I dunno, German?
edit: No, Belgian: Félicien Rops - Qui aime bien châtie bien
The title translates to the proverb "spare the rod and spoil the child".
So, that's The Centaur that Buck 65 was talking about.. a classic, imo (nsfw: explicit lyrics)
Edit: lyrics text
This is The Raft of the Medusa, and it's at the Louvre. I recognize it because I read the most fascinating book about the shipwreck and the painting: The Wreck of the Medusa by Jonathan Miles.
Apparently he was reincarnated as Captain Obvious.
Ha, yeah. I’ve used Photopea before, since I don’t own any professional photo editing software, but for memes, I found Mematic to be a much faster and simpler solution.
I discovered it yesterday. The “forbidden tiddy milk” meme I posted here was my first attempt at using the app. Hungry snack boi was the second. Figured this sub could use some OC. :)
Btw, the original painting is called “Escaping Criticism”, by Spanish surrealist Pere Borrell del Caso (1874 - I rounded up 145 to 150 :P).
my bad, misread.
A little silver bullet can do the trick but if you really want to save up and surprise her one day try this. Comes down to preference but basically most powerful/high acclaimed "massager" on the market.
It's a manipulated version of Love Disarmed (1885), by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.
I don't know who converted Cupid into ET or why.
I think it depends on the specific era. Regency dresses were light and could probably be lifted and removed easily, but I doubt Georgian or Victorian dresses were so simple. I read this book and it made it sound just terrible. Depending on the era, they wore smalls beneath the dresses, but I do know that the big party dresses were heavy.
The smalls often had slits in them that made going to the bathroom easy. There were a lot of layers and depending on the fashion there were bone corsets and crinoline cages. I'll take my leggings, man.
edit: because I forgot how to make sentences not stupid.
edit 2: Also, in that video(I didn't have the sound on because I'm working, so if it was addressed then ignore me.) Her dress looks a LOT lighter than an actual Victorian dress. The fabrics were very thick and heavy. In the Regency era muslin became very popular but it was super thin and not suited for London life. A lot of girls got pneumonia. By the Victorian era came around they realized it was too cold and wet for that shit. They also became obsessed with the hourglass figure to the point of deformity.
edit 3: Also, the clothing and hair in the painting suggest that this may be the Georgian era, so none of what I said really matters and I promise I'm done talking now.
Add me to the list of kids with this picture hung in their room. Here's what I found:
Then this website is for you and us all.
tl;dr: they aim to make the TOS understandable for people who don‘t want to spend an eternity reading those texts
Spread the word :)
> It really is like magic.
No, it really isn't like magic. It's like science.
Do I need extra calories while breast-feeding? Yes, you might need to eat a little more — about an additional 330 to 400 calories a day — to keep up your energy.
To get these extra calories, opt for nutrient-rich choices, such as a slice of whole-grain bread with a tablespoon (about 16 grams) of peanut butter, a medium banana or apple, and 8 ounces (about 227 grams) of yogurt.
There’s a little book I bought called The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible.
Mostly explores life in the late 1800’s/ early 1900... before vaccines and sewage and unions etc. Funny thing it was written in the 70’s. When you could work a job at a factory and own a house. Shoulda wrote a book called The Future Sucks Too.
On that note, here’s a link to the book: help lord Bezos put his kids through college
thanks to the magic of the internet you can now smell chemicals again https://www.amazon.com/Ram-Pro-Blow-Bubble-Balloons-Plastic/dp/B07BQC8GX2/ref=sr_1_7_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1539288052&sr=8-7&keywords=magic+balloon
i knew that i found them a year ago on amazon, so there they are
That is This thing
It's a broom. Usually used on rough surfaces to remove dust/ for washing that surface.
Add Sync to the android list. Paid like three bucks over half a decade ago and I get zero ads.
Edit: it's up to 5 bucks now
I got this for my cat. There's also a water bowl you can get.
All his food is eaten now - I recommend it to every cat owner who mentions this problem.
