Status update: * GlyphGryph is still the owner of the host (but he doesn't want to be bothered with it, which is fair, he volunteered to maintain the forums for years with basically no recognition for it). * I have retrieved the login credentials I need to address the issue. (My fault that I didn't have these, not GlyphGryph's). * Plan A: I've secured hosting on discourse, and will try and import the forum history there, it will be migrating to (note the .org). I have a discourse instance running, I just need to run the import workflow, which is supposedly pretty reliable, but time-consuming. * Plan B: Get running again. (temporary solution, AFAIK this hosting WILL be going away in March of next year) * Plan C: Migrate to a new host. People have randomly offered hosting, might take them up on it, but I'd prefer discourse.
Could you provide a copy without copyrighted images and release this under the [](BY SA 3.0 license)?
I might be able to do something with it (like place it on the wiki).
Here's some advice that will likely pertain to any server running SSH, and not just CDDA. Typically SSH hardening involves disabling password based logins for administrative accounts and opting for RSA-key based logins instead. Personally, I typically couple that with something like Fail2Ban to mitigate brute force attempts.
Also, are you going to be advertising this somewhere? If you are, you may think about hosting the SSH connection on a non-standard port (something other than 22) that anyone connecting to you would have to specify. That'll cut down on the brute force SSH hacking attempts as well, since they're often done by bots trying port 22.
Here's a pretty good introduction from Digital Ocean to securing a Linux PC, complete with some SSH hardening techniques: Link to said techniques
On that note if someone here has the skills, perhaps one could copy the functionality of Ren'Py. As the name suggests that is a python package but their "grid", "hbox" and "vbox" abstract containers are designed to be flexible and easy to use with full nesting support.
Man, calm down with the language stuff. We just discussed this.
CDDA is literally translated to "23" languages (honestly, looks more like 11 actively), so cut people slack for learning a language other than their own, and taking the time to share their enjoyment of the game with others.
Cataclysm: DDA has a project on Transifex which is used for translating the game. More information is available in
here it is
An its best to be played on a tablet. An you might want to disable the persistent shortcuts to disappear after one turn.
An you can access your phone keyboard by pressing the back buttion. <| like that. So you can technically do everything and access everything.
Sounds reasonable to me. There are certainly a lot of businesses springing up right now that create energy and drinking water from sewage. Even Bill Gates is doing it.
> Our bodies are not the most efficient at making use of food.
This depends pretty heavily on the food. For example, humans are pretty good at utilizing steak and eggs, but for all the bags of chips and pop tarts I'm eating in the game, there's definitely room for improvement.
The idea that I heard bandied about was to use OpenStreetMap data ( I don't know that any code has actually been written, though. It's apparently a totally different approach than the current map generation system.
After doing some research on the subject, it appears that CDDA's CC-BY-SA 3.0 license is incompatible with the App Store entirely, making the in-app purchases a rather moot point. In order for it to even be on the app store in the first place, the license would not be able to be described as a CC license:
There are numerous clay deposits along riverbanks (forests have large deposits but they are rare and hard to find). Stand next to a deposit and use the 'extract clay' option from the construction menu (*). it only requires 'digging 1' which your digging stick has.
Cataclysm Quick Tip #67 - Clay for the Crucible
CleverRaven put it up on the Play store, apparently.
Any word on if this is actually official? The email makes me think it might not be. In addition to a lack of mention on the official site
Would definitely recommend OP not use the Play Store version until that’s cleared up.
Edit: It’s real, no worries.
You can try to remove =
const LuaValue<ter_t*>::MWMap LuaValue<ter_t*>::WRITE_MEMBERS /= was here/ {
Note, you might have to edit src/lua/generate_bindings.lua
because it generates catabindings.cpp. Just remove = after WRITE_MEMBERS from string at 473 line.
Though it probably will not work (in case your c++ lib doesn't support std::map initialization from initializer list)
In that case you can try to rewrite generator to make bindings like this: i.e. make function which inits map.
Hey! I used to put an SSL into my main website. I should be able to carry the keys over to the CDDA server as soon as I get some work stuff done. Will let you know.
Friendly!? I think he's a total ass!
(I used crouton! You'll want to mix those two options and install trusty unity. Also, add -a i686 or you'll need to compile the cdda build in 64 bit linux.)
Have you researched the calorific content of wild greens? "not seeming right" is no basis to call something broken.
For example, one unit of wild veg in game, is 0.26 lbs, which equates to around 25 calories if we use Spinach as the comparison.
as per here
And I just checked in-game, and the wild veg has 25 calories!
