as I recall this IS a HWTF but I could be wrong - her is the direct link. no need to encourage this scammer.
stop posting these "batch hits" separately if they come from the exact same requester with the same criteria just use ths search link as the link
Now that is one freaking awesome Hit. Thanks a ton!
And for those asking for the qual, here ya go, direct link
Advice would be to not exclusively post a PANDA link.
Try this one weird tip to increase your earnings 300%. Requesters hate it!
fyi you need to post in the text another link if posting a pandA, you can have a pandA link but also must include link to survey. thank you.
req link-
I don't enjoy being that guy but:
What is the proper HIT link format?
Please post all post titles like this:
US or ICA(international countries available) - HIT title or description - Requester Name - Pay/Approximate time - (Other Qualifications: >95%, >500 Approved etc.)
An example would be:
US - Do a survey! - Jim Bob - $0.35/2min - (>500, 97%) If you want to add additional info, like Requester reputation on TO (turkopticon), if you've already received payment, bonuses received, or qualifications required, please put it in the self post comment area. The actual link should also be in this section. Links should be either the URL of the search results:
or the URL of the HIT preview page:
or both!
For some reason your HIT link wasn't working for me. Here's the search terms result link if anyone else has the same issue:
got to do the quals test. demographics and the other which is auto given
sorry for the link hijack but you should have linked to the requester so they can see the quals
12:00 MC's
CrowdSource is your friend. They approve HITs usually within 5-30mins.
That is a 5 cent HIT which takes about 20 secs. Type in a keyword into google and tell them the page number and result number of the url they're looking for.
She has a good rating so hopefully she comes through. Very easy.
He seems to have released a fixed HIT here:
It worked fine for me at least.
EDIT: Ah, no. This one is somewhat older. But since the first HIT is broken, it seems this is the one OP was referring to.
Additional qualifications not mentioned in title:
Can't take the qualification from preview mode.
With HITs like these where you have to request a qual to take the HIT, consider linking to the search results rather than the HIT preview, like this:
You couldn't' just give us one link to the whole batch, instead of 6 individual adfly links?
I'm guessing ?
Also, if you actually watch the entire trailer, it's a lot more than ten seconds.
Your link takes me to a search page for "min". Next time, post the results of a search for the requester or to a direct link to the HIT.
Here's the HIT, for whoever wants it.
US - Take a 5-6 minute survey on your financial preferences - Ethan Cantil-Voorhees - $0.75/about 4 minutes- (>100, >95%)
It told me i had to wait 8 minutes before posting again. so here's the other hit
Two available. I wasn't qualified for the one linked* in the OP but I was for the other.
You need to apply for qualifications for this one, so the link in the OP doesn't work since it says "you don't have the required qualifications"
use the link above to apply for them, it doesn't require approval.
It was an academic study, affiliated with Cornell.
HIT: 15 minute survey, give us some ideas and your opinions -
Requester: Ellen -
I use this script - and use this as the template: US - {title} - {requester} - {reward}/XXX - (Qual:{qualifications})
Once you click on the vB next to the HIT, a box comes up. Click on the Edit Template button and paste US - {title} - {requester} - {reward}/XXX - (Qual:{qualifications}) After that hit Save Template and then Show Changes. You should be able to see the newly formatted text. You only have to do this part once. After that it's just copy from the box and share with HWTF. Don't forget to replace the XXX with the time it took you.
just did this a few mins ago after having it in my queue all day. i dunno how they're quantifying these answers though...
Hi /u/jamesblockrev. I'm a moderator of this forum. I appreciate you posting your HITs here, and have assigned you our special "Requester" flair and made you an approved submitter. However, there is a special title format that we ask that you follow when posting. Also, it is traditional to include a link to the HIT somewhere in the body of the post, preferably to the search that pulls up the HIT, like this:
If you have any questions let me know, and thank you for posting.
