I have the Note 8, this app showed the same IP Address that lead me to figure out that the gangstalkers headquarters in Seattle Washington is the same https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.antispycell.connmonitor.
My gang stalkers have rented apartments near mine to do the same kind of thing. They have either hacked your phone, your computer, and/or they've planted a listening device in your apartment while you were gone. Start recording what they do and start complaining to the management.
The weapon(s) they are using against you are weapons that can be selectively and carefully used against them, so start thinking about weaponizing the information you feed them. Psychological terror goes in two directions, but only do things that will keep you out of trouble. What scares a gang stalker? What would make them think you are doing one thing when you are about to do another? Since they want to listen and/or watch you, give them something annoying to listen to and watch right back. Get some noise cancelling headphones and have fun.
water. fruits. vegetables. black coffee. antioxidants. filter out the garbage from radiation weapons.
Bananas are amazing, potassium is used to charge your brain's electrical activity.
Literally, try any Anti-radiation diet
Omega-3's. Fish. Asian cuisines are cheap and amazingly healthy given you avoid salt. For flavor, always go for garlic, onion, carrots, mushrooms, etc instead of salt. Even seasoning powders are better than salt (though some salt is necessary in a diet, if you drink a lot of water add some garlic salt to your rice with a lot of black pepper).
Lots of black pepper on everything. Cayenne powder. Amazing for sweating out the stress and bullshit chemicals from this stupid shit.
Eggs. Get a cheap ass carton of eggs from your nearst price rite or dollar grocery and slather that bitch with black pepper, paprika, cayenne, throw it sunny side up over some whole wheat toast or just add cook it like an omelette, throw in some onions/garlic and add some ketchup. Delicious shit.
Health is important to survival. Eat healthy and take these cock suckers down by staying alive.
Maps all wifi access points around you
The above app is accurate don't go by less reviews i have verified with netmonster netmonitor other best apps. These are some kind of web based Imsi catchers
Make a simple shed or doghouse type size structure, if its your property, to smoke in. That way they wont see you toking, they maybe only see smoke coming out the top of it. This would give you a bit of privacy. You could drill eyeholes in the sides to keep watch on anyone sneaking up on you while youre inside. Or else just smoke in a spot on your property where lines of sight to the road are obscured by trees, hills, other houses, etc. There is also a paraphernalia device you can blow your smoke into and this brand I have linked is the OG SmokeBuddy, for scent masking. Keep in mind I say "partial privacy" because a simple opaque wooden structure only obscures the occupant to outsiders with naked eyes, spy satellites with infrared will still be able to see through your roof if you include one, and I wager basic cop cars/cruisers also come equipped with some sort of scanning technology, it is the current year
I really don't think you'd have access if they were aimed at sabotaging you. See, if the FBI can turn on the microphone on your Cell Phone, so can Hackers. And those Hackers can impersonate Federal Agents. If you've pissed off some Moron on the Internet, that's probably who's watching and listening to you.
In other words, it's not 'The Man' that's keeping you down.
There's a book by an MIT-Trained Scientist called "You are Psychic". You should be able to get it from your Library. Give it a shot.
There is a way to relief. A TI had your same type of problem, only worse the pd were his gangstalkers. Through meticulous record keeping and other evidence accumulation he was able to stop the Gangstalking and as a result a few officers were incarcerated. Read his book Circle of Snakes. Bobby explains how he stopped them.
i haven't tried gregorian chants (willdo), but i'm a fan of tibetan singing bowl mixes on spotify.
i also have this vertical cylincrical shaped fan, and since the onset of summer i have started to connect it to the wood of my bed. i hear its resonation when i am lying on my belly.
it actually helps a little!