> I know that it has been a pain for anyone with a Mac be able to compile the newest updates for the game
It has not been very difficult for me. The homebrew formula is reasonably updated. What I did was:
brew install cataclysm --with-tiles --HEAD
to install from sourceThen I can execute Cataclysm by typing cataclysm
on the terminal.
Updating is also quite straightforward:
brew uninstall cataclysm
brew install cataclysm --with-tiles --HEAD
Great, now i stuck in an infinite loop of view your works. :D
This picture with the PZ music is beautiful. Also i admire the Fallout 2 car with Dogmeat and Goris. Hey F2 fans, it's nostalgia time:
May be useful to all those who like knowings their chances and how it all works with cbms, made this 10 min ago Also
failure without incident
failure with a chance of pain
failure with a chance of body damage (possible if fail > 12%)
failure with a chance of loss of some or all bionics (possible if fail > 20%)
failure with a chance of mutation(s) (possible if fail > 28%)
failure with a chance to install a malfunctioning bionic (possible if fail > 35%)
Not sure how to remove it to help the log, but for the sound, I turn the volume down for that sound effect, in data/sound/"name of sound pack" there is a file called soundset.json, I think the entry for that is clear_obstacle(might be walk_grass), then change the volume level for those sound effects not sure how many there are, been to long since I did it.
The json files can be edited with a text editor, recommended for windows machines is, notepad++
Mfw just imagining your character taking a bath in that jelly drum each evening for good health.
Also, this came to mind, and I'm very sorry:
Hell, making acetylene gas seems less complicated, in real world terms, than reacting hexamine with nitric acid to make RDX. Certainly less complicated than making methamphetamines. Not like we're talking about making LSD, which would generally be way above anything a survivor could pull off. And it wouldn't require adding much,if anything, in terms of new items to the game. All the precursor reagents already exist, calcium carbide is also in game, or at least on the item browser, tho it appears to be presently uncraftable, and not used in any recipes. Maybe someone had thought of this at some point and abandoned the idea?
We already have access to things like pumps and tanks for pressurizing it and storage. Might also need a renewable source of pure oxygen in that the top of my head I know you can get pure oxygen by adding a bit of liver to some peroxide, or by electrolysis, which would also give off hydrogen too...maybe make those hydrogen canisters less rare! Both of those are things that can be done with household materials and sitting thru 8th grade science class. Lol, that's where I learned those two from, fun experiments for kids! If one pound of carbide produces, as the article says, 4.5 cubic feet of acetylene gas, would that be a thing that is viable or worthwhile? "One pound of calcium carbide, costing at the present price three and one-half cents, will make four and one-half cubic feet of acetylene gas, which will produce two hundred and twenty-five candlepower for one hour." This article being from 1901, I'm sure prices have changed. Looking on amazon, it seems there is also a way to use calcium carbide as a water activated propellant! This stuff is getting more and more useful!
You might want to try using a different virtual keyboard? I've found Hacker's Keyboard is very snappy even when the rest of my device is sluggish, perhaps it has a lower memory footprint?
Edit: Also, you can try turning off tiles as that will prevent them from being loaded into memory on startup.
I noticed someone threw this up on google play...
says updated 28 November 2021 so it seems like it might be the most stable release, but I've heard you need to use the whole keyboard in this game so I imagine the android interface isn't too friendly...
It still makes me wonder though, if we can get a Google Play distro for this, something like Steam could also work and then we'd have another discussion platform and reach a wider audience.
Yes, you're 100% correct. You can read the initial press release here. There's also a link to the app in the app store there in that press release.
As written in press-release here, you can drop tilesets and sound packs of your choice using file sharing through Just drop appropriate files on their places and boom! You have same saves, sounds and tiles as on your desktop! No reason to interrupt your main journey now: just transfer that data and continue scavenging on the go! ;)
Most guns have iron sights by default. I was confused by this for a while too. I think the iron sights gun-mod is meant to represent something like these buggers which can be attached to pretty much any sight rail. I don't know why anyone would do that for a gun that comes with it's own iron sights anyway, but I guess you can. IIRC, In game they have the same stats as all the base weapon sights, so it is absolutely pointless to add them. But you can if you want to, it's kind of funny to imagine a superfluous extra set of iron sights on top the existing ones.
Actually no
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
Git is, in its essence, a command-line application. Desktop apps are just wrappers around it: helpful abstractions that make working with Git easier.
You never need to use any desktop app to be able to do what Git can do natively, which <code>cherry-pick</code> is.
Best of luck.
To /u/chalne and /u/Chaosvolt as well:
I made a Desmos graph displaying the success and failure rates for different difficulties of bionics.
