I also have been avoiding almost everyone. My son is immune compromised and my parents are in their 80s. My son who normally lives with my ex-wife in Boston came to visit me for a few months because we thought he would be safer with me. My daughter also visited me for a couple of weeks. I have visited my parents twice since February because they were having problems. Other than that, I almost never saw or spoke in person with anyone until May this year.
Starting in May this year, I stared meeting my friends weekly at local parks to toss a frisbee around. I would use hand sanitizer before and after frisbee sessions and I would wear a mask whenever we were closer than 15 feet apart. Up until mid August, we were seeing about 30 new cases per week of covid 19 in our county of 150,000, so I thought that this type of long distance socializing was rather safe as long as I used a mask and hand sanitizer. Two weeks ago, the students returned to our local college and we are seeing around 150 new cases per week among the students, so I may have to stop meeting my friends soon.
I do still attend church virtually which is nice. At the end of the zoom service, they break us up into groups of six and we talk for 15 to 30 minutes. I am acquainted with most of the people at our church, so I really enjoy these sessions.
I have not gone out on a date since January. I have been considering joining Match.com or some other dating service. I was thinking that we could go hiking if my date agreed to wear a mask during the "hiking date" or maybe we could have a "frisbee date". Those ideas for dates seem odd to me, but maybe there are others like me who hunger for safe social contact.
Maybe others have ideas for safe in person socializing. Camping? Fishing? Tennis?
TLDR: Try safe frisbee for socializing at local parks.
holy shit, I’m so sorry this happened to you. our current system is truly failing us, people should not have to wait so long to get tested. sending you and your family healing, love, & positivity. stay strong & safe through the holidays.
I truly hope you don’t test positive as well but maybe quarantine yourself from other family members in your house (if you’re able to of course) to be safe? same with your son. any contact or out of your room/area should be with a mask and maybe gloves too, and sanitize often touched surfaces. I recommend getting an Oxygen Monitor from Amazon like this one to keep an eye on that. Best of luck to you
Honestly, if you get a mask to cover your n95/kn95 mask it can help you use it more often, you just wash the outer mask before using again. Or, you can buy the disposable filters and insert them into a washable mask. Like these: https://www.amazon.com/20pack-Activated-Carbon-Filter-Insert/dp/B087NFCCBV/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=n95+filters&qid=1611429930&sr=8-5
Poor bot. There were so many ads, you thought the ads were what the article was about. :(
For anyone interested in the actual topic, the article is unnecessary fluff. Here is a link to the calculator it describes where you can calculate how many people you help when you "wear a damn mask!":
You can always ask. I asked my dentist's office. They said pretty much everyone there had been vacc.
I've been going around offering people I have been vaccinated buttons, so I ask them. Only one person has refused to tell me.
It isn't just the vaccination status of the dentist themselves that matters. The hygienist, the receptionist etc. matter too.
Couldn't he get a full coverage mask https://www.amazon.com/3M-Safety-142-6900-Reusable-Respirator/dp/B01HMF80SE/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=3m+6800+face&qid=1598921858&sr=8-5 (Face and eyes) and full skin decontamination on leaving hospital and return home?
I bought something like this in 2010, it still works great and I tuck it right next to the couch or in my bedroom. Turn on Netflix, hop on and suddenly an hour has passed. Highly recommend!
Try installing a color-altering program like F.lux, I have it on my work PC and the laptop I use for astronomy at night and both are very easy on the eyes. It can run automatically in the background and adjust lighting based on your location if you wish.
Also, using yellow lightbulbs instead of white has reduced the "harsh" lighting
the whole site is shit
A video-sharing website allowing anyone to post content with minimal vetting that is rife with conspiracy theories and other false information, including about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ooooweee: https://www.newsguardtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/GlobalResearch.ca-3-20-20.pdf
17.5/100 for, among other things, repeatedly publishing false claims.
I 'member back when the internet was the information super-highway that was going to unite humanity in a rationalist post-ignorance utopia. I wish I could go back to the 90s so I could warn them and then laugh-cry myself into a stupor.
