Oh we mentioned it on stream today. This Twitter thread is most of the heinous stuff. Nitter link for privacy:
He claims to be a leftist and then some of the stuff he says is just the most outright misogynist shit. Pretty disgusting.
Love the book, although for many I think it's not a good place to start with anarchist theory. It kind of gets passed around as such because of its overwhelming popularity, but it's a bit dry these days and doesn't really outline anarchist thought the way a beginner might need. So for anyone interested I would recommend instead: Malatesta's Anarchy or At the Cafe, Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman, and Anarchism and Its Aspirations by Cindy Milstein (really good modern introduction). Any of those will be good introductions and are quite easy reads, and all are available for free in the anarchist library! Additionally check out the anarchist FAQ available in the library (and in paperback form, it's very long) as a resource for any questions you might have, or check out r/Anarchy101 for a very beginner friendly space to ask questions, it's even helpful for more advanced learners as well with more complicated questions (although as with all places try not to be an ass about things)!
Thispersondoesnotexist.com is a great place for pictures of women for this. It's a site that stitches together front facing images of human faces that it aggregates from around the web. It creates pictures of fake-people. Just refresh the site if it gives you a male face.
Thanks for the insight, I've never heard anyone else talk about this, I'm glad I can have this conversation with someone. Do you have any specific resources that you recommend for getting good arguments? I already heavily use TheAnarchistLibrary.org for reading theory but it's not something that I can just easily listen to while doing some repetitive task like a vaush video.
Old News U.S support and satelite intelligence sent to Saddam Hussein has been known for a while
The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times https://www.amazon.com/dp/1844673049/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_39G5JDQDY3SR0G7MZSGW
It really is a great book. Highly recommend :)
I pointed out how you were being ratioed for your shit take. I never stated the op was right about anything.
Nice. Being downvoted for being factually correct.
For anyone who wants a more realistic perspective on Marx, for one thing read about the other figures that he strove to efface like Proudhon and LaSalle. For another, read this book. The man had a heroic contribution in Kapital, but there are many ideas attributed to him of which he is not the originator. Nor was he politically effective for much of his own lifetime, partially because he seemed primarily concerned with thwarting other socialists he saw as his rivals. The SPD found reason to build a soft personality cult around him after his death and through twists and turns it persists to this day.
Fascism isn't necessarily only about being anti-democracy. There is this list of 14 common features of fascism by Umberto Eco you should check out. Here is a link: http://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html
Another way to put it:
Yes it's like professional wrestling, why on earth would that mean that it doesn't have political impact? Are we back to saying media doesn't influence people's opinions, "it's just a game man"?
That's before you consider people have written books about how the self-presentation of wrestling is a central element of Trump's approach to building support for himself, how that kind of rhetorical style and construction of media events has a particular political efficacy in this particular era of social media.
Before we get into the arguments that Shark put forward and FD conceded, that effective rhetoric shifts the balance of power in everyday discussions, in ways that can potentially open up a possibility of actually communicating, because of how they short-circuit standard conservative rhetorical loops.
And even before we get into the fact that this kind of rhetoric usually contains meaningful information - like Hasan pointing out that we can challenge our biases by comparing our assumptions to sociological research, when pointing out the personal-feelings-based nature of lots of red-pill stuff - that can have value to help people problem-solve beyond the defeat of a given person's positions.
We can still say that even if it's just a game of rhetoric that people play, that still has value in itself, because of those people that a game of rhetoric effects, just like socialist revolutionaries who want to abolish the state eventually may use it, or socialist trade unions who want to move beyond wages will still nevertheless demand higher wages in the short term.
If these systems of power exist, we should understand how to interface with them without getting mindlessly absorbed by their tendencies, but still know how to disrupt their worse excesses when in the hands of other people.
Pretty sure he's said it a few times, but it's possible that he's changed his brand since I last heard it. He's a bougie mfer now.
Never mind, pretty sure these are the exact one's he's currently wearing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SKY2QQR/ref=twister\_B07S764D9V
Not exactly what you are looking for, but here's an illustrated version of Marx's Capital, an easier read that demands less of a time investment. Maybe something along this line is up your alley.
Marx's Capital Illustrated: An Illustrated Introduction https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1608462668/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_RFD5EVH5Z7ZCFAT8MSPE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
IMO idpol is not bad on its own. I think what happens is that (especially on the big crappy anonymous internet), people who are open-minded and want to learn about other peoples' experiences and find common ground are often indescernable from bigoted bad actors who pretend to be "just asking questions" in bad faith. This is by design on the part of the latter.
The end result is that the marginalized people see both good-faith and bad-faith outsiders as the same (as a defense mechanism), which can turn off potential allies with dismissiveness and even aggressiveness.
Better education about concrete history and statistics and studies can help the non-marginalized allies be meat shields to help soak up fire from the bad actors. We can't relay lived personal experience, but we can understand history and sociological data.
c.f. books like this (an extremely great historical breakdown of the USA's systematic policy-level racism and segregation against black people, written by a jewish dude)
"These liberal 'Enlightenment thinkers' have no soul. They rely on cold 'science' and constantly attack astrology, ariosophy, theosophy and practically <em>all</em> volkisch ideas. The NSDAP at least understands me and doesn't judge me for being open to the possibility of magic and supernatural forces outside our understanding."
(PS: The link points to an excerpt from this book.)
yeah, i read the definition, it's an attempt to describe a reality they don't fully understand and i know it comes across as arrogant, but most of them don't even know how genders function
the focus on the act of "relating to" is nonsensical and mechanically meaningless. it's just their attempt to understand "naming an expression of a specific pattern in a feedback loop started hundreds of centuries ago"
try reading this: https://gist.github.com/wchristian/ca7e34cb7b5b9188e7a5db291b12e119
and this: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Douglas-R-Hofstadter/dp/0465030793
> I'm sorry if that seems like a "shitposty" or bad-faith answer, I genuinely think there isn't really a better term for them.
