You can buy very realistic pellet guns on Amazon for cheap. Here's one for $20.
Kudos on the rest, thanks for sharing.
If you have $35 to spare (plus whatever for a PC compatible controller, a USB drive and an 8Gb micro SD card), you can fire up a Raspberry Pi as a PS1 emulator.
A Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer, and super easy to set up.
I'd recommend Retropie, usually the most straightforward way to set up emulators for retro gaming consoles. Shouldn't take you more than an hour and a half to set everything up.
It’s a faceplate! It was 22$CAD on Amazon!
eXtremeRate Biohazard Soft Touch Front Housing Shell Faceplate for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S Controller Custom Accessories - Controller NOT Included
It's 7 eur in the Indiegala Store right now (for Steam):
Also, when you want to search for deals on PC, look in
They have only trustworthy websites, not grey market stuff.
I have already got the platinum for this game, my suggestion would be to just finish the game in progress you have with chris as fast as you can, but if for some reason you dont make it, i would suggest trying again as Jill and following this guide here to complete it faster... Trust me, it will make your life easier.
The advantage to selecting Jill is since she has more inventory slots, thats less backtracking you will be doing, plus she has the lockpick, so you can get through some of the locked doors of the mansion sooner then what chris can since he has to use the small keys to open said doors.
Yep it still works!! And from what I've heard Microsoft pulled a 180 on the whole turning off GFWL idea.
> You are the one who tries way too hard to bash me personally and my opinion.
It's no longer your opinion when you claim tank controls are shit and that's a fact because it's named tank controls, then proceed to say shit about the older games which simply isn't true and try to attribute gameplay aspects which simply don't belong to tank controls.
> character moves slow: no sprint, only jogging, feels slow
That's not tank controls' fault, it's simply bad programming techniques. Tank controls is not about control unresponsiveness or lack of commands.
> Strafe:strafing means leaping left and right without turning left and right before.
Again, not tank controls' fault. The game simply needs a command to do that, and Outbreak has that.
> Walking and shooting: why is it important? Feels nice to take shots at an enemy while trying to avoid it at the same time. And it's in survival horrors like dead space and resident evil revelations, it feels like an improvement over the older survival horror mechanics.
Dead Space and Revelations are not survival horror, though.
> Ps.:"re is not cod".You dont say?I dont play military shooters so that typical dumb attitude that "if you dont like something you must be a cod fan" really doesnt apply here man.
Nope, I simply said it because you said Tank Controls lacks strafing, and when I searched what Strafing was, it returned me this: Which basically means raid your enemy from the air with machine-guns, which can only be done in super action-fest Call of Duty like games.
I knew that RE: Village used Megascans as I do too, after seeing the posts and a quick search on their site I found the asset used.
It's aptly named 'castle stairs' and is clearly widened and copy/pasted into the scene.
Sorry to disappoint y'all, hopefully some of you will see this.
I think you can use some DS4 for windows programs to map keys.
If you want a simple solution and don't mind spending a little cash, get a wired xbox 360 controller for windows. They are $27 USD on Amazon and are literally plug and play with 99.99% of games on steam. I've never had a 360 controller not automatically work perfectly for any steam games. If the game has controller support, a 360 controller works perfect every single time.
It's just a great controller to have lying around. Used mine for years and years. Still works fantastic.
Reason why? Microsoft owns xbox and windows. Drivers and support is all there. Super duper easy for game devs. Always works.
Any legal way of getting RE1? You are shooting yourself in the foot by limiting out the physical and digital versions. These are the only legal means of obtaining the game.
You can get RE1 for PC used on Amazon or PC, but since it's old it will be priced high. Your cheapest bet would be REmake for $19.99 on Steam. However, I'd say RE1 1996 PC version is worth it because it has the uncensored opening and features the ability to skip door animations.