I honestly haven't seen that show, however, repressed memories have been thoroughly debunked in the scientific literature. You can start here...
Here are the links to the two I purchased:
Patriot N95 Mask - NIOSH Certified - Made In USA - Teal Medical Cup (Box of 25) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YP9Q4CN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7S5FYJ0AKZSJTZT6J6ZT
Summer Model KN95 Face Mask 50 Pcs, Individually Wrapped Lightweight Breathable Safety Masks for Women Men, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LZ8NMNJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5KT25ZQ6HXDBNBBA69F8
We bought two of the wand varieties by RinseWorks. The first one we purchased from Amazon for $60. I don't see them sold by Amazon anymore but other sellers.
We've had the first one since early January and had zero problems with it or the other one. Straightforward to install, no leaks or anything. Don't remember where we bought the second one but it wasn't Amazon. Maybe Lowes or HomeDepot?
We actually ran short of TP for a couple of weeks this summer but got through because of the wands.
Hope this helps.
This is a good one, not sure if it is exactly what you're looking for... https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
I also know of one that is done on Tableau that gives rolling 7 day case counts, testing, positivity rates by every state and the USA total. You might Google and find (it's bookmarked on my laptop, which I don't have access to at the moment)
Here is a link to current research papers on covid-19. This may help you realize that people do not know yet if a small controlled dosage will help build immunity. If you and your friends are going to risk your health and those around you, you may want to be fully informed (which is what you are asking).
Stay at home. Help spread the word via the internet. If you have a gaming rig, fold proteins: https://foldingathome.org/
Plenty you can do without exposing yourself or others.
Low level IT help desk jobs pay more. Get on Youtube and start searching for videos on A+ certification and Windows 10 certification. Plenty of free stuff out there. If you can pay for a sight like pluralsight.com which is a monthly sub but has tons of training videos on all kinds of IT topics.
You don't need the certs (but they help) but you can study for them to know the material. Helpdesk is 50% customer service so if you can never solve one technical issue you are still half way there. A big chunk of the other stuff is writing a ticket, resetting a password and "turning it off and on again."
"But I don't like/understand computers" or "I don't want to be a nerd" you might say. Tough shit. No one likes there job but I gauran-damn-tee you it is a hell of a lot better than a fast food job. I was working as a truckdriver/warehouse guy when I made my transition. My first job paid $13/hr and I got a call for another job one month into my training for another job that paid $18/hr and that was 8 years ago. Now I am cloud/devops and make over 100K/yr without a college degree.
You want to learn Windows 10 and Active Directory, especially how to reset a password. Learn how to troubleshoot Outlook/0365. Stress your customer service skills and problem solving skills. You work fast food and have to get 100 small jobs done a day while understaffed - you can solve problems.
Anyway, no one will solve your problems but yourself. The government is not going to hand you money and make it all better. You get a good job and earn good money or you do that shit the rest of your life being taken advantage of. IT is one idea but there are others. Get out of that dead end job and look for something else. Those people getting unemployment will only be temporary. It's not going to last and you need to think about your future.
Whatever you do best of luck.
Create a google voice number. She can check messages on the app or website. (You can have the text and voicemails forwarded to her phone but that will get disruptive.)
A big thank you to her and all the workers keeping us alive!
Go buy a blood glucose reader and take your readings in the morning, 2 hours after eating and randomly ! You’re probably totally fine and just stressed to fuck
Also watermelon has a ton of sugar. You are probably just getting a sugar high or you’re dehydrated.
Care Touch Diabetes Testing Kit – Care Touch Blood Glucose Meter, 100 Blood Test Strips, 1 Lancing Device, 30 gauge Lancets-100 count and Carrying Case https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076VSN7TR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_rrikFb7CRE1JZ
Something like this
Sure. This is a good half-face respirator. You would need particulate filters with it. There are P100 filters also available, a soft kind that shouldn't get wet, and also 3M 7093 filters with a hard shell that can be out in the rain. There are a lot of imitations not made by 3M, also.
