Yes, definitely worth starting now -
Its a top 15 rated game on mmorpg and if you look at the release dates for all the other high ranked games, Neverwinter is one of the newer ones.
If you check steam stats for launches, its been pretty much the same over the past 2 years, no decline in users.
Playing casually you can just enjoy the game and go at your own pace.
Its mainly a pve game and you can completely ignore pvp no problem.
Its actually not pay to win, just pay to max your character faster. There's an in game currency convertor so everything in the cash shop can be saved up for and bought with in-game currency, even the monthly VIP which gives things like instant teleport between maps, portable mailbox etc.
New content comes out every few months, and I heard this is even part of the contract with the D&D franchise people so more and more should keep coming.
There's only one server and each map gets split into instances of 20-50 players or so. As they fill up, more get created. Also the zone chat lets you talk to all instances at once, then you can port across to party with people from any other instance as needed.
Btw I'm also a casual player and been playing for about 9 months. I played more hours per day to start with but now I just play an hour or so per day and still have content to go through, just doing the bits I want when in the mood.
tl:dr yes
Lightning flat out doesn't proc on Smoke Bomb.
Lightning on Blade Flurry changes on whether you're single target/mob.
On single, you get the initial hit and the burst worth 33.25% of weapon damage.
On AoE fights, you get an initial hit, and 3 Arcs per target you hit with Blade Flurry (ex: if you hit 3 targets, you get 3 initial hits + 9 Arcs, for a total of 12 procs totaling for hits worth 300% of weapon damage.)
I've gotten in contact with that baka who's testing all the class' enchants. He says he's busy revamping things for Mod12, but he gave me the Smoke Bomb and Blade Flurry that have accurate comparisons for Mod12.
Smoke Bomb: Blade Flurry:
Don't ask me as to what that baka was thinking about the graph names, he's... a bit of an eccentric. And a glutton for punishment, apparently.
I suck at TR, but honestly the DPS increases of everything apart from Vorpal/Fey don't really look that great.
There's a few points on different threads that may clarify when you put them together:
The current system in detail - - so currently you can get buffs to take you beyond 100% resitance ignored (not 100% ar pen) and you do extra damage to the mobs once you get over 100%. This is the part thats changing - where they talk about going from 200% to 300% cap.
'Armor Penetration can no longer exceed the enemy's armor value' - so if you have 60% ar pen but a mob only has 15% resistance, your effective ar pen will drop to 15% - when you combine this with point 1 above, your starting point for buffed damage will now be 15% on that mob, instead of previously it would have been 60%, so it will be harder to get over the 100% and start doing extra buff damage on the mob.
Putting these 2 together it would seem there's no need to raise ar pen. However on the dev blog they said 'The long and short is that enemies in Chult will be more dangerous, tougher to defeat, and you’ll be looking for new sources of armor penetration and defense to combat this.' - so maybe some mobs will now have more than 60% damage resistance?
In order to change your race to a Dragonborn you first need to purchase access to the Dragonborn race. Access is available by purchasing the Dragonborn Legend Pack (the $75 pack).
The Pack is available through the PS Store, not the in-game Zen Market.
The $75 is pretty a steep price though. I would suggest waiting for a PS Store sale. The Pack occasionally goes on sale for 40-50% off. With the annual Summer Jubilee event coming up soon (mid-June?), the Pack will likely be on sale then.
Personally, I bought the Pack while it was on sale, and have zero regrets. The Dragonborn race is awesome, and the additional items in the pack, most of which are claimable by all characters, help make the Pack worth the money I paid.
"XP given, current XP and overflow XP has been adjusted at levels 61+ so that it is more rewarding to do at level content."
That sounds great, right? Except that the adjustment is as people are describing. The levelling that used to be doable with 48 quests now takes 100s. Overflow rewards used to be earned with 770k XP and now take something in the area of 1.7 million, but sources of XP gain we not proportionately buffed. And you still may or may not earn a bonus power point.
The grind is real, and it is horrifying.
There are no implications , the developers only ever pvp on the preview server either when they are testing new changes ( such as the new DC and TR changes ) or when there is a pre planned well announced event that anybody can get involved with like this
If your idea of a conspiracy is something that is announced on the ARC news page then you have lead a very sheltered life. Generally the developers including the QA team are terrible at pvp and I'm pretty sure it is safe to say none of the top pvp guilds would waste time playing with them unless they are trying out newly changed skills/feats etc.
