This premise is similar to <em>The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August</em>, which I would recommend to all you nice people.
It's in three parts - unfortunately, it's too long for here. It was 11 days ago, so you'll see it if you go back there.
Alternately, I invite you to grab a copy :-) I THINK it's 99 cents - might be free if the trial is still going on.
I’ll expand it, soon. This is a short distilled from a longer story I want to tell.
In the meantime, there’s more like it in my collection - The Sands is very Lovecrafty.
A story about H.H. Holmes, “America’s First Serial Killer” told in the cadence, rhyme scheme and ~meter of the song ‘Alexander Hamilton’ by Lin Manuel Miranda. Because, why not?
More or less historically accurate. If you’re interested in this guy, check out Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. Also a good story if, for some reason, you’re really into park design and American municipal politics of the 19th century.
Happy Friday!
Absolutely inspired by the last line of pet sematary, go read it if you haven't.
Also read my book, its on amazon! It's not as good, but you'll still like it!
I can tell you really want to write here, so I'm going to give you some advice. Admittedly, I've yet to submit to this subreddit, but it's mostly a genre thing. I can't write horror very well. But anyway, advice: First, go pick up a book about writing. On Writing by Stephen King could be a good one for you to read. Second, read more here. Really think about what stories are popular, and why they are popular. Think about the way they create a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Third, don't rush your stories. Some of the best writers here have weeks between posts. I don't know how much of that time is spent crafting the story, but definitely more than a day. Finally, don't get discouraged. It takes practice to become an okay writer, much less a good one. Keep at it and you'll get there.
Here's the one I've read before. You used some slightly different descriptions of what is "red," but it's largely the same idea.
Edit: you're right, your writing is different. It just so clearly evoked this earlier writing when I was reading that I jumped to conclusions.
Any explanation about what it is excatly won't do it justice. You kinda just need to listen to it to understand it. Kinda reminds me a little of Douglas Adams "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". It's a podcast in the form of a community radio broadcast. The station voice named Cecil (Smoothest talking voice ever) talks about the strange and weird events which occur in the town of Nightvale. It's not like any normal story. The whole town is completely and utterly weird and uncanny. There is often mention of the Sheriff's secret police, a miniature city of people living beneath the bowling alley declaring war, and hooded figures stalking about. I haven't listened to the whole podcast yet but I'm currently in the middle of an election between The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your House (That's really her name) and a Six-Headed Dragon.
There's lots of social commentary, existential pondering which often leads to some cosmic horror type scenarios, and just a lot of overall insanity.
If you don't want to listen to the entire podcast, they just released a book. I haven't read it so I can't vouch on whether or not it has the same style as the podcast but you can find out by checking Goodreads or Amazon reviews.
After reading that biography on him, I felt so horrible for him. He never stood a chance in society. Although, if you think about it. If he would have had a great childhood, been really popular, and had no mental illnesses, where would we be in terms of horror in 2019? He was soooo far ahead of his time and inspired every horror writer up until today and will continue inspiring them. Same with Richard Matheson, who wrote I Am Legend, about a third of the original Twilight Zone episodes and has probably the greatest three-volume collection of short horror stories ever written. King has said that Lovecraft and Matheson are who he owes his success to.
The book about Lovecraft I'm talking about is called "H.P. Lovecraft: The Mysterious Man Behind the Darkness". I would suggest ordering it on Amazon or going to your nearest Half Price Books and buying it. It's like $10 or less, but worth way more.
Try this
"Free with your Audible trial" - but I don't know if it works for free.
I did buy that book in hard copy.
500 pages is not a lot for me. I have a book that is 900 pages. :)
Looking for more horror content this spooky season? Well check out more of my stories and help to support me by buying my book on Amazon. And stay tuned in the future for more books to come. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this story!
Dear readers, if you enjoyed this story, please take a look at our book of short horror stories, or, buy me a cup of coffee (link in profile), it will be very much appreciated 😀🌼
Damn that was a good one Do you mind if I read it on my podcast? check it out it will be on my New scary stories sections coming this Saturday
Very promising. Work on your meter. Better if the lines have a consistent syllable pattern. Also maybe a better last rhyme than seethe. But good, reminds me of A.E. Housman:
Of course, Here it is, currently free with Kindle. I would love it if you read it and told me what you thought, maybe even leave a review?