Though it may not stop your cat from trying to get more food - just make them more comfortable with what they have.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Terms and Conditions May Apply, here are some Trailers
There's a few things that when combined start to become really grating... First come the tumbnails with "whacky" facial expressions and big text. Then the sponsorships, especially if they're for products entirely unrelated to the channel (dollar shave club, NordVPN, Glasses USA, Hello Fresh, all that type of trash). And finally, once they add the faux off-kilter interactions with someone off camera (their editor, camera person or whatever) to appear more human and relatable. Few gaming channels I don't really watch anymore because this stuff got too annoying (Stop Skeletons from Fighting comes to mind, Billiam has been getting worse with this). It's a shame, really, since there's so many channels that manage to stay quality without resorting to any of these things.
It was a popular theme in the Middle Ages. He painted more than one. And I'm sure you know his most famous painting
Scroll across the bottom for more of his work.
I always loved this Baby Be of Use book series. Although the little guy in this painting looks more like he’s going to be collecting tithes than helping you file.
since I have nothing better to do today:
The photos pictured look like they're from the <strong>Rider Tarot Deck</strong>, which is a 1971 reissue of the original work, which was created by Pamela Colman Smith in 1909 and published in 1910. The copyright is held by U.S. Game Systems, Inc, and the reissue was made in collaboration with Miss Sybil Waite and Rider & Company, London.
The box itself refers to the deck as "The Rider Tarot Deck," noting on the back that it is also known as the Waite Tarot and The Rider-Waite Tarot. The box notes that this edition is "the original and only authorized edition of the famous 78-card Tarot Deck designed by PAMELA COLMAN SMITH (emphasis theirs), under the direction of ARTHUR EDWARD WAITE."
In 2009 U.S. Games Systems released another, more true-to-original reproduction of the deck as part of the Pamela Colman Smith Commemorative Set. This updated deck is available as of 2015 under the name <strong>Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck</strong>
My go to browser is always Naked Browser. The dev is awesome and always answers emails.
You can download a block list to block most ads. Instructions here.
I have my doubts about Scotland as it has to go through Westminster, and if they wanted to get into the EU (which is their only real option) they'd have to pray Spain and Belgium didn't veto their application. As for NI: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jun/24/arlene-foster-northern-ireland-martin-mcguinness-border-poll-wont-happen
I meant this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.replika.app
>I'm sure the same could be done for texting patterns.
It should be even easier. Depending on the method of detection based on speech, it might already be included. It's definitely possible.
I can also imagine the clothes recognition: you'd take a full body selfie whenever you're going out, and rate them later. The AI could train on this data easily. Then it could intake new selfies and alert you on your phone in case of irregularities. It's doable, but only "homemade". There'd be problems with creating a generic solution.
[Amazon and Whole Foods has it](https://smile.amazon.com/Pacific-Foods-Original-Unsweetened-Plant-Based/dp/B00MFCHYS2/ref=sr_1_8_0o_wf_mod_primary_alm?crid=1GTOBCURMHE3I&keywords=hemp+milk&qid=1644175726&sbo=m6DjfpMzMLDmL8pSMKX8hw%3D%3D&sprefix=hemp+milk%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-8)
So do 2/3 of the grocery stores near me (Winco for sure, I think Fred Meyer).
Trader Joes might also.
The short answer is that I live in the hippie-centric PNW so hemp milk is not rare here.
There is translation to english available at Project Gutenberg, also in similar tone Cautionary Tales for Children by Hilaire Belloc
I would very much recommend Oscar Wilde's play Salome which is about this event. This free Librivox dramatized audiobook version of the play is really good! Such a gruesome and tragic story.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called How Did You Get Here?, here are some Trailers
I would order it through lowes though, thats what I did and i went to pick it up in store for only 1200
I agree you cant ride a heart Unless you use Nord VPN Nord VPN is an excellent tool to use when you browse the web, nord vpn changes your internet provider to a difrent region so that you can finally access those sweet waifu body pillow pics you wanted to see but were banned in your country access nord VPN using the link: https://NordVPN.com/bigmoney or use code BIGMONEY to get 70% off a 3 year plan plus one aditional month free well that's all the time I had now remember milk your dogs and stay safe
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It’s tricky, that one. It’s like its (lol, I’m making myself dizzy!). You want to add a comma but you don’t need one. It’s is a contraction for it is, its is a possessive. Eg It’s cold today vs The door looked like its hinges had broken. Re: your vs yours, it’s the same principle. Is that your dog? Vs (pointing to a satchel. Is that yours? Here’s an explanation of why they’re different.