Also in answer to the OP , nobody gets special treatment , anybody and everybody is free to play on the preview/test server , instructions on how to play on it are on the official forums ( once again for everybody to see) conspiracy.... lmfao
That announcement is for PC, for the module that was released on Tuesday. There's no reason PS4 would have this item yet.
This does eventually get fixed::
"Lair of Lostmauth: Players may now properly use the exit portal after Lostmauth is defeated, regardless of whether they qualify to open the reward chest."
My math says 62 stacks. (31 during double refining).
You need 6.6 M to go from orange to light blue.
6.6M/1080 = 6131.5 ranks 5
6131.5/99 = 61.9 stacks
12k AD x 62 stacks = 744,000 AD
Also, I would wait until double refining weekend if I were you. (buy rank 5 stacks now)
A recent update to PC makes it easier:
•Completionists rejoice / lament! There's now an option under HUD settings to show low-level contact indicators, for things such as low-level quests.
There is a bonus reward for buying zen at the moment, 5000 zen will give you a bonus blue mount with wanderers fortunue, Suratuk's Teal Spider. Only good for 1 character though.
This post enlightened me to the new drops. Check this tells all the cool new loot and says you can look in Collections to figure out where all the pieces come from.
Unless Cryptic have something else planned, there's no point checking any more, today's the last day.
If you have ever bought Zen, I think that the first time buys pack comes with an extra slot. I'm like 80% sure that it does.
Edit: Confirmed here, First Time Buyer pack does come with 1 extra Character Slot.
This is going to be fixed in Underdark. Assuming we get all the patches with the Release. Below is from the patch notes dated 16/12/2015.
Symbol of Air: This artifact now consistently acts as an Artifact of Union, both when upgrading it and when using it to upgrade other artifacts. Symbol of Water: This artifact now consistently acts as an Artifact of Stability, both when upgrading it and when using it to upgrade other artifacts.
I assume you're on PC since you mention steam. The pack is decent if you want that companion, otherwise pass. I'd wait until next weekend when they have a 15% discount on zen purchases and buy zen directly from the website (not Steam). You'll get the first time buyer's pack which lets you claim a nice pet dog for one character, as well as a free bag, extra character slot, etc:
Best of all, you'll still have the zen. Depending how much you want to spend, buying a mount from the zen store that gives a 110% bonus is a good idea. The mount will be account-wide, unlike those you buy in game so future characters you create will have it.
If you want to convert zen to AD, then look for the ensorcelled weapon, cloak, and off-hand on the AH and buy those. They'll make levelling much easier. Buy all rank 6 or 7 enchantments for your armor. And if you have enough, and get the ensorcelled weapon, buy a weapon enchant for it. Flaming is pretty cheap right now, and adds extra damage.
They removed many of the dungeons from the game. I think it's just temporary, but they haven't said either way. Currently there are only 3 leveling dungeons.
> Dungeon Reworks
> Leveling Dungeons (3 Players)
> At the launch of Elemental Evil players will be able to queue up for reworked 3 man versions of their favorite dungeons starting with Cragmire Crypts at level 19, Gray Wolf Den at 36 and finally Temple of the Spider at level 50.
> Leveling dungeons have been designed with a team made up of any three classes in mind. Defeating bosses and opening the chest at the end of the dungeon with a Daily Dungeon Chest key will yield powerful rare equipment.
I strongly recommend you read the Elemental Evil patch notes:
> They start by advertising the pack at approx €105, put it on sale at only €74, only to log in to Arc this evening, and its standard price is €69? What gives?
Huh. The website (link) still lists it at US$74.99, which was the discounted price. The note about the discount being limited time only and ending on August 14 is still at the bottom of the Pack Info section, too. I don't believe he mentions it in this guide, but recovery soft cap is ~2k iirc. Like the others have said make sure your RI is 24%. For your TR that's all from amor pen since you don't get it from ability points, and on your HR I believe it's STR. Just make sure to double check the guide. The guide has a chart that assigns a point value to crit/power to help you determine when you're getting the most bang for your buck.
Oh and something I do often is check people in PE when I'm trying to optimize my stats. I look at the % increases they get for how much they dump into it. It's not ideal but it works to help give you an idea of what to aim for. If only there were a Neverwinter stat calculator, lol.