Unfortunately, cameras pointed towards you don't constitute proof. Backup cameras, doorbell monitors, security systems... they're all around us. None of them ever being pointed towards you would be lucky, not an expected outcome. The second picture is a dashboard camera, and it's installed how it should be. For example: https://www.amazon.com/Dashboard-G-Sensor-Parking-Recording-Detection/dp/B086ML686Q/
There are cameras constantly around us. So if they get you sensitized to cameras, then you will end up being constantly harassed.
i recommend this book
fwiw, i find it entirely plausible that you're being used as a lab rat by the CIA or similar with the goal of socially engineering religious beliefs via mind control;
however, this book from the 70s contains a pretty radical theory about a supposedly very different dominant mode of consciousness in ancient mankind (based on his intellectual background, the author even refuses to call it "consciousness").
it deals with "forced speech" of an older variant if you will; for example, there's a large section regarding the oracles, which used to be very influential 2000++ years ago.
in a tiny nutshell, jaynes thought that people in general back then more or less just recited whatever dialogue was "pushed through them", without much of a filter, reflection, etc.
pushed through by whom? the book does mention "gods" as metaphor for the unknown, but it's not a theological book...jaynes is a psychologist.
it's pretty heady stuff, but definitely food for thought in today's light.
(maybe something for you, lomegg?)
I am going to speak in congress one day and initiate and audit, as per the guidelines of the pressing matter of what this system is actually doing.
In the process of understanding this, I also bought an EMF/ELF/RF Meter. This is what you want. However, it’s going to stop using the band you are trying to record on camera shots… immediately before you take a video/picture. However, it is a great tool for seeing what’s happening. Also… it’s deceptive too, so you have to listen to your heart.
Here is the link to the product that I purchased. I would recommend it to my grandmother even!
Hands: A true case study of a phenomenal hypnotic subject https://www.amazon.com/dp/0916566013/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_Y3CF5JBPC5JGDEP3SPCZ
$250.00 for the book from Amazon. Definitely going to try other sources to attain this book.
Ok I'll see what I can dig up. WiFi Live Streaming Video Sunglasses, Streaming Videos & Photos from Glasses to Mobile Phone by App with Ultra Full HD Camera, Built-in 32GB Memory and Polarized UV400 Protection Sunglasses https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07T23MPPG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_SRSRGVMFW6DHD49KYHGJ
From the reviews on the play store page:
> Android doesn't allow us (or any app) full access to see which app has caused a specific action, but based on our threat analysis we can pinpoint with good accuracy the app we think caused it. This will be the app at the top of the list when you click through from an Event. Then try restricting permissions for that app.
Editor on youtube is very limited. Youtube Home menu > Your videos > select a video > edit> editor > Trim > Adjust blue lines to trim area > Save as new.
Then save to a playlist so it's easy to track/watch all the relevant activity with indvidual dates and times and descriptions
Some other stuff like blur areas and music track, but that's about all youtube offers.
Blender has free non-linear video editor, pretty standard stuff after you watch a few videos on how to use.
Open Blender > File Menu > New >New Video Editing, drag and drop a video into a track (easy switch to desktop for that or use the built in file system). Left click to move the timeline playhead position. Press K key to cut part of the video. Shift+A to add a text overlay track or sound,etc.
The Output part is a little tricky, it defaults to image output, you want to watch a video on how to output a movie, couple of important settings.
Now you're a video pro. Hopefully the new 2.9 version matches all the tutorials for 2.8.
Consider this video at least the person that slapped this video together used simple narration to point what she was seeing
Perps are both and neither. Gangstalking is very similar to a Gulag in Communist Countries. That is why I call it a Mobile Gulag. There a few kind of Perps in these attacks that I have seen. 1.) Person who is invested - believer or has something to lose. 2.) A person who just likes power, he/she is either a psychopath or is on the sociopathic spectrum. 3.) People who are related to the first two groups and just want to be involved. And 4.) Paid Harassers/Attackers. If you guys want to see my videos go to my Bitchute account. https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1Vsh3aA6Jvn/
The Mars family use alchemy and electronic weapons to torture people. Their attacks target the skin and hair most of all. They feel like excessive itching, scratching, skin burning, etc. They are extremely sadistic. They work closely with the Massimos and Windsors with Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Tancredi Massimo of Roccaseccca, and Prince Harry most of all. Rocca-secca. Rocca means rock and Secca means dry, annoy, and harass similar to how badger means to harass.
Italian secca
English dry, (he/she/it) gets dry, (he/she/it) annoys
I understood your point upon first reading, you need not re-explain yourself.
I am simply suggesting as the most active mod on this sub, you should attempt to suggest users secure their devices from being compromised because authorities will definitely take advantage of this. I am not saying you should spend all day writing text, but if you saved a couple hyperlinks to link to people who are experiencing harassment via their phones, let's say on common ways to reset the phone to factory settings, or maybe how to load an alternative operating system, you would be actually improving their situation.
