A lot of these are simply past their prime.
Display Fusion is still the best app for multiple monitor management but, honestly, almost everything really useful is now available natively in Windows 10.
LastPass is a powerful and easy to use password management service, but its advanced features like its web interface can only be achieved by lowering security. There are more powerful and more secure solutions like KeePass (and 100% and permanently free as in speech and in beer), but they aren't as easy and comfortable to set up and use.
CyberGhost is a fast and easy to set up VPN, but its promotional "subscriptions" can often be had for free but with significant limitations - not sure if that is the case here. If not, it's a good price for a solid service if you need it.
Fences and Deskscapes are relics from the Windows Vista era - but if you really want a desktop icon organizer and animated wallpapers, that's the best you can get.
Directory Opus is a solid, but slightly dated Explorer replacement with a completely ludicrous price tag. Seriously, it's insanely overpriced and every major version costs full price again if you only have the "light" version. And "light" has some serious limitations. It's a glorified demo and little more.
Bitdefender frequently has free giveaways of the same product. It does well in tests, but it was always way too invasive and annoying for my taste. I prefer Avast, Eset or Avira.
Acronis is fine ... but I don't like my backup software as a subscription model. There are also great and free alternatives.
I never heard of or used Breevy ... but it doesn't look like it provides anything that can't be easily replicated via AutoHotKey.
Here is the thread at IG showing that he did get paid and has lied:
I never had the game, but if this Dev isn't punished in some way. What is to stop more and more Dev's revoking our games? There needs to be a precedence.
"There are a lot of scumbags out there and basically, they win. "Zombies." will be released on Steam, you'll get your keys.
Image for posterity: https://cloudup.com/cwTcb3n7RJj
The devs have said they will never provide a discount nor put it in any bundle: https://www.factorio.com/faq
However, if you have a Humble Monthly subscription, you can buy it from the Humble Store and get the 10% discount.
Super Meat Boy - If you havent played it yet, amazing price.
Titan Quest - Must play for ARPG lovers imho.
Edit : By the way this is by far one of the best threads i have seen in a long time, thank you everyone for contributing amazing hidden gems! I already purchased five i saw here.
Hi Aldeanue,
We (Sila Games) proved to the mods of this subreddit that all our keys are sold directly from the publishers. I suppose if you ask them (or they comment here) your doubts will be solved :)
Also, I know there are not many reviews yet (we started a few months ago) but you can check our reviews in ITAD (https://isthereanydeal.com/reviews/stores/#/filter:silagames) and Trustpilot (https://www.trustpilot.com/review/silagames.com). Maybe that helps.
Hardly a hidden gem but I feel a lot people newer to PC gaming have never played the Half Life 2 (and it's subsequent HL Episode 1 and Episode 2 stand alone DLC). The Summer and Winter Sales usually have them all bundled for just a few dollars. It's a great and I mean great FPS game and still very much holds up today.
There's a great graphics and game play tweak Half Life 2 <strong>MMOD</strong> for those wanting some improvements to the base game.
Oknytt is a very charming adventure, lovely art and atmosphere, fairly long, and based in Swedish folklore. One of my favorite point-and-click adventures. It's a mere US $0.49 in this sale.
isthereanydeal.com I would think would be a good choice. I use that and it does let you set a price/% off threshold. It will also grab deals from other stores so you aren't limited to just Steam sales.
EDIT - OK I'm pulling a 180° turn, mostly to get back where I started & also to acknowledge that going the other way has merit too. Fuck cancer. I honestly thought this was just "can we help my fave YouTuber" but I was so wrong...
~~I'll stick my neck out and say I don't like it.~~
~~There are over 10k subscribers here, & even if well under 1% are regular-ish Chrono customers, that could become a pretty sizeable referral population - and if it's just done in the URL, it's not even an informed choice.~~
~~Imagine if someone manually commented every day, to say "while you're here don't forget you can use this link to give a cut to Totalbiscuit." I'm guessing downvotes, reports of spam, and bans would ensue.~~
~~Look, I enjoy TB's content, but this seems off. For a start there are 24 "content creators" on https://www.chrono.gg/partners and TB is right there in the first position. That list isn't alphabetical - so you're not just suggesting preferential treatment to a marketing partner, you're helping (one of) the pack leader(s).~~
~~Sorry. I had a migraine today. I might be cranky.~~
Sync with your Steam account. Then that page will tell you what you own, what you don't, and even if any of the games are in your wishlist. Plus lots of other neat things, like email alerts for bundles and sales on wishlisted games. Caveat is it's usually 0.5-2 days after a bundle launches until it's added to ITAD.