Several stat Diminishing return calculators exist. Here's one. Search PWE forum, this subreddit,, and Laggygamerz for many more calculators. Bigger picture, review your entire build to target your PVE style... Regen/Turtle, DPS Conqueror, Missionary Tactician, PvP Punting Pitbull... all may need completely different defence and deflect stats. It's not one size fits all.
Here's a graph showing diminishing returns for various stats, and which to invest in for the most bang for your buck. Armour Pen is high value early on, so pick it up. 2,500 is the cap on it, though, as only bosses and players can have 24% resistance. I'd get it to 1,500 as a matter of urgency.
Icy Rays in Mastery because it immobilises for longer and I prefer my victims to not be able to do anything at all, if possible - but honestly, RoE in Mastery is fine too. [:
To be honest, you diagram is completely wrong. If you were good enough like me, you would never wipe and will always will get great results like said picture shows. (Not me but, you get the idea of what is desired in a group.)
Copy pasting for those who can't see it:
To celebrate Neverwinter’s two-year anniversary, StrumSlinger will be hosting a trivia live stream on Friday 6/19 at 3PM PDT!
While he hosts the trivia, he’ll be hopping in game and taking part in all the festivities from the Protector’s Jubilee, including doing the Protector’s Speech skirmish. He’ll also show off all the fancy new items you can obtain from this year’s Protector’s Jubilee, and believe us, they’re fancy! More information on these items in our official blog tomorrow morning.
What are the rules of trivia?
The first person to type the correct answer in chat will be the winner.
No one can win twice. Feel free to answer the questions for fun, but if a previous winner answers first, the next person who gets the correct answer will receive the prize.
You don’t have to wait for me to finish the question to answer. Don’t spam though!
You must have a Twitch account – to type in chat, of course.
What will you get?
500 ZEN for PC or Xbox.
There will be 15 questions throughout the length of the stream, so there will be 15 winners.
If you’re a winner, please check your Twitch message right after the stream for a message from Strum.
What kind of questions will be asked?
So instead of relying on chance, here’s your chance to win something will skill!
Who: Andy (@StrumSlinger in-game and on Twitter)
What: Anniversary Trivia Time!
Where: Perfect World Twitch Channel
When: Friday 6/19 at 3PM PDT (What time is this for you?)
Here's a link to a time converter with the time already programmed in! See you all tomorrow!
The white quality healer can be bought with gold.
There is a green quality version that has been part of a couple promotions like with IGN Prime.
A previous event had a healer companion you could get. Finally there is a Zen store companion healer you can get (but that one isn't a direct healer).
The only other healer companion currently takes a very long time to get.
here are some resourses:
I wanted to get in to creating some myself so I started playing alot of foundry quests to see what other's were able to do... then sharandar came out, then the dread ring, then I wanted to lvl up a couple of other chars to 60... but I'm gonna get back to it! :P
The main thing is that it will boost your damage 5% and debuff for 5%. Because of diminishing returns on debuffs, a damage boost is much better in a high end party, where the debuffs will already be high, and so the actual debuff added will be much lower.
So for example with 2 dc's OP and a mof, you may only get 1-3% or so increased damage from a 10% debuff (especially when other artifacts/mount powers are active) . But your 5% damage boost will stay at 5%.
Download the ARC client here.
Once you have that set up, click the ARC logo in the upper-left corner, and there should be an option that says "Redeem Code". Voila.
I thought regen gives a boost to incoming healing during combat. No?
Edit: Perhaps this has changed since mod 6 but I didnt see anything more recent about it. Still, incoming healing is of fairly limited usefulness so if you're thinking about buying regen kits for companion gear I'd say only do it if there's really nothing better to spend your ad on, and honestly there probably is something more worthwhile.
Rewards Claim Agent in Protectors Enclave
There is a blog/news post about this:
A side note - now, with this spider and the one from the last event, I have 3 wanderer's fortune mounts lol. I'm going to slot them all on my alt-mules and see if I can discern any difference (3 WF should equal 6% total chance instead of 4%). Will be interesting if it makes any difference.
This is part of the new features that come in the Shard of souls mod for us consoles on 20th June (a little under 3 weeks).
Here is a link with a basic overview
level 21 - Deep Wilderness Gathering>9x [Adamant Ore], 3x [Aberrant Pelt]
level 21 - Mass Gem and Leather Strip Crafting>5x [Perfect Gems], 2x [Aberrant Leather Strips]
Quartermasters are a great way to generate gem donations if you hoard bags and open with 11% chance on 2x enchants.
level 23 - Crates of Precious Jewelry>4-8 crates of precious jewellery
With Mod 11 Shard of souls on 20th June. It also brings temporary (lasts a week) building structures that can generate resources and vendors like the mysterious merchant (one of the requirements is 60k gems).