Different levels of failure (uninstalling):
Different levels of failure (installing):
With an intelligence of 12 (as the stat you can't really change in the base game), you need every skill involved at level 10, basically, to ensure no chance of killing/almost killing yourself while uninstalling faulty bionics.
Ofc they're trying to greenwash it with marketing speech, but basically they charge large institutions fees to become whitelisted and marked as "acceptable"
It looks like Homebrew isn't supported yet for Apple ARM, but there's a hack to make that work, which I'm betting will also make Cataclysm work.
Bit late reaction, do I have permission to copy this data to the wiki if I can find a good place for it? (this means you agree that this information is now covered under the : copyright license).
Edit: And there reason there isn't a good place for a lot of this information is because I never updated the wiki for the new seeds information. (they were moved from the comestibles json to a seeds json iirc).
Reading your comment, it sounds like your mindset was to look at Git as just the way of saving stuff - especially with the commands from others that "just work". Git/Source control is very much one of those subjects where having knowledge of the theory of what you're doing is vital.
If you're interested in having another go, I'd wager an understanding of source control and Git could be very helpful, and you're definitely sound smart enough to grok it (god knows I've worked with some troglodytes who are capable of it).
It's a deep subject but I'd probably start with understanding (and I apologise if I'm telling you how to suck eggs):
Source Control -
Branching -
If there was anything in particular I could help with, just ask. CDDA is something that needs more contributors, so Git getting in the way of that is sad to hear.
Sorry, late reply here, but as you're tagged as a dev I thought it worth it...
This is wrong, rewriting Git history is both possible and easy, it just isn't commonly done.
For the current stable build, you can change the fonts used in the tiles version of the game by editing the "fonts.json" file in the "config" folder. I doubt this has changed in the current experimental, because it has worked essentially the same way for years. Right now this is what my fonts.json looks like:
{ "typeface": [ "Inconsolata Bold", "Terminus", "unifont" ], "map_typeface": [ "Inconsolata Bold", "Terminus", "unifont" ], "overmap_typeface": [ "Inconsolata Bold", "Terminus", "unifont" ] }
That's the whole file, and all I did was add "Inconsolata Bold" to the beginning of each font set. The file "fontlist.txt" in the same folder has a list of all the fonts you can use; the game seems to generate this file by asking the OS for all installed fonts. My preferred font is called Inconsolata, available for free here (In windows, you can normally install fonts by right clicking on the file and selecting 'install')
When you install new fonts, you may need to delete the fontlist.txt file and launch the game so it rebuilds the list with the new fonts. I think you can also manually add fonts to the fontlist.txt file, but I'd recommend just installing the fonts and letting the game handle finding them
Then you can use the graphics section of the game options to set the font size, width, and height. You'll probably need to spend some time tweaking those settings and restarting the game until you get it looking the way you want, but in the end you can make the game much more pleasant to look at.
installed it and didn't see an error
Thanks! Also try and ask the mods to put your program on the sidebar. I'm sure others will want to see it.
You can also catch the lectures on youtube. Really great CS course.
I highly recommend typing the code examples alongside the lecture using your browser:
For future you can use something like Notepad++ to search many files at once.
Ctrl+F and select "Find in files".
Search in the \Cataclysm-DDA\data\json\items
folder. In sinlge search it will search through all the json files in that folder and give you the results..
Here is a link to the program I used to make a CDDA wrapper: I just followed the directions for making a wrapper. Once I figured out how to do it, it was pretty routine. I haven't made an update in several months, but I doubt anything has changed that will make this program not work.
I am playing on a mac and found three solutions to play:
either use the mac version, which, as stated by ReallyBigRock, doesn't include tiles (which is a shame since the CDDA community created really nice graphics)
use wineskin ( to emulate the Windows version (it worked really easily on OSX 10.6.8, I can help if you need). This way you can play with tiles and the windows version you want but it will be a little bit slower when hard drive access is necessary.
use a linux dual boot (not easy to set up...) which allows you to compile CDDA yourself fairly easily and get the latest experimental builds. Useful for modding etc...
The easiest way imho is to use Wineskin and the windows version. Compilation of CDDA on OSX is doable with homebrew and OSX 10.7 or later for SDL2 support but I still run OSX 10.6.8 and didn't try it myself !
I installed it via homebrew.
First you install homebrew, and then you execute this in a terminal:
brew install homebrew/games/cataclysm --with-tiles --HEAD
After that, you can execute the game by typing cataclysm
on the terminal.