A lot of people have talked about Origin Access being worth it. It's essentially Netflix for video games, with the main focus being EA games and anyone else who agrees to include their games in the service. I haven't used it, but it might be worth checking out.
Oxygen Not Included is just gone off the store now.
sent a link through discord to a friend, just checked to see if the price had changed and 404'd.
no results while searching..
For GMG, DRM usually means platform that is required for the game to, e.g., Steam, Epic Game Store, etc. You will see which platform you'll get the key for under DRM.
For example, Bloodstained will need Steam client to run. Borderlands 3 will need Epic Game Store client to run.
Happy to see this posted here. The BTA isn't so tempting on this one.
Guild - 3 issues.
Halo - 3 issues.
Valve - The Sacrifice is free to read online at http://www.l4d.com/comic/
Bioshock - Pretty big, over 150 pages.
High tier:
Mass Effect - 4 issues.
Dragon Age - 6 issues.
If you have bought any games from Green Man Gaming, a website often posted on /r/gamedeals, then you will most likely be in the XP bronze, silver or gold tier.
You can check here: https://www.greenmangaming.com/xp-offers
Scroll down on the page for the free game.
THQ has been dissolved as a company, so there will likely never be a bundle of those particular games again -- their various franchises were bought by different publishers in an auction back in January (except Red Faction and Darksiders and some smaller stuff).
After the original Humble THQ Bundle we had a repeat "mini" THQ bundle on Humble Bundle Weekly with only games from the unsold franchises. After which the remainder of the THQ estate was auctioned off. This second and final auction actually was just a week ago.
So other than finding someone who still has an extra copy of that I think you're stuck getting the old THQ games individually from their new publishers now, or from Steam game trading.
Edit: Here are the details of the auction last week, for anyone curious:
>Look, I enjoy TB's content, but this seems off. For a start there are 24 "content creators" on https://www.chrono.gg/partners and TB is right there in the first position. That list isn't alphabetical - so you're not just suggesting preferential treatment to a marketing partner, you're helping (one of) the pack leader(s).
TotalBiscuit is dead. This does not help him any more than buying a Beatles album helps John Lennon, and honoring a dead "pack leader" while simultaneously helping his wife after such a loss is hardly "preferential treatment" in any normal sense of the phrase.
Play the demo and find out. Keep in mind the demo has a lot of items/mechanics disabled and the actual game is significantly more complex because of them.
The game is also as polished as they come.
IF by IFTTT can do the same and a lot more and isn't just limited to Android but a platform-independent service.
Since it's entirely server und push based it also has the enormous benefit of not waking the Android device every 15 minutes (configurable) and guzzling a bunch of mobile data and battery power in the process. [Seriously, doing multiple Reddit searches every 15 minutes from a mobile device should have a more than insignificant impact on both].
Since IF is more flexible and less focused on this specific task, it may be a tiny bit harder to set up but it's far from difficult to use.
I don't mean to be too harsh on this app, I'm sure it is well designed and has its use cases. But there are more elegant solutions to the problem in my eyes.
Doom 3 + DLC $2.49
I think the original Doom 3 (with its great mod scene) is still quite fun. For under $3, especially. And it runs and looks very good on even old potato quality hardware.
StoryBundle's pretty great, although it will probably cost you a bit more than Humble Book Bundles, $3 minimum purchase and getting the complete bundle is a set tier per bundle, usually $12 but I've seen it range from $10 to $15 I think.
> The arcade edition is the complete battle system, Operation Vigrior will be in campaign mode (about 2-3 hours in a story line driven setting)
> The plan is to release this game with both Arcade Edition and Operation Vigrior on Steam, we still have to work with Valve to finalize those details (might be "DLC" for the Operation Vigrior).
and yes, with the groupees BAGB 20 we will only receive the arcade edition. but i don't know if this is legit...i remember the dev from cfd ghostship doing the same...releasing a lite version of his greenlit game and giving out keys for this version.
edit: even the thumbnail and the description @ https://groupees.com/bagb20 is for operation vigrior
While I know it's actively disliked by a lot of people, it appears Dragon Age II has a DLC bundle now as well.