Mod 11, the Cloaked Ascendency, is coming to PC next week on the 21st. They have not yet announced a date for the consoles. You can follow their official Twitter or you can check the official News at
not really to be honest. The only thing that might help you is a list of the things they changed when they 'balanced' warlocks in mod 10.5.
Got my email just now. Will go check points to be sure.
Edit: When I purchased the zen I received 28,000 RP. That was enough for one Ice Panther (20,000), one Gilded White Steed (5,000), and one Zhentarim Warlock (2,000). The remaining 1,000 was enough for the title, but I didn't claim it because I didn't have any interest. I did not have enough for the White Owlbear (10,000).
I logged in to the Rewards page just now and had 19,000 RP waiting for me (18,000+1,000 left over). This allowed me to buy the White Owlbear, a second Steed, and two more Warlocks.
In total I received 46,000 RP, which I exchanged for Ice Panther (1), White Owlbear (1), Gilded White Steed (2), Zhentarim Warlock (3).
I believe that's the packs in the game, but I'm not 100% sure. I'll try to get clarification.
I was wrong - it is the packs you purchase at the bottom of this page: (PC Only!)
Dragonborn rules em all this is one of the many things you may want to buy, depending on your choice of class there are booster packs for each of them, most of the time including a companion, weapon and gear, xp booster and backpacks to carry your stuff more easier.
Can't remember the db race price on Xbox 8000 zen or so?? But anyhow its worth it.
> when i finally hit 25 on leadership it will be useless to me?
They've already removed the remaining AD from leadership in today's patch:
Only a matter of time till RPs will be gone too I guess.
Well yeah their first april fools was a tabletop game of D&D within NW, but they took it to the next level so it's a bit more serious and less unexpected.
The explanation was explicitly given in the patchnotes that for 1x warlord's it would give 20% and for 5x warlord's it would give 40%. That gave me a baseline for testing and I then tested some of the others and they followed the same trend. Furthermore, it seems like it is 25% of the bonus from subsequent ones.
Luckily for you, I spent an hour re-watching it and making a transcript of all the questions and answers. You can read it here.
I guess they are talking about this one.
>Hunter Ranger: Grasping Roots' duration now properly matches its tooltip.
This basically reduces the base duration of all of your roots which were ticking way longer than the tooltip displayed. Do you play a trapper HR? Because then you should be able to apply your roots again before they run out.
EDIT: as this was unclear, yes it is a nerf (actually more of a fix), but it should not be noticeable if you play it right.
In other words: a good HR will still do the same amount of CC/dps as before because he can still reapply roots before they run out. There might be some rare edge cases where this affects you though.
> Pretty sure they are discussing moving it, and may have already moved it on PC. I think I remember reading about that in the patch notes.
> "Discard" is now the final option in item context menus in order to lower the chance of misclicking the option.
Here's the post from Cryptic about changes to the Tarmalune Trade bars.
To be honest, I've never bought from the trade bar store, and I haven't cared to investigate, but I heard that the Wards that you buy there are bound. That was used as an argument that the AH prices for them won't change much, but the demand for the Wards on the AH will certainly drop, so the AH price should drop some too.
Like many people, I've been stockpiling Trade Bars in anticipation of this change. Before, I might have had reason to buy a ward on the AH, now I'll have no reason to do that, unless the prices come down by 50% or more.
Can they at least have their animators/artists do another pass on Drizzt's in-game character model? Maybe let their modelers watch the offical Rage of Demons trailer for inspiration on how Drizzt looks. Their own rendition of Drizzt (link below) is just awful.
welcome aboard on the Neverwinter train :)
VIP is very well worth it let me link you here
buy a mount from zen market(preferable a epic one) this can be claimed on all of your characters- if you plan on making more. Wait till you are level 20- you´ll get a coupon for a discount on mounts ;)
there are also companions on zen market worth it, you should wait for a coupon to drop ingame before buying one though.
hope that helps
Here was the blog post which mentioned the xp
It still remains to be seen if the increased xp will indeed make leveling to 70 faster. The bit about only needing 8 vigilance quests certainly makes trudging through the elemental evil zones much more palatable, at least.