Using the exact same arrow grain with the exact same draw weight and draw length, yes, yes it is the same. And since bows and arrows are manufactured to IBO specifications... A midweight arrow (an average arrow) with a broadhead will be between 6.5 and 8 grains per lb of draw weight, with the average for a 60lb bow being 420 grain ( Combine that with typical longbow FPS ratings of 225 ( and we get 29.654 ft-lbs, which translates to 0.92 slugs AT AVERAGE for a 60lb bow, which is actually super-easy for anyone who hasn't sat on their butt their entire life to pull.
Join the translation project on There are only about 200 strings untranslated into Polish right now. 99% has been translated in the past few months by just three translators, mr_sep, somot and NeoNv2, as far as I know.
Well, the matter of fact is: the MOLLE med bag is proportional to the real thing.
This random pouch I found is in itself about 2L of volume, and a little less in actual storage. I presume you can get bigger or smaller ones, including tiny pouch kits that fit inside a pistol mag holster.
Which is something I'm aiming to do anyway: give size options.
I use FX File Explorer for all my json editing needs, also when transfering files from a to b. Can also open 7zip files. Free version is more than enough, doesn't have adds and works fine.
That's nothing. On Amazon you can buy enough canned food to feed 20 people for a year with a 30-year shelf life. It's even eligible for free shipping!
This is the official version. Scroll down until you see "additional information" (on pc at least, idk about mobile) - stable is may 2020, experimental is end of september.
>Micheal Davies
It's an ancient unofficial port, not updated in years. More downloads because it has been around for longer than official port and isn't split into stable/experimental branches.
Use hackers keyboard for input and make download the latest version. There are about three separate apps so it is a little confusing
I would suggest using Hacker's Keyboard if you want to play CDDA on your phone, it'll make everything a lot easier. It'll also allow you to bring up the keyboard by pressing the notification in the notification bar.
Get this app
Search for undead people tileset in Openhub.
Click on the official tileset page.
Click the three dots in the top right corner, then select download(.zip). It may take a while. Don't leave the app, it should say download start and then download complete when done.
At this point I am unsure, because I use ES File Explorer to browse and move files but you can't download it anymore. But lets just use the My Files app.
Go to My Files > Downloads
Find the
Copy the folder.
Now go to Android > data > com.cleverraven.cataclysmdda.experimental > files > gfx and paste it.
Extract it into the folder using the three dots in the top right, and then delete the original file(you can always paste it again if you did it wrong). Then it should be available as an tileset in the game's options. Hopefully it works, but I'm not sure because I don't use My Files often.
They both are, technically, as the other is an earlier version done before they started using APKs, according to the store page; but the CleverRaven one is definitely the more up-to-date version, as the MD version is only on 0.C experimental, two years out of date.
If I'm not mistaken there was an app released for the experimental a couple of days back, but since I download it directly I haven't checked that out
Edit : yup, you can find it here
> Further, is there a way to add additional hotkeys on the bottom of my screen? I'd like to have /, ; or Shift-V always available, as well as a button to access Magiclysm spells, too.
They should appear there once you press one of those buttons on the keyboard.
As for your other question, I think Hacker's Keyboard has this feature.
I see. The new one was released 4 days ago, has 5+ downloads, and doesn't show up in searches yet. Congrats, though.
Mine has a tooth every four links or so. I'm guessing that means less friction to fight since muscle power is less than gas-engine power. Seems to be a decent backup tool, I have cut through 4" oak branches easily and an 8" trunk with some cussing.
It looks like the save may have gotten corrupted, but you could open up that file and check the code structure to see if something happened which may be fixable. Compare it to a recent backup or another save to get an idea of what a working save file should look like.
It might just be a case of simply adding an opening bracket, or it could be that a huge chunk of your save file is missing/corrupted which has resulted in the break occurring.
QuickText or Notepad++ are good editors for android, give one of those a try.
The Store version seems to have been last updated in February. I wouldn't call that "being updated", when the desktop version has multiple releases per day.
All the ways I know require root access.
You can use Titanium Backup to backup the app, which places the APK (and your app data) on the user-accessible "sdcard" storage.
You can also just pull the APK file from /data/app/com.MichaelDavies.CataclysmDDA/
with a root-enabled file manager.
If those aren't an option, no sweat. I've emailed Michael Davies to see if he has it online somewhere.
Update: I have added a new catch-all container for my new deli/bakery additions: the plastic deli tray. It comes with a fitted lid.
Think something like this:
but rather than a hinge, it has a removable clear lid with an opaque black base. And obviously in multiple sizes [just like paper wrapper is one size fits all and plastic bag is one size fits all]