Well the PC version was on sale when you bought it, so it's not a true comparison, but you can almost always find a game for a lower price on the PC during a sale than on the console. That's why many people just choose to go PC only.
Also, you can grab the Titanfall Season Pass for free right now on Origin if your son doesn't already have it.
Go to isthereanydeal.com and tell it to notify you when Rocket League goes on sale. It's on sale often, and not just on Steam.
As for a Spring sale ... dunno. But Steam does have smaller sales often, and so do other places.
for example, it's on sale at Amazon right now, and this is only one penny more than the lowest price ever.
Incredibly ugly and clunky, but by far the best feature set:
Does not use the ITAD API can sync with your wishlists.
Alternatively: why not just enable ITAD e-mail notifications?
I think all the others have misunderstood you. I think you are talking about trading 12 TF2 keys for the russian Call of Duty AW Steam Gift version.
When you trade teh Game for the keys, you will get teh same steam sub, as if you bought the game yourself. Steam can only retro actively lock the game by adding the AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting tag. But if you already added the game to your library, this won't affect you, since it uses the same sub id for all regions. Only the traders that have bought multiple copies of the game to keep in thier inventory may be out of luck there. Because of the same subid for all regions, they can't lock you out of playing the game by adding the onlyrunincountries or prohibitrunincountries tag.
Here is what it looks like for CoD: https://steamdb.info/sub/54109/
And here is the locked Borderlands: https://steamdb.info/sub/52802/
And now to the risk you are taking when trading. If you buy the keys in the TF2 store or teh Steam Market, then there is no risk in this part. If you buy the keys in other places there might be problems if the keys are stolen. Then there is also the risk if the buyer uses stolen credit cards for buying the game. So you have to look out for the reputation of your trading partner.
IMHO the AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting will be added to a lot of games in the furture.
How on earth does a key degrade? How is it "so old it's unusable". This is Ubisoft's problem. They are the ones who made the keys. They are the ones who made Uplay that handles the keys.
Recently I went back through my backlog of games from bundles and found some that I hadn't redeemed on Steam and some were quite old. Every single one that I tried worked. Sure they didn't date back to 2011 (like AC Brotherhood) but some were from 2012.
But back to your problem, you have only just been able to contact support (due to problems with their website), but you are already calling their support dismal because they have yet to reply. That seems unreasonably early to make that call.
If they haven't responded to you then your claim that they will only offer store credit is based on this from their posted refund policy:
> If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you may request in-store credit of your digital download purchase within 7 days of your purchase. As with most digitally delivered software products, full refunds on digital downloads are not accepted.
I would wait and see what their support people actually say, but for the rest of us the offer of in-store credit if you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason is quite good (and far from dismal). It means that if you buy a game and think that it is crap then you can get something else to replace it. In some ways it beats GOG's policy of a refund (only if a game doesn't work) and is on par with Origin's Great Game Guarantee (within the earlier of 24 hours of first launch or 7 days after purchase).
You probably wouldn't like Origin's system though, because according to their website:
> You'll get a response within 48 hours...
> It also looked like a crowdsourcing campaign rather than a sale.
Ah, okay. I never saw the Stardew Valley page before it was taken down, but itch.io does have support for devs to display funding goals on special sale pages like this one (the first random example I could find). There's no report button there, did the Stardew Valley page look like that? The funding bar also shows up on the actual store page though, seen here (along with a report button).
Set a notification on isthereanydeal.com. Or just add all the games you're interested to to your ITAD waitlist.
You can specify to get an email notification when the game(s) you want drop below a certain price or % off.
Example: http://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/page:game/wait?plain=borderlandspresequel
Didnt really love crashlands, though i think its quite solid. It just didnt have quite enough to hook me. Worth checking out if you are interested, I think.
Blueprint Tycoon isnt fun. I loved the idea, Ive been looking for more things like Factorio or puzzles like SpaceChem where you optimise and make your own supply chains, this didnt do it for me. Bad tutorial, too complicated from the get go, and a poor UI made it a chore to play.