Yeah, as per the blog here-
The new BiS PvE gear requires Fangs of the Dragonflight, which require killing 2+ dragons in the HE.
The new BiS PvP gear requires Fallen Banners, which you earn in Guild vs Guild PvP. The blog linked in the OP has the devs intending a minimum of 10 (so I assume that means 10 absolutely BiS monster characters) in order to kill each dragon.
So the PvP gear you can at least grind slowly for even if you lose and/or aren't in a PvP guild but really want it. The PvE gear however is entirely gated behind having a large, active guild.
I'm not opposed to BiS gear being hard to get, but with a barrier to entry like this I'm worried small guilds will either have to settle for not even being able to work towards that goal (as it'll be hard to recruit people without being able to say 'sure we do Dragonflight runs every day and have a level XXX marketplace') and just try to stay together as a social group or try to merge into larger guilds in order to complete that content.
from the blog
"We are going to re-examine the non-profession methods of getting Astral Diamonds, and make sure they are rewarding sufficiently."
I'm gonna believe it when I see it but that's the offical word right now.
I get it that companions may not be THE route to end game success, but the right ones do help. Since you are marking everything, if you can get your hands on a Blink Dog or Intellect Devourer, they each give a 5% combat advantage bonus at purple... but even at green they are better than most, given the 400 stat points ~1% improvement. I have a GF with almost no crit... so I've thought of getting the Priestess of Sehanine Moonbow, which would probably help me hulk smash. I think that Battlefield medics are still relatively cheap... so are rust monsters... both excellent for tanks.
I didn't see anyone mention that there are going to be new Armors available in the release today from Sharandar and Dread Ring campaigns.
I saw someone mention the class artifacts from the quest "Vault of the Nine." If you can get a second toon to level 60, I believe that's the best bang for the buck. You will probably want to bring a friend on the quest for your character that is still at level 60.
Oh, and yes, get yourself into the dungeons. It only takes a couple of successes and suddenly you are either getting the gear by drops/chests or you are able to afford it via the Seals.
Module Six: Elemental Evil was released very recently.
I'd just CTRL+J and take a look at the new equipment, hovering over it will tell you where to get it. I wouldn't expect any on the AH anytime soon, but there may be because I haven't checked myself.
And for right now, it appears that most of the old dungeons are not a part of the game, I don't have the info on that and others have been asking/wondering aswell.
Nothing is neccesairy to purchase in zenstore. But a few things make life easier. More character slots, more bank space/bags, a purple quality mount from zenmarket(which unlocks for all characters in the game, and can be claimed at any time).
That said, a singular pack like the Knight of the Feywild or Guardian of Neverwinter ...will unlock a nice chunk of conveniences, which will be claimable on all characters.
There's more in the pack than just the items I mentioned of course. The full contents can be found here:
The bag is far and away the greatest draw. The ring is a nice boost, and the artifact is nifty, but the bag is the biggest draw. It's the largest bag in the entire game, and every character you make gets one. The more characters you make, the more valuable it becomes. They sell bags in the cash shop and accordingly, the game spams you with enormous quantities of items which causes the highly limited bag space to become a major problem. This bag goes a very long way towards easing that.
Then you get the race and the artifact and the ring, and two exclusive costumes for each character, and a bunch of one-time items that only go to one character each instead of every character. It's a good price compared to other items in the cash shop. A very good price even.
All that said, there's really no rush you know? Your plan to wait and give the game some time is definitely the best idea. Make an informed decision.
The actual campaign zones are not part of release. the classes added are, just not the zones.
I interpreted this as you do not have boons available except for the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign, which starts at level 26 (as opposed to level 60) and encompasses 5 of the leveling zones, as well as the Well of Dragons zone.
here is the message that describes the content of XB
>The Sharandar, Dread Ring, Icewind Dale, and PvP campaigns as well as the Gauntylgrym zone (along with the dungeons and skirmishes associated with them) will be released on Xbox One in later expansions.
Xbox is getting everything up to the end of Module 5, and possibly some of the balance changes being tested with Module 6, but not the Mod 6 content.
>At launch, Neverwinter will include all the content from the base game, all current playable classes including the Scourge Warlock, and the Tyranny of Dragons expansion.
EDIT: Derped out there, sorry. Yes to balance Module 6 balance, no to Module 6 content. There's link.
yes, Xbone doesn't get the adventure zones/dungeons that are part of the module releases, but they will be getting Well of Dragons (the notes about M5). they have not specified how long they will be at different builds, though.
