I don't remember, I found some code online and adapted it for Minecraft with its unique AppID. I uploaded the EXE if you want to use it, although I definitely understand not wanting to download a random EXE from the internet.
Not the best covers, but I grabbed these 2 from IGDB:
that's weird, you can try to convert it yourself here - https://ezgif.com/gif-to-apng whether you download it as a .gif or .mp4 from imgur they have both options there :)
Source(s): * <u>BRUTAL DOOM</u> is a mod for the original DOOM ™ and DOOM ™ II: Hell on Earth by Sergeant Mark IV. * The background image is artwork by the very talented Finfrosk. * The logo is a texture I ripped and modified from an older build of the mod, upscaled with Topaz Gigapixel AI. * Made with Adobe® Photoshop™ CS6 Extend.
DOOM ™ is the property of Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media® Inc. subsidiary (All rights reserved).
©1993-2019 ZeniMax Media® Inc.
This image was made for private use, and I have no affiliation with Bethesda Softworks® or ZeniMax Media® Inc.
Source(s): * <u>BRUTAL DOOM</u> is a mod for the original DOOM ™ and DOOM ™ II: Hell on Earth by Sergeant Mark IV. * The background image is artwork by the very talented Finfrosk. * The logo is a texture I ripped and modified from an older build of the mod, upscaled with Topaz Gigapixel AI. * Made with Adobe® Photoshop™ CS6 Extend.
DOOM ™ is the property of Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media® Inc. subsidiary (All rights reserved).
©1993-2019 ZeniMax Media® Inc.
This image was made for private use, and I have no affiliation with Ninja Theory or any of it's subsidiaries.
We all start somewhere, keep testing and improving, also, a tip for free powerful image editing it's GIMP, there are quite a few tutorials how to get started with it on Youtube.
All of the apps are in the album with the plain background. I used the splash screen to create versions of the apps that I use, if you use an app that isn't among those, but want the splash version, let me know and I'll make it. I didn't make the icons, this guy did: https://dribbble.com/shots/1193659-Creative-Cloud-Circles-Set
I get most of my icons from DeviantArt and Icon Archive.
It was just a Google image with a black background, did some fancy Photoshop magic on it. The logo on https://clonehero.net/ is a transparent PNG however, so you can probably just use that?
I have https://ezgif.com/ for that. Actually the site has the option to export as png frames so i will most likely use that to generate my apngs. Now to check and see if it has an option to upload ....
Guess I'll throw in my (current) way of doing things as well.
- Find decently sized logo of title in question online (preferably a PNG render). If it doesn't exist -- recreate in Photoshop (or your preferred photo-editing tool) to the best of your ability.
- Record clip in-game via Nvidia Shadowplay.
- Import clip in Premiere Pro (I'll assume you have knowledge of how to use this, otherwise you maybe shouldn't be trying this at all. Not yet, at least).
- Place clip and logo on timeline
- Adjust Sequence to 320 x 480 (I find that 600x900 will create files that are too large)
- Adjust position and scale of clip and logo as necessary
- Export media > export as PNG sequence/as PNG sequence with alpha.
- go to ezgif.com and upload the PNGs to create your animation. (I have tried the standalone APNG assembler, but somehow the animation always turns out too slow when I use that tool)
What I notice, though, is that there is a severe difference in how hefty the final animation becomes based on the amount of stuff happening in each frame. I can have a 10 second animation with mostly blacks and whites, some fading etc. and it will end up being 2-3 MB. I also, recently, made a 4-second loop of a title that ended up being 39 MB. An annoying inconsistency, but one you may wish to take into consideration regardless.
Added another link. FYI, I just tossed the original through https://ezgif.com/resize. I get it may still be blurry, etc, however, the source image was only 250px tall.
The original post seems to be fine for me on 1440p, so that's kinda what I shoot for with these as I'm only trying to replace the icons for my favorite shelf.
Actually, just https://ezgif.com/ will do it so long as the title is the right width, if not u'll just need a quick pop into GIMP. I've been doing them all day.
personally i use adobe fireworks since its geared towards web dev it's gif editing functions are nice and easy to work with. Most people these days use ezgif's overlay function. Surprisingly intuitive for an online prog.
Just need to save the gif then convert it to apng. e.g you can do it online with https://ezgif.com/gif-to-apng
Then just right click doom > manage > set custom artwork and select the apng file.
Oh, and even if I prefer and agree with the /u/josephgee method, You can also use this website to convert those https://ezgif.com/apng-maker
But you should really still try to do it via the command line, It's really easy-peasy.
After posting, I did try my hand at making one. My skills are lacking, so I'm not that happy with it, but maybe it would serve as inspiration for those with actual skill?