Desktop Dungeons is brilliant. One of the best ideas in puzzle games in years and years. Check out the old alpha that does give you a great taste of the gameplay. The steam version is a million times more polished and balanced, though. Great great game, just remember that not every board will be solvable, accept that you will have a great time.
Never heard of fortresscraft, thanks for pointing it out!
In addition, Draw A Stickman has a free version on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hitcents.stickmanepicfree (For those wanting to test it first) Edit: changed link from DAS2 to 1.
Where are you seeing it's $20 a month/$130 a year? EA's own site says $15 a month/$100 a year.
May I give my 2 cents?
As a consumer, I don't really give much of a fuck to the /r/GameDeals subreddit itself or it's rules. My participation there comes from the deals themselves.
We know GMG is reputable enough and that they have deals consistently, so not allowing them is undermining the subreddit, not GMG. After all, if I know I can't get all the deals on that sub, I'll get from someone else.
I understand the desire to have a set of rules that applies to all sites, but ask yourselves: if one day Steam break the rules, will you exclude it too? Can you afford it?
Let's face it: some sites are simply better than others. Let the community decide, since they're the ones who are looking for the deals, or start using other criteries.
> Being independent we have our lulls. Also a bit unfortunate family matters for both the founders to attend to recently.
That was from October from last year so maybe things have changed since then.
Or have Groupees take over the name like they did with Bundle in a Box?
You should not be able to purchase the NA+ROW package through a Swedish or Dutch IP: > This item can not be purchased in Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, CS, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, CS, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Great Britain, Holy See (Vatican City State), Aland Islands, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, .
THIS appears to be the regular/unrestricted key.
But neither of them seem to have any restrictions on where the game can be run from.
edit: Don't know if the recent trading changes affect cross-region activation.
I don't know if the LucasArts adventure games on Steam use ScummVM or not, but if they don't they should at least have files useable by ScummVM. And since it just hit 2.0, now's a great time to play (or replay) those old classics.
It's incredibly easy to make an ifttt pushbullet recipe for all new or hot posts on gamedeals as well.
The base game is 75% off on GamesPlanet right now, at £10.
The season pass is 50% off on Amazon, at $25. That seems to contain all dlc maps, and cost less than only the zombie maps.
Both redeem on Steam. In the future you can check prices with www.IsThereAnyDeal.com. You can also see previous sales and set up alerts as to future sales there.
Why not just use CDisplay? It's been the go-to Comic Reader for over a decade, and is free. :)
For Android, there's Perfect Viewer.
Do you really want a comic reader app from IGN? It'd probably be full of advertisements injected every 2nd page, mine every single movement you make for data, and hog about 3GB RAM. No, thanks, official doesn't always mean better. ;)
The download system is indeed abysmal, though.
It will definitely effect Origin Access. There simply can not be two services from same company offering "same" (or most close as 123 vs 129) games for "different" prices as no customer in the right mind would pay for it.
If you search the net, there's a deliberate attempt (maybe not, I'm cynical) to hide the major differences between Normal Access and Premier Access (no clear article explaining in detail or that's just that disappointing link) and most articles saying Can access the Newest games with Premier
with no clue of what will happen as time goes by and those games will no longer be new anymore.
For Premier to exist, it "should" have a game pool of its own otherwise it's rich paying to play "early" where normal users will get the same games few month later at 1/3 price ($4.99 vs $14.99) making rich fool of themselves. So even if "not for now" these changes are, Origin/EA will surely should devise ways to make Premier more attractive.
Since time limitation won't cut (you'll see), it's either DLCs would be exclusive to Premier or Premier would have time exclusivity compared to normal more than a year or all new game additions would go to Premier and Normal subscription won't get added new ones or or or... Possibilities are endless but it's also certain that current separation of New Games
won't cut for Premier to survive.
I received two emails from them in subsequent days to reset password. I changed it on the first day and after received the second email the next day, I went to check if the password appears in haveibeenpwned.com. According to the site, is not on any public list. So as I don't use Twitch, just went ahead and deleted the account :P.