I’m no grammar expert! I make mistakes, all the time. My problem is use of commas. lol.I hope this helps. Language can be tricky, at times. Take care.
CosRX Acne Pimple Master Patch (available in bulk! These are the Korean OG. I don’t make commission on them or anything, just been using them for years.)
I unapologetically use a rubber husband to open at least 1 jar a day
Chuangdi 8 Pieces Rubber Jar Gripper Pads Round https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FLM3YSF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MSC7CQE5NN51BP51A9EG
The round, flat gripper here Is the closest I can find on Amazon to what we had in my house for the last 32 years. Then just recently, the samn thing suddenly developed a tear in the center and using it only made that worse. (I suspect my mother's asshole of a cat discovered it left out and ruined it). The material always reminded me of kickballs in elementary school.
To replace that (which worked on everything from 2 liter bottles to extra large pickle jars), she ordered the one here that shows 4 different cap/lid sizes but can be opened up to bigger sizes
I've only used it for pop bottles so far but it works well for that.
Já ouviu falar de Lingbe? É um aplicativo super legal para praticar línguas estrangeiras com nativos de graça.
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They are doing stuff right now.
If you are on the street, download the ACLU app that records video straight to their server in case a cop takes your phone.
Get the one for your state.
I recently bought a CyberGhost subscription, and Honey unexpectedly gave me 2000 gold credits or whatever. I think that boils down to a $20 gift card. Better than a kick in the face, but yeah it never finds any discounts for me either haha.
I don't know. Best clue I have is is a Turkish book about women in chinese religions.
And unfortunately my username was a randomly generated suggestion... I can't actually translate this.
Nah. I'm referring here to the historical Jesus of Nazareth, not the Christ figure of modern Christianity. Judea was under the rule of the Roman Empire during Jesus' life. He did not like that. He, along with many of the other messianic claimants of this era, were nationalists.
Reza Aslan made some headlines with "Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth", because he was muslim, and according to the religious right, that would make him biased against christianity.
It's not written in an edgy atheist style, if that's what you are looking for.
Hey all, hope this is alright- if not let me know! Are we all fans of @textsfromyourexistentialist here? Looking at her work, wanting to make something similar and not finding an easy way to do it made me want to make something better- so I did!
The app is on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.github.litmeo.literally
Artwork above is from Alec Soth and Dave Pollot.
Please share what you create with Literally! Either here, or tag #literallymade on Instagram. Would be super cool to see!
The book The Cross of Christ by Anglican priest John Stott really details the earliest forms of worship by Christians and it included crosses and the sign of the cross. Also, he goes through the NT and it's various uses of the word cross and finds MANY instances of it being used in praise of God and Christ. https://www.amazon.com/Cross-Christ-John-Stott/dp/083083320X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=N69E8L1AUC4U&keywords=the+cross+of+christ+by+john+stott&qid=1569817335&s=gateway&sprefix=the+crooss+of+chris%2Caps%2C237&sr=8-2
I prefer Ninja Snap. You choose which photos they're allowed to see and if they try swiping more, it takes a photo of the person and shows it instead.
My brother wrote a book and used this as his cover art...........
Dude, you're not ugly. You focus on your appearance too much. That's not what people fall in love with. They fall in love when they feel close to someone, when they feel understood. Most of the girls I truly fell in love with, I didn't find that attractive at first glance. It's their personality that always gets me.
If you want some good advice on dating without the despicable manipulative behavior most of them promote, read Models by Mark Manson. It might also help you understand yourself a little better.
I'm on mobile so sorry if I make this too short. Plato is focusing on his Theory of Forms, and for Aristotle, his empiricist views, with an emphasis on concrete particulars. Plato argues a sense of timelessness whilst Aristotle looks into the physicality of life and the present realm. So it's the divergence between the two schools of thought. That's why Plato holds Timaeus and Aristotle his Nicomachean Ethics. Timaeus begins with the difference between the physical world and the eternal world.
I posted this elsewhere too, but just get one of these. You will be able to open any jar you ever encounter. Plus they sell them at any car parts store, so you get to still feel manly when you use it.