA Switch AV Splitter Switch, for Connecting 4 RCA Output Devices to Your TV, S-Video Support, Audio/Video, Game Consoles, DVD, VCR, 38807 https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07DYD5FSH/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_7KXX7SR35VR1YE2RFFMV?_encoding=UTF8&psc= This one has 4 composite/S-video inputs that you can switch between. It outputs a single composite/S-video signal which I run through the RetroTINK, and then connect to my TV via HDMI.
Sauder Multimedia Storage Tower, Cinnamon Cherry finish https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RRH23W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D2Q2W9PR8A2CM2RS3QMC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is what I use. Apart from custom built, it doesn’t get any better in my opinion. Here’s a pick of what they look like with games in them
That was sort of normal "back in the day" but even more so now as things age.
You should really try cleaning the contacts on the cartridges first. Then try cleaning the contacts on the existing 72pin.
Here's a link to a cleaning kit: https://www.amazon.com/1UPcard-Video-Cartridge-Cleaning-Nintendo-64/dp/B00S7HYEKK
You may find one that's even cheaper.
Here's my experience: I encountered what you encountered, or more often, garbled graphics. I replaced the 72pin. It didn't help at all and make trying to insert a cartridge even jankier. I probably didn't put everything back in the exact place it needed to be in the case or something...but I frequently take computers apart and reassemble them as part of my work. So keep that in mind.
I saw WAY more improvement after a good cleaning. You can always replace the 72pin later. I know, the 72pins are cheaper than the cleaning kits...so if you are confident in your disassembly/reassembly abilities...go ahead and plan on doing both. I wished I had simply tried cleaning first. I think mine would work better if I had only cleaned with the proper solution.
Search Forever Games of NES
I bought this one from Amazon instead, doesn't have as many games, but there were a number of my favorites that were on this one, but not the other.
253in1 Classic Collection for Nes Multi Games Cartridge 8 Bit Green Transparent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095431N21/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_AGJTCVY8QMDXP1VVQH57?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I saw some videos about that, it looks like a lot of headache to get into specific details about my tv and what wiring I have to do and resisitors I have to install. I suppose I'll stick with the s-video adapter. Also, the s-video adapter is completely out of stock everywhere. Would this alternative one work?
Sauder Multimedia Storage Tower, Cinnamon Cherry finish
It goes in and out of stock a lot. If you google the model number you might find it somewhere else. I’ve bought directly from Sauder, too.
BIHRTC Led Strip Lights 5050 RGB 16.4ft 5m Led Lighting 300leds 40 Keys Remote Controller Music Sync Color Changing Flexible LED Strip Lighting for Xmas Party Bedroom Indoor Decoration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KJZD96D/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_fabc_024JPSVQV8SPZW6EF3QR
It's from Super Mario Adventures, a manga that ran in Nintendo Power in the 90s.
US Links:
Also Check out the SNES book too! Same author. Great quality work done
I used the typical tools / consumables: soldering iron, side cutters, wire strippers, screwdriver, heat gun, desoldering gun, this extractor to help hold the cpu during extraction: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000TGLSVK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s02, solder, flux, wick, a small piece of 26 awg wire, alcohol etc.
The hard part is definitely removing the CPU. I'm fortunate to have a hakko desoldering gun, a pretty expensive thing, but really useful. With that I was able to remove the cpu pretty quickly and without damaging it. If you don't have one of those or something similar then it's going to be a lot harder.
In my own novice view this is an intermediate mod. Not extremely complex, easier than the nesrgb (which again isn't out of the world complex. But still the removal of the CPU can push this from pretty straightforward with the right desoldering tools, to really, really hard (if you're trying to go about it with just some wick it's probably not going to happen, maybe those hand pump desoldering things would work for a cheaper option).
Good luck!!
They are tall home media shelves, meant for CD and DVD. They are adjustable. I have two of these big shelves, and a few smaller ones that all hold my DVDs, VHS, Music CDs, NES, Super NES, Atari, N64.
This is a VERY similar one to the ones I got.
They are 71 inch tall home media shelves designed for VHS, CD, DVD with adjustable shelves. NES games fit on there perfectly. I have two of them side by side that split my home office in half (one half is my desk and the other halve is my "media lounge").
This isn't the exact one but this is pretty much the same shelf.
Here is the link if anyone is interested.
Paladone Nintendo Super Mario Bros Lamp - Retro Decor Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MSK7GXV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_xl5RFb4VNP91E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I really recommend the Retrobit dog bone controllers. They are only $3.91 on Amazon. Really nice sturdy controller.
I actually have two varsity jackets that are the same color.
And a heavier one with leather sleeves
Both are from Amazon
With this System you don’t need a crt to play it
Old Skool CLASSIQ N Console Compatible with NES - Black/Red Clone System https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KDVMFBY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_tlAJFb3TSPBES
I still need to buy it Though plus a Zapper
I do not but if I by one of these I don’t need a crt to play it
Old Skool CLASSIQ N Console Compatible with NES - Black/Red Clone System https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KDVMFBY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AjxJFbQSH0TRJ
Anyone who's trying to market a $16 guide for Super Mario Bros. strikes me as scammy as well, especially when they can't be bothered to do a grammar check on the cover page. The fact that his website is also dead, and that he's not using his real name anywhere on the item listing, also suggests to me that he's probably not properly sourcing the information either. (Meaning, that the "history" in his book is probably ripped from something like "Game Over" or Kotaku articles on Mario, and he's not giving credit or compensation to the original authors.)