>The story and campaign content will function a bit differently than it did on PC. At launch, Neverwinter will include all the content from the base game and the Tyranny of Dragons expansion. This means that the Xbox One version of Neverwinter will include all dungeons and skirmishes that were present at the PC version’s launch in addition to the ones added with Tyranny of Dragons. The Sharandar, Dread Ring, Icewind Dale, and PvP campaigns as well as the Gauntylgrym zone (along with the dungeons and skirmishes associated with them) will be released on Xbox One in later expansions.
The Guardian of the Neverwinter is a very nice pack for $60. You get a companion, an account-wide 110% mount for all your characters, and some goodies to help you level.
You could also just buy some Zen and pick up some stuff a la carte, if the extra items don't interest you much. A 110% speed mount is always a welcomed purchase.
This is my main character. I'm the leader of Team Fencebane, official guild of the Neverwinter Community Management team. :)
Replied to above comment, but here’s a forum discussion on slickdeals from the last day, with several people who got it as well. Seems inconsistent but try downloading the app and checking your inbox.
This shows us actually testing what is needed. The time the power drops drastically is when we switch 1 DC for a Pally, completely proving Gift of Aura is useless to this. Both Power and Crit do hit 0 eventually, but we were finding the minimal requirements.
Join StrumSlinger on Twitch when Neverwinter PC undergoes maintenance for Strongholds on Tuesday August 11 at 6:30am PDT (What time is this for you?). As we all await this long-awaited expansion, Strum will give an overview of what to expect, how to prepare and of course, give away prizes that are sure to help your guild on its merry way!
As Neverwinter will be down at the time, there's no better place to hang out and chat with the entire community and the ask as many questions as your heart desires. We'll be giving away 1000 Zen (PC or Xbox!) to 5 lucky viewers and a Valindra poster to one lucky viewer!
We can't wait to see you at Perfect World's Twitch Channel on Tuesday!
Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat has just been announced for Xbox One. Coming later this month, players will adventure through the brand new Well of Dragons zone as well as face the dragon queen herself. In preparation for Rise of Tiamat, we’ll be hosting a live stream where we’ll answer any questions you may have about the new expansion or Neverwinter in general.
While we answer questions, we’ll be preparing the official NW Community account for when Rise of Tiamat launches by starting the Tyranny of Dragons campaign and taking on the Siege of Neverwinter event. Please note that we won't be showing any Rise of Tiamat content. If you’d like to join us, add NW Community as a friend and we’ll gladly accept.
And if that isn’t exciting enough, joining CM StrumSlinger (Andy) in the stream will be the Communications Manager, Alex, who often forces Andy to do random food “challenges.”
We’ll also be giving away 1000 Zen to three viewers for your choice of Xbox One or PC.
Who: Community Manager, Andy and Communications Manager, Alex (Gamertag: NW Community)
What: Preparing for Rise of Tiamat, Tyranny of Dragons campaign and Siege of Neverwinter
Where: Official Perfect World Twitch Channel
When: Friday 6/05 at 4PM PDT (What time is this for you?)
Prizes: 1000 Zen for three viewers (Your choice of Xbox One or PC)
We’ll see you then!
Essence is for getting watcher weapons, that used to be best in slot a while back. Basically you do a 3 rune expedition, and use the essence to summon/fight a shade. Its a hard fight, needs a group, plus its RNG to get the weapon, and I gather the weapons are not worth it now, except for transmutes. A guide I googled.
I assume you have a decent PC. The you might even want to raise that bitrate. It should only be that low for streaming.
Fumble around witht the settings if you experience lagg while recording.
Also I would heavily recommend using another render program. And maybe turn down music volume a bit. If your music quality isn't that good loud volume will make it even worse.
I might have found a vpn to help you out to be able to play the game try this. Hopefully it works.
Haha yeah I know, 30 seconds and they were dead. Same thing happened last night on Temple. Have that one on video too.
Find your captured screenshot, hit the guide button and hit 'send to onedrive'. Then login to onedrive ( with your XBL login info and your saved videos/pictures will be there.
From a similar previous query 'ts a top 15 rated game on mmorpg and if you look at the release dates for all the other high ranked games, Neverwinter is one of the newer ones. So even though its been going for a bit, you're probably still getting in nearer the start, especially compared to WoW. Its also rated higher than WoW.