EDITED TO ADD: I just did one of your HITs and it seems fairly straightfoward. I only have one suggestion: rather than just providing a text search link, consider making that link clickable. I think it would speed up completion time by quite a bit.
Psss...this one is for 60 cents(usually 6~8 cents). I think somebody screwed up. Take the qual test and get it while you can.
Just approved. Took a bit longer than the usual 10 seconds auto approve. Was a bit worry.
I've used the contact page and included the link in question and a description, they said they found it and removed it and got back to me within 24 hours.
There is a script that will auto move onto the link (, so you could open the AdFly link in a new tab and just wait for it to move onto the HIT. But I am not sure how kosher that is to do...
The link just went to the unfiltered results page for me.
Kind of shitty TO; I'm going to pass on this one.
Basically we invite U.S. residents to take surveys based on their answers to this demographic HIT:
We weight our surveys to reflect the overall U.S. population using a number of "cells" divided by age, gender and region. Oversimplifying somewhat, we try and have in each cell the same ratio of respondents to U.S. residents. To do this, we randomly select people from our demographic survey to invite to take the survey; we "invite" them by assigning a qualification -- as a result, you can't request these qualifications.
As always, we appreciate your time and attention to our surveys!
You can learn more about us at
It's back up (was ICA, got changed over to just US now) -- need a new link though:
.. Can you put the monetized link in? In the mean time, I found it via
A pretty decent requester that puts HITs up usually in the evenings. They're good to do when it's slow. There's none up when I checked a couple mins ago, but bookmark this url or just search for "A9" -
Thank you. They also have Show the number of squares up too not sure if it was already posted. Been awhile since I've been around.
Edit: I feel some sort of bonus for accuracy would have been nice
Please follow the formatting guidelines.
You need to include the full title and the requesters name, the compensation and how long it took you, and either the preview link or search results link.
Thank you for posting. The wording seems to imply that it's a repost from yesterday, so be careful those of you who were starting off the new year strong!
I'd shoot the requester a quick message saying so. When I've goofed things like the completion code in the past, most requesters have been cool about it. Link to message her:
Better to use this URL:
Lest folks should do the other Amanda's HIT instead.
Hey /u/ColdFusionStar! Thanks for posting. Keep in mind that you should post links like the following that include the requesters ID at the end:
In your case, the link would be:
Notice the ID number at the end!
EDIT: This insures that users are able to check out the detailed information and Turkopticon rating (if plug-in is installed) of the HIT.
It's still up. Once you've grabbed the qual, try using this link instead:
Though it's certainly not a HWTF. Forced timers, probably closer to 3 minutes.
You forgot the link:
Sketchy TO. Several people complaining about unfair rejections.
If you fell like risking a HIT posted by this guy, here is a direct link - no sense in clicking a scammer's links. If it is actually a HWTF, it is so by accident.
Use this script. It works for all of the Crowdsource Ranking/Keyword HITs, and it makes them significantly faster!
also holy crap if theres ever a HIT i got extremely uncomfortable by the end of, it was that one
Great job, the only thing I'd say to do differently next time is to link to the search results page instead of the actual HIT page.
none for Republicans?
edit: nvm, found it here
Not sure why I keep getting this message: "Invalid URL parameters Your request was not completed successfully."
Here's the survey:
Try this link. It will get you to the one-question qualification test.
Requester I didn't qualify for this survey, but the requester has multiple surveys out with the same name and I did qualify for one of those.
requester link:
only put because your link shows a bunch of other hits from other requesters , this helps minimize search time for this hit. Thank you for sharing with community, have not taken it but take an upvote due to some a-hole within 5 min of you posting downvoted your hit.
Love these. Last ones I got decent bonuses on.
I will say compared to the other ones that were based on point spread, this one is a lot more random and more susceptible to being way off their prediction. It will probably make a bigger difference on this to actually have some knowledge of NCAAF to get a better bonus.