I doubt that scanning spiders is technically possible. Photoscanning is usually for materials scanning/static objects like rocks and such and for actor faces. The spider's model and texture will be made (I guess they're already made) with classical sculpting approach and will be no less scary than a real spider 🤓
You don't have to look too far ( !) to find really killer gameplay advice on using the finer points of RE6's control system (specifically: headshot to melee attack vs light stun, see ) to conduct what is essentially a ballet of slaughter in Mercenaries mode (Or scenes like the Cathedral courtyard in the Leon Campaign).
But Capcom kinds screwed the pooch by failing to highlight the finer points of RE6's combat mechanics. Plenty of people have no idea how to use sliding, rolls, counters, etc effectively. Pity; its the strongest aspect of the gameplay.
I just used Google a little bit and you may find some answers here:
Looks like it's possible to translate MIDI input to keystrokes via AutoHotKey. You'd need to get a MIDI keyboard though and make sure the program runs before logon (which can be done). It also means that the password would still be an ordinary password that can be entered with a standard computer keyboard.
Nice idea and all, but it's not worth the money and effort imho.
Maybe try this one : Green Filter Fix !
Comes from
What’s your budget? For a sub 500, i recommend the MSI QHD Rapid-IPS Gaming Non-Glare Super Narrow Bezel 1ms 2560 x 1440 165Hz Refresh Rate Adjustable Arm G-Sync Compatible 27” Gaming Monitor (Optix MAG274QRF), Black . I haven’t actually bought this one but just looking at the specs it’s really good for the price.
Might not be exactly what you want to hear, but I think you could greatly improve your experience by upgrading your headset. I have the Sony Playstation Gold headset which you can get on amazon for 70 bucks and I personally love it. I have been using it since I first got my PS4 years ago back when it was 100 dollars and I am still thrilled with it. The surround sound is really incredible and you can tell where everything is coming from. Works great if you are into playing multiplayer shooters as well, being able to hear enemy players can give you a huge competitive advantage you didnt even know you were missing out on.
Its the English version of this, since its already out in Japan.
I actually got them off of Amazon
There are a few more viruses as well like T Veronica and such
I don't have a smartwatch, but I managed to save those gifs as my phones wallpaper using this. Just in case anyone else was interested.
>Also, the game devs didn't even mentioned "what if", just "parallel", that doesn't negate a canonicity, something can be parallel and canon at the same time.
It's obvious you're not taking the time to read what's presented to you. CAPCOM clearly state RIGHT HERE that the game is a what-if, hypothetical, parallel story. The reason something can't be "parallel" and "canon" at the same time is because the term parallel refers to parallel worlds or universes. Have you ever looked at two straight parallel lines? The one common feature is that they never intersect. That's how canon and parallel stories work. They are, by definition, separate.
I'm a massive RE2 fan who stumbled on this mod thanks to the OG Carcinogen.
It's amazing, and I'm still trying to beat it. But, I have decided to run through the game fresh each time I stream it as to learn how to clear it quicker. Stop by if you wanna see a fantastic RE2 mod! The creator has done a great job re-balancing and refocusing the pacing of the game, and I'm having a great time playing it.
I believe that is a video codec problem. I had this issue as well on Win 10, but I did manage to fix it.
The PCGamingWiki page directs you to a page where you can download a codec pack which is what I used to fix it. Hopefully, it'll work for you too.
The best way to go is the Restoration Project: Just install it over any RE3 PC install and it fixes various issues and uses the higher quality sourcenext videos and audio. They even removed the Japanese subs from the sourcenext video scenes.
Dreamcast is decent, but the system is really lacking in good emulators (plus, RE2 uses WinCE which causes further problems with that).
If OP wants a game in a super stable emulator, Gamecube version + Dolphin is the way to go, especially for RE2.
For RE3, either use Dolphin as well, or get any PC version, install it, and then install the Restoration Project on top of it, which will definitely give you the highest quality FMV and audio, and patch up any issues with old game compatibility. Backgrounds have less banding than the Gamecube version.