If you check steam stats for launches, its been pretty much the same over the past 2 years, no decline in users (that's not telling you the actual number of players, but gives a good idea to overall trends.)
New content comes out every few months, and apparently this is part of the contract with the D&D franchise people so more and more should keep coming.'
Its a top 15 rated game on mmorpg and if you look at the release dates for all the other high ranked games, Neverwinter is one of the newer ones. So even though its been going for a bit, you're probably still getting in nearer the start, especially compared to WoW. Its also rated higher than WoW.
If you check steam stats for launches, its been pretty much the same over the past 2 years, no decline in users (that's not telling you the actual number of players, but gives a good idea to overall trends.)
New content comes out every few months, and I heard this is even part of the contract with the D&D franchise people so more and more should keep coming.
If you check out ( ) and sort their list by 'rating' you'll see Neverwinter is in the top 10 of all mmo's atm, so yeh, definitely still worth starting now. Also, out of the top 50 games Neverwinter is actually one of the newest at just 4 years old.
Keep in mind that an i5 3317u is rated at around 3k Passmark points, vs the cpu of the op-s comp rated at only 1k.
Downvotes coming for telling the truth most likely, but again - the laptop in question will have a hard time running nw.
you are forgetting the weapon damage portion that fey still deals, as well as the damage buff increase (which is 20% at unparalleled). sorry, there is way too much math out there that proves that vorpal is not the best weapon enchant for gwfs anymore.
a graph for you with all the weapon enchants on sure strike proving how much stronger all the other enchants are.
and the source of the graph
> Hey guys! We'll be performing another maintenance tonight 5/13 at 10PM PDT (Pacific) to fix some issues with our most recent patch. The estimated downtime is 2-3 hours, but may be extended due to unforeseen circumstances. Patch notes coming soon! (Check back around the start of maintenance) When is this maintenance for you? Click here to find out. Thanks, Akromatik
>ward only comes with a rune, but it doesn't matter how many, 1-3, you still only get one token.
Yes 1 rune will ensure the chest at the end but adding 2 to 3 runes will also increase the difficulty of the dungeon so make sure to have a decent group which can handle the additional difficulty and traps/dots/ect.
As for Watcher it can be run in MEs with a 3 rune and you add the additional piece for which version/run you desire - Sorrow for example needs rune and the sorrow piece on all 3 to increase chances. However it in a ME it kind of a waste if it does not trigger. For that a better way to "pop" a watcher event is to run these in a WE (Warden Expeditions found in the Stardock area after some solo missions) where there is no penalty for leaving the dungeon and you can enter back avoiding the component loss.
Should you want to look into Watcher runs an awesome guide would be This and - Might be good to check out.
These are what I've been reading. I recently made an HR as a DPS alt. :)
I enjoyed Vindictus, might be worth mentioning.
The Secret World (pay once), currently in the great mmo face-off finals.
Firefall is F2P and more third person shooter, but I think it deserves to be mentioned as it was derailed by a delusional? CEO but turned out to be pretty solid in the end.
If you don't want to pay 60 bucks for the Dragonborn race there are still a few keys left on groupees where you can get it and a lot of other things for $10.
>The Bile Drenched Scale can now properly drop in the appropriate circumstances. Certain players who should have received one, but didn't, will receive a new one when they log in.
Maybe I interpreted it wrong but the drop is supposed to be fixed either way. It can be the same as Kutlass though, not really sure since I did Tyrant before the fix as an extra and was given it.
Knight of the Feywild contents
Now that you know the contents, beware of what you are trading/offering.
Argh, of course the forums are member only! Hmm, how recent do we need? We (well the PC arm!) were spotlighted on the Arc forums last year?
Or do you need something a bit more ‘now’ 😊
On September 12, venture into the jungles of Chult on Console! Based on the new Dungeons & Dragons storyline, the new expansion will bring:
You can read about all the details, changes, rewards, and more in the Tomb of Annihilation Blog Hub! Also make sure to check out the interview with Lead Designer Thomas Foss originally aired during the Stream of Annihilation!
There was a 2x XP event during the Jubilee for PC, and PC only.
Maybe the mouth-breathers in your Failbook group can't tell the difference between PC and PS4/Xbox?
I'd throw some of those 60 dollars at this.
Account-wide WF mount, a unique race unlock, a decent companion for both levelling with and for end-game until you get something better, and a character slot.