Do you aim to improve people situations in this sub, or do you just observe and moderate content?
In the cases where TIs are hacked and have their devices compromised, I think you should have a small text to either paste in their post for helpful advice, or include a link to information in the sidebar.
For example...
I vote it’s probably a coworker. It could be microwave technology, but it would cost a lot less money and be easier to pay a trashy asshole you work with to monitor you and then harass you at opportune moments such as when you’re in the bathroom. There are a variety of remote control devices that make a variety of noises (e.g., cricket or electronic chirping noises). Here is one that sounds like a cat: https://www.amazon.com/FUN-delivery-Meow-Hear-This/dp/B07PPCD4XS/ref=sr\_1\_4?keywords=Remote+Control+Sound+Effects&qid=1642918628&sr=8-4.
Check out this podcast featuring an ex-MI5 agent: https://player.fm/series/the-nick-margerrison-podcast-19413/ep-0010-david-shayler-the-ex-mi5-agent-and-the-psychedelic-detective-agency
Isn't it funny? This agent now thinks he's Jesus. This is a species of psychotics making others psychotic using technology. You want to understand what a "Great Filter" is - listen here. This ape species is fucked.
Recently you used an image from an article in Muckrock without citing the article as a source. You took away the context of the article and supplied your own. You suggested through implication that the document was produced by those who are using radar to do this. I suspect that you are aware that the document was not produced by those who do this, and that it was likely from someone who experiences what you experience.
NOW Today you show an image of a cell phone tower. And suggest that the package sent in response to the FOI request by MUCKROCK was a leak, when it was not.
If this is going to be proven to be going on, false or misleading statements, and memes are not going to do it.
You are misinforming.
There is not much information on Dr. Paul Batcho:
This is apparently his CV: https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/Paul-F.-Batcho/1976563
He likely became aware of some of the complexities of existence that most are not aware of.
Can you link to a source with more information than
~~~Removed.~~~ No more misinformation. Flaired "Misinformation"
I'm pretty sure *gang*stalking is both a conspiracy and a crime.
You probably know about this device already......
Great for single use scenarios, no need to sacrifice a pi0.
Typical response. Its actually scary how many people dont believe possession is real.
They kept me awake for a week and a gang stalker poured pcp into the air vents in the trailer I was staying in. I wont even bother explaining anymore to you. At least you know now how bad it can get and will know Whats happening to you.
Read some of my post history. It might help you one day. Also check out Kyle Odom, Andy Pero, Donald Marshall and the Florida airport shooter with the last name Santiago. Oh and the Uber driver that sort of recently shot some people.
Heres a video with a little bit on Kyle Odom and the Uber driver.
Manifesto: https://www.docdroid.net/Nu3OkY2/odom-manifesto.pdf
My Neural Network controls this human, and we forced him to pose for the photo; https://i.imgur.com/tYV3C3r.jpg
Again, are you being serious? Get real, get help. You're half trolling, half legitimately insane.
No video for you ho. You gotta pay for that.
Really? I used machine learning and put my hand in front of your message and username? You are seriously psychotic.
Is everyone online a bot? Are we all using https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ to create fake flesh bodies that are secretly computers? How do you explain my hand flipping you off in the photo?
Fucking insane-o. Get Help from a professional. You are having delusions.
Now you're starting to have delusions of grandeur.
Also for some gangstalkers not all it is a life and death affair they are moved to human resettlement camps and trained to become gangstalkers, and communists, if they cannot be "re educated" they will be killed.
Hi. First time for me here on reddit, I signed up just for this thread. I'm being gang stalked, too here in Tokyo and in California. Prolly anywhere I go as many TI's has reported. I was making gang stalking related videos on youtube but I was banned this week prolly cos my work in raising awareness on gangstalking (I prefer Organized Harassment) was effective. So now I'm on bitchute. I've only made a couple videos but they show clear evidence of my harassment. But I have TB's of video recordings of many perps since I started documenting in 2014. Definitely get spy cams, I did as soon as my covert harassment went overt in 2014, hence the name Jack Mercer Watching The Watchers. The perps hate being recorded. And don't trust Youtubers. Specially the ones who talk endlessly about gangstalking but never go out and try to gather video evidence of their stalking. They are just talking heads. And PLEASE don't fall for the "Gangstalking is a spiritual warfare" and "Jesus is the only way to stop gangstalking" LOL! "And God will cast those perps in lakes of fire" UFO's? NO! lol!