~~Risk of Rain (If this is the wrong key, message me and I will find the right one for you.)~~
Insurgency (Should have 3 copies left.)
i received an email from paypal yesterday. i live in germany so its prob eu only idk. try this link instead: https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/blizzard edit: okay it seems its germany paypal only
I think what you need is something that notifies you anytime something Steam related or Free pops up on said subreddit.
Look up https://ifttt.com/
This thing lets you make a filter for a subreddit, and it'll instantly notify via email/txt/whatever the second something is posted that matches your criteria.
For those interested in how it works:
Buying The Mini Bundle #2
$3 coin
| Please note that we do not give change.
$1 coin
| Your coins will be blocked now, and you will be forwarded to checkout for remainder $0.50
It's a little confusing at first, because on the store page I selected the option for the $3 (green) coin rather than the $1 (yellow) coin. And it still said "you will be forwarded to checkout for remainder $1.50" (cash). Oh that must be a bitcoin on the store page. On the second page the $1 coin is blue. Well, I figured it out regardless.
Neat! One minor addition to it though, Groupees have two pages on which to check your purchases:
Both are just the same page, the second one was introduced with their profile redesign.
I had the same problem. Install this, open it as administrator, configure it to your liking (left stick = arrow keys, bumpers and triggers for Z,X,C,V, etc.), leave it open, launch the game and you can now play Risk of Rain with a controller!
It's possible that it activated a different sub id to the one you bought elsewhere. If you check the game list on your account page, does it occur twice?
Otherwise, contact Gala support and see if they noticed a login from a different IP. I'd also change your email password as well, since that's the username for Gala, and may also be compromised.
Both the Steam Link ($19.99) and the Steam Controller ($34.99) are the same price on Amazon now which might be a better deal when factoring in shipping costs.
Steam Link
Steam Controller
False. You're looking at the wrong link. Here's the link to the online code. Notice how it says, "Get a download code instantly."
There are separate listings for the boxed edition and the Online Game Code. You're confused, because Amazon lumps all the answers and reviews for the various listings together on one page.
Gamestop also sells online game codes for Blizzard games. Your information is out-of-date.
> Spec Ops: The Line is disallowed in your region. Steam Keys won't redeem for that game.
This isn't even true. Spec Ops retail keys are unrestricted - they activate worldwide.
I'm not sure what they're trying to pull here.
The 18% off coupon wasn't specifically for Prey because of the pricing error. It was a general discount for a selection of games/DLC that happened to include Prey, but not the DLC. Here's all the games/DLC that the 18% off coupon applies to:
this also was in quite a few bundles, according to itad
Christmas Bundle by Green Light Bundle
Build a Greenlight 17 by Groupees
Beat the Heat by PlayInjector
Super Bundle 5 by DailyIndieGame Bundles
12 Labours of Hercules by DailyIndieGame
Friday Special Bundle by Indie Gala
Just to note that if you're using this script, your Gmail credentials are stored in plaintext and won't work if you have 2-step verification enabled.
It may be easier to create an IFTTT recipe for this, it may be possible to filter it for giveaway/free posts, though I don't use it myself.
Couldn't agree more. Anyone who enjoyed it should also check out the old Discworld and Discworld 2 games which are both available for free. I can't speak for Discworld Noir, nor it's availability on PC but I presume it's pretty good too.
>Also, checking isthereanydeal.com daily isn't a bad alternative. He's done a good job of keeping quality mobile (and even book bundles) in his list.
There's an rss too, so you don't need to check
For the record, there is a Creeper World 1, which is fairly similar to 3 and had several pieces released as free Flash games, all of which are excellent and will likely leave you wanting more.
I will be happy if you're right, but very surprised if there are 4 more bundles.
There doesn't appear to be a consistent official response beyond what you've posted. There are these comments in chat at https://groupees.com/bm34
"I don't think the anniversary one counted, considering that's the one where you're paying for the subscription." - cyanic (staff) @ 13:06
"Be Mine 34 is number 7 yeah so after this 3 more to go" - Shifty Slug (staff) @ 14:51
I reapproved your first post and removed AutoMod's. The reason it was seen as a link to GamesRocket was because of the end of the URL:
But indeed, GamesRocket is considered a reseller.
Funstock is not, though they are still fairly new. They've experienced server crashing from high-profile game releases, so that's worth keeping in mind when preordering from them.