PSX is good for nostalgia if you have the system itself still, and a TV it doesn't look terrible on. No point emulating PSX if you're just going to upscale it. Go for Gamecube then.
The only PS2 emulator I have experience with is PCSX2, which I think is what all the guides for getting Outbreak running would use.
System requirements for PCSX2 can be found at the bottom of this page.
I compiled a document to cover what is canon/what isn't. It extends beyond the games and includes the supplemental material, such as books, guides and other misc. products.
there is a dude from Annapolis, MD that posts these ugly monstrosities of custom looking PS4's
they are so fucking ugly.. like horrible ugly
this isn't the same dude.. but the PS4 Pro in the picture is the same style that the other guy was selling.. same tacky look rubberized graphics with horrible colors.. blue, yellow, orange, red, etc..
why the fuck would you ever do this to something you dropped multiple hundreds of $$$ on??? hahaha
This is the bag I got:
There’s a smaller version too but I wanted more area to fill with Jack Baker goodies XD I’ve gotten this before for a separate ita bag and the quality is really good!
Honestly nothing special, just got these off Amazon. In retrospect I would've gone black with the gunmetal frames rather than the "black simple packaging" which is just black-on-black.
Not sure it really has a particular name, its just a ladies wide brimmed hat, so kinda hard to find the specific one.
This looks pretty close.
You have this funko figure of RE4 Leon
Found them on Amazon, thanks for the names. If I get the keys individually, which I might, they still are covered by prime shipping.
Yo thats cool :D the fact that you look like Leon might've helped with people noticing :D so the guy you bought from has only Large size left and I found the same product from amazon:
what is your height btw? I'm 180cm thinking about getting small(US size)
Unreal Engine is free to use for everyone.
You just need an account with Epic Games I believe.
>Mortal Night is a mod for Resident Evil 2 Sourcenext that adds a completely new story and radically changes the gameplay by adding new mechanics. The latest version, REbirth edition, is no longer standalone, but it enhances the experience even more and brings you the possibility of playing in areas from other classic Resident Evil titles.
>Now randomization has been included, which means that items, enemies, door locks and cutscenes will vary (slightly or greatly) every time you start a new playthrough. In addition to this, the order in which you go to the different areas and the choices you make will also affect the story and gameplay. "Replayable" is the perfect adjective for this mod.
>This is a must-play for any fan of classic Resident Evil games. Right now only the first episode (2-3 hours long) is available for this updated version, but episodes 2 and 3 are being worked on, and they will bring even more novelties.
>Mortal Night is a mod for Resident Evil 2 Sourcenext that adds a completely new story and radically changes the gameplay by adding new mechanics. The latest version, REbirth edition, is no longer standalone, but it enhances the experience even more and brings you the possibility of playing in areas from other classic Resident Evil titles.
>Now randomization has been included, which means that items, enemies, door locks and cutscenes will vary (slightly or greatly) every time you start a new playthrough. In addition to this, the order in which you go to the different areas and the choices you make will also affect the story and gameplay. "Replayable" is the perfect adjective for this mod.
>This is a must-play for any fan of classic Resident Evil games. Right now only the first episode (2-3 hours long) is available for this updated version, but episodes 2 and 3 are being worked on, and they will bring even more novelties.
This is probably the closest thing on Amazon I've found in regards to the trousers:
As for the waistcoat or suit vest, the one you would want is a light grey pinstripe one. Shouldn't be too hard to find.
Here is the link in case anyone else is interested:
Don't forget, this game was originally on the gamecube and has already been torn down in every aspect.
Along with the speed walkthroughs, you can print out the maps of the entire game and draw your route on it so you don't have to think about it. Honestly it's not hard to beat the game in under 3 hours.
I don't know what else to say, here's someone's video for proof.
Edit: Looked on gamefaqs in this thread, did you already get the acid rounds from Barry? That may affect him saving you.