You need a particulate filter for viruses.
If you dont want to go out anywhere and have Amazon Prime:
Bidet sprayers hook up to a standard toilet using compression fittings—basically install by hand. You just need to be able to turn the water off at the toilet and flush (so you can release the hose from the tank and insert the bidet sprayer inline). This is what I got:
So, with one of these, you can spray your bum clean without having to install a new fixture or some kind of advanced space toilet.
Yeah agreed re the downvotes. I've been shocked at the people who give me dirty looks when I"m the only mask wearer (not imagining that). And fascinated by those who take care of elderly parents and don't mask in public. Or friends with compromised imune system who do same. It just makes me shake my head.
Also re the 3rd party I do the same. Yeah, I thought of that for the other vendors. I was supposed to start today but they bumped it to tomorrow. I'll definitely be making a note of the Aura so that when I have a couple more paychecks I can order. I did a lot of research before and I still have the K95s I ordered before. These are the ones I have, based on reviews and the CDC list of approved NIOSH masks.
Just so I know where you're coming from, if someone suggested that wearing a hologram bracelet could protect people from Covid spread, and convinced your local public health officer to mandate that everyone wear them, would you buy one and wear it?
... have a look: https://repl.it/@jsalsman/COVID19USarctan
I really couldn't get it to produce anything consistent with e.g. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/experts-say-the-coronavirus-outlook-has-worsened-but-the-trajectory-is-still-unclear/
Neither the infections or the death fits were reasonable, in the cumulative or log-cumulative domains. The deaths were always steeper than the infections without constraints up against which the fitter would bound.
I've got it flattening to South Korea/China levels by then. You can run the source code yourself: https://repl.it/@jsalsman/COVID19USgrowthExtrapolation
Change the extrapolation length on line 53: lastday = df.index[-1] + Timedelta(60, 'd') # extrapolate 60 days
Change the first '60' to '90' for example.
There are different types of N95 masks.
This is a N95 mask that you can buy today that is NOT a surgical N95 mask.
Now I have to say that the CDC telling us not to buy surgical masks to save them for health care workers is perplexing. There is plenty of supply out there, if health care workers don't already have a decent supply, that is an issue of hospitals not ordering them in large enough supply.
$60 generic "NDIR" item from Amazon. Looks identical to, has same specs as https://www.amazon.com/Generation-Detector-Infrared-Temperature-Rechargeable/dp/B097YLJLW9 .... but was not that one.
EDIT: Oops, hadn't checked it in a few days. US is at 6.6M. Current second place, with a population of 1.3 billion, is India with 5.1M cases. Brazil drops to third.
China is at 90K. Japan 77K. South Korea 22K. All nearly universal mask-wearing countries.
119,719 deaths in the US as of this morning. 2.2M cases and rising just as fast as ever.
COVID19 > seasonal flu
And yet confirmed cases in the US keep going up and up and up.
I'm no doctor, but it seems to me if cases are up, your chance of getting infected are also up.
Some viruses make us sick right away. Others have an affect that is more subtle and long term.
Early onset puberty is also becoming a global problem and also has been linked to obesity.
Consider adenovirus-36.
full pdf of article available here.
https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Adenovirus-36-Is-Associated-with-Obesity-in-and-in-Almgren-Atkinson/bf02ab813f7a735179b74b68977b4ff090457ff8 >To conclude, we developed a rapid ELISA and show that Adv36 infection is associated with pediatric obesity, severe obesity in adult females and lower levels of blood lipids, and that those infected have a tendency for increased insulin sensitivity in nondiabetic Swedish individuals. These findings agree with previous studies in vitro, in experimental animal and most human population studies. We also show a rising prevalence of Adv36 infection in Sweden from the period of 1992 to 2009, the first longitudinal data suggesting an increasing prevalence of Adv36 infection in parallel to an increase in the prevalence of obesity. These findings address comments in a recent review arguing for the need of further epidemiological studies to establish the link between viral infection and obesity in man [39]. The importance of a rapid Adv36 detection assay that may be used clinically is demonstrated by the study of Trovato et al [40] which demonstrated that a positive clinical response of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to nutritional treatment was enhanced in Adv36-positive compared to Adv36-negative patients. This study suggests that detection of Adv36 in patients may guide the selection of treatment. Further studies on Adv36 association with metabolic states in large population cohorts are justified. A virus that is possibly linked to a change in developmental rates could be part of a speciation event, and could also make us more susceptible to the influence of other medical conditions and viruses such as Covid-19.