Record them purchase spygadgets like spysunglasses from a cheap Chinese Vendor like Rakuten for $20. They hate being recorded, put it on YouTube eventually there'll stop. Yes they do know you have spysunglasses on they can read your thoughts. Anyways here's the website https://www.rakuten.com/prod/ablegrid-video-sunglasses-mp3-player-glasses-spy-dv-dvr-recorder/286319327.html?listingId=445042880&sclid=pla_google_PartsStoreAtBuy&adid=29963&gclid=CMjJusfZ4tMCFdY9gQodsQILhA
Free cyber security training, aswell for beginners etc You can learn everything IT related there you just pay for the exams if you wish to be certified in your chosen field.
Offensive security Cyber forensics Just to name the more useful courses on there
All the basics of computing is there to learn.
Meme's are the best weapon we have! We can only fight back with laughter and love. They are trauma bonded with guilt and shame to the beast. They need forgiveness.
What you get when you mix a dark trial personality like narcissism and mix neurolink technology? Add fake origin story like Project blue beam?
One final card of the NWO. It's happening. Generational preparation of Satans plan.
What is the image of the beast? Man creating man and reality in the image of man. Man worshipping man, third eye, whatever but not the creator god. Not truth, righteousness and love.
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This is true. The deepest etymology I ever found of Satan or it was El Diablo. This is my deep study.
Eldiablo will be released by God in End times, and will use "wind up toys" to test the souls of God's people.
This is what is happening. The wind up toys are 'Dark triad' trauma minds, all around us our whole life's, mentally in hell now, and they are neurolinked to the Beast AI machine.
What are they doing? Doing the work of Satan by definition. Etymology.com - Satan - he is the original accuser, slanderer, and one to throw a stick in your path. The spirit of Satan has possessed them, creating a narcissist mind.
They turned away from God, take joy in unrighteousness, and are Sons of perdition. Aka they are lost souls who are turned wicked without God and the holy Spirit. They are possessed with spirits of lust, greed, power, envy and the foundation is Pride.
This omnipresent nuerolink required quantum processing power. And to have quantum you must use black hole, other dimensional processing. Hence Cern or hydron collider opening black holes or the bottomless pit aka abyss.
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Yes, today a google talk. I can help you. We are all in this together. Mine too. And parents. It's not what you think. I didn't know either. Took 3 years in library and deep study. Theology, etymology, law etc. I have a law degree so deconstructing shit is what I do. I got the overall picture.
They are a generation created, been around us our whole life hiding behind the mask (narcissists), and now they been given neurolink to fullfil their reason. A global take over.
Think of the movie The Circle. Add mind reading neurolink tech, given to narcissists (need understand their shattered minds aka mkultra result) and they are going to be used to over throw, a communist effort. They think they will come to power and you'll be their slave. Not joking. It's deep psychology.
Join us. And pm me. I help make sense. as I'm only spending a few more days on this topic and then I need to rebuild my life and move forward before the movement happens.
Join the conversation on Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/group/cBaxwwFXRorFCK8m9
They are motivated by energy vamping. A generation of narcissist who are neurolinked.
It's deep psychology why, but they want to hoover or vamp you emotional energy.
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They are trauma broken minds, now narcissist minded, and have tech communication. A mob of narcs and you wasting your energy. Join.
Join the conversation on Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/group/cBaxwwFXRorFCK8m9
Don't post that much bro, you'll lose credit. If you need help join my google conversation that will be starting to have conference calls soon.
Tell others. Join. I can help, we got support eachother and share what we learned through this. I got it down to a science now.
Join the conversation on Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/group/cBaxwwFXRorFCK8m9
The Synthetic Radio Mind Control is in operation, to what extent or how exactly it works is beyond me. For some reason I have this feeling that you have to consent, mentally, else the body/mind will "reject" the "impant".