This article seriously discourages disabling the page file - so I'm a bit unsure if that's something everyone is going to want to do
Source: Amazon's page for the graphic novel.
Sharing a name with Infinite Darkness, this comic is an original story that leads into that miniseries.
I just went to amazon and searched for a while I think this is the one I bought here. Its an iron on patch, but apparently being a millennial I don't own an iron so I sewed it on.
How long did makeup take? (I always have that question with the sort of full body makeup thing)
Also have you seen those like extendable claw like things?
This is lookin good, though.
Alright fine I’ll play your game of technicality. There’s a conversation to be had on what the meaning of “bad” is. To me a game thats bad is more than just being a nonfunctioning, janky game. It’s also stagnating on new innovations, poorly written story, diminishing featurset, locking once free things behind paywalls, etc. Imo a game that is mediocre is far worse than a game that is bad from a functionality standpoint. Lets look at fifa. Specifically lets look at the fifa switch ports. They call them “Legacy Edition”. Why is that? Because its literally the last years game repackaged and sold full price to people the next year. Im literally pulling that from the games own marketing. No speculation or conspriracy look for yourself.
It is in the description of the game’s literal store page. This is an objectively bad thing. Would you not agree being sold blatantly the same shit you bought the year before is a bad thing?? If your answer is no then there’s no hope for ya
If you enjoyed it, rather than spend $20 on digital only, for $20 you can get a physical blu-ray and digital for the same price!
Here ya go:
It's amazing that tie-in novels build more of the characterization compared to the film. That was also the problem of the first three movies. The deCandido novels explained more of the backstory and character backgrounds.
I bought it a few years back in store, but it looks like it's still available on Amazon:
GreenManGaming as of this writing has the Standard Edition on sale for 66% off at $13.76, if you've bought enough from GMG in the past to get XP rewards your price may be even less than that, so try logging in first if you have an account.
The best price of all time thus far was back in May on GamesPlanet US, it was $7.99.
See for the list of current and historical best prices, you can even set an alert if you want to wait for a better price.
If you find the game online or elsewhere, use this mod - - and controller support for Xbox 360 controller works without any changes. If you want the Xbox One controller to work you need to change a ini file, look for my comment on that website, and look at the reply to my comment.
It's quite likely Steam will have a Halloween sale featuring all sorts of horror games. The last Capcom sale most games got 80% discount (except Revelations 2, RE5 Gold Edition/Untold stories and REmake Remastered). RE4 goes down to like 6 bucks ish. Might be worth waiting then. If they won't other retailers surely will! Also get the Capcom Humble Bundle as suggested. Also suggest you check pricing histories/ trends via
The reason is bad localization. Leon in RE4 was poorly translated. It isn't his correct, true personality. Which is why he's more serious in RE2, animated movies, and RE6
>Resident Evil Village x Puppet Show "Let's Play in Bio Village" Episode 1
>In response to people's comments that "Biohazard is too scary," we've decided to bring the world of "Resident Evil: The Village" to a "family" level. In addition, the game will be presented in the same Japanese as the characters in the game.
>In addition, the same Japanese voice actors as the characters in the game will be used.
>"And don't forget to listen to the opening theme sung by the Four Aristocrats, which you may have heard before!
>Translated with <em></em>
I'm from the UK and they have it in stock for here. I don't know where you're from but here's a link:
As another person said you can buy them from but I got the full set on Amazon. I'm notnsure how many there are left but you might get one. I'll have a look.
Turns out you're golden! You can still get it for cheap on Amazon -
When I looked on book depository they did have them but not the first book and they were all separated. But still a great place to buy books.
Why are you using a RCA cable in 2022. You should be using something like this if you wanna connect your gamecube to a modern TV
GMG has it for 46 now. It's slightly more expensive but it's a trusted seller at least.