Anyone want to participate in a documentary?
I'm a documentary filmmaker creating a feature length film composed entirely of community video submissions submitted daily as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses. We are looking for people (anyone!) to submit daily or at least frequent short videos documenting and discussing their lives during this pandemic. Everyone is in this together but experiencing so many different things, so we want to use the power of cell phones and the internet to create a global picture of how humans are fighting and coping with COVID-19.
More about the film via our sign-up page: https://airtable.com/shrMT5PyLJ8QpDFJR
In the above link you'll also find out more about my background and how to participate.
PLEASE feel free to ask questions, I want to be transparent. I may not be prompt, but I will answer any questions I can. We have applications in with the International Documentary Association for fiscal sponsorship, and have a pending application for a National Geographic COVID-19 journalism grant.
Anyone want to participate in a documentary?
I'm a documentary filmmaker creating a feature length film composed entirely of community video submissions submitted daily as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses. We are looking for people (anyone!) to submit daily or at least frequent short videos documenting and discussing their lives during this pandemic. Everyone is in this together but experiencing so many different things, so we want to use the power of cell phones and the internet to create a global picture of how humans are fighting and coping with COVID-19.
More about the film via our sign-up page: https://airtable.com/shrMT5PyLJ8QpDFJR
PLEASE feel free to ask questions, I want to be transparent. I may not be prompt, but I will answer any questions I can. We have applications in with the International Documentary Association for fiscal sponsorship, and have a pending application for a National Geographic COVID-19 journalism grant.
My heart goes out to everyone fighting this; we're in this together.
Anyone want to participate in a documentary? We surpassed 125 global participants last week, and we're looking for more!
I'm a documentary filmmaker creating a feature length film composed entirely of community video submissions submitted daily as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses. We are looking for people (anyone!) to submit daily or at least frequent short videos documenting and discussing their lives during this pandemic. Everyone is in this together but experiencing so many different things, so we want to use the power of cell phones and the internet to create a global picture of how humans are fighting and coping with COVID-19.
So far we've had a lot of positive feedback about the process and many have found it therapeutic in these times.
More about the film via our sign-up page: https://airtable.com/shrMT5PyLJ8QpDFJR
PLEASE feel free to ask questions, I want to be transparent. I may not be prompt, but I will answer any questions I can. We have applications in with the International Documentary Association for fiscal sponsorship, and have a pending application for a National Geographic COVID-19 journalism grant.
My heart goes out to everyone fighting this; we're in this together.
This is pretty wrong, in the area with the largest number of infections, Guayas province (600+ cases already), the temperature and humidity are constantly high.
You can see temperature and humidity data for the largest city in the province which already has over 400 cases, here:
Humidity and temperature seem to be doing very little to slow any spread there.
The live site from John Hopkins is up to 55.000 US cases and rising very rapidly so the data in the video is quite outdated. The US is on track to overtake China in a week as the number one country in terms of number of infected. However that is official validated numbers, we all know China isn't likely telling the full truth about conditions in China.
I think it's from this ARCGIS map: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
More functionality there but yea....still misleading.
The Johns Hopkins COVID-19 interactive dashboard is also an extremely reliable resource for tracking local and global cases: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
I have confirmation that an hour after a local hospital here reported a case where my brother-in-law works, it was updated on the Johns Hopkins tracker.