No worries! It is an NES cart with a flash reader in it that allows you to play ROMs from a flash drive. Nice tech, but a bit pricey. I personally do not have one.
Interesting, as I’ve used this one on my AV Famicom and never had audio issues when playing NTSC carts.
Here’s a link:
Okay, direct stereo mod sounds good then.
>If you do decide to go the direct out route, a cable like this basically makes it reversible whenever you want to. https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-2-Male-1-Female-RCA-Y-Adapter/dp/B01D5H8RE0
I thought about it too, but I really don't like the default audio (or maybe because is mono, I guess that is why makes it feel so bad), so I though I can make it better with the mod.
So that's definitely simpler but the mono mixing gives you the option of zero mono mixed back into each channel so it's more versatile. With the knob turned down all the way there shouldn't be any difference in audio quality from the direct lines out.
If you do decide to go the direct out route, a cable like this basically makes it reversible whenever you want to. https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-2-Male-1-Female-RCA-Y-Adapter/dp/B01D5H8RE0
Wouldn’t something like this be better? It would at least be a lot more efficient and smaller since there no inverter in there. https://www.amazon.com/TalentCell-Rechargeable-12000mAh-Multi-led-indicator/dp/B00ME3ZH7C
Amazon, more pricey for an 8 ounce bottle but it did the trick https://www.amazon.com/Eternal-Isopropyl-Alcohol-Beauty-Earrings/dp/B07X1Z96VR/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=isopropyl+alcohol+99+percent&qid=1597961839&sprefix=isopr&sr=8-6 can not find even 70 percent where I live
You will probably be happiest if you at a minimum get an 8-way octagonal gate and the over-sized actuator.
The 8 way gate can be found on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sanwa-GT-Y-Octagonal-Restrictor-Joysticks/dp/B004AU0H4U/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=sanwa+8+way+gate&qid=1590426384&sr=8-3
The actuator is on focus attack, but there are probably other arcade stores out there that carry it too. Basically it minimizes the travel before the button press when you lean the stick. It makes the whole thing feel tighter.
I definitely recommend the sorts that come as whole drivers like these and not the cheaper individual bits that go into the multidrivers. They work so much better and are pretty solidly built.
I bought a pack of 6 inch extension cords. I am surprised at how many times I have used them in other similar situations. Might have been these:
It's a game console that has a bunch of NES games on it - there is an SNES model too, which would probably be better for kids (except it's missing Super Mario All-Stars, which is blasphemous)... (Sorry if saying SNES is better than NES for kids is against the rules here).
You can find the NES Classic here: https://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-Entertainment-Control-NES-Certified-Refurbished/dp/B07HBJ5TXC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=nes+classic+edition&qid=1555402844&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1
SNES Classic here: https://www.amazon.com/Super-NES-Classic-nintendo/dp/B0721GGGS9/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=snes+classic+edition&qid=1555402936&s=gateway&sr=8-1
As others have stated, the NES Classic and SNES Classic consoles are for sale at pretty much every Walmart, Best Buy, etc. You can even use the free Hakchi program to put whatever games you want on them when you tire of the games that come on them but the NES Classic comes with all 3 Mario games released for the NES console and the SNES Classic comes with Super Mario World on it.
The NES Classic comes with 1 controller, SNES Classic comes with 2. You can purchase extension cables (that come in packs of 2) for like $10 that fit both consoles as the controllers for both are interchangeable. For $13 you can buy a bluetooth receiver to plug into the consoles (HERE) and use completely wireless 3rd party controllers or even PS4 controllers to play the systems instead of the wired controllers that come with them.
That is your best option. Brand new hardware, HDMI to hook to your new 4K tv. NES Classic has the 1 Mario game you want, 2 more you'll play later, 27 non-Mario games and the ability to add the entire NES library to it if you wish. Ditto for the SNES Classic when you want to play Super Mario World except you can't put all the games on the console at one time when you tire of the 20 games that come on the system due to the games being larger. You can only put a few hundred at a time. I keep 80 on mine with the roms for every single SNES game made saved on my computer so I can change them out at will because I like keeping all my games on the main menu screen, no folders.
Color Changing Light Strip, Nexlux 16.4ft Non-waterproof LED Light Strip 5050 SMD RGB LED Flexible Strip Light Black PCB Board Decoration Lighting 44 key IR Remote Controller UL Power Adapter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078S48ZTY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_En4XBb6TC6XTR. That should be all you need. I took the controller board out of the box, desoldered the plug for lights and power, soldered 2 small wires for power and ran them right to the barrel plug on the NES. I also soldered right to the led strip and to the board. I can get pics next time I take the NES apart. The lights will still work with a 9v power supply.