Using IFTTT has been posted multiple times by now, I don't think we need a new post for each IFTTT recipe.
They actually did back in the ps2 days. If they polished up those graphics, and added multiplayer id toss money at the screen.
While I dislike the decision to separate mobile deals and game deals, I don't really see a problem with the game music and gamebook deals, if only because they're so few and far in between. I decided to count, and from this post down to [Humble Store] 12 hour Flash Sale: Divinity: Original Sin (£20.09 / -33%) or page 1 for me on RES, there were only four gamebook deals and maybe I skipped over one of the music ones, but I multi-reddit between /r/GameDeals, /r/GameDealsMeta, and /r/AndroidGameDeals, so my count will probably be different than most.
I wouldn't necessarily say they're flooding the sub. I dunno if there's even a sub for gamebooks and music bundles, and chances are they'd be barren and dead if there was one.
I was against breaking off the mobile deals we had and I'd be against getting rid of the music/book bundles if it came to it. I'm just a fan of the status quo, but I'm also someone who checks this multi-reddit at least ten times a day, so I probably can easily digest all of this as opposed to someone who checks only once a day if that.
Even if I like the tool provided by OP better for easily identifying my next play... ...I up to now used the Steam Calculator for having a list where I can sort by rating, hours played, price per hour and restrain myself from spending money if more than 90% of my games are unplayed :-)
> They've already bluntly stated they believe the vast majority of PC gamers to be pirates so if anything this would just reinforce that viewpoint.
Just a quick correction. Ubi's current belief on piracy is that they acknowledge they cannot stop it.
In fact, AFAIK, no publisher has put forth the idea that the majority of PC gamers are pirates in recent years. Its already been studied to be untrue (Ars, I believe, article I cannot find right now). This idea was put forth to justify the publishers onerous DRM schemes in the early part of this millennium, but in light of Ubi's current honesty on the subject, its logically just sadistic to their profit margin.
Non-steam, but Origin Access is about $30 a year, and contains an insane amount of great games. Probably the best value you can get per dollar at them moment, but I guess it depends if you've played any or all, or want to replay the PC version.
To be honest it is worth it just for Titanfall 2, but ymmv.
Civilization VI is an odd case. The Windows and Mac versions are completely separate games, with different publishers. 2K publish the Windows version, whereas Aspyr is the publisher for the Mac version. You will even see it listed twice in stores, for example Green Man Gaming:
At different prices and different discounts!
Regardless of all this, which ever version you buy will work on Windows and Mac, doesn't matter what the key is labelled as.
On the Origin store you can compare the editions.
It's only some skins for both games, no advantage in terms of gameplay. :)
The Epic Mega Sale is ending tomorrow at 8 AM PST. If you go to the bottom of the sale page, you'll see that the last few entries are the ones that were given out free during last few weeks.
GTA V, Civ VI, Borderlands Handsome Collection.
They are exactly in the order they were given out free.
Then the last entry there is - Disco Elysium. You see what I mean?
And I think this got added to Epic sale only very recently as I didn't have it wishlisted there.
According to a post on the GameFAQs South Park: The Stick of Truth PC forums Ubi will charge you as soon as you place the order. I can't personally confirm, as I've never pre-ordered from Ubi. I know you're wanting a "for sure" answer, but I figured some info is better than none.
Here's the German entry, looks like Japanese buyers will be out of luck.
And is this a Focus Interactive one? Or am I reading it wrong...
I think you meant us/au. Is it this one? https://steamdb.info/sub/1220/
The only known restriction is "This item can not be purchased in China, Myanmar, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Kuwait."
/r/GameDeals problems. :-) Been there, done that.
http://isthereanydeal.com checks bundles and deals against one's library, but I'm not aware of any any Chrome extension that would automatically or even semi-automatically do so.
That message is also far from reliable and is generally only shown for removal of Steam gifts due to charge backs or fraud.
Expired betas, manually revoked Steam keys etc. generally disappear from your account quietly - no message, no e-mail, nothing.
http://isthereanydeal.com offers a service that reports removals from one's Steam account but it will give you quite a few false positives.
Whatever your son is begging for, add it to a list on Steam and http://GoG.com and you'll get notified when they have it on Sale.