I was also going to get it on One X, and I'm sure they'll eventually fix it, but I think I'm going to go with PC this time around. At least in the US, there's 22% off the PC version right now:
Hey. Use this mod instead:
It updates pretty much everything, not just the exe. Helps with modern hardware, controls, video and audio quality, I think.
I modified the classic Nemesis model from MvC for 3D printing. Fixed the proportions and added several tiny details.
You can find it (free!) on my Cults 3D page ;)
> pl1050クリス クリスと通信 (Communicate with Chris)
Fair. I guess we'll see.
>A Chris clone is still Chris, just not the one we're used to.
C'mon now. We've gone from "It's Chris" to "A Chris clone is still Chris"? As you've probably surmised, I've been talking the original Chris Redfield. And I'd imagine that up until very recently when you've begun entertaining the idea that it's not the original Chris Redfield, you have too.
>I'm mocking more the people who think he's not Chris and think he's rather Hunk than anything.
Why? HUNK makes far more sense.
>Saying his design looks nothing like Chris, then going back on your word 5 seconds later and claiming he does look like him enough to pass as an impostor who's trying to frame him sounds quite hypocritical.
First, that wouldn't be hypocritical, it'd be contradictory.
Secondly, where are on Earth did I say it looks enough like Chris to be an imposter trying to frame him? Frame him for what?
Thirdly, An imposter has nothing to do with physical appearance. A person can be an imposter and look nothing like the person they are claiming to be. Ethan doesn't know Chris Redfield personally, so for intents and purposes, anyone could portray him successfully.
That is strange, Nemo and Amaranth are in the original soundtrack CDs.
But okay, and thanks for the film, I'll watch it ^ ^
>最速配信!バイオハザード RE:バース クローズドβに宇内アナ大興奮【BIOHAZARD RE:VERSE/ PS5】
>バイオハザードシリーズ25周年を記念して制作されるオンライン専用タイトル「バイオハザード RE:バース 」クローズドβテストに自力当選した宇内アナが最速プレー!当選した喜びそのままに大興奮の宇内アナの豪快リアクションをほぼそのまま配信します!
>※ゲーム画面は開発中のものです ※今回の『バイオハザード RE:バース』はクローズドβですが『バイオハザード ヴィレッジ』をご購入した方へ無償でプレゼントされる予定です!
>バイオハザード ヴィレッジ cCAPCOM CO., LTD. 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
>The fastest delivery! BIOHAZARD RE: VERSE Closed Beta - Uchiha is very excited [BIOHAZARD RE: VERSE/ PS5
>I've started playing games. 〜This is the first time I've done this.
>In this episode of "BIOHAZARD RE: VERSE", we'll take a look at the game's closed beta test. This is the first time we're going to be able to show you how excited she was to win.
>This is a closed beta for Resident Evil RE: Birth, but it will be a free gift to those who purchase Resident Evil Village.
>Resident Evil Village cCAPCOM CO., LTD. 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
>Translated with <em></em> (free version)
Maybe I'll get the chance in the future. It'd be awesome.
Technically I have made 2 games, but they were on Scratch.
TheArmyOfDucks Catching Game:
TheArmyOfDucks Catching Game Xtreme:
I wouldn't blame you for not going on them.
Operation Raccoon City is non-canon .
Other than that, it would make sense as with the original game's remake there were references to the Nemesis program, the *acknowledgement of Alexia and Lisa Trevor's subplot** directly tied into the God/Golgotha Virus research.
Unless Capcom really wants to stick with making this game as unconfusing for newbies and unconnected to other games as possible which with the Outbreak references in already released material is very unlikely.
Linka I could not format :
* **
Here's a frame I'm looking at now [link]. I feel like gold would be the best color, given the overall aesthetic of the castle. I was also thinking of going with either a plain black or white frame. All suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance!
I just bought this set for myself for Christmas.
$36 isn't bad at about $7 per key. They are really nice, and the STARS office key is a nice touch. Obviously, it all depends on your budget, but I've seen these keys ((like the official exclusive game ones)) go for ridiculous amounts on eBay.