Throw the rest at VIP.
I can only make an assumption based on trends, that the price will drop further once Mod12 is released. If and when to sell, whether now or till then is your choice to make.
Here in an excerpt from ARC
>We’re also making quality of life adjustments to current seals. It’s been almost a year since the introduction of relic armor; starting in Module 12 unrestored relic armor and restoration reagents will be available for purchase with seals of the protector.
Here is the link
Are these items for PC and Console or just for PC? They don't always match up. The link you posted was for Xbox, but it looks the same for PC and PS4. Here's the links to their specific announcements.
Yes, a cleric. Oh, O.K. if that is what it truly is. I didn't see anything about that in the release notes ( I also didn't consider that a possibility since the first time I logged in it didn't happen. Only when I logged out and logged in a 2nd time did feats/spells reset. I would have expected them to just give a free respec token to clerics to use at their leisure rather than force reset all their feats/spells though.
They actually existed on PC (though extremely rarely) before the game even launched on Xbox. They were available through 2 special promos as Charge rewards. This one and this one. I'm not 100% certain, but I believe that was the only 2 promos that had them up until the dungeon key change when they started dropping in dungeons. No pics on the page, but if you go look at Sgt Knox, that's what he looks like. :)
Only 5 were available as a one-time promo in 2014
I think they were added to the drop table with the key updates, so now a very rare drop in dungeons.
PC has had an update regarding weapon enchantments. Bare in mind that these changes will eventually hit consoles.
Bag space is important so don't miss out on the quest lines in Blacklake (10-ish), Neverdeath (30-ish) and the Order of the Third Eye campaign (40-ish). On PC you also get a free pack with a bag and some other stuff the first time you buy 500+ Zen (through their website or Arc client only):
Some other stuff I haven't seen mentioned:
At some point you also get a quest from Knox for a free artifact ( The general consensus is that the Lantern is best for DPS classes. The Catalogue can be very useful for new players (vendor anywhere) but becomes less useful later on. While you can buy any of the artifacts from the quest on the auction house, the lantern is by far the most expensive.
It's hard to tell what to keep and what to sell early on. I'd say don't worry about enchantments below rank 4. Sell them or use them right away. Save rank 4 and up and any artifact refinement stones for double refinement events if you can spare the space. It's not a big loss if you refine them to clear up space until you know better. Don't bother refining enchantments below rank 5-8. They're usually cheaper on the auction house.
Always keep a few injury kits for your level around.
Identification scrolls are cheapest on the AH.
It's very easy to outlevel all the quests in the various areas up to level 60. If you want to play them for their stories I wouldn't use any XP boosts. You can still do quests that are too low for your level but they are no longer marked over the NPC and it becomes a bit of a hassle to find them all.
Moon Elf Race
Loamweave Enchantment
Dawn Unicorn
Stone of Earth
Adventurer's Helper Pack
Moonsilver Regalia
"Knight of the Feywild" Title
Extra Character Slot
Adventurer's Helper Pack is just once, 1 char slot, everything else on every character and is reclaimable, moon elf and sun elf are basically the same except 1% of the ap gain is stamina gain, unicorn has wanderer's fortune.
>After that buy a purple mount of the Zen store with Wanderer's Fortune
While the sale's on, it's probably a better idea to buy the Knight of The Feywild pack than it is to buy a Wanderer's Fortune mount on its own with Zen.
To receive an email, you almost certainly had to contact them.
While you'd think they should automatically be issuing adjusted rewards, not sure they will. You can check your balance on the original reward page.
There's also a bag of enchants that comes with it. Like 1 of the dragonhorde enchants, some glyphs.
Full list (though it had a weird name for the dragonhorde enchant):
>The stacks generated by Curse Synergy with Dreadtheft now cap at 3, down from 5. However, the amount of Damage Resistance granted by each stack has been increased.
This is taken from the patch and class balance note. I'm trying to confirm the 5 as for the life of me I can't remember either but I seem to recollect being able to curse more than 3 as the class mechanic and not TT.
I was incorrect on the warlocks curse, it is only 3, so both that and TT you are only able to curse 3 targets. I read into the above thinking that you could curse 5 but that is wrong. Here ya go. Most recent notes at the bottom.
Edit: Looks like nobody added in the Storm King's Thunder patch notes yet. I don't have much to do with Wiki, but the class changes patch notes are here for that one.