The rules arent the only measure of how "open" the city is. Human mobility indices are a better gauge of the amount of human interaction occurring. They've been trending upwards for more than 2 months now and cases continue to decline.
New York won't suffer the same fate as the rest of the country because well over 50% of nyc residents have already had covid.
When I say open the city already I mean remove all restrictions today.
Back in my day, we referred to people who killed themselves as becoming "AN HERO"... Not sure when this changed to "A HERO". Become an hero today!
Really nice post but I think there's an error in your math or I just didn't understand.
You say if one in every 375 people have the virus and if you go to church with 300 people there's a 30% chance that someone's going to have it.
This seems really wrong based on the birthday paradox. Because if you go to church with 300 people there's like a 100% chance that someone is going to have the same birthday as you. Out of 50 people it's a 96% chance.
>We need all eyes on this thing.
That’s why there are things like Folding@home that take advantage of idle PC power to help combat the Coronavirus, among other things. Nvidia is also giving away Parabricks to people researching the virus as well.
The thing is, releasing such information is done all the time when there are measles cases. You will see things like "Be aware of any symptoms if you were LOCATIOn at TIME." None of this is [protected health information under HIPAA or personally identifiable information in general](https://www.virtru.com/blog/personally-identifiable-information-hipaa/)
At a minimum they should be telling people the major locations people with the virus have visited in the week before they became symptomatic.
Anyone interested in participating in a documentary film?
I'm a documentary filmmaker creating a feature length film composed entirely of community video submissions submitted daily as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses. We are looking for people (anyone!) to submit daily or at least frequent short videos documenting and discussing their lives during this pandemic. Everyone is in this together but experiencing so many different things, so we want to use the power of cell phones and the internet to create a global picture of how humans are fighting and coping with COVID-19.
Let me be clear that no one is paying us to do this (we are searching for urgent grant funding) and participation is always voluntary at all times. We have about 40 participants so far.
More about the film via our sign-up page: https://airtable.com/shrMT5PyLJ8QpDFJR
PLEASE feel free to ask questions, I want to be as transparent as possible. I may not be prompt, but I will answer any questions I can.
My heart goes out to everyone fighting this; we're in this together.
Anyone interested in participating in a documentary film?
I'm a documentary filmmaker creating a feature length film composed entirely of community video submissions submitted daily as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses. We are looking for people (anyone!) to submit daily or at least frequent short videos documenting and discussing their lives during this pandemic. Everyone is in this together but experiencing so many different things, so we want to use the power of cell phones and the internet to create a global picture of how humans are fighting and coping with COVID-19.
Let me be clear that no one is paying us to do this (we are searching for urgent grant funding) and participation is always voluntary at all times.
More about the film via our sign-up page: https://airtable.com/shrMT5PyLJ8QpDFJR
PLEASE feel free to ask questions, I want to be as transparent as possible. I may not be prompt, but I will answer any questions I can.
My heart goes out to everyone fighting this; we're in this together.
I use an air purifier for my room. It's been powered on non stop since March 2020. It has both Hepa and carbon filters. I couldn't tell you if its effective against covid, but it has certainly helps versus my pet allergies. Ask HR to buy you one (or something similiar) as well as a stock of replacement filters. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01D8DAYII/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Ask your management if the HVAC in your office has been upgraded to improve performance and safety versus covid. The easy upgrade for HVAC would be using higher quality air filters, increasing the ratio of fresh air mixed into recirculating air and increasing rate of recirculating air into the system. For a bit of chump change, a UV light add on to the HVAC will kill flu and covid all day long. Get the answer in writing (or eMail). Look at the AC return near you. First sign of cheaping out is not having air filter there.
If mgnt wants to know why you want to know, just tell 'em the unmasked coworker is making you paranoid. Tell mgnt that you are collecting the information on workplace safety, "just in case" (LOLS). Document the information you get to other co-workers. You are all in this together after all.
Yup, all this kind of shizz costs money. Employee sick days and lost output costs money. Lawsuits over a hazardous work place also cost money. The answers that you get will inform you to the priorities that your employer has.