MAGCOMSEN Men's Outerwear Vests Casual Outdoor Work Vest Multi Pockets Cargo Vest Waistcoat Travel Vest Mesh Fishing Vest
AOWOFS Men's Faux Leather Jacket Brown Motorcycle Bomber Shearling Suede Stand Collar for everyone wanting to know where I got my jacket
Personally I wouldn't call it "wonderful"'s serviceable at best.
There's numerous bugs that do not appear on the console versions. The vignette and (more importantly) sharpening filter cannot be disabled without hex editing the executable. The latter is more important because, while it's there to help offset the softness of TAA, it's active even when TAA is off, leading to everything being an oversharp mess (this is especially noticable on the title screen). Thankfully you can atleast remove it with relative ease. The Screen space reflections are frankly ugly. Grainy, excessive blur in motion and causes some surfaces to turn black at some angles (most noticable in the main hall). Performance in DX12 is significantly worse than in DX11. DX11 has severe issues with certain cutscenes unless you disable vendor extensions in the ini file. Zombies still animate at 30FPS outside of a very close range, just like on console. There's issues with the mouse input sometimes not working after accessing menus / cutscenes. Plenty of people have had issues even getting the game to start up.
Never heard of it sadly so i don't know, but it's for either the base game or the deluxe edition
Ew. If you'd rather play RE4 on Steam, here's a great deal on it. The required specs are low enough that you should be able to play it with a potato computer just about. Don't give into this ripoff, or they'll just keep doing it when they know they can get away with it.
I think I read somewhere you need to go into the compatibility options and run the program for compatibility with windows 95, try that and see if it helps
went to the comments section of his mod and found a post that seems similar to yours with his answer, there may not be hope if your GPU is too modern
📷 Author resevilnemesis30 Oct 19 2018
You have to select a different devide setup in Settings and to try out other compatibility modes (Windows 2000, XP, etc). The normal .exe files shouldn't give you problems if you have Windows 7, so if you get the 16bit ones working properly, try again with the normal ones. In some PCs it may not get fixed, and it is due to the graphic card (too modern for such an old game).
"The film prides, and indeed sells, itself on its authenticity, but it also demands artistic liberty."
Sorry that I kept on saying creative liberty when I meant artistic liberty which this movie is a perfect example of. It's supposed to be different, give viewers a sense of originality. Making its own rendition of the first and second games.
Sorry for taking long haven’t been on Reddit! I’m sorry to say the one I bought it from is currently unavailable which sucks because it was made from a canvas and felt awesome
PremiumPrintsGaming - Resident Evil 4 Poster - YREE063 Premium Canvas 11" x 17" (28 cm x 43 cm)
Here’s the same poster but glossy, although the shipping time sucks
PrimePoster - Resident Evil 4 Poster Glossy Finish Made in USA - YREE063 (16" x 24" (41cm x 61cm))
I decided to play Resident Evil 1.5. I'm sure you all know about RE1.5, but in case you don't, RE1.5 is the abandoned build of that came before the RE2 we all know and love.
It's a little bit janky, but the work the team working on the game have done is really amazing. It's really great to be able to actually play a lost relic from the RE franchise.
My next video will probably be RE0, so I'll see you then!
Afaik, it has your steam ID embedded in the save. Maybe you can hex edit it with some know how but that's beyond my expertise... pirated copies can bypass this
As far as trainers go, Fling is pretty trustworthy iirc.
Edit: As far as I can find, this is an RE engine thing? Save games don't appear to be transferrable for RE7, RE2 remake, or RE3 remake. probably because they sell the NG+ items as dlc... stupid, imo.
Fling trainer : no guarantees itll work cus I cant test it but it should be safe. If you really wanna be safe then you can try Wemod. I dont use trainers anymore but it's very popular and works for any game.