Or there are web sites like http://isthereanydeal.com that will watch Steam, Amazon, Gog, and whatever else you care to buy from.
Plus, it'll make Birthday / Christmas shopping easier.
CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~ DELUXE was also on Indie Gala Last Dream bundle, which is not listed on IsThereAnyDeal.
[edit] I mean the bundle itself is listed, but it is not linked from the game info page: http://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/page:game/info?plain=cafe0thedrownedmermaid - probably because of the "deluxe" part.
It was discounted on Steam 3 times this year, even as low as -85% off. I recommend to subscribe to sale notification using this site: http://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/wait?plain=bastionoriginalsoundtrack
I don't know if used copies works because I've never bought them, but it does have an online component so they might not.
There isn't really a very cheap way. If you want all of the expansions, it gets expensive. You can look at the price histories at someplace like Is There Any Deal, and then you just have to settle for the best sale price you can.
Set up ITAD alert on Valve Complete Pack with your rule (either lower than your price or percentage of discount).
Check out the available packages. In this case, there are a lot of region-specific variants.
If you click on the Russian variant (RU/CIS). From there, you'll see "PurchaseRestrictedCountries".
I think you should be fine on this one for now. Watch out for flags like the ones seen on the Thief page (onlyallowrunincountries and AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting=no). Also, if you add ?cc=ru (or whatever region you're considering) to the steam URL, they will also specify restrictions on those pages.
The reason I say "for now" is that steam has started retroactively applying region locks. Since this game is in early access, steam might add on locks later. This is only an issue if you plan to keep the item in your inventory. It you activate it on your account, they can't take it away from you after that.
>removed the "Source" field
I still see it... (Edit: here proof )
Most non-publisher offers are gone by now, left are only few games like Titanfall 1,2.
Nearly all games are 'fully legit' by even GD's standard.
Try http://isthereanydeal.com/ You can check for PC sales across all stores, and if you set up an account it'll notify you by email when there's a sale. You can even import your Steam wishlist.
(after writing this it almost sounds like an advertisement... I just like the site :p )
As others have said, the Wiki and this subreddit has most information you need.
I personally like to check http://isthereanydeal.com/specials/ once in a while in case I missed a bundle or to check if a bundle that I considered buying runs out soon.
It's also pretty handy for a frequent bundle buyer since you can import your Desura / Steam games and it shows which games you already have from a bundle (it does have a few bugs, though)
There's something I don't get about backing games.
The latest project I backed was this:
I paid AUD$134 which works out at about £68. That device will cost more when it hits retail here in the UK. So I'm not only backing the idea I am being rewarded for doing so. I am getting an actual deal.
There is not a single game I have backed which is or will be a deal.
It's strange that game developers ask for more - and deliver less.
Can you elaborate further on some Groupee bundles that include a grab bag styled component, either as part of the original bundle or as a bonus or option. I figure its such an insignificant part of the bundle it, would be a shame to ban it on that tiny component itself.
Eg. Groupees 6er bundle had 5 games and 1 grab bag.
When did you take that screenshot? It seems to be removed now: https://groupees.com/babmb
Edit: Checked archive.org, the promise is still there. It seems to be a joint scam by DotEmu and Groupees, because someone must have knowingly removed that text.
> The other hint 'seems' to match with Shadowgate because of the creature seen here
It's a long shot, but I can't think of anything else that would match that wyvern-ish picture. Shadowgate is probably due for a bundle soon. It's been deeply discounted many times, and was 75% off a few months after release.
Groupees has dealt with the developers before. The classic series was in the high tier of a bundle awhile back. The soundtrack is in a bundle ending soon:
Soundtrack is pretty good btw.
Not totally clear from developer if you had to buy it or the gift version also gets a key. Related thread:
"We should get a key. It was promised to all buyers of the bundle (click on the game icon on the bundle page to see it). https://groupees.com/giveback"
From developer "Yes, already in process. Both Bundles will receive a Steam Key"
With 200.000+ bundles it might take a while to add keys so let's wait and see.
Biology Battle was also in an older Build a Meridian bundle as a bonus, so if you're searching your profile by game instead of bundle, that may be what you're seeing.
For some reason they didn't add a Steam key for that bundle, but you can email with proof of purchase and they'll send you one.
