This app was mentioned in 50 comments, with an average of 2.68 upvotes
There's a demo version of CMoar cinema if you want to try it out. It is probably the best "virtual movie theater" on Cardboard, but your phone will run like a toaster because of all the extra processing required. Honestly, I'd stick with AAA VR Cinema if you just want to watch 180/360 downloaded videos.
Using video and 360, the image quality in the z5p is the best i have tested ever in VR. That includes, the Z3, the Oculus DK2 and the S6 Edge.
Really, I think that this is one of its strong. Because the video do not require a high processor power.
Is true that some apps (like youTube), are not ready for 4K, overall because the internet speed. I recomend you download all videos and then use AAA VR Cinema
AAA VR does a great job, but doesn't support the Daydream controller.
You have to get the app ready and start playing a video, then insert your phone into the Daydream and use the Recent Apps button to swap back to AAA when Daydream opens. Then close the viewer and enjoy!
Google Cardboard + AAA VR Cinema + 180 degree side-by-side video from ^(^^or ^^your ^^local ^^torrent ^^site) and you're good to go. It's really something else. Not perfect, but when it's good, it's really good.
I found out my screen size was wrong from the AAA VR Cinema app which lists screen size on its main screen. You could check that to see what it thinks your screen is.
But most phones are going to have a "wrong" DPI to some degree. DPI is generally set to "even" numbers like 320, 480, 640, etc while screens are just whatever they come out at. I checked the 5X and that one is pretty close at 420 DPI and 424 ppi, but most will be further off.
First, almost any bluetooth controller should work. There are some that are made for cardboard users specifically, but I recommend getting a gaming one. There's been a number of "best controller" posts over the years, but most are a bit outdated. It also depends on your skill level as a PS3 controller is the best made controller, but takes more to make it work than general-purpose bluetooth controllers.
Second, check out /r/googlecardboard. They have a decent following and thus a decent amount of content posted regularly.
Thrid, get a 3D video app. YouTube is one that works well for anything that's already on there, not joking. They have 3D and 360 degree video. Also, if you have a source for 3D movies (note: torrents tend to be easier than legit sources at this point, sadly), you need a player for them. Right now, the best ones that I've seen are AAA VR Cineman and VR Player. AAA is a little easier to use, but VR Player has more options. I tend to use AAA more than VR Player at this point.
I've used AAA VR Cinema and VR Player for downloaded Youtube videos and it's worked with both. I slightly prefer VR Player since it allows me to hide the interface completely.
Trinus PSVR is the app (Trinus VR is for smartphones). You should try it before buying... although if your aim is only to watch videos, I strongly recommend going for a smartphone VR video player + Google Cardboard, like
This player, hands down, is the best for viewing pre-recorded content that I have found. Works splendidly on my Nexus 5x. Enjoy! "AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D SBS"
Get a cardboard headset of your choice and AAA VR cinema. It can do a simulated 2d like you're watching a big ass flatscreen Link
For Cardboard user, you can play 360 videos with our Android app "AAA VR Cinema Cardboard". Download youtube video in mp4 or other format, and then play with the app. It works with Google Cardboard perfectly.
Any feedback are much appreciated :)
You use an android VR video player, like AAA VR Cinema or VR Theater.
Sry for delay i use AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D it is easy to use once you configure it correctly.
I have tested several of them but this is only one i found which can repeat the selected video over and over until someone stop it. Most otherrs didn't offer repeat options. (if any find others with repeat function tell me pls :)
Well, temporary fix didn't work. I tried calibrating with some apps as well.
Strangely there is one app that works:
It is a VR video player that has "head tracking" options. You can choose Full, No Roll, Gyro only, or touch/mouse. All of the options work for me.
That leads me to thinking, is there someway to disable certain sensors?
Ima leave these here: note- POV movies can be viewed in VR with this setup.
Thank you for answering. I thought that they need to provide player, and when they didn't I was like "oh, so I can not play it in 180/360". Just found out and turns out, most of these videos are able to play in 180/360. Thanks!
Okay, so I was doing one thing wrong: nobody told me that I need to install proper app by myself, and I was like "oh, it's .mp4 so I can not turn my head in 180/360 :(". And as it turns out, with most of that videos I can, but I need to launch that video in special app, like this one: ( AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D SBS ). It automatically detects video type (180 side by side, 360 side by side etc.
Thanks for answering!
I already found it out. I was looking just for 180/360 "side by side" and I just had to use special player: most 3D porn works with it, only some of it doesnt support side-by-side.
Earlier I thought that they will provide some app or something, turns out I had to install that player by myself ;)
AAA vr supports it for sure
And cmoar cinema says it can stream lan wich is almost the same thing if you use a nas local.
If dont wanna mess with getting it on milkvr Try using AAA vr cinema. I think its comparable with any vr video files.You have to disable gear service to run it. I dont know if it makes a difference but it might work better than the method you are trying.
Ummm there are plenty of VR games on google play store (can't remember the name but it was something related to roller-coaster) that you can easily find on google.
Then there are 3d videos of all sort on YouTube that you can check out. If you want to play custom 3d videos then install AAA VR Cinema app
Talking about apps there is Google cardboard official app which is a classic.
There are dozens of Cardboard SBS video apps. I usually use these two: Select 360 Panorama, hide all buttons. Projection type: Sphere, Format: 2D
The one I use is
It allows you to choose from multiple screen configurations it can do side by side 180 up and down 360 side-by-side 360 spherical. it just works caption
You download the video and play it in a VR player, or use FullDive VR.
Für alle, die selbst gerne mal die VR-Welt hineinschnuppern wollen, aber keine 300+ Euro dafür rumliegen haben, gibt es eine sehr preisgünstige und unkomplizierte Alternative, die Dennis und Simon bei Game+ auch schon erwähnt haben - und zwar Google Cardboard.