Dear Readers, if you enjoyed this story, please check out our book, free now on Kindle, maybe you'll enjoy that too! enough to leave a review?
Dear Readers of my Stories, maybe you'd like this collection of horror stories I co-wrote?
Well, not with these same characters, but we have published a collection of horror stories with similar themes and style- check it out, maybe you'll find something you'll like!
If you like this and/or are a fan of any of my work, then please help to support me by buying my new book on Amazon, it's affordable and full of great horror short stories. I am trying to pursue a career in writing so I would really appreciate any support you can give. And if you buy it, let me know! and let me know what you think of it. I will be selling it for a discounted price for a short time, so if you are interested, I would buy it quickly. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.\_1\_1?crid=1PSPOW7LT9UJ3&keywords=k.r.+vazzana&qid=1639993559&sprefix=k.r%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-1
If you like this and/or are a fan of any of my work, then please help to support me by buying my new book on Amazon, it's affordable and full of great horror short stories. I am trying to pursue a career in writing so I would really appreciate any support you can give. And if you buy it, let me know! and let me know what you think of it. I will be selling it for a discounted price for a short time, so if you are interested, I would buy it quickly. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.
I do have one collection of short stories (self)published on Amazon (link HERE), with more (hopefully) on the way ;) I'm no Clive Barker yet, but I'm gonna keep on trucking on!
(Due to its length this story is @
Artificial intelligence doesn't imply it'll remain on our side, any more than natural intelligence does.
Check out [my subreddit](/r/CthulhusPlayground/) for all my stories, including info on my just-released first novel!
Lemme know if this ones needs an explanation, I'm not sure how clear it'll be to other readers.
Also if you enjoyed this, I encourage you to check out/buy my book off amazon! It'd male a great gift!
Okay so lemme know if this doesn't make any sense. I post these for feedback so I'd love to clarify anything that's confusing.
Also, I wrote a collection if short stories, you can buy/read it here:
Hey guess what I wrote a collection of these short stories you can buy it here
Super rushed but I wanted to pump something out to beat writers block (it did not work)
Buy my book on amazon.
Or don't. I'm not your mom.
If you thought this story was neat I encourage you to read it purchase the collection of stories I have written on Amazon.
If you liked this story I encourage you to support my weird writing by purchasing my collection on amazon!
If you enjoyed this story and want something more, I suggest buying the collection I have on Amazon. It's definetly worth the money, and the proceeds go to buying my cat better treats.
Thank you so much! I am a very amateur writer, but I actually just released a collection of horror stories called Darkest Dimensions if interested!
Thank you! It's my hometown (though I'm up in Erie, now), so most of my stuff is set in and around there. Ironically, Pittsburgh just gets a shout-out - but not a setting - in the book I have up on Amazon right now.
Buying a copy always, always helps - but I can shoot you a PDF in an e-mail if you promise to pass it around and encourage others to buy a copy :-)
The shout-out is in "Live Action." The rest has kind of a greasy, dirty-water vibe, like Lovecraft took a trip South.
How about this: from the review:
"The Author masterfully blends genres in the tumultuous, Nazi-hunting thriller in Between Justice and Time. What begins as a young man's childhood reflections on family and the uncertainty of growing up in the 1930s becomes a spiraling drama of survival and purpose in a war-torn world. From a childhood in California and Chicago to young adulthood in Spain, readers watch the narrator grow up in awe of his father, the legendary Rick, and the mystique around his secretive work grows as the narrative shifts... "
There are tons of books out there about how to crank out good quality writing. A good one is On Writing Well by William Zinsser. Very good read. Or if you're a nerd like I am you can buy a bunch of style and grammar books. They make a difference.
Oh man, you're so sweet! Absolutely: You can check out the "Look Inside" feature on Amazon and read the first 10% here:
If you like it, send me a message and I'll email you a free copy. And if you like sci-fi, I'm currently working on something else in that genre that I could use a second set of eyes on, if you get bored enough. (Don't have a ton of experience with sci-fi. Or YA for that matter. I got into writing thinking I'd do literary fiction!)
It's one of my favorites--the whole idea of changelings is fascinating. Have you ever read The Stolen Child? A great read, if you haven't ;)
Oh really? Haven't heard of it but will check it out. Also see: Hater by David Moody. Apparently there's nothing new under the sun / no completely original ideas left.