Or these...I bought them a year ago and I'm still using them. The others with the thinner end tend to slide off my nape. button headband
I go to my local H Mart (in Chicago) and get these masks, but also sometimes get them on Amazon: [MASKRO]- KF94 Face Mask, Premium 4Layer Korean Filter, Comfortable and Breathable Disposable Face Mask - [MADE IN KOREA] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P6CJSKS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0THGMXGNHQT2NV5PKAV8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These don't seem to have much more room than others, but I find them a lot easier to breathe through than a past KN95. (IIRC they were emergency approved by the FDA.)
My wife bought her mother-in-law a plastic bracket that goes between the mask and your nose/mouth. It helps keep the mask away from your mouth and nose to help you breathe, while still keeping the mask sealed. Perhaps that would help?
Great explanation. Nail polish will also alter the reading. I would avoid buying these from pharmacies. I went to CVS the other day to grab one for my mom's place and they had them for over $60. You can great ones on Amazon for 20-30. I personally use this one at work but there are many perfectly good ones you can get for home use.
Your comment makes it sound like TCP/IP is a thing of the past, but the Internet is still TCP/IP to this day, so I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with that part.
Maybe you mean something like the time before application layer protocols like HTTP had been invented?
Also, Usenet and IRC are still in use, just not by most people. A few months ago, Freenode (for a long time, the largest IRC network) got forcibly taken over by Andrew Lee (millionaire founder of Private Internet Access). At least 14 Freenode staff members resigned, and over 1,000 channels have moved to other IRC networks such as Liberal and OFTC.
get some silicone ear savers. wearing them so that the bottom part of the ear loop is tight makes it so much easier on the ears bc of the laxness of the top part of the ear loop where more of the tension and discomfort lies.
also worth a try if you want a no touching the ears at all: https://www.amazon.com/Mask-Halo-Pressure-Tension-Patented/dp/B088MJGZ2K
or if they like hats, sewing a button or two buttons on each side to hook the masks too is also an option. lot of headbands like this for girls on etsy.
I mean, here you go...
Kimberly-Clark Professional N95 Pouch Respirator (53358), NIOSH-Approved, Made in U.S.A., Regular Size, 50 Respirators/Bag, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NVDFB3R/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_4QVF6ZD8BR5030CG7W8F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These are about 80 cents a piece and they’re super comfortable. Plus they’re sourced directly from Amazon not a 3rd party.
Huh! That sounds completely miserable. Why is it anywhere near your nostrils, in the first place? Can you link me to an example product on Amazon? Is it something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Bigox-Face-Disposable-Earloop-50Pcs/dp/B087RRWGJB/ ?
As a kludge, you can put a small piece of tape where it wears. If it's rough on your nose, you might use "moleskin", a special kind of tape which is soft and cushions – conventionally used right on the skin to protect from blisters. You could put a little patch on the inside of the mask.
I do think finding comfortable masks is key to a lot of this. I bought so many terrible ones, and I see so many people wearing terrible ones (that move if you say a word and you have time keep adjusting it if you are talkin?g).
I mostly wear these and I honestly could wear masks indefinitely and not mind. They are comfy, breathable and stay in place even while you talk.
EnerPlex 3-Ply Reusable Face Mask - Breathable Comfort, Fully Machine Washable, Face Masks Large (3-Pack) - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088C2WD5F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_F399TAEHXHVKECN6QKWE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is not a good faith question. When I list the hundreds of times over the past 40 years that we have stopped local diseases in their tracks you will mention that 'of course we beat SARS. It was far less contagious.' 'MERS? That was a camel disease!' Some of these diseases were pest born, some air borne, some touch based, but each has been contained, stamped down, and controlled, by quality public health measure and local/global partnerships.
What makes me think it was winnable is history. Stacks of it. I'll even throw in a book that will help you understand: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CHRINUI/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0
Defeatism has made this disaster worse: It would be like the 3 mile island engineers saying 'OOPS, I let out some radiation - guess we are going to melt down', and then eating donuts until it was Chernobyl PA
I think I found it. Is it this one? And also thanks for the help!