Internal USB hack? Nah, you have to buy an adapter that hooks up to the power source in the back.
This is what it is: https://www.amazon.com/Inateck-Adapter-Compact-Compatible-Smartphones/dp/B00OCBXIY8
You hook that up to the back, and it provides power, plus all those usb ports, where you put the USB drive. Those other USB ports can be used for other USB controllers too.
The red light won’t turn in at all. This Does Not Compute says it at 5:30 maybe I misinterpreted it? I’m very very new to all of this so I wouldn’t be surprised if I messed everything up. I used CRC Contact Cleaner and sprayed a bit liberally. It says it evaporates quickly, which it did, so after I dried I sprayed it with dust off to get rid of excess residue.
Try this out. This is the one I bought. Amazon link below. Security Bit Steel SET 3.8mm + 4.5mm Security Bit Screwdriver Tool (7cm Length) Open NES SNES N64 Super Nintendo 64 Cartridges & Systems https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009I6FWOQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_QCjzAbHJ009JH
I got them from Best Buy years ago, but they are also on Amazon. Just be sure to wall-anchor them: https://smile.amazon.com/Atlantic-38435713-Oskar-Media-Wall/dp/B0058O8GRW/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1512507389&sr=8-5&keywords=atlantic+shelves
I went down the rabbit hole of NES repairs a couple years ago. I replaced the 72-pin connector in my original NES, and it did help. However, most of the time, the issue is caused by dirty cartridges. You can clean them off with a fine emery board. After that, moisten a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol, and scrub the contacts clean. You would not believe the amount of gunk you’ll pull off. Be sure to dry the contacts off with a clean Q-tip before using it. If you are so inclined, you might want to pick up one of these. I open and clean every NES game I buy.
They're also selling it in black, which looks pretty slick:
Ahh, I was looking at this one, but apparently it's a reprint of the book you linked. Thanks, I'll go with the cheaper, old version!
Thanks for the link! I see the starter kit in "made in the UK"- super stupid question, but that will be ok for the US, right?
I see this kit is $50- is it just as good? Is the only difference the storage space? And do I need 32 gigs, which is what you linked me to?
Finally i found a solution, with this everything working absolutely fine! https://www.amazon.it/Rankie-Placcato-Adattatore-Convertitore-Ricarica/dp/B00ZMV7RL2/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1484991854&sr=8-4&keywords=adattatore+vga+to+hdmi
This is not exactly what you are talking about, but it's got walk-throughs for a bunch of games. I remember buying some of the guides for the walk-throughs back in the day, especially Zelda.
I've actually made a few RetroPie rigs. I use these controllers and they work beautifully.
Maybe i just used bad words.
I'm a IT tech too, i bought this https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B00R7UKPCE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Because my monitor doesn't have speakers, and it has a vga and a hdmi, i tried to connect to my vga my nes mini with this adapter.
The adapter have a jack out, and everything is fine when i'm using a Wii U, video on my monitor and audio on external speakers.
When i connect the Nes mini, the resolution go down and i can't ear a thing.
What could be?
Yeah, I have the blue handled screwdrivers in this kit and they are high quality and work perfectly. I've taken apart about 100 games and several systems using the tools and there are no signs of wear on the tip.
EDIT: Here is a link to just the 2 you need for NES/SNES https://www.amazon.com/Silverhill-Tools-ATKNND-Nintendo-Screwdriver/dp/B00BEZY2I6/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1478019880&sr=8-12&keywords=nintendo+screwdriver
Fair enough. I balked at the price too - still haven't bought a copy.
It's probably the best reference book on the NES we'll get unless an official book along the lines of Famicom 1983-1994 gets made:
I was wrong! Apparently there is one that's within your price range, manufactured by Gamerz Tek. Thanks to /u/accaris for their comment in /r/retrogaming for the heads up/correction!
With that said, it really looks like a direct copy of the Retron 1/Retro-Bit RES, so I have to wonder if it is a direct clone of those systems, but with the appropriate mod pre-applied during the manufacturing stage to ensure compatibility right out of the box.
You might have used the wrong terminology, but with most old TVs that don't have coax, you'll have two screws on the back that you attach dongles to via a couple of Y shaped connectors (one of these). After that, you can usually piggy back as many RF boxes with pass through as your TV can support. Sorry to jump in if that's what you meant!
Any CD shelves work fine. I use 3 of these cheapo ones because I have low walls and an angled ceiling. They hold 320 NES carts each, give or take a couple.
The Atlantic Oskar 1080 media cabinets are taller, adjustable, and popular too.
I would recommend a real electronics contact cleaner, such as DeOxit: https://www.amazon.com/CAIG-DeOxit-Cleaning-Solution-Spray/dp/B0002BBV4G
Definitely get the 5%, the 100% is meant to be used in more bulk/professional environments.
I recently got one called Good Nintentions which is quite good.
I highly recommend you buy this 3rd party console....The controllers it comes with suck so throw those away.....but it plays the old cartridges flawlessly and you can use your original controllers.