There are two sets of hits for this. You might find you haven't been given the qualification for the one listed by OP. Here's a link to both sets:
Helpful info in the FAQ:
What is the proper HIT link format?
Please post all post titles like this:
US or ICA(international countries available) - HIT title or description - Requester Name - Pay/Approximate time - (Other Qualifications: >95%, >500 Approved etc.)
An example would be:
US - Do a survey! - Jim Bob - $0.35/2min - (>500, 97%) If you want to add additional info, like Requester reputation on TO (turkopticon), if you've already received payment, bonuses received, or qualifications required, please put it in the self post comment area. The actual link should also be in this section. Links should be either the URL of the search results:
or the URL of the HIT preview page:
or both!
He asked to be contacted here: .
But here is the Mturk messaging link:
Please, please do not exclusively post a PandA link. Thank you.
Most of us will meet 5 of the 6 qualifications. I understand the minimum HITs required but the maximum has me puzzled each time. Why punish someone who's completed more tasks? Such arbitrary crap.
for those that would like the link (since the link in the title doesn't work for me), you can find this surveyor at
OMG, so sorry, I thought I linked it. When I refreshed I couldn't even see my post so I thought I was too new to reddit to post. Again, sorry.
Requester= Aleksandra Kovacheva. Req:
Other qualifications: Exc: [59040954-12735] has not been granted. 0d18b8cf has not been granted. Important things to include in your title include quals and requester name. Thank you for posting.
Thank you, but your submission is missing both the link and estimated time.
Estimated time is closer to 3 minutes.
For those that did the dummy hit
ME: i finished your hit but when i went to accept the $4 hit it was is a screen shot of my final page and pay out it sucks that i did the hit but cant receive compensation at all..will it be posted again and will i be able to enter my code then?
REQUESTER: I’m terribly sorry this happened. I had to pull down the HIT because so many people were not following the instructions. Enter your code in this HIT, and you will get paid: Once again, I’m terribly sorry. Thanks
ME: thank you for the quick response. so will i be getting the base pay of $4 as well as the bonus?
REQUESTER: The total pay is the amount displayed on the last page of the survey.
ME: The base pay for the initial hit that i was unable to accept had a $4 base pay. The summary on the last page states i made $10.49. So would i be compensated for both the $4 initial hit + $10.49 summary bonus = $14.49? Or will myself and others who weren't able to submit the $4 only be paid on what is on the last page? We were under the impression that it was $4 plus up to $17 in bonuses. I'm sorry for being a pain i just want to get it sorted out for myself and others on the forum.
For those that did the dummy hit
ME: i finished your hit but when i went to accept the $4 hit it was is a screen shot of my final page and pay out it sucks that i did the hit but cant receive compensation at all..will it be posted again and will i be able to enter my code then?
REQUESTER: I’m terribly sorry this happened. I had to pull down the HIT because so many people were not following the instructions. Enter your code in this HIT, and you will get paid: Once again, I’m terribly sorry. Thanks
ME: thank you for the quick response. so will i be getting the base pay of $4 as well as the bonus?
REQUESTER: The total pay is the amount displayed on the last page of the survey.
ME: The base pay for the initial hit that i was unable to accept had a $4 base pay. The summary on the last page states i made $10.49. So would i be compensated for both the $4 initial hit + $10.49 summary bonus = $14.49? Or will myself and others who weren't able to submit the $4 only be paid on what is on the last page?
We were under the impression that it was $4 plus up to $17 in bonuses. I'm sorry for being a pain i just want to get it sorted out for myself and others on the forum.
Thank you for posting on these slow days. Personally, I would be wary of that TO. I hope they approve you!
P.S. - That panda is really cute. Is it a unicode character?
It's not dead you just don't qualify. I set up the link so that it only pulled up HITs people are qualified for in order to cut down on confusion. Here's a link without that box checked:
Believe it's a Google type ... so good luck getting a response!
Thanks for contributing, but your post has a couple of issues.