If I do, it's only because video game collecting is the only place my money goes to besides bills. My wife isn't a huge fan of my video games taking over part of the living room, but that's only until we move out of this tiny one-bedroom apartment. If you, or anyone else, is big into video game collecting, I would suggest getting a Backloggery account. It allows you to keep track of which games you are playing, and that the status is on games that you have already beaten.
I find lately that I am spending more time buying games than playing games, so my percentages have been going down the tubes, but you can find my information here.
Were you using the one straight from the DS4Windows website? If so, that's not the best version. It's very old and hasn't been updated in a long time.
I've been using this forked version that gets updated about once a week and it's been great to me.
I know this is old and you've probably moved on, but the way to fix peixoto is to hit f7 a few times. There's a fight between the native RE2 app and peixoto in setting the resolution. If RE2 wins and makes it 240p, you get a black screen. F7 will get you back to 480p, and the image should display.
On a separate note, would you happen to have your hex edited exe still? The patches I can find are all trojans and what not. Someone released a HQ fmv patch ( ) but it keeps loading mine from the mounted disc. That guy also released an upgrade for the audio files.
There's a mod called Mortal Night (it's still in developement) and it's really tough, you should try it. I don't know how to install it, tough. There should be tutorials on youtube. Here's a link for it:
You would need a PS1 emulator, I would recommend epsxe; it's pretty easy to set up. I tried playing RE2 with a keyboard and it was pretty hard, so yeah, I would think that you would need a controller. A friend of mine thinks he could manage to play Legend of Zelda: OoT with a mouse and keyboard though, so I guess it just depends on how skilled you are at playing certain games with a keyboard :/ There are people who run Silent Hill on PC with just a keyboard and they are very competent players. Resident Evil is really hard with a keyboard because aiming requires you to move along the y-axis (this is not the case in Silent Hill), and I found that to be pretty challenging. If you practiced enough you might be able to overcome it though.
If the previously suggested fixes do not help, can you post your system specs?
A few thoughts:
- Shut off all other applications, especially web browsers (looking at you, Google Chrome).
- Use MSI Afterburner ( ) to watch the GPU and CPU usage, which might provide a clue. I like to monitor GPU usage, video memory usage (the usage indicated in the game is not accurate), GPU temp, CPU temp, CPU usage overall, optionally per-core (not all games use all threads), and framerate and frametime as a graph (fun to watch, useful for spikes).
- If you are using an NVIDIA GPU, check the Nvidia control panel and create a profile for RE2 and set "Power Management Mode" to "Prefer maximum performance". I'm not sure if there is an AMD equivalent.
- Try temporarily disabling anti-virus if you have any. Configure the game executable and or it's folder as an allowed app \ whitelist.
MSI Afterburner:
I recommend setting up to display GPU usage %, GPU memory usage, and temps, some people like to watch the core clock as well. For the CPU, temperature, overall usage, and optionally usage per core (because not all games use all those threads) and system RAM. Framerate is a given, and frametime as a graph is nice to have on the on screen display.
I got this one for $25 on B&N's online store. Supposedly it's a bundle that comes with Archives I & II. If so, I just saved a bunch.
The original FMV was created in high quality and in high resolution (for the time) but then to actually fit the FMV's on disc.
They had to downgrade the resolution and the FMV’s in-game don't resemble the original unaltered source material.
This was actually ran off a Shadow VM. I don't have a gaming PC anymore and run everything off of this. As long as you have a good internet connection there is no noticable latency.
the video was originally uploaded to youtube, in 4K. I made 1080p rip and reupload it to Amazon Drive. You can watch it from there
This is where I got mine from. It’s not the highest quality so it will fall apart after a year or 2 if you don’t take care of it well, but it looks spot on. I’m probably going to order a smaller size and return mine since it’s a little big on me
I actually installed some fans on the underside of the shelves that have a speed control so I can adjust when I'm gaming vs just regular usage from the router. Put the link below for what I used. Just screwed them in and no one can see them.