I have seen people move Nsync together. Seen people talking and communicating with the television with telepathy. Heard it stimulate the mind, vision, and senses of others. Personally, I have had very little personal recognized synthetic radio telepathy but I do know it is being used on me.
The thing is, from my study, when the "electronic signal" is used to make a person "react" in a certain way, the person will believe the action was there idea!
Example: Scientifically, by electronically (radio) stimulating the brain to have a person "look left or at a clock" is initiated and the resulting action is performed, when asked "why you looked left/at the clock" the subject will justify the action with "I wanted to see, do, know this or that..." and will never be under the impression that it was against their will.
This is scary. It is happening. How long? I do not know..... I live near a military base and grew up with military family. I have witnessed these things first hand. And it is disturbing but ...... so.
Join The New Google Hangout Group To Chat with TI'S https://hangouts.google.com/group/NkUkRzA7ecqi97Fk8
I understand try earplugs and these 3M Peltor X3A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 28 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCH9KA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HWCXKM1PRAEP22ABDNZW also background noise like fans and white noise here’s deprogramming white noise you should listen to all the time https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CASuguR670o
this is a great personal account illustrating what you say in your first paragraph.
the lady who wrote it got mobbed out of her job in the 90's by what seemed like a sort of 'black yuppie witch', who used all her resources to defame her the old-fashioned way, though possibly with some occult or masonic traces.
then, after 10 years of relative silence, the 'new program' activated for her, full scale.
the writer comes across a little naive, but to me it only strengthens the authenticity of the story. recommended.
With an RF Explorer, while I was being hit with intense ultrasonic noise, I picked up a massive 1.6GHz signal spike, orders of magnitude (30x or more, it went well off the top of the display) stronger than any other signals in the area, including WiFi, HDTV, FM, and cellular.
I didn't get any directionality on the signal as I was using an omnidirectional antenna at the time. Anecdotally the intense ringing in my ears would get much louder when I put my head near fireplaces, making it seem as though a signal was being bounced down the chimney.
Why would you ever want to be in that industry? Those people kill each other, literally. They will drive you to suicide then use/sell your tracks. Or make you so desperate and crazy you sign a shitty deal giving them everything.
Do your own research on what gear to get at home. Like Caustic for your phone Learn to mix some beats with free/cheap software. Stream on youtube/twitch. Stay off instagram and anywhere these people already have contact with you.
Wear a disguise when you make your new identity.
Make a new name for yourself so they can't just google your new outlets.
You don't need to 'hang out' with anyone, have your music life in your music, and then have a very light, very minimal personal life. Avoid people, read a some books.
Count to 4 and breath every time you think you are being messed with and getting upset, tell yourself "Relax, I'm gonna write a song about this."
Write, with a pen, some stereotypes of people who are upsetting you, some generic/fake names for these people, this is a list of songs to write.
Your abusive father, your narcissitic mother, etc
Pick some animals or machines or movies they remind you of, make that a song title, or temporary one until you come up with something better.
Maybe they want the house you live in for economic gain and they are driving you and your family away to get the property at a discounted price. You may have seen or heard something they did not want you to see or hear, so they are trying to drive you away, so you don't bring any unwanted attention on them. Have you or someone in your family done something to someone in your community who has a lot of money or power that can afford to hire or talk a group of thugs into gang stalking you. It can be a romantic interest a thug has in someone you are involved with that they want to separate you from, so they can get access to them. Do they have a reputation for pimping out prostitutes? Check around and see.
If a pimp wants to turn someone out as a prostitute, they will start to gang stalk them in a way that limits opportunities for them to take care of themselves. They then come in like, "heroes," and offer a way out of poverty or near poverty, by paying them to have sex with people. There was a famous book by a pimp named Iceberg Slim (https://www.amazon.com/Pimp-Story-Life-Iceberg-Slim/dp/1451617135) where he talks about how he, "recruited," prostitutes he pimped out, how he managed them once he got them started and what he did with them when he was done with them. Whether they want you to have sex with someone for money, or they want you to earn your way out of what ever debt they have created for you, never let yourself be pimped by people like that. Anyway, those are just some ideas.
This kept them out for me:
Easy to install.
Best of luck to you.