Can't find it now, but I remember reading an article a while back from an indie dev, stating that they don't support Desura simply because it's not worth the trouble. The sales on Desura were just too low to justify the effort needed to keep the Desura version up-to-date.
It doesn't take a whole lot of searching then to realize that offering outdated versions on Desura isn't all that uncommon (this being probably the most egregious example I could find). Seems if you're not going to support Desura anymore, then removing it from the store is the right thing to do.
Also a bit of a stretch to suggest they somehow used Desura to get on Steam, or that you need to be on any existing platform to get bundled. Plenty of Greenlight games are getting bundled as DRM-free downloads these days, ClusterPuck 99 being one of them.
That's really bad customer support. Can't believe they won't allow you to retrieve your account.
Also a stab in the dark: are you certain your domain isn't used for spam? Some of my clients had their email blacklisted because their website was hacked. Maybe that's causing your problem.
You can check sites like mxToolbox to see if your domain is flagged.
The inventory has been a bit slow, for me at least.
Try again in a little while. If it doesn't show up, go here and click Store Transactions, and if it's there's then Submit a support ticket.
If it's not in your Store Transactions, check your bank to see if it was charged.
The Room has a fourth installment available on Google Play for $1.69 (CAD). Don't know how long it'll be at this price.
I definitely can't add HoF2 to my library and it's gone from the New to the Origin Access games list. And the Store page for it doesn't display the little Included with Basic tag as it does with other Vault games (whether I have them already or not).
It was most likely an error on EA's part to include it in the first place.
What is the search filter on your applet? Is it possible it is an old version, or somehow got edited and lost a couple characters and thus broke?
I added the applet and it didn't trigger on the newest post for me that was posted about 20 minutes ago from this post. The default search filter in the app that I see is:
title:'free' title:'steam' subreddit:gamedeals
Edit: Regarding the 'how', go to https://ifttt.com/my_applets after logging in, and click on the "Mail me free games with Steam keys posted to /r/gamedeals" box. On the next page, click the gear wheel icon in the top right of the blue area. The bottom of the next page is where the search filter box is.
(For people that don't know ifttt, this won't work if you don't already have the applet added first.)
None are listed on https://www.origin.com/gbr/en-us/store/origin-access when they were before. The store pages for those from the list I've checked do reference Origin Access. I don't know which is correct, I'd hope the latter since the first Crysis and Mass Effect are odd omissions.
> It's true that Steam https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/drm is not enforced yet it's so easy to implement it so that even if https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_Big_List_of_DRM-Free_Games_on_Steam almost all (comparatively) games within Steam has "Store DRM" while AAA games 3rd party DRM on top of that.
Could you help me understand the DRM status of the games in your DRM Free games on steam link? If it says steamworks, does that mean it's not actually DRM free and requires steam to be open to run it?
GMG Refund Policy including an EU clause-- which seems you can get a refund in situations where the EU law applies.
> EU Customers:
> If you reside in the European Union and you purchase a Product the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 may apply, and you may have the right to withdraw from your purchase within fourteen calendar days, commencing on the day after the date of purchase (the "Cooling Off Period"). You will lose your right of withdrawal if you start downloading your product, or if the performance of our services has begun (such as if the Product activation key has been disclosed to you), before the end of the Cooling Off Period. Please note that if you purchase services from us, the performance of our services will begin immediately after you have received our purchase confirmation email. To withdraw from your purchase within the Cooling Off Period, please contact Customer Service. If you withdraw from your purchase within the Cooling Off Period, we will provide you with a refund for your purchase.
ECC Sweden: Right of withdrawal within the EU
> When the right of withdrawal does not apply
> There are exceptions to when the right of withdrawal does not apply. The trader has to inform you that the right of withdrawal does not apply to your purchase.
> Example of products and services where the right of withdrawal does not apply
> A sealed sound- or image recording or a sealed computer program, when the sealing has been broken by the consumer.
> A service that has been fully performed, where the consumer has expressed his or her consent with the acknowledgement that his or her will lose his or her right of withdrawal once the contract has been fully performed by the trader.
Although I'm late, but yes, you can choose to receive notifications about bundles only when it contains game from your Waitlist: http://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:user/account/settings?section=notifSpecials&option=with_waitgame_only