Was das ist? Google Cardboard ist nichts anderes als ein Pappgestell, in das man sein Smartphone hineinlegt und durch Vergrößerungslinsen aufs Display schaut.
Mit einer passenden VR-Viewer-App können dann Videos damit abgespielt werden, die zwei nebeneinander liegende leicht in der Perspektive verschobene Videobilder derselben Szene fürs linke und rechte Auge bereitstellen (side by side 3D (SBS)). Dadurch wird dann der 3D-Effekt erzeugt.
Der richtige Clou an der Sache ist aber natürlich die Interaktivität im Raum. Durch die Gyro- und Beschleunigungssensoren des Smartphones wird das Headtracking möglich und man kann sich so durch die Kopfbewegung in der VR-Szenerie umschauen. Wie auch bei der Oculus Rift.
Neben bestimmten Videos und diversen VR-Demo-Apps fürs Cardboard gibt es auch die Möglichkeit PC-Spiele auf das Smartphone zu streamen und in (Fake-)3D zu zocken. Dafür benötigt man z.B. das Programm und die App von Trinus.
Die Google Cardboards kann man sich bei Amazon für ca. 15 Euro bestellen und mit den meist kostenlosen Apps und Videos einen guten sneak peek in die VR-Welt erhaschen.
EDIT: Simon erwähnte auch, dass er keinen wirklichen Unterschied zwischen dem der Smartphone-Alternative und Oculus Rift erkennen konnte. Das liegt wohl auch daran, dass in der Oculus Rift das Display des Samsung Galaxy Note 3 verbaut ist. Also alles kein Hexenwerk, sondern ziemlich Basic ;)
I us... I mean, a friend uses this one:
I use this app it let you choose the formats.
You must select over under 3D.
I absolutely love AAA VR Cinema. Its very configurable and you can set it to be a static screen.
AAA VR Cinema supports 3D 180° videos and 2D 360° videos, and its free.
I watched it with a Google Cardboard on Android with this app.
It also works with this Google cardboard app and it's the real thing, something I never wanted to check
You are not playing it in 360 mode.
I use this app and select 360 3D.
Last I checked this one had that feature =) Its also free! =)
I tried to rip the video so I can watch it on my Google Cardboard. This is how Facebook takes the raw 360 video. And this is how YouTube takes a raw 360 video. Video I used in the YouTube example, it's ANH's opening crawl over Tatooine.
Title | Virtual Reality 4K. Video file viewed under a microscope. |
Description | This video shows how apps like "AAA VR Cinema" take full advantage of the smartphones resolution. If the resolution is set correctly with ADB (Android Debug Bridge) AAA VR Cinema: To Change the resolution: |
Length | 0:01:16 |
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I use this:
The design is rather mediocre but it plays pretty much every format (2D, 180º, 360º, photos, sbs, stacked).
Check out "AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D SBS" Love this player for phone
the same thing is happening on my z3. interestingly, AAA VR Cinema works flawlessly, unlike every other app
> is vr porn better?
Many reasons.
Yes, you can look anywhere you want, so there's a lot more discovery and replay-ability.
But the main thing is the person looks like a life size person in front of you, when they are up close their body parts all feel life size, like you can sense their volume and shape so much better. Having a woman's titties what feels like 3" from your face and being able to look up at her face while she rides you, look down and see "your dick" going in her pussy...
It really tricks your brain into feeling its really happening in front of you or to you. The fact that you have to look down to see a woman giving you head makes it all that more immersive.
And I've only seen the short tame stuff they offer as free downloads on sites like But its like I'm discovering porn again for the first time: A short 30 second clip will get me off many times because its so amazing.
I have an oculus rift, but I also tried it with Cardboard using a $20 viewer I bought and my phone... works pretty well too!
Edit: Anyone coming across this wants to try can use Whirligig Player for Windows, or AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D SBS to play the free sample videos from from various vr porn websites like the one I linked.
AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D SBS. It supports 180 SBS mode.
The best one that I have found so far is AAA VR cinema
This app works great for me:
set the video to side-by-side 180 and have fun
Für alle, die selbst gerne mal die VR-Welt hineinschnuppern wollen, aber keine 300+ Euro dafür rumliegen haben, gibt es eine sehr preisgünstige und unkomplizierte Alternative - und zwar Google Cardboard.
Was das ist? Google Cardboard ist nichts anderes als ein Pappgestell, in das man sein Smartpgone hineinlegt und durch Vergrößerungslinsen aufs Display schaut.
Mit einer passenden VR-Viewer-App können dann Videos damit abgespielt werden, die zwei nebeneinander liegende leicht in der Perspektive verschobene Videobilder derselben Szene fürs linke und rechte Auge bereitstellen (side by side 3D (SBS)). Dadurch wird dann der 3D-Effekt erzeugt.
Der richtige Clou an der Sache ist aber natürlich die Interaktivität im Raum. Durch die Gyro- und Beschleunigungssensoren des Smartphones wird das Headtracking möglich und man kann sich so durch die Kopfbewegung in der VR-Szenerie umschauen. Wie auch bei der Oculus Rift.
Neben bestimmten Videos und diversen VR-Demo-Apps fürs Cardboard gibt es auch die Möglichkeit PC-Spiele auf das Smartphone zu streamen und in (Fake-)3D zu zocken. Dafür benötigt man z.B. das Programm und die App von Trinus.
Die Google Cardboards kann man sich bei Amazon für ca. 15 Euro bestellen und mit den meist kostenlosen Apps und Videos einen guten sneak peek in die VR-Welt erhaschen.