Edit: Also how is the resealable zip? Does it feel sturdy and like it won't break leaving the card stuck in the sleeve?
Have you tried mindful mediation? When I was in therapy it really helped me "retrain" my brain to deal with the constant anxiety spirals, where you start one bad thought and that spawns two more and then you start thinking of every possible way all these different scenarios can go wrong. Mindfulness helps silence your thoughts and bring you back into the present and not dwell on stuff you can't change in that moment. It takes a lot of practice though. There's guided apps that really help also. If you start off with short sessions of 3ish minutes and then build up to longer ones it will help with panicky thoughts situations and also help with sleep if you do a session right before bed. This one is really good cause you can plug in your currents mood and it picks an applicable session, if you don't have android see whats available on youtub or iphone
iOS Contact Tracing App
Android Contact Tracing App
> some barrier = less chance of catching something
Effective mask and some variation of eye protection will DEFINITELY tilt the odds in your favor!
Might consider reading this book: https://www.amazon.com/Death-Expertise-Campaign-Established-Knowledge/dp/0190469412/ref=nodl_
It’s by a conservative author who teaches at the US Naval War College.
This is what my doctor had in each checkup room. This is the 500 sq ft model, but they make other sizes, one of which is 200 sq ft.
Perhaps not as a primary thing, but in addition to what others are saying on here?
It sure can matter to the user, and that matters to make mask-wearing acceptable for people. Having a piece of cloth flat up against one's nose and mouth is likely to get gross and disgusting fast.
A real respirator has a rigidity to it, so it isn't right up against one's nose and mouth. It's professionally designed for comfort as well as for its filtering ability.
Also most dust masks similarly have some rigidity, so they won't get sucked into one's mouth or otherwise get gross.
Not so the homemade cloth masks.
The Redditor in the discussion I linked to is trying to create a cloth mask that has some rigidity, but wouldn't cost much.
Then maybe a disposable P100 respirator like this one.
It has a valve. But you breathe in through the entire surface of the mask - no valve involved. So you maybe could block the exhalation valve, and breathe out through the same surface of the mask that you use for breathing in.
It should have a fairly good face seal, because it's a P100 mask.
I have a 3M mask that's almost the same as this one, and you can breathe in both directions across the mask surface.
You can buy a good respirator on Amazon for a reasonable price. Also NIOSH-approved P100 filters for it are available.
You can buy a good respirator on Amazon for a reasonable price. Also NIOSH-approved P100 filters for it are available.
You can buy a good respirator on Amazon for a reasonable price. Also NIOSH-approved P100 filters for it are available.
Dude: $16 on Amazon, free delivery with Prime.
If she doesn't feel safe teaching, she should find work elsewhere.
You can buy N95 masks on Amazon. I just bought a half-face respirator made by 3M on Amazon in July. It costs about 50% more than it did before the pandemic. I use P100 filters in it.
I was having trouble finding it as well, so I got some distiller's yeast on Amazon. It works just fine for baking bread, but you do have to make sure to re-hydrate it before putting it in otherwise it seems to make the dough lumpy and doesn't rise as quickly.
well if anybody does want one, here's a reasonably-priced option on Amazon:
StepNpull Hands Free Door Opener (Black-1 Piece) - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZPWBY6Z/
..not Prime unfort, but at least the seller isn't gouging the price like others are doing, plus it ships relatively quickly
I am referring to these:
Amazon claims these are "prioritized for hospitals and government agencies directly responding to COVID-19 in the U.S."
I've tried a lot over the years because I used to get sick frequently, and this one has been pretty life changing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000F4VEXS/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_i_aCFBEb0HT0SB7
(Sold out on amazon right now, but likely still available on other sites if you google it.)
Even when my wife is sick, if I take SystemWell every day, I usually don't catch it. The only caveat I would say is to take it with food.