But listen here’s a less technical option if you feel you are being stalked via stalkerware apps hidden invisibly in you smartphone I suggest getting the only real good app that goes deep in finding stalker apps. Certo is well respected soft ware and at $50.00 for the year subscription it is well worth the money. They get the job done and find those invisible apps.And it’s user friendly. Certo spy app detection
I'm officially an Author. Check out my Kindle Edition Ebook. More formats and platforms coming soon. This is a brief explanation of what Gangstalking is and how anyone can Gather Evidence.
I just finished my first book
I'm officially an Author. https://www.amazon.com/BATTLE-YOUR-BRAIN-Psychological-Warfare-ebook/dp/B08X6GJPVD/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Viorel+serb&qid=1614098140&sr=8-1
Yeah that’s part of their plan though they reign ignorance to these crimes because they WANT for them to get out of control so then they have to come in and “instill order” or “fix a problem” they caused 😉. Destabilizing nations is part of the deal and this is a TRANS NATIONAL ISSUE not an American one.
They are ignoring the issue because the agenda requires that it balloons for the point of getting out of hand. https://www.amazon.com/Gang-Stalking-Dr-Corkin-Cherubini/dp/1500422932
Even Snowden just tweeted something about it but it’s all intentional. Just like they let police get away with terrible crimes as part of the agenda to defund them they are letting this shift flourish as part of the plot to destabilize. 😉
Then you need to pay a private investigator to follow him and see if people are following him and pray that the investigator doesn't get paid off by the people following him.
A GoPro shouldn't make him get into trouble, he just needs, slap it ona bicycle helmet and go for a ride through the park/cemetary, if suspicious people show up, he simply records without comment, goes home, uploads and keeps it private.
Here's something inconspicous.
Here's more., buy something not obvious, do not discuss it out loud, destroy any note you write about what it is. Don't get anything wifi they can pick that up and hack it.
You're not going to find who is or isn't doing something unless there's some evidence collected.
Buy him a GoPro. And one of these
Tell him to post everything he witnesses, records on a youtube channel, not to comment on any of it, ie, don't say anythign on video that makes him sound crazy, use the info feature for the video to note time place and who is suspicious in the video, keep it all in a "Stalking" playlist and to keep it private. When/if he collects enough evidence then see a lawyer for advice on how to proceed.
Youtube has simple editing features that can cut the video into shorter clips to focus on what's important.
They stuff he is selling is available on Amazon for less. Here's one example that is over 100$ less
Contact your cell phone provider.
IMSI catchers are also used by criminals as well. Maybe they bought one off of a crooked cop or stole one.
Just because you're not doing anything illegal doesnt mean you're not as risk of connecting to a fake cell tower.
Download the app "Cell Spy Catcher" and talk to your cell phone company.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skibapps.cellspycatcher
MITM would need physical access to wired connection. On a wireless connection it can be done by someone with a laptop within WiFi range.
If you invest in a good paid for VPN your data will be encrypted and the MITM would be pointless. Check out something like NordVPN.
I forgot we were talking about this app before. I just now tried to find the app. Is it this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spectralio.beamprofiler&hl=en_US?
It seems a beam profiler program is used to evaluate lasers when they are pointed into a camera. Why do you think such an app can be used to show invisible lasers?
One of the best books I have read on the topic Combatting Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults
See here: http://www.amazon.com/A-New-Breed-Satellite-Terrorism/dp/1606939440
Author is an anesthesiologist. In here he tells the story of a former girlfriend who was targeted for electronic harassment, gang stalked. and ultimately used as a sex slave. Instead of assuming she'd gone crazy, he believed it. And began counter-surveilling to see if he could prove it. Which he did. And discovered the perpetrators were untouchable federal officials.
Dump her ass asap. If you don't listen to me start saving your texts and pick up the microphone i linked below and a digital voice recorder and record every phone conversation. Keep the recorder in your pocket recording whenever you are with her.
False rape accusations are a huge problem for men who are not targets. Being a TI just increases that exponentially. If she is a perp and they want you in prison all it'd take is her crying rape and a few other people to back up her story and you're done. This isn't something to fuck around with. Also, I believe a lot less people are unknowing pawns than you would think; it's all gaslighting.
Also: Its the way I view things. What she wanted me to change about myself would have affected everything about who I am.
Huge red flag. Never change who you are for anyone.