Nah it's fine, that's about what i expected. And what i am pointing out is that mechanically you will not be able to draw a distinction between the supposed group of xenogenders and the group of "Named non-binary genders", unless you include the group of people who fundamentally misunderstand what a gender is.
>Dude the USSR collapsed a couple years after their invasion of Afghanistan. That war only speed up their death.
Correlation does not imply causation. Besides, the USSR wasn't "dying". Countries do not die. The USSR dissolved because Gorbachev naively thought that the Soviet model could be reformed and liberalized, and wasn't willing to shed blood à la Deng Xiaoping when his project proved destabilizing. Stephen Kotkin provides a good account of that process.
Putin isn't Gorby.
>The Russian economy already tanked and will only get worse.
It will get worse in the short term. At some point it will bottom out, and by then the Russian economy is likely to share a lot with that of the old Soviet Union.
>They can take Kiev and many cities, but they won’t hold on to it forever.
Who knows what "forever" has in store for us. If Putin is truly committed, he can hold Ukraine for the foreseeable future.
>Give it a few years of this and Putin will eventually have to pull out.
Or there'll be a million troops in Ukraine, concentration camps and deportations to Siberia.
It's meat in Japanese as well. I know in some mangas muscle heads will have meat written on them somewhere so I thought it was related to that,as explained in this hinative post, the character appears in 筋肉 meaning muscle. That's what I thought it was a reference to, but don't know for sure.
>free services
We have a lot of 'free' services, but 'rational agents' would also be advertisement-averse. But otherwise I fully agree. The network effect of popular platforms is a giant hurdle for any alternative platform, especially if the benefits come in form of privacy and control. Though people do seem to have appreciate some kind of control, for instance choosing to keep the dislike count!
P2P doesn't just mean crypto, which more naturally lends itself towards money and markets. It can also be oriented towards information sharing, akin to Bittorrent. Check out https://hypercore-protocol.org/ and https://cabal.chat/ for instance. Chats, social media and cloud services without servers or the blockchain.
>language models
I study language modeling myself, though mostly from a bit more traditional statistical perspective. To me data concentration is the biggest problem, all SOTA models are usually published so you can replicate the code at least. Github / Microsoft can train on all code that they host, FB / meta has uniquely large datasets of personal chat logs, etc. It does sound kinda scary to have them overfit a huge transformer model so it actually spits out someones personal information verbatim. Or just the ability to have a monopoly on the best language model for a wide array of tasks.
For a second there saw the word 'commit', and my brain automatically started imagining nazis pushing code changes to github open source projects.
Oh by the way, since you are an animation guy, I would strongly recommend you to watch this japanese series called Aoi Honoo nyaa.si/view/645225
It tells the story of an average art/animation student that unluckily happen to be in the same class year as legendary artist such as Hideaki Anno (creator of Evangelion). It is so funny it's gonna make you cry and shit your pants laughing.
First, solid post. Love the breakdown.
Two things I want to add. 1. If you haven't, read Conflict is Not Abuse by Sarah Schulman. The self-victimization process is an attempt to gain sympathy and attention in a cruel world. To paraphrase, in a fundamentally cruel society, the only way to get any kindness or sympathy is to be part of the abused class of people. However the method that people like this use actually makes the world more cruel. Definitely worth the read, explains a lot of the stuff that goes on in the online left.
In addition, since a lot of these people are traumatized, they've also internalized the reactions of trauma, namely the fight response. Us or Them, Conquer or Be Conquered, Abuse or Be Abused. Perhaps building holding spaces for these individuals could potentially deradicalize some of them, the way we've gotten good at deradicalizing chuds?
Based on the cover. I think he wants his nuggies back.
You need to listen to this bogus take. It's really cringe and I'm sorry for suggesting you all put yourselves through Pim Tool's hyper-subjectivity, but it's fascinating listening to him stomp a square peg into a round hole. Just try to get about 10 min in, if you can stand it....he completely ignores the existence of a global pandemic and acts perplexed that people aren't supporting Trump.
Got it, here's what they look like.
Here's an AMA she did on some site called raddle which is full of anarchists and oh it all hurts so much to read.
I think it's a multivariate or multiple regression model/study. Learned about it in a stats course.
> You didn’t choose your genetics; your choices are downstream from your genetics .
Most geneticists would agree that the environment also plays into it. Geography and culture being one of them. JF cited this in his debate with the Serfs, but it goes along with my point greatly: https://bayfiles.com/naN9Z9x1u7/s41562-021-01110-y%5C_pdf
It is weird that her description of what Joe Biden did to her was almost exactly the description of what a character did in her dad's novel.
Lmao. Yes 4 Amazon reviews are more important than peer review and actual engagement with the academic literature
Victorian racism is well established.
The Pipedream Extreme Fuck Me Silly Mega Masturbator with over 20lbs of Pussy and Ass is $291.
But I guess there are cheaper products out there too.
Ok then I suggest you add this to the next collection of books you read. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1493927116/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_GVMMR707YDDAX1ZQZ9R7
If anything you misunderstood what you calc professor thougt you but you where never lied to about division by zero.
>The New York Times is unreliable, SAD!
Explain to me how a Marxist with a geography degree is a better source than self-described neoliberals from the 80s
>wife. Can we stop acting like this was some serious attack against someone's sexuality, it's extremely uncharitable and bad faith to take this so seriously. The nature of memes is that they usually involve a non public
Ben Shapiro kind of asks for it when he writes a whole book about how certain sexual acts and porn should be illegal.