I know this doesn’t have to do with Apple Arcade but depending on their agent interest check out GarageBand on an iPad Mac or iPhone. They have a drummer kit, A ton of royalty-free loops, and all the ability to test out electronic sound boards and even record your own instruments and voice. I know it’s not a game but it might be something just as much fun once they discover the possibilities. There even instrument lessons for guitar and piano summer coming directly from the artist themselves like Sting, John Legend, Fall Out Boy, and more. https://www.apple.com/mac/garageband/
It's similar to Tiny Wings or Dragon, Fly! (android) Where your character is like sledding/sliding and shooting into the sky! It's fun to play when waiting for the bus or girlfriend trying on clothes. Love a quick pick-up-and-play game!
I just got this one and can confirm it works with Apple TV. Originally made for Switch so I"m glad Apple is supporting these now! Make sure it's this one as an older version of it does not work.
Works with iOS & AppleTV, but not MacOS
The SteelSeries Nimbus+ is absolutely exceptional on iOS or iPadOS. It's of similar quality and weight to a Sony DualSense but made specifically for Apple hardware.
It means no more updates to the Epic app on the Mac app store, but noone actually uses that.
The app you find here will just have a warning when you open it. But Mac users are used to that warning.
Here's a list of some of them: https://airtable.com/shrPDx6S4dFETCOsh/tbl1dTBDBxPxjZDgd/viwewzU6RgDCbuetv?blocks=bipSoB9kpeWSbbrIX
Oh shit my bad, it’s 2019 model. When I got it less than a year ago it was the current version.
2019 Apple iPad Mini (Wi-Fi, 64GB) - Space Gray https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PRD2NQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_YEKJ4CA6Y26P2GYKACG5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks for your amazing walkthroughs! I've got stuck a few times and it's really helped.
I think I have a bug in the Mac OS version. In scene 28, I can't move the lamp! Is there anything that needs to be activated earlier in the game? I've tried solving the top puzzle and then this one, but in both cases the lamp won't move.
Here is a screencast of the issue: https://www.loom.com/share/c3e8f90d984546279be30462f11c7f39
Any thoughts or advice?
I started learning to program when I was 10. I wanted to make games. I’m a software engineer today. Programming games is a great way to learn to program. I would start small and simple. I wouldn’t recommend trying to make an iOS app right away. Start by making a simple text adventure. Move from there to simple arcade games like space invaders or breakout.
I would also start with a programming environment that is fun without a huge learning curve.
My very first intro to programming was “learn to program basic” by Interplay. (Doesn’t exist anymore) and then moved onto Dark Basic.
It’s still around and could still be a nice place to start.
From there you can move onto more advanced languages.
Good luck and have fun!
Edit: they now have https://www.appgamekit.com/studio
Looks like you can make cross platform games on it including iOS. I’d say that’d be a good place to start.
Some of the upcoming games are listed here: https://airtable.com/shrPDx6S4dFETCOsh/tbl1dTBDBxPxjZDgd/viwewzU6RgDCbuetv?blocks=bipSoB9kpeWSbbrIX
One of the former editors of Pocket Gamer, @killercow on Twitter, has a great list up. Most comprehensive I’ve seen so far.
ATM we have this that has upcoming games tab
But it would be more appealing if we could actually see stuff through AppleArcade tab doesn’t even need to give a date for game (incase setbacks) just a coming soon/pics+vid
There is a website that tracks which games are single or multiplayer. Hopefully this helps! https://airtable.com/shrhJWPLYUrC9ctSQ/tblIRCulDltlOaCEv/viwER6b1tjbmrdUBP?blocks=hide
about 60 out of the 71 games support controller
So it must be that most just support Xbox/Ps4 controller
I have the 2020 iPad Pro 11” A12Z. I just tested it out using an HDMI already connected to the TV connected to an HDMI to USB C adapter. I’m no expert, but I didn’t notice lag. It felt responsive.
This is the adapter I used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07THJGZ9Z/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1#customerReviews
And this is the Bluetooth controller I used: https://www.amazon.com/8Bitdo-Sn30-Pro-Bluetooth-Gamepad-mac/dp/B07T8JKVNT/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=8bitdo+pro%2B&qid=1631390780&s=electronics&sr=1-3
I am using my PS4 controller thich is great. For iPad gaming it's good as you can set ipat to stand in its own with a case, but for iPhone i got an additional stand for cheap like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Controller-Holder-Bracket-Playstation/dp/B01MQ0BGOL
For me this works perfectly. If you prefer Xbox controller, there are the same plastic stands for those too.
Whoa! I just saw this on ebay: ION iCade Core for iPad. https://www.ebay.com/i/193535276622?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28
It’s supposed to be bluetooth.