First of all, your link isn't formatted correctly. Here's a better one:
Secondly, you missed an important qual in your title:
>PrevSurvey has not been granted
Also 4 of the movie query HITs available:
They aren't quite HWTF because you have to come up with 5 queries rather than 3.
Also a similar HIT up from Home Project Research:
Not quite as good because it's the same pay but requires a written explanation.
For future reference, you should link to the search of the requester like this: Your link is the one after you've submitted the HIT.
Also, here's the TO:
Sketchy requester, I would avoid them. Lots of people are reporting getting rejections!
Translation and link unshortened... ಠ_ಠ
"You have been invited to participate in a research study: attitudes, beliefs and knowledge related to medical treatment and research being conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester. Complete a brief 15-25 minutes on attitudes towards health information and research MTurk Amazon. Click the link below to get started: "
There's one version for US Spanish speakers, and 17 other versions for the extremely-rare remaining international turkers in various Spanish-speaking countries.
I'm doing these for numbers to finally get to 10k:
kiril smilanansky .03/easy and approved in two days
Joseph Stanton .01/3-clicks TO seems fair
sorry people are having issues with this, went smooth for me. If you feel that it broke with an error, rather than a missed comprehension check, I would contact them. Wharton is usually good.
can contact them here
anyway, this keeps popping in and out - since this will never get marked by hitbot because of poor linkage, here is the panda -- hunt that shit down!
since you are here - have you tried these at all?
They show up green in HitSCraper but I can't even finish reading the I need tips
Thanks, guess I will try these.
Here is the link to use if you can't see the link above due to not having the qualification yet. (Granted immediately after you take the 'test'):
Sure! It's distributed over a few different threads, but the short version was that a researcher started adding fake reviews to understand its effect on the marketplace. For a while TO users thought it was a coordinated spam attack, but eventually it turned out to be a researcher.
Here are a few places to look if you're curious for more info: (and look earlier in the thread)
Stellar is a bitcoin competitor. I just read on hackernews that a user acquired 1,000,000 coins in less than 24 hours. How? Guess.
It's a shitcoin. a pump and dump.
Yup, and for those who haven't yet its easiest just to do them all at once here:
Here's another one but reddit won't let me post it because I'm "new"
US A brief survey about your social media experience-Yan Huang .50/3 minutes (Qual: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95) AC
I had to return a few of these HITs due to errors and didn't get locked out. I just had to close the tab and either go to my "HITs Assigned To You" page or use the panda link:
US - Academic studies about people, logos, and organizations (10-15 minutes) - Rebecca K. Trump - $0.50/XXX - (Qual:HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95)
Filter for the requester or something more specific when posting.
Diss_0309_No retakes has not been granted
Good hit, thanks, took me 10:50! You did everything correctly, only thing is some people might prefer a link like this so it shows you the TO and doesn't take you directly in to the HIT
Link is wrong. Bringing up an error.
This is the correct link
It took me 2:25 so not quite HWTF
That's a return link, rather than a preview or requester link, fyi.
Relevant to be aware of:
Most people don't like these, but they are GOOD and fast hits if you use the crowdsource script. usually about like 20-30 seconds. see here :
edit: It only let me do 3, but it took like a min with the script.
These are worth it because they only take <20 seconds by using these awesome scripts :
Also there are 8 cent ones for 2 searches
Now I just need a script that can highlight periods (.) for me and that would be fantastic
Try this one; I might just be an idiot:
Edit: This one might be different; I don't think the one I did had a 10-minute timer. YMMV.
US - Impression Formation and Decision-Making - TCU Psych - $0.50/ - (>90% approval)
Bad TO, but mostly because people are upset about the screening process. Not sure how long it takes, I didn't qualify.
I did #5.1 in 3 minutes. Was not eligible for #1.6 or #3.3 (There's a link to check eligibility and if your browser will work with the HIT)
adfly is broken, here's the link